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  • Spar 30%
    - Min rejse til Håbets Land
    af Anja Lóven & Julie Moestrup
    208,95 kr.

    Anja og de afrikanske heksebørn En ærlig og inspirerende biografi om nordjyden Anja, der forfulgte drømmen om at vie sit liv til at hjælpe heksebørn i Nigeria – og i dag er verdenskendt for sin hjælpeorganisation DINNødhjælp. ”Tatoveringerne afspejler det kaos, der har været igennem hele mit liv,” siger Anja Ringgren Lovén i denne åbenhjertige biografi, hvor hun for første gang løfter sløret for de op- og nedture, der har præget hendes liv. Fra opvæksten med en alkoholisk far til morens alt for tidlige død. Om årene med angst og spiseforstyrrelser og viljen til at vende tilbage til livet og realisere sin drøm om at hjælpe andre – og få succes med det. Hun blev med ét verdenskendt i 2016, da fotografiet af hende, der reddede en udmagret tre-årig dreng fra en landsby i Nigeria, gik viralt. Drengen, der fik navnet Hope, var anklaget for at være heks og var blevet udstødt og tortureret af både sin familie og landsbysamfundet. Anja Ringgren Lovén har bevist, at man med vilje og modet til at arbejde i et af verdens farligste lande kan give udsatte børn en tilværelse og uddannelse, de aldrig havde turde håbe på. 2012 blev et afgørende vendepunkt i Anjas liv. Efter at have set en britisk dokumentar om, hvordan heksebørn mishandles i Nigeria, valgte hun at opsige sit job i en tøjbutik i Aarhus, solgte alle sine ejendele, og med penge indsamlet i Danmark rejste hun til Nigeria for at hjælpe disse udstødte børn. Hun var på det tidspunkt i midten af trediverne, single og barnløs og mødte i Nigeria ikke kun sit kald, men også sin store kærlighed, hjælpearbejderen og juristen David Emmanuel Umem. I 2014 fik de sønnen David Junior og har i fællesskab etableret DINNødhjælp, der i dag driver børnecentret Land of Hope i det sydøstlige Nigeria, hvor de såkaldte heksebørn kan leve i trygge omgivelser. Anja har vundet adskillige priser for sit humanitære arbejde, og Dalai Lama har personligt vist hende sin anerkendelse. Heksebørnenes mor er en stærk fortælling om ikke blot at forfølge sine drømme, men også om de personlige omkostninger, det kræver.

  • Spar 23%
    - Årets gang i Hyldemors Have
    af Maria Lisette Jacobsen
    177,95 kr.

    Når de dybe skove kalder…Blandt urter og elverfolk er en indbydende og reflekterende håndbogscollage af naturpoesi, urtekraft og inspiration fra Moder Jords store medicinskab. Som en almanak vandrer den gennem årets måneder og inspirerer os til at blive klogere på naturens gaver. Både i form af nemme, effektive opskrifter til det naturlige husapotek og som en mere fordybende og forbindende væren i naturen, som mange længes efter i dag. En hverdag i harmoni med naturens rytmer, med mere ro og i dybere forbindelse til nordens ældgamle visdom.Maria Lisette Jacobsen, kendt som Hyldemor, giver kyndig vejledning i de mest almindelige urter og deres anvendelse, samtidig med at hun tager os med på en poetisk rejse ind i livet i skoven. På sin jordnære facon bringer hun verdenerne sammen i en nordisk inspireret shamanisme og er både unik og banebrydende med sit fokus på anvendelse af urter, spirituel naturterapi og smukke fortællinger. Således er bogen på mange måder en værdig efterfølger til heksen Dannie Druehylds håndbogsklassiker.Om forfatterMaria Lisette Jacobsen, kendt som den nordiske shaman Hyldemor fra DR2-dokumentaren Heksen, Hedningen og Hyldemor, udmærker sig ved sin ligefremme, levende og inspirerende formidling af urtemedicin og naturspiritualitet. Som uddannet arkæolog og med en fortid i museumsbranchen er hun i dag kvinden bag den succesrige kursusvirksomhed Hyldemors Have. Hun har tusindvis af følgere på Instagram, Facebook og YouTube, hvor hun dagligt inspirerer og videregiver sin viden om helbredende urter, en hverdag i takt med årstidernes skiften og sit enestående liv som moderne, klog kone.E-bogen er lavet i fixed format

  • Spar 24%
    af Olga Ravn
    213,95 kr.

