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Find din indre bonderøv frem og bliv en pioner indenfor moderne madkultur.Du behøver ikke eje en bondegård for at holde spisekaniner. En have eller en altan er rigelig med plads til at forsyne dig og din familie med sundt, klimavenligt og velsmagende kaninkød. Du vil hurtigt opdage, at din fascination af disse dejlige dyr vil smitte af på dine børn og dine omgivelser. Især hvis du involverer dem og gør det til en hyggelig proces at finde frem til jeres første avlsdyr, bygge burene og passe dyrene i det daglige. Det er en beskæftigelse, der vil bringe jer i tættere kontakt med naturen og give jer et ansvar for, hvordan dyrene har det, inden de havner på middagsbordet.Denne bog guider dig trygt og sikkert i mål som Urban Farmer.12 gode grunde til at holde kaninValg af raceByg et bur Den daglige pasningSlagtningKaninkød på menuenRigt illustreret med flotte billeder fra hverdagen i kaningården og detaljerede illustrationer af en række vilde urter og foderplanter.Om forfatteren:TINE KORTENBACH er agronom og journalist. Hun er vokset op med duften af kaninstald og er selv blevet en erfaren og passioneret avler. Tine Kortenbach skriver enkelt, ærligt og sobert om såvel udfordringen som glæden ved at være selvforsynende med spisekaniner.
Nogle mennesker har frihed til at vælge deres egen vej i livet. Det gjaldt ikke for James Rebanks. Han er fåreopdrætter på en gård i Lake District i England, der har været i familiens eje i mere end seks århundreder.James Rebanks bog, The Shepherd’s Life: A Tale of the Lake District, er allerede en stor succes hos både anmeldere og læsere. Hans skildringer af livet som fårebonde er både engagerende, rørende og ærlige. I en stemningsmættet tekst guider Rebanks os gennem et får-år. Bogen er en unik fortælling om livet på landet – et liv, som er fjernt for de fleste af os. Det er en historie om Rebanks arbejdsliv og menneskene omkring ham, hans barndom, hans forældre og bedsteforældre. Det er historien om at være vedholdende på trods af et vanskeligt erhverv, og den er fortalt med stor kærlighed til naturen.For Rebanks og hans familie danner vejret og årstiderne de altafgørende rammer om livet. Om sommeren er fårene på bjerget og høet i laden, om efteråret går man på markedet og bringer nye dyr til besætningen, om vinteren skal dyrene holdes i live, og med foråret kommer nye lam.
Regenesis is a captivating book penned by the acclaimed author, George Monbiot. Published in 2023 by Penguin Books Ltd (UK), this masterpiece is a must-read for those who are intrigued by innovative thoughts and ideas. The genre of the book is not specifically mentioned, but Monbiot's works usually revolve around environmental and political themes. Regenesis, like his other works, is likely to challenge your perspectives and provoke thought. It's a book that promises to take you on a journey, exploring new dimensions of understanding. So, if you are looking for a book that is compelling and intellectually stimulating, Regenesis by George Monbiot is the one for you.
Klimakrisen banker på døren, og afstanden mellem land og by vokser. Debatten om landbrugets fremtid er intens, og meningerne er mange og delte. Men ved vi egentlig, hvad vi taler om?Med udgangspunkt i den sidste bonde fra sin egen slægt rejser Rasmus Hage Dalland rundt til forskellige typer landbrug og tegner et billede af, hvordan landmændene selv opfatter de udfordringer og løsninger, forvaltningen af jorden byder dem.Dyrkningen af jorden er fjernere for flere danskere end nogensinde før, men landbruget har stadig dybe rødder i vores spisevaner, landskaber og slægtshistorier, og bevægelser på landet har formet vores politiske system, identitet og naturforståelse. Så hvordan vil de kommende bevægelser i landbruget forandre os?Jordbundet er en rejsefortælling, der undersøger, hvor landbruget står lige nu – på tærsklen til store forandringer.
