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This book discusses the latest advances in cyber-physical security and resilience of cyber-physical systems, including cyber-attack detection, isolation, situation awareness, resilient estimation and resilient control under attack. It presents both theoretical results and important applications of the methods.Security and Resilience in Cyber-Physical Systems begins by introducing the topic of cyber-physical security, covering state-of-the-art trends in both theory and applications, as well as some of the emerging methodologies and future directions for research. It then moves on to detail theoretical methods of attack detection, resilient estimation and control within cyber-physical systems, before discussing their various applications, such as power generation and distribution, autonomous systems, wireless communication networks and chemical plants.Focusing on the detection of and accommodation to cyber-attacks on cyber-physical systems, and including both estimation and artificial-intelligence-based methods, this book will be of interest to researchers, engineers and graduate students within the fields of cyber-physical security and resilient control.
This open access book gathers authors from a wide range of social-scientific and engineering disciplines to review challenges from their respective fields that arise from the processes of social and technological transformation taking place worldwide. The result is a much-needed collection of knowledge about the integration of social, organizational and technical challenges that need to be tackled to uphold safety in the digital age.The contributors whose work features in this book help their readers to navigate the massive increase in the capability to generate and use data in developing algorithms intended for automation of work, machine learning and next-generation artificial intelligence and the blockchain technology already in such extensive use in real-world organizations.This book deals with such issues as:· How can high-risk and safety-critical systems be affected by these developments, in terms of their activities, theirorganization, management and regulation?· What are the sociotechnical challenges of the proliferation of big data, algorithmic influence and cyber-security challenges in health care, transport, energy production/distribution and production of goods?Understanding the ways these systems operate in the rapidly changing digital context has become a core issue for academic researchers and other experts in safety science, security and critical-infrastructure protection. The research presented here offers a lens through which the reader can grasp the way such systems evolve and the implications for safety¿an increasingly multidisciplinary challenge that this book does not shrink from addressing.
Wissenschaftlicher Aufsatz aus dem Jahr 2023 im Fachbereich Ingenieurwissenschaften - Fahrzeugtechnik, , Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Diese wissenschaftliche Arbeit befasst sich mit den fluidmechanische Wirbelspulen bei biologischen Fliegern. Fluidmechanische Wirbelspulen entstehen mit einer spiralig angeordneten Formation kohärenter Wirbelfäden. Man kann fluidmechanischen Wirbelspulen physikalische Eigenschaften zuweisen, aber formal gibt es über spiralige Wirbelformationen in der Strömungsmechanik bislang keine allgemeingültige Theorie. Also werden wir nachfolgend von einer Phänomenologie sprechen, statt von einer Theorie. Über Wirbelfäden ¿ den ¿Bauelementen¿ der Wirbelspulen - sind theoretische Kernaussagen seit langem bekannt; die wichtigsten stammen von Helmholtz. Einigen modernen Theorieansätzen über geordnete Wirbelanordnungen ist gemein, dass sie kohärente Wirbelformationen als zusammenhängende Domänen dominanter Wirbelstärke benennen. Für die hier vorgestellte Phänomenologie ¿mehrgängiger (N) fluidmechanischer Wirbelspulen¿ (global Mode N Vortex Coil) wird zunächst die als gesichert geltende Wirbelfadentheorie Helmholtz¿s auf Lagrange Kohärente Strukturen angewandt und durch einen Ansatz über das innere Milieu der Wirbelfilamente erweitert. Dieserart Strukturen bilden Systeme aus, die fähig sind zu einer Impulsinduktion, welche ihrerseits das Feld organisiert. Für die Gegenwart wohlgruppierter Wirbelfäden gibt es eine Vermutung über die Selbstorganisation (Autopoiesis) von Wirbelfilamenten in einem Strömungsfeld.
This book comprises state-of-the-art research results in the field of mechatronics and other closely related areas and that will be presented on occasion of the third ¿International Conference of Reliable Systems Engineering (ICoRSE 2023)¿ that will take place in Bucharest, Romania, between 07¿08 September 2023.The first two ICoRSE editions brought together professors, Ph.D. students, and researchers in Europe, North America, and Asia, in countries such as: England, Albania, Austria, Bulgaria, Canada, Czech Republic, Germany, France, Italy, Portugal, Turkey, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, and Vietnam. In this year¿s edition of the conference, we have benefitted from the inclusion in the scientific committee of the conference of professors in all of these countries, and we cover a wide variety of topics, such as: theoretical and applied mechanics; cyber-physical systems, robotics, smart bio-medical and bio-mechatronic systems, new and intelligent materials and structures, modelling andsimulation in mechanics and mechatronics, smart mechatronic production and control system, optics, control systems, big data modelling, micro- and nanotechnology, automation, manufacturing optimization, and other.Since the book¿s chapters represent contributions of scholars who work in both state-funded institutions and in the business environment, they reflect a clear picture of the novelties attained in the leading-edge sciences that are in the scope of the conference. It is our belief that the book is useful to both students and researchers in all areas of engineering, who will each find at least one topic worthy of their interest in this work.
