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This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 24th Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Canadian AI 2011, held in St. John's, Canada, in May 2011. The 23 revised full papers presented together with 22 revised short papers and 5 papers from the graduate student symposium were carefully reviewed and selected from 81 submissions. The papers cover a broad range of topics presenting original work in all areas of artificial intelligence, either theoretical or applied.
This book constitutes the proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Traffic Monitoring and Analysis, TMA 2011, held in Vienna, Austria, on April 27, 2011 - co-located with EW 2011, the 17th European Wireless Conference. The workshop is an initiative from the COST Action IC0703 "Data Traffic Monitoring and Analysis: Theory, Techniques, Tools and Applications for the Future Networks". The 10 revised full papers and 6 poster papers presented together with 4 short papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 29 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on traffic analysis, applications and privacy, traffic classification, and a poster session.
This two-volume set, consisting of LNCS 6608 and LNCS 6609, constitutes the thoroughly refereed proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Computer Linguistics and Intelligent Processing, held in Tokyo, Japan, in February 2011.The 74 full papers, presented together with 4 invited papers, were carefully reviewed and selected from 298 submissions. The contents have been ordered according to the following topical sections: lexical resources; syntax and parsing; part-of-speech tagging and morphology; word sense disambiguation; semantics and discourse; opinion mining and sentiment detection; text generation; machine translation and multilingualism; information extraction and information retrieval; text categorization and classification; summarization and recognizing textual entailment; authoring aid, error correction, and style analysis; and speech recognition and generation.
This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-proceedings of the 17th Annual International Workshop on Selected Areas in Cryptography, SAC 2010, held in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada in August 2010. The 24 revised full papers presented together with 2 invited papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 90 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on hash functions, stream ciphers, efficient implementations, coding and combinatorics, block ciphers, side channel attacks, and mathematical aspects.
The International Conference on Networking (ICN 2005) was the fourth conf- ence in its series aimed at stimulating technical exchange in the emerging and important ?eld of networking. On behalf of the International Advisory C- mittee, it is our great pleasure to welcome you to the proceedings of the 2005 event. Networking faces dramatic changes due to the customer-centric view, the venue of the next generation networks paradigm, the push from ubiquitous n- working,andthenewservicemodels.Despitelegacyproblems,whichresearchers and industry are still discovering and improving the state of the art, the ho- zon has revealed new challenges that some of the authors tackled through their submissions. InfactICN2005wasverywellperceivedbytheinternationalnetworkingc- munity. A total of 651 papers from more than 60 countries were submitted, from which 238 were accepted. Each paper was reviewed by several members of the Technical Program Committee. This year, the Advisory Committee revalidated various accepted papers after the reviews had been incorporated. We perceived a signi?cant improvement in the number of submissions and the quality of the submissions. TheICN2005programcoveredavarietyofresearchtopicsthatareofcurrent interest,startingwithGridnetworks,multicasting,TCPoptimizations,QoSand security, emergency services, and network resiliency. The Program Committee selected also three tutorials and invited speakers that addressed the latest - search results from the international industries and academia, and reports on ?ndings from mobile, satellite, and personal communications related to 3rd- and 4th-generation research projects and standardization.
Welcome to ICOIN 2005,the International Conference on Information Netwo- ing, held at Ramada Plaza Jeju Hotel, Jeju Island, Korea during January 31- February2,2005.ICOIN2005followedthesuccessofpreviousconferences.Since 1986, the conference has provided a technical forum for various issues in inf- mation networking. The theme of each conference re?ects the historic events in the computer communication industry. (Please refer to www.icoin2005.or.kr for details.) The theme of ICOIN 2004, "Convergence in Broadband and Mobile Networking," was used again for ICOIN 2005 since we believed it was ongoing. This year we received 427 submissions in total, which came from 22 co- tries. Upon submission, authors were asked to select one of the categories listed in the Call for Papers. The most popular category chosen was network se- rity, followed by mobile networks and wireless LANs. Other areas with strong showings included QoS and resource management, ad hoc and sensor networks, and wireless multimedia systems. From the outset, we could see where recent research interest lay and could make sure that the theme was still going in the right direction.
