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  • af Alina Hazel
    297,95 kr.

    In the powerful scene of the computerized age, laying out a vigorous advanced presence isn't simply a choice however an essential goal. Computerized Presence Dominance arises as a significant idea, epitomizing the workmanship and study of spellbinding web-based crowds while decisively enhancing reach. This multi-layered discipline rises above conventional limits, flawlessly mixing inventiveness and specialized ability to explore the complexities of the advanced domain. At its center, Computerized Presence Dominance includes the coordination of a horde of online components, from virtual entertainment stages to sites and then some. It's about something other than being available; about creating a vivid and convincing experience reverberates with the interest group. By digging into the complexities of client conduct and inclinations, advanced presence specialists explore the virtual scene with artfulness, decisively situating brands for greatest effect. Connecting with crowds in the computerized circle requires a significant comprehension of human brain science and the elements of online communication. It's tied in with making content that catches consideration as well as gets a reaction. From outwardly shocking illustrations to provocative stories, Computerized Presence Dominance envelops the capacity to organize content that flashes discussions and encourages a feeling of local area in the advanced domain. The pith of this authority lies in the essential combination of different computerized channels. Web-based entertainment stages act as unique materials for brand articulation, and it is crucial to dominate their subtleties. Whether it's creating viral tweets, convincing Instagram stories, or encouraging commitment on Facebook, the computerized presence master explores these stages with a sharp comprehension of the extraordinary elements at play on each. Moreover, the dominance stretches out past the domain of web-based entertainment to include sites and web indexes. A very much planned site goes about as a virtual customer facing facade, and Computerized Presence Dominance includes enhancing its design, content, and client experience. Website streamlining (Web optimization) turns into a foundation, guaranteeing that the brand isn't simply present on the web yet is discoverable and positions unmistakably in significant quests. Supporting reach is a critical part of Computerized Presence Dominance, requesting an essential way to deal with crowd extension. This includes utilizing computerized publicizing, force to be reckoned with associations, and coordinated efforts to expand the brand's impression. By distinguishing and exploiting arising patterns, computerized presence specialists guarantee that brands are following the discussion as well as forming it, setting their situation as industry pioneers. In the domain of computerized presence, examination and information driven bits of knowledge assume an essential part. The dominance includes persistent observing and investigation of key execution markers (KPIs) to refine techniques and upgrade crusades. This iterative methodology guarantees that the advanced presence stays versatile and receptive to the consistently developing scene of the web-based world.

  • af Philip Barber
    222,95 kr.

    This book is intended for those who are starting their search journey. The search never ends, but this book should give you a push in the right direction. This 4th Edition (October 2023) has been updated to include Google Updates, YMYL, Anchor Links, Spam Scores, and more! Search Engine Optimization (SEO) takes a website built by people and makes it easily consumable for search engine robots. If you offer the solution to someone's problem, but they have not heard of you, SEO gets your name in front of them! People always ask me, "How long does SEO take?" SEO is a long game. It usually takes 3-6 months before you see results. During that time you will learn so much! What's included in the book:Foundational understanding of search engines and their pivotal role in the digital landscapeRoadmap to harness the potential of optimizationMaster the art of keyword selectionExplore the symbiotic relationship between content marketing and SEOEthical considerations of SEO practicesImportance of SEO analyticsEssential terminologiesWith Programmatic SEO, you'll have the tools and knowledge to revolutionize your approach to search engine optimization and achieve better results than ever before. Don't wait any longer to take your SEO efforts to the next level. Get Programmatic SEO today and unlock the power of automation and data science for better search engine rankings.

  • af Santhosh R
    342,95 kr.

    Computing search engines for biological macromolecules play a pivotal role in advancing biomedical research and drug discovery. These sophisticated tools harness the power of computational algorithms to navigate vast databases containing genetic, protein, and structural information. By integrating diverse data sources, these search engines enable researchers to swiftly retrieve relevant information about nucleic acids, proteins, and other macromolecules, facilitating a deeper understanding of their functions and interactions. Leveraging techniques such as sequence alignment, structural bioinformatics, and machine learning, these search engines not only aid in the identification of homologous sequences but also contribute to the prediction of three-dimensional structures and the exploration of potential binding sites. The integration of cutting-edge technologies, such as artificial intelligence and deep learning, further enhances the accuracy and efficiency of these tools, revolutionizing the pace at which biological insights are gained. As biological research continues to generate an exponential amount of data, the development and refinement of computing search engines for biological macromolecules are indispensable for unlocking the mysteries of life at the molecular level and driving innovations in fields like personalized medicine and targeted therapeutics.

