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  • af Ramón Javier Castro Amador
    183,95 kr.

    La guida include un file Power BI scaricabile per poter lavorare e sperimentare con il codice. Questa guida completa è destinata a risolvere rapidamente i problemi più comuni che si possono incontrare quando si esegue una modellazione da zero in POWER BI. Grazie al suo utilizzo, si intende evitare di spendere numerose ore nello sviluppo e nel codice mal scritto (non ottimizzato) che genera gravi bug. Il risultato di questa guida è una base di conoscenze che ci guida a trovare il codice DAX di cui abbiamo bisogno o a generarlo da soli. In essa troverete la risoluzione dello stesso caso da diverse prospettive applicando le diverse FUNZIONI E LE COMBINAZIONI TRA DI ESSE, in modo da poter trovare la migliore che si adatta alle esigenze del progetto. Durante la lettura di questa guida, imparerete: : Utilizzare e combinare le FUNZIONI nel linguaggio DAX.Creare codice utilizzando una sintassi più pulita.Acquisire uno stile di sviluppo agile. Se volete approfondire la programmazione DAX, questa guida vi aiuterà a scrivere il codice in modo pulito e ottimale.

  • af Xiaoying Dong
    1.713,95 - 1.722,95 kr.

    This book picks Cisco as an example to propose a framework of ambidextrous integration of innovation and operation, which is the key to the success of global companies along their evolutions, especially for those technology companies. The authors try to find how the company combines active innovation and efficient operation for its sustainable development. On the basis of comprehensive analysis of the strategic leadership, change management, innovation system, M&As, IT-enabled value chains, collaboration, etc., in Cisco, as well as the interviews with Cisco staff, this book shows that management practices shape the balance of internal-external resources for explorative-exploitative innovations. IT strategies and implementation enable efficient operations when innovations are identified and justified in the leading company. Managerial insights for sustainable competitiveness can be gained from Cisco practices in this book. The companion of the book, Huawei: From Catching up to Lead, telling another growth path of technology company in China by similar framework.

  • af Makoto Sato
    627,95 - 637,95 kr.

    This book helps the reader make use of the mathematical models of biological phenomena starting from the basics of programming and computer simulation. Computer simulations based on a mathematical model enable us to find a novel biological mechanism and predict an unknown biological phenomenon. Mathematical biology could further expand the progress of modern life sciences. Although many biologists are interested in mathematical biology, they do not have experience in mathematics and computer science. An educational course that combines biology, mathematics, and computer science is very rare to date. Published books for mathematical biology usually explain the theories of established mathematical models, but they do not provide a practical explanation for how to solve the differential equations included in the models, or to establish such a model that fits with a phenomenon of interest. MATLAB is an ideal programming platform for the beginners of computer science. This book starts from the very basics about how to write a programming code for MATLAB (or Octave), explains how to solve ordinary and partial differential equations, and how to apply mathematical models to various biological phenomena such as diabetes, infectious diseases, and heartbeats. Some of them are original models, newly developed for this book. Because MATLAB codes are embedded and explained throughout the book, it will be easy to catch up with the text. In the final chapter, the book focuses on the mathematical model of the proneural wave, a phenomenon that guarantees the sequential differentiation of neurons in the brain. This model was published as a paper from the author¿s lab (Sato et al., PNAS 113, E5153, 2016), and was intensively explained in the book chapter ¿Notch Signaling in Embryology and Cancer¿, published by Springer in 2020. This book provides the reader who has a biological background with invaluable opportunities to learn and practice mathematical biology.

  • af Kentaro Matsuura
    1.135,95 kr.

    This book provides a highly practical introduction to Bayesian statistical modeling with Stan, which has become the most popular probabilistic programming language.The book is divided into four parts. The first part reviews the theoretical background of modeling and Bayesian inference and presents a modeling workflow that makes modeling more engineering than art. The second part discusses the use of Stan, CmdStanR, and CmdStanPy from the very beginning to basic regression analyses. The third part then introduces a number of probability distributions, nonlinear models, and hierarchical (multilevel) models, which are essential to mastering statistical modeling. It also describes a wide range of frequently used modeling techniques, such as censoring, outliers, missing data, speed-up, and parameter constraints, and discusses how to lead convergence of MCMC. Lastly, the fourth part examines advanced topics for real-world data: longitudinal data analysis, state space models, spatial data analysis, Gaussian processes, Bayesian optimization, dimensionality reduction, model selection, and information criteria, demonstrating that Stan can solve any one of these problems in as little as 30 lines.Using numerous easy-to-understand examples, the book explains key concepts, which continue to be useful when using future versions of Stan and when using other statistical modeling tools. The examples do not require domain knowledge and can be generalized to many fields. The book presents full explanations of code and math formulas, enabling readers to extend models for their own problems. All the code and data are on GitHub.

