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Kartografi, korttegning og projektioner

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  • Spar 17%
    - En dansk ekspedition 1761-67
    af Thorkild Hansen
    248,95 kr.

  • Spar 20%
    af Peder Dam
    358,95 kr.

    Dette pragtværk med mere end 200 smukke historiske kort fortæller, hvordan konturerne af Danmark tog form på kort fra 1400-tallet til starten af 1800-tallet. Da var landet efterhånden blevet fuldstændigt opmålt af Videnskabernes Selskab.Bogen giver et overblik over kartografiens historie og præsenterer de centrale opmålingsmetoder, personligheder og kort. Ud over danmarkskort vises kort over danske byer, kolonier, Slesvig-Holsten, Skandinavien samt de nordatlantiske besiddelser.I bogen beskrives også de politiske, kulturelle og teknologiske rammer, som kortene må forstås indenfor. De historiske kort bliver dermed på mere end én måde et billede af Danmark i evig forandring.

  • - Under 11 stk tilbage udsolgt fra forlaget
    148,95 kr.


  • af Cynthia A Brewer
    697,95 kr.

    Learn from the best with this popular book on creating successful maps with any GIS or illustration product, written by an expert cartographer.For more than 18 years, Designing Better Maps: A Guide for GIS Users has been essential reading for all mapmakers who use geographic information systems (GIS) across industries and sectors, including government, commercial, creative, or academic. This third edition continues the reliable legacy of this book, distinctive in its clear and efficient emphasis on core cartographic concepts and updated with new and revamped design practices.With more than 400 full-color illustrations, this book applies map design best practices to both reference and statistical mapping, guiding you through the processes of planning maps, using scale and time, understanding and using color, customizing symbols, and more.Whether you face the challenge of making well-designed maps or are already adept at GIS data management and analysis but need better ways to visually communicate spatial information and results, Designing Better Maps teaches how to use GIS tools to design maps in provocative and accessible ways.Award-winning author Cynthia A. Brewer uses her sophisticated mix of experiences--conducting academic research, teaching novice cartographers, mentoring research and mapmaking by advanced students, and collaborating with analysts and mapmakers at various federal agencies--to present this practical information. Brewer is a professor and chair of the Department of Geography at Pennsylvania State University. She teaches introductory cartography and map design courses and advises graduate students working in cartography. She has worked as a map and atlas design consultant for the US Census Bureau, National Cancer Institute, National Center for Health Statistics, and National Park Service.

  • af Robert Schwandl
    206,95 kr.

    Anders als in Westeuropa haben in Ostmitteleuropa viele Straßenbahnen der ersten Generation überlebt. Dieser zweisprachige Band umfasst nun alle Trambetriebe in Tschechien, der Slowakei, in Ungarn sowie in Polen. Mit dabei sind auch die drei Metros der Region. Das Buch ist wie immer illustriert mit detaillierten Netzplänen, unzähligen Farbfotos fast aller derzeit verkehrenden Fahrzeuge sowie zahlreicher Metrostationen.Unlike in Western Europe, many first-generation tramways have survived in the eastern part of Central Europe. This bilingual book covers every tram system in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Poland as well as the three metro systems in this region. As always, the book is illustrated with detailed network maps, and hundreds of colour photographs of almost all the current rolling stock and many of the metro stations.

  • af Gloria Lanci
    1.314,95 - 1.321,95 kr.

    This book presents an original study on how contemporary artists are exploring urban spaces through mapping. Despite a long history of representations of cities in maps, and the relationships that can be envisaged between art maps and cities in the contemporary world, little research is dedicated to investigating how artists intervene in the realm of urban cartography. The research examines a century-old history of art maps and draws on academic debates challenging traditional notions of maps as scientific artefacts produced through accurate measurement and surveying. The potential of art maps to construct personal narratives, through contestation, embodiment and play, is analysed in the city context, where spaces are shaped by urban planning and design, political ideologies and socio-economic forces. Adopting an exploratory and interpretative research approach that investigates the confluence of theories originated in different domains, this book conducts the reader to discover what artistic practices can bring into a more creative, while inquisitive, understanding of cities. A series of semi-structured interviews with visual artists, enquiring how they apprehend, process and re-create urban spaces in artworks, explores cartographic process and methods in visual art practices in the twenty first century, which incorporates digital technologies and critical thinking.

  • af Kamal Srogy Darwish
    1.135,95 kr.

    The book presents the results of a doctoral thesis conducted under the supervision of two international governmental universities in Egypt and the USA. This book is very important for specialists in the field of Physical Geography with concentration of Geographic Information Science and Remote Sensing techniques for Coastal Hazard Assessment. It deals with coastal hazards and disasters using unique techniques and methods, such as Coastline Change Detection, Sea-Level Rise Modeling and Future Predication, Coastal Erosion Hazard Mapping, and Coastal Vulnerability Index. The integration of geospatial technologies that applied accurately in this book especially for the coastal hazard mitigation and protection devise evaluation makes it very helpful for researchers and academics, as well as for coastal and civil engineers.