Flæskfødevarer skal ikke længere produceres for enhver pris. Produktionen skal bidrage til at løse klimakrisen, ikke forværre den, vende naturens nedtur til optur og forsyne os med fødevarer uden at frembringe livstruende virus. Sundhed, klima og biodiversitet står øverst på dagsordenen for fremtidens agroindustri.Den helt store disruption af den traditionelle agroindustri kommer i løbet af det næste tiår. Vi står over for den dybeste, hurtigste og mest konsekvensskabende forandring af fødevare- og landbrugsproduktionen, siden de første planter og dyr blev domesticeret for 10.000 år siden.Til trods for at vi kan købe stort set alle fødevarer til lavere priser fra udlandet, fortsætter vi med at højglanspolere myten om Danmark som et landbrugsland. Erhvervet selv går til yderligheder, som når Tulip i Randers sender sine svin til Tyskland for at få dem opskåret af østarbejdere på sulteløn, for derefter at reimportere de samme svin, nu forklædt som Tulip Danish Bacon.Vi holder stadig fast ved masseproduktionen af billigt flæsk og mælk i stedet for at bevæge os opad i værdikæden, som et højtudviklet land burde være i stand til. Ikke mindst økonomien taler for at ophøre med en 120 årgammel tradition for at eksportere bacon og smør til lave udsalgspriser.At det blev netop coronavirus, der lagde en hel verden ned, betragter virologerne som en tilfældighed. Den næste pandemi er allerede under opsejling, og det bliver en influenza A-virus. Med al sandsynlighed vil den spredes fra svinefabrikkerne, og ingen kan forudsige, hvor dødelig den kan blive. Sidst den ramte verden, kostede den 500.000 mennesker livet. Prisen for billigt flæsk kan blive skæbnesvanger høj, hvis vi tøver for længe. Velkommen til fremtidens bedste landmænd.
Jorden er grundlaget for vores fødevareproduktion og fødevaresikkerhed. Den er hjem for mere end en fjerdedel af klodens biodiversitet og fungerer som planetens største vandfilter. FN har anslået, at hvis udpiningen af jorden fortsætter, vil mere end 90 % af klodens jorder være svært udpinte i 2050. Regenerativt landbrug er blevet beskrevet som en jordbrugsrevolution, der har potentialet til at vende denne udvikling ved at genopbygge jordfrugtbarheden og øge kulstofbindingen i jorden. Her præsenteres for første gang en række centrale skikkelser i den regenerative jordbrugsbevægelse i Danmark i en samtalebog, der giver et indblik i jordbrugernes arbejde og formidler et grundlæggende skifte i vores forståelse af, hvad jord overhovedet er.Sofie Isager Ahl (f. 1988) er forfatter og har skrevet ph.d. i antropologi om regenerativt landbrug. Hun har tidligere udgivet de skønlitterære bøger Naboplanter (2018) og Demeters latter (2022). I 2023 udkom den etnografiske monografi Regeneration, der tegner et portræt af en ny bevægelse af regenerative jordbrugere i Skandinavien.Sille Skovgaard (f. 1989) er uddannet økologisk jordbruger og antropolog med speciale i regenerativt landbrug. Hun har lavet filmen Jeg tror, vi starter som lys (med Emma Harris, 2024) om regenerative jordbrugeres eksperimenter med jordfrugtbarhed og sidder i bestyrelsen for foreningen Andelsgaarde.
Levedygtigt Landbrug er et bud på, hvordan vi kan løse de økologiske, økonomiske og sociale kriser, som det danske landbrug står i. I bogen skildrer Den Grønne Ungdomsbevægelse en fremtidsvision for et jordforbundet og retfærdigt landbrug og præsenterer de konkrete politiske tiltag, der kan føre os dertil. Et utopisk opråb for alt det, vi har at vinde.
