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  • - A comparative analysis of the European and American models of sport
    af Lars Halgreen
    943,95 - 1.200,95 kr.

    Opdateret salgstekst fra forlaget på vej ...

  • - Medaljer til Danmark
    af Jesper Helmin
    263,95 kr.

    Den danske deltagelse ved OL 2024 i Paris blev et uforglemmeligt kapitel i Danmarks sportslige historie. Ikke kun på grund af de imponerende medaljer, der blev hængtom halsen på vores dygtige atleter, men også på grund af den særlige ånd, som de danske deltagere bragte med sig.OL handler nemlig om meget mere end at stå øverst på podiet; det handler om sammenhold, kampgejst, og kærligheden til det rød-hvide flag, som vores atleter medstolthed bar ind på de olympiske arenaer.Denne bog er en hyldest til dem, der i Paris viste verden, hvad dansk sammenhold og sportsånd betyder. Den fortæller om både sejre og nederlag, om smil og tårer, og om de oplevelser, der binder os sammen - som mennesker, som atleter, og som nation.

  • - Da historien bragte Østtyskland og Vesttyskland sammen
    af Ronald Reng
    238,95 kr.

    En fodboldkamp som omdrejning for verdenshistorienDen eneste gang, Vesttyskland og Østtyskland mødtes i en fodboldkamp, var under VM-slutrunden i Vesttyskland 22. juni 1974.Kampen fandt sted midt i verdenshistorien. Få uger forinden var den vesttyske Bundeskanzler, Willy Brandt, trådt tilbage som følge af en spionskandale. Fængslerne i Vesttyskland husede medlemmer af Rote Armé Fraktion, der havde udøvet terrorvirksomhed. Og ned gennem de to tysklande dannede Muren den konkrete grænse mellem Østen og Vesten.Den Kolde Krig var i fuld gang, og sport blev brugt af statslederne som reklame for ideologierne. Våbenkapløbet fandt både sted på fodboldbaner og stadioner, og det materialiserede sig i disse år også med opstilling af atomvåben mange steder på europæisk jord.Samtidig var VM 1974 en fodboldslutrunde, der markerede mange nybrud: Kampene blev sendt direkte på tv i farver og med langsom gengivelse af scoringer og kritiske situationer. Samtidig var det slut med Brasiliens sportslige dominans i fodboldspillet, som nu blev præget af blandt andet hjemmeholdet Vesttyskland med stjerner som Franz Beckenbauer, Gerd Müller og Günter Netzer.Den tyske journalist og forfatter Ronald Reng har skrevet en medrivende beretning med udgangspunkt i fodboldkampen – men bogen fortæller om et splittet Tyskland og et Europa, der var præget af kold krig, spionage, terrorisme og stigende vækst. Alt dette indkapsler forfatteren på fornem vis i en samtidshistorisk fortælling på højeste niveau.Ronald Reng lader en lang række tilsyneladende bipersoner fortælle historien. Han kalder dem tidsvidner, der fylder historien med liv.”1974 – Et tysk møde” beskriver de modsætninger i de tyske befolkninger, der for en enkelt aftens vedkommende i Hamburg midt i politisk højspændte måneder og år bragte borgerne sammen både i ånden, på tribunerne og i et fællesskab.Bogen har et særligt dansk forord af Tysklands-ekspert og fodboldfan Lykke Friis, der er direktør for Tænketanken Europa. Og den er oversat og bearbejdet til dansk af journalist og forfatter Lars Werge.

  • af Joakim Jakobsen
    139,95 - 318,95 kr.

