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SOBER CURIOUS. Bevidst om alkohol.Uforstyrret søvn, øget koncentration, stort nærvær og dybe relationer venter på den anden side af alkohol. Hot at sige not. Er du også ved at være træt af, at alkohol er et must, når vi skal hygge os? SOBER CURIOUS lærer dig at blive bevidst om dine alkoholvaner – og at nyde festen uden. RUBY WARRINGTONS alkoholhistorie er måske den samme som din: weekendalkoholiker med cocktails som selvsikkerhed i flydende from, hvidvin som første skridt mod nye eventyr? Fordomsfrit, sjovt og varmt opmuntrer hun dig til at gennemskue din egen alkoholhistorie og dine vaner og bryde med dem. Gevinsten er bedre søvn, bedre fokus, bedre sundhed, bedre liv. SOBER CURIOUS betyder at være bevidst om hvordan, hvornår og hvorfor du drikker. Det handler ikke om total afholdenhed, men om selv at vælge og nyde alkohol, når det passer dig – fri af andres forventninger. Og bogen er pakket med åbenbaringer og gode takeaways. RUBY WARRINGTON er hovedkvinden bag SOBER CURIOUS- bevægelsen, der er gået globalt.Hun er engelsk journalist, men bor i dag i New York.
The ultimate guide to surviving anywhere, now updated with more than 100 pages of additional material, including a new chapter on urban survival "A classic outdoor manual [that] addresses every conceivable disaster scenario. Don’t leave home without it”--Outside magazineRevised to reflect the latest in survival knowledge and technology, and covering new topics such as urban survival and terrorism, the multimillion-copy worldwide bestseller SAS Survival Handbook by John "Lofty" Wiseman is the definitive resource for all campers, hikers, and outdoor adventurers. From basic campcraft and navigation to fear management and strategies for coping with any type of disaster, this complete course includes:Being prepared: Understanding basic survival skills, like reading the weather, and preparation essentials, such as a pocket survival kit.Making camp: Finding the best location, constructing the appropriate shelter, organizing camp, staying warm, and creating tools.Food: What to eat, what to avoid, where to find it, and how to prepare it.First aid: A comprehensive course in emergency/wilderness medicine, including how to maximize survival in any climate or when injured.Disaster survival: How to react in the face of natural disasters and hostile situations—and how to survive if all services and supplies are cut off.Self-defense: Arming yourself with basic hand-to-hand combat techniques.Security: Protecting your family and property from intrusion, break-ins, and theft.Climate & terrain: Overcoming any location, from the tropics to the poles, from the desert to the mountains and sea.
Denne bog er en introduktion til Jiu-Jitsu - mest til Selvforsvar.Der er medtaget et bredt udvalg af teknikker. Teknikkerne er udvalgt blandt de teknikker, som begyndere eller let øvede vil kunne fokusere på og få udbytte af næsten med det samme og nogen stykker, der stiller lidt større krav. Teknikkerne er vist i deres basale udgave for at give det bedst mulige udtryk. Igennem længere tids træning lægges flere og flere detaljer på udførelsen og det bliver mere og mere rettet mod effektivitet og mindst mulig brug af styrke med størst muligt udbytte.Som introduktion til Jiu-Jitsu er der valgt at starte med komplette forsvarsteknikker og hvordan de udføres. Det vil sige, at der i hver af disse indgår en lang række elementer fra Jiu-Jitsu til at gennemføre det enkelte forsvar. Selvforsvarsteknikkerne er i indholdsfortegnelsen angivet med angrebet set fra angriberens side. Der er også medtaget en del basis træningselementer for at give et mere komplet billede af Jiu-Jitsu træningens indhold. Disse er placeret i anden halvdel af bogen for fra en start at kunne hoppe ud i det spændende; de komplette forsvar. Basisteknikkerne er angivet med den japanske betegnelse og en dansk oversættelse. De ca. 480 billeder og og den fyldige tekst supplerer hinanden. Et billede siger mere end 1000 ord. Teksten er således et supplement til billederne. Der er naturligvis for forståelighedens skyld et overlap mellem tekst og billeder.