Åsmund Bjørnstad er professor emeritus i planteforædling i Norge. I Kornbogen – brødets og øllets historie bygger han på det seneste tiårs indsigter indenfor genomforskning, arkæologi, kulturhistorie og bæredygtighedsforskning.Vi tæmmede kornet, og det os! Åsmund Bjørnstad formidler med kulturhistorisk spændvidde kornenes – det vil sige majsens, risens, hvedens, sorghums, hirsens, havrens og rugens – historie, fra vi begyndte at tæmme de vilde frø - og de tæmmede os. For ti, tolv, fjorten tusind år siden. Gennem denne kultivering opstod skriftsprog, tidsregning, religioner og klassesamfund – og den mangfoldighed af mutationer, som vi dagligt, uafvidende sætter på tallerkenerne. Eller svinger kruset med øl!Korn nok? Det var spørgsmålet for stenalderkvinden, som tæmmede kornet og frem til spørgsmålet ligesom gik i glemmebogen, og så lød det: Kød nok? Men nu er kornet igen kommet på den internationale dagsorden: Korn nok? At hver andet korn i dag går til dyrefoder eller til bioenergi, beskriver den nuværende udvikling. Kan den mon fortsætte – i et ændret klima, i en ny verdensorden?Bogens billedside er i absolut særklasse. Omkring 300 illustrationer rummer bogen.
With extensive research, real-world examples, and hands-on applications, this go-to guide offers a comprehensive look at the principles and practices of biochar--and all of its world-changing uses. Like many human discoveries, biochar has likely been invented, lost, and reinvented multiple times. It can be found in the rich terra preta soils of the Amazon and in the ancient "dark earths" dotting Africa, Asia, and Europe. However, biochar isn't just an archeological curiosity. In The Biochar Handbook, author Kelpie Wilson argues that the simple process of burning organic material in a low-oxygen, low-emission environment could be one of the most powerful tools we have to restore degraded soils and reduce our dependence on fossil fuels. In accessible and authoritative prose, Wilson demonstrates that biochar is a low-tech but effective means of reducing wildfire risks, restoring soil carbon, managing manure, weaning farms off of toxic inputs, and producing the best compost ever made. In this book, you'll also find: A pocket history of biochar Step-by-step instructions on making biochar for yourself Applications for soil water retention, pest deterrence, compost enhancement, and more Inspiring examples of ecosystem restoration and improved forest management Low-cost recipes, including Cultured Biochar and Sustainable Potting Soil Wilson makes a compelling case that biochar is both simple to make and a potent solution to a host of knotty problems, both global and close to home. Whether you're a gardener, homesteader, rancher, commercial farmer, permaculturalist, or forest manager, this book will show you how to put biochar to work, making you and your community more resilient as a result.
âEUR¿If you want real food, food security and a truly biodiverse countryside, please, please read this book.âEUR(TM) John Lewis-Stempel, author of Meadowland âEUR¿[A] timely response to those who are constructing a dystopia of farms without farmers, food without farms, while promoting more industrialisation of the food system.âEUR(TM) Vandana Shiva, activist and author of Terra VivaâEUR¿Brilliant and compelling âEUR¿ at once hopeful and persuasive about the future of food.âEUR(TM) Dan Barber, chef at Blue HillNamed the Inc. Non-Obvious Book Awards 'Best Books of 2023'Saying NO to a Farm-Free Future is a powerful and timely response to the ongoing search for our sustainable food future. In the face of ongoing food, energy and environmental crises, Chris Smaje, farmer and social scientist, has become one of the most prescient voices on the future of farming. In his new book, he explores the false promises and unconsidered consequences of food techno-solutions advocated by ecomodernists like George Monbiot, arguing that we should not divorce ourselves from rural living and must embrace a future that includes farming. Saying NO to a Farm-Free Future passionately argues for scaling up the pro-nature principles of low-energy, biodiverse and agroecological farming, and for putting the power back into the hands of small-scale farmers and producers, and the local communities that support them. âEUR¿A case for a rural agricultural landscape that delivers food without wrecking the planetâEUR(TM). Jake Fiennes, author of Land HealerâEUR¿Everyone in the food business needs to read this âEUR¿ lively and superbly written polemic.âEUR(TM) Joel Salatin, co-founder of Polyface Farm
