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Separation og skilsmisse: råd og vejledning

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  • Spar 17%
    af Esther Perel
    248,95 kr.

    Hvorfor er folk utro? Og hvad kan utroskab lære os om kærlighed? En affære kan være ødelæggende for et parforhold. Det ved vi godt. Vi ved også, at utroskab har eksisteret lige så længe som ægteskabet. Alligevel ved vi så lidt om det. Og at prøve at forstå utroskab er vel at mærke ikke det samme som at legitimere det. Esther Perel mener, at utroskab kan lære os vigtige ting om vores følelsesliv – hvad vi forventer, hvad vi tror vi ønsker, hvad vi føler vi har ret til. Ved at se på ’forbudt’ kærlighed fra flere vinkler og væve cases fra sin mangeårige og internationale praksis sammen med en kulturel og psykologisk analyse af fænomenet, inviterer Perel læserne ind i en ærlig, oplysende og underholdende undersøgelse af kærlighed i dens mange former.

  • af Jay Shetty
    168,95 kr.

    The author of the #1 New York Times bestseller Think Like a Monk offers a revelatory guide to every stage of romance, drawing on ancient wisdom and new science. Nobody sits us down and teaches us how to love. So we're often thrown into relationships with nothing but romance movies and pop culture to help us muddle through. Until now. Instead of presenting love as an ethereal concept or a collection of cliches, Jay Shetty lays out specific, actionable steps to help you develop the skills to practice and nurture love better than ever before. He shares insights on how to win or lose together, how to define love, and why you don't break in a break-up. Inspired by Vedic wisdom and modern science, he tackles the entire relationship cycle, from first dates to moving in together to breaking up and starting over. And he shows us how to avoid falling for false promises and unfulfilling partners. By living Jay Shetty's eight rules, we can all love ourselves, our partner, and the world better than we ever thought possible.

  • - Sådan navigerer du i en sammensat familie
    af Janne Leth Førgaard
    148,95 kr.

    Denne bog adskiller sig fra andre lignende bøger på markedet ved at have en coachende tilgang til og et helt konkret fokus på, hvad 'ekstramødre' kan gøre for at overvinde de udfordringer, der er, når man bliver kæreste med nogens far. ’Ekstramor’ er forfatterens bud på en ny definition af stedmor, papmor eller bonusmor. Som kæreste med et barns far er du ikke ’i stedet for’ børnenes mor, du er heller ikke en ’pap-udgave’ af dig selv, og det er desværre heller ikke sikkert, at barnet synes, at du er en ’bonus’. Men du er en ekstra ressource, en ekstramor, børnene har til rådighed, når de er hos deres far. Førstehjælp til ekstramødre giver masser af inspiration til dig, der drømmer om at blive bedre til at takle kærestens børn, deres biologiske mor, højtider, ferier og alle de andre svære situationer. Bogen er baseret på forfatterens erfaringer som coach for sammensatte familier og på egne oplevelser med livet i en sammensat familie.

  • af Jan Kaa Kristensen
    278,95 kr.

