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Forurening og trusler mod miljøet

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  • af Gary David Springer
    207,95 kr.

    From floating cities in the Sea of Japan, a rescue team sails for the South.Both Human and Synth, the team travels the Andean spine from quaking Cotopaxi to the storm-battered Patagonian fjords. The team saves thousands of climate refugees, victims of eruption, drought, fire, and flood.Mount to mount, Old Sengai fades on the mission, his skin carved deep by aerie gusts and ashen rains, his bones embrittled by the long grinding climb.But young Toshiro grows in wisdom and strength through the journey. He questions the Okono Twins - mission leaders, designers of the great floating cities, creators of the Synth. He questions his own origin and the future of Earth.

  • af Kay Tobler Liss
    177,95 kr.

    In Coming Home by Kay Tobler Liss, four generations of a family return to cherished places in nature from their youth and uncover buried secrets about themselves.

  • af Michael A Box
    527,95 - 1.183,95 kr.

  • af Christopher S. Cronan
    978,95 kr.

    The goal of this book is to convey the rich perspectives, principles, and enchantment of ecology to a broad audience of students and lifelong learners. The book is based on the belief that the science of ecology is best understood by examining familiar ecosystems from the natural world and weaving fresh insights and ecological concepts into an ecosystems framework to reveal the patterns, processes, and interactions that are the foundation of sustainable living systems in our biosphere. In the spirit of that teaching philosophy, the core of this book focuses on specific ecosystems that are familiar to most of us (e.g., forests, wetlands, streams, lakes, and the like).Taken as a whole, the chapters of this text are intended to provide a conceptual framework and an intellectual pathway for understanding and interpreting the ecology of the biosphere using elements of population, community, ecosystem, and landscape ecology. Equipped with this toolkit of ecological literacy, readers and students will hopefully be better prepared to make personal, business, and civic or governmental decisions that are consistent with a healthy and sustainable Earth.

  • af Simon Weipert
    172,95 kr.

    Die Milliardärstochter Andrea investiert ihr gesamtes Vermögen in ein Windenergie-Unternehmen, mit ungewissem Ausgang.Eine Gruppe von Studentinnen bricht zu einer Expedition in den Himalaya auf, um unter Einsatz ihres Lebens gegen die Zerstörung der Umwelt zu protestieren.Die Altamerikanistik-Studentin Lydia unternimmt in einem Traum eine Reise in die ferne Welt einer untergegangenen Zivilisation, die zutiefst geprägt ist von der Bereitschaft, das eigene Leben und das anderer Menschen einem vermeintlich höheren Ziel zu opfern.

  • af Latief Ahmad
    1.621,95 kr.

    The monograph focuses on agricultural meteorology and climate change and its impacts on different crops. Comprising of chapters from experts, the book discusses and provides first-hand information to the long term shifts in weather patterns and temperature impacting soil, water and crops. Each chapter focuses in detail on the impact of plant- water ¿ soil nexus and climate change on agriculture and food security. Covering the basic concepts about the temperature, pressure and humidity correlation with the increased demands of food, the book explores in detail the impact of adverse climatic conditions like drought, floods, increasing levels of carbon dioxide emissions and other simultaneous effects like soil fertility depletion on the cropping systems and overall crop productivity. The book touches the challenges of climate change, adaptive methods, mitigation strategies, with careful explanation of governance, plans and policies required to provide guidelines to stake holdersso they can best prepare for the negative climate change impacts. While touching the agricultural challenges faced globally due to climate change, the book serves as a reference book for students, researchers and policy makers, involved in horticulture, agriculture and environmental sciences and climate change.

  • af Shalini Yadav
    1.165,95 - 1.637,95 kr.

    This book presents up-to-date information on the status of water resources in India. It presents an assessment of the surface water and groundwater condition to help stakeholders take the necessary actions to control pollution and make the country's water resources sustainable. The book addresses various topics, including forest-water interactions for governing water quality at catchment scales, water quality status, rainwater harvesting methods, acid-mine drainage, water pollution, management strategies, drinking water quality, and treatment of industrial wastewater. Given its scope, the book offers a valuable tool for policy planners who wish to improve the current situation and move toward sustainable water resources in India.

  • af Tanja R. Bisgaard
    287,95 kr.

