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  • af Erick West
    1.512,95 kr.

    Water resources refer to the wide range of natural water that exist on the Earth, irrespective of their form. The waterof the lakes, oceans and rivers are the most accessible sources of usable water. Deep subsurface waters, permanent snowfields, groundwater and glaciers are other sources of accessible water. Changing weather patterns can result in climate change, whicin turn can can lead to water scarcity, extreme weather event, contaminated water supplies, and uncertain water avialability. Such effects of climate change have an imapact on the water resources in terms of variability, form, quantity, intensity and timing of precipation. Furthermore, wate rquality is also affected by climate change in both coastal and inland regions. This book unravelsthe recent studies with respect to climate change imapcts on water resources. It will also provide interesting topics for research, which interested readers can take up. This book is meant for students who are looking for an elaborate reference text on this subject.

  • af Marilyn Adams
    1.577,95 kr.

    Climate change refers to the long-term changes in weather patterns and temperature. These changes could be caused by natural processes, such as deviations in the solar cycle. Climate change can lead to various wide ranging issues such as high temperature, water and food shortages, increased diseases, economic loss, and increased flooding. Planning for climate change comprises methods for decreasing risks related with disasters, adaptation to current and expected environmental changes, and mitigation strategies for future climate change. This is primarily accomplished by lowering greenhouse gas emissions. Green infrastructure can help cities in adapting to climate change by regulating storm water runoff and minimizing the urban heat island effect. The development of sustainable urban planning is essential for combating climate change. In order to improve performance of built environment, sustainable design aims to reduce adverse effects on the environment, ensuring the comfort and health of the inhabitants. This book provides comprehensive insights on the role of green infrastructure and sustainable design in mitigating climate change. Those in search of information to further their knowledge will be greatly assisted by it.

  • af Erin Stuart
    1.642,95 kr.

    Climate-smart agriculture (CSA) is an integrated approach that helps steer actions to transform agri-food systems towards green and climate resilient practices. This approach seeks to manage landscapes such as cropland, livestock, forests and fisheries that address the interlinked challenges of food security and climate change. The negative impacts of climate change can be observed through weather variability, shifting agroecosystem boundaries, invasive crops and pests, and more frequent extreme weather events. CSA endeavors to simultaneously tackle three main objectives. The foremost aim of CSA is to increase the agricultural productivity and incomes in a sustainable manner. Secondly, it seeks to enhance resilience by reducing the vulnerability to drought, pests, diseases, and other climate-related risks. The final objective of CSA is to reduce emissions caused due to greenhouse gas emissions. The topics included in this book on climate-smart agriculture are of utmost significance and bound to provide incredible insights to readers. It will serve as a valuable source of reference for students, policy makers, and researchers studying the impact of climate change on agriculture and agricultural sustainability.

  • af Andrew Hyman
    1.547,95 kr.

    The changes in weather patterns which are spread over a long period of time are known as climate change. Mitigation strategies for climate change refer to the actions taken to limit the human contribution in the global greenhouse effect and the accompanying climate change. Human activities are causing a rise in the concentrations of greenhouse gases globally, resulting in global warming. This effect is exacerbated by numerous self-reinforcing cycles in the Earth's system, such as the melting of sea ice increases the ocean water, which then absorbs more heat resulting in the loss of more sea ice. Furthermore, increased carbon dioxide absorption by the oceans is causing increased level of ocean acidity, which has a negative impact on marine ecosystems. Strategies for reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere include shifting to low-carbon energy sources such as geothermal, wind power, solar, hydroelectric or nuclear. This book unravels the recent studies on the mitigation strategies being used for climate change. It will serve as a valuable source of reference for graduate and postgraduate students.

  • af Dustin Doyle
    1.527,95 kr.

