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Regionalplanlægning og arealplanlægning

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  • af John Filcher
    197,95 kr.

  • af Rayane Florentina Scardua
    522,95 kr.

    The current national urban mobility scenario is critical. Several problems of transportation and quality of life are faced by Brazilian society, such as high levels of congestion, crowding in public transport, delay in displacement, etc. The transport of passengers by charter emerges as an alternative in facing the transport problems, since it results in less consumption of road space and less emission of pollutants. The present work focuses on the particularities of the transportation of employees of a mining company located in Grande Vitória, Espírito Santo. In this study, it was proposed a mathematical model based on the Open Vehicle Routing Problem (OVRP) to plan the transportation of employees through a fleet of chartered buses aiming the dimensioning of the minimum necessary bus fleet and the reduction of the total traveled mileage. The results obtained by the model indicated a substantial reduction in the transportation cost when compared to that currently practiced by the company studied.

  • af Benedetta Giudice
    1.528,95 kr.

    This book analyses international Green Infrastructure (GI) planning and design strategies. The GI strategy is widely recognized for its multifunctionality (as a tool for ecological, economic and social enhancement) and multiscalarity. Starting from this assumption, the book intends to implement the concept of GI and blue networks in planning strategies and their linked urban projects. New urban and regional paradigms of the latest years, such as urban sprawl, ecosystem services, biodiversity, urban resilience, climate change and health emergencies, have made it necessary to rethink cities and territories and their related plans and projects. To satisfy these paradigms, worldwide plans and projects have started to focus both on short-term and long-term processes and strategies which integrate environmental, landscape and ecological elements. Chapters 1 and 6 are available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License via

  • af Vera Egbers
    512,95 kr.

    Though sometimes overlooked and underestimated, rural space has played a substantial role in social, cultural, economic, and ideological change. This role can be studied by looking at the re/production of spatial agents that were caused by direct or indirect political interventions in rural communities. In this book, scholars looking at case studies from Greece, Turkey, Italy, Portugal, and Austria discuss the making of identity in and through rural areas, which have dramatically changed under different political, social, and economic conditions from the turn of the 20th century up until today. By focusing on potential contestations of such changes, the authors provide a better in-depth understanding of spatial dynamics related to cultural and social spheres of 20th-century rurality. Includes contributions of national and international experts Deals with 20th-century rural environment and identity-making policies Findings of an international symposium of DFG Research Training Group "Cultural and Technological Significance of Historic Buildings", Brandenburg University of Technology (BTU) Cottbus-Senftenberg

  • af Naomi Zürcher
    858,95 - 1.317,95 kr.

    Written from the perspective of an urban forester and certified arborist, the reader will have a basic understanding of what makes a tree a tree in context to the philosophical and cultural underpinnings of Urban and Community Forestry, and learn how to implement model, time-tested global green practices and initiatives derived from citizen science.

  • af Gora Gaye
    857,95 kr.

    The management of the coastline is a priority in the system of governance for the government authorities, the Guédiawaye City Hall and the district town halls concerned, manifested on several occasions, notably the city project, the local Agenda 21 project, the Programme d'Actions pour la Sauvegarde et le Développement des Niayes et zones vertes de Dakar (PASDUNES) (Action Program for the Safeguarding and Development of the Niayes and Green Zones of Dakar), and the Plan Directeur d'Aménagement du Sénégal (PDAS) (Senegalese Master Plan for Development). This study aims to contribute to the analysis of the phenomenon by providing professionals with elements that will allow them to better understand the problem in order to envisage a sustainable fight. This study sets specific objectives relating to: analyzing the physical and human framework of the site in order to grasp their interactions that contribute to the progressive degradation of the environment; analyzing the various elements that contribute to the degradation of the overall environment of the niayes; highlighting technically feasible, economically viable and socially accepted proposals and contributing to the establishment of a sustainable production system oriented towards self-sustaining local development.

