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Personlig økonomi

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  • af Jane Ibsen Piper
    114,95 - 123,95 kr.

    Vil du gerne ændre dine forbrugsvaner og få de nye vaner til at sidde fast? Vi undrer os ofte over, hvor pengene bliver af, og mange af os kæmper med at spare op til vores drømme. Men hvis vi tager magten over vores penge tilbage, vil vi opdage, at vi har flere til rådighed, end vi troede. Det gælder om at lægge en plan for pengene og få dem til at arbejde for at skabe dine drømme, så du ikke blot følger andres drømme og andres planer.Her får du 28 daglige udfordringer, der sender dig ud i alle kroge af din økonomi. Du bliver klogere på din pengehistorie og klar til at se dit reelle forbrug i øjnene. Det er kun, når vi erkender tingenes tilstand, at vi kan ændre noget. Uanset om du blot trænger til en genstart af tidligere gode forbrugsvaner eller en helt ny måde at tænke på dine penge, så er du kommet til det rette sted.Bogen er en del af serien 28 dage til …, som er sat i verden for at hjælpe os med at ændre noget af det sværeste, nemlig vores vaner.Om forfatterJane Ibsen Piper er uddannet jurist og har de seneste 12 år arbejdet inden for den finansielle sektor. Jane har haft CVR-nummer i flere år ved siden af sit lønmodtagerjob. Hun har skrevet flere bøger, ligesom hun driver blog, podcast og Facebook-fællesskabet ‘Minimalisme og købestop’ med 40.000 medlemmer.E-bogen er lavet i fixed format

  • af Dave Ramsey
    272,95 kr.

    With The Total Money Makeover: Classic Edition, you'll be able to: Design a sure-fire plan for paying off all debt---meaning cars, houses, everything, recognize the 10 most dangerous money myths, and secure a big, fat nest egg for emergencies and retirement!

  • af Barbara Stanny
    197,95 kr.

    When it comes to money, are you controlled by fear? Do you underestimate your worth? Are you ready to go to the next level, but can't seem to get there?If you answered yes to any of these questions, you may be an underearner. Underearners are self-saboteurs who don't live up to their earnings potential, says Barbara Stanny, a financial educator, motivational speaker, and career counselor. Whether they make $10 an hour or six figures a year, they tend to live paycheck to paycheck, are often in debt, and have a high tolerance for low pay. Ironically, many work incredibly hard. The good news is that underearning is a self-imposed condition. By focusing on overcoming it, underearners will not only earn what they deserve, but live a richer life. With techniques and exercises that have helped thousands of people, Stanny teaches five essential steps to financial independence and brings a message of empowerment to all those who chronically undervalue themselves.

  • af Barbara Stanny
    197,95 kr.

    Quietly and steadily, the number of women making six figures or more is increasing and continues to rise at a rate faster than for men. From entrepreneurs to corporate executives, from white-collar professionals to freelancers and part-timers, women are forging careers with considerable financial success. In Secrets of Six-Figure Women, Barbara Stanny, journalist, motivational speaker, and financial educator, identifies the seven key strategies of female highearners: A Profit Motive, Audacity, Resilience, Encouragement, Self-Awareness, Non-attachment, and Financial Know-How.Based on extensive research and hundreds of interviews, including more than 150 women whose annual earnings range from $100,000 to $7 million, Barbara Stanny turns each of the six-figure traits into a specific strategy for upping earnings. By rigorously fine-tuning them, readers can, step-by-step, climb the income ladder.

  • - Økonomi for bofællesskaber og kollektiver
    af Marie Chimwemwe Degnbol
    168,95 kr.