  • af Emily Roberts
    217,95 kr.

    "The Story of Google: The Search Engine That Changed the World" is an interesting look at how the tech giant has changed, improved, and left its mark on our digital world. This interesting book goes into great detail about Google's history and its innovative spirit. It also talks about how Google has changed the way we receive and use information.This book is about Google's founders, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, and the early experiences and schooling that helped them build the most popular search engine in the world. It tells the story of how the groundbreaking PageRank algorithm and the Google search engine came to be, giving us a look into the tech world at the time.From its humble beginnings in a garage to its rapid rise as a tech giant, this story shows the problems, successes, and changes in culture that Google faced along the way. People who read this will learn a lot about Google's innovative office culture and its never-ending drive for new ideas, which is shown by its moonshot projects and dedication to open-source contributions."The Story of Google" also looks at how Google's new search engines have had a huge effect on the internet and how easy it is for people around the world to get information. The book goes into detail about how the tech giant has grown into many new areas, such as AI, self-driving cars, healthcare, and maps. This shows how much of an impact it has on the digital world.This book uses the most popular terms to give an interesting and deep look at Google's history, its ongoing impact on society, and the ways it is still changing the digital world. "The Story of Google" is an inspiring and educational trip through the search engine that truly changed the world. It's great for tech fans, business professionals, and anyone who is just interested in how technology can change things.

  • af Carlos Cabezas López
    157,95 kr.

    "SEO Local: Una Guía Completa para Mejorar tu Visibilidad Online" es un recurso imprescindible para cualquier comercio local que desee destacar en el mundo digital. Este libro te ayudará a entender qué es el SEO Local y su importancia en la estrategia de marketing digital, hasta optimizar tu perfil en Google My Business, gestionar reseñas, y utilizar técnicas de SEO On-Page y Off-Page. Este libro informativo te proporcionará los conocimientos necesarios para comprender la importancia del SEO Local en la estrategia de marketing digital de tu negocio.Desde una introducción clara sobre qué es el SEO y por qué es relevante, hasta una explicación detallada sobre el SEO Local y cómo funciona, este libro te ofrece una base sólida en términos sencillos y fáciles de entender. Descubrirás cómo Google My Business puede impulsar tu presencia en línea y aprenderás a crear y optimizar tu perfil para obtener mejores resultados. Además, comprenderás la importancia de las reseñas en Google My Business y cómo gestionarlas para fortalecer la reputación de tu negocio. A lo largo del libro, explorarás consejos prácticos sobre la optimización de títulos, meta descripciones, etiquetas de encabezado y contenido específico para búsquedas locales. También se abordarán aspectos clave del SEO Off-Page, como el linkbuilding, las señales sociales y la inclusión en directorios online. Además, se proporcionarán recomendaciones sobre herramientas de investigación de palabras clave, analítica SEO y auditoría SEO para ayudarte a mejorar tus estrategias en línea. También se abordarán temas relacionados con el SEO técnico, como la optimización de la velocidad del sitio web, la adaptabilidad móvil y la importancia del certificado SSL. Este libro no solo te ofrecerá información valiosa sobre el SEO Local, sino que también te ayudará a comprender los desafíos comunes que enfrentan los negocios locales y cómo superarlos. Con un enfoque claro y conciso, estarás mejor preparado para mejorar la visibilidad online de tu negocio y aumentar tus oportunidades de éxito. Si estás listo para potenciar tu presencia en línea y llevar tu negocio local al siguiente nivel, ¡este libro es para ti!

  • af Chad J. Treadway
    162,95 kr.

    Looking for help growing your rural small business? Discover the tools and techniques to master digital marketing and stake your digital presence today.

  • af Ronald Higgs
    222,95 kr.