"The Organic Grain Grower is the best resource we've seen for small-scale grain growers everywhere. . . . [Lazor's] passion comes alive in this fine guidebook's depth of detail."--Mother Earth News The ultimate guide to growing organic grains on a small and ecological scale The Organic Grain Grower is invaluable for both home-scale and commercial producers interested in expanding their resiliency and crop diversity through growing their own grains. Longtime farmer and organic pioneer Jack Lazor covers how to grow and store wheat, barley, oats, corn, dry beans, soybeans, pulse crops, oilseeds, grasses, nutrient-dense forages, and lesser-known cereals. In addition to detailed cultivation and processing information, Lazor argues the importance of integrating grains on the organic farm (not to mention for the local-food system) for reasons of biodiversity and whole farm management. Including extensive information on: The history of grain growing and consumption in North America The twenty-first century and the birth of the local-food movement Considering your farm's scale and climate Understanding soil fertility and structure Planting your crop (including spring vs. fall cereals and preparing your soil) The growing and ripening process (reproductive, milk, hard-and-soft dough stages) The grain harvest Preparing grain for sale, storage, or end use (drying, cleaning seed, grain handling) Seed breeding and saving Machinery, infrastructure, and processing (both home-scale tools and larger farm equipment) Grinding grains for livestock rations (including how to put together a ration based on protein content) and sample rations for dairy cows, pigs, and chickens Processing grains for human consumption Additional resources and information for new grain farmers, and more... Beginners will learn how to grow enough wheat for a year's supply of bread flour for their homestead, and farmers will learn how to become part of a grain co-op, working alongside artisan bakers and mills. Never before has there been a guide to growing organic grains applicable both for the home-scale and professional farming scale. This will be a classic for decades to come and a crucial addition to any farmer's, homesteader's, gardener's, agronomist's, or seed-saver's library.
"The Ecological Farm is the go-to guide for ecological growing, with a unique focus on reduced tillage, minimizing farm and garden inputs, and pest control. Reflecting the wisdom that farmer, consultant, and educator Helen Atthowe and her late husband, Carl Rosato, gained during decades of farming experience, this book guides readers on how to reduce or eliminate the use of outside inputs of fertilizer or pesticides, even those that are commonly used on certified organic orchards and market gardens. In clear language and with color photographs, charts, and graphs throughout, the book emphasizes the importance of managing the details of an entire growing system over the full life of the enterprise. The Ecological Farm makes complex, sometimes messy, ecological concepts and practices understandable to all growers, and makes healthy farming, in which nature is invited to participate, possible."--
"The most comprehensive book on how to raise and breed your own poultry flock is now fully updated and expanded. The first edition of The Small-Scale Poultry Flock helped thousands of small-scale farmers and homesteaders successfully adopt a practical and integrative model for working with chickens and other domestic fowl based on natural systems. In this expanded and thoroughly revised edition, readers will find plenty of all-new material. Author Harvey Ussery introduces readers to his new favorite breed of chicken, Icelandics; describes how he manages his breeding flock using a clan mating system; presents detailed information on the use of trapnests and record-keeping spreadsheets for evaluating breeding hen performance; and provides step-by-step instructions for construction of an ingeniously designed mobile poultry shelter...Ussery presents a sustainable and ecologically friendly model that can be adapted for use at a variety of scales. His advice and examples throughout the book will prove invaluable for beginner homesteaders, growers looking to incorporate poultry into their farm, or experienced flocksters seeking to close their loop"--
Hver dag lukker to danske landbrug. Fremskriver vi udviklingen, er der om godt et årti én enkelt industriel landbrugsgigant tilbage i Danmark.Dansk landbrug er fanget i en dødsspiral, hvor landmænd presser bedriften, jorden og økonomien til bristepunktet. Konkurserne står i kø, mens fødevarekvaliteten og dyrevelfærden lider. Men der er alternativer, viser Jørgen Steen Nielsen. Nøgleordet er fællesskab - nye produktionsfællesskaber, nye ejerskabsformer, nye samtaler mellem land og by.Det gælder vores mad, fra vores jord.