    Den ugifte adelskvinde Christenze Kruckow anklages for trolddom og må flygte fra Sydfyn til Nordjylland. Her bliver hun en del af en gruppe af kvinder omkring den smukke aalborgkone Maren Kneppis. Men snart indhentes Christenze af sit trolddomsrygte og må indse, at ikke bare hun, men også hendes veninder er i stor fare for at ende på bålet.Den centrale anklage mod Christenze er, at hun skulle have lavet et magisk barn af voks. Det er denne dukke, der nu tager ordet for at fortælle historien om kvindernes skæbne.VOKSBARNET er et portræt af et skrøbeligt fællesskab, et indblik i en magisk hverdag og en skrækindjagende fortælling om en hekseproces – baseret på en række virkelige hændelser fra 1600-tallets Nordjylland.

  • - Urter, klarsyn og medsøsteri
    af Sanne Gottlieb
    193,95 kr.

    ”At være hex er ikke noget, du bliver. Det er noget, du altid har været.”Smuk bog om den historiske heksefigur, den indre magi, der er medfødt hos kvinder, og hvordan man kan dyrke den i sin hverdag.Find ud af, hvilken type hex du bærer på indeni, og skab din egen hexepraksis ved hjælp af magiske redskaber, naturens urter, spells, sexmagi og månens cyklus.Før i tiden havde hver landsby sin kloge kone, der med planter eller hellige ritualer kunne helbrede sygdom eller give gode råd til at holde ulykker for døren. I 1200-tallet startede kirkens jagt på dem, der praktiserede trolddom og heksekunst, og heksen blev en frygtet figur.I dag brændes heksefiguren på bålet hvert år, men hendes magi lever i bedste velgående. Den findes overalt i hverdagen, og enhver, der er villig til at åbne sine sanser, kan benytte sig af den. Ved at tage hekseskikkelsen på sig dag, kan nutidens kvinder påkalde sig den magt, tusindvis af kvinder blev slået ihjel for under heksejagten. Magten til at helbrede, forbande og vælge sin egen vej.I Hex fortæller Sanne Gottlieb om sin egen vej til heksekunsten og viser dig, hvordan du selv kan komme i kontakt med dine medfødte kræfter og benytte dem i hverdagen. Men bogen er også en påmindelse om den undertrykkelse som hekse og andre fritænkende kvinder blev udsat for fortiden, og som trækker tråde til nutidens shaming af frie kvinder og piger.Sanne Gottlieb (1968) er journalist, radiovært, debattør og sygeplejerskestuderende. Hun debuterede i 2017 med romanen Sleep Stalker, efterfulgt af fagbogen Klimakteriesild fra 2019.

  • af Jason Miller
    168,95 kr.

    "This book is not only one of my favorite books on 'defense against the dark arts, ' but is actually one of my favorite books in my whole library. Throughout the book, Jason provides [information] not only on protection but also on recognizing the symptoms of attack and creating early warning systems to alert you of magickal attacks." --Mat Auryn, author of Psychic Witch You Could Be the Target of a Spell or Curse and Not Even Know It Everyone, whether they practice witchcraft or not, is susceptible to unwanted spells and curses. The difference is that witches and magicians can do something about it. Now you can too. Protection & Reversal Magick is a complete how-to guide to prevent, defend against, and reverse magickal attacks of any kind. Here, renowned scholar and magick practitioner Jason Miller shows readers how to master these techniques: Setting up early-warning systems Appeasing angry spirits through offerings Performing banishings and making amulets that will prevent most attacks Making magical "decoys" to absorb attacks against you Summoning guardian spirits or gods for help Binding, confusing, or expelling a persistent enemy who will not leave you be > This edition features a new introduction by the author and updates to the chapters.

  • af Cerridwen Greenleaf
    128,95 kr.