    The wix website for beginners is a comprehensive guide that has been specifically designed and written for people who are new to website building and want to create their first website with wix. The guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to use wix's drag-and-drop website builder to create a professional-looking website with ease. It contains detailed information on how to choose the right template, customize it, add content, and publish your website. In this book you will learn:Why you still need a website despite the explosion of the adoption of mobile phones and other hand held devices.3 things to do before you start building a conversion focused websiteHow to build a website works, one that generates traffic and converts the traffic to long term paying customers.9 principles of good web designThe top 10 techniques to make your website accessible7 techniques you can adopt to make your website mobile friendlyWays to make your website secureThis book is specifically designed for beginners or dummies who are new to website building and want to learn how to create a website with the wix web builder optimized for search engines.It starts with a simple step-by-step tutorial on creating and setting up your wix site, then delves into the critical aspect of seo, teaching readers how to optimize their wix website for search engines like google.

  • af Dan Verghese
    172,95 kr.

    Unlock the power of search engine optimization for your martial arts school with SEO Dojo: Search Engine Optimization Mastery for Martial Arts Schools. This comprehensive guide provides simple, practical steps to help you rank, attract more students, and grow your business.Master keywords and on-page SEO techniques to stand out online. Learn the best local SEO ranking strategies to beat the competition in your neighbourhood.SEO Dojo covers:SEO conceptsKeyword research for martial arts schoolsLocal SEO, including Google Business ProfileOn-page SEOBacklink and citation building and off-site SEOWebsite speedStructuring your website and landing pagesContent marketing for SEOTechnical SEO and auditsMeasuring successAnd more!Comprehensive appendices include a detailed glossary of terms, as well as links to useful tools and resources.Free TemplatesDownload free, interactive SEO templates to get you started on your path to search engine domination. SEO Dojo is a martial arts school owner's essential guide to mastering organic search, chock-full of simple tips and techniques. Embrace your inner SEO warrior and witness your martial arts business flourish.Dan Verghese has over twenty years' experience in digital marketing and martial arts and has taught both professionally. He has led in-house and agency digital marketing teams, specialising in websites and SEO. His unique insights from this career and from growing his own martial arts school are combined in this book. Page Length: 203

  • af Alessio Ferrari
    277,95 kr.

    Ti sei mai chiesto perché alcuni siti web riescono a dominare le prime pagine dei motori di ricerca, mentre altri rimangono inesorabilmente sepolti nelle profondità dell'Internet? Il segreto del loro successo è la SEO: Search Engine Optimization.Introduciamo "SEO: Search Engine Optimization", la guida definitiva e rivoluzionaria per chi desidera dare una svolta al proprio sito web e conquistare il mondo digitale. Scopri come i giganti del web hanno raggiunto il successo e come puoi fare lo stesso seguendo i passi dei grandi.Attraverso un linguaggio semplice e accessibile, l'autore svela i segreti dell'ottimizzazione per i motori di ricerca, rendendo il testo perfetto sia per neofiti che per esperti del settore.In questa guida pratica e coinvolgente, troverai:- Una panoramica dettagliata sui meccanismi dei motori di ricerca e sulle ultime tendenze SEO;- Strategie innovative e tecniche avanzate per posizionarti al meglio sui motori di ricerca;- Consigli pratici su come creare contenuti accattivanti e user-friendly;- Un approccio olistico che ti insegna a guardare al di là dei semplici algoritmi per comprendere il comportamento degli utenti.Non lasciare che il tuo sito web rimanga invisibile nella vastità dell'Internet. Prendi il controllo del tuo destino digitale e raggiungi il successo che meriti. Acquista "SEO: Search Engine Optimization" oggi stesso e sperimenta la trasformazione che cambierà la tua presenza online per sempre.Non aspettare un altro secondo! Unisciti ai leader del web e trasforma il tuo sito in una macchina per il successo. Aggiungi "SEO: Search Engine Optimization" al tuo carrello e inizia il tuo viaggio verso la vetta dei motori di ricerca!

  • af Mark B.
    302,95 kr.