    Forfatter Tanja R. BisgaardGrafiker: Rikke Ella AndrupLæs de første kapitler på forlagets hjemmeside du, at vi i Danmark smider 100.000 tons elektronikaffald ud hvert år? Og vidste du, at der i det affald ligger værdifulde råstoffer som guld og kobber?Gadgets og genbrug forklarer, hvordan elektronik bliver til. Du får at vide, hvor råstoffer kommer fra, og hvad der sker med vores gadgets, når vi ikke kan bruge dem længere.

  • af Asif Iqbal
    1.891,95 - 1.903,95 kr.

    This book presents recently-developed crop, soil, and management practices that can be used to improve phosphorous use efficiency in agriculture. Food security highly depends on the availability of plant nutrients such as phosphorus, yet rock phosphate reserves are expected to be exhausted in the next 50-100 years. Moreover, about 80% of the phosphorous fertilizers applied to soils become unavailable to plants due to phosphorous fixation in iron and aluminum oxides in acidic soils and with carbonates in alkaline soils. As a consequence, only 10-15% of applied phosphorous is up taken by crops. Therefore, there is a need for advanced practices for improving phosphorus use efficiency.

  • af Kai Gondlach
    509,95 kr.

    Dieses Buchprojekt erscheint in drei Teilen mit jeweils einem inhaltlichen Schwerpunkt ¿ PLANET, PEOPLE, PROFIT ¿ und beschäftigt sich übergreifend mit den Nachhaltigkeitszielen der Vereinten Nationen (Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs). Dieser erste Band behandelt die ökologische Dimension der Nachhaltigkeit und umfasst Beiträge, die explizit oder implizit SDGs mit Umweltbezug thematisieren. Die Beiträge und Grußworte international renommierter Expert:innen aus Wissenschaft und Praxis werden durch Begleittexte der Herausgebenden ergänzt.¿Wir wissen genug, wir können genug. Wir müssen uns jetzt trauen, den richtigen Weg einzuschlagen¿, aus dem Grußwort von Prof. Dr. Johan Rockström, Potsdam-Institut für Klimafolgenforschung.

  • af F. A. Bahar
    1.703,95 - 1.714,95 kr.

    This book on 'Secondary Agriculture' discusses the goal of doubling farmers' incomes. The term 'secondary' has a bearing on climate change adaptation and its mitigation, small farm viability and profitability, food security, nutrition, sustainable utilization of natural resources, and optimal usage of produce from primary agriculture and farm incomes. Promoting secondary agriculture has implications on attaining sustainable development goals, which aim to connect primary, secondary and tertiary sectors by using slack/idle factors of production, such as land and labour, contributing to primary agriculture production, capturing 'value' in primary agricultural activities, and generating additional income at the enterprise level. In context to same, the chapters of this book have been designed to promote secondary agriculture through low-cost skills and technology applications in agriculture and by upscaling knowledge via integrating primary, secondary and tertiary sectors of agriculture. The motivation behind this book is to address the challenges of biotic and abiotic stresses facing the farming community; to increase farmers income through low-cost skills and technology applications in agriculture; to upscale knowledge by integrating primary, secondary and tertiary sectors of agriculture.   The food processing sector in India is still in a nascent stage with only 8 per cent of the produce being processed as against 80-98 per cent in case of high-income countries (Government of India, 2008, 2010). The food processing sector is now receiving the boost with the annual growth of 13.2 per cent in registered food processing units during 2004-10 (Government of India, 2011). Against this backdrop, there is a strong need to strategically handle the situation in order to facilitate a self-sustainable and long-run growth of the sector, which is felt possible by focusing on Secondary Agriculture. Though not a panacea for all ailments of the primary sector, but it can definitely drive the growth.

  • - Sådan regenererer vi naturressourcerne og modvirker klimaforandringerne
    af Mira Illeris & Esben Schultz
    340,95 kr.

  • af Javier Vinós
    317,95 - 722,95 kr.

  • af Robert Setter
    162,95 kr.