This book presents applications and solutions of Big Data in the GovTech system and recommendations for regulating the institutions of the digital economy and information society for the wide application of Big Data with the use of the institutional approach. In this book, a systematic scientific understanding of GovTech is formed, the central place of Big Data in this system is substantiated, and modern experience in the functioning and development of this system is considered in detail. The contribution of the book to the literature is to bridge the gap between theory and practice of GovTech through a comprehensive study of all its manifestations in the three parts of the book. The first part is devoted to GovTech in the provision of high-tech educational services based on Big Data. The second part reflects state regulation of the economy by industry using Big Data in the GovTech. The third part outlined the digital divide and the experience of overcoming it with the help of GovTech based on Big Data.The practical significance of the book lies in the fact that it offers a holistic practical guide to the development of the GovTech system based on Big Data. The book will be of interest to academic scientists studying GovTech, as it clarified its categorical apparatus and scientific basis. The subjects of management in GovTech form the secondary target audience of this book, which provides them with numerous cases from the experience of modern Russia, as well as applied recommendations for improving the efficiency of the GovTech system based on Big Data. The book is multidisciplinary and is intended for scientists from various fields of science (pedagogy, economics, business, law, management, and ICT).
This book comprises chapters authored by experts who are professors and researchers in internationally recognized universities and research institutions. The book presents the results of research and descriptions of real-world systems, services, and technologies. Reading this book, researchers, professional practitioners, and graduate students will gain a clear vision on the state of the art of the research and real-world practice on system dependability and analytics.The book is published in honor of Professor Ravishankar K. Iyer, the George and Ann Fisher Distinguished Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), Urbana, Illinois. Professor Iyer is ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow, AAAS Fellow, and served as Interim Vice Chancellor of UIUC for research during 2008-2011. The book contains chapters written by many of his former students.
This book CONVEYORS FOR HANDLING BIOLOGICAL PRODUCTS IN-PLANT provides an in-depth approach to the fundamentals for the design of conveyors used in agricultural processing industries. It is written for agricultural engineering graduates and undergraduates as well as others in tertiary institutions interested in material handling equipment design. It is an eminently useful book for practicing engineers, designers and research workers as well as technicians and technologists. The conveyors covered in the book include belt, bucket, chain, gravity roller, hydraulic and pneumatic, screw and shaking conveyors as well as fans and blowers.The book approached the design and selection of conveyors by calculating their throughput capacities, the forces acting on them and the power requirement of each conveyor, with the hope that whoever uses the book must have attained an appropriate level of Mathematics and Physics to come to terms with the many mathematical equations used in the book. The design approach took into consideration the properties of the materials to be conveyed as well as those of the conveyors to be selected and used as a rational basis for the design.The book classified conveyors, showed the various factors to be considered when selecting conveyors and gave the general theory of conveyors before going into the design properly. The maintenance procedures for the traction-type conveyors were given. At the end of each chapter, worked examples, review questions and sample problems were given to enable the reader come to grips with the subject matter.
This book gathers peer-reviewed research papers based on selected contributions to the 13th Logistics Management Conference (LM 2023), held on 13.-15.09.2023, in Dresden, Germany. They report on cutting-edge methods and strategies for supply chain management, digitalisation, sustainable development, discussing their application in both manufacturing and service industries.
This is the latest volume in the series of Springer titles on emotional engineering tracking the development of this field.Engineering has been based on the Euclidean space approach and it was numerical data-centric. In short, our engineering up to now has been control-based, i.e., on tactics and problem solving. When we realize AI consumes 10,000 times more energy than human brain, we understand how it is better to use 10,000 people's minds. But current society is industrial society. The industrial revolution introduced division of labour and we started to work for others. But the tremendous consumption of energy indicates that we need to move toward another society. If we can make the next society a self-Satisfying society (SSS) and create a new sustainable society with greater mental wellbeing then many emerging problems will be solved and we can enjoy our lives better. Emotional engineering engages with this challenge.
