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Ufrivillig barnløshed: råd og vejledning

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  • - Yoga, der booster din fertilitet
    af Thilde Vesterby
    224,95 kr.

    FRUGTBAR er til dig, der gerne vil være gravid. Bogen er særligt til dig, der har villet være gravid i et stykke tid og måske har erstattet intimiteten derhjemme med kalendersex og grænseoverskridende lægeundersøgelser eller fertilitetsbehandlinger. Bogen er til dig, der i takt med de negative graviditetstests eller graviditetstab er endt med bekymringer og afmagt dér, hvor der skulle have vokset en baby.FRUGTBAR handler om, hvad du selv kan gøre for at få din krop og dit sind ud af det konstante alarmberedskab, du måske befinder dig i, mens du kæmper for de to streger og i stedet styrke din krop og gøre den klar til en graviditet. Bogen bygger på forskning om stress, forbindelsen mellem krop og sind og på afprøvede programmer med resultater, der viser en forbedret graviditetschance efter blot 10 uger. I bogen finder du yoga, der øger blodcirkulationen til de reproduktive organer, mindfulnessmeditationer og restorativ yoga, der hjælper dig med at slippe stress. Du får mental førstehjælp, som kan hjælpe dig med at bevare forstanden og være i livet, når det hele bliver alt for svært at håndtere. Bogens beretninger fra kvinder, der kender til det brændende ønske om at få et barn fortæller dig, at du ikke er alene. Med bogen får du støtte til at komme igennem din fertilitetsrejse med dig selv, din sjæl og din forstand i behold.Bogen akkompagneres af farvefotos, der hjælper en til at lave øvelserne derhjemme.

  • af Rebecca Fett
    368,95 kr.

  • af Charlotte Hartvig & Bjarne Stigsby
    268,95 kr.

    FÅS I NY REVIDERET UDGAVE ISBN 9788712050247 Nu i 7. oplag! Årsagerne til barnløshed kan være mange, men én af de hyppigste er noget så simpelt som den kost, vi spiser. Kort sagt: en fertil livsstil kan i mange tilfælde gøre sit for at øge sandsynlgheden for succes, når man gerne vil blive gravid. Både diætist Charlotte Hartvig og speciallæge i gynækologi Bjarne Stigsby har hver dag kvinder i konsultatiionen, som næsten har opgivet drømmen om at blive mor. Men mange af dem kan hjælpes med en kost, der bl.a. sikrer protein, mindsker indtaget af kulhydrat - og indeholder et minimum af sukker. Spis dig gravid indeholder en massse kontante råd, ny viden, opskrifter, kostplaner mm. Alt sammen formidlet i et let forståeligt sprog til en bred målgruppe.

  • - En roman om livet i fertilitetsbehandling
    af Julie Grønbæk Walsh
    268,95 kr.

    Caroline og Christian lever et perfekt liv. De har det hele. De er unge, smukke, forelskede, velhavende, de har fuld smæk på karrieren, gode venner, en fed lejlighed og dyre vaner. Alt spiller for dem, og de er vant til at få alle deres ønsker og drømme opfyldt. Nu har de besluttet sig for at få et barn, og her møder de modstand. Graviditeten udebliver, og et langt, opslidende forløb i fertilitetsbehandling begynder, sideløbende med at deres venner får det ene barn efter det andet.Kærligheden, venskaber, familierelationer, psyken, jobbet – det hele vakler. Misundelse, frustration, sorg og angst lægger sig som en dyne hen over dem. Får de nogensinde et barn?En hudløs ærlig og humoristisk roman om fertilitetsbehandling og ufrivillig barnløshed.”VI FÅR ALDRIG ET BARN” er Julie Grønbæk Walsh’s debutroman. Bogen er inspireret af Julie og hendes mands lange og opslidende kamp om at få børn ved hjælp af fertilitetsbehandling. Bogen sætter fokus på alle de forbudte følelser og akavede og ubehagelige situationer, man sjældent hører om.Der bliver ikke lagt fingre imellem, det er lige på, hårdt og brutalt, tåkrummende pinligt, sørgeligt, morsomt og medrivende.Julie er født i Hjørring i 1980 og har de sidste 20 år boet i København.“Bogen er meget personlig og meget ærlig. Den er stærkt inspireret af mine egne følelser, tanker og handlinger i den periode, hvor min krop nægtede at blive gravid. Jeg frygter, at bogen bliver læst, fordi jeg er så pinlig berørt og føler så stor skam, men mit ønske om at dele historien og måske ovenikøbet hjælpe andre, der kæmper med at få børn, trumfer skammen. Så her er den.”

