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Internet: generelt

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  • - web-tekster der virker
    af Nanna Friis
    237,95 kr.

    Kæmper du med at skrive tekster til nettet? Og savner du grundlæggende viden om, hvad der virker - og hvad der ikke gør? Vil du gerne blive bedre til at skrive effektive web-tekster i et sprog, alle kan forstå? Der er hjælp at hente fra Kort, klart og klikbart , der lærer dig at skrive tekster, som bakker op om din virksomheds værdier og målsætning og opfylder din brugers behov.Med denne praktiske og pædagogiske håndbog kommer du hele vejen rundt om at skrive godt til nettet. Du bliver taget ved hånden og får en grundig gennemgang af de helt særlige præmisser, der hersker på nettet. Du får tjeklister, trin-for-trin-guides, gode argumenter til chefen og masser af eksempler og øvelser, som gør dig i stand til at skrive korte, klare og klikbare tekster.IndholdsoversigtIndledningKAPITEL 1Kend dit medieForskellige typer hjemmesiderHvad er nettet for noget? Din bruger læser i F-form Forskellige typer indholdssider Brugervenlighed og konventionerBrugervenlighed og troværdighedSEO eller min chef insisterer på, at jeg skal skrive SEO-teksterOpsamlingKAPITEL 2Kend din modtagerHånden på hjertet: Ved du, hvem du skriver til?Hvordan ser den typiske web-bruger ud?Irriter din bruger 3 spørgsmål, du skal kende svaret på Undgå fagudtryk, forkortelser og fremmedord (de 3 f'er)OpsamlingKAPITEL 3Kend din modelOverlad aldrig det hårde arbejde til læseren2 effektive dispositionsmodeller Dine 8 geniale genveje til struktur og overblik KAPITEL 4Kend dine sproglige (virke-) midlerSkriv aktivt (andet kan ikke betale sig)Skriv kort og lige ud ad landevejen Skriv konkret (hold dig til de nederste trin af abstraktionsstigen) Skriv nutidigt - drop papirklichéerUndgå klichéer, banaliteter og bullshit-bingoOpsamlingFacitLitteraturlisteStikord

  • - Elon Musk, Peter Thiel and the Company that Made the Modern Internet
    af Jimmy Soni
    114,95 - 217,95 kr.

    The gripping inside story of Paypal, the company that created the digital age as we know it.

  • - PC- og onlinesikkerhed
    af Lars Laursen
    197,95 - 268,95 kr.

    PC- og onlinesikkerhed er i stigende grad blevet vigtigt for pc-brugere over hele verden. Der er en lang række trusler, der kan ramme dig, når du er på Internettet. Du har måske hørt om en række former for skadelige programmer, der under ét kaldes for malware, og som kan ramme den intetanende pc- og smartphonebruger. Der kan være tale om: Virus – programmer, der smitter og inficerer ens egen og andre pc’er på netværket. Trojanske heste – programmer, som har en skadelig ladning af malware med sig. Spyware – programmer, der udspionerer din gøren og laden på pc’en, og som f.eks. sender dine indtastede kreditkortoplysninger videre til en bagmand. Keyloggere – programmer der registrerer alt, hvad du taster på tastaturet, og sender det til en bagmand. Zombier – din pc kan blive overtaget af en bagmand og skjult indlemmet i et netværk (botnet) af andre zombie-computere, som sammen angriber hjemmesider eller sender store mængder spam ud i verden. Adware – programmer, der viser reklamer på din pc og på hjemmesider, og som er meget irriterende. Ransomware – du kan blive afkrævet en løsesum for at slippe din pc fri for malware, der krypterer dine filer, så du ikke kan læse dem igen. Du lærer om: Identitetstyveri – pas på ikke at få stjålet dine personlige oplysninger, som kriminelle så kan misbruge. Fupbutikker – lær at spotte falske netbutikker, som sælger kopivarer under dække af at være ægte eller sælger dine kreditkortoplysninger. Digitalt selvforsvar – hvordan sikrer du din anonymitet på nettet? Lær om browseranonymitet og andre værktøjer såsom TOR-netværket, der øger din grad af anonymitet på både pc og smartphone. Dine børns onlinesikkerhed – Windows stiller en række værktøjer til rådighed for forældres styring af deres børns brug af pc’en. Læs også hvordan du sikrer dine børns smartphones og tablets. Adgangskoder – hvordan gør man dem sikre? Hvor mange skal man have? Lær også om farerne ved uopfordret tilsendte e-mails: At der kan følge malware med i en vedhæftet fil (bilag) i en e-mail. At du har vundet millioner i et lotteri, uden at du har deltaget i det. At en person har arvet en millionsum, men har brug for en udlænding (dig) til at overføre pengene til sig – mod betaling af en procentdel af arven. At blive mellemmand (muldyr) med en bankkonto til at modtage penge og sende dem videre for et udenlandsk firma – mod at beholde nogle få procent af beløbet. At dit NemID er midlertidigt suspenderet – indtil du oplyser dit NemID-log-ind og uploader et billede af dit nøglekort. Læs om farerne for og hvordan du sikrer dit NemID og netbank. At din PayPal-konto er blevet kompromitteret, og at du derfor skal bekræfte dit log-ind. At du skal sende din Verified-by-Visa-SMS-kode videre per SMS til en bagmand. At en person, du har fået kontakt med via en dating-hjemmeside, akut har brug for mange penge. Heldigvis kan man med oplysning og uddannelse og de rette sikkerhedsprogrammer gardere sig mod disse farer og færdes ret sikkert på nettet alligevel. Denne bog med mange illustrationer beskriver disse farer indgående og oplyser om, hvilke faresignaler du skal være agtpågivende overfor. Der er sammenligninger af antivirusprogrammer med firewall, så du kan se hvilke programmer, der er gode lige nu. Hvis du skulle være blevet ramt af malware, er der også beskrevet nogle fremgangsmåder, hvormed du kan fjerne den igen. Desuden lærer du om sikkerhedskopiering, så du ikke behøver at miste dine filer, hvis du rammes af ransomware.