I den vestlige verden har vi stor tradition for at sendeudviklingsbistand til verdens brændpunkter, og det er selvfølgelig både vigtigt og nødvendigt. Men hvis du spørger Ole Stokholm Jepsen, skal det gribes anderledes an, hvis vi reelt vil gøre en forskel.Som landbrugsrådgiver har han rejst i det meste af verden, og med en finger i jorden vil han nu give sine anbefalinger til, hvordan vi kan løse nogle af de største globale udfordringer: migration, ligestilling, fødevare-sikkerhed og ikke mindst klimaændringerne.Vi har brug for et forpligtende langtidssamarbejde i forhold til ligestilling, aktivering af ungdommen og en styrket privat-sektor for at sikre økonomisk vækst, stabilitet og en bæredygtig fødevareproduktion
Green Chemistry: A Path to Sustainable Development provides updated information and knowledge on green chemistry, analyzes greener solutions for environmental sustainability, and includes principles and practices, metrics, green chemical technologies, and real-world applications. Chapters explore interdisciplinary approaches to green chemistry, as well as value added through by-products, conversion of waste to value added products, remodeling from a conventional approach to a greener approach, and the challenges, opportunities, and future scope of green chemistry. Finally, this book discusses green methodologies, processes, and new chemical development.
Decision-making is a key factor to achieve success in any discipline, especially in a field like civil engineering, which is based on calculations and requires large amounts of information being taken into account. Most processes and procedures are a compendium of many different tasks and requirements specific to each project under development, and making decisions in such environments can often be an arduous endeavor. That is why the need for analytical criteria capable of assisting with untangling complex scenarios has arisen preponderantly. As an all-encompassing resource, Multicriteria Decision-Making Analysis for Civil Engineering Applications facilitates civil engineers by outlining state-of-the-art techniques for quantitative decision-making to optimally select the appropriate approach when faced with operational issues or to prioritize among multiple options. Authored by recognized experts in the field, this book proves to be a balanced reference volume that is essential not just for civil engineers, but also for a wide variety of audiences in interconnected disciplines.
Industrial Decarbonization and the Energy Transition: Innovative Solutions for a Carbon-Free, Sustainable, and Clean Environment provides detailed information on a range of cutting-edge solutions, supporting decarbonization, clean energy production, and energy transition. Sectors covered include chemical and photochemical, cement and concrete, class, pulp and paper, steel and iron-making, fertilizer, clay, methanol, refineries, sugar, and thermal power plants. Technology, regulations, climate impact, and finance are considered for each sector, and throughout the book, emphasis is placed on the industry perspective and expertise, with thorough techno-economic analysis and in-depth discussion of other key considerations such as scale-up, cost reductions, waste, and future possibilities. This book is of interest to engineers, R&D, and other professionals involved in energy transition and decarbonization of industrial processes and plants across a range of industrial sectors, as well as academic researchers, scientists, and advanced students in energy transition, renewable energy, engineering, decarbonization, and sustainability.
Antibiofouling Membranes for Water and Wastewater Treatment: Principles and Applications covers most recent advances, challenges, and industrial applications of antibiofouling membranes to help in reducing cost and increasing sustainability of long term-filtration performance of membranes in water and wastewater treatment. This book will provide a compact source of relevant and timely information on antibiofouling membranes and will be of great interest to scientists, engineers, industry R&D personnel, and graduate students engaged in the development, engineering scale-up, and applications of antibiofouling membranes, as well as other readers who are interested in microfiltration, membrane bioreactor, ultrafiltration, nanofiltration, reverse osmosis, and related topics.
Greening Our Economy for a Sustainable Future examines the green economy by balancing social needs, the environment, and the economy. It argues that different economic models must be developed to address the environment caused by economic expansion. The book not only looks at the opportunities of having a green economy, but also goes into areas such as greenwashing, social washing, sustainability, economics, and more. In addition, it addresses how one can improve well-being through a symbiotic relationship between economic growth and environmental stewardship.
Searching for efficient, cost-effective ways to level up your growing? The Garden Tool Handbook is the essential guide to choosing the right tool for the right job at the right time. Covers must-have equipment, supplies, and techniques for every task from planting to harvest for farms, homesteads, or market gardens.
