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  • - En 4-ugers guide til sundere skærmvaner i familien
    af Imran Rashid, Marie Brixtofte & Katja Bamberger Bro
    144,95 - 235,95 kr.

    SKÆRMSUND er en 4-ugers guide til bedre trivsel, mere nærvær og sundere skærmvaner i familien.Med SKÆRMSUND rækker Imran Rashid, Katja Bamberger Bro og Marie Brixtofte en hjælpende hånd til forældre, som er bekymrede over familiens skærmforbrug, men har brug for konkrete redskaber til at ændre det. Med rod i den nyeste faglige viden på området præsenterer bogen en lettilgængelig 4-ugers guide fuld af nyttige værktøjer til sundere skærmvaner for både børn og voksne. Forfatterne giver desuden konkrete forslag til sjove og sunde alternativer til skærm samt hjælp til at afprøve og indføre skærmregler, der passer til den enkelte familie.At være skærmsund handler ikke om at ”slå op” med vores telefoner, med computeren eller med Netflix, men om at få et mere bevidst og afbalanceret forhold til, hvordan og hvor meget vi bruger skærme i dag. Målet er, at vi styrer skærmene – og ikke omvendt.

  • af Azhar Ul Haque Sario
    218,95 kr.

    Imagine a world where your next-door neighbor could be on the opposite side of the globe. Where you can join a bustling community filled with people who love the same obscure hobby as you, no matter how unusual it is. Where music, movies, and ideas from any culture spread like wildfire. That's the reality of the Digital Global Village, and it's transforming how we live, work, and connect with each other.This book will be your fearless guide through this amazing, bewildering, and sometimes scary new world. We'll start where it all began ¿ the birth of the internet and how mind-boggling technology brought it into our pockets and homes. You'll see how social media rewired our brains, giving everyone a platform and transforming everything from personal expression to world-changing social movements. We'll explore the explosion of online communities where any interest, no matter how niche, can blossom into a vibrant world of its own.But it isn't all rainbows and kittens. The Digital Global Village has a dark side. The lines between our online and offline lives blur. Who can you trust with your data? Who's spreading lies for their own profit or power? Where's the line between healthy debate and toxic hate? These are questions we'll face head-on because digital citizenship means recognizing both the power and peril of this space.And what about the future? This book doesn't stop at problems ¿ it explores solutions. We'll get into how Artificial Intelligence (AI) will change jobs, education, and our very definitions of "creativity" and "productivity." We'll grapple with the rise of misinformation, how it spreads, and how we can become savvy, critical consumers of digital information. This isn't just about new tech ¿ it's about new ways of thinking.You'll discover how the Digital Global Village is a double-edged sword for things like globalization, the environment, and the economy. And get ready for some serious mind-bending stuff as we take a deep dive into topics like "smart cities," the future of healthcare, and even the possibilities and ethical debates around human-machine partnerships.The Digital Global Village isn't just the future ¿ it's the world we live in NOW. This book will help you understand it, navigate it wisely, and even become one of the people shaping the village for the better. Get ready for a wild ride as we explore how the internet changed everything ¿ and will continue to do so for generations to come.

  • - Stress rigtigt, sov bedre, yd mere og lev længere
    af Torkil Færø
    200,95 kr.

    Vil du vide, hvordan du kan opnå mere viljestyrke, energi og livskraft? Hvor meget motion, søvn og mad, du har brug for eller kan tolerere, og hvordan du kan forebygge alvorlig sygdom? Med Pulskuren og en pulsmåler eller smartphone som guide kan du opnå det hele!Pulskuren er både for dem, der er småsyge og trætte og gerne vil genvinde energien, og for dem, der er ved godt helbred, men som gerne vil opleve mere vitalitet og forbedre deres viljestyrke, udholdenhed, nærvær og glæde i hverdagen.Nøglen er variation i hjerterytmen eller HRV. Ved at lære dit nervesystem og din pulsat kende vil du forstå, hvad der dræner dig for kræfter og gør dig syg, og hvad der omvendt giver dig energi, viljestyrke og vitalitet. Du vil sove bedre, føle dig mere frisk og glad og være mere til stede i nuet. Og så vil du have meget bedre forudsætninger for at leve et sundt og aktivt liv langt ind i alderdommen.Denne bog tager dig med på en rejse gennem dit nervesystem, og du vil garanteret blive overrasket undervejs. Torkil Færø er alment praktiserende læge og akutlæge, dokumentarfilmskaber, forfatter, fotograf og globetrotter. Han har arbejdet som læge i over 25 år og haft titusindvis af konsultationer, hvorigennem han har opnået en unik indsigt i de sygdomme, som påvirker os.