    Invoke wealth, health, and love with this boxed set of 3 mystical miniature books: Witches' Spell Book, Witches' Love Spell Book, and Witches' Wealth Spell Book.Specifications: Box is 2-7/8 x 3-1/4 inches and includes 3 miniature mystical titles inside Three Mini Hardcover Books Included: Witches' Spell Book, a practical guide to a spectrum of enchanting spells; Witches' Love Spell Book, a powerful collection of spells for love, desire, and romance; and Witches' Wealth Spell Book, a guide to spells for prosperity and abundance Luxurious Case: The three mini book cases are flocked with a foil finish making them a joy to hold and display.  Unique Gift:  Well-packaged and in an adorable miniature size, this box set is the perfect present for mystics and witches.

  • af Celeste Larsen
    158,95 kr.

    Silver Winner, Personal Growth & Self Help, Nautilus Book Awards "A rare achievement that discusses the witch wound with historical depth and also offers practical invitations to heal the wound on a personal and collective level."--Danielle Dulsky, author of The Holy Wild You were born to live a magical life. Deep within your soul, you know this; it is why you picked up this book. But there is another reason why you now hold this book in your hands: because some part of you feels it is unsafe to fully embrace the magic that exists within and around you. This part of you carries an age-old wound--one that keeps you from claiming your magic, owning your power, and shining fearlessly in your truth. This is the "witch wound." Healing the witch wound is not about going back in time or dwelling on the atrocities of the past--quite the opposite. This work is about taking steps now to reclaim your power, live a more magical life, and embody your most authentic self. This book will lead you through a diverse range of practices, including spell work, rituals, meditations, and journal prompts to help you uncover and work through feelings of reticence, uncertainty, and fear. Some practices may not resonate for you, while others may be deeply impactful. Take what works, adapt and customize where you can, and leave the rest. This is your journey.

  • af Kim de l'Horizon
    228,95 kr.

    Med sin debutroman Blodbog lykkedes det Kim de l’Horizon at blive et ikon i den tysksprogede verden, skabe ramaskrig og ikke mindst vinde både den tyske og den schweiziske bogpris i 2022 trods sine kun 30 år.Da Kims bedstemor bliver ramt af demens, forsøger Kim at udfylde stilheden med sine egne barndomsminder og at skrive hendes historie, før det er for sent. Men det er ikke nemt at optrevle fem hundrede års kvindehistorie, når barndommens krav om at være enten dreng eller pige spøger, når man både leder efter blodbøgens hemmelighed og sex på Grindr, når isheksen lurer, og hukommelsen flyder som vraggods.I sin vilde og poetiske fortælling om barndom og blodbøge, om en historisk varm sommer med technofester og hekseritualer og med botaniske omveje og litteraturhistoriske sidespring skriver Kim de l’Horizon med en ild, der efterlader litterære former og sproglige normer i flammer.Blodbog er en bog om at finde sig selv i sproget, om flydende kønsidentitet og århundreders historier om kvinder, der måtte klare sig selv. Det er historien om at ville være som blodbøgen, fordi ingen bestemmer dens form.OM FORFATTERENKim de l'Horizon, født 2666 på Gethen. Inden debutromanen Blodbog prøvede Kim først at gøre opmærksom på sig selv via diverse skrivekonkurrencer, bl.a. Textstreichs konkurrence for uskrevet lyrik og det etårige scenekunstprogram Dramenprozessor. I dag har Kim fået nok af at arbejde med sig selv og studerer i stedet hekseri hos den amerikanske forfatter og økofeminist Starhawk og skriver kollektive tekster til magasinet Delirium. Blodbog blev i 2022 tildelt Jürgen Ponto-Stiftungs litteraturpris, Deutscher Buchpreis og Schweizer Buchpreis. Romanen er solgt til udgivelse i 17 lande og er desuden på vej i en teaterversion.PRESSEN SKREV"Man kan ikke andet end forbløffes over den litterære suverænitet, som de l'Horizon udviser." – Die Zeit"I Kim de l'Horizons Blodbog bliver sproget lige så flydende, som kroppene og identiteterne er det: Man rives med af dets strøm." – Süddeutsche Zeitung"Kim de l'Horizon har vundet Deutscher Buchpreis, og det er på alle måder fantastisk. [...] Kim de l'Horizons bog er lige netop ikke en ideologisk pamflet, det er en historie om at finde et sprog for sin egen identitet, en historie om at blive og være sig selv." – Die Welt"Med Blodbog har Kim de l'Horizon indfriet noget af det, der hører til litteraturens store løfter, et nyt stjernebillede for gamle mønstre og fastlåste positioner." – Jürgen Ponto-Stiftungs pristale"Det er ikke svært at få øje på, hvorfor den nonbinære schweizisk-tyske forfatter vandt Deutscher Buchpreis for sit autofiktive værk: de l'Horizon oversætter kunstfærdigt erfaringerne fra en person, der identificerer sig som genderfluid, til en "écriture fluide" ­– en skrivemåde, der er kendetegnet ved hyppige skift i genre, register og tone. Fortælleren, Kim, bevæger sig således ubesværet mellem detaljerede beskrivelser af brutal analsex, lyriske meditationer over barndommens ensomhed, akademiske refleksioner over Foucault, Goethe og 1800-tallets fascination af blodbøge (som Kim har et mystisk forhold til), Ursula K. Le Guins evolutionsteorier samt overvejelser over magiens og skrivningens lighedspunkter." – Times Literary Supplement