    Climate refers to a long-term pattern of weather in a particular area. Temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, precipitation, and wind are the common meteorological variables that are measured to classify climatic conditions. The climate system has five components which include atmosphere, hydrosphere, cryosphere, lithosphere and biosphere. A location's climate is influenced by its altitude, latitude and geography along with nearby water bodies and their currents. Climate change is characterized by changes in the global and regional climates over time. It reflects variations in the atmosphere's variability or average condition over different time spans ranging from decades to millions of years. The climate is dynamic in nature and it keeps changing. Along with human activity, natural processes such as the Earth's tilt, volcanoes, comets and meteorites, continental rifts, and ocean currents can cause these changes. This book unravels the recent studies on climate change. It will serve as a valuable source of reference for graduate and postgraduate students.

  • af Daisy Mathews
    1.547,95 kr.

    Climate change adaptation refers to the process of making adjustments in the anticipated or existing effects of climate change. It is one of the strategies for responding to climate change in conjunction with mitigation. Adaptation actions can be transformative or incremental. The need for adaptation differs in different areas depending on the vulnerability and sensitivity to environmental influences. Adaptation actions are classified into three types including structural and physical adaptation, institutional adaptation, and social adaptation. It is particularly crucial in developing countries as they are the most sensitive to climate change and are facing the brunt of its consequences. This book contains some path-breaking studies on adaptation to climate change in developing countries. It picks up individual strategies and explains their need and contribution for mitigating climate change. This book will serve as a reference to a broad spectrum of readers.

  • af Dale Sullivan
    1.472,95 kr.

    Climate change can be countered by two strategies, which include mitigation and adaptation. Mitigation addresses the causes of climate change, whereas adaptation addresses the consequences. Adaptation is the process of making changes in response to climate change. Mitigation is human interference for decreasing the sources of greenhouse gas emissions, to prevent a rise in temperatures. Adaptation focuses on seeking appropriate measures to prevent the impact of climate change. It is quite difficult to forecast adaptation solutions since they differ from place to place and consist of several trade-offs. The first stage in adapting climate change is to understand the local risks and devise strategies for managing them. The next step is to implement systems to respond to the effects being experienced in the present while preparing for the uncertainty in the future. This book provides comprehensive insights on climate mitigation and adaptation. It strives to provide a fair idea about climate change and to help develop a better understanding of the latest advances in its management. This book is a resource guide for experts as well as students.

  • af Erick West
    1.547,95 kr.

    Water resources are sources of water, such as groundwater, rivers, springs, streams, reservoirs and lakes that are beneficial for human beings. The variability of these water resources is affected by climate change, which results in shifts in weather and temperature patterns. The rise in temperature has an impact on the hydrological cycle, as it increases the rate of evaporation of the surface water along with vegetation transpiration. The primary effects of climate change on water resources are an increase in the frequency of droughts and floods, increased temperature, decreasing snow cover and wildfires. As a result, it affects the water storage in the sub-surface and surface reservoirs. The building of resilient societies and ecosystems involves dealing with the present challenges of water crisis and climate change by adopting sustainable water management strategies. This book unfolds the impact of climate change on water resources. It consists of contributions made by international experts. This book is meant for students who are looking for an elaborate reference text on the challenges and solutions related to an imminent water crisis.

  • af Dustin Doyle
    1.527,95 kr.

    Climate change is the long-term ongoing shift in temperatures and weather patterns on Earth, due to human activities. The combustion of fossil fuels including gas, coal and oil emits greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide. Greenhouse gases trap heat on Earth and do not allow it to escape, causing the greenhouse effect. Furthermore, increasing temperatures continue to melt ice sheets, which contribute in rising sea levels. This further endangers coastal and island communities, whose livelihoods are jeopardized due to increased storms, which is another result of climate change. Rising temperatures cause more water to evaporate and precipitate resulting in severe flooding. This book explores all the important aspects of climate change in the present day scenario. It is appropriate for students seeking detailed information in this area as well as for experts.

  • af Andrew Hyman
    1.452,95 kr.

