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Alternative trossystemer

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  • af Asger Lorentsen
    247,95 kr.

  • - Fyrre fortællinger fra det hinsides
    af David Eagleman
    156,95 kr.

    Ingen verdensreligioner har særlig meget at byde på hvad teorier om livet efter døden angår.  David Eagleman amerikansk neurolog og forfatter demonstrerer i denne bog hvor både intellektuelt stimulerende og også voldsomt underholdende det kan være at fundere over hvem om overhovedet nogen der har skabt os. Eller hvad der venter os i det hinsides hvilket som regel er noget ganske andet end de gængse forestillinger har lært os. De fleste af disse fremtidige muligheder er nemlig voldsomt underholdende til tider endog elementært bevægende kaster lys over vores arts selvoptagethed og udsætter os for et forbløffende udbud af ydmygelser skuffelser og overraskelser.  SUM er simpelthen fremragende & Den opfindsomhed klare tanke og vittige tone og underlæggende indsigt i eksistentielle spørgsmål som gennemstrømmer bogen skaber tilsammen noget som er fuldkommen originalt. Jeg håber at SUM vil blive det kæmpe hit som den fortjener. Philip PullmanMorsom intelligent skarp og helt og aldeles uventet & en af de mest overraskende bøger jeg har læst i årevis. Hver eneste af historierne er en tur i himlen. Brian Eno

  • - Spiritismen - et livsformål
    af Bettina Thomsen
    299,95 kr.

    Åndelig kommunikation handler om åbenhed, viden, erfaring, bevidsthed og tillid. I bund og grund har vi alle evnen og muligheden, men ikke alle vil eller kan bruge tiden på at udvikle evnen. Vores kære på den anden side, vores skytsånd og åndelige hjælpere taler til os fra den åndelige verden, hvis vi er åbne for det. Det kan foregå via et medie, ved intuition og gennem drømme.Bettina Thomsen er 3. generations spiritist i Danmarks sidste spiritistiske kirke, Mod Lyset. På trods af omstændighederne, er det lykkedes Bettina Thomsen at gen- og nyskabe Mod Lyset til Lysets Hus, en opgave hun betragter som sin livsopgave.Huset er gammelt og ligger tilbagetrukket kun 50 meter fra det travle strøg i hjertet af Aarhus. Et unikt sted, der trækker folk fra hele landet. Lysets Hus er et hus med kraftfuld energi. Der dyrker vi motion for følelserne, tankerne og den spirituelle forbindelse til universet og de højere bevidstheder.Bettina Thomsen: ”Den bagvedliggende tanke med Lysets Hus er, at vi løfter vores passion i fællesskab. Troen på, at der er mere i dette liv, end vi umiddelbart kan se. At vi kan kommunikere med vores kære, som er gået over i den åndelige verden. At der er et efterliv. Vi er her på Jorden for at udvikle os, og vi har den frie vilje.”Bogen, du nu sidder med, vil indvie dig i spiritistiske begreber og give dig svar på: Hvad er en spiritistisk cirkel? Hvad er en sitting? Og hvad er forskellen på mentalt og fysisk medieskab?

  • af Tamara Macfarlane
    206,95 kr.

    Dyk ned i en verden af magi, og udforsk verdener hinsides din egen.Begiv dig afsted på et mystisk eventyr ulig noget andet, og følg historien om magiske ritualer – fra alkymi og spådomme til clairvoyance og seancer. Mød hekse og troldmænd, feer og monstre, UFO’er, rumvæsner og meget, meget mere…

  • - Esoterisk filosofi til vandbærerens tidsalder
    af Marianne Juul
    316,95 kr.