    Ny udgave af Joakim Jakobsens klassiker om verdens største cykelløb. Opdateret til og med Tour'en 2021, hvor danske Jonas Vingegaard blev en sensationel nummer to.Det er den ultimative fortælling om, hvordan verdens bedste cykelryttere gennem mere end 100 år har presset deres kroppe og hoveder gennem umenneskelige strabadser på de franske landeveje og bjergtoppe. Hårdheden, taktikken og enkeltmandspræstationerne har fascineret publikum, så løbet i dag er verdens største årlige begivenhed. En scene, hvor helte taber stort og frygteligt eller lider sig til sublime sejre. Og hvor heroisme, snyd og brændende rivalopgør hvert år skrives ind i historien.Joakim Jakobsen fortæller hele historien bag løbet og følger dets udvikling år for år fra 1903. Han går tæt på de afgørende etaper og tegner portrætter af store og små mestre fra den første vinder til den seneste hersker.Fås også i illustreret udgave i stort format, som indeholder til og med 2020-Tour'en.

  • - Undervisningsbog i bevægelse, rytmisk gymnastik og dans
    af Lis Engel, Helle Winther, Maj-Britt Nørgaard & mfl.
    288,95 kr.

    En forskningsbaseret undervisningsbog om bevægelse, rytmisk gymnastik og dans skrevet til studerende ved universiteter, professionshøjskoler, terapi- og træneruddannelser. Bogen henvender sig også til bevægelsesundervisere på ungdomsuddannelser, i folkeskolen, på højskoler og i den frivillige idræt. Sproget er levende og alle kapitler er forankrede i et helhedsorienteret syn på krop og bevægelse. Bogens berør temaer som dansens stilarter, kunsten at undervise, krop og lederskab samt bevægelsens eksistentielt udviklende muligheder for både undervisere og deltagere.Der indgår en lang række praktiske øvelser, som kan bruges til børn, unge, voksne og mange forskellige målgrupper. Denne opdaterede udgave indeholder desuden helt nye kapitler om kropsbasis og bevægelsespsykologi. Fodfæste og himmelkys giver læseren brugbare, praksisnære redskaber og åbner for indsigt i relation til den enkeltes undervisningspraksis.

  • af Frits Ahlstrøm
    46,95 - 266,95 kr.

    Frits Ahlstrøms bog indeholder alt om "Nationernes kamp" på den europæiske fodboldscene igennem 25 år. Den bringer resultater, fortæller om topscorere og mestre samt de ofte imponerende tilskuertal. Alle højdepunkterne fra kampene bliver livligt gengivet og de mange fodboldstjerner bliver beskrevet nærgående. En spændende bog for enhver fodboldfan!Frits Ahlstrøm (f. 1945) var i mange år sportsredaktør på Politiken og Alt om Sport. Senere skiftede han spor og blev informationschef i DBU og sportschef i Brøndby. Frits Ahlstrøm er desuden kendt som medkommentator til VM-fodboldkampe på DR TV og var i mange år tilknyttet UEFA og FIFA.

    1.425,95 kr.

    This reprint contains a collection of articles showing how the environmental processes governing the Earth's system can induce the formation of sudden and severe natural phenomena as their most violent expression. Their impact is unevenly distributed over the Earth's surface because of the presence of complex overlapping global or local endogenous and exogenous factors. Climate change and anthropogenic forcing can directly or indirectly exacerbate most of the occurrences at different spatial and temporal scales in the tropospheric area. When such phenomena interact directly with inhabited areas and society, different risk scenarios can develop even for human life itself. The degree of safety in a community is determined by the differential exposure to these events and the level of preparation based on awareness and perception. The social development and uncontrolled (or poorly regulated) spatial growth of human activities via the consumption of soil and natural resources have further contributed to creating vulnerability, increasing the challenges of conscious societies in coping with severe natural processes and their effects. As a whole, all the papers collected here highlight how the protection of territory, in its social and environmental complexity, is ultimately a key element for the pursuit of sustainable development.

  • af Savita Pandit
    174,95 kr.

