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  • af Leonardo Tavares
    103,95 - 118,95 kr.

  • af Emmanuel Joseph
    103,95 - 413,95 kr.

  • af Seagle
    128,95 kr.

    Don't be among the walking dead.Get over Dick Head. Unleash hilarious strategies to make decisions that guide you to a better place after a broken relationship. Rewarding activities awaken your imagination and motivate you to revitalize your life in ways you never thought of. Discover the Secret to Happiness. Warning: Do not read this book in public. You will embarrass yourself when you can't stop laughing! 10 Steps to Get Over Dick Head will not only help you through loneliness, loss, or divorce - it shows you how much better your life will be once you face the facts and change direction. Use this outlandish & unique process to get your life back after a breakup or being dumped.You will achieve brilliance, confidence, resilience, and find every reason to feel alive. This Short-Read Book is Full of · Encouragement· Enlightenment· Healing· Hope· Humor It's a JournalIt's entertaining & uplifting It's an uncanny guide to uncover your innermost passions What's stopping you from getting your life back? You may be stuck in self-pity and fear. This humorous self-help book will turn you around and take you in a new direction. You will gain vibrance, courage, and fortitude with very little effort, once you know how. Start by following the 10 simple steps. You've got this. 10 Steps to Get over Dick Head is the perfect gift for yourself, your girlfriends, and anyone who is getting divorced, suddenly single, or struggling to Get Over a Dick Head.

  • af C. P. Kumar
    148,95 kr.

    In this comprehensive guide, "A Guide to Divorce and Fresh Beginnings", we delve deep into the intricate landscape of divorce, offering invaluable insights, practical advice, and emotional support for individuals navigating the challenging journey of separation. This book is structured into sixteen illuminating chapters, each carefully designed to address a specific facet of divorce. From understanding the historical context and societal significance of divorce to the nitty-gritty of legal proceedings and property division, we leave no stone unturned. We explore the emotional rollercoaster that accompanies divorce and provide guidance on rebuilding one's life, fostering healthy co-parenting relationships, and achieving emotional healing and self-care. Beyond the individual experience, we delve into the social and cultural aspects of divorce, shedding light on changing attitudes and the influence of culture and religion. Moreover, we explore legal alternatives to traditional divorce, helping readers make informed choices. With a dedicated chapter on the financial implications of divorce, we equip our readers to navigate the complex tax implications and financial transitions with confidence. "A Guide to Divorce and Fresh Beginnings" is your indispensable companion on the path to a new chapter in life, offering not only knowledge but also hope and support.

  • af Hsin Chen
    213,95 - 233,95 kr.

  • af Nick Ryan
    353,95 kr.

    ¿Qué sabemos realmente como jóvenes casados? Cuando Nick Ryan se casó con Linda, su novia de la escuela secundaria, apenas comenzaban a abrirse camino en el mundo. Agregue a la mezcla familias de origen muy diferentes, personalidades fundamentalmente diferentes y visiones mal formadas de la vida que cada uno deseaba ... ¿Qué podría salir mal?Este libro comparte la travesía de Nick en su descubrimiento de lo que él llama el arte y la ciencia del amor, el matrimonio y la mezcla de familias. Sus historias pueden hacerte reír, pueden hacerte llorar, puedes verte a ti mismo y a los que amas en ellas. Al final, Nick traza el camino que tomó para:¿ Comprender y reconocer los errores que cometió¿ Darse cuenta de la importancia de tener paciencia para empezar de nuevo... una vez mas¿ Aprender a comunicarse claramente en las relaciones¿ Desarrollar confianza y respeto por las personas que realmente importan¿ Comprender y respetar la compatibilidad¿ Crear una visión individual, mutua y familiarEstas son las profundas realizaciones y acciones específicas que Nick tomó que llevaron su vida de un estado de pérdida y desesperación a uno de gran amor, una familia cálida y devota, y una abundancia con la que la mayoría de nosotros solo soñamos.

  • af Joseph
    368,95 kr.