Bogen er ikke imod ny teknologi. Det er en optimistisk bog om, at vi kan gøre det bedre. Den er kritisk over for den forretningsmodel, der styrer de sociale medier. Vi får det hele gratis, men til gengæld er vi blevet reduceret til produkter og verdens rigeste virksomheder lever af at høste vores data og vores kommunikation for bedre at kunne manipulere os. Det er muligt at gøre noget helt andet på nettet, men først må vi ud af det spindelvæv, som vi er blevet fanget i.
Psykisk vold er den skjulte vold, der ikke efterlader fysiske ar på kroppen, men dybe ar på sjælen efter gentagen nedgørelse, ydmygelse, manipulation, kontrol og trusler.Ti trin ud af psykisk vold henvender sig både til dem, der aktuelt oplever psykisk vold i et parforhold eller i en nær familierelation og ønsker at komme fri – og dem, som tidligere har oplevet det, og prøver at forstå, hvad der skete. Og den henvender sig til alle, som ønsker at blive klogere på denne type udbredte vold.Bogen indeholder omfattende viden om, hvad psykisk vold er, et ti-trins program til at hjælpe den psykisk voldsramte ud af situationen samt redskaber til at håndtere eventuel stress, angst, depression og traumer.Begge forfattere har stor erfaring med at hjælpe mennesker, der er eller har været udsat for psykisk vold, bl.a. gennem arbejde i Exitcirklen.
Louise Hansen er bogens praktiserende læge, hun har mange patienter, men ikke tid nok.Danskerne er efterhånden gode til at blive gamle, high five, men det øger presset på sundhedsvæsenet. Derfor skal vi blive bedre til at udnytte teknologi til at løfte opgaver fra lægen over på patienten selv.Hvad hvis vi bad fremtidens patient om selv at undersøge sin urin for bakterier, pode for halsbetændelse, måle blodtryk, hjerterytme og iltning af blodet? Ville det betyde dårligere behandling? Nej, tværtimod.Smartphones, apps, puls-ure og kunstig intelligens er fremtidens nyttige værktøjer i lægetasken – og de kan forbedre behandlingen, befolkningssundheden og lægens arbejdsvilkår. De to læger Andreas Pihl og Michael Hejmadi giver et underholdende kig ind i den almene lægepraksis, hvor både sundhedsvæsenet og den praktiserende læge er sat skakmat af dumme systemer og forældede organisationer.
Prepare yourself for any life-threatening event with this fully updated, step-by-step survivalist guide from best-selling author and expert Jim Cobb.The preparation you make for a hurricane, earthquake, disease outbreak, or other short-term disaster will not keep you alive in the event of widespread systemic collapse. Some preparation books teach you the basics on how to survive until society goes back to normal. But what happens after the first thirty days, sixty days, and beyond? That’s where The Prepper’s Long-Term Survival Guide comes in. Written by best-selling author and prepping expert Jim Cobb, this fully updated edition offers new techniques and advanced tactics, including: How to properly store and preserve food Recipes made with easy-to-preserve ingredients Techniques on how to collect water for drink and hygiene Basic first aid and medical-treatment skills essential in survival situations Easy-to-follow tips for an off-the-grid life And more! This second edition book gives real-life techniques for survival events. Learn how to live a life off the grid and ready for anything life throws at you.