    OSINT (Open Source Intelligence) ist ein Feld, das immer mehr an Bedeutung gewinnt. Immer mehr Informationen werden online zur Verfügung gestellt. Hierbei ist vielen Personen, Firmen oder Organisationen gar nicht klar, wie viel mehr sie verraten, als sie eigentlich wollten.Getreu dem Motto: "Wissen ist Macht" lernen Sie, die digitalen Fußabdrücke zu verfolgen und digitale Spuren zu finden. Sie werden erstaunt sein, welche Informationen Sie daraus extrahieren können!Lernen Sie die verschiedensten Tools und Techniken kennen, um mit OSINT Informationen zu gewinnen. Abgesehen davon zeige ich Ihnen einige Ansätze weitaus mehr als nur die offensichtlichen Informationen aus Ihren Funden zu extrahieren.Begleiten Sie mich auf dieser spannenden Reise auf der digitalen Datenautobahn!

  • af Pietro Marilli
    197,95 kr.

    Ci sono tante aziende nel B2B che cercano fornitori. La domanda consapevole è preziosa, e racchiude tutti i potenziali clienti che attivamente cercano qualcosa: sono persone consapevoli di avere un problema, un¿esigenza, e si mettono a cercarla. Questo fa tutta la differenza rispetto alla pubblicità, che va a cercare persone passive, che non stanno assolutamente cercando nulla (anche se magari ne avrebbero bisogno). In queste pagine scoprirai come acquisire questi potenziali clienti senza pubblicità, grazie alla nuova SEO strategica, che non si limita a posizionarti nei primi posti su Google, a farti trovare, ma studia come farti scegliere dagli utenti e trasformarli in nuovi clienti.

    581,95 kr.

  • af Roland Wagner, Abdelkader Hameurlain & Josef Küng
    567,95 - 569,95 kr.

    The LNCS journal Transactions on Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems focuses on data management, knowledge discovery, and knowledge processing, which are core and hot topics in computer science. Since the 1990s, the Internet has become the main driving force behind application development in all domains. An increase in the demand for resource sharing across different sites connected through networks has led to an evolution of data- and knowledge-management systems from centralized systems to decentralized systems enabling large-scale distributed applications providing high scalability. Current decentralized systems still focus on data and knowledge as their main resource. Feasibility of these systems relies basically on P2P (peer-to-peer) techniques and the support of agent systems with scaling and decentralized control. Synergy between Grids, P2P systems, and agent technologies is the key to data- and knowledge-centered systems in large-scale environments.This, the third issue of Transactions on Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems, contains two kinds of papers: Firstly, a selection of the best papers from the third International Conference on Data Management in Grid and Peer-to-Peer Systems, Globe 2010, and secondly, a selection of 6 papers from the 18 papers submitted in response to the call for papers for this issue. The topics covered by this special issue include replication, the semantic web, information retrieval, data storage, source selection, and large-scale distributed applications.

  • af Andreas König, Lakhmi C. Jain, Robert J. Howlett, mfl.
    590,95 - 1.131,95 kr.

    The four-volume set LNAI 6881-LNAI 6884 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, KES 2011, held in Kaiserslautern, Germany, in September 2011. Part 1: The total of 244 high-quality papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from numerous submissions. The 61 papers of Part 1 are organized in topical sections on artificial neural networks, connectionists systems and evolutionary computation, machine learning and classical AI, agent, multi-agentsystems, knowledge based and expert systems, intelligent vision, image processing and signal processing, knowledge management, ontologies, and data mining.

  • af Amal El Fallah Seghrouchni, Mehdi Dastani, Joao Leite & mfl.
    564,95 kr.

