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Ældre, der træner til triatlon, langdistancecykelløb, svømmekonkurrencer og skiløb er ikke længere noget særsyn. Seniormotionister i USA, der træner intensivt og hårdt og dyrker elitesport, kender Joe Friel og hans bog Fast after 50, der på dansk hedder +50 og hurtig. Bogen er allerede blevet en klassiker.Forfatteren Joe Friel trækker på den nyeste forskning, og den viser, at ældre sagtens kan træne hårdt og skabe gode præstationer, selv om de kommer godt over 50 år.+50 og hurtig indeholder højintensive træningsprogrammer, øvelser til styrketræning, tips til restitution, crosstræning og ernæringsprogrammer for højintensiv træning.Af bogens indhold:Hvordan reagerer kroppen på træningsprogrammer efterhånden, som man bliver ældre? Man får tips til at tilpasse træningen, så man ikke overtræner.Hvordan kommer man af med kropsfedt og genvinder muskelstyrke?Hvordan opsætter man niveauer for træningen, så man trinvist kan styrke kroppen?Øvelsesanvisninger, forslag til tests og metoder til at måle træningsintensiteten.
EFTER 3 ÅRS SEJLADS RUNDT OM JORDEN I SKIBET HAVANA, HAR BRØDRENE ALFRED, THEIS & EMIL BESLUTTET SIG FOR, AT FORTÆLLE OM DERES MANGE OPLEVELSER I EN SERIE BØGER.Brødrene har dykket hele deres liv og kan fortælle vidt og bredt om alt, fra at fiske med harpun til at dykke rundt om pukkelhvaler, på koralrev og begå sig mellem hajerne og derfor vil den første bog - planlagt til udgivelse i april - starte med selve dykningen hvadenten det er med snorkel, fridyk eller med flasker.De tre følgende bøger vil handle om Livet på koralrevet, Havets kæmper (hvalerne) og Mellem hajer.Bøgerne er rettet mod de yngre læsere og vil være fortalt i både tekst, billeder og illustrationer, lavet af kusinen Amanda, krydret med fakta-info og er derfor en lærerig, underholdende og informativ læsning baseret på brødrenes erfaringer.Den er også særdeles velegnet til læsning med voksne eller til egenlæsning for de mere øvede læsere. Og for de, som bare ikke kan få nok af familiens eventyr - uanset alder - er der masser af nye historier og billeder, som ikke før har set dagens lys.
I TRITRÆNING FOR KVINDER er ideen, at du skal lære at træne smart og uden at få skader, og undervejs får man rådgivning om effektiv træning inden for svømning, cykling og løb. Målet er at kunne nyde rejsen og processen mindst lige så meget som målet – uanset hvad målet er. TRITRÆNING FOR KVINDER handler også om at finde glæden og motivationen, når det gør allermest ondt – suppleret med anekdoter fra Michelles eget liv. Ud over udførlige øvelser er der råd om restitution, forberedelse og kost – og som en ekstra bonus kan man lære at tale tri. Alt er skrevet med et glimt i øjet og uden fanatisme – det handler om at finde ind til den måde, der passer en bedst.