This volume collects 22 essays on the history of logic written by outstanding specialists in the field. The book was originally prompted by the 2018-2019 celebrations in honor of Massimo Mugnai, a world-renowned historian of logic, whose contributions on Medieval and Modern logic, and to the understanding of the logical writings of Leibniz in particular, have shaped the field in the last four decades. Given the large number of recent contributions in the history of logic that have some connections or debts with Mugnai's work, the editors have attempted to produce a volume showing the vastness of the development of logic throughout the centuries. We hope that such a volume may help both the specialist and the student to realize the complexity of the history of logic, the large array of problems that were touched by the discipline, and the manifold relations that logic entertained with other subjects in the course of the centuries. The contributions of the volume, in fact, span from Antiquity to the Modern Age, from semantics to linguistics and proof theory, from the discussion of technical problems to deep metaphysical questions, and in it the history of logic is kept in dialogue with the history of mathematics, economics, and the moral sciences at large.
5G-Netze werden weltweit auf- und ausgebaut. Im Vergleich zu 4G bieten sie nicht nur offensichtliche Vorteile wie höhere Bitraten, sondern hohe Zuverlässigkeit und geringe Latenz, z.B. für Car-to-X-Anwendungen, oder die Einbindung einer sehr hohen Anzahl von Endgeräten, z.B. von Sensoren in einer Smart City. Dieses einzige deutschsprachige Buch zur 5G-Technik beginnt mit der Evolution bei den Mobilfunknetzen hin zu 5G und geht in der Folge auf die Basiskonzepte und -technologien wie NGN, IMS, die Virtualisierung mit NFV und MEC sowie SDN ein. Die besondere Herangehensweise an 5G über Anwendungsfälle und Einsatzszenarien hin zu konkreten Anforderungen sowie die Standardisierung bei ITU und vor allem 3GPP sowie die internationale Regulierung werden aufgezeigt. Breiten Raum nehmen das Design von 5G-Systemen, die 5G-Zugangsnetze inkl. Open-RAN mit ihrer leistungsstarken Übertragungstechnik sowie das Kernnetz mit den innovativen Konzepten der Service Based Architecture und des Network Slicing inkl. Beispielen aus der Netzwerkpraxis ein. Ein 5G-System wird in der Gesamtsicht dargestellt, ergänzt durch einen Blick auf Campusnetze und abgerundet durch einen Überblick über alle relevanten IT Security-Aspekte. Abgeschlossen wird die Gesamtbetrachtung durch einen Blick auf die Umwelteinflüsse durch die elektromagnetische Strahlung, die Energie- und Rohstoffbedarfe sowie das Thema Nachhaltigkeit. Zudem wird die Weiterentwicklung bei 5G beschrieben inkl. eines optimal aufbereiteten Einstiegs in 6G. Hauptziel des Buches ist es, an 5G-Technik und -Anwendungsszenarien interessierten Personen fundiertes 5G-Wissen zu vermitteln und zur weiteren Auseinandersetzung mit diesem Themengebiet anzuregen. Angesprochen sind allgemein technisch Interessierte, speziell Mitarbeitende von öffentlichen und privaten Netzbetreibern. Interesse wird dieses Buch auch in den IT-Abteilungen möglicher 5G-Anwenderfirmen wecken, nicht zuletzt natürlich bei Studierenden der Informatik und Elektrotechnik.
Covid-19 has hit the world unprepared, as the deadliest pandemic of the century. Governments and authorities, as leaders and decision makers fighting against the virus, enormously tap on the power of AI and its data analytics models for urgent decision supports at the greatest efforts, ever seen from human history. This book showcases a collection of important data analytics models that were used during the epidemic, and discusses and compares their efficacy and limitations.Readers who from both healthcare industries and academia can gain unique insights on how data analytics models were designed and applied on epidemic data. Taking Covid-19 as a case study, readers especially those who are working in similar fields, would be better prepared in case a new wave of virus epidemic may arise again in the near future.
This book covers advanced reliability and maintainability knowledge as applied to recent engineering problems. It highlights research in the fields of reliability measures of binary and complex engineering systems, cost analysis, simulations, optimizations, risk factors, and sensitivity analysis. The book scrutinizes various advanced tools and techniques, methodology, and concepts to solve the various engineering problems related to reliability and maintainability of the industrial system at minimum cost and maximum profit. It consists of 15 chapters and offers a platform to researchers, academicians, professionals and scientists to enhance their knowledge and understanding the concept of reliability in engineering.