    Esoterisk filosofi til vandbærerens tidsalder.Den røde tråd gennem dette værk er det kabbalistiske livstræ med dets forskellige energiudstrålinger. Værket er udsprunget af 10 års intens søgning i videnskaben, filosofien, teosofien og verdensreligionernes essens. Som et spirituelt søgende menneske er der mange indgangsvinkler til den spirituelle verden, faktisk lige så mange, som der er mennesker på denne klode. Vi har alle en værktøjskasse med de værktøjer, vi har samlet sammen gennem dette og de foregående liv. Det, vi alle søger, er for så vidt meningen med vores liv. Er der noget højere end os? Har vores fødselstidspunkt indflydelse på vores liv? Hvad kan give svar på vores eksistentielle spørgsmål? Hvorfor er der nogen, der påstår, at vi er skabt i guds billede, og hvad betyder det egentlig? Menneskeheden opererer på mange forskellige niveauer, alt afhængig af det enkelte menneskes udviklingstrin. Videnskaben, filosofien, teosofien og verdensreligionerne søger også svar på Altets eksistens. Og svaret ligger i bevidstheden, den menneskelige bevidsthed og i universets bevidsthed. Alle har mulighed for at styrke sin intuition og erkende bevidsthedens omfang og få del i den universelle bevidstheds skatkammer af visdom.Bag G.U.D.s Slør ligger den universelle bevidsthed gemt. Men hvad er G.U.D.? Dette værks ydmyge opgave er at være en lærebog for det søgende menneske, at give læseren den viden, der skal til for at tiltrække og åbne til den universelle bevidstheds visdom og skønhed. Lad os sammen rejse på visdommens vej, fra universets skabelse og til menneskets guddommelige bevidsthed, og åbne de syv porte med de syv nøgler.

  • af Tracy King
    106,95 - 167,95 kr.

  • af Marlene Snæbom Ottosen
    117,95 kr.

    Det ateistiske oprør er et kampskrift imod religionens løgne og manipulationer, et kampskrift for et demokrati i Danmark, hvor mennesker har rettigheder til livsførelse uden religioners indflydelse. Som kampskrift fjerner Det ateistiske oprør gud, overnaturligheden og autoritetsbehandlingen. Her er en analyse af sprogsystemet i den herskende religion i Danmark og bevisførelse for det nedbrud i demokrati, religionen her sker igennem og sikrer sin indtjening ved. Danmark er stadig et land, hvor alt er snøret ind i religiøs pseudo-humanisme og citater fra religionens mellemøstlige militære sprogsystemer, mens mennesker aldrig får mulighed for et liv uden religionens magt. Totalitær magtanvendelse uden lovgivning slås ned gennem Den danske Grundlov af Det ateistiske oprør, som ligeledes anstrengt truer med nedlæggelse af trossamfund i Danmark herunder Den danske Folkekirke og står på barrikaderne for et Danmark som demokrati uden religionens åg. For Danmark gennemskuer med Det ateistiske oprør alle dele af religionens krigsteknikker, pornosprog og tyveri. Et liv i nutidens religion er som dåse i et geled i Mellemøsten, mens Det ateistiske oprør råber i Danmark, vi vil ikke finde os i deres totalitære magtanvendelse og dette, at danskernes rettigheder og liv smuldres væk under hoppende og dansende invasive eller herboende landsranere, som bare sikrer deres indtægt ved at udsige en tekst, hvor illusionen er fastlåst af mellemøstlig militær sociolekt uden andet end, bagdelen som taler.Det ateistiske oprør er forfattet af en ateist og er ikke en falsk iscenesættelse eller sproglig forvanskning.Gud er et mødelokale.

  • af Thomas Bentzon-Ehlers
    94,95 - 167,95 kr.

    Livet er et magisk eventyr. H.C. Andersen og brødrene Grimm har fortalt om det. Astrid Lindgren har berettet om det hos Pippi Langstrømpe, hos Emil fra Lønneberg og i Brødrene Løvehjerte.I mine bøger åbner jeg vinduer til magien i det virkelige liv. Jeg inviterer dig om bord på den mystiske rejse, som jeg får lov at opleve og være en del af.Kompasset for denne rejse er gyldent og bor i hjertets dyb. Det blev givet til mig på en kold og blæsende eftermiddag i det smukkeste naturhus. En indre stemme hviskede til mig: ”Jeg elsker dig.” Jeg kendte godt til muligheden, men at det skulle ske for mig, gør mig ganske ydmyg og taknemmelig. I ti år var jeg tavs om det, men nu deler jeg det med største glæde med dig.