    Book Description:Title: Navigating the Emotional Journey: A Guide to Divorce RecoveryDivorce is a profound life transition that can leave you feeling lost, overwhelmed, and emotionally drained. "Navigating the Emotional Journey: A Guide to Divorce Recovery" is a comprehensive and compassionate companion that will help you navigate the tumultuous waters of divorce and emerge on the other side stronger, wiser, and ready to embrace a new beginning.In this insightful and practical guide, you will find 12 meticulously crafted chapters that address every aspect of divorce recovery, from understanding the emotional rollercoaster to rebuilding self-esteem, co-parenting with compassion, and planning for a secure financial future. Each chapter offers expert advice, real-life stories, and actionable strategies to guide you through the challenges and opportunities that divorce presents.Whether you are contemplating divorce, in the midst of it, or on the path to recovery, this book will provide you with:- Guidance on managing the complex emotions that divorce can trigger, including grief, anger, and loneliness.- Strategies for rebuilding self-esteem, confidence, and a sense of self-worth.- Practical tips for effective communication with your ex-spouse and co-parenting with compassion.- Expert advice on financial recovery, budgeting, and planning for a stable future.- Insights into dating and forming new relationships after divorce.- Legal and practical considerations to protect your rights and make informed decisions.With "Navigating the Emotional Journey: A Guide to Divorce Recovery," you'll embark on a transformative journey of healing and personal growth. You'll learn how to embrace a new beginning, find joy, and thrive after divorce. This book is your trusted companion, offering the support and guidance you need to navigate the emotional complexities of divorce and emerge as the resilient, empowered, and fulfilled person you are meant to be.

  • af Ginny Ellsworth
    193,95 kr.

    Do you feel paralyzed by your relationship doubts?When relationships fall short of our expectations, the result can be gut-wrenching. We volley between logic and intuition, as our brains draw from subconscious expectations. If you're struggling with the decision of whether to stay or to go, or even just want to take your relationship to the next level, this book will teach you how to clear subconscious thought patterns, so you can make a decision you feel confident in.These pages provide practical exercises and relatable real-world examples to help you move past the crippling fear of making major decisions about your relationship, sort through the outside influences that creep into your subconscious, and discover your inner wisdom. By the end, you'll be able to clearly recognize spirit-led guidance with your intuition, make a decision that you can be proud of, and create a life aligned with your deepest desires, who you genuinely are, and who you want to become.

  • af Leonardo Tavares
    103,95 - 118,95 kr.

    Leitura obrigatória para todos aqueles que estão enfrentando o término de um relacionamento e buscam encontrar a cura e a renovação em suas vidas. Esta obra foi criada com o intuito de oferecer apoio, orientação e inspiração a todos os corações que anseiam por seguir em frente e construir um futuro brilhante após o término.Em "Superando o Término", você terá a oportunidade de compreender as nuances intrínsecas dessa experiência, bem como de explorar ferramentas poderosas para a cura e a transformação. Que a jornada de cura e renovação que você está prestes a embarcar seja repleta de autodescoberta, crescimento pessoal e alegria. E que, ao final dessa trajetória, você possa olhar para trás com gratidão pelo seu progresso e olhar para frente com entusiasmo pelo novo começo que está construindo.

  • af Leonardo Tavares
    103,95 - 113,95 kr.

    An obligatory read for all those traversing the termination of a relationship and seeking to unearth healing and rejuvenation in their lives. This book has been meticulously crafted with the intent of extending solace, guidance, and inspiration to all hearts yearning to stride onward and forge a resplendent future post-termination. Within the pages of 'Rising Stronger' you shall encounter the opportunity to fathom the intrinsic nuances of this experience, as well as to delve into potent tools for mending and metamorphosis. May the voyage of healing and renewal you are poised to embark upon be laden with self-discovery, personal growth, and jubilance. And may, at the culmination of this trajectory, you gaze backward with gratitude for your progress and forward with zeal for the new genesis you are crafting.

  • af Leonardo Tavares
    103,95 - 118,95 kr.

    Indispensable lectura para todos aquellos que se encuentran ante el fin de una relación y buscan encontrar la sanación y la renovación en sus vidas. Esta obra fue creada con el objetivo de brindar apoyo, orientación e inspiración a todos los corazones que anhelan seguir adelante y construir un futuro brillante tras el final de una relación. En "Superando la Ruptura", tendrás la oportunidad de comprender las sutilezas intrínsecas de esta experiencia, así como de explorar herramientas poderosas para la sanación y la transformación. Que el viaje de sanación y renovación en el que estás a punto de embarcarte esté lleno de autodescubrimiento, crecimiento personal y alegría. Y que, al final de este camino, puedas mirar hacia atrás con gratitud por tu progreso y mirar hacia adelante con entusiasmo por el nuevo comienzo que estás construyendo.