    This book contains the proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Languages, Methodologies and Development Tools for Multi-agent Systems (LADS 2009), which took place during September 7-9, 2009 in Turin, Italy. As in its 2007 edition, this workshop was a part of MALLOW, a federation of workshops on Multi-Agent Logics, Languages, and Organizations. The LADS 2009 workshop addressed both theoretical and practical issues related to developing and deploying multi-agent systems. It constituted a rich forum where leading researchers from both academia and industry could share their experiencesonformalapproaches,programminglanguages,methodologies, tools andtechniques supporting the developmentanddeploymentof multi-agent systems.Fromatheoreticalpointofview,LADS2009aimedataddressingissues related to theories, methodologies, models and approaches that are needed to facilitate the development of multi-agent systems ensuring their predictability andveri?cation.Formaldeclarativemodelsandapproacheshavethe potentialof o?ering solutions for the speci?cation and design of multi-agent systems. From a practical point of view, LADS 2009 aimed at stimulating research and d- cussion on how multi-agent system speci?cations and designs can be e?ectively implemented and tested. This book is the result of a strict selection and review process. From 14 papers originally submitted to LADS 2009, and after 2 rounds of reviews, we selected 10 high-quality papers covering important topics related to multi-agent programming technology, such as: agent architectures, programming languages andmethodologies,socialinteractionmodels,developmenttoolsandapplications of multi-agent systems.

  • af José Fernandes
    447,95 kr.

  • af Patrick Coombe
    242,95 kr.

    Learn SEO: An On-Page SEO Tutorial is a book written by an SEO for SEO consultants, agencies and in-house SEO's. This book is a culmination of knowledge that I've gained over the course of the last few years. Many of the current on-page SEO books and even online guides lack the current information required to implement on-page SEO on a modern day website. Some of these topics are included in our chapters: Chapter 1 - Advertising Chapter 2 - Anchor Text Optimization Chapter 3 - Blogging Chapter 4 - Content Chapter 5 - Domain Names Chapter 6 - Headings Chapter 7 - HTML, CSS and JavaScript Chapter 8 - HTTPS / SSL Chapter 9 - Image Optimization Chapter 10 - Internal Linking Chapter 11- Keywords: Proximity, Density and Prominence Chapter 12 - Meta Description Optimization Chapter 13 - Page Speed Optimization Chapter 14 - Rel=Canonical Tag Chapter 15 - Responsiveness and Mobile Friendliness Chapter 16 - Robots.txt and Meta Robots Chapter 17 - Server Optimization Chapter 18 - Social Sharing and Social Media Chapter 19 - Structured Data and Schema Markup Chapter 20 - Title Tag Optimization Chapter 21 - URL Structure and Permalinks Chapter 22 - XML and Website Sitemap Each and every year a new guide or tutorial on on-page SEO is written, and it always starts off with some cliché like "SEO has changed" and continues with the same old tactics. It is now nearing 2016 and I'd like to say that SEO has not just changed; the entire lid has been blown off! If you expect to rank in 2016, you have got to have a quality website with something to offer your user. Google has made it so SEO tactics of before are no longer recognized, and rankings now are based on quality, merit, social proof, and authority. At the cornerstone of any SEO campaign is on-page SEO. This guide is a comprehensive tutorial to learning on-page SEO, meaning it requires a great detail of technical experience already. Yes, it will cover all of the basics such as title tags and meta descriptions, but I will also delve into some of the more technical aspects of on-page SEO such as structured data, rel=canonical, and JavaScript. This tutorial is intended for SEO consultants, in-house SEO's, those working at SEO agencies, and anyone in general looking to learn more about SEO. I wrote this book on on-page SEO because I could not find a book on this subject that I would recommend to a friend. There are a number of guides scattered throughout the web that come close, but I am yet to find a comprehensive guide on the subject. This is my first self-published book, so please bear with me. I've written the book, designed it, edited it and proof-read it myself. My secondary motivation for this book is for the experience, I really wanted to learn what it was like to self-publish an eBook from start to finish.

  • af Josh B. Dolin
    207,95 kr.

  • af Jenny Kidd, Anthony Mandal & Rosie Graham
    226,95 - 841,95 kr.

  • af Bethanie Nonami
    232,95 kr.