  • af The Initiates
    252,95 kr.

    The growing popularity of True Occultism and Mysticism throughout the whole world has at last induced us to try and issue a series, books that should be an honor to the Universal Father, to True Occultism and Mysticism, and to those who stand for all that is good in humanity. There is also another matter which has induced us to try to see whether such an effort would be appreciated. This demand we will, therefore, meet, and "The Initiates" will be such a series of which every true student will be proud. We shall not, and will not, cater to that class of sensationalists who would make you believe that by studying a course in hypnotism, which they will sell you for a few dollars, you can be able to make men be your slaves or cause dollars to roll into your hands, for such things are impossible, and not only are they impossible, but it is this class of human ghouls who have brought down shame and disgrace upon a science which holds within itself all the religions ever known. Not only does Mysticism hold within itself all religious teachings, but it holds the histories of such religions, and it can point the way from the lowest step upon the ladder up to the very highest, which is Imperial Initiation-the finding of the Christ. We shall stand for all that is pure and good in all religious beliefs. We shall try to give to our readers the truth concerning all religious beliefs and will at all times try to get the truth concerning all matters which concern our work. While on the one hand we shall not uphold anything, nor anyone whom we know to be a fraud, yet it will not be our desire to tear down any system of thought, but rather to build up a pure and sublime system of philosophy, which shall appeal to the heart of mankind instead of to the mind, as so many do. It is not our desire to destroy, but to build up. Ours shall be an evolution and not a revolution. We believe that we are in a position to give to our readers that which none other can give them, for we are in touch with men and orders in every civilized country in the world, and we are in a position to obtain true facts concerning these matters from any part of the globe, and at short notice. Regarding the orders of this series, we need only say that the true teachings, so far as they may be given to the profane world, will be given from time to time, and one of our greatest desires is that the old Egyptian religion may be explained in these pages, so that all men, and more especially all Christians, may know that the Egyptian priests did not teach idolatry, but that the people themselves, not understanding the greater mysteries taught, formed idol worship in spite of the teachings of the priests. These are but a few of the things that we shall hope to give to our readers, and all that we shall ask in return is that each and every one truly interested shall do all in his or her power to help and make this series a success. We all know that at the present age of commercialism, nothing can be accomplished without the current coin of the realm. It will be our duty to do the work and obtain the material, but we must ask all those who have this great work at heart to do all in their power, so that we may receive the "sinews of war" wherewith to carry on the work, and if all will help in this, we can assure each and every one that we will try to give them much more than they pay for. The Initiates

  • af M. M. Mangasarian
    152,95 kr.

    M. M. Mangasarian "The Bible Unveiled" is a crucial research of the Bible that seeks to uncover its ancient origins and make contact with into question its traditional authority. Mangasarian, referred to for his skeptical and rationalist ideals, examines the Bible thru a crucial lens, criticizing its claims to divine suggestion whilst additionally analyzing its historic and literary functions. Mangasarian's paintings dives into biblical texts, examining discrepancies, contradictions, and perceived moral difficulties. He questions conventional religious ideas, calling for a greater scientific and humanistic view of morality and spirituality. "The Bible Unveiled" belongs to a larger tradition of biblical criticism that arose within the past due 19th and early twentieth century. Mangasarian provides to the ongoing debate concerning the Bible's position in growing non secular thoughts and its impact on human groups. While the book's skeptical tone makes it contentious, it stays a vital painting in the history of spiritual complaint, encouraging readers to reexamine their perspectives at the Bible and prepared religion.

  • af Adrian V. Clark
    233,95 kr.