  • - Han er her ikke. Han er her altid.
    af Pernille Egetoft
    208,95 kr.

    Han er her ikkeHan er her altidForfatter og illustrator Pernille mistede for nogle år siden sit tredje barn sent i graviditeten.Hun har bearbejdet det ufattelige tab i sorgbogen BROR, der sætter ord og stemninger på den sorg vordende forældre oplever, når barnet ikke overlever.Pernille Egetoft (f.1987) er billedkunstner, illustrator og forfatter.Pernilles værker på papiret er iagttagelser af det levede liv. Hun kombinerer simple streger med gennemarbejdede og realistiske detaljer. Hendes hverdagssituationer skildres ærligt, melankolsk og humoristisk.Pernille arbejder med personlige projekter og bogudgivelser, samt større kommissionsopgaver og keramisk formgivning.Med sine værker, ønsker hun at inspirere og berøre. At give stof til eftertanke og at nedbryde tabuer. Hendes håb er, at hun, ved at vise sin egen sårbarhed, kan give modtageren et spejl. En følelse af ikke at være alene.Pernille bor og arbejder i Nordjylland, hvor hun har kombineret værksted og kunstbutik.

  • af Tom Sullivan
    258,95 kr.

    A first of its kind, functional lifestyle guide for PCOS, complete with personal stories and nourishing recipes

  • af Ida Bruhn Bull
    123,95 kr.

    Romanen Det er lettest, hvis jeg holder kæft med, hvordan jeg har det af Ida Bull omhandler en kvindes ufrivillige barnløshed og kamp for at blive mor. Vi følger i romanen et kvindeligt jeg, som føler sorg og vrede over ikke at kunne blive gravid, følelser som ikke altid bliver mødt med forståelse fra hendes omgivelser. Det er en fortælling om en splittet kvinde, som oplever, at hun udadtil skal udvise glæde på sine gravide veninder og bekendtes vegne, samtidig med at hun skal håndtere sine altopslugende følelser af sorg og vrede alene; hendes oplevelse af at være ensom og misforstået af sine omgivelser vokser i takt med, at hendes barnløshed ikke længere kun påvirker hende selv men også hendes relationer og særligt forholdet til hendes kæreste.Ida Bulls værk Det er lettest, hvis jeg holder kæft med, hvordan jeg har det giver sprog til de følelser og erfaringer, som følger med det at være ufrivilligt barnløs, og åbner op for refleksion over et emne, som mange kvinder oplever som tabubelagt. Værket er nemlig også en historie om en kvindes indsigt i, hvordan hendes ufrivillige barnløshed ikke er en kamp, som hun skal kæmpe alene i stilhed, og at det ikke altid er bedst, hvis man holder kæft med, hvordan man har det.

  • af Yetunda Dixon
    313,95 kr.

    In the midst of the deeply personal and often painful journey of infertility, "Grace in the Waiting" serves as a beacon of hope and inspiration for women. Author Yetunda Dixon shares her heartfelt experiences and faith as she navigates the challenging path of infertility alongside her husband, Tennison Dixon.This poignant and relatable devotional provides not only spiritual guidance but also personal testimonies that resonate with those facing similar struggles. Yetunda combines her deep-rooted faith with her diverse expertise to create a unique perspective on finding purpose and joy amidst the trials of infertility."Grace in the Waiting" offers hope and encouragement through personal stories, scripture, and practical tips, making it an essential companion for women who are determined to maintain their faith, discover joy in unexpected places, and trust in God's perfect timing during their journey through infertility.