    Overvejer du at starte et bofællesskab eller kollektiv, men har brug for hjælp til regneark og paragraffer? Eller bor du allerede i et fællesskab med andre, men savner at forstå og kaste et kritisk blik på den økonomiske organisering? ”Fælles fundament” guider dig og dine (kommende) bofæller igennem de væsentlige økonomiske aspekter af det at etablere et kollektiv og skabe en bæredygtig økonomisk organisering og drift, som stemmer overens med jeres værdier og fællesskabs-drømme: - De væsentlige værdispørgsmål i forbindelse med økonomien - Processen trin for trin frem til I køber et sted at etablere fællesskabet - Den basale jura for bofællesskaber - Finansiering, herunder lånoptagelse og prissætning af andele/indskud - Driftsøkonomi og huslejer - Praktiske tips - Skabeloner for budgetter, beregninger og årsopgørelse til SKAT, som kan downloades i interaktive versioner Bogen erstatter ikke rådgivning, men støtter jer i et godt og effektivt samarbejde med blandt andre advokat og långivere. ”Fælles fundament” er for fællesskabssøgende i alle livsfaser og relevant for både kollektiver og bofællesskaber. Den henvender sig først og fremmest til fællesskaber, som etableres i én ejer-, leje- eller andelsbolig, men dele af bogen er også relevant for almene boligorganisationer og fællesskaber med flere eje-, leje- og/eller andelsboliger. Indeholder skabeloner for budgetter, beregninger og årsopgørelse til SKAT, som kan downloades i interaktive versioner

  • af Ninna Kiel Nielsen
    127,95 - 295,95 kr.

    For meget rod? For lidt plads? For lidt overskud? Føler du, du bruger alt for meget energi på at vedligeholde, og er er alt den energi du bruger på at rydde op en evig drænende opgave... Der bare bliver ved med at komme tilbage? Velkommen. Jeg har været der. Jeg ved, hvad du slås med. Du kan finde enormt mange bøger om systemer, der skal gøre oprydninger lettere og mere effektive. Fint, fint. Men denne bog kan mere end det. Ryd Dig Op viser dig, hvorfor du har problemet, og hjælper dig af med det. Og så er der oven i købet ryddet op bagefter. - Og rigtig god fornøjelse!

  • af Josie Cox
    322,95 kr.

    From an experienced business journalist, the story of how women have fought for financial freedom, and the social and political hurdles that have keep them from equality

  • af Jordan Belfort
    192,95 - 195,95 kr.

  • af Sali Hughes
    145,95 - 255,95 kr.

  • af Erin Lowry
    167,95 kr.

    Sometimes the world comes at you fast, and trying to figure out your finances in shifting realities can really break your brain-and your bank accounts! When life is overwhelming, getting out a pencil and paper and working out your numbers can seem impossible. Erin Lowry's Broke Millennial series has been helping people get their financial lives in order for years, and now readers can roll up their sleeves and work out their finances alongside her in this practical and endlessly useful workbook. From working out the correct amount you need in your emergency fund and creating an effective attack plan for your debt to writing out scripts to discuss ?taboo? money topics and set boundaries with family and friends, this book covers every nook and cranny of your financial landscape.

  • af Ben Armstrong
    205,95 kr.

    A fun and authoritative guide to bitcoin and the future of moneyIn Catching Up to Crypto: Your Guide to Bitcoin and the New Digital Economy, celebrated crypto and Bitcoin expert Ben Armstrong delivers an exciting and fresh new exploration of Bitcoin and digital currencies. He explains what Bitcoin is, how it works, and how and why we're all transitioning to a digital economy as we speak. He discusses the deficiencies of traditional fiat currency, how it's commonly manipulated, and how we can all benefit from the adoption of new, digital assets.In the book, you'll discover how Bitcoin operates in the real-world and how the underlying technology--known as the blockchain--operates. You'll also learn about:* The importance of decentralization, trust-less commerce and cryptographic consensus.* The humble origins of Bitcoin, as well as how it nearly died out, and how it went on to take over the world* How monetary and financial policy is being revolutionized by the introduction of Bitcoin and other crypto-assets.An essential and engaging review of Bitcoin, digital assets, and the new digital economy, Catching Up to Crypto is the hands-on and comprehensive introduction to crypto that investors, enthusiasts, the crypto-curious, and finance professionals have been waiting for.

  • af George S Clason
    167,95 kr.