Babysvømning med et relationsperspektiv giver både forældre og børn et forspring i livet.Vand er noget, vi har et forhold til hele livet. Så det gælder om at komme godt fra start. Og den sikreste vej til at blive som en fisk i vandet er at lære det våde element at kende sammen med dem, man kender bedst.Bogen beskriver for første gang babysvømning ud fra et relationsperspektiv med udgangspunkt i samspillet mellem barnet og den voksne - fra de første karbad til svømmebassinet. Den er skrevet til dig, som er kommende, nybagt forælder eller bedsteforælder og som gerne vil lære mere om, hvordan babysvømning kan styrke forholdet til dit barn.Forfatteren Ulrika Færch trækker på mange tusinder familiers oplevelser og mere end 20 års erfaring med de unikke egenskaber, som man kan opnå gennem babysvømning - og som rækker langt ud over bassinkanten og ind i fremtiden.”Du kan lære alt, hvad der er værd at vide om babysvømning ved at læse denne bog og samtidig kan du lære en masse om at være en opmærksom og nærværende forælder.” Jesper Juul, fra forordet til bogen
"Dykkerens Fiskebog" er uundværlig for dykkere og snorklere som besøger troperne. Især i Thailand, men også i resten af Indo-pacific er bogen et nyttigt redskab til at bestemme de fisk, man ser.I bogen er beskrevet 325 fiskearter med tekst og billeder. Fotografierne er fra Andamanerhavet, så fiskene optræder i deres naturlige omgivelser og de lokale variationer, som findes netop i dette område.I bogen findes desuden et stort afsnit med andre tropiske havdyr, bl.a. koraller, søpindsvin, krabber, muslinger, snegle, havslanger og havskildpadder.I "Dykkerens Fiskebog" er der, for første gang, brugt de officielle videnskabelige danske navne til samtlige fiskearter. Desuden er de engelske og latinske betegnelser medtaget.
Dette er den sande historie om to mænds heroiske, men tilsyneladende umulige kamp for at overleve. En skibskok er strandet i en luftlomme i vraget af et sunket skib 34 meter under havets overflade. Med næsten ingen ilt og uden at nogen aner, at han er i live. Men nogen kommer ham alligevel til undsætning.Tre dage senere ankommer et redningsskib for at bjærge de døde. En nyuddannet dykker bliver som den første sendt ind, og til sin skræk og store overraskelse finder han kokken i live, dybt inde i det sunkne skib.Men det er først nu problemerne virkelig begynder, og de er begge i livsfare.Bogen bygger på Lasse Spang Olsens nye dokumentarfilm; på Lasses interviews med alle involverede samt blandt andet på de utrolige autentiske optagelser fra dykkerhjelme, kameraer og radiokommunikation. Og bogen er rigt illustreret med Lasse Spang Olsens egne stills, framegrabs og fotos.
The ultimate travel itineraries for above and below water in this inspiring and comprehensive guide to the worlds 50 best scuba diving destinations.
To kvinder, Sally og Ellen, passionerede svømmere, optændt af drømmen om at krydse Den Engelske Kanal. I 1939 lykkes det for Sally, og hun fejres som en heltinde. Årtier senere, i 1983, rejser Ellen til Dover for at gentage Sally Bauers præstation. Hun har indgået en aftale med sin mand, Viktor. Hvis hun gennemfører turen over Kanalen, må hun i fremtiden hellige sig svømningen; hvis ikke, skal hun og børnene ledsage Viktor på hans drømmerejse med sejlbåd over Atlanterhavet. I 2001 vender Ellens nu voksne datter tilbage til Dover for at mindes den sommer i 1983, hvor hendes mor led sit livs nederlag. Hun forsøger at forstå. Forstå, hvad det var, der drev Ellen og Sally mod den store præstation, og hvorfor Ellen måtte kapitulere, mens Sally benhårdt forfulgte sin drøm. Happy Sally er en smuk og indtrængende roman om to frihedselskende kvinder og deres kamp for at realisere en lidenskab, der har store omkostninger for dem selv og de mennesker, der er tæt på dem.
Winner of the Cross Sports International Autobiography of the Year awardIn the 1970s, Diana Nyad was widely regarded as the greatest long-distance swimmer in the world and set many world records, such as circling Manhattan Island and crossing the 102.5 miles between the Bahamas and Florida. But one record continually eluded her: becoming the first woman to swim between Cuba and the Florida Keys without a shark cage. Finally, in September 2013, after four failed attempts and at the age of sixty-four, Diana completed the crossing after two days and two nights of continuous swimming - 53 consecutive hours, 110 miles. Millions of people watched her and cried and cheered and were dazzled and amazed by her tenacity and courage. Her memoir, Find a Way, is a dramatic, page-turning account of the epic endurance quest that led to that moment, and is also a galvanizing call to live life boldly, in-the-moment, fearlessly, passionately, with no regrets. What makes this book special is that it not only recounts an astonishing and hard won triumph, though it does tell the story of an extraordinary and improbable victory. What makes this book, and Nyad herself, so incredible is the fact of her monumental courage in the face of failure. Nyad failed, and failed, and failed, and failed, but never gave up, and this memoir shows her unwavering belief in the face of overwhelming odds. It is about perseverance, tenacity and commitment on an epic scale.