  • af Lily Starbright
    103,95 kr.

    This book is about a long, sad, relentless journey to become a parent. The journey is not something I would wish for anyone; but, unfortunately, lots of people go through it. However, seeing the rainbow at the end of the journey is what I wish for everyone who longs to have children.

  • af Marie White
    162,95 kr.

    "A modern, inclusive guide to plant-based reproductive medicine: herbal remedies and collective care for conception, pregnancy, birth, postpartum, and beyond"--

  • af Joy Kaush
    338,95 kr.

    Endometrial dysfunction refers to the disruption of normal endometrial physiology, leading to infertility, abnormal uterine bleeding, and other gynecological disorders. The molecular and signaling mechanisms that contribute to endometrial dysfunction are complex and multifactorial, involving a range of cellular and molecular pathways. As such, investigating these mechanisms requires a deep understanding of the molecular biology of the endometrium and the cellular processes that regulate its function.One key area of investigation in endometrial dysfunction is the role of hormones and their receptors in the regulation of endometrial physiology. The endometrium is sensitive to the effects of ovarian hormones such as estrogen and progesterone, which play critical roles in regulating the menstrual cycle and preparing the endometrium for implantation of a fertilized egg. Dysregulation of hormonal signaling pathways can lead to disruptions in endometrial function, contributing to infertility and other gynecological disorders.Another important area of investigation is the role of inflammatory and immune signaling pathways in the pathogenesis of endometrial dysfunction. Inflammatory cytokines and chemokines play a critical role in modulating endometrial function and regulating the immune response to implantation. Dysregulation of these pathways can lead to a range of gynecological disorders, including endometriosis, adenomyosis, and recurrent pregnancy loss.Molecular investigations into endometrial dysfunction have also focused on the role of epigenetic mechanisms in regulating gene expression and modulating cellular function. Epigenetic modifications such as DNA methylation and histone modifications can play critical roles in regulating endometrial function and influencing the pathogenesis of gynecological disorders. Studies have shown that alterations in DNA methylation patterns and histone modifications can lead to dysregulation of key genes involved in endometrial function, contributing to infertility and other reproductive disorders.Advances in molecular biology techniques have enabled researchers to investigate these pathways in greater detail, uncovering new insights into the molecular mechanisms underlying endometrial dysfunction. Techniques such as gene expression profiling, genome-wide association studies, and next-generation sequencing have enabled researchers to identify novel genes and pathways involved in the regulation of endometrial function and to identify potential targets for therapeutic intervention.In conclusion, molecular investigation of endometrial dysfunction is a rapidly evolving field that has the potential to provide new insights into the pathogenesis of gynecological disorders and to identify new therapeutic targets for their treatment. By gaining a better understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying endometrial dysfunction, researchers can develop more targeted and effective treatments for infertility, abnormal uterine bleeding, and other gynecological disorders, ultimately improving the health and wellbeing of women worldwide.

  • af Dived Shukl
    308,95 kr.

    Embryo implantation is a complex process that involves several molecular and cellular mechanisms. One of the key players in this process is microtubule polymerization, which is regulated by the microtubule-associated protein TPPP3.Microtubules are cytoskeletal structures made up of tubulin proteins that play a critical role in many cellular processes, including cell division, intracellular transport, and cell motility. In the context of embryo implantation, microtubules are essential for the proper positioning of the blastocyst (early-stage embryo) within the uterine lining, and for the subsequent invasion of the trophoblast cells into the maternal tissue.This book explores, microtubule polymerization and TPPP3 play critical roles in embryo implantation by regulating the formation of focal adhesions, promoting trophoblast invasion, and regulating the expression of implantation-related genes. Understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying these processes may lead to the development of novel therapeutic strategies for infertility and other reproductive disorders.