  • af Rajdeep Roy
    674,95 kr.

    This thesis studies the urban history of Mumbai from the perspective of popular Hindi films. The change of the name from Bombay to Mumbai in 1995 is symbolic of the transition of the colonial city from a centre of industrial capitalism to a neoliberal city, characterised by finance capital. It also signals the massive changes in the social and the political spheres of the city. Thomas Blom Hansen's Violence in Urban India starts its narrative of the city with a conversation that the author had on a suburban train, few weeks before the official rechristening. He asked an elderly gentleman about his reaction to the proposed change of the city's name from Bombay to Mumbai. While poring over an article in the English daily, Times of India, regarding the change of name of the city, the gentleman promptly answered: "its proper name is Bombay."

  • af Stefan Rettich
    372,95 kr.

    Ob Kaufhaus, Kaserne oder Kirche: Immer wieder fallen städtische Gebäude aufgrund gesellschaftlicher Veränderungen aus der Nutzung. Die Treiber für diese urbanen Obsoleszenzen wurden aber bislang nicht systematisch untersucht. Aktuell stehen durch die Megatrends Digitalisierung, Verkehrswende und Wandel der Religiosität eine Vielzahl von Typologien unter Nutzungsdruck. Sie bilden eine entscheidende Ressource für die zirkuläre Entwicklung wachsender Großstädte, für gemeinwohlorientierte Nutzungen und bezahlbares Wohnen, für eine resilientere Gestaltung der Quartiere und deren Anpassung an den Klimawandel, für die Menge an neuen Funktionen, die in die Städte drängen und nicht zuletzt für neue Infrastrukturen, die für die Verkehrswende und die Versorgung mit erneuerbaren Energien erforderlich werden.

  • af Pawat Tangtrongjita
    417,95 kr.

    In the context of Thailand's economy, this report reviews economic corridors under the Indonesia-Malaysia-Thailand Growth Triangle (IMT-GT) and identifies opportunities for their further development. The IMT-GT comprises five priority economic corridors that are key geographic areas for subregional economic cooperation. A review and assessment of these economic corridors was conducted to evaluate the status of infrastructure connectivity, impacts on cross-border trade, and implications for value chains. This Thailand country report focuses on the three economic corridors that directly connect to southern Thailand in the context of the country's development strategies. The report discusses how the existing corridors could be reconfigured and proposes the route for a new corridor that will involve additional provinces in southern Thailand.

  • af Abdul Rahim Anuar
    497,95 kr.

    Focusing on Malaysia's economy, this report assesses five economic corridors within the Indonesia-Malaysia-Thailand Growth Triangle (IMT-GT) and explores ways to boost their development, as well as potential advantages of a new, sixth corridor. The IMT-GT comprises five economic corridors that are key geographic zones for its subregional economic cooperation. Analyzing data on physical connectivity, cross-border trade, and value chains-in the context of Malaysia's strategic development-this report reveals areas where these five existing corridors could be reconfigured, and how a sixth economic corridor could also extend benefits to include the Malaysian states of Johor, Terengganu, and Pahang.

  • af Asian Development Bank
    477,95 kr.

    Focusing on Indonesia's economy, this report assesses five economic corridors within the Indonesia-Malaysia-Thailand Growth Triangle (IMT-GT) and explores ways to boost their development, as well as potential advantages of a new, sixth corridor.The IMT-GT comprises five economic corridors that are key geographic zones for its subregional economic cooperation. Analyzing data on physical connectivity, cross-border trade, and value chains-in the context of Indonesia's development strategies-this publication reviews the four economic corridors directly connecting to Sumatera. The report reveals where existing corridors could be reconfigured, and how a sixth economic corridor could also benefit additional Indonesian provinces.

  • af Carolina S. Guina
    512,95 kr.