    A fascinating book about the possibilities of moving things using only your mind.Subjects that most people think is impossible, an awesome eye opening adventure into your own mental capabilities.

  • af Arthur Edward Waite
    218,95 kr.

    ""The Real History of the Rosicrucians"" is a scholarly investigation into the origins and beliefs of the Rosicrucian movement by Arthur Edward Waite. In this comprehensive work, Waite explores the historical context and mystical traditions that gave rise to the Rosicrucian phenomenon during the Renaissance period. He delves into the enigmatic writings attributed to the Rosicrucian Order, including the ""Fama Fraternitatis"" and the ""Confessio Fraternitatis,"" unraveling their symbolic meanings and philosophical significance. Waite examines the influence of Rosicrucianism on Western esotericism and its impact on various occult movements throughout history. Drawing on extensive research and esoteric knowledge, he offers insights into the hidden teachings and spiritual practices of the Rosicrucian tradition. ""The Real History of the Rosicrucians"" serves as an invaluable resource for scholars, practitioners, and anyone interested in the esoteric history of Western mysticism.

  • af Aleister Crowley
    377,95 kr.

    The magical tables etc. of Aleister & Associates newly re-typeset for modern audiences.

  • af Erwann Clairvoyant
    172,95 kr.

    In the mystic realms of Saxon magic, where ancient traditions intertwine with the energies of the natural world, a tapestry of prosperity spells unfolds. Each incantation is meticulously crafted to harness the essence of abundance, drawing inspiration from celestial luminance, bountiful harvests, hidden secrets, and the enchanting energies of wealth itself.

  • af Saint Yves
    172,95 kr.

    Dans les royaumes mystiques de la magie saxonne, où les traditions anciennes s'entremêlent avec les énergies du monde naturel, une tapisserie de sorts de prospérité se déploie. Chaque incantation est méticuleusement conçue pour exploiter l'essence de l'abondance, en s'inspirant de la luminance céleste, des récoltes abondantes, des secrets cachés et des énergies enchanteresses de la richesse elle-même.

  • af Nick Abbott
    160,95 kr.

    This is a short guide on how to reactivate your telepathy. Please note that this is ideal for positive people with very few fears, as you need a clear mind to be able to do it. If you're a negative person with many worries, concerns and fears in your life then this book may not help you until you've solved all those other problems. A clear mind is the initial key to getting started. This short guide takes you step by step through things you need to do to get your mind and body ready to experience telepathy again. There are also refining steps for improving communication and suggestions for strengthening your telepathy muscles as well as reset and protection steps for those of you who are worried they might become overwhelmed by the telepathic chatter you'll have access to again. Benefits from reading this book:Developing a deeper relationship with angels, Ascended Masters, and guidesGaining insight into how to use prayer for healingClearing and transforming negativityConnecting with your guide and understanding physical challengesLiving your best life and becoming the loving and divine being that you truly areWith this guide as your companion into the world of telepathy and psychic development, you can go from ordinary to extraordinary. With practical examples to help you along the way, this book will introduce you to a whole new journey unlike anything you have ever known!

  • af Travis Hemingway
    168,95 kr.

    Are you seeking solace in a world that never pauses for breath?Do you yearn for a moment of tranquility amidst the chaos?"Sound Healing and Chakra Balancing" is your personal invitation to find peace within the harmonies of the universe.Imagine if each breath could turn dissonance into harmony within you. What if you could literally tune your body's energy like a masterful symphony? This book isn't just a read; it's an experience that resonates with the deepest parts of your soul.Have you ever noticed how a certain melody can lift your spirits?Now, picture harnessing that power to orchestrate your well-being. This guide is where ancient tradition and modern understanding compose the soundtrack to your personal revival.Ask yourself:Are you ready to explore the healing wonders of sound that have been revered for centuries?Do you wish to discover the vibrant chakras within, turning your inner chaos to a chorus of clarity?Are you prepared to elevate your spirit with the simple, yet profound, act of listening?Within the pages of "Sound Healing and Chakra Balancing," these questions find their answers.You will:Venture into the realm of sound and uncover its capacity to soothe the soul.Gain practical advice for inviting healing frequencies into your everyday life.Learn to navigate your inner landscapes to achieve balance and peace.Embrace the symphony of your senses, and find comfort in the knowledge that you are your own best healer.Don't let the discord of life's relentless pace dictate your inner rhythm. Take control and find your harmony. Embrace the chance to transform-not just hear, but to truly listen-and heal.Let "Sound Healing and Chakra Balancing" be your guide to the sanctuary of self.