    Decycle is a must-read for anyone interested in new practical solutions to combat global warming. Part one provides reasons for hope as a counterbalance to the daily barrage of depressing climate-related narratives that are negatively impacting young people in particular. Part two is a reality check that looks back to a simpler time and out into the cosmos. Are we less "green" now than in the 1950s, and can humans really control anything the vastness of space might deliver to the planet? Section three examines the transition, reviewing the pros and cons of a dozen green initiatives now underway. Most have merit, but do come with associated carbon emissions and pollution costs. Part four covers the origin of Decycle and how it evolved, including a brief analysis conducted on a Canadian city that clearly shows the number of tons of emissions that can be stopped. Small adjustments to existing systems will reduce emissions while saving money for cities and taxpayers. If you genuinely want to get involved in novel solutions, the opportunity to do so is in your hands. It's time to Decycle.

  • af Institut für Städtebau
    397,95 kr.

    What if urban planning and design were to prioritize rather than merely accommodate the unbuilt environment? Territorial Urbanism Now! calls for a paradigm shift in the conception of urban transformation. It urges us to favor sustainable systems in order to collectively tackle the challenges of climate change. Until now, urban planning and design professionals have integrated green and active mobility systems in the residual spaces available. In the reverse approach envisioned here, these systems become structuring elements of the territory, supported by a much more frugal built environment. The contributions by urbanists, artists, architects, and landscape architects in this publication come from research, practice, and teaching. Paola Viganò, Eric Luiten, Sandra Guinand-in conversation with Ali Madanipour, Chris Younès, Christian Schmid, Eric Wieërs, and Maarten Van Acker-Stefan Rettich, Tommaso Pietropolli, Elena Andonova, Julio de la Fuente, Natalia Gutiérrez, Ward Verbakel, Claudia Bode, Philipp Misselwitz, Davide Curatola Soprana, Beatrice Galimberti, Lilli Licka, Hannes Gröblacher, Johannes Bernsteiner, Stefan Devoldere, Anselm Wagner, Susanne Eliasson, Eva Pfannes, Jesse Honsa, and Stefan Bendiks not only introduce a much-needed paradigm shift, but also show us the premises for its realization.

  • af Hilde Strobl
    317,95 kr.

    Verbessern Pflanzen das Stadtklima? Wie kann Grün in der Architektur die urbane Hitzebildung reduzieren, die Feinstaubbildung vermindern, den städtischen Lärmpegel senken und das Wohlbefinden der Menschen steigern? Das Handbuch zum Gebäudegrün richtet sich an die Bürgerschaft ebenso wie an Architekten und Bauherrn. Es liefert Antworten auf die am häufigsten gestellten Fragen - von der Bestandsbegrünung bis zur Neubaubegrünung, von Einsparungen durch Gebäudegrün bis zu finanziellen Förderungen und von praktischen Tipps zur Pflanzenwahl bis zu ökologischen Auswirkungen auf das Stadtklima. Es ist an der Zeit - und viele Beispiele in Deutschland und weltweit zeigen, dass Grünbauten möglich und wachsende Realität sind.

  • af Thomas Rüedi
    286,95 - 380,95 kr.

  • af Rafeal Mechlore
    327,95 kr.

    The book "From Melting Ice to Rising Seas: Global Warming's Effects" is an in-depth investigation into one of the most pressing problems of our day, which is global warming and its far-reaching effects. This insightful book looks into the complicated chain of cause and effect, explaining how the planet's delicate equilibrium is being disrupted, which in turn leads to the melting of polar ice caps, the shrinkage of glaciers, the thawing of permafrost, and the following increase in sea levels. This book provides a current and instructive guide to comprehending the complexities of global warming and its influence on the environment, communities, and economies. At a time when the world is struggling to come to terms with the urgent problem of climate change, this book fills a much-needed role as a resource. It is written for a diverse audience, ranging from people who are just interested in science to concerned citizens and policymakers who are want to gain a deeper grasp of this complicated topic. The science that underpins global warming is dissected in great detail at the outset of this book. The greenhouse effect and its part in the evolution of the planet's climate are also broken down in a way that is easy to understand. It highlights the urgency of the problem by tracing the historical discovery of global warming and outlining the significant contributors to greenhouse gas emissions. It also tracks the historical discovery of global warming. The subsequent chapters delve into the cryosphere of Earth, which is an often-overlooked portion of our globe that includes polar ice caps, glaciers, and permafrost. The text explains how the cryosphere's position in the global climate system and how it plays a vital part in regulating the temperature of our earth is not as mysterious as it was previously thought to be.Beyond the scientific exploration, "From Melting Ice to Rising Seas" delves into the societal repercussions of these shifts, including human displacement, the health consequences, and the economic fallout of climate change. In addition to this, it investigates worldwide efforts for mitigating and adapting to climate change, with an emphasis on the significant part that both individuals and governments play in resolving the climate catastrophe. The book does not shy away from discussing the grave issues that are faced by global warming; yet, it also places an emphasis on the hope that exists and potential answers. It showcases advances in renewable energy and technology that is friendly to the environment, and it highlights stories of communities and nations who are taking action. The reader will get a strong awareness of the importance of solving global warming for the sake of our world and future generations as they make their way through the book's pages. The documentary "From Melting Ice to Rising Seas" is a call to action that urges everyone to take responsibility for the preservation of the earth that we call home.

