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  • af Quentin A Lee
    918,95 kr.

    "Xenobiology" is a groundbreaking exploration of the scientific field dedicated to studying extraterrestrial life forms and their potential impact on our understanding of biology. From the historical discoveries in astrobiology to the ethical considerations and future prospects of xenobiological research, this comprehensive guide delves into the interdisciplinary nature of this fascinating field. With an emphasis on cutting-edge technologies, theoretical foundations, and the societal implications of xenobiology, Dr. Quentin A. Lee and Dr. Gregor Prudence offer readers a compelling journey into the frontiers of scientific exploration and the ongoing quest for extraterrestrial life.Level I

    753,95 kr.

    This reprint, based on the Special Issue, provides a general overview of different biosensors, briefly explaining the general approaches to identifying them, their construction, and their performance. A discussion concerning how the required components of biosensors are combined to perform analytical work is presented. Different signal-transducing mechanisms are discussed, particularly those addressing the immobilization of biomolecular components in the vicinity of a transducer interface, and their functional integration with electronic or optical devices.

    988,95 kr.

    Grassland ecological management and utilization is a hot topic which attracts grassland scientists around the world, and this reprint focuses on research related to the management and utilization of traditional grasslands, the restoration and management of degraded grasslands, and grassland conservation. This reprint contains empirical studies and systematic reviews regarding grassland effective management and sustainability. It includes the management of grassland species, grassland production, grassland grazing, grassland nutrients, grassland restoration, and other topics. We hope that it will serve as a meaningful resource which provides valuable insights and evidence-based strategies for anyone interested in sustainable grassland management.

  • af Jin Dao
    208,95 kr.

    Gruppenspiele haben im Sporttraining oder -unterricht zahleiche Funktionen und positive Effekte. Sie machen den Kindern Spaß, sorgen für Beschäftigung und motivieren zu guten sportlichen Leistungen. Darüber hinaus können sie spielerisch Motorik, Koordination, Balance, Kondition, Dynamik, Körperkraft, kognitive Fähigkeiten, Sozialverhalten und emotionale Reife verbessern. Die Spiele, die in diesem Buch vorgestellt werden, sind in Fangspiele, Abwurfspiele, Laufspiele, Ballspiele, Spiele für mehr Selbstbewusstsein, Achtsamkeitsspiele und Raufspiele unterteilt. So kann stets auf ein großes Repertoire zurückgegriffen werden, gleich wie viele Kinder teilnehmen, ob in einer Turnhalle oder im Außenbereich gespielt wird, ob Hilfsmittel zur Verfügung stehen, welcher Zeitansatz vorhanden ist usw. Zusätzlich beinhaltet das Buch eine Sammlung von zahlreichen Positionen aus dem Kinder-Yoga, die jederzeit als Entspannungs- und Gymnastikübungen in das Training oder den Unterricht eingebaut werden können.

  • af Thomas Wagner
    531,95 kr.

    Das vorliegende Lehrbuch bietet eine Einführung in die Physik der Atmosphäre, wie sie im Rahmen der Umweltphysik gelehrt wird. Zuerst wird dem Leser die Funktionsweise des Systems Atmosphäre verständlich gemacht. Dazu werden Themen wie Strahlungs- und Energiehaushalt, atmosphärische Dynamik, Zirkulationen, Niederschlagsbildung und der Wasserkreislauf behandelt.Zudem werden die umweltrelevanten Aspekte der Meteorologie und der Atmosphärenphysik herausgearbeitet. Hierzu dienen unter anderem eine ausführliche Darstellung von Diffusions- und Transportprozessen sowie zahlreiche Abschnitte über das Verhalten von Spurenstoffen, mit Schwerpunkt auf strahlungsrelevanten Spurengasen und Aerosolen. Eine Diskussion von Klima-Entwicklungen und deren Bewertung rundet den Inhalt ab und bietet damit einen umfassenden Überblick über das Thema. Änderungen gegenüber der 5. Auflage betreffen insbesondere die letzten 3 Kapitel. Einerseits wurde in den letzten 6 Jahren eine Vielzahl neuer Forschungsergebnisse verfügbar. Andererseits hat sich in diesem Zeitraum auch der Zustand unseres Planeten weiter dramatisch verändert. In der neuen Auflage werden hierzu die neuesten verfügbaren Messdaten und Studien berücksichtigt.Das Buch wendet sich ebenso an Studierende der Physik und der Geowissenschaften wie an Wissenschaftler(innen) und Lehrer(innen), die sich für ihre berufliche Arbeit eine Einführung in die atmosphärische Physik und in die Umweltmeteorologie wünschen. Ein umfangreiches Register ermöglicht das schnelle Auffinden eines Themas, die große Zahl von Quellen- und Literaturangaben erleichtert den Zugang zu weiteren Informationen.