  • af Elizabeth Artmann
    177,95 - 217,95 kr.

  • af Kamila Barambas
    177,95 kr.

    The main character is an artist who is looking for a healthy relationship with a female. The book talks about her difficult chapter of life in overcoming life's obstacles while fighting with depression and mental health problems. In relationships with doctors who are sensitive are seen as angels, in which she is looking for a mentor and life advice. It shows how much she cares about a healthy relationship with herself. She opens up to people using artistic dialogues. While looking for a diagnosis, she meets a lot of people who help her get back on her feet and recover. It focuses on the feelings they experience during life's twists and turns. It shows how much art has in common with medicine. It reveals a hidden feeling in a relationship with a female and how much it affects her state of mind. The main theme is love for art. The main character learns reciprocity and growing up, but also self-discipline, mental strength, self-confidence and care for her own health.

  • af Harry Eilenstein
    651,95 kr.

    Maran wird als Magier nach und nach bekannter als ihm lieb ist - erst recht, als er in einen Krieg gezwungen wird und in einen Religionsstreit gerät. Trotz all der Schwierigkeiten, die ihm begegnen, sucht er trotzdem beharrlich weiter nach seinem eigenen Weg. Dabei wird die Reise zur eigenen Mitte, durch die man seine eigene Seele erkennt, auf unerwartete Weise immer wichtiger. Maran sieht sich auf einmal auch vor die Frage gestellt, was nach dem Tod geschieht. Ganz allmählich kommt er dabei auch dem näher, was das "Herz der Magie" ist.

  • af Michaela Grace
    194,95 kr.

    "Voices of the Angels: Learning to Listen, Understand, and Be Guided" by Michaela Grace is more than just a book; it's a gateway to a profound spiritual journey, inviting you to unlock the secrets of communicating with the celestial realm. Michaela shares her personal experiences with angelic beings, offering a heartfelt and inspiring guide to finding comfort, clarity, and purpose through angelic guidance. This book is a treasure trove of wisdom, filled with practical advice, meditation techniques, and stories that illuminate the path to a deeper connection with the divine.Through her narrative, Michaela Grace not only teaches you how to listen to the whispers of angels but also how to interpret their messages and integrate them into your life. Each chapter is designed to bring you closer to understanding the angelic influences around you, empowering you to embrace their presence and utilize their guidance in overcoming life's challenges. Whether you're a seasoned spiritual practitioner or new to the concept of angelic communication, this book offers a fresh perspective on the ways we can connect with the higher powers that guide us.Embark on a transformative journey with "Voices of the Angels" and discover how to open your heart and mind to the angelic messages that surround us. Michaela Grace's insights provide a comforting and enlightening companion as you explore the boundless love and support waiting in the celestial realm. This book is an essential read for anyone looking to enhance their spiritual practice, find peace amidst chaos, and live a life guided by the profound wisdom of the angels.

  • af Ecovisiones
    167,95 kr.