    ""Legends of the Game: 100 Famous Sports Stars"" is a comprehensive anthology celebrating the achievements and legacies of some of the most iconic athletes across various sports disciplines. The book provides captivating narratives and insights into the lives and careers of these legendary figures, offering readers a glimpse into their remarkable journeys, triumphs, and challenges. From iconic basketball players and football quarterbacks to legendary golfers and tennis champions, ""Legends of the Game"" showcases the diversity and talent that have shaped the world of sports. Each profile offers a detailed exploration of the athlete's contributions to their respective sport, highlighting their records, accolades, and enduring impact on sports history. Through engaging storytelling and vibrant imagery, ""Legends of the Game"" pays tribute to the indomitable spirit of these sports stars and inspires readers to celebrate the power of athleticism, perseverance, and excellence.

    1.052,95 kr.

    This reprint contains a collection of articles showing how the environmental processes governing the Earth's system can induce the formation of sudden and severe natural phenomena as their most violent expression. Their impact is unevenly distributed over the Earth's surface because of the presence of complex overlapping global or local endogenous and exogenous factors. Climate change and anthropogenic forcing can directly or indirectly exacerbate most of the occurrences at different spatial and temporal scales in the tropospheric area. When such phenomena interact directly with inhabited areas and society, different risk scenarios can develop even for human life itself. The degree of safety in a community is determined by the differential exposure to these events and the level of preparation based on awareness and perception. The social development and uncontrolled (or poorly regulated) spatial growth of human activities via the consumption of soil and natural resources have further contributed to creating vulnerability, increasing the challenges of conscious societies in coping with severe natural processes and their effects. As a whole, all the papers collected here highlight how the protection of territory, in its social and environmental complexity, is ultimately a key element for the pursuit of sustainable development.

    663,95 kr.

    The 29th International Conference on Amorphous and Nanocrystalline Semiconductors (ICANS 29) served as a continuation of the biennial conference that has been held since 1965. ICANS 29 was held from 23 to 26 August at the campus of Nanjing University-a great venue for global academic researchers, industrial partners, and policymakers to come together and share their latest progress, breakthroughs, and new ideas on a wide range of topics in the fields of amorphous and nanocrystalline thin films and other nanostructured materials, as well as device applications.It was the first time that this prestigious event was held in China, and it provided the perfect opportunity for young Chinese researchers and students to participate more actively in academic exchange as a part of the conference and become familiarized with the latest developments in the fields in which they work. And despite a one-year delay due to the COVID-19 pandemic, ICANS 29 still attracted more than 300 paper submissions from 11 countries, including both on-site and virtual oral and poster presentations, which made it truly both a global and hybrid conference.

    1.434,95 kr.

    This reprint contains a collection of articles showing how the environmental processes governing the Earth's system can induce the formation of sudden and severe natural phenomena as their most violent expression. Their impact is unevenly distributed over the Earth's surface because of the presence of complex overlapping global or local endogenous and exogenous factors. Climate change and anthropogenic forcing can directly or indirectly exacerbate most of the occurrences at different spatial and temporal scales in the tropospheric area. When such phenomena interact directly with inhabited areas and society, different risk scenarios can develop even for human life itself. The degree of safety in a community is determined by the differential exposure to these events and the level of preparation based on awareness and perception. The social development and uncontrolled (or poorly regulated) spatial growth of human activities via the consumption of soil and natural resources have further contributed to creating vulnerability, increasing the challenges of conscious societies in coping with severe natural processes and their effects. As a whole, all the papers collected here highlight how the protection of territory, in its social and environmental complexity, is ultimately a key element for the pursuit of sustainable development.

    889,95 kr.

    Material degradation is a long-standing issue that poses a number of challenges from both a scientific and engineering perspective. In particular, metallic materials and their surfaces can be significantly affected by the effects of degradation, which reduce their properties over time, thereby leading to premature failure or loss of functionality. This reprint presents a collection of studies on the mechanical, corrosive, and tribological degradation of metal coatings and modified metallic surfaces. The subject is discussed from theoretical, experimental, and synthesis perspectives.

    583,95 kr.