Porphyria disease is an extremely rare genetic disorder among porphyrias, which results from a deficiency or defect of certain enzymes in the body.Less than 100 cases have been documented worldwide, and porphyria disease only affects 1 to 5 people per million.Symptoms can include severe abdominal pain, vomiting, muscle cramps, seizures, frequent itching, extreme sensitivity to sunlight, changes to skin pigmentation, and mental disturbances such as paranoia or sharp mood swings. In some forms of porphyria disease, the symptoms are triggered by exposure to chemicals including alcohol and barbiturates.In other types of porphyria disease symptoms only become apparent during times of stress, fever, or after childbirth.Since porphyria diseases often do not become apparent until maturity porphyria disease is considered a late-onset disorder.Although porphyria disease is not known to be fatal, it can result in hospitalization and even death due to acute attacks.In this beginner's guide, you will discover...What porphyria isThe causes of porphyriaSymptoms of porphyriaHow to manage porphyria through dietSample recipes
Cybersecurity has become a significant concern in a world that is becoming more digitally linked. Technology's explosive growth has given rise to previously unheard-of advantages and opportunities, but it has also made us vulnerable to increasing threats. The digital era offers a new playing field for attackers and defenders alike, with threats ranging from cyberattacks that threaten vital infrastructure to data breaches that expose private and financial information. Amidst this landscape of challenges and vulnerabilities arises a powerful ally in the battle for digital security: ethical hacking. Known by many as "white hat hackers," ethical hackers use their strong technical abilities to strengthen and safeguard our online security. They act as protectors of the digital sphere, applying their expertise to find vulnerabilities before malicious hackers can take advantage of them. To fully comprehend and become an expert in this ever-evolving and vital topic, this e-book, "Mastering Cybersecurity Ethics: Mastering Cybersecurity and Ethical Hacking - Defense and Offense in the Digital World," is an excellent resource. This e-book will provide you with the knowledge and resources you need to successfully navigate the complicated world of cybersecurity, whether you're an individual worried about your online privacy, a business owner trying to protect your company's assets, or an aspiring cybersecurity specialist. We will examine ethical hacking, delve into the foundations of cybersecurity, and present insights into offensive and defensive tactics to protect your online presence.
"Many people want success but find themselves at the intersection of confusion and burnout."Building Dreams is the book that pulls back the curtain on why you haven't reached the levels of success you dream of. Written by your new bestie, Becky, this book is a guide through and beyond the obstacles that have kept you from building your most abundant life. This page turner will keep you interested in what happens to Becky and what will become possible for you. Becky has forged her way through the fire of transformation and is dedicated to helping others free themselves from the chains of early life trauma and wounding. Many crave success but most are unwilling to walk the uncomfortable path of the healing journey. In this book, Becky makes the process understandable, relatable, and doable. Setting your sights on success will surface all the trauma that you have successfully compartmentalized. We must heal the wounds we have previously, and unconsciously, tried to avoid or suppress. With a commitment to share your gifts, reach financial freedom, and enjoy a life of self acceptance and self expression, overcoming these obstacles is completely possible and this book will show you how. This book will: Create awareness about the subconscious blocks between you and your success Move you through grief, shame, fear, and limitations Help you shed disempowering beliefs and programming Reveal how your past creates your present Offer you the opportunity to recognize and break the patterns of generational traumaStop and prevent burnout Shine a light down the path of success and financial freedomTeach you the magic of money management Open your eyes to a whole new world of possibilities And so much more
In this guide about High Fiber Keto Diet for Women, you will read about: Keto diet's principlesKeto types and how to choose the perfect typeFiber types and benefitsHow to get started in 5 steps
"With expert advice and stories from women across the medical spectrum who fought medical gaslighting and lived to tell their stories, patient advocate (and rare disease patient), Ilana Jacqueline provides a combat guide for increasing your confidence-and success-when advocating for your health"--
In an increasingly uncertain world, personal safety and self-defence have become more than just skills; they're essential aspects of everyday life. "Stay Safe, Stay Strong: A Guide to Personal Safety and Self-Defence Techniques" is a comprehensive handbook designed to empower individuals with the knowledge, skills, and confidence needed to protect themselves and their loved ones in any situation.This indispensable guide covers a wide range of topics, from understanding personal safety and assessing potential threats to practical self-defence techniques and strategies for navigating dangerous situations. Written by experts in the field of personal safety and self-defence, this book provides actionable advice and proven techniques for staying safe and confident in a variety of environments, including streets, public spaces, and the home.Readers will learn how to:Develop situational awareness and recognize potential threats before they escalateBuild a foundation of physical fitness and self-defence skills to enhance personal safetyUse verbal de-escalation techniques to diffuse confrontations and avoid violenceSet effective boundaries and assertively communicate their needs and preferencesRead body language and signs of danger to stay one step ahead of potential threatsImplement practical self-defence techniques, including strikes, blocks, and ground defenceChoose and use weapons and tools for self-defence responsibly and effectivelyDevelop psychological resilience to overcome fear and trauma and emerge stronger and more resilient than before.With practical tips, real-life scenarios, and step-by-step instructions, "Stay Safe, Stay Strong" is the ultimate guide to personal safety and self-defence for anyone looking to enhance their security and protect themselves in today's uncertain world. Whether you're a seasoned self-defence practitioner or a complete beginner, this book will empower you to stay safe, stay strong, and navigate life with confidence and resilience.
