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Matematik for ingeniører

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  • - World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science 2015
    af Sio-Iong Ao
    1.228,95 - 1.704,95 kr.

    This proceedings volume contains selected revised and extended research articles written by researchers who participated in the World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science 2015, held in San Francisco, USA, 21-23 October 2015. Topics covered include engineering mathematics, electrical engineering, circuits, communications systems, computer science, chemical engineering, systems engineering, manufacturing engineering, and industrial applications.The book offers the reader an overview of the state of the art in engineering technologies, computer science, systems engineering and applications, and will serve as an excellent reference work for researchers and graduate students working in these fields.

  • af Xingjian Jing
    2.768,95 kr.

    This book is to provide readers with up-to-date advances in applied and interdisciplinary engineering science and technologies related to nonlinear dynamics, vibration, control, robotics, and their engineering applications, developed in the most recent years. All the contributed chapters come from active scholars in the area, which cover advanced theory & methods, innovative technologies, benchmark experimental validations and engineering practices. Readers would benefit from this state-of-the-art collection of applied nonlinear dynamics, in-depth vibration engineering theory, cutting-edge control methods and technologies, and definitely find stimulating ideas for their on-going R&D work. This book is intended for graduate students, research staff and scholars in academics, and also provides useful hand-up guidance for professional and engineers in practical engineering missions.

  • af Praveen Agarwal
    1.650,95 kr.

    This edited volume is a collection of selected research articles discussing the analysis of infectious diseases by using mathematical modelling in recent times. Divided into two parts, the book gives a general and country-wise analysis of Covid-19. Analytical and numerical techniques for virus models are presented along with the application of mathematical modelling in the analysis of their spreading rates and treatments. The book also includes applications of fractional differential equations as well as ordinary, partial and integrodifferential equations with optimization methods. Probability distribution and their bio-mathematical applications have also been studied. This book is a valuable resource for researchers, scholars, biomathematicians and medical experts.

  • - Grundlagen und Programmierung in C
    af Franz Kneil & Axel Böttcher
    498,95 kr.

    Fur Ingenieure nimmt die Fahigkeit, Software programmieren zu konnen, immer entscheidendere Bedeutung an. C-Programmierung ist das unverzichtbare Basiswissen in allen technischen Studiengangen. Sprachen wie Java oder C++ bauen darauf auf. Hier ist Ihre Einfuhrung in die C-Programmierung! Das Buch nimmt selbstverstandlich Rucksicht auf die Einsteiger, die zum ersten Mal eine Programmiersprache erlernen. Groe Vorkenntnisse sind nicht notig, das Hintergrundwissen zu Computern, Zahlensystemen und Codierung wird ausreichend vermittelt. Besondere Vorteile: - C-Programmierung als Hauptschwerpunkt des Buches. - Zeitgemae Themen und Beispiele. - Wichtige Algorithmen aus dem technischen Bereich. - Viele Tipps, z.B. zu typischen Fehlern, zahlreiche Abbildungen und Tabellen. - Viele Aufgaben und Fragen fur Praktika und Klausuren machen fur die Prufung fit. Mit der beiliegenden CD kann man - sofort loslegen: der Borland(R) C/ C++ Compiler 5.5 sowie ein passender Programmeditor sind samt ausfuhrlichen Anleitungen zur Installation und Benutzung enthalten. - Grafik-Programme ohne Windows-Kenntnisse erstellen (ein Grafikpaket ist enthalten).

  • af Peter Deuflhard & Martin Weißer
    733,95 kr.

  • af Yuri A. Melnikov & Max Y. Melnikov
    2.058,95 kr.

  • af Bernd Simeon
    208,95 kr.

    Unsichtbar und zugleich omnipräsent, erobern sich Computermodelle ständig neue Anwendungsfelder. Ihre Macht verdanken sie den immensen Kapazitäten moderner Rechnersysteme, und sie wird zusätzlich befeuert durch das maschinelle Lernen aus riesigen Datenbergen. Digitale Patienten, Szenarien zum Klimawandel, Missionen zu fernen Planeten, das Jonglieren an den Finanzmärkten, die Entwicklung nuklearer Waffensysteme ¿ anhand vielfältiger Episoden und persönlicher Erlebnisse des Autors bietet Ihnen dieses Buch Einblick in eine faszinierende Welt, die zu einer wesentlichen Quelle des Erkenntnisgewinns geworden ist. Doch die unaufhaltsame Mathematisierung schürt auch Ängste: Sind wir, wie Goethes Zauberlehrling, schon tief im Netz der Algorithmen und Computermodelle verstrickt und verlieren die Kontrolle über ihre Macht? Wie ein modernes Orakel stillen Computermodelle unsere Sehnsucht nach einer berechenbaren Zukunft. Doch es lauern Fallstricke, aufgrund derer ihre Prognosen gravierend danebenliegen können. Blindes Vertrauen beim Laien wie auch starre Modellgläubigkeit beim Experten resultieren dann in Fehlentscheidungen, dem Versagen technischer Systeme oder ökonomischem Desaster. Kann man diesen Fallstricken entgehen?Zum Lesen dieses Buches benötigen Sie Neugierde sowie Offenheit für Überraschendes, aber keine Fachkenntnisse. Eine Fülle von Abbildungen veranschaulicht die wesentlichen Zusammenhänge, ergänzt um spannende Anekdoten aus Wissenschaft und Technik. Wollen Sie mehr erfahren? Dann kommen Sie mit auf diesen Streifzug durch den Kosmos der Computermodelle.

