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Klimaændringerne rammer nu med ubønhørlig kraft. Samtidig eskalerer den økonomiske ulighed mellem mennesker i de fleste lande. Denne dobbelte har udløst to bevægelser: De unges klimaoprør for at få forældregenerationen til at tage ansvar samt et spirende socialt oprør med krav om retfærdig omfordeling – tilsammen et krav om grundlæggende forandringer af måden, vi har indrettet økonomien og samfundet på. I SOM GJALDT DET LIVET advarer Jørgen Steen Nielsen om de truende perspektiver, beskriver det nye oprør og appellerer om reaktivering af demokratiet og aktiv inddragelse af borgerne som eneste vej ud af den dobbelte krise. Er det muligt? ”Vi ved ikke, at det er umuligt,” svarer forfatteren. Jørgen Steen Nielsen (f. 1952) er biolog, forfatter, tidligere chefredaktør og mangeårig miljøjournalist på Dagbladet Information, hvor han har dækket den økologiske krise i mere end 30 år. Vinder af Cavlingprisen i 2003. Forfatter til Fra Frihedens slagmarker (2004), Den store omstilling – fra systemkrise til grøn økonomi (2012), På den anden side – en rejse i omstillingens grænseland (2015), og Hvad skal vi med landbruget? (2016).
Gennem mere end 10 år har forfatteren Robert Zola Christensen rejst i hælene på den kendte danske klimaforsker Sebastian H. Mernild. Sammen har de to været på ekspedition til nogle af verdens mest fjerne egne for at dokumentere, hvad det forandrende klima gør ved vores klode. For der hersker ingen tvivl. Klimaet er under enorme forandringer. Der bliver målt stigende vandstande mange steder, det er blevet varmere, og isen smelter på polerne. Konsekvenserne er enorme.I Da kulden forsvandt tager Sebastian H. Mernild og Robert Zola Christensen os med ud på Indlandsisen for at bore efter is i flere kilometers dybde, vi er fanget i en snestorm højt oppe i Andesbjergene, og så møder vi de mennesker, der må forlade deres hjem, fordi klimaet tvinger dem væk.Bogen er en barsk og samtidig livsbekræftende reportagerejse til klimafronten, hvor to venner – naturvidenskabsmanden og humanisten – dokumenterer den brutale og uundgåelige udvikling, vi alle er vidne til, og sammen reflekterer de to over, hvad der skal til for at fylde fremtiden med håb.
En skelsættende og central bog om verdens fremtid og masseudryddelsen af planetens artsrigdom, der udspiller sig for øjnene af os. I løbet af den sidste halve milliard år har der været fem masseudryddelser, hvor mangfoldigheden af liv på jorden er faldet pludseligt og dramatisk. Forskere verden over registrerer i øjeblikket en sjette udryddelse af arter, der spås til at blive den mest omfattende siden asteroide-nedslaget på Yucatanhalvøen i Mexico for 66 millioner år siden, da dinosaurerne blev udslettet. Men denne gang kommer katastrofen ikke udefra. Det er os, der skaber den: menneskeheden.I Den sjette masseuddøen formidler videnskabsjournalist og forfatter Elizabeth Kolbert feltarbejdet i biodiversitetens frontlinje, som snesevis af forskere inden for et halvt dusin discipliner har foretaget gennem de seneste årtier. Hun tager almindelige læsere med derud, hvor masseudryddelsen er i fuld gang: til bunden af dybhavet, hvor geologerne studerer borekerner og dokumenterer krisen i oceanerne; til trægrænsen, der klatrer højere og højere op ad Andesbjergene til stor bekymring for botanikerne; til Great Barrier Reef, hvor havbiologerne ser livet rinde ud i korallerne. På levende og øjenåbnende vis introducerer Elizabeth Kolbert også læseren til et dusin utrolige arter, som for nogles vedkommende allerede er væk, mens andre står over for udryddelse og kun holdes i live i unaturlige omgivelser, for eksempel den panamanske gyldne tudse, alkefuglen og sumatranæsehornet.Gennem sine beretninger fra felten leverer Kolbert en bevægende beretning om udryddelsen af arter, der finder sted overalt omkring os, og samtidig undersøger hun artsudryddelsens begrebshistorie, fra pioneren Georges Cuvier i Paris i 1800-tallet og frem til i dag, hvor det snart står klart for enhver, at udryddelsen er et faktum, og at menneskeheden bærer et hovedansvar. Det bliver næppe de syv vidundere, månelandingen og internettet, som vil stå tilbage som menneskehedens verdensarv, men den sjette udryddelse. Som Kolbert skriver, tvinger det os til at genoverveje det grundlæggende spørgsmål om, hvad det vil sige at være menneske.Elizabeth Kolbert vandt en Pulitzer Prize for Den sjette masseuddøen, og den er nr. 1 på The Guardians "100 Best Nonfiction Books of All Time".