    Analyzing physical connectivity and cross-border trade across five economic corridors in the Indonesia-Malaysia-Thailand Growth Triangle (IMT-GT), this report reveals how to boost their development, while also mapping a new corridor. Proposing innovative ways to redraw and enlarge economic corridors across the IMT-GT, this wide-ranging study examines their actual and potential impacts on major value chains. The publication also includes details of practical steps to boost subregional collaboration in optimizing all three countries' economic corridors.

  • af Djangrang Man-Na
    807,95 kr.

    Far from the outdated image that we sometimes associate with it, wood energy is one of the few local renewable energy resources. The mobilization of this resource is likely to generate sustainable employment in both rural and urban areas, but in most cases contributes to the destructuring of rural landscapes and the surroundings of major cities in Chad. To remedy this new phenomenon, the Chadian government took restrictive measures: a formal ban on cutting green wood and a framework for collecting dead wood. A few months later, there is a real shortage of fuelwood in N'Djamena and Moundou. Is this the opposite effect of the forestry policy or is the product scarce from the production sites?

  • af Nicholas Ardill
    1.527,95 - 1.540,95 kr.

    This book examines social innovation strategies in the collaborative development of spaces for growing food in cities. It enables readers to gain valuable insights into an innovative social and spatial practice whilst advancing knowledge in an emerging area of research. The book will also be of great relevance to social activists, urban designers, planners, and decision-makers with an interest in applying this expertise to their own neighbourhoods and cities.Urban food growing spaces have multiplied in recent times. This green and inclusive urbanism creates social value for the health, wellbeing, and welfare of local inhabitants. Therefore, there is a convincing argument to investigate innovative spatial practices that can enable cities to meet the needs of an increasing population. Despite the mounting interest in collective approaches to sustainable development, limited attention has been given to the diverse ways in which this social action has been pursued. How are urban food growing spaces produced through social innovation? What are the innovative processes that can be translated in a replicable model to other cities, yet suitable for local needs, to support the development of healthier, more socially just built environments?

  • af Tony Bertoldi
    312,95 kr.

    Can Affordable Housing Make the American Dream an American Reality?What if there were one single way we could significantly improve the American economy, public health, and offer attractive investment opportunities, while also providing more homes for American families and workers?The American Dream has always been built on the notion that no matter where you come from, you can be successful. Housing has always played a major role in making the American Dream a reality, but how exactly? In American Dream Come True, Tony Bertoldi leverages over two decades' worth of experience in affordable housing to explain in clear and entertaining prose what affordable housing really is and who it impacts. Spoiler alert: all of us.By debunking the common misconceptions about affordable housing, Bertoldi shows how supporting affordable housing is a benefit for the entire American ecosystem, and where you fit in. From addressing inflation, job creation, and creative ESG strategy, to reducing health costs for American taxpayers, Bertoldi shows how the Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC, pronounced LI-Tec) program creates a more balanced society where people from all backgrounds can work, live, and contribute to their community.If there is any truth to the phrase "home is where the heart is," then the call to action for all of us is the same-to put our heart into creating more affordable homes. It's good for individuals. Good for families. Good for health. Good for business. Good for America.

  • af Sk. Mustak
    1.689,95 kr.

    This book introduces the use of various remote sensing data such as microwave, hyperspectral and very high-resolution (VHR) satellite imagery; mapping techniques including pixel and object-based machine learning; and geostatistical modelling techniques including cellular automation, entropy and land fragmentation. Remote sensing plays a vital role in solving urban and environmental challenges at the landscape level. Globally, more than half of the urban population is facing severe environmental and social challenges, especially those relating to climate change, agricultural land encroachment, green infrastructure and environmental degradation, mobility due to rapid rural¿urban transformation and anthropogenic interventions. Mapping and quantification of such threats at the landscape level are challenging for experts using traditional techniques; however, remote sensing technology provides diverse spatial data at a varying scale, volume and accessibility for mapping and modelling, and it also analyses challenges at urban and landscape levels.Together, they address challenges at urban and landscape levels to support the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

  • - Alternativer til Lynetteholm
    af Ane Cortzen
    247,95 kr.