  • af Cameron Abadi
    149,95 kr.

    "This book reports on the West's most embattled frontiers of climate politics to examine the democratic dilemma that climate policy finds itself in-and asks whether there are any plausible ways out"--

    753,95 kr.

    Climate change is expected to have a wide range of impacts on plant physiology and metabolism, soil fertility and carbon sequestration, and microbial diversity and activity. This imposes direct limitations on plant growth, fertility, and productivity. To promote the sustainability of ecosystems, efforts are needed to enhance our knowledge of molecules that govern key processes that may play a role in stress resilience mechanisms in plants. In this context, this book covers basic and applied innovative research aimed at understanding the molecular mechanisms associated with plant responses to abiotic stresses, including drought, cold, heat, high light, and salinity. Taken together, the new information provided in these manuscripts not only increases our understanding of the molecular basis of plants' adaptive responses but also provides key fundamentals for the future successful selection and breeding of tolerant crops.

    753,95 kr.

    The Special Issue (SI) titled "Impact of climate warming and disturbances on forest ecosystems" underscores the critical importance of understanding how forests respond to environmental challenges and past management. The rapid pace of climate change is altering disturbance patterns and the adaptability of forests. Some key outputs of this SI include evidence on how climate change is already impacting forest ecosystems. The climatic envelope of many forest species has shifted due to global warming, making species more vulnerable, especially those in lower elevations and those at the edges of their distribution. Urgent adaptive measures in forest management are necessary to address this challenge. Climate change also affects vegetation phenology, tree growth, stand productivity, reproduction rates, and stand regeneration.

    988,95 kr.

    Neurodegenerative diseases are a heterogeneous, largely age-related group of disorders, characterised by the progressive degeneration or death of neurons in the central or peripheral nervous system. The prevalence of these diseases is increasing, in part due to the ageing of the population, with a consequent growing economic burden on healthcare systems. Although, in some cases, these diseases can be managed with treatments, current therapies are mostly symptomatic, do not address the underlying cause of the disease and have little or no effect on disease progression.This Special Issue aims to provide an up-to-date overview of the progress made in research into neurodegenerative diseases, from understanding the molecular basis, to establishing more effective diagnostic tools, to developing new therapies. Some papers focus on Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, motor neuron disease and Huntington's disease. Others address more general aspects of neurodegeneration, ranging from the common mechanisms of cellular damage to the role of dietary effects on the nervous system. Overall, this Special Issue highlights the continuing efforts of the scientific community to unravel the molecular basis of disease onset and progression, to achieve earlier diagnosis, to identify novel therapeutic targets and, ultimately, to develop more effective therapies to counteract the progression of these still fatal diseases.

    698,95 kr.

    Biomedical imaging has arguably demonstrated the most rapid advancements in the entire biomedical field in the recent decade. Besides the expansion of established imaging instrumentation into broader applications in tissue, cellular, and molecular diagnostic imaging, there have been substantial modifications in the imaging protocols that have progressed the capabilities of these existing imaging modalities. Technological advancements are stimulating further novel approaches in diagnosis and in the measurement, as well as monitoring, of treatment outcomes. The adaptation of innovations in imaging technologies, methods, and protocols for broader applications is often limited by the inability to share them with investigators outside their original field. Therefore, it is crucial to facilitate the sharing of such advances in biomedical imaging that occur in a particular field with other areas. A broader vision exploring the full potential of an innovation often requires adding a new, perhaps outside, perspective. This Special Issue of Bioengineering aims to serve as a medium for such interdisciplinary exchange and the expansive stimulation of innovative applications, perhaps through facilitating new collaborations between various fields and investigators. Therefore, the next big thing in biomedical imaging may stem from diverse minds finding new ways forward.

    698,95 kr.