  • af Tarek Rana
    2.039,95 - 2.048,95 kr.

    This handbook collects the most up-to-date scholarship, knowledge, and new developments of big data and data analytics by bringing together many strands of contextual and disciplinary research. In recent times, while there has been considerable research in exploring the role of big data, data analytics, and textual analytics in accounting, and auditing, we still lack evidence on what kinds of best practices academics, practitioners, and organizations can implement and use. To achieve this aim, the handbook focuses on both conventional and contemporary issues facing by academics, practitioners, and organizations particularly when technology and business environments are changing faster than ever. All the chapters in this handbook provide both retrospective and contemporary views and commentaries by leading and knowledgeable scholars in the field, who offer unique insights on the changing role of accounting and auditing in today¿s data and analytics driven environment. Aimed at academics, practitioners, students, and consultants in the areas of accounting, auditing, and other business disciplines, the handbook provides high-level insight into the design, implementation, and working of big data and data analytics practices for all types of organizations worldwide. The leading scholars in the field provide critical evaluations and guidance on big data and data analytics by illustrating issues related to various sectors such as public, private, not-for-profit, and social enterprises. The handbook¿s content will be highly desirable and accessible to accounting and non-accounting audiences across the globe.

  • af Ramón Javier Castro Amador
    178,95 kr.

    This guide is purely practical so all the DAX code in this publication can be tested through a .pbix file available for download. "90 Solved Cases on Time Intelligence in DAX" is a guide for users of Microsoft Power BI that provides solutions to very common practical cases in time intelligence models in the DAX language.To promote understanding and versatility of the DAX language, several parts were chosen to address the same case from different perspectives, using TIME INTELLIGENCE FUNCTIONS and combining them to find the best option for the model's needs. By applying the contents of this manual, users will be able to: - Use and combine TIME INTELLIGENCE FUNCTIONS in DAX language.- Write code using a refined syntax.- Acquire an agile development style. If you are interested in getting deeper into DAX programming, this guide will help you write code quickly and optimally.

  • af Diana Che Lat
    365,95 kr.

    Les tassements post-construction et différentiels excessifs constituent des défis d'ingénierie pour les structures fondées sur un sol cohésif mou, ce qui a provoqué une instabilité et des fissures dans la structure existante. L'inadéquation de la conception de la structure de soutien des fondations au début de la construction et le manque d'informations sur l'étude du site pourraient être les principales raisons de ce problème. Des pieux à injection de polyuréthane (PU) sont proposés pour remplacer les pieux de soutènement conventionnels. Aucune excavation n'est nécessaire et seul un trou de petit diamètre est percé sur la dalle de fondation existante avant l'injection de PU. Les analyses du problème de tassement et la conception des mesures correctives utilisant des pieux d'injection de PU ont été réalisées à l'aide de la méthode des éléments finis (FEM) bidimensionnelle. La FEM sophistiquée est nécessaire en raison de la complexité du problème d'interaction sol-structure, impliquant sous-sol-pieux-dalle-remblai et vice-versa.

  • af Diana Che Lat
    365,95 kr.

    Gli eccessivi assestamenti post-costruzione e differenziali costituiscono una sfida ingegneristica per le strutture fondate su terreni coesivi soffici, che hanno causato instabilità e fessurazioni alla struttura esistente. L'inadeguatezza della progettazione della struttura di sostegno delle fondazioni nella fase iniziale della costruzione e le scarse informazioni sulle indagini in sito potrebbero essere la causa principale di questo problema. Per sostituire i pali di fondazione convenzionali, si propone di utilizzare pali a iniezione in poliuretano (PU). Non è richiesto alcuno scavo e viene praticato solo un foro di piccolo diametro sulla fondazione a platea esistente prima di iniettare il poliuretano. L'analisi del problema dell'assestamento e la progettazione delle misure correttive con l'uso del palo a iniezione di PU sono state effettuate con il metodo degli elementi finiti (FEM) bidimensionale (2-D). Il sofisticato FEM è necessario a causa della complessità del problema dell'interazione suolo-struttura, che coinvolge sottosuolo-palo-solaio-riempimento e viceversa.

  • af Diana Che Lat
    365,95 kr.