    If you are looking for some financial wisdom, this book is the perfect pick and holds the key to simple and efficient financial planning. It guides you to the secret to acquiring, keeping and making money as per the principles of Babylon. The Richest Man in Babylon explains simple laws of making money along with time tested principles that help you gain personal wealth. Right from the importance of saving to understanding common mistakes people make with money, the book will come in handy with

  • af Robert T Kiyosaki
    192,95 kr.

    An overarching message of Capitalist Manifesto is... WE WERE WARNEDIn 1965, Robert Kiyosaki left Hilo, Hawaii and reported to the US Merchant Marine Academy, at Kings Point, New York. At the academy, RobertâEUR(TM)s economics teacher, encouraged the class to read MarxâEUR(TM)s Communist Manifesto, HitlerâEUR(TM)s Mein Kompf, and MaoâEUR(TM)s Little Book. In 1972, Robert was a US Marine Corp pilot, flying in Vietnam, witnessing lessons learned about communism, at the academy, coming true in real life. In 1973, returning to California, Robert and his troops were greeted by anti-war protestors, hippies of the Woodstock Generation. MarxâEUR(TM)s Communist Manifesto was alive and well in America. MarxâEUR(TM)s ideology was spreading through America via the education system. In 2020, protestors are parents, protesting mandatory vaccines for their children, wearing of masks, and the teaching of Critical Race Theory, gender identity, and Post-Modernist Education... all Marxist in heritage. WE WERE WARNED. Capitalist Manifesto is a book of warnings. For example:On capitalism Marx warned: âEURœThe last capitalist we hang shall be the one who sold us the rope.âEUR?On education Lenin warned: âEURœGive us the child for eight years and it will be a Bolshevik forever.âEUR?On elections Stalin warned: âEURœIt's not the people who vote that countâEUR¿It's the people who count the votes.âEUR?On the Federal Reserve bank Lenin warned: âEURœThe establishment of a central bank is 90% of communizing a nation.âEUR?On printing money, taxes and inflation Lenin said: âEURœThe way to crush the bourgeoise is to grind them between the millstones of taxation and inflation. Capitalist Manifesto is dedicated to our freedoms, especially the Freedom of Truth. Capitalist Manifesto is dedicated to seeking out the truth behind the NEA, IRS, and FED âEUR" the National Education Association, the Internal Revenue Service, and the Federal Reserve Bank. In Capitalist Manifesto I offer alternatives that any person or family can put in motion. How can we counter communism taught in our schools? By teaching capitalism in our homes.

  • af Jeremy J. Siegel
    324,95 kr.

    The long-awaited revised edition of the stock trading classic gets you fully up to date on value investing, ESG investing, and other important developmentsThe definitive guide to stock trading, Stocks for the Long Run has been providing the knowledge, insights, and tools that traders need to beat the market for nearly 30 years. This new edition brings you fully up to date on everything you need to know to draw steady profits for yourself or your clients. It's been updated with new chapters and content on: . The role of value investing. The impact of ESG-Environmental/Social/Governance-issues on the future of investing. The current interest rate environment. Future returns investors should expect in the bond and stock markets. The role of international investing. The long-run risks on equity markets . The role of black swan events, such as a pandemicYou'll also get in-depth discussions on the big questions investors face: Are we seeing the eclipse of capitalism? What do global changes like climate change mean for markets worldwide?Stocks for the Long Run is essential reading for every investor and advisor who wants to fully understand the market, including its behavior, past trends, and future influences-in order to develop a prosperous long-term portfolio that's both safe and secure.

  • af Camilla Falkenberg
    187,95 kr.

    "Start your journey to financial success with Female Invest's guide for safe, smart, and sustainable investing. This is an empowering and uplifting money manifesto, aiming to change the tides of financial power. Are you one of the 68% of women worldwide earning less than a man doing the same job? Then you need to make your money work harder, starting now. In Girls Just Want to Have Funds, the trio of founders behind the global movement Female Invest bring you an empowering five-step guide with a straight-talking message: you don't have to be an expert or a millionaire to make money. Simply equip yourself with the easy-to-follow golden rules and tools of three finance gurus to find your confidence and open a whole new world of opportunities. Whether you want to master the art of setting realistic goals, demystify financial jargon and markets, gain independence with a f*ck you fund, or finally get excited about your financial future, find all the answers you need and more with this comprehensive guide. Even if you only have a $1 savings fund to begin with, you too can have a rewarding, limitless life by investing in yourself and this book." --

  • af Bjarne Hastrup
    73,95 - 237,95 kr.