    Composting is experiencing a "second youth", and the number of plants, as well as the uses of compost, are increasing exponentially all over the world. This Special Issue is an example of the current leading research related to composting and compost and their key role in the circular bioeconomy. Aspects such as composting process control, organic waste biodegradability and associated impacts in the form of gaseous emissions are examples of this research.

    843,95 kr.

    This is a collection of original research articles, reviews, communications, opinions, hypotheses, and concept papers summarizing advances related to the origin of life in various complex chemical and prebiotically feasible environments.

    608,95 kr.

    Due to their excellent properties, polyurethane, cellulose and their composites have become widely used in previously unimagined areas. Given the fast-increasing consumption in recent years, the demand for advanced polyurethane- and cellulose-based composites is rapidly growing. Accordingly, this Special Issue seeks to showcase research papers, short communications and review articles focusing on innovations in polyurethane- and cellulose-based materials, including material synthesis, modification and engineering.

  • af Michael Urbat
    317,95 kr.

    Haben Sie sich jemals gefragt, wie Sie Ihren Freunden und Bekannten erklären können, worauf Sie sich in Ihrem naturwissenschaftlichen Fachgebiet spezialisiert haben? Und haben Sie versucht zu vermitteln, warum dieses Nischenthema unglaublich spannend ist und einen direkten Bezug zum täglichen Leben hat?Genau hier setzt dieses Buch an: Es lädt Sie ein, einen genaueren Blick auf unsere Umwelt zu werfen, ohne sich in technischen Details zu verlieren, sondern eher, um das zugrunde liegende Prinzip zu verstehen. Es bringt Ihnen die Welt der Paläo- und Gesteinsmagnetik näher, ganz gleich, ob sich Ihre Vorstellung von Geologie zwischen bewegenden Erdplatten, Dinosauriern und Steinen bewegt.Das Buch begleitet Sie auf einer unterhaltsamen Reise von den globalen Phänomenen des Erdmagnetfeldes bis hinunter auf die subatomare Ebene der Elektronenbewegungen in Mineralen. Es liefert Ihnen ausgewählte geologische Szenarien für dynamische geologische Prozesse unseres Erdsystems von der Entstehung von Gesteinen in ruhigen Seen bis hin zur Gebirgsbildung. Für das Verständnis sind keinerlei mathematische Formeln erforderlich, obwohl Begriffe wie Paramagnetismus, Ferromagnetismus, Koordinatentransformationen und Anisotropie erklärt werden müssen. Das Buch bedient sich anschaulicher Analogien aus dem Alltag, um komplexe Sachverhalte verständlich zu machen.Ein gelungener Einstieg in die faszinierende Welt der Paläo- und Gesteinsmagnetik in der Geologie für interessierte Laien, Hobby-Geolog*innen, Geowissenschaftler*innen und angrenzende Disziplinen.

  • af Tim Coulson
    253,95 kr.

    A COMPLETE, UNCOMPLICATED GUIDE TO THE SCIENCE OF LIFE, THE UNIVERSE AND EVERYTHING 'Most scientists know only their own field. Tim Coulson is at home with science as an integrated whole. A pleasure to read, and a lasting accomplishment' Richard Dawkins 'Step aside Star Wars - ours is the most astonishing origin story you'll ever hear and its beautifully told by Tim Coulson' Professor Ken Norris, Deputy Director of Science at the Natural History Museum----Have you ever wondered why you exist?What had to happen for you - and all life on Earth - to come into being?What is the true answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe and everything?In The Universal History of Us, Tim Coulson - Professor of Zoology at Oxford - takes us back to the beginning of everything: the Big Bang 13.8 billion years ago. From there, he leads us step by step along the path to the most astonishing thing we have yet encountered - the staggering complexity of the modern human mind.Covering physics, astronomy, chemistry, geology, the emergence of life, evolution, consciousness and the rise of humankind, yet written to be understood by anyone with a child's curiosity, this book takes the biggest story of all and tells it simply, grippingly and, above all, entertainingly.It is the history of you, me and everything - of how we all came to be. In short, it is the greatest story ever told.----'A highly readable and super enjoyable book . . . that takes us on a free-spirited intellectual romp through every aspect of what we know about our universe' Peter Hudson FRS Willaman Professor of Biology at Penn State 'A charming, engaging and erudite account' David Christian, author of New York Times bestseller Origin Story (2018) 'A gangbuster science book. A can't-put-down read. I don't think I have learned more from a single book' Douglas W. Smith, Former Senior Wildlife Biologist, Yellowstone National Park 'Exceptional. A highly infectious read. From the first page I found it impossible to put down' Professor Baroness Kathy Willis, Professor of Biodiversity, University of Oxford 'Achieves something almost impossible, lucid explanation without dumbing down . . . can read this for fun and accidentally you will know as much general science as any Professor' James H Naismith FRS FRSE FMedSci MAE, Head of the Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences Division at Oxford, Professor of Structural Biology 'With wit, wisdom and humility. The prose is of a perfect weight, and an absolute joy to read' Sunetra Gupta, Professor of Theoretical Epidemiology at the University of Oxford 'Will appeal to a broad variety of readers and inspire new generations of scientists for years to come' Quentin Paynter