  • af Red Bike Nußdorf a. Inn
    363,95 kr.

    Volltreffer !!! Hiermit hältst Du DIE Praxisanleitung zu Deinem GPSMAP 67 in den Händen - Für Wanderer, Alpinisten & MTBiker.Diese zu Papier gebrachte GPS-Schulung ist speziell auf GPS-Neulinge zugeschnitten, die somit nicht nur den Umgang mit diesem Geräte-Modell, sondern auch allgemeines Grundwissen zur GPS-Technik, Navigation und den Einstieg in die Tourenplanung vermittelt bekommen.- Mit Schritt für Schritt-Anleitungen zum Mitmachen- Anhand der gezeigten Beispielsituationen schnell in die Praxis finden- GPS-Begriffe wie Tracks, Routen, Wegpunkte, Zwischenziele, POI¿s, Koordinaten etc. verstehen und verwenden,- Kurz ins Geocaching schnuppern,- Praktisches & sinnvolles Zubehör entdecken,- Den Umgang mit elektronischem Kartenmaterial kennenlernen,- Tourenplanung und -auswertung unterwegs am Handy/Tablet PC sowie am Desktop PC anwenden (für Windows-Nutzer bestens geeignet, Mac mit Abweichungen),- Ein dauerhaft wertvolles Nachschlagewerk mit einem klar strukturierten Inhaltsverzeichnis und umfangreichen IndexInzwischen oft kopiert und doch nie erreicht sind die "GPS Praxisbücher" von Red Bike die Originale und wirklichen Helfer im Bereich GPS-Navigation mit Garmin-Geräten. Speziell für jeden Gerätetyp werden aus der Sicht des Anwenders die Möglichkeiten und Vorgehensweisen sowie Tipps und Tricks für jedermann leicht und verständlich erklärt.

  • af Karsten Wind Meyhoff & Asmund Havsteen-Mikkelsen
    63,95 kr.

    Kort er ikke længere kartografiens privilegerede genstand. Kunstnere, forskere, arkitekter, filminstruktører, journalister og andre aktører fremstiller kort og anvender kortlægning som en praksis til at præsentere erfaringer, sansninger, fantasier, utopier, magtforhold og uudforskede egne af virkeligheden. Fra at være en teknisk praksis er kortlægning nu en betegnelse for aktiviteter til at udvælge, systematisere og eksponere et givent materiale i et særligt lys. Kortlægning som praksis er optaget af det uopdagede og det uudforskede. I Kortlægning som praksis til at skabe en anden verden skitseres nutidens arbejde med at skabe nye kort af den aktuelle verden. Kortlægningens praksis eksemplificeres undervejs med nye kort af Danmark, der har humoristiske, kritiske og utopiske dimensioner.

  • af Juan Pablo Celemin
    858,95 - 1.137,95 kr.

    The book is presented as an Atlas where the map plays a fundamental role in the study of quality of life, as it shows its progression in Argentina from the 19th to the 21st Century. In the book, it can be observed how the concept has evolved along with the dimensions and variables that better represent its spatial distribution. This is one of the original points of the book: the temporal study of the living conditions of the argentine population, empirically and spatially, emphasizing their territorial representation.Although the book maintains the same socioeconomic dimensions (education, health and housing), the tour through the different chapters offers a historical window that allows the reader to know what the forms of information collection were like in different historical moments.This book is written for geographers and members of the scientific community interested in the study of the well-being of the population. It also allows us to observe the evolution of the quality of life from the 19th century to the 21st, so it may be of interest to historians as well.

  • af Mike Duggan
    188,95 kr.

    From cave paintings to Google, a thought-provoking investigation of how maps do not just reflect the world around us, but shape the way we live. Maps go far beyond just showing us where things are located. All Mapped Out is an exploration of how maps impact our lives on social and cultural levels. This book offers a journey through the fascinating history of maps, from ancient cave paintings and stone carvings to the digital interfaces we rely on today. But it's not just about the maps themselves; it's about the people behind them. All Mapped Out reveals how maps have affected societies, influenced politics and economies, impacted the environment, and even shaped our sense of personal identity. Mike Duggan uncovers the incredible power of maps to shape the world and the knowledge we consume, offering a unique and eye-opening perspective on the significance of maps in our daily lives.

  • af Paulina Rowinska
    124,95 - 238,95 kr.

  • af Great Britain Hydrographic Dept
    183,95 - 338,95 kr.

  • af Clarence Osborne Sherrill
    178,95 kr.

  • af William Braid White Mus
    218,95 - 348,95 kr.

  • - Perspectives from Developing Countries
    af Ripudaman Singh
    783,95 kr.