  • af Martin Eggen Mogseth
    1.042,95 kr.

    New technologies and scientific imagination rearrange the boundary that we identify as the beginning and end of life. New techno-social constellations, such as the ever-increasing presence of digital avatars and genetic screenings, implore us to reconsider and transcend the existing definitions of life and death. Through a multidisciplinary approach, this volume explores how the limitations and perceived finality of life and death are reconstituted through engagements with modern technology.

  • af Jasmin Karatas
    225,95 kr.

  • af Agbotiname Lucky Imoize
    1.957,95 kr.

    This edited book discusses the technical considerations, potential opportunities and critical challenges of AI and blockchain in telehealth systems and presents case studies and critical lessons to consider when designing future AI and blockchain-based telehealth systems which have privacy and security in mind.

  • af Rob Waller
    363,95 kr.

    "A practical guide discussing how to develop and maximise digital technology within the mental health service, this book demonstrates how to gain the most from new technologies and meet rising demands. Essential for psychiatrists, clinical psychologists, and other mental health professionals, as well as managers and policy makers"--

  • af Wolf Wenger, Tobias Straub, Jürgen Schwille & mfl.
    136,95 kr.

    Langfristig erfolgreiche Unternehmen zeichnen sich durch die Fähigkeit zur ständigen Erneuerung und ein professionelles Innovationsmanagement aus. Wenngleich das Thema Innovation in Zeiten der Digitalisierung funktionsübergreifend jeden Bereich eines Unternehmens betrifft, kommen der IT, den digitalen Prozessen und Führungskräften eine entscheidende Rolle als Innovationsmotor zu. Alle drei prägen hierbei den unternehmerischen Erfolg in unterschiedlicher Weise. Die Frage nach dem ¿Wie?¿ ist dabei jedoch keinesfalls pauschal und einfach zu beantworten.Komplexe und etablierte Infrastrukturen, mangelnde Bereitschaft zu internen und externen Kollaborationen, eine unzureichende Kundenzentrierung oder eine Ausrichtung des Handelns an zu kurzfristigen KPIs sind nur einige zentrale Innovationshemmnisse. Um diesen Herausforderungen zu begegnen bedarf es gleichermaßen Weitsicht und Flexibilität.Die für diesen Band ausgewählten Beiträge betrachten Lösungsansätze und Anwendungsbeispiele zur Entwicklung digitaler Geschäftsmodelle und innovationsorientierter Unternehmensstrategien.

  • af Md Rich
    212,95 kr.

    Dr. Michael Rich, dubbed the "Mediatrician" thanks to his acclaimed work as a pediatrician, child health researcher, and children's media specialist, offers a science-backed approach to give parents the confidence they need to raise a child well (and to raise a well child) in the digital age.

  • - Uden ny IT lykkes det ikke
    af Kim Rønhof
    37,95 - 102,95 kr.

    Denne bog, er drømmen om et bedre sundhedsvæsen, om et sammenhængende sundhedsvæsen.I dag har en patient mange journaler, som ikke er sammekoblet, og som ikke er tilgængelige for de fleste behandlere.Kernen i denne bog er princippet om, at en patient kun skal have en journal. Denne journal skal ligge centralt. Den må nødvendigvis være opsplittet i del-journaler, ellers drukner man i data. Disse del-journaler kan bindes sammen i patientforløb. Herved, vil alle der behandler patienten, umiddelbart vide hvilke aktive forløb patienten har. De vi altid med et enkle blik kunne se, hvor patienten er i et forløb, hvad der er fundet, hvad der er gjort, hvad der er planlagt, og ikke mindst hvad der ikke er gjort i forløb.

  • af Shikha Agarwal
    1.709,95 kr.