    Er du parat til at gøre stop undervejs i livet og reflektere over, hvordan du bevarer livsgnisten?Oftere er der nu fire generationer i samme familie, og 100-års fødselsdagene er i vækst. De lange liv rummer mange muligheder og nye udfordringer. SENIOR COOL er til dig, der har indset, at du må udforske din livskvalitet for at skabe en god, meningsfyldt tilværelse resten af livet.”Seniorer kan se om hjørner. Unge mennesker kan løbe om hjørner.” - forfatter Bjarne Hastrup, administrerende direktør i Ældre Sagen.

  • af Peter Lynch
    175,95 kr.

  • af Jeremy C. Miller
    192,95 kr.

    Using the letters Warren Buffett wrote to his partners between 1956 and 1970, a veteran financial advisor presents the renowned investor's ?ground rules? for investing?guidelines that remain startlingly relevant today.In the fourteen years between his time in New York with value-investing guru Benjamin Graham and his start as chairman of Berkshire Hathaway, Warren Buffett managed Buffett Partnership Limited, his first professional investing venture. Over the course of that time?a period in which he experienced an unprecedented record of success?Buffett wrote regular letters to his small but growing group of partners, sharing his thoughts, approaches, and reflections.Compiled for the first time, and with Buffett's permission, the letters spotlight his contrarian diversification strategy, his almost religious celebration of compounding interest, his preference for conservative rather than conventional decision-making, and his goals and tactics for bettering market results by at least 10 percent annually. Demonstrating Buffett's intellectual rigor, they provide a framework for the craft of investing that had not existed before: Buffett built upon the quantitative contributions made by his famous teacher, Graham, revealing how these wisdoms could be applied and improved. With additional context, synthesis, and insights provided by Jeremy C. Miller, Warren Buffett's Ground Rules gives us a firsthand look into Buffett's mind and provides accessible lessons in control and discipline?effective in bull and bear markets alike, and in all types of investing climates?that are the bedrock of his success. Warren Buffett's Ground Rules paints a rare portrait of the sage as a young investor during a time when he developed the long-term, value-oriented strategies that helped him build the foundation of his wealth?rules for success every investor needs today.Taken together, the letters provide a solid foundation for building financial success.Advance Praise for Warren Buffett's Ground Rules?Mr. Miller has done a superb job of researching and dissecting the operation of Buffett Partnership Ltd., and of explaining how Berkshire's culture has evolved from its BPL origin. If you are fascinated by investment theory and practice, you will enjoy this book.??Warren Buffett ?This book is much more than a compilation of excerpts from Buffett's letters, smartly organized by investment theme. Miller begins every chapter with an articulate and insightful synthesis, which helps the reader understand Buffett's key ground rules on each theme.??Robert Pozen, senior lecturer at MIT Sloan School of Management, former chairman of MFS Investment Management?Warren Buffett's Ground Rules is an extraordinarily useful book for anyone who is interested in investing, or in Warren Buffett. Jeremy C. Miller has done a careful study of Buffett's early partnership letters and turned them into an easily accessible body of knowledge. In doing so, he has written an indispensable book. For my part, I will keep it close at hand for easy reference in the years to come.??Guy Spier, author of The Education of a Value Investor?Warren Buffett's Ground Rules is a wonderful collection of Buffett's early partnership letters and musings organized in a thoughtful, concise, and entertaining format. Together with Miller's commentary, the book offers valuable insight into the world of value investing.??Christopher Blake, managing director of Lazard Asset Management

  • af Sarah Ophelia Møss & Cecilie Blovsted
    197,95 kr.