    Halvdelen af alle, der bliver gift, bliver også skilt. Så skilsmisse er både almindeligt og en stor livsomvæltning. Det er svært for de fleste, og knap hver anden skilsmisse ender i konflikt. Når konflikten raser, er det svært at samarbejde – især om børnene. Halvdelen af alle skilsmisseforældre har svære konflikter, men der er både råd at hente og håb forude. I denne bog øser forfatteren Jan Kaa af sin viden og årelange erfaring som psykolog, børnesagkyndig og tidligere leder af Center for Familieudviklings skilsmisseafdeling. Bogen giver et overblik over alt det, der bliver påvirket af skilsmissen – og hvad man skal prøve at undgå, hvis man vil gøre det godt for sig selv og sine børn. Det er vigtigt, at du som voksen drager omsorg for dig selv, så du kan være en god forælder for dine børn, og så du kan samarbejde med den anden forælder. Det er ikke altid let. Men bogens forfatter giver gode råd til, hvordan du klarer det – uden at gå i stykker. En vigtig pointe fra bogen er: Det behøver ikke at være perfekt, og børnene skal nok klare det. Du er en god nok forælder, når du tager forældrerollen på dig. Kapiteloversigt: Acceptér dine følelser, og tag ansvar for dine handlingerFind et realistisk samarbejdsniveauGiv dig selv omsorgSkab dit nye livBliv gode nok forældre hver for sigGiv børnene, hvad de har brug forHent støtte fra netværketSøg hjælp, når samarbejdet bliver sværtForbliv gode samarbejdspartnereNår der er andre forhold på spil Om forfatteren Jan Kaa Kristensen er psykolog og specialist i klinisk psykologi. Han har i mere end 10 år arbejdet med skilsmisseforældre og deres børn, både som praktiserende psykolog og som børnesagkyndig psykolog bl.a. i Statsforvaltningen. Han er tidligere leder af Center for Familieudviklings skilsmisseafdeling og for projekterne "Forældre sammen – hver for sig" og "Delebørn – hele børn". Endvidere underviser han fagpersoner, der arbejder med skilte familier. Han er også blevet udnævnt af social- og indenrigsministeren som medlem af det rådgivende udvalg for Familie. Læs mere på

  • af Ditte Giese
    223,95 kr.

    Dette er en ægte grine- og grædebog fyldt med sorg, længsel, voksendating og andre øjeblikke fra det livsomvæltende kaos, vi kalder en skilsmisse."Ulige uger" er til dig, der står midt i balladen, eller dig, der har fået krisen lidt på afstand, delt boet og kan smile af de urolige tider. Den er til dig, der har brug for en ærlig og sjov hjælp-til-selvhjælpsbog og et kærligt skub. Og bare rolig, der er både håb, kærlighed og et dejligt liv på den anden side. For selvom en skilsmisse kan byde på skænderier, IKEA-ture, underlige kropsprojekter og børn, der savner, er det også en mulighed for at finde tilbage til sig selv. Og der er faktisk ikke noget smukkere end kvinder (og mænd), der rejser sig fra en skilsmisse og går ud og æder af livet. DITTE GIESE (født 1977) er forfatter, kulturjournalist og kritiker. Hun er især kendt som feministisk debattør og en markant stemme i samfundsdebatten. Hun har tidligere udgivet 90’er bogen – fortællinger fra det sjove årti (2009) og bestselleren "Breve til livet" sammen med Anne Sofie Allarp (2020). Pressen skriver:"Mange velovervejede og reflekterende pointer om ensomhedens og tosomhedens vilkår.” 4 stjerner - Berlingske"Morsom, herlig og moderne bog" 4 stjerner - Jyllands-Posten

  • Spar 16%
    - Leveregler fra et skilt forældreskab
    af Flemming Møldrup & Julie Ralund
    168,95 kr.

    Går du og drømmer om, at det var bare en lille smule nemmere at være skilt? At du kun et par gange om året var parat til at rive hovedet af din eks og ellers kunne koncentrere dig om at være noget for dit barn?I Slug kamelen – der kommer flere giver Flemming Møldrup og Julie Ralund et ærligt indblik i deres rørende og til tider besværlige vej mod det, de kalder et skilt forældreskab.Undervejs får du forfatternes erindringer blandet med ?ne leveregler og morsomme anekdoter, som hjælper med at huske på, hvad der er kernen i det hele, nemlig barnet. Og at du vil blive nødt til at sluge en kamel eller to, tilsidesætte dine egne behov og væbne dig med tålmodighed, hvis projektet skal lykkes. Bogen slutter med et køleskabsmanifest, som rummer de vigtigste råd – lige til at kopiere eller lade sig inspirere af.

  • - Guide til en bedre skilsmisse for dig og dine børn
    af Annika Lillelund Fauli & Lene Stephensen
    334,95 kr.