    This reprint is a collection of 11 peer-reviewed articles that focus on the biology and ecology of eels. This reprint addresses the current advances and challenges in eel studies, including both the European eel, Anguilla anguilla, and the Japanese eel, Anguilla japonica. The reprint comprises a high diversity of selected topics on the interface between fundamental science and the management of eel resources. Topics range from genomics and environmental DNA used to detect the presence of eels and ascertain eel biomass to observations of eel abundance based on catches. Other topics addressed include the study of the swimbladder function, assessing migration patterns in estuaries, eel reproduction, the effect of water pollution, otolith studies, and the optimization of the design of passage facilities for juvenile European eel (Anguilla anguilla).

    735,95 kr.

    This Special Issue serves as a compendium of the most recent advancements in the field of multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) radars, including a wide array of high-potential research domains. These areas span across both theoretical frameworks and practical applications. Its key focal points include MIMO radar waveform design, MIMO signal detection, parameter estimation and imaging, as well as MIMO clutter and jamming suppression techniques. The primary objective of this Special Issue is to stimulate the generation of innovative ideas while fostering enhanced communication and collaboration opportunities among students and researchers actively involved in the field of MIMO radar research.

    739,95 kr.

    The worldwide spread of COVID-19 in 2020 posed severe challenges in the realm of public health and also resulted in social limitations, such as on access to parks and other public open spaces. The restrictions on movement and lockdowns that were imposed by many governments had profound implications, altering not only the frequency and purpose of urban green space visitation, but also the social and psychological effects which such green spaces had on citizens. This Special Issue gathered recent studies on how the need, perception and usage of green spaces have been impacted by the pandemic and the restriction measures, in order to provide insights and guidance for administrators and policy makers to manage future crisis situations. A total of 15 papers examine the effects of COVID-19 in different countries and even continents, offering various research methodologies and reflections on the role of urban green spaces in daily life. One of the recurring themes is that there is a general need to guarantee equitable access to these valuable resources, especially in times of societal disruption. The opportunities for relaxation, social interaction and spiritual regeneration are indeed important benefits that such natural amenities can offer, but they are very much dependent on the design and particular qualities of the space, which may decisively influence the level of satisfaction and engagement by users. It is our hope that by encouraging a communal discussion on the planning and management of urban green spaces, we can increase the resilience of both our cities and the natural environment on which they depend.

  • af Debajit Sarma
    1.990,95 kr.

    This book provides the latest information on trans-Himalayan Hindu Kush Region (HKR) fisheries including the Indian Himalayan Region (IHR) as well as the historical context of its sustainable development for improving livelihood and nutritional security. The book serves as an important document to provide knowledge and information about the major concerns of environmental and anthropogenic factors that have impacted the population of certain important fishes in the ecosystem and the strategies and policies required for the conservation of these important groups of fishes, viz., Mahseer, snow trout, minor carp, catfishes, etc. The chapters describe the information to the readers on potential cold water and cool water fish species suitable for large-scale farming and propagation addressing the issues of diseases, nutrigenomics, and nanobiotechnology. This book also addresses the prospects and potential of recreational fishing in India and the scope for its improvement to generate more employment and income citing the success stories and primary information from reputed anglers. Finally, the book also elucidates a comprehensive yet representative description of many challenges associated with inland coldwater- cool water fisheries and aquaculture in HKR, IHR, and its way forward.

  • af Wenchao Liu
    1.395,95 kr.

    This book investigates in detail the mathematical methods and computation methods in efficient solution of some open nonlinear seepage flow problems involved in engineering problems. Developed engineering technologies and some relevant practical field applications are also provided. The introduced open nonlinear problems include nonlinear quadratic pressure gradient term problem, compressible gas seepage flow problem and low-velocity non-Darcy seepage flow problem. Studies on these nonlinear seepage flow problems have attracted engineers and scientists from various disciplines, such as geo-energy engineering, civil and environmental engineering, fluid mechanics, applied mathematics and computation. In particular, the book systematically establishes a fundamental theory for a strongly nonlinear problem of low-velocity non-Darcy seepage flow from a new perspective of moving boundary, while emphasizing the usage of mathematical linearization transformation methods and computational methods into the analytical and numerical solution of the strongly nonlinear partial differential equations. Sufficient knowledge of mathematics is always introduced ahead of model solution to assist readers. And the procedure of strict formula deduction in the model solution process is provided in detail. High-solution figures and tables from model solution are rich in the book. Therefore, it is very helpful for the readers to master the nonlinear model solution methods and engineering technologies. The book is intended for upper undergraduate students and graduate students who are interested in engineering technology, fluid mechanics and applied mathematics, researchers and engineers working on geo-energy science and engineering and field applications.