    Climate change encompasses the global warming caused by humans such as increased greenhouse gas emissions, and the ensuing large-scale weather pattern adjustments. The effects of climate change are global in scope and unparalleled in scale. These effects range from changing weather patterns that jeopardize food production to rising sea levels that increase the risk of catastrophic flooding. There are various problems caused by climate change including species extinction, food insecurity, plastic waste crisis, air pollution, ocean acidification, and deforestation. These problems can be eliminated by investing in renewable substances, decreasing greenhouse gas emissions, reducing food waste, decreasing the usage of single use plastics, and putting more efforts in wildlife conservation. This book includes some of the vital pieces of work being conducted across the world, on various topics related to the issues and challenges of climate change. It will help the readers in keeping pace with the rapid changes in this area of study.

  • af Edison Harrison
    1.497,95 kr.

    Sustainable agriculture is a farming practice that seeks to fulfill the present food needs of the society without compromising the needs of the future generations. Agricultural productivity is constrained by exposure to extreme vulnerability of climate in the form of floods, droughts, heat, cold waves, unseasonal rains and cyclones. Efficient management of natural resources and developing climate resilient crop varieties are some major strategies that can be adopted for overcoming the challenges of climate change. One of the major approaches which focuses on sustainable agriculture to combat climate change is climate-smart agriculture. It seeks to achieve three prominent outcomes, namely, increasing productivity, enhancing resilience and reducing emissions. This book includes some of the vital pieces of works being conducted across the world, on various topics related to sustainable agriculture and climate change. It consists of contributions made by international experts. This book aims to equip students and experts with the advanced topics and upcoming concepts in this area of study.

  • af Dale Sullivan
    1.517,95 kr.

    Climate change refers to the long-term changes in weather patterns and temperature. These changes can be caused by natural processes, like variations in the solar cycle. The main cause of climate change is the burning of fossil fuels such as coal, natural gas and oil. Some of the prominent environmental impacts of climate change are the expansion of deserts and an increase in the frequency of wildfires. Climate change threatens people with water and food shortage, extreme heat, economic loss, and flooding. There are two approaches to strategically manage the hazards associated with climate change. These include the mitigation of greenhouse gases, which decreases the severity and frequency of climate hazards; and adaptation to climate change, which helps in decreasing the vulnerability to a specific climate hazard or hazards. This book contains some path-breaking studies on climate change. From theories to research to practical applications, studies related to all contemporary topics of relevance to the management of climate change have been included herein. The book will serve as a valuable source of reference for graduate and postgraduate students.

  • af Mary D'Souza
    1.482,95 kr.

    Climate change refers to the shift in temperature over a prolonged period of time. The process of adjusting to the changes in climate is known as climate change adaptation. The actions taken to adapt to climate change can be categorized as either transformative or incremental. The former responds to climate change by trying to change the fundamental attributes of a system while the latter seeks to maintain the integrity of a system. One of the important factors which need to be considered while making policies related to climate change adaptation is adaptive capacity. It encompasses the ability of any system to adjust to climate change in order to reduce damage or deal with the outcomes. This book contains some path-breaking studies on climate change and the ethics of climate change adaptation. It will serve as a reference to a broad spectrum of readers.

  • af Edison Harrison
    1.482,95 kr.

    Agriculture refers to the practice of cultivating plants and livestock, and it is highly dependent on climate. Climate change and variability are major challenges for agriculture since it can lead to reduced crop yields, decreased nutritional quality of major cereals, and reduced productivity of livestock. The negative impacts of climate change are manifested in the form of increasing temperatures, shifting agro-ecosystem boundaries, weather variability, invasive pests, etc. Climate resilient crops and improved agricultural practices play a crucial role in coping with climate variability. Some major agricultural management strategies include residue incorporation, water harvesting for supplementing irrigation, and water saving technologies such as in-situ and ex-situ moisture conservation. This book explores the impacts and adaptations in agriculture with respect to climate change. It presents researches and studies performed by experts across the globe. The book will serve as a valuable source of reference for graduate and postgraduate students.

  • af Mary D'Souza
    1.522,95 kr.