    Det er vigtigt at være gode forældre – også når man er skilt. Men hvordan gør man det? Det er spørgsmålet for rigtig mange forældre, som står midt i deres livs største krise: skilsmissen. Det er en skrøbelig tid, og det kan være rigtig svært at samarbejde og kommunikere ordentligt med eks-partneren. For meget kan gå galt, når smerten, krisen og sorgen raser. Skilsmissens ABC er en guide til forældre, som skal skilles. Bogen hjælper dig med at træffe de bedste beslutninger for dig og dine børn, med at forstå børnenes reaktioner, følelser og tanker gennem skilsmissen. Bogen giver dig redskaber til at håndtere de forskellige situationer, du kan komme ud for med dine børn. Skilsmissens ABC er til dig, som har brug for et praktisk såvel som følelsesmæssigt overblik over din skilsmisse. Bogen behandler tiden før, under og efter en skilsmisse og livet i den sammenbragte familie, måske med en ny kæreste. Du kan læse bogen fra A-Z eller dykke ned i den fase, du befinder dig i lige nu og få gode råd. Alle råd i bogen peger på de løsningsmuligheder, der er bedst for børnene, så du som forælder får overblik over, hvordan du støtter dit barn bedst muligt. Skilsmissens ABC er skrevet af psykolog Lene Stephensen og skribent Annika Lillelund Fauli. Lene Stephensen har gennem 40 år bistået par i deres skilsmisser og har et skarpt blik rettet mod barnets stemme i skilsmisserne. Annika Lillelund Fauli er skribent og skriver til daglig om familie og livsstil. Hun lever desuden selv i en sammenbragt familie. Annika og Lene er familiært forbundet, da Annika er gift med Lenes eks-svigersøn, Søren Fauli, som til denne bog har skrevet et personligt forord om sin egen skilsmisse.

  • - Samtalebog til børn i alderen 4 til 10 år
    af Camilla Semlov, Sofie Pihl & Bettina Lundshof
    158,95 kr.

    Hvordan kan vi som forældre tale med vores børn om alt det, der følger med en skilsmisse?Med afsæt i 10 farverige og udtryksfulde illustrationer - som balancerer imellem det svære felt for børn i forbindelse med et familiebrud og en mere positiv vinkel at tale ud fra - bliver det måske nemmere at indlede dialogen med barnet.Ved hver illustration er børneperspektivet i forbindelse med de 10 temaer ultrakort beskrevet. Blandt andet omkring barnets loyalitet, skyldfølelse, mulige forældrekonflikter, hverdagen, barnets tanker, følelser og spørgsmål.Som støtte til samtalen med barnet gives forslag til åbne eller afgrænsede spørgsmål ved alle illustrationerne.Dette simple dialogværktøj er nemt og ligetil og udviklet til børn mellem 4 og 10 år. Fagpersoner, som arbejder med børn, kan også med fordel gøre brug af Mine forældre er skilt.Vi ved, at børn gør sig mange tanker og har mange følelser og bekymringer, som vi voksne ofte slet ikke har fantasi til at forestille os, og vi ved også, at børnene ofte bærer rundt på dem alene.Hjælp børnene med at få talt om, hvordan verden ser ud fra barnets perspektiv! Børn er ofte gode til at sætte ord på - når bare de får tiden, nærværet og nogle gode spørgsmål ...

  • af Priscilla Presley
    213,95 kr.

    Soon to be a major motion picture directed by Sofia Coppola. The New York Times bestseller that reveals the intimate story of Elvis Presley and Priscilla Presley, told by the woman who lived it. Decades after his death, millions of fans continue to worship Elvis the legend. But very few knew him as Elvis the man. Here in her own words, Priscilla Presley tells the story of their love, revealing the details of their first meeting, their marriage, their affairs, their divorce, and the unbreakable bond that has remained long after his tragic death. A tribute to both the man and the legend, Elvis and Me gives Elvis fans the world over an unprecedented look at the true life of the King of Rock 'N' Roll and the woman who loved him.