    Travesías del Alma: Un Viaje hacia la Iluminación y el MisterioEn el umbral de lo místico y lo esotérico se requiere obras destinadas a esclarecer el camino de aquellos buscadores de la verdad oculta, que creen un puente entre el conocimiento ancestral y la inquietud espiritual contemporánea. Este libro, tejido con hilos de sabiduría milenaria y reflexiones profundas, se propone explorar las enseñanzas y legados de maestros esotéricos cuyas vidas y obras han sido faros de luz en la oscuridad, guiando a almas sedientas de conocimiento hacia puertos de comprensión y transformación espiritual.Desde las arenas del tiempo, figuras como Hermes Trismegisto, Paracelso, y Santa Teresa de Ávila, entre otros, emergen no solo como personajes históricos, sino como maestros cuyas enseñanzas trascienden las barreras del tiempo y el espacio, ofreciendo herramientas para el despertar espiritual y la alquimia interior. Este libro se adentra en las profundidades de sus filosofías, desentrañando los misterios de la alquimia, la mística, y el hermetismo, y revelando cómo estos antiguos saberes pueden iluminar nuestro camino en el mundo moderno.Cada capítulo es un viaje a través de la vida y obra de un maestro esotérico, un estudio detallado de sus enseñanzas y cómo estas se entrelazan con la búsqueda universal de la verdad y el conocimiento. A través de sus historias, descubrimos no solo el contexto histórico y cultural en el que vivieron, sino también las luchas, revelaciones y triunfos que definieron sus caminos espirituales. Este libro es una invitación a mirar más allá de lo aparente, a cuestionar, a buscar y, finalmente, a encontrar.Así, con cada página, el lector es invitado a emprender su propio viaje interior, inspirado por los maestros del pasado, pero guiado por la luz de su propia búsqueda espiritual. Este no es solo un libro sobre figuras históricas y sus doctrinas; es una brújula para el alma, un espejo en el que podemos ver reflejadas nuestras propias inquietudes y aspiraciones espirituales.Bienvenidos a un viaje a través del esoterismo y la mística, donde las antiguas enseñanzas se revelan como eternamente relevantes, y donde cada descubrimiento nos acerca un paso más a la comprensión de los misterios más profundos de la existencia. Este es un libro para todos aquellos que, en el silencio de su ser, han sentido el llamado a explorar los dominios ocultos del espíritu y del cosmos, y que buscan en las enseñanzas de los maestros esotéricos, la llave para desbloquear los secretos de su propia alma.

  • af Niina Niskanen
    108,95 kr.

    Discover the enchanting world of Finnish mythology and immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of ancient Finnish festivals. Unearth the tales of powerful gods, mystical creatures, and epic adventures that have shaped Finland's cultural heritage. Delve into the depths of folklore and gain a deeper understanding of the vibrant traditions that have been passed down through generations. Whether you are a mythology enthusiast or simply seeking to expand your knowledge, this book will transport you to a realm of wonder and intrigue. Embark on a journey through time and embrace the magic of Finnish mythology today! Finnish mythology is filled with stories from northern gods and goddesses, magical animals and feisty forest spirits. Finland was an agricultural society for hundreds of years and before that the inhabitants were hunter-gatherers. Our mythology and folktales are intertwined with the surrounding nature, clear lakes, northern lights and the forest, which was the home of all kinds of mysterious events. Summer Solstice was the time to honor the thunder god Ukko, who brought the rain and life with him. This was the time to party and be merry. All kinds of spells and magic was performed during this magical day. The biggest festival of the year, however was the harvest festival Kekri. This was the time when the spirits and ghosts wondered among the living. Ancestors were remembered and they were invited to join the festivities. Many of the modern Finnish Christmas traditions, are in fact, based on the old Kekri celebration.In March when the earth woke up from it's sleep, the goddess Akka was celebrated. Spring equanox was known as matopäivä the day of the snakes. During this day, snakes woke up from hibernation and they danced to honor the earth goddess.

  • af Akiba Ben Joseph
    79,95 kr.