    "Discovered will give you the knowledge you desire to create unforgettable and transformational customer search experiences." - Dr. Marie Haynes, ForewordIn the world of marketing, if you're not playing the game, then you're being played.Advancements in technology have evolved the way we attract and serve customers. As such, it's imperative that we keep up with each development and use them to our advantage so that we're always ahead of rapidly changing consumer behaviors. The old ways of getting customers' attention aren't as effective in our new world. If you want to remain relevant, you must adapt. These are the techniques the top 1% brands are using. Start doing the same so you can rise above them!There's a new channel that most businesses aren't taking advantage of because they don't understand the power behind it and don't know where to start. Yet, it's the next big thing. It's the new way people are searching because it's a lot faster and easier. With voice, customers can quickly summon search results with a few spoken words. This alternate channel benefits your business because it opens up avenues for brand discovery, customer support, and direct communication when shoppers are searching for a solution.But why stop there? Why not surpass more competitors by taking it one step further?There's no point in having optimized content on your website if it's not going to deliver an enriched customer experience. The customer experience plays a significant role in how you attract, delight, and keep customers. As a pivotal element of your business, this what makes your brand memorable and builds affinity for your brand.In Discovered, all of this is explained in simple terms so that you can implement these tips as quickly and easily as possible.In this book, you'll discover:• How search engines work so that you can leverage their systems• The patterns behind shoppers search behavior• How to optimize your online content for voice search• How to streamline a customer's journey from their first search to post-purchase• What traits, mindset, and culture will increase your chances of successDiscovered contains valuable tips and strategies to build your online presence using Search Engine Marketing, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), and Voice Search Optimization so that your brand is renowned for its Customer Experience.

  • af Hinrich Schröder, Arno Müller & Lars von Thienen
    373,95 kr.

    Als Folge der zunehmenden Verfügbarkeit neuer Informationstechnologien entstehen völlig neue Kundenerwartungen, Geschäftsmodelle und Prozesse. Die umfassende Neugestaltung digitaler Prozesse ist mit Konzepten der Vergangenheit nicht zu bewältigen. Business Process Management benötigt angepasste Methoden, Fähigkeiten, Technologien und Strukturen."Digineering" steht für die Kombination der Aspekte einer zunehmenden Digitalisierung mit den Methoden und Vorgehensweisen des Re-Engineering und überträgt damit Ansätze aus dem Business Process Management, dem Management der digitalen Transformation und dem Software-Engineering auf die aktuellen Herausforderungen der Prozessdigitalisierung. "Digineering" liefert einen agilen Lösungsansatz, der alle Phasen der Prozessdigitalisierung von der Analyse der Kundenanforderungen über die Prozessgestaltung bis zur Implementierung neuer IT-Anwendungen umfasst. In allen Phasen werden die Potenziale innovativer IT einbezogen, um so ganzheitliche Prozesse mit einzigartigem Kundenerlebnis und hoher Effizienz zu schaffen.

  • af Daoliang Li, Yingyi Chen & Yande Liu
    1.142,95 kr.

    This book constitutes Part II of the refereed four-volume post-conference proceedings of the 4th IFIP TC 12 International Conference on Computer and Computing Technologies in Agriculture, CCTA 2010, held in Nanchang, China, in October 2010. The 352 revised papers presented were carefully selected from numerous submissions. They cover a wide range of interesting theories and applications of information technology in agriculture, including simulation models and decision-support systems for agricultural production, agricultural product quality testing, traceability and e-commerce technology, the application of information and communication technology in agriculture, and universal information service technology and service systems development in rural areas.

  • af Alan F. Smeaton, Azizah Jaafar, Nazlena Mohamad Ali, mfl.
    592,95 kr.

    This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 10th Information Retrieval Societies Conference, AIRS 2014, held in Kuching, Malaysia, in December 2014. The 42 full papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 110 submissions. Seven tracks were the focus of the AIR 2014 and they were IR models and theories; IR evaluation, user study and interactive IR; web IR, scalability and IR in social media; multimedia IR; natural language processing for IR; machine learning and data mining for IR and IR applications.

  • af Heiko Hamann, Thomas Stützle, Marco Dorigo, mfl.
    454,95 - 1.126,95 kr.

  • af Yongchuan Tang, Jonathan Lawry & Van-Nam Huynh
    571,95 kr.

    This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the International Symposium on Integrated Uncertainty in Knowledge Modeling and Decision Making, IUKM 2011, held in Hangzhou, China, in October 2011. The 21 revised full papers presented together with 1 keynote lecture and 5 invited talks were carefully reviewed and selected from 55 submissions. The papers provide a wealth of new ideas and report both theoretical and applied research on integrated uncertainty modeling and management.

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