This book redefines the essence of the information society and the digital economy, offering a new approach to their management and organization based on big data. The novelty of the new approach is that it ensures the use of the advanced technological capabilities of the Fourth Industrial Revolution to accelerate socio-economic development. The success of the new approach is based on progressive social institutions and advanced big data technology.Theoretical issues, methodological developments, and the author¿s applied recommendations are consistently presented in forty chapters distributed in five sections. The book contains cases that reveal the practical experience of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU). The intended readership of the book is scientists. The book is interesting and useful for them because it presents an innovative model of information society and digital economy development driven by big data.
This book provides state-of-the-art descriptions of smart service innovations in the industry, supported by novel scientific approaches. It gathers findings and insights presented at the fourth Smart Services Summit, held in Zurich, Switzerland, in October 2021, which primarily focused on how smart services have enabled companies to adapt during and to the COVID-19 pandemic.The book includes examples of remote and collaborative working that actively involve customers in service processes, requiring a change in mindset for more traditional firms. Moreover, it explores how services can be delivered faster and more affordable with the aid of new technologies and in collaboration with the customers, leading to new value propositions and business models and thus an evolution of smart services. Given its scope, the book offers an essential guide for practitioners and advanced students alike.
This book - a result of 30 years of quality-related work experience - was written to aid quality technicians and engineers. It provides the quality professional working in virtually any industry a quick, convenient, and comprehensive guide to properly conducting measurement systems analysis (MSA).The intent of this book is to provide background and examples on the application of gage R&R methodology (test method validation) for variable and attribute data, help for those who work with devices that don't fit the usual approach, and ideas for measurement devices that require innovation to assess their performance under off-line, static conditions. The ultimate objective is to determine how best to improve the control and performance of a process. The reader is assumed to be familiar with basic control charting methodology since assessment of statistical control of the measurement process is important.One may wonder why performing a gage R&R is so important; the simple answers are profit, public health, and safety. Companies that are shipping product that is out of specification can be subjected to expensive litigation, especially in the aviation, pharmaceutical, and medical device industries. This book will be a useful reference when preparing for and taking many of the ASQ quality certification examinations, including the Certified Quality Technician (CQT), Certified Calibration Technician (CCT), Certified Quality Inspector (CQI), Certified Six Sigma Green Belt (CSSGB), Certified Quality Engineer (CQE), Certified Six Sigma Black Belt (CSSBB), and Certified Reliability Engineer (CRE).
This is an open access book. It gathers the proceedings of the 18th Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing, held on October 5-7, 2022, as a hybrid event, in/from Berlin, Germany. With a focus on manufacturing advances and practices driving the circular economy, the chapters selected for this book report on sustainable manufacturing technologies for the mobility, energy and construction sector, and for machines and equipments, covering applications of artificial intelligence and industry 4.0. Moreover, they discuss energy-efficient process, waste reuse, and CO2 neutral production, giving a special emphasis to developing sustainable manufacturing in emerging countries. This book offers extensive and timely information for both researchers and professionals in the field of manufacturing and business development.
Based on the drivers of the development of logistics, the success factors of logistics management in excellent companies are analyzed. Logistics management in and between companies requires a change in thinking on the operational as well as on the strategic and normative level of action. The functions of logistics management are explained in detail and discussed with regard to their design. The explanations are based on the presentation of the interplay of the normative, strategic and operational levels of action and the contribution of logistics to the achievement of corporate objectives. Essential building blocks for the implementation of the logistics concept are strategic logistics planning and logistics controlling. In addition to the organizational and operational issues, supply chain management is becoming increasingly important for the interorganizational realization of the logistics concept: because it is precisely from cooperation and collaboration that additional potential for sustainable value enhancement of the company through logistics arises. In order to exploit these potentials, it is important to promote suitable employees in a targeted manner. Therefore, the book concludes with a consideration of the special aspects of personnel management in logistics.On the one hand, the book addresses the practitioner who wants to profitably implement the concepts presented here. On the other hand, it is aimed at lecturers at universities, colleges and academies to support their courses. Students who are interested in the management-related issues of logistics will receive valuable information for their studies and future professional activities.