  • af Sergio Rijo
    128,95 kr.

    Divorce is a life-altering journey, often fraught with emotional upheaval and uncertainty. "Navigating Divorce: A Guide to Healing and Starting Anew" is a compassionate and comprehensive roadmap that gently guides you through the complexities of divorce, offering solace, practical advice, and a beacon of hope.This book is not just about surviving divorce; it's about thriving beyond it. Divided into twenty insightful chapters, it covers every facet of the divorce journey, providing you with the knowledge, tools, and emotional support needed to emerge stronger and more resilient.The book delves into the emotional toll of divorce, helps you manage grief, anger, and resentment, explores legal procedures, financial implications, and the importance of choosing the right attorney. It emphasizes the critical aspect of emotional well-being, providing guidance on coping, therapy, and support.You'll learn effective communication, co-parenting strategies, and mediation to resolve conflicts. Child welfare is a paramount concern, with insights on minimizing their impact.Personal growth is central; discover how to rebuild self-esteem, rediscover identity, and practice self-care. Financial independence is crucial, with chapters on budgeting and investments. The book also guides you through healing, redefining success, and celebrating achievements.Throughout, you'll find personal stories and insights, offering inspiration and practical advice. In the final chapters, "Navigating Divorce" encourages you to share your story, find purpose, advocate for others, and become a source of inspiration. Reflect on your progress, look forward with hope, and embrace a new beginning.Whether at the outset of divorce or on the path to post-divorce renewal, this book is a steadfast companion offering warmth, understanding, and the promise of a brighter future.

  • af Liz Cowell
    708,95 kr.

    This book provides the context as to why the Family Court in England and Wales approaches awards of maintenance in the way that it does. The law remains as set out in Section 25 (as amended in 1984) of the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973. The book looks at why there have been so many apparently different approaches as to its implication since 1973. It includes a review the history of maintenance in this jurisdiction to give a context as to how we arrived at the current state of practice as set out in the 1973 Act.Also discussed are the significant changes in society since the first statute allowing the courts to award maintenance namely the Matrimonial Causes Act 1857.Finally, there is a review of current judicial thinking and approach on this difficult aspect of the financial remedies available following the breakdown of marriage, with consideration being given to the international context of spousal maintenance.This updated second edition covers the latest developments including the introduction of no fault divorce in April 2022 in accordance with the Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Act 2020 which means that on dissolution of a marriage or civil partnership the parties are granted a conditional order and final order of divorce, and that prior to the grant of the final order a financial agreement must be settled.ABOUT THE AUTHORLiz Cowell has over 30 years' experience in the practice of Family Law. She has lectured on spousal maintenance in the jurisdiction of England and Wales to fellow Family Practitioners for more than a decade. She has had experience of sitting on the Child Support Act Tribunal and, since the year 2000, has sat as a Deputy District Judge.Her interest in the Family Court's approach to spousal maintenance was sparked following anecdotal research done during the noughties, which demonstrated marked differences in the approach to spousal maintenance across the jurisdiction, in addition to a conference on the topic organised by Resolution, which further highlighted the problems encountered by many practitioners.Liz has built up a practice assisting clients facing issues with the Child Support Agency (as it was known then), and subsequently, has worked with parents who have been in need of help with the Child Maintenance Service. She is qualified as a Family Law Arbitrator, and is a firm believer in Arbitration as a form of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR).CONTENTSChapter 1 - IntroductionChapter 2 - HistoryChapter 3 - The Matrimonial Causes Act 1973 ("MCA 1973")Chapter 4 - The Statute and the RulesChapter 5 - Maintenance Pending Suit and Interim Periodical PaymentsChapter 6 - Applications Pursuant to Section 23 Matrimonial Causes Act 1973 for Periodical Payments of MaintenanceChapter 7 - The Clean Break ProblemChapter 8 - The Problems Surrounding Sharing the Payer's IncomeChapter 9 - Needs Are ElasticChapter 10 - Bonuses and How They Affect MaintenanceChapter 11 - CohabitationChapter 12 - Variation of Periodical PaymentsChapter 13 - CapitalisationChapter 14 - The Treatment of Bonuses in Financial SettlementChapter 15 - PensionsChapter 16 - BankruptcyChapter 17 - The Child Support Act 1991

  • af Melanie Blievernicht
    223,95 kr.