Welcome to the proceedings of GCC2004 and the city of Wuhan. Grid computing has become a mainstream research area in computer science and the GCC conference has become one of the premier forums for presentation of new and exciting research in all aspectsofgridandcooperativecomputing. Theprogramcommitteeispleasedtopresent the proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Grid and Cooperative Comp- ing (GCC2004), which comprises a collection of excellent technical papers, posters, workshops, and keynote speeches. The papers accepted cover a wide range of exciting topics, including resource grid and service grid, information grid and knowledge grid, grid monitoring,managementand organizationtools, grid portal, grid service, Web s- vices and their QoS, service orchestration, grid middleware and toolkits, software glue technologies, grid security, innovative grid applications, advanced resource reservation andscheduling,performanceevaluationandmodeling,computer-supportedcooperative work, P2P computing, automatic computing, and meta-information management. The conference continues to grow and this year a record total of 581 manuscripts (including workshop submissions) were submitted for consideration. Expecting this growth, the size of the program committee was increased from 50 members for GCC 2003 for 70 in GCC 2004. Relevant differences from previous editions of the conf- ence: it is worth mentioning a signi?cant increase in the number of papers submitted by authors from outside China; and the acceptance rate was much lower than for p- vious GCC conferences. From the 427 papers submitted to the main conference, the program committee selected only 96 regular papers for oral presentation and 62 short papers for poster presentation in the program.
The Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning (IDEAL) conf- ence series began in 1998 in Hong Kong, when the world started to experience information and data explosion and to demand for better, intelligent meth- ologies and techniques. It has since developed, enjoyed success in recent years, and become a unique annual international forum dedicated to emerging topics and technologies in intelligent data analysis and mining, knowledge discovery, automated learning and agent technology, as well as interdisciplinary appli- tions, especially bioinformatics. These techniques are common and applicable to many ?elds. The multidisciplinary nature of research nowadays is pushing the boundaries and one of the principal aims of the IDEAL conference is to p- mote interactions and collaborations between disciplines, which are bene?cial and bringing fruitful solutions. This volume of Lecture Notes in Computer Science contains accepted papers presented at IDEAL 2004, held in Exeter, UK, August 25-27, 2004. The conf- ence received 272 submissions from all over the world, which were subsequently refereed by the ProgramCommittee. Among them 124 high-quality papers were accepted and included in the proceedings. IDEAL 2004 enjoyed outstanding keynote talks by distinguished guest speakers,Jim Austin, Mark Girolami, Ross King, Lei Xu and Robert Esnouf. This year IDEAL also teamed up with three international journals, namely the International Journal of Neural Systems,the Journal of Mathematical M- elling and Algorithms,and Neural Computing & Applications. Three special issues on Bioinformatics, Learning Algorithms,and Neural Networks & Data Mining, respectively, have been scheduled for selected papers from IDEAL 2004.
The Asia-Paci?c region has emerged in recent years as one of the fastest g- wing regions in the world in the use of Web technologies as well as in making signi?cant contributions to WWW research and development. Since the ?rst Asia-Paci?c Web conference in 1998, APWeb has continued to provide a forum for researchers, professionals, and industrial practitioners from around the world to share their rapidly evolving knowledge and to report new advances in WWW technologies and applications. APWeb 2004 received an overwhelming 386 full-paper submissions, including 375 research papers and 11 industrial papers from 20 countries and regions: A- tralia,Canada,China,France,Germany,Greece,HongKong,India,Iran,Japan, Korea, Norway, Singapore, Spain, Switzerland, Taiwan, Turkey, UK, USA, and Vietnam. Each submission was carefully reviewed by three members of the p- gram committee. Among the 386 submitted papers, 60 regular papers, 24 short papers, 15 poster papers, and 3 industrial papers were selected to be included in the proceedings. The selected papers cover a wide range of topics including Web services, Web intelligence, Web personalization, Web query processing, Web - ching, Web mining, text mining, data mining and knowledge discovery, XML database and query processing, work?ow management, E-commerce, data - rehousing, P2P systems and applications, Grid computing, and networking. The paper entitled "Towards Adaptive Probabilistic Search in Unstructured P2P - stems", co-authored by Linhao Xu, Chenyun Dai, Wenyuan Cai, Shuigeng Zhou, and Aoying Zhou, was awarded the best APWeb 2004 student paper.