  • - en guide til pædagoger og lærere
    af John Aasted Halse
    308,95 kr.

    Må lærere og pædagoger blande sig, når forældre skal skilles? Hvad gør man f.eks. som lærer eller pædagog, når man kan se, at en 7-7-ordning skader barnet mere, end den gavner? Eller når vreden tager overhånd, og barnet er kommunikationsled mellem mor og far?Denne letlæste guide samler eksisterende viden om emnet børn og skilsmisser og viser, hvordan de professionelle i barnets hverdag kan støtte barnet og dets forældre.For nogle børn giver forældrenes skilsmisse anledning til lige så alvorlig en krise, som hvis der var tale om dødsfald i familien. Den krise bringer barnet med sig i dagtilbud og skole, og derfor er det vigtigt, at pædagoger og lærere er klædt på til at håndtere og rumme barnets sorg.At leve op til det ansvar forudsætter en tæt tilknytning til børnene, men også tillid og åbenhed i relationen til forældrene. Bogen gennemgår tilgange til det pædagogiske arbejde med familier i skilsmisse og opridser den psykologiske baggrund for børnenes reaktioner. De vigtigste regler i familieansvarsloven præsenteres, og en række eksempler peger på de mange dilemmaer, der kan opstå i samarbejdet med skilte forældre, når deres ønsker og rettigheder støder sammen med børnenes behov.John Aasted Halse er børnepsykolog og tidligere formand for Børns Vilkår. Han er forfatter til en lang række bøger.

  • af Marina Murray
    106,95 kr.

    Marina Murray in her second book, Scars, takes readers on a journey into the past. A past where she endured the pain and suffering that an abusive marriage can produce. The scars are real, but Marina is a survivor. She wants to encourage her readers that there is hope as well as healing on the other side of abusive relationships. Marina is also the author of Rest for the Weary Soul.

  • af Robert Fortin
    166,95 kr.

    Do you feel like you and your spouse are tip-toeing around each other? When you disagree, do you often find yourselves in one of these common scenarios - walking away completely or blowing up at one another? Haven't found that missing puzzle piece yet, and feel stuck in the same old rut of arguments that go round and round and never get resolved? It's time for you to have a healthy way of tackling conflict when it arises. Why? Because you deserve to have a respectful loving marriage where each of you can hold space for different opinions In this book you will learn...Transform your marriageLearn to put yourself first without feeling guiltyTrust to let love inFeel importantCommunicate so he will hear youKnow how 4 relational principles impact communicationRegain the prince you married & leave the frog of today behindBe loved the way you deserveThis book will guide you step by step in choosing your stride that will build the bridge back to your husband only stronger. When the question is about a broken marriage, a delay of even a single day can be a day too late. Asses the reasons of failure in your marriage and then apply methods that will directly impact the affected area. This e-book will not only serve as your sole guide to put back the marriage, you can also look for ways to keep the relationship going once it has been restored to its happy state!

  • af Sindy Schwarzer
    227,95 kr.

    In Linda bricht ein unerwartetes Gefühlschaos aus als sie erfährt, dass ihr Vater bei einem Autounfall ums Leben gekommen ist. Immerhin hatte sie viele Jahre keinen Kontakt zu ihm, der immer ganz in ihrer Nähe lebte. Linda ahnt nicht, was auf sie zukommt und womit sie sich auseinandersetzen muss. Sie erfährt von einer Bestattungsverpflichtung und was das finanziell bedeutet. Außerdem lernt sie was zu tun ist, wenn bei der Trauerfeier die falsche Urne beigesetzt wird. Über ihre Erlebnisse führt Linda Tagebuch um zu verstehen, zu verarbeiten und zur Bewältigung der Tatsache, dass ihre Fragen unbeantwortet bleiben werden. Es sind Botschaften vom Tod, über die Liebe und an das Leben. Am Ende kann sie ihrem Vater verzeihen.

  • af Robert Paras
    213,95 kr.