  • af Paul McFedries
    304,95 kr.

    A thorough and helpful reference for aspiring website buildersLooking to start an exciting new career in front-end web building and design? Or maybe you just want to develop a new skill and create websites for fun. Whatever your reasons, it's never been easier to start learning how to build websites from scratch than with help from HTML, CSS, & JavaScript All-in-One For Dummies. This book has the essentials you need to wrap your head around the key ingredients of website design and creation.You'll learn to build attractive, useful, and easy-to-navigate websites by combining HTML, CSS, and JavaScript into fun and practical creations. Using the 6 books compiled within this comprehensive collection, you'll discover how to make static and dynamic websites, complete with intuitive layouts and cool animations. The book also includes:* Incorporate the latest approaches to HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, including those involving new markup, page styles, interactivity, and more* Step-by-step instructions for new site creators explaining the very basics of page layouts and animations* Easy-to-follow advice for adjusting page color and background, adding widgets to a site, and getting rid of all the bugs that affect site performance* Bonus 6th book available at development is a fun, interesting, and challenging skill that can lead to a lucrative career (if you're so inclined). And with the right help, almost anyone can learn to create engaging websites from scratch. So, grab a copy of HTML, CSS, & JavaScript All-in-One For Dummies and you'll be designing and building before you know it!

  • af Cory Doctorow
    172,95 kr.

    This isn't a book for people who want to fix Big Tech. It's a detailed disassembly manual for people who want to dismantle it.

  • af Theo Tenzer
    180,95 kr.

    Das vorliegende Buch bietet eine Übersicht an quell-offenen Software-Programmen und -Projekten zur Verschlüsselung. Sie sind zentral, um Bürger:innen einen Schutz vor Überwachung sowie eine Perspektive zur Absicherung des Briefgeheimnisses und ihrer Privatheit zu ermöglichen. Mit diesem Band "Open-Source Verschlüsselung - Quell-offene Software zur Demokratisierung von Kryptographie: Schutz vor Überwachung" legt der Verein Aktion Freiheit statt Angst e.V. (Freedom not Fear), Mitglied im Arbeitskreis Vorratsdatenspeicherung (AK Vorrat), die Publikation von Theo Tenzer über den kryptographischen Wandel "Super Secreto - Die dritte Epoche der Kryptographie" als eine Re-Print-Sonderausgabe des dritten Bandes seiner dreibändigen Ausgabe mit einem Vorwort des Vereins vor: Ein Übersichts-Taschen-Buch eben zu den wichtigen digitalen Verschlüsselungs-Apps und Privacy-Tools: Beginnend mit der Festplatten-Verschlüsselungs-Software VeraCrypt, weiterhin der Verschlüsselungs-Suite Spot-On, sowie Werkzeugen zur Verschlüsselung von Dateien und deren Transfer bis hin zu einem Überblick an quell-offenen Messengern mit Verschlüsselung und eigenen Chat-Servern, dem Quantum-Computing-sicheren McEliece-Messaging, dem anonymen Websurfen mit dem Tor-Browser - oder einem VPN oder Proxy ... etc. Die weiteren Bände CRYPTO-WARS und QUANTEN-COMPUTER zu dieser Drei-Bände-Reihe sind ebenso erhältlich.