Facing directly into the devastation of climate chaos, Rampy leads her readers on a soul journey to reconnect with Earth.
Featuring a new introduction from the author, Wild Roses Are Worth It remains a timely collection of provocative, personal, and thoughtful essays for an Alberta in transition.This selection of works by naturalist, hunter, conservation activist, and outdoors journalist Kevin Van Tighem will both inspire and provoke because it offers an unflinching challenge to cherished myths and conventional wisdom in a troubled province beset with profound questions about its future. Even at their most provocative, however, these writings remind us of what is best about the Alberta spirit, and offer the possibility of a more sustaining relationship with our place and with one another.The rich imagery in these writings is drawn from the author's intimate relationship with the streams, forests, grasslands, and mountains of the Canadian West. There may be no sacred cows in Van Tighem's prose, but even the most unblinkingly critical of his writings resonate with a love of place and an abiding respect for the people whose lives he shares. He reminds us that Alberta's stories were always meant to be about much more than oil. At a time when social, economic, and environmental changes confront and confound what is still one of Canada's greatest provinces, we need better ways of remembering our past, knowing our present, and imagining our future. That's what this inspiring body of work offers - just in time for tomorrow.
A new collection of essays that will engage readers, inspire change, raise awareness, nurture empathy, and reshape perspectives on environmental stewardship towards a sustainable future.Travels Up the Creek intricately crafts stories of environmental awakening, drawing inspiration from Aldo Leopold, Stan Rowe, Wendell Berry, and Rachel Carson. This engaging journey confronts ecological challenges, advocating a shift in perspective and encouraging readers to embrace curiosity and scrutiny in contemplating the significance of our natural landscape. Urging environmental stewardship rooted in science, the book challenges groupthink, offering knowledge, motivation, and agency to those dedicated to creating a better world.Exploring human-nature connections and stark realities, Lorne Fitch's new book underscores empathy, prompting readers to safeguard imperiled species and threatened places. A call to action in a world grappling with seemingly insurmountable issues, the book inspires change through education and a touch of righteous anger. A compelling guide for Earth stewards, it promises to contribute to a sustainable future for all.
FRONTLINJEBOGEN OM EN VOKSENDE GRØN LØGNGreenwashing betyder vildledende grøn markedsføring, hvor man praler med sine grønne løsninger. Greenwashing skaber en falsk tryghed om, at vi som forbrugere, borgere og virksomheder er på vej det rigtige sted hen.Det er vi ikke.Greenwashing er en grøn sovepude under samtidens største mareridt. Gennem levende beskrivelser af det grønne praleri trækker bogen dig ind i en verden af Greenwashing. Lotte Hansen dissekerer brutalt de initiativer og retssager, som EU’s kommende Greenwashing-direktiv og forbrugerombudsmanden har på bedding. Formålet er ikke blot at oplyse, men at ruske op i vores passivitet og kickstarte et paradigmeskifte i, som får os alle til at handle.LOTTE HANSEN er en af landets tungeste strategiske rådgivere inden for bæredygtighed med særligt fokus på effekt og mobilisering. Virksomhedsleder i 20 år og tidligere ministerrådgiver for 3 ministre, pressechef i Forbrugerrådet, journalist og erhvervsredaktør på Politiken.
The book documents the German climate movement in an era in which the global climate crisis is an ever-present topic. It tells the story of people who put their ideals first and cross moral and legal boundaries to campaign for more climate protection.For this project, photographer Tenzin Heatherbell delved deep into the world of climate activists: he participated in events, attended court hearings, met the activists in private during their preparations and after their actions. With his camera, Heatherbell was there every step of the way, becoming part of the inner circle while remaining a detached observer. He witnessed how more than 3,000 police officers removed climate protesters from Lützerath who had been occupying the village to prevent the expansion of the nearby open-cast mine. The photographer captured over forty of the Last Generation's highly controversial actions staged at museums, on highways, bridges, and airports.Supplemented by personal impressions and essays, Heatherbell has created a photographic portrait that provides insights into a world that is inaccessible to many people. His intimate look behind the scenes of the climate movement allows us to see other images than those supplied by the mass media. He explores the activists' motives and their rage at what they regard as the inertia of politics and society.
Digger Doyle's new boss asks her to spy on a political rival's plan for a solar project. She suspects the boss is hiding something. But why?Digger confronts powerful forces bent on revenge by destroying a man's political career.