    Re-envisioning Remote Sensing Applications: Perspectives from Developing Countries aims at discussing varied applications of remote sensing, with respect to upcoming technologies with diverse themes. Organized into four sections of overlapping areas of research, the book covers chapters with themes related to agriculture, soil and land degradation studies; hydrology, microclimates and climate change impacts; land use/land cover analysis applications; resource analysis and bibliometric studies, culminating with future research agenda. All the topics are supported via case studies and spatial data analysis. Features:Provides the applications of remote sensing in all fields through varied case studies and spatial data analysis Includes soil and land degradation, microclimates, and climate change impactsCovers remote sensing applications in broad areas of agriculture, hydrology, land use/land cover change and resource analysis Discusses usage of GPS-enabled smartphones and digital gadgets used for mapping and spatial analysisExplores future research agenda for applications of remote sensing in post-COVID scenarioThis book is of interest to researchers and graduate students in environmental sciences, remote sensing, GIS, agricultural scientists and managers, forestry scientists and managers, and water resources scientists and managers.

  • af Janne Holmén
    571,95 kr.

    The concept of mental maps is used in several disciplines including geography, psychology, history, linguistics, economics, anthropology, political science, and computer game design. However, until now, there has been little communication between these disciplines and methodological schools involved in mental mapping.Mental Maps: Geographical and Historical Perspectives addresses this situation by bringing together scholars from some of the related fields. Ute Schneider examines the development of German geographer Heinrich Schiffers' mental maps, using his books on Africa from the 1930s to the 1970s. Efrat Ben-Ze'ev and Chloé Yvroux investigate conceptions of Israel and Palestine, particularly the West Bank, held by French and Israeli students. By superimposing large numbers of sketch maps, Clarisse Didelon-Loiseau, Sophie de Ruffray, and Nicolas Lambert identify "soft" and "hard" macro-regions on the mental maps of geography students across the world. Janne Holmén investigates whether the Baltic and the Mediterranean Seas are seen as links or divisions between the countries that line their shores, according to the mental maps of high school seniors. Similarly, Dario Musolino maps regional preferences of Italian entrepreneurs. Finally, Lars-Erik Edlund offers an essayistic account of mental mapping, based on memories of maps in his own family.This edited volume book uses printed maps, survey data and hand drawn maps as sources, contributing to the study of human perception of space from the perspectives of different disciplines.The chapters in this book were originally published as a special issue of the Journal of Cultural Geography.

  • - Visualization of Spatial Data
    af Menno-Jan Kraak & F. J. Ormeling
    548,95 - 1.282,95 kr.

  • af Qingquan Li
    2.413,95 kr.

    Driven by the increasingly expanding needs of infrastructure construction, operation and maintenance, as well as the rapid developments of intelligent sensing and information technology, precise engineering surveying has been transformed from static, discrete, and manual into dynamic, continuous, and intelligent ways. This transformation leads to an advanced multidisciplinary field, dynamic and precise engineering surveying, on which the author has worked for over two decades. This book systematically summarizes the fundamentals, methods, and applications in dynamic and precise engineering surveying. The contents mainly include two parts: the first part introduces principles and methods of dynamic and precise engineering surveying; the second part presents representative applications in which innovative methods and advanced equipment are applied in the construction, operation and maintenance of mega and complex infrastructures.Readers engaged in surveying and mapping, civil engineering, water conservancy engineering, railway engineering, electronic information, and computer science, including undergraduates, graduates, researchers and engineers, will find it an informative reference.

  • af Yoshiki Wakabayashi
    1.228,95 - 1.719,95 kr.

    Since the last decades of the twentieth century, the circumstances surrounding map use and map making have drastically changed owing to advances in information and communication technologies (ICTs). In particular, the spread of web maps and mobile devices have altered the way people interact with maps. This book features the latest works on theoretical and practical issues of these changes by terming them "e;ubiquitous mapping"e;. In particular, the book pays attention to not only the technological basis but also multidisciplinary human-social aspects. The book covers the topics of the evaluation of ICT-based technologies for context-aware mapping, the theory and application of crowd-sourced geospatial information and collaborative mapping, and both the positive and negative effects of ubiquitous mapping on human society.

  • af Hamdi A. Zurqani
    1.617,95 - 1.629,95 kr.

    This book addresses the environmental challenges that Libya and similar countries in the regions are currently facing. Each chapter of this book provides a methodology using remote sensing (RS) and geographical information systems (GIS) dealing with one of these environmental challenges such as monitoring and mapping soil salinity and prediction of soil properties, monitoring and mapping of land degradation, spatiotemporal land use/cover, agricultural drought monitoring, hydrological applications such as spatial rainfall distribution, surface runoff, geo-morphometric analysis, flood hazard assessment and mapping, hydrologic and hydraulic modeling, pollution hazard assessment, and climate-related geophysical processes. This book also assesses the impacts of climate change on natural resources using both RS and GIS, as well as other applications, covering different parts of Libya. This book is beneficial for graduate students, researchers, policy planners, and stakeholders in Libya as well as other countries that share similar environmental issues. Also, the methodologies followed in the book's chapters can be applied to any other regions around the world with similar landscapes and climatic conditions.

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