Can a book save your life from surviving - or preventing - a fire? Yes.Lt. David Wilson was an EMT, crew chief, training officer, day captain, starting in 1975, and Fire Department fire inspector since 1985.Armed with his mechanical background from Lincoln Technical Institute, public speaking, training, love of people, and the need to make the world a better and safer place, he was certified as a fire official, arson investigator, instructor, HazMat technician, fire sub-code official, housing official, along with crew chief, training officer, day captain, serving on many committees, and deputy coordinator with OEM.Fires in Your Life is a book written by Lt. David Wilson, who worked for 40 years in the field.The book is written for everyday people plus anyone working in firehouses as firefighters, EMTs, inspectors, and educators.Each chapter breaks down different fires that can happen to you, in your home, or during storms and other disasters, plus the specific steps you can take to make your dwelling safe.Don't wait to feel the heat.Lt. David Wilson has spent his life working to save the lives of everyone, including their pets, and shares his powerful knowledge, true-life stories, and strategies to help you and your loved ones survive fires.
Embark on a journey into the electrifying world of "Virtual Shock - Learn the Secrets of Smartphones," a book that unveils the mysteries behind our beloved gadgets. Discover the magic and mayhem woven into the fabric of our digital companions, as this insightful read lays bare the captivating tales of smartphones. In the pages of this book, you'll unlock the door to a realm where the glow of screens illuminates both dreams and dilemmas. Delve into the positive powers of connection, where friendships blossom in the touch of a button. But be warned, as you navigate through the chapters, you'll also encounter the shadows lurking in the realm of endless scrolling and notifications. Feel the pulse of excitement as you absorb the author's revelations about the impact of smartphones on our daily lives. Let your curiosity be your guide through the stories that echo the joys and challenges of our digital existence. Don't miss out on the chance to be enlightened, entertained, and maybe a little surprised by the secrets your smartphone holds. Dive into "Virtual Shock" and let the adventure unfold.
In the sanctuary of our homes, where memories are woven into the fabric of everyday life, the paramount concern is ensuring the safety of those we hold dear. "Safe at Home" is your indispensable companion on the journey to transform your living space into a haven of security and well-being.Authored by [Author's Name], a seasoned expert in home safety, this comprehensive guide takes you through a meticulously curated collection of safety strategies, practical tips, and insightful advice. From baby-proofing your living room to safeguarding your home against potential hazards, each chapter is a step towards creating an environment where every family member can thrive.Discover the secrets to childproofing with ease, understand the essentials of fire safety, and implement advanced security measures that fortify your home against external threats. With engaging narratives, real-life anecdotes, and user-friendly checklists, "Safe at Home" is not just a manual; it's a companion that empowers you to take control of your family's safety.