  • af Tamar Frankel
    167,95 kr.

    Celebrating an Important Woman in ICANN's HistoryExcerpts of Tamar Frankel's RemarksA View of Cooperative CompetitionGoverning by Negotiation: The Internet Naming SystemThe Managing Lawmaker in Cyberspace: A New Power ModelTrusting and Non-Trusting on the InternetSymposium on the Internet and Legal Theory: The Internet, Securities Regulation, and Theory of Law

  • af Monee' Brown
    272,95 - 317,95 kr.

  • af Monee' Brown
    272,95 - 337,95 kr.

  • af Hurmuz Ain
    292,95 kr.

    Helpful Cooking remains as a spearheading force in the domain of home basic food item benefits, reshaping the customary shopping for food experience into a consistent and advantageous culinary excursion for purchasers. As a pioneer in the business, Helpful Food has utilized imaginative procedures to meet the developing requirements of present day families, putting an accentuation on effectiveness, assortment, and customized comfort. At the center of Advantageous Food's prosperity is its obligation to utilizing innovation to improve the general client experience. The stage flaunts an easy to understand portable application and site, furnishing clients with an instinctive point of interaction for perusing, choosing, and requesting their ideal food. The incorporation of man-made consciousness guarantees customized suggestions, considering individual inclinations, dietary limitations, and past buy history. This degree of customization raises the shopping experience, offering an organized choice custom-made to every client's one of a kind preferences. Accommodation is the sign of Helpful Food's administration model. Perceiving the time requirements and occupied ways of life of the present purchasers, the stage offers a scope of efficient elements. Clients can undoubtedly make shopping records, set repeating orders for every now and again bought things, and timetable conveyances whenever it might suit them. The choice for on-request conveyances further takes care of the immediacy of present day life, permitting clients to accept their regular food items when they need them most. The stage's obligation to manageability is clear in its eco-cognizant practices. Advantageous Food has executed eco-accommodating bundling arrangements, limiting single-use plastics and picking recyclable materials. Also, the stage effectively cooperates with nearby and maintainable providers, guaranteeing that the items offered line up with ecologically mindful practices. This devotion to supportability resounds with eco-cognizant buyers as well as positions Helpful Cooking as a socially mindful player on the lookout.Helpful Food's prosperity is additionally intensified by its essential organizations and joint efforts. The stage has fashioned unions with neighborhood staple chains, specialty food makers, and even eateries, growing its item reach and offering clients an all in one resource for all their culinary necessities. These coordinated efforts add to the making of a comprehensive environment that improves the general incentive for purchasers. As a lithe and creative player in the home staple administrations area, Helpful Food constantly looks to adjust to arising patterns and customer assumptions. The stage effectively investigates arising advancements, for example, expanded reality for virtual shopping encounters, exhibiting a guarantee to remaining at the bleeding edge of industry developments.

  • af Joran Quinten
    432,95 kr.