    From the author of Walking Faith Forward comes one woman's spiritual path through the darkest part of her life... a time of deep pain, depression, and despair... but also one of hope, determination, healing, and triumph through faith.

  • af Kathy Criscuolo Boufford Esq
    208,95 kr.

    "Divorce is an overwhelming prospect for most. There are so many questions and uncertainties involved. Yet thousands of people file for divorce each day. Where do they start? Most people begin by getting information about the process of filing for divorce. Becoming informed is beneficial and usually reduces anxiety in the long run. We humans tend to be frightened of unknowns-the times when we have to face the monster under the bed. Most people find the undertaking of divorce to be one of these times. Although there seems to be a lot of books about post-divorce life available, there is not much good information out there for people who are going through-or who are about to go through-the process of divorce. The information found in this book can help any American who is facing divorce. Each chapter provides you with an overview of a divorce-related subject as well as guidance based on years of experience"--

  • af Ashley R Wood
    153,95 kr.

    Got DADDY ISSUES? Anger. Shame. Embarrassment. Rejection. Imagine Hearing Your Father Say the Words You Have Longed to Hear Since Childhood...Ashley R. Wood and her father, Lewis E. Wood, embark on the difficult conversation of healing after divorce. Both share insights into their upbringing which ultimately impacted their response to the family splitting up. Readers of This Life is Ghetto will:Understand there are multiple sides to every story;Explore how divorce impacts adult children; andExperience what forgiveness and healing look like in actionTheir transparency invites you to different perspectives outside your own lens. It opens your eyes to the healing that can ensue if you receive it. Forgive your parent(s) for what they did or did not do. Forgive them for not having a manual handed to them on parenting. Forgive yourself for all the dumb and stupid choices you made as a result of surviving life. For those who have given up hope, the authors pray you try again.

  • af Tyi And Michael Simpson
    168,95 kr.

    Step into a journey of transformation and joy with "Blended Family Blueprint: The Ultimate Guide to Overcoming Obstacles as a Blended Family + Easy Strategies to Finding Peace and Happiness." This book is a vibrant roadmap, rich in actionable advice and heartwarming anecdotes, meant to turn challenges into victories for all blended families.Through its inviting and empathetic pages, this guide escorts readers to understand the unique beauty of blended families while unraveling the complexities and conflicts they often face. It shines a light on the path to unity, love, and happiness, illustrating that although the journey may be challenging, the destination is profoundly rewarding.Blended Family Blueprint presents step-by-step strategies to lay a robust foundation for your family's happiness. From creating a shared vision to enhancing clear communication, and setting realistic expectations, this book unveils the secrets to fostering a harmonious family environment.This guide is your key to unlocking stronger relationships between all family members. From bonus parents to bonus children, it unfolds the journey to nurture bonds based on respect, understanding, and genuine love. The book provides essential tools for effective co-parenting, aligning parenting styles, and building a fair and consistent discipline system.Managing finances in a blended family setting can be intricate, but with the practical guidance on tackling child support, alimony, and family budgeting, financial peace becomes achievable. And as emotions run high, this guide equips you with the skills to deal with jealousy, resentment, conflicts, and provide support for children grappling with emotional transitions.Above all, Blended Family Blueprint celebrates diversity, advocating for respect and celebration of cultural and religious differences, hence creating a blended family that not only exists but thrives in unity.In essence, this book isn't just a guide-it's a beacon of hope and a companion for every blended family navigating their unique journey. Whether it's a self-purchase or a thoughtful gift for a loved one, "Blended Family Blueprint" promises to be an indispensable resource for families on the path to peace, unity, and lasting happiness.

  • af Keli Hazel
    119,94 - 218,95 kr.

  • af Jeremy Stegall
    178,95 kr.

    After the Divorce: From Looking Back to Leaning In is a heartfelt must-read by Jeremy Stegall, author of Where the Change Happens. Jeremy's writing style both inspires and supports creating change in your life. Whether you're beginning the journey, navigating the experience, or realizing your current landscape is not where you want to be, After the Divorce empowers your choices in the rebuilding process to create the change you see as meaningful. The novel After the Divorce: From Looking Back to Leaning In follows Joel Edmonds, a store manager of Hank and Harry's Hardware, who finds himself at the end of his marriage, facing a declining business and struggling with questions about how to heal his broken heart.Experience the journey as Joel discovers a new purpose and gains momentum, stepping through fear with new intentions. Will Joel realize the impact of his new support and create results in line with his commitments and values? Don't just survive a divorce- lean in and build a new life.