missions in fact also treat an envisaged mutual impact among them. As for the 2002 edition in Irvine, the organizers wanted to stimulate this cross-pollination with a program of shared famous keynote speakers (this year we got Sycara, - ble, Soley and Mylopoulos!), and encouraged multiple attendance by providing authors with free access to another conference or workshop of their choice. We received an even larger number of submissions than last year for the three conferences (360 in total) and the workshops (170 in total). Not only can we therefore again claim a measurable success in attracting a representative volume of scienti?c papers, but such a harvest allowed the program committees of course to compose a high-quality cross-section of worldwide research in the areas covered. In spite of the increased number of submissions, the Program Chairs of the three main conferences decided to accept only approximately the same number of papers for presentation and publication as in 2002 (i. e. , around 1 paper out of every 4-5 submitted). For the workshops, the acceptance rate was about 1 in 2. Also for this reason, we decided to separate the proceedings into two volumes with their own titles, and we are grateful to Springer-Verlag for their collaboration in producing these two books. The reviewing process by the respective program committees was very professional and each paper in the main conferences was reviewed by at least three referees.
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the IFIP-TC6 Eighth - ternational Conference on Personal Wireless Communications, PWC 2003. PWC 2003 is the ?agship conference of the IFIP Working Group 6.8, Mobile and Wireless Communications, and is the premier international forum for discussions between researchers, practitioners, and students interested in the symbiosis of mobile computing and wireless networks. It is a great pleasure to present the PWC 2003 technical program. This year the conference received 115 submissions from 27 countries indicating that PWC is a reference conference for worldwide researchers from the wireless and mobile community. With so many papers to choose from, the Technical Program Committee's job, to provide a conference program of the highest technical quality, was challenging and time consuming. From the 115 submissions, we ?nally selected 34 full papers and 15 short papers for presentation in the conference technical sessions. The conference technical program was split into three days, and included, in addition to the 49 refereed contributions, 4 invited papers from top-level researchers from the mobile and wireless community. To give researchers the opportunity to present ongoing work, and the novel ideas they are starting to explore, we included in the technical program two work-in-progress sessions and two novel-ideas sessions. The technical program also included a poster session devoted to presenting ongoing research projects on wireless and mobile communications.
Kommunikation i den digitale tidsalder handler bl.a. om kunsten at sørge for at få skrevet og selv få svar på det voksende hav af beskeder i løbet af arbejdsdagen, og når vi har fri.Har du fået nok af at vente på svar, som aldrig kommer? Lukker du selv øjnene for din overfyldte indbakke? Føler du dig ignoreret eller ligefrem såret, når folk ikke svarer dig? Du er ikke alene!Dårlig etikette i vores omgang med e-mails, sms’er og beskeder på sociale medier er blevet en alvorlig kilde til stress, og ubesvarede beskeder fører til mange misforståelser. Det kan også skade dit omdømme, da 80 procent betragter en person, der ikke svarer, som både egoistisk og upålidelig.Malene Rydahl giver i denne bog en række gode råd og konkrete værktøjer, der gør en bedre i stand til at navigere i den digitale tidsalder for at værne om ens relationer og endda gøre dem bedre.Vores umiddelbare reaktion, når vores egne e-mails og beskeder forbliver ubesvarede, er en følelse af at blive afvist og af, at andre måske ikke kan lide os. Men hvad er den egentlige årsag til, at man ikke får svar? Er det fx manglende tid eller bare dårlig stil? Hvordan påvirker ”ikke-svarkulturen” vores personlige og professionelle relationer? Hvad stiller man op med ens egen utilbøjelighedtil at få svaret på alle de beskeder, der vælter ind i hverdagen?Baseret på mange års research og en verdensomspændende meningsmåling fortæller Malene Rydahl, hvordan man let øger sine chancer for rent faktisk at få et svar, hvordan man kan blive bedre til at håndtere sine frustrationer, når man bliver mødt med tavshed, og hvordan man i en travl hverdag kan håndtere sit eget voksende bjerg af ubesvarede beskeder.Bogen vil kort og godt gøre læseren til ekspert i kunsten at skrive og svare på beskeder uden stress og frustrationer.