  • af Yong Wu, Zhi Ding & Xinjiang Wei
    1.213,95 - 1.429,95 kr.

  • af Rachael Bush
    206,95 kr.

    In this book, you'll learn why plants have flowers, basic flower anatomy and function, what pollination is, and why common pollinators visit their favorite flowers. In the back of this book, the activity with an adult will show you how to pollinate flowers by hand. The two-page glossary has definitions and IPA pronunciation guides for new terminology so you can feel confident when reading this book!

  • af Marc Bekoff
    192,95 kr.

    A Loving Tribute from Jane Goodall's Family and Friends to a Most Amazing, Iconic, and Indefatigable Woman-and Much More In this wide-ranging collection of tributes and photographs from numerous time zones and continents, we celebrate Jane Goodall's 90th birthday with ninety wonderful "candles." Family, friends, current researchers, former students, other scientists, philosophers, animal and environmental activists, conservationists, JGI colleagues, CEOs, and actors share their love for this most amazing woman. New stories are included such as how her first scientific lecture in 1962 was received, how she brought a message of hope to the Democratic Republic of Congo amid impending shelling, her love for dogs, chimpanzees, pigs, rats, dolphins, spiders, lobsters, and many other animals, how translators were moved to tears as she spoke her heart, and her incredible sense of humor-Dr. Jane loves having fun-and unending globe-trotting quests for adventure, and Jane pretending to be a prairie dog. There are many surprises in these heartfelt reflections in addition to what just about everyone knows about this iconic and indefatigable woman who offers hope to everyone she meets no matter where they are. We can hear people saying, "I didn't know that!" All in all, these stories and photographs represent who we call the "real Jane". A few of the contributors include Anne Pusey, Anthony Collins, Sir Brian May, Craig Foster, Dave Matthews, Emmanuel Mtiti, Grub van Lawick and grandchildren Angel, Merlin, and Nick, Jae Choe, JGI colleagues, Josphat Ngonyo, Leonardo DiCaprio, Marc Benioff, Mary Lewis, Peter Singer, Rhett Butler, Richard Wrangham, Rooney Mara and Joaquin Phoenix, Satish Kumar, and Shadrack Mkolle Kamenya.

  • - Inside the Responsibilities of Major League Baseball's General Managers
    af Al Lautenslager
    163,95 - 214,95 kr.

    Managing the Show is a revealing look and behind the scenes details of the responsibilities of Major League Baseball's general managers.Tune in to any MLB broadcast, radio, TV or streaming and you will hear broadcasters and reporters including "The Show," in their reporting.One of the side effects of the "Moneyball" era has been the glamorization (and, at times, charm, and obsession) of baseball's general manager position. Baseball general managers are the ones responsible for managing the show. Let's take a look inside that.We as fans think we know what to do and we think we know what is going through the head of an MLB general manager, but we really don't. We don't until now. Managing the Show - Inside the Daily Responsibilities of Major League Baseball's General Managers, opens up the world of baseball general management and pulls back the curtain of what really happens in baseball and inside the world of a baseball general manager.This book shares information on how baseball's general managers work to further develop their show. Just like armchair quarterbacks in football, we as true baseball fans put ourselves in the shoes of the team's general manager, at least in our own minds or in hot stove league conversations abound. Now it's time to get out of that armchair and see the real story.The book consists of stories and interviews with former and current baseball general managers at the Major League Baseball level.This book is written for the baseball fan.

    583,95 kr.