    The book offers practical strategies and techniques for rebuilding trust and healing the wounds of betrayal. From understanding the psychology behind trust and betrayal to identifying the warning signs of a failing relationship, this book provides a step-by-step approach to restoring trust and rebuilding relationships.The author provides a thorough examination of the different types of trust issues, including infidelity, emotional betrayal, and broken promises. He uses real-life examples and case studies to illustrate how trust issues can manifest and how to overcome them. This book is not only for those who have experienced betrayal but also for those who want to strengthen and maintain trust in their relationships. The author also includes self-reflection exercises and communication techniques to help readers create deeper connections and trust in their relationships.As much as you don't want to admit to your partner that you are a having issues with jealousy and insecurity, you are going to have to be vulnerable, and share with your partner from your heart about what is going on with you. If the person you are with is committed to working on your relationship together, there will be an attitude of understanding and willingness present. If your partner is not willing to work on these issues with you, then you should still work hard on them by yourself.

  • af Tyrone Spinelli
    213,95 kr.

    This book has actionable steps and strategies on how to get your ex back and rekindle your relationship.Relationships are precious. This is why many people search far and wide for someone they can share their life with. Unfortunately, sometimes you have that one person you want to share your life with but you end up breaking up with them due to one reason or another. It's only after the breakup that you come to realize how much that person actually meant to you. Here is a preview of what's insideWhat you must understand about your exWhat you must be honest aboutThe truth about playing the jealousy gameThings to consider before making your moveThe truth about giving him spaceThe easiest way to gain his trust backHeartbreak is something that you would never like to experience. It is certainly a sad thing to lose your love but you need to hold yourself in order to get your ex back. Patience is very important and you need to realize what went wrong. Losing hope is not the solution but try hard to solve the issues and get your ex back.These are some of the simple ways on how to get your ex back fast, so try and see the wonders yourself!

  • af Jana-Michelle
    163,95 kr.

    Are you newly divorced or going through one? Do you feel as if you're an emotional wreck? Divorce...Wasn't Expecting It provides invaluable wisdom backed by biblical scriptures of claiming your emotional healing and victory amid a life-changing and often devastating experience such as divorce. There's a better you waiting to be released, as this is not the end. Your life is still meaningful and full of purpose.Let's get you to your healing; it's waiting on you!!

  • af Christine Cantilena Barnes
    188,95 kr.

    Licensed Clinical Mental Therapist Christine Cantilena Barnes ventures into her divorce stemming from a loveless marriage as a Christian woman and mother. In her book, A Heart's Betrayal, she describes the process of before, during, and after her devastating divorce and picking up the pieces. This book consists of many essential tips for navigating a high-conflict divorce. This includes discovering marital affairs, divorce's effects on children, legal knowledge and helpful tips, financial concerns, regaining emotional steadiness, and reconnecting with the Lord to find your new self goals and purpose.Many things can tear one down while dealing with a divorce, and the most difficult that Christine discovered were keeping her son emotionally sound-minded and fully surrendering herself to God to regain self-confidence and self-love. Her hope is to help others who find themselves in similar situations so they, too, can learn to cope and heal from their extensive pain. Additionally, to learn the new "normal" of being a healthy-minded single parent and to recognize a strong-willed narcissist. Although Christine's experiences prove that a marriage can be filled with devastating destruction, God's mercy and a prayerful community can renew your life to an unexpected height. Her contending spirit are all factors that demonstrate there is also a path of such greatness that awaits you beyond divorce!

  • af Danette Relic
    198,95 - 318,95 kr.

  • af Jean-Philippe Gosselin
    243,95 kr.