    Long-term changes in temperature and weather patterns are referred to as climate change. These changes could be due to natural causes such as oscillations in the solar cycle. However, human activities are the primary cause of climate change owing to the burning of fossil fuels such as gas, coal and oil. The combustion of fossil fuels produces greenhouse gas emissions, which act like a blanket wrapped around the Earth, trapping the sun's heat and raising the temperature of Earth. Methane and carbon dioxide are the two examples of greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to climate change. Adaptation allows humans to prepare for some of the most expected repercussions of climate change by limiting their negative effects on ecosystems and human well-being. It involves better disaster planning, strengthening water conservation programs, and building early warning systems for extreme heat events. This book provides comprehensive insights on the adaptation and impacts of climate change. It will provide comprehensive knowledge to the readers.

  • af Daisy Mathews
    1.497,95 kr.

    Contemporary climate change encompasses global warming and its effects on Earth's weather patterns. Climate change adaptation refers to the process of adjusting to existing or anticipated effects of climate change. It has the ability to significantly decrease many of the negative effects of climate change and increase the favorable effects. Climate adaptation entails behavioral changes in individuals and constructing better infrastructure to manage altering weather patterns. Adaptive capacity is also inextricably linked to economic and social development. The solutions for climate change adaptation usually differ for different communities, organizations, countries, and regions. Adaptation measures may include building flood defenses, switching to drought-resistant crops, redesigning communication systems, setting up early warning systems for cyclones, and reconsidering business operations and government policies. Climate change can be viewed in two ways, as a problem of development, and as a problem for development. The policies and practices with respect to development play an important role in addressing climate change. This book strives to provide a fair idea and help develop a better understanding of the latest advances in the study of climate change adaptation and development. It is a resource guide for experts as well as students.

  • af Edward Humes
    287,95 kr.

    "What happens to our trash? Why are our oceans filling with plastic? Do we really waste 40 percent of our food 65 percent of our energy? Waste is truly our biggest problem, and solving our inherent trashiness can fix our economy, our energy costs, our traffic jams, and help slow climate change--all while making us healthier, happier and more prosperous. This story-driven and in-depth exploration of the pervasive yet hard-to-see wastefulness that permeates our daily lives illuminates the ways in which we've been duped into accepting absolutely insane levels of waste as normal. Total Garbage also tells the story of individuals and communities who are finding the way back from waste, and showing us that our choices truly matter and make a difference. Our big environmental challenges--climate, energy, plastic pollution, deforestation, toxic emissions--are often framed as problems too big for any one person to solve. Too big even for hope. But when viewed as symptoms of a single greater problem--the epic levels of trash and waste we produce daily--the way forward is clear. Waste is the one problem individuals can positively impact--and not just on the planet, but also on our wallets, our health, and national and energy security. The challenge is seeing our epic wastefulness clearly. Total Garbage will shine a light on the absurdity of the systems that all of us use daily and take for granted--and it will help both individuals and communities make meaningful changes toward better lives and a cleaner, greener world"--

  • af Clayton Page Aldern
    307,95 kr.

    "... this book shows readers how a changing environment is changing us, today, from the inside out. Aldern calls it the weight of nature. Newly named mental conditions include: climate grief, ecoanxiety, environmental melancholia, pre-traumatic stress disorder. High-schoolers are preparing for a chaotic climate with the same combination of urgency, fear, and resignation they reserve for active-shooter drills. But mostly, as Aldern richly details, we don't realize what global warming is doing to our brains. More heat means it is harder to think straight and solve problems. It influences serotonin release, which in turn increases the chance of impulsive violence. Air pollution from wildfires and smokestacks affects everything from sleeplessness to baseball umpires' error rates. Immigration judges are more likely to reject asylum applications on hotter days. And these kinds of effects are not easily medicated, since certain drugs we might look to just aren't as effective at higher temperatures. Heatwaves and hurricanes can wear on memory, language, and pain systems. Wildfires seed PTSD. And climate-fueled ecosystem changes extend the reach of brain-disease carriers like the mosquitos of cerebral-malaria fame, brain-eating amoebae, and the bats that brought us the mental fog of long Covid. From farms in the San Joaquin Valley and public schools across the US to communities in Norway's arctic, Micronesian islands, and the French Alps, this is a disturbing, unprecedented portrait of a global crisis we thought we understood"--

  • af Karen Bakker
    307,95 kr.