    Chrezmernye osadki posle stroitel'stwa i differencial'nye osadki predstawlqüt soboj inzhenernye problemy dlq sooruzhenij, osnowannyh na mqgkom swqznom grunte, kotorye wyzywaüt neustojchiwost' i treschiny w suschestwuüschej strukture. Neadekwatnoe proektirowanie nesuschej konstrukcii fundamenta na rannej stadii stroitel'stwa i nedostatok informacii pri issledowanii uchastka mogut byt' osnownymi prichinami ätoj problemy. Poliuretanowaq (PU) in#ekcionnaq swaq predlagaetsq dlq zameny tradicionnyh opornyh swaj. Pri ätom ne trebuetsq wyemka grunta, a na suschestwuüschem plitnom fundamente pered in#ekciej poliuretana buritsq otwerstie nebol'shogo diametra. Analiz problemy osadki i razrabotka mer po ee ustraneniü s ispol'zowaniem in#ekcionnoj swai iz poliuretana byli prowedeny s pomosch'ü dwumernogo (2-D) analiza metodom konechnyh älementow (MKJe). Slozhnyj MKJe neobhodim iz-za slozhnosti problemy wzaimodejstwiq grunta i konstrukcii, wklüchaüschej grunt-swaü-plitu-zapolnitel' i naoborot.

  • af Diana Che Lat
    365,95 kr.

    Übermäßige Setzungen nach dem Bau und unterschiedliche Setzungen stellen eine Herausforderung für Bauwerke dar, die auf weichem, bindigem Boden gegründet sind, was zu Instabilität und Rissen in der bestehenden Struktur führt. Der Hauptgrund für dieses Problem könnte in der unzureichenden Planung der Stützkonstruktion in der frühen Bauphase und in den unzureichenden Informationen zur Baugrunduntersuchung liegen. Als Ersatz für den herkömmlichen Unterfangungspfahl wird ein Polyurethan-Injektionspfahl (PU) vorgeschlagen. Es ist kein Aushub erforderlich, und vor der Injektion von PU wird lediglich ein Loch mit geringem Durchmesser in das bestehende Plattenfundament gebohrt. Die Analyse des Setzungsproblems und der Entwurf der Abhilfemaßnahmen unter Verwendung des PU-Injektionspfahls wurden mit Hilfe der zweidimensionalen (2-D) Finite-Elemente-Methode (FEM) durchgeführt. Die hochentwickelte FEM-Methode ist aufgrund der Komplexität des Problems der Boden-Bauwerk-Interaktion erforderlich, bei dem es um die Wechselwirkung zwischen Baugrund und Pfahl bzw. zwischen Pfahl und Platte und umgekehrt geht.

  • af Paul Voigt
    735,95 kr.

    Dieses Praktikerhandbuch gibt einen praxisnahen Überblick über die Vorgaben der DSGVO und das deutsche Datenschutzrecht. Das Handbuch widmet sich unter anderem den organisatorischen und materiellen Datenschutzanforderungen, den Rechten der betroffenen Personen, der Rolle der Aufsichtsbehörden, den Schadensersatzanspüchen und den Bußgeldern nach der Verordnung, sowie deutschen nationalen Besonderheiten. Es enthält zahlreiche Praxishinweise und Anwendungsbeispiele sowie eine kompakte Übersicht zu den datenschutzrechtlichen Vorgaben für ausgewählte Verarbeitungssituationen mit hoher Praxisrelevanz, wie Cloud Computing, Big Data und Künstliche Intelligenz. Das Handbuch wurde für die zweite Auflage vollständig überarbeitet und berücksichtigt umfangreich neue datenschutzrechtliche Rechtsprechung und Behördenstellungnahmen.

  • af Ramón Javier Castro Amador
    183,95 kr.

    Esta guía es puramente práctica por lo que todo el código DAX recogido en esta publicación puede ser probado a través de un fichero .pbix disponible para su descarga."90 casos resueltos de Time Intelligence en DAX" es una guía para usuarios de Microsoft Power BI en la que se da solución a casos prácticos bastante frecuentes en modelos de Time Intelligence en lenguaje DAX.Para facilitar la comprensión y la versatilidad del lenguaje DAX, se ha optado en varios apartados por la resolución de un mismo caso desde diferentes perspectivas, utilizando y combinando las FUNCIONES de TIME INTELLIGENCE para poder dar con la mejor opción que se adapte a la necesidad del modelo. Aplicando el contenido de esta guía, el usuario será capaz de:Usar y combinar FUNCIONES de TIME INTELLIGENCE en Lenguaje DAX.Escribir código empleando una sintaxis depurada.Adquirir un estilo de desarrollo ágil. Si tiene interés en profundizar en la programación en DAX, ésta guía le ayudará a escribir código de manera rápida y óptima.