    Become a VueJS professional through practical projects like building a to-do list, weather app, recipe app, fitness tracker, quiz app, and moreKey Features:Increase your prospects of securing employment as a web developerFamiliarize yourself with the Vue ecosystem and build more advanced applications by leveraging the fundamentalsProgress at your own pace and build a personal project using a modern tech stackPurchase of the print or Kindle book includes a free PDF eBookBook Description:In the ever-evolving web development landscape, Vue.js stands out with its intuitive design and progressive framework, empowering developers to create interactive and dynamic web applications. This book will help you stay in the forefront of modern web technologies by mastering Vue.js through hands-on projects and practical applications.Building Real-World Web Applications with Vue.js 3 is your guide to exploring the core concepts of Vue.js, setting up your development environment, and creating your first Vue.js application. You'll progress by building a recipe app using Vuetify, followed by leveraging data visualization to create a fitness tracker featuring dynamic dashboards using external databases and Vue-ChartJS. You'll then get to grips with multiplatform development with Quasar to deploy your app.As you develop an interactive quiz app, you'll be introduced to server-side logic with Nuxt.js, WebSockets for real-time communication, and client-server differentiation. Additionally, you'll study experimental object recognition using TensorFlow, leveraging machine learning and camera input, and conclude by creating a portfolio website with Nuxt and Storyblok.By the end of this book, you'll have the knowledge and confidence to create your own Vue.js applications and build a portfolio to showcase your Vue.js skills to potential employers.What You Will Learn:Master VueJS fundamentals and best practicesBuild real-world applications and create a portfolioUse VueRouter and manage state with PiniaImplement Vuetify for rapid UI developmentDevelop multiplatform apps with Quasar FrameworkCreate interactive quizzes using WebSocket connectionsApply TensorFlow for object recognitionBuild a portfolio website with Nuxt and Storyblok CMSWho this book is for:This book is for aspiring Vue.js developers eager to dive into practical projects. Whether you're just starting your Vue.js journey or have basic knowledge of JavaScript and web technologies, this book is a valuable resource, taking a hands-on approach to establishing a solid foundation in Vue.js while working on a variety of real-world projects.

  • af Dharmendra Singh Rajput
    418,95 kr.

    Das Internet der Dinge (IoT) ist eine schnell wachsende, benutzerfreundliche Technologie. In einer außergewöhnlich kurzen Zeitspanne hat es fast alle Lebensbereiche erfasst. Die Gesundheit ist der wichtigste Bereich des menschlichen Lebens. Die traditionelle Herangehensweise an die Gesundheitsfürsorge ist inzwischen überholt. Das Gesundheitswesen hat das Internet der Dinge und die Gesundheitsinformatik angenommen und vollbringt Wunder im Gesundheitssektor, die es in der Vergangenheit nicht gegeben hat. Das Internet der Dinge (IoT) und die Gesundheitsinformatik bestimmen den neuen Weg des Gesundheitswesens auf dramatische Weise. IoT und Gesundheitsinformatik haben ein enormes Potenzial zur Verbesserung des medizinischen Bereichs. In dieser Studie werden patientenorientierte Gesundheitsdienste vorgestellt, die eine wichtige Rolle bei E-HealthCare spielen. Diese Studie beschreibt den kompletten architektonischen Lebenszyklus, um den Lebenszyklus der Gesundheitskontrolle mit den wesentlichen Komponenten darzustellen, angefangen bei der Datenerfassung und -aggregation, der Datenübertragung und -trennung, der Datenvisualisierung und schließlich der Datenanalyse. Die von den Patienten getragenen Sensorgeräte übertragen die Daten an die Cloud. Diese aus verschiedenen Quellen erhaltenen Daten werden sorgfältig analysiert und darauf basierend werden die Patienten weiter diagnostiziert.

  • af Julian Hawthorne
    112,95 - 152,95 kr.

  • af Antoine Chabert
    737,95 kr.

    Today's organizations must be prepared for tomorrow's events. Forecast future behavior in SAP Analytics Cloud with this comprehensive guide to predictive analytics! Start by learning about the data types, scenarios, and methods used in predictive analytics projects. Then follow step-by-step instructions to build, analyze, and apply predictive models to your business data using classification, time series forecasting, and regression analysis. Automate your models and dive into the data science with this all-in-one guide! In this book, you'll learn about: a. Predictive Scenarios and Projects Understand the basics of predictive analytics in SAP Analytics Cloud: scenarios, data types, and actions. Then plan your predictive project, including identifying the key stakeholders and reviewing the methodology. b. Build, Train, Analyze, and Apply Master predictive models from end to end. Create classification, time series, and regression models; then train them to identify business patterns. Analyze and apply the results of your models to data in SAP Analytics Cloud. c. Practical Demonstrations See predictive analytics in action! Identify use cases for predictive modeling. For each data model, understand practical applications through curated examples with sample business data. Highlights include: 1) Predictive scenarios 2) Predictive forecasts 3) Data modeling 4) Planning 5) Time series model 6) Classification model 7) Regression model 8) Multi-actions 9) Data science 10) Stories and dashboards

  • af Anonymous
    581,95 kr.