    Sefer Yetzirah, Book of Formation, or Book of Creation is the title of the earliest extant book on Jewish esotericism, although some early commentators treated it as a treatise on mathematical and linguistic theory as opposed to Kabbalah. Yetzirah is more literally translated as "Formation"; the word Briah is used for "Creation". The book is traditionally ascribed to the patriarch Abraham, although others attribute its writing to Rabbi Akiva. Modern scholars have not reached consensus on the question of its origins. According to Rabbi Saadia Gaon, the objective of the book's author was to convey in writing from a Jewish perspective how the things of our universe came into existence. Translated from the Hebrew, with annotations by Knut Stenring. Includes the 32 paths of wisdom, their correspondence with the Hebrew alphabet and the Tarot symbols and with an introduction by Arthur Edward Waite., Book of Formation, or Book of Creation is the title of the earliest extant book on Jewish esotericism, although some early commentators treated it as a treatise on mathematical and linguistic theory as opposed to Kabbalah. Yetzirah is more literally translated as "Formation"; the word Briah is used for "Creation". ¿The book is traditionally ascribed to the patriarch Abraham, although others attribute its writing to Rabbi Akiva. Modern scholars have not reached consensus on the question of its origins. According to Rabbi Saadia Gaon, the objective of the book's author was to convey in writing from a Jewish perspective how the things of our universe came into existence. Translated from the Hebrew, with annotations by Knut Stenring. Includes the 32 paths of wisdom, their correspondence with the Hebrew alphabet and the Tarot symbols and with an introduction by Arthur Edward Waite.

  • af Lilith Silverwind
    194,95 kr.

    In "Modern Witchcraft's Call to Old World Magic: The Power of Ancient Practices in the 21st Century" by Lilith Silverwind, readers are invited on a transformative journey that bridges the mystical gap between the ancient traditions of witchcraft and their place in the modern world. This enlightening guide not only uncovers the historical roots and the evolution of witchcraft through the ages but also demonstrates how these time-honored practices can be adapted to empower our lives today. Silverwind masterfully weaves together the wisdom of the old with the realities of the 21st century, offering practical advice, rituals, and insights for those seeking spiritual growth, self-empowerment, and a deeper connection to the natural world. Whether you're a seasoned practitioner or new to the path of the witch, this book is a beacon of light, guiding readers to harness the power of ancient magic in our contemporary era.

  • af Three Initiates
    229,95 kr.

    Dive into the enigmatic world of ancient wisdom and profound teachings with "The Kybalion." This timeless masterpiece unravels the mysteries of Hermetic philosophy, offering readers a profound exploration into the fundamental principles governing the universe.In this illuminating text, the authors, believed to be the mysterious "Three Initiates," unveil the core principles of Hermeticism, drawing from ancient Egyptian and Greek traditions. Through concise yet profound aphorisms and teachings, they elucidate the Hermetic principles of Mentalism, Correspondence, Vibration, Polarity, Rhythm, Cause and Effect, and Gender. These principles serve as the foundation upon which the cosmos operates, providing readers with a deep understanding of the interconnectedness of all things.As you journey through the pages of "The Kybalion," you will uncover profound insights into the nature of reality, consciousness, and the universe itself. Each principle is explored in depth, offering practical wisdom that can be applied to every aspect of life, from personal development to understanding the workings of the cosmos.Whether you are a seeker of esoteric knowledge, a student of philosophy, or simply curious about the underlying principles of existence, "The Kybalion" serves as a guiding light, illuminating the path towards deeper understanding and self-realization. Prepare to embark on a transformative journey of discovery as you unlock the timeless wisdom contained within the pages of this extraordinary book.

  • af Vinicius Ribeiro
    92,95 kr.

    "Más Allá del Conocimiento Humano Descubrimientos sobre la Naturaleza de Dios". Escrito por expertos en teología, este libro fue cuidadosamente desarrollado para ayudarte a explorar y comprender la naturaleza de Dios. A lo largo de las páginas, profundizaremos en conceptos teológicos fundamentales, examinaremos diferentes visiones religiosas y compartiremos reflexiones que te ayudarán a profundizar en tu comprensión espiritual. Si estás en busca de respuestas sobre la divinidad.

  • af David Henry Patton
    374,95 - 453,95 kr.

  • af Gwenda Roland
    198,95 - 302,95 kr.

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