  • af Ramón Javier Castro Amador
    183,95 kr.

    Ce guide est purement pratique alors tous les codes DAX dans cette publication peuvent être testés sur un fichier .pbix disponible en téléchargement."90 cas résolus de l'intelligence temporelle en DAX" est un guide destiné aux utilisateurs de Microsoft Power BI qui fournit des solutions à des cas pratiques très courants de modèles d'intelligence temporel en langage DAX.Afin de promouvoir la compréhension et la polyvalence du langage DAX, plusieurs parties ont été choisies pour aborder le même cas sous différents angles, en utilisant des FONCTIONS D'INTELLIGENCE TEMPORELLE et en les combinant pour trouver la meilleure option pour les besoins du modèle.En appliquant le contenu de ce manuel, les utilisateurs seront en mesure de :Utiliser et combiner les FONCTIONS D'INTELLIGENCE TEMPORELLE en langage DAX.Écrire un code en utilisant une syntaxe raffinée.Acquérir un style de développement agile.Si vous souhaitez approfondir la programmation DAX, ce guide vous aidera à écrire le code rapidement et de manière optimale.

  • af Renata Petrevska Nechkoska
    1.825,95 - 1.835,95 kr.

  • af Sanjoy Kumar Paul
    1.962,95 kr.

    Computational Intelligence Techniques for Sustainable Supply Chain Management presents state-of-the-art computational intelligence techniques and applications for supply chain sustainability issues and logistic problems, filling the gap between general textbooks on sustainable supply chain management and more specialized literature dealing with methods for computational intelligence techniques. This book focuses on addressing problems in advanced topics in the sustainable supply chain and will appeal to practitioners, managers, researchers, students, and professionals interested in sustainable logistics, procurement, manufacturing, inventory and production management, scheduling, transportation, and supply chain network design.

  • af Ramón Javier Castro Amador
    183,95 kr.

    Le guide comprend un fichier Power BI téléchargeable pour que vous puissiez travailler et expérimenter avec le code. Ce guide complet est destiné à résoudre rapidement les cas les plus courants que l'on peut rencontrer lors de la réalisation d'une modélisation à partir de zéro dans POWER BI. Par son utilisation, il a pour but d'éviter d'investir de nombreuses heures en développement et en code mal écrit (non optimisé) qui génère de sérieux bugs. Le résultat de ce guide est une base de connaissances qui nous guide pour trouver le code DAX dont nous avons besoin ou pour le générer nous-mêmes. Vous y trouverez la résolution d'un même cas sous différents angles en appliquant les différentes FONCTIONS ET LEURS COMBINAISONS afin de trouver celle qui correspond le mieux aux besoins du projet. En consultant ce guide, vous apprendrez : Utiliser et combiner des FONCTIONS dans le langage DAX.Créer du code en utilisant une syntaxe plus propre.Acquérir un style de développement agile. Si vous souhaitez approfondir la programmation DAX, ce guide vous aidera à écrire du code de manière propre et optimale.

  • af Lie-Jane Kao, Jow-Ran Chang, Cheng-Few Lee & mfl.
    1.228,95 - 1.413,95 kr.

  • af Abeba N. Turi
    721,95 - 1.026,95 kr.

  • af Saverio de Vito
    1.320,95 kr.

  • af Livia Rainsberger
    580,95 - 588,95 kr.

  • af Klaus-Dieter Sedlacek
    258,95 kr.

    Entdecken Sie "IT- und KI-Grundwissen für Einsteiger" von Klaus-Dieter Sedlacek - das perfekte Buch, um in die Welt der Informationstechnologie und Künstlichen Intelligenz einzutauchen. In leicht verständlicher Sprache führt Sie dieses praxisnahe Werk durch die Grundlagen der IT, von Hardware bis Netzwerken, Sicherheit und Programmierung. Im zweiten Teil tauchen Sie in die faszinierende Welt der KI ein, lernen Machine Learning und Deep Learning kennen und erfahren, wie KI unseren Alltag beeinflusst. Mit Wiederholungsfragen, Antworten und wertvollen Ressourcen bietet dieses Buch eine solide Grundlage für IT und KI. Egal, ob Sie beruflich oder persönlich interessiert sind, dieses Buch bringt Ihnen das nötige Grundwissen auf kurzweilige Weise näher.