  • af Ross Clark
    125,95 - 195,95 kr.

  • af Vasiliy Tsygankov
    1.274,95 kr.

    The book reports the results on the fate of POPs in the abiotic and biotic components of the aquatic environment North Pacific Ocean (include Russian part of North Pacific), possible health risks for coastal residents Pacific Ocean exposed to these hazardous pollutants are systematized. In particular, indicator organisms (fish, birds, and mammals), indicating the pollution of the region, were identified; the possible ways of xenobiotic transfer from the sea to the land are shown; the targets of POPs impact on living organisms were determined; the time of circulation of pollutants in the biosphere was determined; a list of ¿priority¿ toxicants for the region based on quality screening was compiled; the risks to human health from the consumption of contaminated aquatic organisms were assessed; the levels of POPs in the human body were measured.The book is interesting for specialists in the agro-industrial complex, aquaculture and medicine, teachers and graduate students of universities, researchers, which interested in the problems of persistent organic pollutants (POPs).There are no similar books on the study of POPs in the Russian part of the Pacific Ocean in the world literature. This book is useful to scientists of the world who study the fate of POPs.

  • af James Sherry
    1.340,95 - 1.346,95 kr.

    Selfie: Poetry, Social Change & Ecological Connection presents the first general theory that links poetry in environmental thought to poetry as an environment. James Sherry accomplishes this task with a network model of connectivity that scales from the individual to social to environmental practices. Selfie demonstrates how parts of speech, metaphor, and syntax extend bidirectionally from the writer to the world and from the writer inward to identities that promote sustainable practices. Selfie shows how connections in the biosphere scale up from operating within the body, to social structures, to the networks that science has identified for all life. The book urges readers to construct plural identifications rather than essential claims of identity in support of environmental diversity.

  • af BF Nagy
    398,95 kr.

    Fifteen climate experts combine forces to present a plan for slowing and ultimately preventing further destruction to our planet.As governments and businesses continue to set climate goals for reducing carbon emissions and slowing global warming, scientists, engineers, and policymakers are using cutting-edge research to introduce new climate technologies and strategies for achieving and potentially surpassing these goals. Presented by world-leading climate scientists and futurists, Proven Climate Solutions offers a dynamic, evidence-based action plan that uncovers the hard work, dedication, and best practices of climate heroes who are accelerating change and winning the battle to protect our environment. BF Nagy along with Bill McKibben, Mark Jacobson, Robert Howarth, Nancy Ryan, and ten other top climate leaders have synthesized a clear pathway for a rapid energy transition ramp-up. This includes game-changing climate emergency solutions and governing policies to supercharge deployment and finally retire old, obsolete systems and tired ideas.The essays included cover a wide range of environmental innovations from renewables and batteries to water technologies and biodiversity and much more, highlighting the strengths, weaknesses, and roles to be played by new technologies and offering readers encouragement for a climate-friendly future. It is long past time to halt the nonsense and destruction, instead embracing the crucial changes and bold actions needed to create an equitable, affordable, and healthy world for our children. This definitive guide provides the facts on proven, practical solutions now being deployed, and how these solutions can be accelerated to save our planet before it's too late.

  • af Garth Paltridge
    222,95 kr.