    "This book explores how tools of the Digital Age might be mobilized to solve our most pressing environmental challenges, from climate change to biodiversity loss. It argues that digital technology might accelerate environmental sustainability and that engaging with environmental issues may transform Big Tech for the better, if the sector successfully addresses spiraling energy use, pollution, privacy and surveillance issues"--

  • - Reimagining Mobility in the Climate Crisis Volume 12
    af Stephanie Sodero
    411,95 kr.

    Humans and human mobility, including driving and flying, are entangled with the climate emergency. Fossil-fuelled mobility worsens severe weather, and in turn, severe weather disrupts human mobility. A shift to zero-emission vehicles is critical but insufficient to repair the damage or prepare communities for the coming disruptions severe weather will bring. In Under the Weather Stephanie Sodero explores the intersection between human mobility and severe weather. Anchored in two Atlantic Canadian hurricane case studies, Hurricane Juan in Mi'kma'ki/Nova Scotia in 2003 and Hurricane Igor in Ktaqmkuk/Newfoundland in 2010, the book contributes to contemporary cultural and policy discussions by offering five practical recommendations - revolutionize mobility, prioritize vital mobility of medical goods and services, embrace ecological mobilities, rebrand redundancy, and think flexibly - for how mobility can be reimagined to work with, rather than against, the climate in ways that also benefit the health, education, and economy of local communities. This ecological approach to mobilities sheds light on extreme mobility dependency and the impact of mobility disruptions on the ground in Canadian communities.Focusing on the entangled relationship between human mobility and the climate, Under the Weather examines how communities can transform their relationship with mobility to enable greater resilience.

  • af Christopher Ford
    127,95 kr.

    "A Planet in Peril: The Urgency of Global Warming" is a compelling and thought-provoking book that delves into the urgent and critical issue of climate change and its profound impacts on our world. Written with a blend of scientific rigor, storytelling, and a call to action, this book serves as a wake-up call for readers to recognize the gravity of the global warming crisis and the imperative to address it collectively.

  • af Nigel Dudley
    241,95 - 1.107,95 kr.

    479,95 kr.

    This book explores the present and future of loss and damage in the era of the Paris Agreement. It provides an up-to-date analysis of 'loss and damage' which is often described as the third pillar of international climate change policy.

  • af Albert Nsom Kimbu
    473,95 kr.

    Sustainable Tourism Policy and Planning in Africa offers an accessible and understandable overview of the challenges of integrating sustainability into tourism policy and planning in Sub-Saharan Africa and provides some interesting recommendations on how these could be overcome.

  • af Zied Haj-Amor
    1.156,95 kr.

    Ever-increasing population growth, combined with ongoing climate change signals that agriculture will face great challenges in ensuring global food security by 2050. Sustainable Agriculture: Adaptation Strategies to Address Climate Change by 2050 presents in-depth analysis, case studies, and adaptation options.

  • af Mausumi Kar
    549,95 kr.

    This book provides a comprehensive and interdisciplinary examination of the diverse aspects of climate change in South Asia. It discusses the reasons causing climate change as well as highlights normative and ethical considerations involved in the battle against climate change.

  • af Manisha Rao
    547,95 kr.

    This volume unravels the power relations that are masked in the present discourse of ecological sustainability and conflicts over natural resources in India. It looks at the inter-linkages of discourse, resources, risk and resistance in the neoliberal world, conservation, management, science, gender, community politics and governance policies.

    1.712,95 kr.

    This book shows the ways in which museums are responding, and can respond in the future, to the global climate crisis. The inter-related crises of climate, pollution and extinction affect everyone around the globe.

    530,95 kr.

    Meeting the Challenges of Existential Threats through Educational Innovation is the first book of its kind to provide an educational and systematic analysis of problems and solutions regarding the most pressing threats that humankind is facing.

  • af Sara Vigil
    545,95 - 1.648,95 kr.

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