  • af Lisa Ashworth
    163,95 kr.

    Fertility: Mindset & Meltdowns is a practical guide for managing your emotions while trying to conceive and a glimpse into the author's own 10-year journey to parenthood.

  • af Aimee E. Raupp
    307,95 kr.

    Yes, You Can Get Pregnant: How To Improve Your Fertility Now & Into Your 40's is the complete guide to getting pregnant and improving fertility naturally - - even if you've been told your chances of conception are low. A nationally renowned women's health and fertility expert, Aimee Raupp has helped thousands of women optimize their fertility and get pregnant. Now, in Yes, You Can Get Pregnant, she provides her complete program for improving your chances of conceiving and overcoming infertility, including the most effective complementary and lifestyle approaches, the latest nutritional advice, and ways to prepare yourself emotionally and spiritually. In a friendly, understanding, and inspirational manner, Yes, You Can Get Pregnant provides hope, scientifically - backed knowledge, and emotional support to help you improve your health and fertility from the inside out so that you can become the mother you want to be.

  • af Latazia Stuart
    228,95 kr.

    God has not forgotten you! Have you struggled to reconnect with your faith in the face of infertility or pregnancy loss? You are not alone. In this book the author vulnerably describes how she faced infertility, repeated pregnancy losses, and multiple hospitalizations while seeking to align her life with God's will. She discovered The Secrets of Faith INfertility in the midst of pain when there was no evidence of a happy ending. Dr. Tazz wrote this book in response to the private moments spent with women who had experienced premature delivery, late term stillbirth, and other tragedies. She now provides guidance and inspiration for women and couples to pursue their faith, find fertility, and experience God's favor INfertility! In this book you will discover: - The common denominator among those who endure the challenges of infertility- The secrets of finding faith and favor in spite of intense pain and disappointment- Inspiration to help you cope with the past and face the future- Insight for those seeking to understand and support women and couples and help them remove the shadows of infertility- How women and couples can be INfaith with God INfertility

  • af G. Sylvester
    128,95 kr.

  • af Monika Monaco
    268,95 kr.

    Eine emotionale Kinderwunschreise - Monika Monaco teilt ihre bewegende Geschichte, um anderen Menschen Mut zu machen! Dass der Kinderwunsch oft zur Herausforderung wird, weiß die Buchautorin aus eigener Lebenserfahrung. Sieben lange Jahre musste sie auf ihr Wunschkind warten. Als sie es endlich in den Armen hält, öffnet sich der Himmel für sie.Authentischer und einfühlsamer Erlebnisbericht von Monika Monaco, Kinderwunsch-Coach & Mentaltrainerin.

  • af Rachel A Wood
    128,95 kr.

    Se terminan los cuarenta y comienza una hermosa etapa, donde los cambios hormonales revolotean nuestra mente y se manifiestan en nuestro cuerpo. Estamos más serenas, con más experiencia, y sabemos muy bien lo que deseamos. Aunque… estos cambios confunden y a veces perturban. Y lo real es, que solo se le teme a lo que no se conoce, porque si se aprende a transitar con elegancia este ciclo, y con el conocimiento adecuado, se descubre lo maravilloso de ser una mujer madura. Aquí me propongo a explicarte como cuidarte, enseñándote el ABC de la menopausia, los cuidados que deberás tener, las formas de terapia hormonal, como así también los remedios naturales y homeopáticos que podrás utilizar para superar los sofocones y otras molestias. Dejaremos en claro los cambios físicos y psicológicos, y te dejaré mis consejos profesionales para que vivas la menopausia sin ningún temor.

  • af Rayan Marks
    233,95 kr.

    In this book, the ladies give a voice to those who are too afraid or ashamed to speak, provide resources on navigating through infertility, and provide encouragement to keep pushing towards God's promise. They detail their journeys through IVF treatments, pregnancy, losses, near death experiences, black mental health, and their relationships with their husbands. The ladies also tackle the issue of how they struggled with their faith through disappointment and loss. It is a raw and honest chronicle of journeys to motherhood through the lens of faith and friendship. From prayer calls to venting sessions, the three leaned on one another to get through the toughest battle they have every faced.Mamas in waiting on an journey to motherhood.