Lotte Friis er den bedste danske langdistance-svømmer nogensinde og har vundet medaljer ved både OL, VM og EM.Men selv om hun mange gange har stået øverst på sejrsskamlen, har karrieren også budt på store nedture. I FIGHTEREN fortæller hun bl.a. om at misse kvalifikationen til OL i 2004 – og om at gå helt ned, da hun var medaljefavorit til OL i London i 2012. FIGHTEREN er et anderledes portræt af en verdensstjerne i en sport, der ikke nyder stor bevågenhed i Danmark. Bogen er rigt illustreret.
Dive deep into that age-old habit humans have carried over centuries-the ever-tranquil act of bathing in nature.Whether in oceans or lakes, streams, or rivers; humans have been drawn to water and the unique bathing opportunities it offers. This title celebrates our connection with water, focusing on outdoor bathing locations around the world. From spots nature created expertly herself to places designed by humans to harness rugged and remote surroundings, this book examines in detail the long-standing relationship between humans and outdoor bathing in a way sure to charm the inner bather in us all.
Cayman Islands-based underwater photographer Fin Fleming allows a film company to use RIO's perfect facility as the setting for a big budget movie in exchange for hefty fees. Along with the movie, RIO is hosting an exhibition of real-life sea relics and ocean treasures featured in the picture. The most valuable exhibit, the twelve Anderson Sea Stars, is worth millions.A wily thief steals the set of solid gold starfish set with precious gems depicting the signs of the zodiac. But before the thief can get away, a ruthless killer whacks him but leaves the golden stars behind with the body.Meanwhile, superstar heart throb Rafe Cummings hires her to teach him to scuba dive, then puts the moves on her, threatening her once perfect romance with her fiancé Liam Lawton.As the killer continues attacking other members of the RIO team and the film crew, the case has Detective Dane Scott stumped, and Fin knows she'll have to solve the crime herself or watch her beloved oceanographic institute go under.Filled with romance, family secrets, and scuba diving, this latest entry in the addictive series will keep you hooked from first page to last.
Competitiveness, like all things, is a practice. But I was born with it baked in, a head start, a small beast locked in a too-small cage, snarling at the bars whenever there was a task at hand. My mother started feeding it young. Maybe she'd learnt what my father had always known: that I might have to work twice as hard to have half as much.Rebecca was born a ?freedom baby', a child whose birth coincided with the fall of the apartheid regime in South Africa, to a white mother and Black father. She was in-between, a breathing blend of her parents' skin, well-acquainted with that unsettling sense of non-belonging from an early age. But the water welcomed her strong body and she caught the eye of coaches at swimming schools in the UK. Fuelled by a natural competitiveness honed on the sharp edge of her mother's love, Rebecca plunged into the hothouse of British swimming, and soon was persuaded to swap sporting nationalities, leaving Kenya behind to pledge allegiance to Great Britain. Rebecca learns that training is designed to be punishing - to break down, excoriate, and puncture pain barriers. She learns that to swim a perfect race is to experience a sort of ecstatic communion between body and liquid world. And she also learns that her body, her Black body, is a commodity that other people feel entitled to, whose performance is constantly scrutinised, debated, and subjected to a racism both universal and endemic to the white world of swimming.
Dieser praktische Ratgeber zum Buch Methoden der Statistik und Prozessanalyse ¿ Eine anwendungsorientierte Einführung gibt einen kompletten Überblick über die Nutzung von MATLAB zur Lösung typischer statistischer Fragestellungen. Neben kurzen Theorieteilen liegt der Fokus des Buchs auf detailliertem, Zeile für Zeile dargestelltem MATLAB Code zur Lösung der Aufgaben. Weiterhin werden typische Abläufe für Standardaufgaben in MATLAB vorgestellt und erklärt. Kontrollfragen am Ende jedes Kapitels ermöglichen dem Leser, das erworbene Wissen selbstständig zu testen.