Featuring a new introduction from the author, Wild Roses Are Worth It remains a timely collection of provocative, personal, and thoughtful essays for an Alberta in transition.This selection of works by naturalist, hunter, conservation activist, and outdoors journalist Kevin Van Tighem will both inspire and provoke because it offers an unflinching challenge to cherished myths and conventional wisdom in a troubled province beset with profound questions about its future. Even at their most provocative, however, these writings remind us of what is best about the Alberta spirit, and offer the possibility of a more sustaining relationship with our place and with one another.The rich imagery in these writings is drawn from the author's intimate relationship with the streams, forests, grasslands, and mountains of the Canadian West. There may be no sacred cows in Van Tighem's prose, but even the most unblinkingly critical of his writings resonate with a love of place and an abiding respect for the people whose lives he shares. He reminds us that Alberta's stories were always meant to be about much more than oil. At a time when social, economic, and environmental changes confront and confound what is still one of Canada's greatest provinces, we need better ways of remembering our past, knowing our present, and imagining our future. That's what this inspiring body of work offers - just in time for tomorrow.
A new collection of essays that will engage readers, inspire change, raise awareness, nurture empathy, and reshape perspectives on environmental stewardship towards a sustainable future.Travels Up the Creek intricately crafts stories of environmental awakening, drawing inspiration from Aldo Leopold, Stan Rowe, Wendell Berry, and Rachel Carson. This engaging journey confronts ecological challenges, advocating a shift in perspective and encouraging readers to embrace curiosity and scrutiny in contemplating the significance of our natural landscape. Urging environmental stewardship rooted in science, the book challenges groupthink, offering knowledge, motivation, and agency to those dedicated to creating a better world.Exploring human-nature connections and stark realities, Lorne Fitch's new book underscores empathy, prompting readers to safeguard imperiled species and threatened places. A call to action in a world grappling with seemingly insurmountable issues, the book inspires change through education and a touch of righteous anger. A compelling guide for Earth stewards, it promises to contribute to a sustainable future for all.
"Why grow the same dull vegetables and herbs filling every supermarket shelf? If you're putting in the effort and growing your own, better make it something sensational! There's a thrilling diversity of rare and unusual heirloom plants out there: a riot of beauty, color, and flavor that can only be experienced by growing your own."--
Embark on a transformative journey to a self-sufficient rural lifestyle!Are you interested in changing your life?Have you heard people talking about the joys of homesteading and wondered if it's the life for you?Do you want to learn how to plan and budget for your homestead?People have been homesteading since the 1800s, when land was freely given to people, provided they paid a small fee to register the land in their name, live there, and improve the land. Now, it's a common way of life, a life many people actively choose to live to change their lives for the better.It's not as simple as buying a piece of land, building a house, and living a life away from society. It is far more involved than that, and succeeding requires hard work, diligence, and a lot of sweat and tears. In this book, you will:Discover what homesteading is and the joys it can bringLearn how to plan your homestead and budget for itLearn all about sustainable and off-grid livingLearn to build a home and set up a gardenDiscover how to harvest and use your fruit and vegetables to make food for you and your familyLearn how to keep livestock.Learn about beekeepingLearn how to preserve foodHomesteading requires a lot of hard work and effort, but it can bring you a lot of joy. By discovering how to plan and budget for your homestead and learning about living off-the-grid, you'll be able to experience the joy of homesteading in no time!
Evolution and Trends of Sustainable Approaches: Latest Development and Innovations in Science and Technology Applications provides different trends and approaches within the sustainability framework to assess their impact and offer possible solutions to problems facing the global sustainability paradigm. This book evaluates sustainability assessment approaches which support different levels of both decision-making and policy processes, thereby improving the management of natural and human systems. This book explores sustainable firm solutions, the upward trend of sustainability, and its variants. At the same time, different existing approaches are analyzed. These sustainable assessment approaches can be applied to products, services and technologies as well as business models, such as the Product-Service-System (PSS), Circular Economy (CE), Industrial Symbiosis (IS), and Supply Chain (SC). Finally, the book explores Sustainability Indicators (SIs), which are widely used to measure and communicate progress towards sustainable development, along with Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment (LCSA), balancing the three dimensions of sustainability (environmental, social and economic).
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