Hvor mange gange kan man læse en tekstbesked, før den bliver slidt op?Jeg kan godt lide dig. Jeg kan godt lide dig. Jeg kan godt lide dig. Mere end 23 gange, mere end 100? For det står der stadig. Sort på hvidt, mørkegråt på lysegråt. Han kan godt lide mig. Marie fra NØRD er tilbage. Kan hun forelske sig i den pæneste dreng på skolen og samtidig redde skoleavisen?
Bloker kæde, mest kendt som rygraden teknologien bag Bitcoin, er en af de hotteste og mest spændende teknologier i øjeblikket på markedet, men hvad er det - og kan det på en måde hjælpe dig? Kort sagt, Blok Chain er den digitale ækvivalent af en bankmand hovedbog, en, journaler og sikrer transaktioner mellem to parter. Indstil til cyberspace, denne form for programmering tillader overførsel af ikke blot data, men af værdi - hvilket gør det til et unikt og grundlæggende byggesten i vores spirende fremtid. "Bloker kæde teknologi" blev oprindeligt udviklet i 2009 for at gøre det muligt for enkeltpersoner og organisationer til at behandle transaktioner uden behov for en centralbank eller en anden mellemmand, ved hjælp af komplekse algoritmer og enighed om at verificere transaktioner. Nu er det blevet vedtaget og ændret af virksomheder og nystartede virksomheder verden over, og er ved at blive nøje gransket af verden Banker som det næste logiske skridt i digital finansiering. Denne bog forklarer Block Kæde i sin helhed; dets historie, anvendelser, potentiale, ulemper og endda sin fremtid. Forståelse denne værdifulde, åbne system er afgørende for at skabe den økonomiske frihed du tørster. Digital valuta er ikke længere en ønskedrøm af kælderen gamer, dens virkelige, er det her, og du har brug for at forstå, hvordan det bevæger sig og er sikret med henblik på at planlægge en fremtid, der vil se en revolution i vores nuværende banksystem.
Er du nysgerrig, har du spørgsmål - selv om svære emner. Kan den Katolske lære give svar på spørgsmål i dit liv? I denne bog finder du 200 udfordrende spørgsmål fra unge mennesker om Gud, tro og moral. P. Michel Remery svarer på dem alle i tweets af 140 tegn eller færre.Denne bog kan hjælpe dig, hvis du ønsker at vokse i troen og udvikle dit forhold til Jesus. I projektet Tweeting with GOD (#TwGOD) får du en introduktion til, hvad Bibelen og Den Katolske Kirke siger om troen på Gud.
Save time and money with Google's revolutionary new phone system Google Voice combines existing phone lines, e-mail, and Web access into one central communication channel. Tech industry watchers expect it to give Skype some serious competition, yet little information is available on this new Google service.