    Master's Thesis from the year 2015 in the subject Computer Science - Internet, New Technologies, grade: 1.3, University of Paderborn (Institute of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology), language: English, abstract: In this master¿s thesis, an automatic image annotation algorithm for object recognition systems is being developed and evaluated. Addressing the semantic gap problem, it is investigated by which means images of objects can automatically be labelled with textual tags that represent corresponding semantic information. A central question in this context is to what extent online databases are exploitable for such an annotation algorithm. Representative works from the literature normally use large scale databases containing images along their features and their semantic information. Queued images can be annotated by searching the database for images with similar features and using the provided semantics. This work focuses another approach, where the semantic information are extracted from additional sources, such as texts according to visually similar images on websites. Those images are found in online databases or on the web using search engines. By this means, a broad range of objects can be handled without the need to create a database. Techniques will be implemented and analyzed that find websites containing images similar to the image to be annotated and that mine semantic information from corresponding texts. Eventually the system will be tested with a range of images with objects of different difficulties.

  • af Bindu Madhuri Ch
    1.142,95 kr.

    Il se concentre principalement sur le problème de la construction de modèles représentant le comportement passé des utilisateurs et capables de prédire les liens les plus probables qu'un utilisateur demandera lorsqu'il consultera une page. WUM a été spécialement conçu pour réaliser des applications en analysant les données d'utilisation. Les résultats de l'algorithme de regroupement de Grey sont utilisés comme entrée pour le modèle de Markov à probabilité mobile de Grey afin de prédire la prochaine visite des utilisateurs. Cette approche modélise les sessions de navigation et permet de prédire la prochaine étape de navigation en utilisant des probabilités de transition avec deux approches d'estimation. La prédiction est un moyen d'analyser les informations historiques pour calculer la probabilité la plus élevée possible de la prochaine demande ; le modèle de navigation lorsque les futurs utilisateurs et clients naviguent sur le site web est mis en correspondance. La mise en ¿uvre de la prédiction présente de nombreux avantages sur le web, tels que la personnalisation du site web, la structure appropriée du site web, l'intelligence économique, etc. Les probabilités de transaction sont plus appropriées pour prédire la prochaine demande des utilisateurs. Dans le modèle de prédiction, la chaîne de Markov à longueur variable est utilisée pour prédire la catégorie de l'état suivant des utilisateurs avec la probabilité de transaction.

  • af Troels Gollander
    57,95 - 277,95 kr.

    Et enkelt klik og du er på internettet. Her kan du både blive klogere og underholdt. Men du kan desværre også blive snydt og mobbet. Det er derfor en god idé at vide,hvordan du bliver sikker på nettet!De små fagbøger er til elever i 3.-6. klasse. Detaljerigdommen er stor, og eleverne bliver i den gradklogere på det emne, de læser om.Bøgerne kan med stort udbytte bruges til læsekurser,læsning i fagene, faglig læsning, projekt- og temaarbejdesamt interesselæsning.  Gratis opgaver på

  • af Jasmin Karatas
    224,95 kr.

  • af Rafeal Mechlore
    312,95 kr.

    The convergence of fifth-generation wireless (5G) technology and cloud computing heralds the advent of a revolutionary new age in the rapidly developing field of telecommunications. This exciting confluence of cutting-edge technology is altering the ways in which we interact with one another, communicate with one another, and conduct business. The article "5G and Cloud Synergy Transforms Telecommunications" dives into this convergence, illuminating the significant effect that it has on the world. The introduction of 5G, also known as the fifth generation of wireless technology, has caused a significant upheaval in the field of telecommunications. The foundation of the digital ecosystem of the next generation is comprised of its characteristics, which include vastly improved data transfer rates, decreased latency, and massively enhanced device connectivity. The first part of the book is dedicated to demystifying 5G by elucidating its theoretical foundations and demonstrating the numerous opportunities that will become available as a result of its implementation. Readers will learn that 5G technology isn't only about quicker cellphones; rather, it is a catalyst for innovation across a wide variety of industries, including healthcare, manufacturing, transportation, and entertainment. On the other side, cloud computing, a technology that has been around for a while, has emerged as the technology that drives our data-driven world. It provides scalable services that can be used on demand, making it possible for enterprises to store and analyze data with a level of flexibility and efficiency not seen before. This book delves into the fundamentals of cloud computing, elaborating on its various services and deployment types, and shedding light on the crucial role that cloud computing plays in the overall journey toward digital transformation. The combination of fifth-generation wireless (5G) networks with cloud computing forms the core of the story. Readers will develop a deeper understanding, chapter by chapter, of the ways in which these various technologies complement one another. The infrastructure that is produced as a result of the combination of the high-speed and low-latency connections provided by 5G and the massive computational capabilities of the cloud is capable of supporting a wide variety of cutting-edge software programs. The authors dig into real-world case studies, illuminating the triumphs achieved and the difficulties encountered by pioneers who have successfully exploited this synergy. Industries across the board, from telemedicine to smart cities to entertainment and agriculture, are discovering new methods to harness this potential, thereby ushering in a new digital era. In the same way as with any other technical advancement, protecting one's privacy and security is of the utmost importance. This book analyzes the difficulties posed by data protection in 5G and cloud contexts and investigates several methods for ensuring data safety. In addition to this, it guides readers through the complicated world of regulatory frameworks and compliance, so ensuring that they are prepared to handle an environment that is both complex and always changing. In addition, the article "5G and Cloud Synergy Transforms Telecommunications" investigates the consequences for the entire world. In addition to delving into the geopolitical climate of the telecommunications industry, this article investigates the potential for these technologies to close the digital divide by opening up new doors for less developed countries.