  • af Erin Sterling
    208,95 kr.

    Always practise safe hex . . . New York Times bestselling author Rachel Hawkins, writing as Erin Sterling, follows her sensational TikTok hit, The Ex Hex, and casts a spell with a new spine-tingling romance full of wishes, witches, and cursed kisses.................................................Magic doesn't always play by the rules.Gwyn Jones is perfectly happy with her life in Graves Glen. She's formed a powerful new coven with her family; she's running a successful witchcraft shop, Something Wicked; and she's mentoring some of the younger witches in town. As Halloween approaches, there's only one problem - Llewellyn 'Wells' Penhallow.Wells has come to Graves Glen for two reasons: to re-establish his family's connection to the town and to make a new life for himself away from his father. But when he opens a magic shop of his own just across the street from Gwyn's, he quickly learns that going up against her won't be as easy as he thought . . . especially after an accidental magic-inspired - and very hot - kiss.While Gwyn and Wells are fully committed to their witchy rivalry, they soon find themselves thrown together once again to deal with the sudden appearance of a mysterious new coven and Gwyn's growing concern that something - or someone - is messing with her magic . . .................................................Praise for The Ex Hex, an unmissable treat!'A spooky romantic comedy treat that had me sighing at one page, laughing out loud at the next' TESSA BAILEY 'Sterling's novel is ultimately crisp and sweet, like biting into the perfect caramel apple . . . will sweep readers up into a world of whimsical magic' Kirkus'Filled with delightful witchiness and humor . . . a fluffy Halloween treat' Publishers Weekly 'A delightful and witty take on witchy mayhem' PopSugarReaders ADORED The Ex Hex!'If Sabrina the Teenage Witch and Gilmore Girls had a book baby, it would be THE EX HEX. And yes, it's just as glorious as it sounds!''One of the best rom-coms I've read all year! . . . It's Practical Magic meets Gilmore Girls and I am a hundred percent OBSESSED!''Definite Gilmore Girls vibes but with more magic and sex''This book is pitched as Hocus Pocus, but it bangs and it certainly did'

  • - En historisk roman
    af Søren Marquardt Frederiksen
    288,95 kr.