  • af Angela Thyer
    218,95 kr.

    "In this practical, step-by-step blueprint, fertility specialist Angela Thyer, MD, and reproductive health nutritionist Judy Simon, RDN, share the compelling research on how food supports fertility, what to eat more of and less of to support conception and healthy pregnancy, skills and manageable goals to make changing your diet easy, a ten-week plan for implementing dietary and lifestyle changes, and two weeks of sample recipes to help guide your journey"--

  • af Dawn Williams
    208,95 - 308,95 kr.

  • af Torrie Jarrett
    398,95 kr.

    Have you been longing for something? Perhaps love, life fulfillment, or the possibility of motherhood consumes your mind on a daily basis. For Torrie, longing has been that deep, pit-in-your-stomach feeling, when you want something so badly it hurts. It's that profound desire that keeps you awake at night praying for God's fulfillment in your life. This book takes you on a relatable journey through longing for love, the battles of infertility, encountering the pain of miscarriages, embracing motherhood and finding God's immeasurable grace and promises along the way. Torrie shows us how to hear the voice of the Lord in our everyday encounters and grasp how impeccable God's timing is to perfect the results of our future.

  • af Alisha J. Blanding
    343,95 kr.

    At some point in our lives, we all have created a plan of how our lives would be. We hold tight to that plan as if it is our Bible through life, and there are no options to deviate from its instructions and timeline. But what happens when the vision gets shattered by an unexpected blow called Infertility? What happens when the plans of marriage and motherhood seem to be fading away and out of reach? How can life go on without the vision created to keep you on your right path? What happens when life, as you know it, doesn't look like the life that God has in mind for you?Walk with me as I share my story of letting go of my vision, plans, and expectations for marriage and motherhood to allow God to use my unexpected challenges with fertility for His glory. Throughout this journey, I've learned that being Unmarried Without Children will be the very thing God uses to introduce me to His plan for my life.

  • af Heilige Ägidius
    383,95 kr.

    Erfüllen Sie endlich Ihren Kinderwunsch mit der Weisheit und Unterstützung von Ägidius, dem Schutzheiligen gegen Unfruchtbarkeit. In diesem Buch bietet Ihnen Ägidius praktische Tipps und spirituelle Übungen, um Ihren Kinderwunsch zu erfüllen und Ihre spirituelle Verbindung zu stärken. Entdecken Sie die Kraft in sich selbst und lassen Sie Ägidius Sie auf Ihrem Weg zur Elternschaft begleiten. Ein unverzichtbares Buch für alle, die bereit sind, ihren Kinderwunsch zu verwirklichen.

  • Spar 16%
    - Følelser. Krop. Relationer
    af Lise Holck Jørgensen
    168,95 kr.

    I Danmark kommer hvert 10. barn til verden ved hjælp af fertilitetsbehandling. Et fertilitetsforløb er forbundet med mange følelser, stressbelastning for kroppen og sociale udfordringer. Bogen er skrevet til dig, der længes intenst efter et barn. Måske er du i gang med en fertilitetsbehandling, har oplevet graviditetstab eller andre fertilitetsudfordringer. I bogen finder du viden om og konkrete metoder til at håndtere stress og følelser som bl.a. misundelse, skam eller sorg samt metoder til at navigere i dit sociale liv under fertilitetsforløbet. Bogen sætter også fokus på kroppen, parforholdet og sexlivet og på følelser, der kan opstå for mænd i fertilitetsbehandling.

  • af Washington Government Printing Office
    168,95 - 323,95 kr.

  • af Tansy Boggon
    163,95 kr.

    The Tears of a Woman is the story of a woman's emotional struggle to become a mother while navigating weight bias and self-doubt.

  • af Dionisia Onio
    128,95 kr.

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