In "Barely There: A Splashy History of Men's Swimwear," Andrews Howle navigates the vibrant and complex world of men's swimwear, diving deep into its historical, cultural, and sociological undercurrents. From full-bodied Victorian woolens to the snug SWIMMERS of athletic icons, Howle charts the shifting tides of fashion, societal norms, and personal preference. Drenched in detailed analysis, rich anecdotes, and vibrant imagery, this comprehensive study also offers a future-facing look at where the wave of swimwear trends might carry us next. Howle's lively narrative will immerse readers in a captivating journey that exposes far more than skin. It is a unique exploration that challenges perceptions, bares truths, and plunges headfirst into the splashy history of men's swimwear.
I have been teaching swimming for the past fifty-eight years. The swim lessons encouraged me to coach swim teams for twenty-five years. During those years, I had championship teams and swimmers. I am currently teaching swimming at the April sound country club, in Montgomery, Texas.I have found that the techniques in this book work on everyone from 3 years to 80. the greater their fear the greater the challenge is for me. I have taught hundreds of children and adults utilizing these unique teaching concepts. I take great pride in teaching children a life skill that will keep helping them safe as well as provide a healthy activity at any age!
Discover 60 games that use little or no equipment and that cover all of the essential basics of learning to swim, including breathing, floating, submerging, gliding, kicking and pulling. Explore games and activities that teach them all.Using games and play to teach your child how to swim will not only open their mind to imagination and engagement, but it will help to distract them from the fears and anxieties often associated with the new sensations of being in the water and the expectations that come with learning how to swim.'I'm Mark Young, a swimming teacher with 30 years experience, and let me tell you, teaching my own three children to swim was a nightmare! They did not want to listen to Dad and just wanted to play. So, I gave up trying to teach them and let them play. Then it hit me. By playing and doing their own thing, they discovered the water for themselves. So I began to weave in some basic swimming skills and elements of swimming lessons into their games and, because it was a game, they were willing participants. Without knowing, they were learning how to swim as part of their play. Use the games and tools in my book and you can do the same. Have fun!'
Object Lessons is a series of short, beautifully designed books about the hidden lives of ordinary things.As a former world-ranked swimmer whose journey toward naturalization and U.S. citizenship began with a swimming fellowship, Piotr Florczyk reflects on his own adventures in swimming pools while taking a closer look at artists, architects, writers, and others who have helped to cement the swimming pool's prominent and iconic role in our society and culture.Swimming Pool explores the pool as a place where humans seek to attain the unique union between mind and body.Object Lessons is published in partnership with an essay series in The Atlantic.
How to scuba dive? How to get my scuba diving certification? Start off on the right fin!If you are not a diver yet, this in-depth handbook is everything you need to know about diving and scuba certification in a step-by-step beginner's guide.If you are a newly certified scuba diver and do not yet feel safe & comfortable underwater, this guide will show you how to become as comfortable underwater as you are when sitting on your couch.If you are a scuba diving instructor, this reference book will provide a quality framework to use with your students to prepare them for a lifetime of legendary underwater experiences.Regardless of your reason for wanting to learn to dive, chances are you won't go scuba diving after completing your open-water certification. Weird, right?There are "holes" in the way scuba diving instructors teach, and this handbook will lay it bare so you can prepare to learn to dive and get what you need for a lifetime of legendary underwater adventures.Recommendations are backed by industry-wide surveys that the author shares with you. He also explains ISO international scuba diving training standards so you can prepare and know if you are being short-changed.This step-by-step handbook to learning to dive covers scuba certification courses, dive equipment & dive travel with 550+ pages of actionable information.Should I get a PADI certification or go with another dive training agency? How much does it cost to learn to dive? How can I save money?How can I get comfortable underwater? What can I do to feel & be safe while scuba diving? What are the scuba certification levels and which ones matter to me?Typical mistakes made by people who decide to learn to dive.The pitfalls & traps in the dive industry. How to avoid them.Where to take your certification and with whom.Selecting a dive instructor, dive center, dive resort & dive boat.Your health & fitness to dive.What dive gear to buy & what to rent.How to save money by spending on what will actually help you.And so much more!Most books about scuba diving are written by instructors with good content. But Darcy Kieran gives you a 360-degree view from his experience as a scuba diving instructor trainer & owner/manager of dive shops, dive equipment wholesalers, dive boats, scuba diving university programs, and dive resorts.This handbook won't teach you how to scuba dive - you must get in the water for that! But you will know exactly what to do before registering for a scuba certification course.The author shares typical mistakes that would cost you time and money and, in many cases, provide you with such a bad experience that you would want to stop scuba diving. This book gives you a chance to learn from others' mistakes! It will help you understand how the dive industry operates so you can navigate it to your advantage.Do not risk missing out on a lifetime of legendary scuba diving adventures because many dive professionals you'll encounter are not always professional. Instead, learn how to be the leader of your own adventure!