    Today the healthcare sector is facing challenges such as detecting the cause of ailments, disease prevention, high operating costs, availability of skilled technicians and infrastructure bottlenecks. Intelligent healthcare management technologies are needed to manage these challenges. Healthcare organizations also need to continuously discover useful and actionable knowledge to gain insight from tons of data being generated for saving lives, reducing medical errors, enhancing efficiency, reducing costs and making the whole world a healthy place.The book introduces techniques that developed using machine learning along with swarm intelligence in healthcare informatics. It also discusses one of the major applications of artificial intelligence: using machine learning to extract useful information from multimodal data optimally by using swarm intelligence. It reviews optimization methods that help to minimize the error in developing patterns and classifications, which further helps improve prediction and decision-making. The objective of this book is to use swarm intelligence and machine learning techniques for various medical issues such as diagnosing cancer, brain tumor, diabetic retinopathy, heart diseases as well as drug design and development. The book will act as one-stop reference to think and explore swarm intelligence and machine learning algorithms seriously for real-time patient diagnosis.

  • af Chiara Fonio
    1.526,95 kr.

    This book deals with how to measure innovation in crisis management drawing on data, case studies and lessons learned from different European countries.

  • af Danielle Keats Citron
    145,95 kr.

    'Devastating and urgent, this book could not be more timely' Caroline Criado Perez, award-winning and bestselling author of Invisible WomenDanielle Citron takes the conversation about technology and privacy out of the boardrooms and op-eds to reach readers where we are - in our bathrooms and bedrooms; with our families and our lovers; in all the parts of our lives we assume are untouchable - and shows us that privacy, as we think we know it, is largely already gone.The boundary that once protected our intimate lives from outside interests is an artefact of the twentieth century. In the twenty-first, we have embraced a vast array of technology that enables constant access and surveillance of the most private aspects of our lives. From non-consensual pornography, to online extortion, to the sale of our data for profit, we are vulnerable to abuse -- and our laws have failed miserably to keep up.With vivid examples drawn from interviews with victims, activists and lawmakers from around the world, The Fight for Privacy reveals the threat we face and argues urgently and forcefully for a reassessment of privacy as a human right. As a legal scholar and expert, Danielle Citron is the perfect person to show us the way to a happier, better protected future.

  • af Rick (Rick Brown is the Deputy Director of the Australian Institute of Criminology.) Brown
    426,95 - 1.464,95 kr.

  • af Jordan Guiao
    212,95 kr.

  • af Navid (St. Joseph's College of Engineering (India)) Razmjooy
    1.357,95 kr.

  • - When man plays God - trepidation or salvation?
    af - le Berthélaine
    117,95 - 279,95 kr.

    Preface - Essay trilogy (part I) on post- and transhumanism, each part focusing separate issues. Post- and transhumanism are to most people new areas of interest and therefore, when they encounter these discourses, they have only a slight understanding of the problematics in question and the serious conse-quences the new bio-tech era inevitably will entail. The intention of the present trilogy on post- and transhumanism is thus: to give an introductory account of the matters and questions in play in a comprehensible way, so that the trilogy will be informative and enlightening, both to newcomers and those already familiar with the topic. At a first glance, post- and transhumanism undeniably have a futuristic aura; hence, if one were to speak of such an era, it would be one belonging to the future or merely a sci-fi scenario. Nonetheless, this is not the case, and several critics in the field argue that we, in fact, already live in a post- and transhumanistic age. A conviction Poetic Parloir endorses or, at least, the view that the biotech revolution is unstoppable, urgent and pending. And certainly, the view that it will have a great impact on humankind and human existence, changing our understanding of what it means to be a human and to live a human life; a decisive influence that demands our moral attention, as the new bio-techniques evolve at a far higher pace than moral and ethics can keep up with. Poetic Parloir is unique in how it introduces the pending era, as it often bases itself on popular as well as acknowledged literature, art and film, together with perspectives of philosophy, religion and science. Spheres, of which the reader may have a good foreknowledge and understanding. This will facilitate the comprehension of the sometimes complex post- and transhumanistic issues. Certainly, new times are pending, some say the promised land, the Millennial Kingdom from the Book of Revelation. I say, it is a rabbit hole, and we are invited, whether we like or not, with Alice, either into the wonderland of utopia or the gloomy wasteland of dystopia. It needs our attention. Dear reader, I hereby give you Poetic Parloir [part I] on the topic of post- and transhumanism. Yours to read, yours to roam - yours to revel in.

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