  • af Xuewen Wang, Jiacheng Xie & Suhua Li
    2.012,95 kr.

  • af Prosenjit Singha Deo
    1.408,95 kr.

    This book gives a general introduction to theoretically understand thermodynamic properties and response to applied fields of mesoscopic systems that closely relate to experiments. The book clarifies many conceptual and practical problems associated with the Larmor clock and thus makes it a viable approach to study these properties. The book is written pedagogically so that a graduate or undergraduate student can follow it. This book also opens up new research areas related to the unification of classical and quantum theories and the meaning of time. It provides a scientific mechanism for time travel which is of immense fascination to science as well as society. It is known that developments in mesoscopic physics can lead to downscaling of device sizes. So, new or experienced researchers can have a quick introduction to various areas in which they might contribute in the future. This book is expected to be a valuable addition to the subject of mesoscopic physics.

  • af Husnul Azan Tajarudin
    567,95 kr.

    This book presents the advancement of coating materials technology especially in agriculture, particularly for fertilizers. Fertilizers are a critical component in meeting rising demands and ensuring global food security. A new generation of fertilizers made by coating granules with biopolymers address these issues. Coating in agriculture is an important area in research for a more sustainable future. Many examples and instances from existing research and related research gaps are discussed. It includes applications of composites as fertilizer's coating, advantages and disadvantages of fertilizer coating from composites, applications of bacteria in composite, applications of bacteria in fertilizer industry as well as the common techniques of coating fertilizers with drying process.

  • af Vladimir Ryzhov
    577,95 kr.

    This book provides ideas for implementing Wolfram Mathematica to solve linear integral equations. The book introduces necessary theoretical information about exact and numerical methods of solving integral equations. Every method is supplied with a large number of detailed solutions in Wolfram Mathematica. In addition, the book includes tasks for individual study.This book is a supplement for students studying "e;Integral Equations"e;. In addition, the structure of the book with individual assignments allows to use it as a base for various courses.

  • af Gavriil Paltineanu
    1.725,95 kr.

    The book mainly deals with basic concepts and examples about integral calculus such as indefinite integral, definite integral, improper integrals, integrals dependent on parameters, lines integrals, double and triple integrals, and surface integrals. These basic elements of integral calculus are well presented in this book, and they are indispensable for students in higher technical education to successfully approach other theoretical or technical disciplines.

  • af Yan Wang, Ju H. Park, Zhicheng Ji, mfl.
    1.611,95 kr.

  • af Jianting Zhou & Qingyang Ren
    1.414,95 kr.

  • af Igor Perko
    1.717,95 kr.

    Important world institutions, such as the United Nations (UN), the World Health Organization (WHO), the International Energy Agency (IEA), and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), have publicly recognizing the highly interconnected nature of our world and therefore the relevance of systemic thinking and cybernetics as leading knowledge foundations to deal with the complexity of economic, social, and environmental issues. This recognition was the driving force of the Internet discussions held by participants to the World Organisation of Systems and Cybernetics 18th Congress, which last September 27 to 29(WOSC 2021). More than ever we needed to debate and develop current ontological, epistemological, and methodological approaches to the understanding of the future of humanity.WOSC organized this event in collaboration with the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS). Scientists of this Academy together with scientists from all over the world made contributions to improving communications beyond particular nation states and regions toward the clarification of global issues like governance, health, education, technology, art, and others. Our aim in WOSC 2021 was bringing together scientists and researchers to collaborative debates at all levels from local communities to global societies. At the end of the Congress, scientists were invited to submit contributions to this Springer Nature book, along the following four themes: firstly, philosophical and methodological foundations for the development of the systems approach and cybernetics; secondly, the cybernetics of society, ecology and governance; thirdly, digital technologies and physical realities merging into a hybrid reality , and fourthly, the transdisciplinarity of systems sciences and cybernetics applied to the further development of knowledge areas, such as education, embodiment of social policies, and the arts. About 25 contributions were accepted for publication in this book. We see this as one of WOSC's important contribution to the scientific community around the world.

  • af D. Marc Kilgour, Xu Wang, Herb Kunze, mfl.
    1.857,95 kr.

  • af Lorenzo Magnani
    1.112,95 kr.

  • af Dumitru Baleanu, Devendra Kumar, Hemen Dutta, mfl.
    2.027,95 kr.

  • af László T. Kóczy, István Á. Harmati, Jesús Medina & mfl.
    2.008,95 kr.

  • af Andreas Fischer, Yaroslav D. Sergeyev & Vinai K. Singh
    2.520,95 kr.

  • af Takashi Suzuki, Vito Quaranta, Mark Chaplain & mfl.
    2.016,95 kr.

  • af Stephan Schmidt, Ahmed Hammami, Fakher Chaari, mfl.
    2.011,95 kr.

  • af Mohamed Haddar, Radoslaw Zimroz, Xavier Chiementin, mfl.
    1.708,95 kr.

  • af Andrzej Sokolowski
    1.416,95 kr.

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