    Collectively, we explore the ramifications of narcissism across several aspects of life, encompassing professional settings, familial interactions, the consequences on children, and the detrimental impacts on mental well-being. By providing in-depth knowledge and expert advice, you will acquire the comprehension and abilities required to overcome the adverse effects of narcissism and adopt a life characterized by genuineness, happiness, and meaningful relationships.If you responded affirmatively to any of these inquiries, this is the most exceptional manual about narcissism that you could peruse. This book contains insightful knowledge about the narcissist's psyche and their intricate strategies of deception and manipulation, designed to trap and torment you. It provides comprehensive guidance to liberate yourself from their control and the psychological manipulation known as gaslighting.This book provides a clear path to self-awareness, healing, and personal development by helping readers identify narcissistic characteristics and comprehend their significant influence on children. Explore efficient coping strategies, beneficial parenting abilities, and the intricacies of co-parenting with a narcissistic former spouse. Acquire how to assist your child, restore the bond between parent and child, and establish a favourable model for their emotional growth.Given the increasing prevalence of "mental illness" and the increased awareness surrounding it, the media actively promotes unreserved acceptance. However, it is essential to consider whether this aligns with biblical principles. At what point do we establish a clear boundary between acceptance and enabling, mainly when supporting our fellow believers facing difficulties? Have you encountered the concept of narcissism, or is it merely an expression of excessive self-esteem and lack of wisdom? A significant portion of the literature now accessible regarding mental illness tends to rationalise wrongdoing and assert that there are no viable solutions.

  • af Randall Charest
    223,95 kr.

    If you have ever experienced the harmful actions of a narcissist, endured the torment of self-questioning and psychological mistreatment, and even believed that their conduct could lead to your demise. You are well aware of the peril they pose. Although it may have appeared inescapable, there are productive strategies to handle such individuals.In these chapters, we explore the roots and expressions of narcissism, providing insight into the warning signs that indicate narcissistic behavior. Equipped with this recently acquired consciousness, you will have the ability to identify deceitful strategies and safeguard yourself against the harmful consequences of narcissistic relationships.The book titled "The Narcissistic Abuse and Codependency" is designed straightforwardly to provide comprehensive answers to all your inquiries and effectively terminate this harmful pattern, regardless of the duration of your entanglement with it. With the aid of this current manual, you will come to accept your current circumstances and recognize the areas inside yourself that want modification. Consequently, you will effectively oversee your relationship or extricate yourself from the detrimental relationship you are currently involved in.

  • af Marlene Jenkins Cooper
    133,95 kr.

    Devastated by a failed marriage? Discover how God's insights and blessings can light your way to a brighter tomorrow.Has divorce left you grief-stricken? Does it seem like your troubles are multiplying? Is each new day a struggle filled with trials and tribulations? With nearly a decade of experience, ministry facilitator, scribe, and trauma survivor Marlene Jenkins Cooper has guided many women with aching souls through the process of healing from a painful separation or split from their life partner. And now she's here to share her personal journey to help you take the steps for conquering despair, so you can stride forth in triumph.While in the Valley: Walking with God through Divorce is a transformative and empathetic guide designed to lift you out of the darkness of sorrow and rebuild in His love. Featuring conversational instruction bolstered by personal examples, anecdotes, and chapter questions, Cooper's gentle structure will get you on the right path to rediscovering joy. By taking advantage of the supplied tools, anyone with grief over crumbling vows will gain the insight to grow in strength and retake their place in the sun.Pulling from the challenges she overcame during her own ordeal, Cooper presents ten eye-opening lessons for those hungry to move on. With the valuable wisdom gleaned from the Bible and her deeply emotional story, you'll be able to use the accompanying devotions, journaling prompts, and uplifting scripture to harness relentless positivity.While in the Valley is an extended hand ready to pull you to the safety of dry land. If you like learning from those who understand, moving toward enlightenment, and starting to smile again, then you'll adore Marlene Jenkins Cooper's promise of renewal.Buy While in the Valley to fill the void with light today!This republished edition of While In The Valley is identical to the original work (2016), with the only distinction being a change in the subtitle and ISBN.

  • af Isaiah van
    148,95 kr.