    Danmarks sidste hekseafbrænding i 1693Anne Palle var den sidste kvinde der blev brændt på bålet i Danmark. Ny historisk roman beskriver retssagen og hele forhistorien. Sagen i Nykøbing F. i 1693 var en af de største trolddomssager i Danmark, og de overleverede retsdokumenter, inklusive udførlige afhøringer, er en af vores mest omfattende kilder til datidens heksetro.Kongens sidste heks er en rå og realistisk skildring af den barske verden der skabte troen på hekse – og nødvendigheden af at udslette dem med ild.Historien Trolddomssagen startede med den unge, ulykkelige Ingeborg. Hun var gift med en gammel, hidsig skrædder, der tævede hende med sin krykke. Men hendes hjerte tilhørte skipperen Ole, der var gift med en tysk kvinde. Ingeborg og Ole lagde planer om, hvordan de kunne slippe af med deres ægtefæller. I deres nød opsøgte de den kloge kone Karen Gregers, der gav dem det ene utrolige trolddomsråd efter det andet. Da ingen af dem virkede, endte det unge kærestepar til sidst med at bruge rottekrudt. Giftmordene førte til anklager mod ni troldkvinder, deriblandt Anne Palle. Forfatteren Søren Marquardt Frederiksen er cand.mag. i litteraturvidenskab og forfatter til en række anmelderroste bøger om journalistik og retorik. Han har undervist på Københavns Universitet i 20 år og i en årrække arbejdet som kulturjournalist på bl.a. Kristeligt Dagblad, Ekstra Bladet og DR P1.Søren Marquardt Frederiksens debuterede som skønlitterær forfatter i 2016 med den historiske krimi Kongens By. Krimien blev rost for sin velresearchede og billedmættede skildring af hverdag og vold på Chr. IV’s tid. Kongens sidste heks er hans femte roman.

  • af Amy Cesari
    343,95 kr.

    *Black & White Version* Everyone has a little magic in them, and this fully illustrated 2024 planner shows you how to get in touch with your own natural powers and create an extraordinary year.

  • af Moira Fowley
    118,95 kr.

    ONE OF MY FAVOURITE STORYTELLERS. THESE TALES LINGERED, MORPHED, CONSUMED ME'KIRAN MILLWOOD HARGRAVEWhat will the end of the world look like?Will it be an old man slowly turned to gold, flowers raining from the sky, or a hole cut through the wire fencing that keeps the monsters out? Is it someone you love wearing your face, or a good old fashioned inter-dimensional summoning? Does it sound like a howl outside the window, or does it look like coming home? This startling and irresistibly witty collection from the phenomenally talented Moïra Fowley is an exploration of all our darkest impulses and deepest fears.

  • af Corinne Marley
    133,95 kr.

    Conjure the magic within you with this modern guide to the ancient art of spell-work and manifestation - all you need is a little hocus focus. Including a variety of spells for every place and occasion - and tips and tricks on how to cast them - this enchanting book is the perfect introduction to invoking the universal energies at your disposal.

  • af Sarah Robinson
    198,95 kr.

    The Kitchen Witch returns in this beautifully illustrated companion book to Sarah Robinson's bestseller Kitchen Witch: Food, Folklore and Fairy Tale...including many of the traditional and seasonal recipes referenced in that book.Best-selling authors Sarah Robinson of Kitchen Witch, Yoga for Witches and Yin Magic and Lucy H. Pearce of Burning Woman, Creatrix and Medicine Woman combine forces with a diverse international coven of kitchen witches to share their favourite recipes, rituals and reflections on the magic that can be found...and made in the kitchen.This is a book to be read curled up in a comfy chair, before being covered in earth as you gather in seasonal goodness and splattered with sauce as you cook! The first half of The Kitchen Witch Companion is a nuanced reflection on the fantasy and reality of making magic in the kitchen. The second half is a seasonal collection of recipes and crafts, foraging and ferments, spells and simmer pots, meditations and blessings to inspire you to create, celebrate and gather throughout the Wheel of the Year.

  • af Nicolette Miele
    176,95 kr.

    A magickal guide to working with runes and plant allies for manifestation, healing, and spellwork

  • af Andrew Theitic
    136,95 kr.