    Siden offentliggørelsen af planerne for Københavns nye bydel Lynetteholm i 2018 har projektet mødt stor modstand både fra borgere og fagpersoner. Det er tydeligt, at tidens store kriser kræver handling, men er dette projekt virkelig det bedste bud? Risikerer vi at skabe en økonomisk, demokratisk eller miljømæssig katastrofe? Og har de relevante personer haft mulighed for at få indflydelse?I denne vidensbog præsenterer en række af Danmarks fremmeste forskere og praktikere deres løsningsforslag på de udfordringer, som Lynetteholm skal imødegå – stormflod, boligmangel og infrastruktur. For det kræver en informeret samtale, når der er tale om danmarkshistoriens største anlægsprojekt. Inden vi træffer uoprettelige beslutninger for fremtiden, er vi nødt til at tænke os om!

  • af Ata Chokhachian
    1.136,95 kr.

    This book collects ground-breaking works on the actual and potential impact of big data and data-integrated design for resilient urban environments, including human- and ecology-centred perspectives. Comprehending and designing for urban social, demographic and environmental change is a complex task. Big data, data structuring, data analysis (i.e. AI and ML) and data-integrated design can play a significant role in advancing approaches to this task. The themes presented in this book include urban adaptation, urban morphology, urban mobility, urban ecosystems, urban climate, urban ecology and agriculture. Given the compound nature of complex sustainability problems, most chapters address the correlation between several of these themes. The book addresses practitioners, researchers and graduate students concerned with the rapidly increasing role of data in developing urban environments.

  • af Philippe Le Coent, Raffaele Giordano, Elena López-Gunn, mfl.
    518,95 - 623,95 kr.

  • af Dona Pickard
    870,95 - 879,95 kr.

    This book presents the findings of a multidisciplinary study on the effects of urban agriculture (UA) on the social, economic and environmental aspects of the quality of life in Sofia - the capital of Bulgaria. The analyses are based on a sociological survey representative of 3 districts of Sofia (among 750 people), in-depth interviews, focus groups, expert statements, ecological monitoring of UA sites, and spatial mapping of natural resources for UA. It also focuses on UA effects on the social well-being of citizens and communities, the correlation between social capital and UA attitudes, the challenges for UA to integrate disadvantaged social groups, the factors for success of small UA businesses, as well as the role of policy and civil society in developing UA.  This work is also important for the analysis of the underlying links between all aspects of urban agriculture, many of which are valid beyond the local socio-economic context and environmental specifics of the city of Sofia.

  • af Mike Sonksen
    247,95 kr.

    Second edition with a new essay on the late Mike Davis, legendary author of City of Quartz, a new essay on local history of time and space, and a teaching guide to help educators incorporate the book into their curriculum.The poems and essays in Letters to My City combine two decades of field experience, research, personal observations, and stories told to the author, Mike Sonksen, a third-generation Los Angeles native, by his grandfather and other family members, to interrogate all sides of Los Angeles, its streets, its people, its neighborhoods, as a means to examine the postmodern metropolis.

  • af Lochner Marais, Phillippe Burger & Maléne Campbell
    339,95 kr.

    Provides an assessment of the coal industry, theoretical debates about coal, and government's role in a just transition and sustainability This book investigates the consequences of shifting social responsibilities, new inequalities and the sustainability concerns created by the likely energy transition in Africa to end the fossil-fuel era. Focusing on describing the local realities in a growing coal and energy town of South Africa, Emalahleni, it explores whether a just transition from coal-generated energy is possible and what the local implications will be of this global restructuring of the energy sector. The book also provides an overview of the current situation in South Africa, mining and mining towns and the theory of a just transition and mine closure, in order to present a thorough assessment of the political economy of coal towns. Lochner Marais is Professor of Development Studies in the Centre for Development Support at the University of the Free State. His research integrates themes of housing policy, health and mining communities. Philippe Burger, an economist by training, is currently the Pro Vice-Chancellor: Poverty, Inequality and Economic Development and Vice-Dean at the University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, South Africa. Maléne Campbell is Associate Professor in the Department of Urban and Regional Planning at the University of the Free State. Stuart Paul Denoon-Stevens is a Lecturer in the Department of Urban and Regional Planning at the University of the Free State. Deidré Van Rooyen is Programme Director for Development Studies and a researcher in the Centre for Development Support at the University of the Free State.