    Have you ever felt like you were meant for more in life? Like you were destined for greatness. I have always felt like God was preparing me my whole life like he gave me a unique purpose to fulfill. I have predicted many events that have come true, I can feel what other people are feeling, I have had dreams I cannot explain and I feel incredibly connected to every living thing on the planet and more. This is a story about a boy who had to go through the darkness to find his way back to the light only to discover that he is a Chosen One of God's.

  • af Athena Grace
    146,95 kr.

    Marriage can be a rocky road and sometimes issues can be overcome if both are willing to try and work them out. However, there are other times when one person strays from those wedding vows, never looks back, and hurts the one they once loved. This is an account of the everyday occurrences and the emotional roller coaster that one can go through, but no one can explain until you've been there. Everyone says they understand, but unless they've experienced divorce, all they can say are words of comfort. Join the author on her journey, from years past, that pushed her, unwillingly, into divorce court, and her ultimate indoctrination into the Divorced Woman's Club.

  • af Sam Rayden
    368,95 kr.

    Fates' Maiden Circle" by Sam Rayden unveils a mesmerizing tale woven with threads of destiny and the enigmatic dance of fate. Rayden, a masterful storyteller, invites readers into a world where the whims of destiny converge in a celestial ballet. The title itself hints at a mystique surrounding maidens who navigate the intricate web of their destinies within a cosmic circle.Rayden's narrative prowess crafts a rich tapestry of characters, each tethered to the unseen forces that shape their lives. As the story unfolds, readers are drawn into a realm where choices echo through time, and the delicate balance between free will and predetermination is explored."Fates' Maiden Circle" promises an exploration of human resilience, the consequences of choices, and the interconnectedness of lives bound by a force beyond comprehension. Rayden's narrative style is likely to captivate audiences, offering them a literary voyage that transcends the ordinary and ventures into the extraordinary.With "Fates' Maiden Circle," Sam Rayden beckons readers to embark on a journey where the mystical and the mundane intertwine, and the destinies of maidens become entwined in a celestial dance that will leave an indelible mark on the imagination.

  • af Cristina San Martin
    183,95 - 243,95 kr.

  • af Anita Cleare
    168,95 kr.

    Be the parent your teenager needsTeens retreat to their rooms for lots of reasons: gaming, social media, low self-esteem or just establishing independence. The problem is, if your teen won’t talk to you, it’s very hard to know what’s going on, when to worry and how best to help.This book offers concrete tips on how you can maintain a good relationship and support your teen’s wellbeing despite that often-closed bedroom door, including: real-world wins and everyday actions to build connectionthe blueprint for how to get a reluctant teen to spend time with you (and why it really matters that you persevere)tips on how to communicate effectively (without nagging!)strategies for tackling tricky issues like compulsive gaming, obsessive phone use and social anxietyan honest look at the difficult emotions that we experience when our child starts pushing us awayThe presence of a caring, supportive adult is the most important factor in helping teens grow into happy young adults. This book will help both you and your teen rise to the challenges of these tricky transitional years and come out on the other side stronger.

  • af Martin von Bergen
    602,95 kr.

    Es wird ein detailliertes Vorgehen veranschaulicht, wie eine Frau es schaffen kann, einen Mann in seiner Rückzugsphase wieder die bestehende Verbindung zu ihr spüren zu lassen.

  • af Esq. Larry Sarezky
    268,95 kr.

  • af Melisa Sloan
    248,95 kr.

    Life has many Big Moments that bring joy and excitement. We look forward to buying a home, building a family, our first 'real' job, meeting 'the one'. But all of these moments also come with risk if you are not properly prepared.

  • af Pamela Manning
    178,95 kr.

    In this companion study guide to Pamela and the Butterfly: Soaring with Jesus Christ to Heal from Divorce and Relationship Wounds, you will begin a self-healing journey. This life-changing guide will strengthen your faith and relationship with God as you use Biblical Scripture to reveal your life purpose. This is a good book if you are struggling with divorce and Christianity, self-healing, relationship wounds, bitterness in marriage, toxic relationships, and narcissistic partners.

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