  • af David E Newton
    366,95 kr.

    The Climate Change Debate: A Reference Handbook provides an in-depth look at climate change facts and statistics. It also discusses debate surrounding the scientific consensus.The Climate Change Debate: A Reference Handbook covers the topic of climate change from the earliest days of planet Earth to the present day. Chapters One and Two provide a historical background of climate change and a review of current problems, controversies, and solutions. The remainder of the book consists of chapters that aid readers in continuing their own research on the topic, such as an extended annotated bibliography, chronology, glossary, noteworthy individuals and organizations in the field, and important data and documents.The variety of resources provided, such as further reading, perspective essays about climate change, a historical timeline, and useful terms in the climate change discourse, differentiates this book from others in the field. The book is intended for readers of high school through the community college level, along with adult readers who may be interested in the topic.

  • af Hrudayanath Thatoi
    1.058,95 kr.

    The present book epitomizes the potential of green technologies for environmental management and sustainable development. It will cater to the needs of environmentalists, microbiologists, agriculturalists and those who are interested in environmental stewardship and sustainability paradigms. The book covers some of the topics discussed in the seminar Green technologies for environmental management conducted by Department of Botany, Maharaj Sriram Chandra Bhanjadeo University (Erstwhile North Orissa University), Baripada, Odisha, along with invited articles from various experts working in the field of biodiversity conservation and livelihood management. The book contains 35 papers comprising biodiversity issues and livelihood managements in two different sections. The book is extremely important for students, researchers, policymakers to the environment in general and plant science in particular.

  • af Loren Grush
    174,95 - 343,95 kr.

    "When NASA sent astronauts to the moon in the 1960s and 1970s the agency excluded women from the corps, arguing that only military test pilots--a group then made up exclusively of men--had the right stuff. ... Eventually, though, NASA realized its blunder and opened the application process to a wider array of hopefuls, regardless of race or gender. From a candidate pool of 8,000, six elite women were selected in 1978: Sally Ride, Judy Resnik, Anna Fisher, Kathy Sullivan, Shannon Lucid, and Rhea Seddon. In [this book], ... journalist Loren Grush shows these brilliant and courageous women enduring claustrophobic--and sometimes deeply sexist--media attention, undergoing rigorous survival training, and preparing for years to take multi-million-dollar payloads into orbit"--]cProvided by publisher.

  • af Keller Scholl
    248,95 kr.

    "Prepared for the Department of the Air Force."

    698,95 kr.

    This Special Issue gathers a collection of 10 recent studies focused on multiple aspects of salamanders, from life history traits to conservation assessments, encompassing the wide variability in their distribution, ecology, behavior, and multiple phenotypic traits.

    698,95 kr.

    This reprint, Application of Geophysical Data Interpretation in Geological and Mineral Potential Mapping, published by MDPI, is a compilation of scientific papers on new interpretation results in geological and mineral potential mapping using geophysical methods such as seismic, electrical resistivity, gravity and magnetic methods. It also provides some new methodologies for a variety of geophysical methods to aid geological methods with an emphasis on mineral exploration.

    1.073,95 kr.