  • af Arens Miansosa
    537,95 kr.

    This book presents the danger of floods in the city-province of Kinshasa in the Democratic Republic of Congo, in particular in the downstream part of the N'djili watershed. It presents in a more or less precise way the distribution of hazards during extreme floods. With the phenomenon of climate change, floods will surely be experienced daily during rainy seasons.

  • af Roberto Alonso González-Lezcano
    1.907,95 - 2.522,95 kr.

  • af Vladimir Faerman, Natalia Potienko, Antonina Karlina & mfl.
    2.242,95 kr.

  • af Somdeb Mondal
    420,95 kr.

    The book Subgrade Stabilization and Cost Analysis has been written for the Civil Engineering and Geo technical Engineering graduates to understand the mechanism happen within the soil strata and the structure also. This book will mainly help the graduates to visualize the theoretical knowledge in practical views.This book contains many more practical cases with handling of Soil structure and behavior in various difficult constructional conditions of our practical life.This book contains the internal as well as the external mechanism offered by Soil structure while we go to handle it in various construction.

  • af Joseph Betsaleel Kouandji Bekoumb
    367,95 kr.

    During the last decade, it has been observed that most of the large coastal cities in the Gulf of Guinea, in this case Douala, have a quasi-annual periodicity of flooding. Consequently, a haphazard management of the development of the cities could prove fatal. Based on this observation, this study, which focuses on coastal risk management, aims to contribute to a better adaptation of urbanization. Thus, the oceanic modelling approach used in this study provides a more global coverage of the area, as well as a parameterisation of the environmental conditions. To this end, the SYMPHONIE coastal circulation model is validated on the basis of in situ and altimetric observations. In addition, the study of the tide, the sensitivity to forcings and the water levels were addressed. To do this, several simulations were carried out. This study shows an interesting approach for flood risk management. This approach aims at quantifying the contribution of each forcing, which is essential for a better predictive management.

  • af Daouda Thiandoum
    817,95 kr.

    This book is the fruit of a long reflection carried out during these last years. The author's experiences in the para-public, private and public sectors give him a rather instructive taste of the areas covered. Therefore, it includes the condensation of articles published in several distribution channels with more than 100,000 readers. The themes that it relates, focus mainly on the territory and the different strategies of its management. From land use planning to the decentralization process in Senegal, including the tools for developing spatial planning documents, the author enriches it with specific examples. He also addresses other issues that concern developing cities and territories, such as urban planning and territorial marketing.

  • af Bachir Kerboua
    582,95 kr.

    Today, all the changes in our way of life and our environment with our social and moral relationships have affected our urban way of life in its various structures and relationships. The distribution of work and functions, our land use, modes of transport, industrial and agricultural production, modes of consumption and waste production, certainly, human relations have been affected considerably.The city is indeed the basis of economic and social development and wealth creation, but the social changes have been too rapid to be controlled, because today's society has imposed a way of life where comfort and a whole series of modern conveniences offered by the city are imposed everywhere, creating a standard of living that is becoming generalized and uniform, erasing certain contradictions but revealing glaring disparities. As a result of the modern evolution of the last century, the urban fabric has suffered many damages and transformations and has been hit by many ills and social handicaps. The pace of transformations has not stopped accelerating, and development has become, however, synonymous with destruction and waste of natural resources and balanced human development.

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