    Food is subjected to various treatments and processes before human consumption, which have an effect on the food's shelf life, nutritional value, and sensory qualities. This Special Issue reprint contains studies regarding cold storage, refrigeration, freezing, fermentation, cold plasma, cooking, shaping, reforming, and packaging. These methods were applied during the processing of vegetables, fruit, dairy, oils, meats, seeds, marine foods, beverages, and other food items. This Special Issue reprint is designed for food scientists, technologists, food industry workers, dietitians, and nutritionists, as well as research scientists.

  • af Bernhard Huss
    526,95 kr.

    Der vorliegende Band präsentiert die Ergebnisse der Abschlusstagung ,Von Neuem', die die DFG-Forschungsgruppe 2305 ,Diskursivierungen von Neuem. Tradition und Novation in Texten und Bildern des Mittelalters und der Frühen Neuzeit' im Juni 2022 an der Freien Universität abgehalten hat. Die Gruppe hat seit 2016 Artefakte innerhalb der genannten Epochengrenzen auf das komplexe Verhältnis hin untersucht, das ,alte' und ,neue' Elemente und Dimensionen in ihnen einnehmen, und in einer dynamischen Relation solcher Elemente die Spezifik literarischer und künstlerischer Praxis und Produktion ausgemacht. Zur Abschlusstagung waren ausgewiesene Expert:innen aus der germanistischen Mediävistik und Frühneuzeitforschung, aus der Romanistik, der Neueren Geschichte und Kunstgeschichte eingeladen, einschlägige Forschungsfragen ,von Neuem' zu debattieren und eigene Perspektiven aus aktueller Arbeit einzubringen. Der Band bietet ein breites Panorama grundlegender Untersuchungen zu literarischen, philosophischen und bildkünstlerischen Novationsdynamiken zwischen dem 13. und dem 18. Jahrhundert.

  • af Greg Moran
    144,95 kr.

    Recreational players today are bombarded with 'revolutionary approaches,' 'secrets to success,' and 'play like the pros' techniques all promising to take their game to the next level. Award winning teaching professional Greg Moran says, 'No!'"There are no revolutionary approaches or secrets to success, and trying to play like the pros is the worst advice a recreational player can be given. That's why I had to write this book," says Greg.The Truth About Tennis is a unique instruction book written specifically for the millions of recreational players around the globe. Greg has been playing, teaching, studying, and writing about tennis for over 50 years. He's spent more than 100,000 hours on the court helping thousands of players from ages 3 to 93 improve their tennis. Quite simply, he knows what works and, equally important, what doesn't.The Truth About Tennis will help you cut down on your inner chatter and information overload to reboot your path to improvement. It will refocus your attention on the techniques and tactics that will truly make you a more intelligent, confident, and winning player.

  • af Alexandre Dumas
    122,95 kr.

    Une annee a Florence / par Alexandre DumasDate de l'edition originale: 1851Sujet de l'ouvrage: Florence (Italie) -- Descriptions et voyages -- 19e siecleCe livre est la reproduction fidele d'une oeuvre publiee avant 1920 et fait partie d'une collection de livres reimprimes a la demande editee par Hachette Livre, dans le cadre d'un partenariat avec la Bibliotheque nationale de France, offrant l'opportunite d'acceder a des ouvrages anciens et souvent rares issus des fonds patrimoniaux de la BnF.Les oeuvres faisant partie de cette collection ont ete numerisees par la BnF et sont presentes sur Gallica, sa bibliotheque numerique.En entreprenant de redonner vie a ces ouvrages au travers d'une collection de livres reimprimes a la demande, nous leur donnons la possibilite de rencontrer un public elargi et participons a la transmission de connaissances et de savoirs parfois difficilement accessibles.Nous avons cherche a concilier la reproduction fidele d'un livre ancien a partir de sa version numerisee avec le souci d'un confort de lecture optimal. Nous esperons que les ouvrages de cette nouvelle collection vous apporteront entiere satisfaction.Pour plus d'informations, rendez-vous sur www.hachettebnf.frhttp: // /12148/bpt6k206818w

  • af John A Vucetich
    617,95 kr.