In just under a decade, Facebook has gone from a Harvard prodigy''s dorm-room experiment to an essential part of the social life of hundreds of millions of children, teens, and adults across the globe. It''s no surprise, then, that the company has been the subject of countless magazine articles, books, and even movies. But despite the extensive coverage that has been given to the company in the years since founder Mark Zuckerberg first took Facebook live on Harvard''s server, one question remains unanswered: From a business standpoint, how, exactly, did Facebook do it? How did a college student with no real-world business experience take a relatively simple idea and then, less than ten years later, turn it into a $100 billion dollar company? What specific steps did Facebook take along its journey to creating perhaps the most innovative startup of the 21st century? What approach did it take when pitching venture capitalists, and how did it go about forging its many strategic partnerships? And, most importantly, how can would-be founders learn and effectively utilize Facebook''s unique techniques and strategies in their own startup efforts? In How to Create the Next Facebook, tech guru Tom Taulli answers all of these questions and more, crystallizing the process by which Facebook was shepherded from idea to IPO to provide a guided blueprint for budding entrepreneurs who are ready to start building their own great business. Regardless of what stage of development your startup is in, How to Create the Next Facebook provides you with clear, compelling, and ultimately actionable advice extracted from Facebook''s startup success story. You''ll learn how Facebook handled the very same situations your startup is confronting—from how it arrived at its mission statement to what its priorities were during its talent search process—before gaining access to all the concrete, practical guidance you need to make the right decisions for your company and continue moving forward with confidence. And, of course, because Facebook didn''t get everything right at first, author Tom Taulli painstakingly details the company''s most costly mistakes, documenting everything from its protracted legal struggles to its many failed attempts at establishing multiple revenue streams, so that you can arm your company against the various challenges that threaten to sink even the very best startups. By the time you turn the final pages of How to Create the Next Facebook, you''ll realize that Facebook is more than just a fun place to catch up with old friends; it is the ideal model to follow for those who, like you, are ready to build the world''s next great startup.
Creative Blogging shows you how to start blogging for the very first time to express your creativity, reach out and be heard-and even how to make money with your blog! You'll start at the right place: The beginning!
The text provides valuable insights for knowledge managers, designers of internet-based knowledge infrastructures, and professionals in the publishing industry.
Accessibility is about making websites that don't exclude people with visual, aural, or physical disabilities. Through real-world examples, this practical book will teach you how to create or retrofit accessible websites quickly and easily. This book is aimed toward web professionals creating accessible websites or updating existing sites to make them accessible. It's also useful for corporate, university, and government policy-makers involved in the development and maintenance of websites for their institutions.The thorough and practical accessibility techniques outlined in this book come from some of the best accessibility professionals in the business. The techniques are illustrated and accompanied by real-world examples from live sites, demonstrating that accessibility is not the enemy of great visual design.
Denne bog giver lærere indsigt i det særlige ved sociale medier, så de på et kvalificeret grundlag kan inddrage medierne i undervisningen og i kommunikationen mellem skole og hjem.Gennem konkrete undervisningseksempler og cases fra skolers kommunikation med forældre og elever får læseren viden og inspiration til undervisningen og til udformningen af retningslinjer og strategier for kommunikation via sociale medier.Forfatterne tegner udviklingen fra traditionelle massemedier til digitale metamedier og går i dybden med de deraf følgende forandringer i vores måder at interagere med andre mennesker på. Grænsen mellem offentligt og privat udviskes i nogle sammenhænge. Forskellige typer af sociale medier giver afsæt for forskellige former for samvær og videndeling. Unge ’hænger ud sammen’ på og omkring medierne. Og de henter specialiseret viden gennem forskellige fora. Det kan lærere bruge i deres didaktiske planlægning.Forfatterne præsenterer en model, der sikrer sammenhæng mellem sociale medier, fagligt indhold og pædagogik, så undervisningen på én gang lever op til faglige læringsmål og understøtter elevernes digitale dannelse og aktive deltagelse i samfundet.Bogen er henvendt til studerende på læreruddannelsen og til lærere i praksis."Skoler og lærere er forskellige og vægter digital kommunikation og undervisning forskelligt. Det samlede udgangspunkt bør dog være det samme, nemlig aldrig at spørge: "Hvad kan mediet gøre for mig?", men altid: "Hvad kan jeg gøre med mediet?" Det er vores håb, at bogen kan inspirere til skolernes og lærernes fortsatte arbejde med digitalisering af såvel læring som kommunikation i almindelighed."Fra bogens forordLotte Nyboe er cand.mag., ph.d. i medier og kultur og ansat som lektor på Institut for Kulturvidenskaber ved Syddansk Universitet. Hun forsker i børne- og ungdomsmedier med særligt fokus på digitale medier og læring og har blandt andet skrevet bogen Digital dannelse: Medieleg og læring inden for og uden for institutionerne (2009/2014). Overordnet beskæftiger hun sig med medialiseringens og digitaliseringens betydning for mennesker, kultur og samfund.Anette Grønning er cand.ling.merc., ph.d. i kommunikation og ansat som lektor på Institut for Kulturvidenskaber ved Syddansk Universitet. Hun forsker i digitale medier, herunder særligt e-mail, chat og blogging, og har blandt andet skrevet bogen E-mail-kommunikation (2007). Hun har i sit arbejde fokus på struktur, kompleksitet, samarbejde, dialog og nærvær. Derudover beskæftiger hun sig med organisatoriske spørgsmål og politikker for digitale medier.