Ab 2023 erscheint das deutschsprachige Standardwerk für die Trägerraketen der USA in einer neuen Auflage. Es wird in mehrere Teilbände gesplittet. Band 1 behandelt die frühen und kleinen Trägerraketen. Dazu gehören die Vanguard, die den ersten US-Satelliten starten sollte, aber letztendlich nur den zweiten Satelliten startete. Die Konkurrenz Jupiter-C/Juno I entstand aus der militärisch genutzten Redstone und startete die Explorer 1. Die Juno II entstand aus der Jupiter-IRBM mit dem Oberstufenbündel der Jupiter und startete die erste erfolgreiche Raumsonde der USA, Pioneer 4, die 1959 am Mond vorbeiflog.Zu den frühen, kleinen US-Trägerraketen gehört auch das Projekt Pilot. Es war ein erst in den Neunziger Jahren bekanntes Projekt der US-Navy, das 1958 versuchte, mit einer von einem Flugzeug abgeworfenen Rakete einen Satelliten zu starten. Keiner der Starts der Pilot war jedoch erfolgreich.Den Abschluss dieses Bandes bildet die Scout. Sie löste ab 1961 die Vanguard und Juno I ab und wurde in verschiedenen Versionen bis in die Neunziger Jahre eingesetzt.Gegenüber dem Abschnitt aus dem Buch US-Trägerraketen wurde weiter ergänzt, vor allem über die Vorgeschichte der Selektion der Rakete für den ersten US-Träger und für die wenigen Starts der Vanguard Juno I und II um deren komplette Einsatzgeschichte.Diese Reihe bildet den endgültigen Abschluss der Enzyklopädie von Bernd Leitenberger über US-Trägerraketen, die schon in der vorherigen Auflage zum Standardwerk wurde.Weitere Bände über Titan, Atlas, Delta, Schwerlastraketen und neuere Träger ab 1990 erscheinen in den nächsten Jahren.
Dieses Lehrbuch zur Kreislaufwirtschaft (in den Vorauflagen unter dem Titel Einführung in die Abfallwirtschaft erschienen) bietet eine Einführung und Vertiefung für alle studienrelevanten Inhalte zur Kreislaufwirtschaft. Unter Mitwirkung von kompetenten Fachleuten und Experten, die in Lehre und Forschung auf dem Gebiet der Kreislauf- und Abfallwirtschaft tätig sind, berücksichtigt die 6. Auflage die aktuellen technischen und gesetzlichen Entwicklungen, aber auch die Anforderungen an Abfallwirtschaftsbetriebe, Kommunikation an Konsumenten und ökonomische Aspekte. Zahlreiche Abbildungen helfen dabei, das Themengebiet der Kreislaufwirtschaft besser zu verstehen. Am Ende eines jeden Kapitels unterstützen die bewährten Kontroll- und Übungsaufgaben das Lernen. Ein umfassendes Glossar mit Erläuterungen zu den Fachbegriffen sowie ergänzende Tabellen runden dieses Buch ab.
Nachgiebige Mechanismen sind im Stande, Bewegungen und Kräfte zu übertragen dank der Fähigkeit zur Deformation von Systemteilen bzw. des ganzen Systems. Diese Eigenschaft ruft mehrere Vorteile nachgiebiger Mechanismen hervor. Sie können monolithisch hergestellt werden und sind dadurch miniaturisierbar. Sie sind reibungsfrei und wartungsarm sowie im Stande, komplexe Bahnen zu realisieren. Zu einem der Nachteile nachgiebiger Mechanismen gehört deren komplizierte theoretische Beschreibung, daher widmet sich das Buch in erster Linie unterschiedlichen Modellierungsmethoden nachgiebiger Mechanismen und fluidmechanischer Aktuatoren. Das vorliegende Werk bietet außerdem erstmals eine breite Klassifikation zur Thematik mit Anwendungsbeispielen aus verschiedenen technischen Bereichen. Ein Greifer mit verformbaren Fingern, ein Greifer mit einem elastischen Körper, eine gekrümmte verformbare Sonde, nachgiebige Sensorelemente, ein Bohrer unter Belastung und ein Schlauch mit Innenströmung ¿ das sind nur einige von den Beispielen, an welchen die Wege der Modellbildung nachgiebiger Systeme demonstriert werden.
This book explores the cutting-edge ideas that are shaping the future of innovation, design, entrepreneurship, and sustainability. The proceedings of the interdisciplinary Conference on Innovation, Design, Entrepreneurship, and Sustainable Systems offer new perspectives on these topics. This book navigates the most recent research trends and practices, and gains unique insights on how to address innovation, design, and entrepreneurship on a sustainable basis. This book is an essential reference for anyone interested in staying up to date on the latest research, whether they are academics, designers, entrepreneurs, or sustainability enthusiasts. Get your copy now and take part in the debate about the future of sustainable innovation.
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