Το 1913 στο επίσημο ημερολόγιο του ιταλικού Θωρηκτού "Ρεγγίνα Μαργκερίτα", ο επικεφαλής γιατρός του πληρώματος κατέγραψε μία απίθανη ιστορία σχετικά με την πρόσληψη ενός Έλληνα δύτη - σπογγαλιέα, έναν λεγόμενο "γυμνό δύτη", κορυφαίο βαθίτη σπογγαλιευτή του ελληνικού σφουγγαράδικου στόλου, για τον εντοπισμό και την ανέλκυση της άγκυρας του θωρηκτού, η οποία είχε χαθεί στα νερά του νησιού της Καρπάθου, στα Δωδεκάνησα, σ΄ένα βάθος 70 με 80 μέτρα.Ο Δόκτωρ Τζουζέπε Μουσένκο περιέγραψε στο ημερολόγιο του πλοίου τα γεγονότα των τριών ημερών ελεύθερων καταδύσεων του Στάθη Χατζή, του κορυφαίου Έλληνα δύτη που είχαν προσλάβει, σε βάθη μέχρι τα 88 μέτρα και με απίστευτους χρόνους παραμονής στο βυθό των τεσσάρων λεπτών σε κάθε του κατάδυση. Μετά από περισσότερες από δεκαέξη τέτοιες καταδύσεις - ρεκόρ, ο Στάθης Χατζής είχε κατορθώσει να εντοπίσει την χαμένη άγκυρα στο βυθό των Πηγαδιών της Καρπάθου, την είχε δέσει και τελικά είχε βοηθήσει να την σηκώσουν ξανά, πάνω στο πολεμικό πλοίο.Ο συγγραφέας και βιογράφος του Στάθη Χατζή συγκέντρωσε γεγονότα και ιστορικές καταγραφές, αφηγήσεις και μαρτυρίες, συμπληρώνοντάς τα σε αυτό το βιβλίο μόνο, όπου χρειάστηκε, από την φαντασία του γράφοντα, για να γραφτεί η περιπέτεια μιας ολόκληρης ζωής, με άφθονα επεισόδια, όπως υπήρξε η ζωή του κορυφαίου ελεύθερου δύτη...Το βιβλίο αποτελεί το σενάριο του συγγραφέα, για μία ταινία, με θέμα τον Στάθη Χατζή και τις θρυλικές περιπέτειες και καταδύσεις του και την απόδειξη ότι αξίζει η ιδέα του, να το δούμε μία μέρα, σαν ταινία, στον κινηματογράφο!