    De fleste af os drømmer om mere tid og frihed i hverdagen. Mange har lyst til at tage en pause midt i arbejdslivet, arbejde mindre og fokusere på familie eller hobbyer. Det kræver økonomisk frihed, og dette er den første håndbog på dansk om, hvordan man opnår netop det. Rigtig mange af os løber hurtigere og hurtigere for at få alle ender til at mødes. Men det behøver ikke at være sådan. Er vi økonomisk frie, åbner der sig en verden af muligheder. Vi bliver i stand til at udfordre den vej, som for mange er givet allerede i starten af livet: gå i skole, tage en uddannelse, arbejde og til sidst gå på pension. Den lille guide til ØKONOMISK FRIHED henvender sig til alle, der ønsker mere frihed til at leve drømmelivet. Gennem konkrete værktøjer og fortællinger fra andre, der har opnået økonomisk frihed, viser bogen, at det er muligt for alle at skabe et liv, hvor vi træffer valg baseret på lyst og interesse. Læseren bliver både klogere på FIRE-bevægelsen (Financial Independence, Retire Early), typer af økonomisk frihed, privatøkonomi, budgetoptimering, ekstra indtægtskilder og investering. Alt dette tilsammen gør læseren i stand til at skabe rammerne for et liv med mere frihed og langt flere muligheder. Om forfatterne Sarah Ophelia Møss er iværksætter og sociolog og driver virksomhederne Ophelia Invest og Forlaget Penge. Derigennem inspirerer hun danskerne til at interessere sig for og sætte sig ind i privatøkonomi og investering. I 2019 blev Sarah valgt af Berlingske som en af landets 100 mest indflydelsesrige kvinder i kategorien Finans. Cecilie Blovsted har sammen med sin mand og sine to børn skabt et liv med stor grad af økonomisk frihed uden at gå på kompromis med det, der giver værdi i livet. De har valgt at leve på én indkomst for at have mere tid sammen som familie.

  • af Jacob Munk-­Stander
    197,95 kr.

    Hvis du har børn eller børnebørn, vil du sikkert gerne give dem en god økonomisk start på livet. I denne bog lærer du alt om, hvordan du gør netop det. Du får en grundlæggende viden om børneopsparing, samti­dig med at du får masser af inspiration og bliver klogere på alle de mulig­heder, der er, både som forældre, bedsteforældre og øvrige familiære relationer. Børns opsparinger udhules over hele landet i takt med at børnene bliver ældre, fordi pengene ikke investeres. Samtidig kan mange børn opnå et skattefrit afkast, hvis deres opsparing investeres på den rette måde. Når du har læst bogen, ved du, hvordan du investerer pengene på den mest optimale måde. Bogen gennemgår også de mange mulige kontotyper, regler for pengegaver mellem familiemedlemmer og hvem der kan bidrage til dit barns opsparing. Med denne bog ved hånden kommer du godt i gang med at investere dine børns opsparing. Om forfatterenJacob Munk-­Stander er ekspert inden for opspa­ring til børn. Gennem en årrække har han researchet emnet, og han er utvivlsomt den i landet, der ved mest opsparinger til børn. I dag er han co­founder og CEO i virksom­heden Tobi, der gør det nemmere for dig at investere dine børns opsparinger, så de både giver fornuftige afkast og børnene gode betingelser som voksne.

  • - Lav en Økonomisk Madplan uge for uge
    af Maria Rosenquist
    182,95 kr.

    Min Madplan er bogen til dig, der gerne vil i gang med at lave madplan hver uge, og samtidig holde styr på dagligvarebudgettet. Bogen strækker sig over 6 måneder, hvor du hver uge udfylder din madplan (som du kan klippe ud og hænge op). Du skriver indkøbsliste, samt laver regnskab over dagligvarerne.Du laver løbende lister over hvilke madvarer du har i fryser og skabe, du sætter dig (økonomiske) mål, og beregner statistik i procent af dine personlige dagligvarekategorier.Bogserien FamilieFinanser.

  • af Mai Vium
    144,95 - 172,95 kr.