Sider: 226 – med mange illustrationer i farver - 2. udgave - opdateret. Fra 1. november 2014 får alle danskere over 15 år en sikker digital postkasse til elektroniske rudekuverter i stedet for at modtage papirpost fra det offentlige via Post Danmark. Du kommer også til at skrive til det offentlige via denne. Det kræver et NemID. Er du klar til dette? NemID er banker og det offentliges fælles log-in-løsning til digital selvbetjening på Internettet. Denne bog beskriver dette i detaljer og nogle af de tjenester, der kræver NemID. Umiddelbart skulle man tro, at der ikke er meget at sige om NemID. Et par A4-sider er da nok til at beskrive, hvordan NemID benyttes, ikke sandt? Forfatteren til denne bog mener, at der en række aspekter, der er relevante at tage med, når man skal lære om NemID og de tjenester, der benytter sig af denne log-in-metode. Og det kræver en hel del sider at beskrive de fleste af dem i detaljer, så de er til at forstå og forholde sig til. Det gælder lige fra på hvilke måder NemID kan erhverves; hvad der kræves af en pc for at kunne benytte det; om det også kan benyttes sammen med Mac, Linux, smartphones eller en iPad; til fuldmagt til at handle på en pårørendes vegne digitalt, hvis denne ikke selv er i stand til at benytte Internettet – her gælder det netbank, e-Boks, SKAT og tinglysning. Bogen har en række øvelser i de mest populære offentlige hjemmesider, der benytter NemID. At lære dig hvordan disse hjemmesider kan bruges til gavn for dig, er hovedformålet med bogen. Bogen kommer ind på: * Erhvervelse af NemID. * Aktivering af NemID. * Hvordan du logger ind med NemID. * Hvad der kræves af en pc for at kunne benytte NemID. * En liste over de hyppigst anvendte hjemmesider, der kræver NemID. * Hvor sikker NemID egentligt er, og hvordan du bedst beskytter din pc mod trusler. * Sikker og fortrolig e-mail med NemID. * Nøgleviser i stedet for nøglekort. * Spærring af NemID. * Fuldmagt til at handle på en pårørendes vegne via Internettet med eget NemID. * NemID for udlandsdanskere. * Andre kilder til oplysninger om NemID og tjenester, der kræver NemID. * Syv sæt øvelser til et kursus i NemID og en række populære NemID-tjenester. * e-Boks, den sikre postkasse til elektroniske rudekuverter fra offentlige myndigheder og private virksomheder. * SKATs hjemmeside – se og ret forskudsopgørelse, årsopgørelse og selvangivelse. * Det offentliges store portal borger.dk. * Sundhedsvæsenets hjemmeside sundhed.dk. * Netbank. * Hvordan man scanner dokumenter til bilag ved sending af post via e-mail, e-Boks eller Digital Post til en myndighed. Bogen indeholder desuden et nyttigt stikordsregister. Den er oprindeligt skrevet til et kursus i NemID og de populære NemID-tjenester for kursister i Gladsaxe Kommune.
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