  • af Pandi Selvi P
    442,95 kr.

    The reader starts by learning the basics of AI and IoT devices and how to read IoT data from various sources and streams. Then we introduce various ways to implement AI with examples in TensorFlow, scikit learn, and Keras. The topics covered include machine learning, deep learning, genetic algorithms, reinforcement learning, and generative adversarial networks. We also show the reader how to implement AI using distributed technologies and on the cloud. Once the reader is familiar with AI techniques, then we introduce various techniques for different kinds of data generated and consumed by IoT devices, such as time series, images, audio, video, text, and speech. After explaining various AI techniques on various kinds of IoT data, finally, we share some case studies with the reader from the four major categories of IoT solutions: personal IoT, home IoT, industrial IoT, and smart city IoT.

  • af Dipender Bhamrah
    187,95 kr.

  • af Kelly Vero
    322,95 kr.

    From Pixels to Portals: Exploring the Future of the Metaverse through the Evolution of Video Games by Kelly Vero is your ticket to an exhilarating journey through the heart of gaming and the metaverse. Step into a realm where the boundaries of reality are shattered, and your wildest dreams become tangible.In this captivating exploration, we might embark on a riveting quest through the annals of gaming history, unveiling the intricate tapestry that intertwines video games with the metaverse. Witness the mesmerising evolution of technology, from the humble origins of text-based RPGs to the mind-bending hyper-realism of contemporary gaming.As we delve deeper, Kelly uncovers the masterful ingenuity of visionary game developers who dared to dream big. We traverse the nostalgic terrain of classics like Pong and Space Invaders, marvelling at their foundational role in forging the path to the metaverse. And, as we journey through the digital ages, we discover the awe-inspiring influence of modern masterpieces like Minecraft and Fortnite, reshaping the very fabric of our virtual existence.Understand how luminous pioneers, those trailblazers of innovation, who harnessed cutting-edge technology to breathe life into their visions at a time where there were smaller horizons. Discover their secrets, their struggles, and their triumphs as they carved the metaverse's blueprint for us. Laugh with Kelly as she documents her personal successes and more importantly failures in trying to move technology ever further as a game developer.This tale is not just about bits and pixels; it's about culture and society. Dive into the profound impact of video games on our collective consciousness, shaping our language, art, and the way we connect with one another.Whether you're a seasoned gamer or a curious explorer, "From Pixels to Portals" promises an exhilarating odyssey through the nexus of video game technology; the metaverse and beyond! Join the journey towards all digital verticals who will soon rely on gamification to lead the charge of future technologies. The future is here, and it's waiting for you to take the plunge. So, embark on this epic adventure, and let the portals open to a world without walls!

  • af Sudheer Jonna
    387,95 kr.