"This book considers the similarities and differences between Indigenous knowledge and science and how, when taken together, they enrich one other. Advanced students and researchers in natural resource management, ecology, conservation, and environmental sciences will learn about the practices of Indigenous people in the natural world"--
Den Reichtum der Natur für zukünftige Generationen bewahren.Zusammen mit UNESCO präsentiert gestalten die UNESCO-Geoparks, die zu den spektakulärsten Regionen der Erde zählen. Die vorgestellten Geoparks verteilen sich auf 46 Länder und zeichnen sich durch ihre außergewöhnliche Geologie und Landschaft aus. Sie sind das Ergebnis lokaler Bemühungen, das Erbe der Erde durch Bildung, Naturschutz und sanften Tourismus optimal zu nutzen und zu bewahren. Das Buch hebt mit erstklassigen Bildern die atembe- raubende Schönheit der Geoparks hervor und unterhält und informiert mit Begleittexten zu jedem einzelnen. Wann wurde der Ort zu einem anerkannten Geopark? Was sind die geologischen Besonderheiten? Wie könnte er in 100 Jahren angesichts des Klimawandels und der globalen Erwärmung aussehen? Geoparks feiert die Natur in ihrer ursprünglichsten Form und vermittelt auf ästhetische Weise, warum diese einmaligen Orte unseres Schutzes bedürfen.
This is the story of how the North Cascades Institute grew from humble beginnings to become a model nonprofit environmental education organization admired throughout the United States.
Voices of Conservation chronicles the history and evolution of the conservation movement across eighteen islands in the Salish Sea. Narratively linked by author Sheila Harrington’s two-year sailing journey to the islands to gather over fifty interviews with veteran conservationists, the book provides an in-depth view of conservation land trusts, from their emergence forty years ago through multiple legal battles, organizational challenges, hard lessons, case studies, and human-interest stories.Beginning in the 1980s, when logging and development threatened the fragile ecosystems and natural spaces of this region, and culminating in the creation of the Gulf Island National Park Reserve, this book will inspire readers to turn apathy to action and support the cause of conservation in an era of species extinction and climate change. Full of colour photos, maps, and fascinating first-hand stories by conservationists—many of whom are now elders—it reveals how grassroots movements have the power to transform the future of a natural environment.
"In this heartfelt and unflinching memoir, two activists recount the nearly half century they've spent questioning authority while raising a family, building a self-reliant community, starting an organic farm, leading a farming organization, and experiencing the struggles and joys of living a purposeful life. Many Hands Make a Farm traces the journey of organic farming pioneers Julie Rawson and Jack Kittredge from their early years of bright-eyed excitement, through the long slog for economic stability, to the formation of a thriving community and a growing natural farming movement. Along the way, they established relationships with farming leaders across the country during the creation of the National Organic Program. Julie and Jack met while working as community organizers in Boston. After falling in love and starting a family, they decided to use Jack's irregular earnings as a board game designer to support a move to a rural area where they could grow healthy food and earn their living at home, so they could be present for their four children. What began as a family homestead soon grew into the small, diversified Many Hands Organic Farm. Julie and Jack have intentionally chosen to live their lives differently than the mainstream, prioritizing minimizing energy use, raising food organically, not relying on credit, favoring natural health care, participating in the arts, working creatively, and instilling the values of hard work and responsibility in their children. In a time when society at large was 'going along to get along,' Julie and Jack stood out as leaders and iconoclasts. They believe that taking risks and making bold decisions can unlock one's potential and lead to actions that enrich the spirit, the family, and the community. Many Hands Make a Farm will resonate with fans of original thinkers from Henry David Thoreau and Wendell Berry to Lynn Margulis and Adelle Davis. The book strongly conveys the message of finding roots in a community, respecting the Earth, and combining social justice work with the joys and challenges of raising a family. These themes shine through on every page, making this memoir a must-read for anyone seeking inspiration and guidance on finding meaning in their life"
Explore the great outdoors and make unforgettable memories with the "Summits and Sand" coloring book! Featuring a variety of fun-filled activities, from hiking in the mountains to stargazing while camping, this book is perfect for nature lovers of all ages. Enjoy fresh produce from a farmer's market, observe wildlife without disturbing their habitat, and take part in a beach clean up. With beautiful illustrations, this coloring book encourages you to explore the great outdoors while enjoying the company of others. Remember to recycle, plant a tree, and get a good night's rest to keep the environment thriving!
Gobernanza y gestión de áreas protegidas presenta un compendio de texto original, estudios de caso y ejemplos de todo el mundo, a partir de la literatura, el conocimiento y la experiencia de las personas involucradas en áreas protegidas.
In the teeth of climate emergency, hope has to remain possible, because life insists on it. But hope also has to be realistic. And doesn't realism about our plight point towards despair? Don't the timid politicians, the failed summits and the locked-in consumerism all just mean that we have left things far too late to avoid catastrophe? There is a deeper realism of transformation which can keep life powerful within us. It comes at the price of accepting that our condition is tragic. That, in turn, calls for a harsher, more revolutionary approach to the demands of the emergency than most activists have yet been prepared to adopt. This is a book to think with, to argue and disagree with - and to hope with.
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