Apprendre les lois de la physique qui régissent les phénomènes physique auxquels sont soumis le plongeur est une nécessité Cet apprentissage par des cours magistraux est à éviter pour les enfants dans le cadre d'une activité de loisirsIl devient donc nécessaire de trouver pour ceux-ci d'autres méthodes permettant de leur transmettre ces connaissancesd'une manière moins ardue et certainement plus imagée.Depuis plus de 15 années d'enseignement de la plongée aux enfants, nous avons pu rassembler des expériences pratiques permettant d'illustrer, de façon parfois originale, ces lois et ces principes techniques qui régissent la pénétration de l'homme dans le monde sous-marin. Ce sont ces dispositifs qui sont décrits dans ce manuel, L'idée primordiale de chaque expérience est de mettre en oeuvre des dispositifs clairs, mais simples et peu coûteux qui doivent pouvoir être construits, le cas échéant, par les enfants eux-même
Réalisé à partir des premières bases de pédagogie structurée mise en place au Club des Marmottes Palmées et remises régulièrement à jour, ce programme de cours est tout autant destiné à structurer les cours dispensés en piscine qu'à stimuler l'imagination des encadrants des enfants.Structurer les cours dispensés en piscine; pour permettre aux futurs petits plongeurs d'évoluer dans la plongée, et de se sentir progresser: Et de plus pour donner également aux encadrants une échelle de valeur qui leur permettra d'évaluer correctement leurs élèves, Stimuler l'imagination des encadrants; les exercices décrits dans ce programme ne sont pas une fin en soi, ils n'ont pour objectif que de permettre aux enfants d'apprendre en s'amusant, mais pas forcement en jouant Il existe une infinité d'exercices et de variantes imaginables,mais en gardant malgré tout à l'esprit que chaque exercice doit avoir un but précis, et une utilité dans l'enseignement de la plongée.
This book is ideal for anyone wanting to learn scuba diving with Nitrox. It contains the complete theoretical knowledge which is necessary to dive safe with enriched gases (Nitrox 22 to 40).
Aquatic Accidents is a uniquely comprehensive book analyzing the full range of water-based accidents in both the natural environment (e.g., oceans, lakes and rivers) and built facilities (e.g., swimming pools, waterparks, and spas). People are naturally drawn to the water, from back-yard swimming pools to the number one tourist destination, the beach. Accidents are far too common, and most are preventable with foresight provided by this book. The various water activities discussed in Aquatic Accidents cause needless injuries and even death. This book gives you the tools to identify these hazards and initiate actions to save lives. Aquatic Accidents is especially useful for property owners with aquatic environments, parks and recreation professionals and accident/injury attorneys. Features in this book include: The most effective ways to prevent drowningHow to recognize a drowning victim Diving - a major cause of spinal cord injuries Rip currents - the greatest beach hazard Swimming pool, waterpark, and spa accident prevention Snorkeling, scuba diving, and boating safety Lake and river danger recognition and avoidance
We sink deeper and deeper into the viscera and tormented moods of this young man who lives only on dreams and adventures, and occasionally sex and romance. Unless it's the other way around...Out of generosity he gives us everything. Aren't we all the same with our imperfect human emotions? How good it is that he takes us to visit our shadow areas that we too often deny, making us incomplete beings...From isolated lands to lost lands, he gives us his intimate secrets, full of his old lives and their emotional scoriae. Thus, from roads to routs, he will find the goal of his long quest and will marry underwater for what he has finally come to seek - deep love - in the purest protocol of the Atlanteans.In short, we enjoy ourselves, we want more, and here is the rest!Keywords: Sex, adventure, reincarnation, past lives, vicious family ties, liberation, and...er...sex again.EXTRACT :Lesson of the day: how to defecate quietly, at the back of the boat.Sit down on the back railing, making sure of course that there is no one watching you, or your ego may take a hit, the position is so immodest and shocking. Pull down your underpants, securing your hands firmly to the railing. Slowly move your buttocks back to the point of no balance, and make sure there are no greedy gulls hovering behind, who, thinking what is about to fall is food, might.. .finally it is better to avoid that.Also be sure that the rogue wave will not come to affect your hazardous balance either, take a deep breath and push hard to quickly eject the materials that are stalling, or feces.As a dead poet would say: "It is good to hate our ridiculousness by cheering up our testicles".So for the toilets, it will be bare ass, defecating in free fall at the back of the boat, women as well as men.Everyone giggles with stifled, yellow, embarrassed, childish laughter...
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