    Build your confidence in tackling React job interviews with this comprehensive guide covering a wide range of React ecosystem questions and the latest advancements in ReactKey FeaturesBoost your interview success by mastering React interview strategiesQuickly acquaint yourself with the latest React featuresBenefit from expert guidance for preparing to tackle any React interview question confidentlyPurchase of the print or Kindle book includes a free PDF eBookBook DescriptionAre you struggling with React job interviews, feeling hindered by the lack of knowledge or confidence? Look no further than the React Interview Guide. Complete with the latest features of the React library, this comprehensive solution will assist you in taking a definitive step forward in your career as a React developer.This book systematically covers frequently asked questions and common edge cases encountered in React interviews. It goes beyond React to encompass other essential technologies in the React ecosystem, including routing, CSS, testing, and building Next.js apps. You'll benefit from invaluable expert guidance, enabling you to address a wide range of React ecosystem questions swiftly as this book prioritizes interview readiness, sparing you the need to dwell excessively on individual topics before technical discussions.By the end of this book, you'll be thoroughly equipped to excel in any React interview, giving you an edge over your peers and significantly increasing your chances of securing your dream job.What you will learnDiscover contemporary strategies to make your profile shine in a competitive marketplaceAccess diverse interview questions, from basic to advanced, to land a React developer jobMaster React's latest features, performance optimization, and debugging techniques step by stepGrasp techniques and tips to cover crucial skills for the React developer roleUnderstand various frameworks and libraries to prepare to answer any React interview questionBuild fully fledged React-based applications to ace coding assignmentsWho this book is forThis book will aid individuals preparing for React job interviews as well as seasoned developers looking to expand their React knowledge. A basic understanding of fundamental web development concepts and technologies, such as HTML, JavaScript, and CSS is necessary to get started.Table of ContentsBrace yourself for interview preparationUnderstand ReactJS fundamentals and its major featuresHooks: Bring state, lifecycle and other features in functional componentsHandling routing and internationalisationAdvanced concepts of ReactJSRedux: The best state management solutionDifferent approaches to apply CSS in ReactJSTesting and debugging the React ApplicationRapid development with Next.js, Gatsby and Remix frameworksCracking any real-world programming taskBuild an App based on React Hooks/Redux, styled components and the Firebase BackendBuild an App based on NextJS toolkit, authentication, SWR, GraphQL and deployment

  • af Only For The Rich
    517,95 kr.

    Navigating the world of dating is challenging, but for the wealthy, the stakes are uniquely high. This guide delves deep into the world of romance from the perspective of the affluent, uncovering the challenges and providing actionable tips to find genuine connection. From understanding societal perceptions and protecting oneself from opportunists to fostering true bonds beyond bank balances, this book offers a comprehensive roadmap for the affluent dater. Real-life testimonials, grounded advice, and insightful reflections combine to offer a holistic approach to dating. A word of caution: this isn't for everyone. Don't buy it if you're not rich. This is a tailored guide for those who've achieved financial success and are now seeking the more elusive success of the heart.

  • af Kiet Huynh
    212,95 kr.

    "Back-End Development Unleashed" is your ultimate guide to mastering back-end development. Whether you're new to this field or an experienced developer, this book equips you with essential skills for building robust, secure, and scalable back-end systems.Key Features:Learn foundational concepts, security, and performance optimization.Explore APIs, microservices, and deployment workflows.Benefit from real-world examples and best practices.Join us on this journey to unlock the full potential of back-end development

  • af Kiet Huynh
    207,95 kr.

    The World Wide Web has become an integral part of our lives, and at its core are two essential languages: HTML (HyperText Markup Language) and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). "HTML and CSS Fundamentals" is your key to understanding and mastering these foundational web development languages. Whether you're new to web development or an experienced professional, this book will empower you to create stunning web experiences from scratch. It covers everything from the basics to advanced techniques and best practices. Join us on this journey through the fascinating world of web development, where you'll learn to build, design, and deploy websites with confidence. Welcome to "HTML and CSS Fundamentals." Let's get started!

  • af Scott Shapiro
    127,95 - 245,95 kr.

  • af Sabiha Dulay
    530,95 kr.

    We live in a rapidly changing world, called VUCA, with its unique challenges and opportunities for growth and innovation. To be able to adjust changes and navigate complexities, leaders need to be prepared for the crises and opportunities that await them. That is why this book provides current information on the new leadership skills and the ways for enhancing VUCA readiness of educational leaders. This book is thought to be a comprehensive guide to help today¿s educational leaders thrive in VUCA by addressing the topics such as managing change and complexity, authentic leadership, agility, resilience and digital transformation. Thus, the book addresses all practitioners, leaders and teachers who need a practical guide on how to expand their vision, enhance their skills to lead in constantly changing educational environments.

  • af Cathy Hackl
    147,95 - 225,95 kr.

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