    A foundational text on animal population conservation featuring practical applications and case studies.

  • af Keith S Delaplane
    579,95 kr.

    "This book holds up the honey bee colony as a lens through which we can view the evolutionary processes that give rise to complex organisms"--

  • af Neal Baer
    558,95 kr.

    A timely collection of essays on the pressing possibilities and risks of gene-editing technology.Scientists and genetic engineers are becoming increasingly adept at editing the human genome. How far can--and should--they go in editing future generations? In The Promise and Peril of CRISPR, editor Neal Baer brings together a timely collection of essays by influential bioethicists, philosophers, and geneticists to explore the moral, ethical, and policy challenges posed by CRISPR technology.We are at a technological and ethical crossroads in grappling with the impacts of genetic editing. Gene-editing technology holds the promise of curing more than 7,000 known genetic diseases. Yet with that promise comes the peril of using CRISPR to edit the human genome, which could not only lead to manipulating human evolution, but also to creating and releasing pathogens capable of wreaking havoc on human, animal, and plant life. Although CRISPR has already cured several genetic diseases, it could also be used to design biological weapons or to edit the embryos of people who can afford to purchase genetic "enhancements" for their children. What role can and should the public play in discussing the far-reaching implications of gene editing? What oversights should be put in place to prevent a rogue scientist from engineering another baby - as was recently done with twins in China?Essay contributors offer informed predictions and guidelines for how the uses of CRISPR today will affect life in the future. Decisions we make now may have unpredictable consequences for future generations. For anyone concerned about the uses and potential abuses of gene editing, these essays provide a critical and comprehensive discussion of the central issues surrounding CRISPR technology. Contributors: Florence Ashley, R. Alta Charo, Marcy Darnovsky, Kevin Doxzen, Rosemarie Garland-Thomson, Gigi Kwik Gronvall, Jodi Halpern, Katie Hasson, Andrew C. Heinrich, Jacqueline Humphries, J. Benjamin Hurlbut, Ellen D. Jorgensen, Peter F. R. Mills, Carol Padden, Marcus Schultz-Bergin, Robert Sparrow, Sandra Sufian, Krystal Tsosie, Ethan Weiss, Rachel M. West

  • af Robert W Shumaker
    617,95 kr.

    "This third edition is the essential, gold use standard reference of how animals use and manufacture tools, with a decade of new findings"--

  • af Mithun Rudrapal
    1.988,95 kr.

    Comprehensive resource covering computational tools and techniques for the development of cost-effective drugs to combat diseases, with specific disease examples Computational Methods for Rational Drug Design covers the tools and techniques of drug design with applications to the discovery of small molecule-based therapeutics, detailing methodologies and practical applications and addressing the challenges of techniques like AI/ML and drug design for unknown receptor structures. Divided into 23 chapters, the contributors address various cutting-edge areas of therapeutic importance such as neurodegenerative disorders, cancer, multi-drug resistant bacterial infections, inflammatory diseases, and viral infections. Edited by a highly qualified academic with significant research contributions to the field, Computational Methods for Rational Drug Design explores topics including: Computer-assisted methods and tools for structure- and ligand-based drug design, virtual screening and lead discovery, and ADMET and physicochemical assessmentsIn silico and pharmacophore modeling, fragment-based design, de novo drug design and scaffold hopping, network-based methods and drug discoveryRational design of natural products, peptides, enzyme inhibitors, drugs for neurodegenerative disorders, anti-inflammatory therapeutics, antibacterials for multi-drug resistant infections, and antiviral and anticancer therapeuticsProtac and protide strategies in drug design, intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) in drug discovery and lung cancer treatment through ALK receptor-targeted drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics Helping readers seamlessly navigate the challenges of drug design, Computational Methods for Rational Drug Design is an essential reference for pharmaceutical and medicinal chemists, biochemists, pharmacologists, and phytochemists, along with molecular modeling and computational drug discovery professionals.

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