    So you think the theory of disastrous climate change has been proved! You believe that scientists are united in their efforts to force the nations of the world to reduce their carbon emissions! You imagine perhaps that scientists are far too professional to overstate their case!Maybe we should all think again. In his book The Climate Caper, with a light touch and nicely readable manner, Professor Paltridge shows that the case for action against climate change is not nearly so certain as is presented to politicians and the public. He leads us through the massive uncertainties which are inherently part of the 'climate modelling process'; he examines the even greater uncertainties associated with economic forecasts of climatic doom; and he discusses in detail the conscious and sub-conscious forces operating to ensure that scepticism within the scientific community is kept from the public eye.It seems that governments are indeed becoming captive to a scientific and technological elite - an elite which is achieving its ends by manipulating fear of climate change into the world's greatest example of a religion for the politically correct.

  • af Amalendu Sinha
    2.412,95 kr.

    Rising concern about climate change and strong societal expectations with increasing complexities of mineral deposits being mined, call for more innovative exploration and exploitation technologies with higher productivity and recovery including eco-friendly strategies and policies in place for long term sustainability of the mineral Industry. It is now ardently necessary to identify and define the best mining practices addressing societal needs.In view of these, The Mining, Geological and Metallurgical Institute of India (MGMI), established way back on 16th January 1906, and one of the oldest institutions of this kind in the world, is organizing the 10th Asian Mining Congress (AMC) during November 06-09, 2023 in Kolkata, India with the Theme, ¿Roadmap for Best Mining Practices vis-à-vis Global Transformation¿. The AMC and International Mining Exhibition (IME), held concurrently, are flagship international events organized by MGMI biennially since its centenary year. This series have provided ample opportunities to all stakeholders including practicing engineers, machinery manufacturers, planners, regulators, academicians, scientists and policy makers, for sharing their knowledge, experience and expertise and exhibit their products that can benefit the mining and mineral industries not only in the Asian region but also globally.This proceeding of 10th AMC contains the articles written by eminent persons and stalwarts in their respective domains. It is a collection of contemporary articles narrating recent advancements in mining sector.

  • af Glen A. McKerron
    532,95 - 692,95 kr.

  • af Tariq Aftab
    1.927,95 kr.

    This book provides information about plant¿environment studies and challenges for plant improvement to achieve food security. Plants face a wide range of environmental challenges, which are expected to become more intense as a result of global climate change. Plant¿environment interactions play an important role in the functioning of ecosystems. There are habitats throughout the world that present challenges to crop plants, such as through a lack of water and excessive, or toxic, salts in the soil. Soil properties represent a strong selection pressure for plant diversity and influence the structure of plant communities and participate to the generation and maintenance of biodiversity. Plant communities selected by environment grow by modifying soil physical, chemical, and biological properties, with consequent effects on survival and growth of plants. The complexity of plant¿environment interactions has recently been studied by developing a trait-based approach in which responses and effects of plants on environment were quantified and modeled. This fundamental research on plant¿environment interaction in ecosystems is essential to transpose knowledges of functional ecology to environmental management. Plants have adapted to an incredible range of environment, and extensive researches on ecological and environmental plant physiology have provided mechanistic understanding of the survival, distribution, productivity, and abundance of plant species across the diverse climates of our planet. Ecophysiological techniques have greatly advanced our understanding of photosynthesis, respiration, plant water relations, and plant responses to abiotic and biotic stresses, from instantaneous to evolutionary timescales. Ecophysiological studies also provide the basis for scaling plant physiological processes from the tissue to the canopy, ecosystem, region, and to a large extent, the entire globe. Given the above, the author proposes to bring forth a comprehensive book, ¿New Frontiers in Plant-Environment Interactions¿, highlighting the various emerging techniques and applications that are currently being used in plant¿environment interaction research and its future prospects. The author is sure that this book caters the need of all those who are working or have interest in the above topic.

  • af Levi Cooper
    262,95 kr.

    The blurred image of a barcode on a white background in the image you sent suggests the difficulty of measuring the impact of climate change on poverty. Climate change is a complex phenomenon with far-reaching consequences, and its impact on poverty is difficult to isolate from other factors, such as economic growth, inequality, and conflict.Despite the challenges, there are a number of ways to measure the impact of climate change on poverty. One approach is to look at the impact of climate-related shocks, such as droughts, floods, and storms, on household incomes and livelihoods. Another approach is to examine the long-term effects of climate change on agricultural productivity, food security, and human health.A recent World Bank study estimated that between 32 million and 132 million additional people will be pushed into extreme poverty by 2030 due to climate change. The study found that the poorest people are the most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, as they have fewer resources to cope with shocks and less access to adaptation measures.