"EmpowerHer: A Manual for Wellbeing" is an exhaustive investigation of ladies' security, fastidiously created to enable and furnish ladies with the information and abilities expected to safely explore the world. In a general public where wellbeing concerns frequently excessively influence ladies, this book plans to act as a signal of solidarity and direction. The book digs into different parts of ladies' wellbeing, tending to both the physical and mental components of individual security. It starts by analyzing the ongoing scene of ladies' security concerns, recognizing the difficulties ladies face in various conditions. From public spaces to working environments and homes, the book fastidiously distinguishes likely dangers and gives reasonable procedures to alleviate them. One of the focal topics of "EmpowerHer" is strengthening through information. The book instructs perusers on self-protection methods customized for ladies, underlining the significance of actual readiness. Whether it's fundamental self-preservation moves or systems to get away from possibly perilous circumstances, the book guarantees that ladies feel sure and fit for safeguarding themselves. Past actual self-protection, "EmpowerHer" dives into the domain of computerized wellbeing. In a period overwhelmed by innovation, the book gives bits of knowledge into protecting one's web-based presence, perceiving and obstructing digital dangers, and exploring the virtual world with certainty. Perceiving the predominance of online badgering and cyberbullying, the book offers pragmatic counsel on safeguarding one's computerized character. Additionally, the book doesn't stop at tending to individual wellbeing. It investigates the meaning of local area and aggregate activity in establishing more secure conditions for ladies. "EmpowerHer" examines the job of local area support, observer mediation, and backing in encouraging a culture that focuses on the security and prosperity of ladies. The story of "EmpowerHer" is advanced by genuine stories and contextual analyses that feature the victories and difficulties ladies face in their quest for security. These accounts act as piercing models, outlining the strength of ladies and the viability of the methodologies examined in the book. "EmpowerHer: A Manual for Security" isn't simply a manual; it's a pronouncement for change. It moves ladies to recover their organization, ingrains an identity worth, and engages them to explore the world based on their conditions. By joining functional guidance with a persuasive tone, the book endeavors to make a change in outlook in how ladies see and seek after their security. At last, "EmpowerHer" tries to be an impetus for a more secure and more comprehensive world for ladies, where dread is supplanted by certainty, and weakness is changed into strength.
Distressing headlines warn of foreign cyber attacks that could threaten water, health care, power grids, and more. Cell phone and internet services are more vulnerable than we might suspect.In this book, Emergency Preparedness and Off-Grid Communication, best-selling author Praying Medic offers his approach to prepping and using alternate forms of communication during a disruptive crisis. With the United States moving closer to war and government agencies warning of power grid attacks and other threats, it makes sense for every household to plan for a potentially extended loss of power, internet, and phone services.This book discusses storing food and water, securing your home, developing a bug-out plan, emergency first aid, personal hygiene during a crisis, backup power options, home security, self-defense, surviving nuclear war, living under martial law, and protecting your family against the worst consequences of an economic collapse. There's even a chapter about how to navigate without GPS.On top of all those crucial topics, this book is packed with information about emergency communication. More than a dozen chapters explain in detail the options for communicating when cellular and internet services are unavailable and the power grid is down. And, of course, Praying Medic offers ideas on building faith now for the potentially challenging times ahead.Topics Covered:Shortwave radioSatellite communicationTwo-way radios that do not require a licenseMeshtastic and low-power, long-range (LoRa) radioBuilding and testing antennasDigital radio communicationAREDN mesh networkingCommunication securityAmateur radioGMRS radioEncryptionIf you want to communicate with friends and family during a grid-down event, this book is the roadmap you've been looking for.
Approximately one in five college women experience college sexual violence (SV) despite decades of prevention efforts (Koss et al., 2014; Muehlenhard et al., 2017;White House Task Force to Protect Students from Sexual Assault, 2017). The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Basile et al., 2014) defined SV as a sexual act committed or attempted without the freely given consent of the victim or against someone who refuses or is unable to consent. Sexual violence includes both penetrative and non penetrative acts as well as non contact acts.
This Activity Book reinforces the crucial body safety skills taught in the children's picture book 'My Body! What I Say Goes! KIAH'S EDITION'.