  • af Chioma N. Chelsea Oleka-Onyewuchi
    343,95 - 413,95 kr.

  • af Linda Clark
    168,95 kr.

    Navigating Siblinghood: Unlock the Secrets to Lifelong BondsEvery parent knows that raising siblings can be both a heartwarming and challenging experience. From the heartwarming first interactions to navigating rivalries, how can we ensure that the bonds formed between our children last a lifetime?Friendly Family: A Parent's Guide for Nurturing Positive Sibling Relationships offers an in-depth exploration of the intricate dynamics of sibling relationships. Delve into the historical perspectives of sibling bonds, unravel the psychological facets of these relationships, and arm yourself with actionable strategies to cultivate harmony, mutual respect, and individuality within your family.Designed to serve as a comprehensive guide, this book provides essential insights into the unique challenges and joys of siblinghood. Whether you're preparing to welcome a new addition to your family, managing the complexities of blended families, or looking for ways to strengthen existing bonds, this book has you covered. You'll discover: Proven techniques for fostering early connections and nurturing lifelong friendships. Strategies to address common triggers of sibling rivalries and promote harmony in the home. Communication tools to encourage active listening and positive talk between siblings. Modern-day challenges of the digital age, school pressures, and peer influences, along with adaptive strategies for the 21st-century family.Don't let the challenges of sibling dynamics leave you feeling overwhelmed. Equip yourself with the knowledge and techniques to foster an environment where your children can thrive together. Embrace the journey of parenthood with confidence and envision a future where the ties between your children remain unbreakable. Secure your copy of Friendly Family: A Parent's Guide for Nurturing Positive Sibling Relationships today and set the stage for a lifetime of positive sibling interactions.

  • af Elizabeth Goddard
    333,95 kr.

    Divorce doesn't have to be hard.But when you're divorcing an emotionally abusive, narcissistic ex, they MAKE it hard.If you've suffered from narcissistic abuse and gaslighting, you may feel like there's no way out. Perhaps you feel like you're on the losing side of a battle and no one has your back. Maybe you've been walking on eggshells for so long that you don't know how to stand up for yourself.It doesn't have to be that way.YOU can get the divorce that works for you. This divorce workbook is a practical guide for you to discover what you really want in life - so you can plan for your best future and build the lifeyou want.In this divorce survival guide, you will learn how to:¿ Set healthy boundaries¿ Divorce emotionally from your ex¿ Heal the trauma bond¿ Divorce with dignity¿ Get closure and move on with your lifeDon't get caught up in games. Divorcing and healing, even from a narcissist is possible when you know how. If you follow the prompts and techniques outlined in this book, you'll be able to survive and thrive - and find happiness once again.Click to BUY NOW and get started on your path to freedom and happiness.

  • af Selena Maddox
    288,95 kr.

    ¿In the intricate dance of human connection, relationships often stand as the most beautiful yet complex performances. Building Bridges Together emerges as the choreographer's guide, artfully laying down steps for couples to foster, maintain, and thrive in healthy, harmonious relationships.Life's journey is filled with intersections and turns, and the shared path between two souls requires mutual understanding, trust, and unwavering commitment. Yet, in today's fast-paced world, it's easy for couples to drift apart, for misunderstandings to arise, and for love's spark to dim. This book, with its comprehensive insights and strategies, ensures that couples can build and traverse bridges of understanding and intimacy, even when faced with obstacles.Each chapter of Building Bridges Together is dedicated to illuminating a unique facet of relationships. From understanding the foundations of communication to navigating emotional landscapes and from igniting passion to managing external pressures, couples will be equipped with the tools they need to fortify their bond.Moreover, this isn't just a book about avoiding pitfalls; it's a celebration of love, offering guidance on how to continually rediscover each other, nurture mutual growth, and embark on a fulfilling journey together. Readers will explore: The art of active listening, the power of vulnerability, the importance of shared goals, and the joy of mutual appreciation.Whether you're in the blossoming phase of a new romance, navigating the deep currents of a long-term commitment, or anywhere in between, The Comprehensive Guide to Fostering, Maintaining, and Thriving in Healthy Relationships for Couples serves as a compass. It beckons couples to come closer, to build bridges of love and understanding, and to create a future that's ever radiant with shared joy.

  • af Ana M. S. Smith
    143,95 kr.

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