  • af Lyra Cygnus
    262,95 kr.

    Climate change is a global threat that is already having a significant impact on human health. The effects of climate change, such as extreme heat, air pollution, and infectious diseases, are disproportionately harming the most vulnerable populations, including the poor, the elderly, and those with underlying health conditions.Extreme heat is one of the most immediate and dangerous health threats posed by climate change. Heat waves can lead to heatstroke, heat exhaustion, and other heat-related illnesses, which can be fatal, especially for the elderly and people with chronic health conditions. In addition, extreme heat can worsen existing health conditions, such as asthma, heart disease, and kidney disease.Air pollution is another major health threat linked to climate change. Warmer temperatures and changing weather patterns can lead to increased levels of ground-level ozone and other air pollutants. Air pollution can cause a range of respiratory problems, including asthma, bronchitis, and lung cancer. It can also worsen heart disease and other cardiovascular conditions

  • af J Micheal
    167,95 kr.

    The Impact of Climate Change on Food Systems Climate change is one of the greatest challenges of our time, and its impact on global food systems cannot be overstated. As entrepreneurs, understanding the intricate relationship between climate change and food security is crucial for developing innovative solutions that can help us navigate these uncertain times. One of the primary ways climate change affects food systems is through extreme weather events. Rising temperatures, changing precipitation patterns, and an increase in the frequency and intensity of storms are disrupting agricultural practices around the world. Droughts and floods are becoming more common, leading to crop failures, reduced yields, and loss of livelihoods for farmers. As entrepreneurs, it is essential to recognize the vulnerabilities created by these climate-related disasters and work towards building resilient and adaptive food systems. Furthermore, climate change is altering the distribution and availability of natural resources necessary for food production. Changes in water availability, soil quality, and pollinator populations are affecting crop productivity and diversity. Entrepreneurs can play a significant role in developing sustainable farming practices, such as precision agriculture and regenerative farming techniques, which optimize resource use and minimize environmental impact. Another critical aspect to consider is the impact of climate change on food security and nutrition. Climate-related factors can disrupt supply chains, leading to increased food prices and reduced access to nutritious food, particularly for vulnerable populations. Entrepreneurs can contribute by developing innovative solutions to enhance food storage and preservation, improve food distribution networks, and promote sustainable and locally sourced food options. The role of entrepreneurs in addressing climate change and ensuring food security goes beyond technological innovations. It also involves fostering partnerships, knowledge sharing, and policy advocacy. Collaboration between entrepreneurs, governments, and civil society organizations is crucial for scaling up solutions and creating an enabling environment for sustainable food systems.

  • af Mochamad Indrawan
    1.617,95 - 1.626,95 kr.

    This book confronts issues relating to climate change and sustainable development innovations in Asia, with attention to key issues and applications in terms of advocacy, governance, citizen science, tradition, faith, leadership, and education. With contributions by 31 leading thinkers from countries in Asia, the book presents issues and poses potential solutions for sustainable development, responding to questions relating to problems prioritized by non-state actors for civic engagement. It also puts forward key strategies and methods used for civic engagement. Drawing from diverse sets of practical and scholarly experience and expertise in geographical and social arenas, authors draw from real-time engagement with specific peoples, often associated with civil society organizations, and conduct an exploration of the essential issue of what the world means in the context of different cultures, thus constructively fusing the two key themes of ecology and anthropology. In doing so, this book enables new ways of thinking about human relationships with nature, relating rich and diverse examples of transformative learning. Co-published with Indonesian press OBOR, this is a vital collection for practitioners and researchers working in areas of ecology, sustainable development, human ecology, governance, geography, environmental science and post-neoliberal economics, particularly in an Asian context."e;Civic Engagement in Asia weaves together a set of fascinating stories and examples of sustainable development practice told from the perspectives of non-state actors. Written by a set of top scholars and activists from around the region, it will be an informative read for all those who feel a sense of urgency around the environmental, social, and economic transformations taking place across Asia today"e; - Celia Lowe, Professor of Anthropology and International Studies, University of Washington, Seattle

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