    The Witches' Almanac is a sophisticated publication appealing to general readers as well as hard-core Wiccans. At one level, it is a pop reference that will fascinate anyone interested in folklore, mythology and culture, but at another, it is the most sophisticated annual guide available today for the mystic enthusiast. Founded in 1971 by Elizabeth Pepper, the art director of Gourmet magazine for many years, The Witches' Almanac is a witty, literate, and sophisticated publication that appeals to general reads as well as hard-core Wiccans. At one level, it is a pop reference that will fascinate anyone interested in folklore, mythology and culture, but at another, it is the most sophisticated and wide-ranging annual guide available today for the mystic enthusiast. Modeled after the Old Farmers' Almanac, it includes information related to the annual Moon Calendar (weather, forecasts, and horoscopes), as well as legends, rituals, herbal secrets, mystic incantations, interviews, and many a curious tale of good and evil. Although it is an annual publication, much of the content is both current and timeless--not specific to the date range of each issue. The theme of Issue 43 (Spring 2024 - Spring 2025) is Fire -- Forging Freedom. Also included are articles on: Geomancy The Lunar Nodes Azorean Folklore Kitchen Magic - Soul Cakes The Trickiest Toad The Orisha Obatala and much more.

  • af The Modern-Day Witch
    233,95 kr.

    This sticker book features more than 400 beautiful and colorful Wiccan-themed artworks--both vintage and vintage-inspired. There are six categories of stickers--celestial sphere, mystical terra, witch's toolkit, symbols and sabbats, familiars and other creatures, and holistic witchery--each introduced by a poetic thematic quote. The stickers are perfect for decorating everything from stationery to scrapbooks, and they can be used to embellish notebooks, planners, gift boxes, and laptops, or to create artistic collages. And, the book itself can be enjoyed on its own as a beautiful objet d'art.

  • af Heinrich Kramer
    168,95 - 278,95 kr.

  • af Lindsay Squire
    146,95 kr.

    In the fourth instalment in ‘The Witch of the Forest’s Guide to…’ series, explore the powerful world of Tarot Magick, and discover how you can use the power of tarot and witchcraft to boost your wellbeing.

  • af Montague Summers
    281,95 kr.

  • af Carlota Santos
    188,95 kr.

    213,95 kr.

    Har du nogensinde spekuleret over, hvordan man får et stegt kalvehoved til at bræge, hvordan man undgår, at ens hår bliver gråt, eller hvordan man bedst fordriver muldvarpe?"Naturlig hekseri" indeholder en samling gode råd, opskrifter og grove løjer fra 1700-tallets Danmark. Den giver et godt indblik i datidens naivitet og overtro.idden /title /head body center h1 403 Forbidden /h1 /center /body /html

  • af Jason Miller
    168,95 kr.

    "If you're interested in assuring that you obtain real tangible results with your spells and are willing to put the work into doing so, this is definitely the book for you. Completely filled with some amazing insights, ideas, and tips that come from experience. [Miller's] ideas are some that I've never seen in other books. This book alone completely changed how I approach giving offerings to spirits and deities." --Mat Auryn, author of Psychic Witch This book is about real magick, effecting real change, in a real world. There are some books on magick that teach it purely as spiritual advancement. There are others that teach it as a form of psychological self-help that affects only inner change. While magick can and should be both of these, it is something more. Real Sorcery is about success in practical magick; it is a book that aims at change in both the outer and inner worlds. Beyond a mere spell book or training course, Real Sorcery is a field manual on successful sorcery written by a professional sorcerer. The first part of the book lays out the qualities, concepts, and exercises necessary to attempt practical magick. The second part presents clear strategies for tackling almost any type of issue with sorcery. In this book you will learn how to: Attack problems from multiple angles, not just by casting a spell Blend mundane and magical action to ensure success Figure out whether what you are doing is working, and fix it if it isn't Go beyond readings, into magical intelligence-gathering Influence the minds of other people Work most effectively on behalf of others This book was previously published as The Sorcerer's Secrets by New Page Books in 2009. This edition features a new introduction from the author, one new chapter, and updates throughout.

  • af Regan Ralston
    166,95 kr.

    Bring Magic and Meaning Into Every Meal You Make Make your kitchen the most magical room in your home with the help of the Witch of Whimsy. Her tasty recipes for everything from teas and spirits to sweet and savory meals and snacks are each accompanied by rituals that allow you to introduce more intentionality to mealtime. Start your morning off on the right foot with coffee concoctions and daily affirmations- the combination of which will perk you up and invite a positive mindset for the day to come. Learn how to plan a delightful cottage witch's picnic featuring delicious and heartening recipes like Wildflower Salad and Poppyseed Tea Sandwiches. Recenter yourself at the end of the day with decadent desserts, mixed drinks and oil infusions to help you prepare for a restful night. With lyrical prose and stunning illustrations, this whimsical witch's guide will brighten your day from your first sip of coffee to your final morsel before bed.