Secure Your Peace of Mind: Are You Prepared When Disaster Strikes?Do you lie awake at night, worrying about the safety of your loved ones and your home in times of crisis? Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the daunting task of enhancing your home's security, unsure of where to even begin? Imagine having a fortress of safety, a sanctuary that you've created with your own hands. Richard Man has been where you are, confronted with the need for security and the drive to protect his family.With "Building a Safe Room," Richard Man draws on his extensive experience in home safety and his personal journey from novice to expert. As someone who once faced the same fears and questions you do now, Richard has tailored a guide that is both practical and reassuring. His book is not just a set of instructions; it's a path to empowerment in an unpredictable world.Inside, you'll find:A detailed breakdown of the necessary tools and materials to start your project.Pro tips on choosing the ideal location for maximum safety and efficiency.Step-by-step guidance on constructing resilient walls that stand the test of time and danger.Expert advice on installing fail-safe locks and impenetrable doors.Innovative solutions for maintaining air quality and managing emergency utilities.Strategies for stocking up on essentials without succumbing to clutter or chaos.Insights into making your safe room a comforting space for all family members.Techniques for regular maintenance that ensure your safe haven is always at the ready.If you want to transform your home into a bastion of security, to sleep soundly knowing you are prepared for the unforeseeable, then scroll up and buy this book today. With Richard Man's guidance, you can build not just a safe room, but also a lasting peace of mind.
Do you have any idea? To live an efficient life, we must first understand how we function (as well as how others think and behave). Although we share many characteristics with other people, each of us is unique. There would be no individuality or artistic flair among us if we were all the same. Even monkeys and other animals have distinct species, demonstrating diversity, and humanity will be dull as a result. We are both different and similar to one another. We can only be ourselves; we can't be like everyone else. But don't stop there; work on becoming a better version of yourself."The Most In Depth Self Discovery Book - Ever" is the culmination of many years of research, psychological analysis, and personal experience. There is no intention to offend or mock anyone; what works for one person may not work for another. well, in this caseBut keep in mind that having interactions with other people-which are frequently extremely difficult because we don't understand them-is a necessary part of living an effective life. For the time being, it is sufficient to know that reading this book will broaden your thinking if you allow it; take notes if necessary, and most importantly, enjoy yourself as you read it. Prepare to have the mystery and your true potential revealed all at once in this book "The Most
One rainy day, Solomon is playing inside with his sister. Their mom is cooking polar bear meat in a big pot of water. Suddenly, he trips and burns his arm in the pot of boiling water! The burn is so bad that he must travel to the health centre in the neighbouring community of Pond Inlet, Nunavut. Solomon has to stay in Pond Inlet until his arm heals. Even though Solomon misses his home, he likes playing with the other kids at the health centre. Explore the new and exciting community of Pond Inlet with Solomon in this bilingual picture book.
This empowering guide to psychological, linguistic and (as a last resort) physical self-defence will help women reclaim their safety, strength and self-confidence.An empowering call for women to nurture their inner warrior spirit.Women are taught from childhood to be “good” — often at the expense of the assertive and confident behaviours that will help keep them safe. Defence expert and Jiu-Jitsu world champion Joanna Ziobronowicz shows us how to combat these people-pleasing tendencies, spot red flags earlier and cultivate innate mental and physical strengths which can prevent or de-escalate violence. Discover:Tips on breaking free from “good girl” conditioningHow to trust your intuition, spot warning signs and develop awarenessAdvice on staying calm in high-stress situationsHow to use body language to ward off unwelcome approachesTools to improve confidence and assertivenessHow to use your speech and emotional intelligence for de-escalation10 last-resort physical strategies for common attack scenariosHow to heal from violence-related traumaJoanna’s personal stories, alongside the voices of other women with all-too familiar experiences, strengthen this empowering call for women to nurture their inner warrior spirit and fight back. If you’ve ever felt unsafe at home, work or out and about, this book is for you.
In this guide about Candida Albicans, you will read about: Its causes and symptoms Its diagnosis How it affects women Prevention and medication 3-step guide of managing this through diet.
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