  • af M. L. Humphrey
    263,95 kr.

    PowerPoint is an incredibly powerful tool. Once you move past the basics of text and bullet points, there's a lot more you can do. Like add a table or a chart or a process flow. With enough time and motivation you can pretty much build anything you want on a PowerPoint slide.This book is meant to give you the foundation to do just that. It has dedicated chapters for inserting tables, pictures, videos, shapes, and charts and also touches upon topics such as equations, 3D models, icons, adding review comments, working with WordArt, and more.It doesn't cover everything, but when you're done with this book you should be well able to create a presentation with all the normal bells and whistles.So what are you waiting for? Get started today.

  • af Cihan Fethi Hizar
    438,95 kr.

    Unleash Lightning Web Components (LWC) for Salesforce CloudBook DescriptionEmbark on a transformative journey into the world of Salesforce Lightning Web Components (LWC) with this comprehensive guide. From laying the foundation to honing advanced skills in LWC debugging and testing, each chapter seamlessly builds upon the last, empowering developers to navigate the intricate world of Salesforce LWC development. The book begins by creating your first LWC and delving into the intricacies of Lightning Web Components. It explores the seamless integration of Salesforce Data and master event management with Events in LWC.Next, it moves on to navigate the relationship between LWC and Flows, unlocking the potential of Lightning Out for standalone applications. Readers will dive deep into the aesthetics with Salesforce Lightning Design System, enhancing their components with style. It will also help you safeguard your applications by understanding LWC Security measures and learn debugging and testing in the LWC environment. In the final chapters, immerse yourself in working with Aura components and seamlessly migrate them to LWCs, providing an insightful transition to advanced development techniques.Table of Contents1. Introduction2. Creating Your First LWC3. LWC in Detail4. Using Salesforce Data5. Events In LWC6. LWC and FLOWS7. Lightning Out8. Salesforce Lightning Design System9. LWC Security10. LWC Debugging and Testing11. APPENDIX 1: AURA-LWC Co-Existence12. APPENDIX 2: Migrate Aura Components to LWCs Index

  • af Jorge Octavio Guzmán Sáanchez
    543,95 kr.

    This is not a programming book so we will not see concepts such as data types, variables, constants, control structures, even though in this text we will talk about some languages such as PHP, it is for this reason that it is not an object oriented programming book, but we will discuss the basic concepts of this paradigm as well as we will make reference to several of these concepts. For several years I have seen that there is no text that contains all (or most) of the topics of this subject (like others) and students turn to the internet, but find a lot of opinions (in this case also versions) without the advice that integrates all the concepts and the idea of this writing came to demonstrate application of the topics in LARAVEL.

  • af Jorge Octavio Guzmán Sáanchez
    453,95 kr.

    Este no es un libro de programación por lo que no veremos conceptos como tipos de datos, variables, constantes, estructuras de control, aùn cuando en este texto se hable de algunos lenguajes como lo es PHP, es por esta razón que tampoco es un libro de programación orientada a objetos, pero comentaremos los conceptos básicos de este paradigma al igual que aremos referencia a varios de estos conceptos. Durante varios años he visto que no existe un texto en sí que contenga la totalidad (o la mayoría) de los temas de esta materia (igual que otras) y los estudiantes recurren a internet, pero encuentran una gran cantidad de opiniones (en este caso también de versiones) sin la asesoría que integre todos los conceptos y la idea de este escrito surgió para demostrar aplicación de los temas en LARAVEL.

  • af R. K. Amit
    1.717,95 - 1.726,95 kr.

  • af Asian Development Bank
    388,95 kr.

    "Publication stock no. TCS230565-2"--Title page verso.

  • af M L Humphrey
    183,95 kr.

    Work in the corporate or academic worlds long enough and at some point you'll likely be asked to give a presentation. And most of the time the program you'll be expected to use is Microsoft PowerPoint.This book is an introductory guide to how to use PowerPoint 365 as it existed in October 2023. Since it's a constantly evolving product it might have shifted a bit since then, but the basics generally stay the same, so when you finish reading this book you should have the ability to create, present, and print a basic PowerPoint presentation.If you want to get fancier then you can continue with or skip right to Intermediate PowerPoint 365, which covers more advanced topics like tables, SmartArt, and charts.So if you're ready to learn the basics of PowerPoint, what are you waiting for? Let's get started.

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