    Structural health monitoring (SHM) and non-destructive testing (NDT) have gained significant importance for civil, mechanical, aerospace, and offshore structures. Nowadays, we can find SHM and NDT applications being used on various structures with very different requirements. However, the practical implementation of strategies for the detection of structural damage to real structures outside of laboratory conditions is always one of the most demanding tasks for engineers. Moreover, the processing and interpretation of the massive amount of data generated through the long-term monitoring of large and complex structures (e.g., bridges, buildings, ships, aircrafts, wind turbines, pipes, etc.) has become an emerging challenge that needs to be addressed by the community. This Topic brings together the most established as well as newly emerging SHM and NDT approaches that can be used for the detection and evaluation of defects and damage development in large-scale or full-scale structures. After a strict peer-review process, 44 papers were published, which represent the most recent progress of SHM and NDT methods/techniques for aerospace, civil, mechanical, and offshore infrastructures.

  • af David Metz
    218,95 kr.

    "Sponsored by the California Department of Industrial Relations"

  • af Robert McCrum
    213,95 kr.

    A rousing history of the penalty kick and its introduction in English football by a famed British writer & editor.Football, in the 1880s, was a rough and dangerous game. To address the abhorrent state of the sport, William McCrum, an amateur Irish goalkeeper and the author's great-grandfather, proposed the penalty kick, a new and drastic sanction introduced to the game in 1891. For over a hundred years, this extraordinary phenomenon has not only regulated the conduct of football (also known as soccer) but has also inspired game theories and infiltrated classics of contemporary literature.An enthralling portrait of a lost age, The Penalty Kick: The Story of a Gamechanger is a family history, a social history, and a history of the world's most popular sport. It considers an extraordinary phenomenon as it examines the penalty kick’s psychological—even philosophical—grip on our imaginations, with its distillation of risk and chance into the penalty shoot-out, an all-or-nothing moment.

  • af NASA
    283,95 kr.

    Discover the remarkable NASA spacecraft that have captured our imaginations for decades.

  • af Muzzamel Hussain Imran
    893,95 kr.

    The book explores the profound insights of Seyyed Hossein Nasr, an Islamic scholar, on the ecological crisis and its underlying causes. Nasr argues that the dominance of scientism, which prioritizes contemporary science as the sole source of knowledge, has led to a destructive relationship between humans and nature. He proposes that restoring the religious perspective is crucial for finding a lasting solution to the ecological problem.The book delves into Nasr's comprehensive body of work, covering diverse subjects such as Islamic philosophy, Islamic art, Islamic science, Sufism, and the ecological crisis. Nasr's approach advocates for a holistic and inclusive philosophy that draws inspiration from the perennial philosophy and the principles of Islam. He emphasizes the importance of reconnecting with our spiritual heritage and rediscovering reverence for the natural world. The book also discusses the relevance and applicability of Nasr's ideas to non-Islamic cultures and societies.This is a unique study into the work of an important Islamic scholar and ecologist. The key audience includes scholars and researchers interested in Islamic philosophy, environmental ethics, and the intersection of religion and ecology.

  • af Sy Montgomery
    182,95 kr.

    From the beloved and bestselling author of The Soul of an Octopus and The Hummingbirds' Gift comes a splendid celebration of one of nature's most lovable birds-- the unassuming yet mighty chicken!

  • af Elizabeth Rosner
    220,95 kr.

    "Third Ear braids together personal narrative with scholarly inquiry to examine the power of listening to build interpersonal empathy and social transformation. A child of Holocaust survivors, Rosner shares stories from growing up in a home where six languages were spoken to interrogate how diverse areas of scholarship such as psychotherapy, neurolinguistics, and creativity can illuminate the complex ways we are impacted by the sounds and silences of others"--

  • af Amy Schneider
    158,95 - 275,95 kr.

  • af Lisa Baril
    249,95 kr.

    "Glaciers figure prominently in both ancient and contemporary narratives around the world. They inspire art and literature. They spark both fear and awe. And they give and take life. In The Age of Melt, environmental journalist Lisa Baril explores the deep-rooted cultural connection between humans and ice through time. Thousands of organic artifacts are emerging from patches of melting ice in mountain ranges around the world. Archaeologists are in a race against time to find them before they disappear forever. In entertaining and enlightening prose, Baril travels from the Alps to the Andes, investigating what these artifacts teach us about climate and culture. But this is not a chronicle of loss. The Age of Melt explores what these artifacts reveal about culture, wilderness, and what we gain when we rethink our relationship to the world and its most precious and ephemeral substance--ice."--

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