  • af Sophie Saint Thomas
    223,95 kr.

    "Discover and harness the magic of cannabis and get wicked high, in this first-of-its-kind guide to weed in witchcraft. Cannabis and magic are woven together throughout history, and there has never been a better time to embrace your inner weed witch. In this comprehensive guide and spellbook, practicing witch and cannabis writer Sophie Saint Thomas explores the beautiful relationship between the two, offering everything you need to use marijuana in all its forms to awaken your inner magic, enhance your practice, care for your body and soul, and reach your highest self. Weed Witch explores the foundations of witchcraft and a complete cannabis rundown so everyone from beginners to experts on both subjects can blend them safely for optimal harmony. In these pages, you'll learn to use weed to magnify and augment your relationship with astrology, tarot, crystals, moon magic, and much more. The book also contains an exhaustive compendium of stoned spells for love and sex, money and work, protection and healing, and of course, fun"--

  • af Marie Bruce
    268,95 kr.

    With over 250 spells and rituals to enhance all aspects of life, this beautiful hardback with gilded page edges will empower its readers with magical instruction. These awe-inspiring traditional and modern spells will clearly show readers how to bring more magic into their lives. From attracting love to finding success in business and careers, every aspect of modern living is touched upon and ancient ideas about magic are used to manifest positive change. This essential reference guide is sure to become a handy Book of Shadows for every practicing witch. Includes: - A section on tools and techniques- Correspondences for different spells>Featuring decorative color touches and beautiful patterned endpapers, this spell-binding book provides a wonderful introduction into modern witchcraft. ABOUT THE SERIES: The Mystic Archives are beautiful hardcover guides which reveal the hidden mysteries of esoteric arts, presented with foil-embossing, Wibalin binding, patterned endpapers and gilded page edges.

  • af Arin Murphy-Hiscock
    368,95 kr.

    Embrace the power of witchcraft with this spiritual collection of spells and rituals for new and seasoned practitioners.The Witchcraft Boxed Set combines two of Arin Murphy-Hiscock’s bestselling titles into one stunning collection: You will enjoy: The Green Witch: Discover the power of natural magic and healing through herbs, flowers, and essential oils in this guide to green witchcraft. The House Witch: Everything you need to know to create your very own sacred space—perfect for practicing home-based witchcraft including spells, rituals, herbalism, and more.

  • af Zelene Graves
    318,95 kr.

    Do you want to learn more about magic jars but don't know where to begin or who to trust?Do you wish to enhance your life, whether it's via love, success, or wealth?Are you seeking a technique to increase the potency of your spells and eventually achieve all of your objectives? If you answered yes to even one of these questions, this is the book! Spell jars are the ideal magical ingredient for assisting contemporary witches in manifesting the life they want. The witch bottle tradition, originally meant to resist bad energies and magical assaults, have developed through the years and now allows you to perform spells of any sort and make your magic endure forever. And in this complete guide, you will be able to learn: The intriguing history of witch bottles and how their abilities have been used to battle curses and protect people all across the globe since antiquity.Important spell-casting advice: don't even think about beginning your magic if you don't follow these simple procedures!Easy-to-follow and practical material that will walk you through the process of creating very powerful spell jars and everything you need to do before and after you prepare your bottles.How long does their enchantment last? Where should they be tucked away? What happens if they break down by accident? Is it feasible to re-use the same bottle?....And so on.... Detailed information on the most significant correspondences and how to utilize herbs, crystals, candles, and moon phases to construct the ideal witch bottle and make all your desires come true! Fifty-six recipes for special spell jars for protection, love, money, career, fertility, physical and mental health, chakra, and more! Three free spell jar recipe sheets for making your magic bottles! Don't pass up this amazing chance to finally learn the mysteries of magic jars! Click the "Add to Cart" button to get your book RIGHT NOW and start manifesting the life you really want!

  • af Gerald B. Gardner
    153,95 kr.

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