    Uundværlig og uimodståelig håndbog i alt fra badeværelsesafkalkning til SU-lån,skrevet så du pludselig får lyst til at læse mere om lejeloven.Velkommen til en bog om de mest kedelige emner, du kan forestille dig. Faktisk så kedelige, at du højst sandsynligt ikke har spildt mange minutter på at sætte dig ind i dem.Dog er vores samfund skruet sammen på en sådan måde, at du vil få svært ved at undgå dem. Du kan gøre et forsøg, men det vil kræve, at du øjeblikkeligt klipper dit sygesikringskort over, flytter til Papua New Guinea og undgår al kontakt med den øvrige civilisation resten af dine dage. Efter en uges tid med bølgeskvulp og brøleabeskrig vil du formodentligt ønske, du havde taget kampen op og blot læst denne bog i stedet.Kort sagt er Guide til Voksenliv en hjælp til at blive et selvstændigt voksent menneske – eller så godt som det nu kan lade sig gøre.Her får du en introduktion til det univers af nye dagligdagsbegreber, der venter på den anden side af myndighedsalderen.Bogen kan læses fra ende til anden, men fungerer også ideelt som opslagsværk, når du står og mangler viden om boligstøtte, bilforsikring, eller hvordan du bedst udnytter din fryseboks. Det er den oplagte flytte- hjemmefra-gave til en ung, eller mental ung, person.

  • - How to Generate an Income Stream Using Cash Secured Puts and Covered Calls
    af Charles Robinson
    132,95 - 170,95 kr.

    The Options Wheel strategy will transform the way you approach investments and tradingThis book will be your guide on your journey toward financial growth. It will teach you everything you need to know without overwhelming you with jargon and complicated techniques. It is ideal for ambitious beginners who wish to set reasonable expectations and get a deep understanding of the strategies they can use to reshape their financial future.While this book is easy to follow and understand, it offers a comprehensive exploration of the Options Wheel strategy. It explains how this strategy aligns with your goals of obtaining consistent income streams, covers the basics of the strategy, and teaches you how to master cash-secured puts and covered calls. You'll find a step-by-step guide on how to implement the Options Wheels strategy and how to put advanced techniques into use. All the concepts in the book are broken down into manageable sections and supported by real-world examples.

  • af Adam Olson
    101,95 kr.

    21 Things...You Need to Know About Money - How to Get It, Keep It, and GROW It is a basic guide to financial concepts and strategies that everyone, especially those 30 and under, should know. We all want to make the right decisions with our money. But, in order to do that, we need to know the right questions to ask. 21 Things... will educate you on the questions you should be asking yourself before you make decisions withyour money.Whether you are planning for a family or planning for retirement, 21 Things... You Need to Know About Money can assist you in making the right financial decisions for your life. Many of us are not taught these basic concepts at home or in school, so let this book be the guide you never realized you needed.

  • af Calvin Boswell
    245,95 - 302,95 kr.

  • af Heather Castle
    1.172,95 - 2.762,95 kr.

    Understanding Retirement Planning provides students with a comprehensive understanding of the real-world applications of retirement planning, as well as an exploration of the opportunities and challenges they will likely face in their career as a retirement planner. As students progress through the five modules within the anthology, they move from learning the basics of retirement planning to develop knowledge and skills centered around holistic retirement pla

  • af Aaron Christie-David
    185,95 kr.

    Turn your aspirations of home ownership into reality.Buying a home is a milestone that should be celebrated, but too often the achievement is overshadowed by the stress people feel when trying to get their loan approved. Or, worse, the fear of the unknown prevents them from taking the plunge, keeping them stuck in the rental trap. The Happy Home Loan Handbook demystifies the home loan process, providing a step-by-step breakdown of:how to get your loan approvedhow best to set up your loanhow to locate, negotiate and purchase the home you wanthow to build your support team to guide youhow this home-buying experience can become your reality.If you are an aspiring first-home buyer or ambitious upgrader, this helpful handbook will show you how to have your home loan approved and buy your dream home so you can get on with enjoying life.

  • af Bola Sol
    162,95 kr.

    We need to talk about money. Women have been overlooked and underestimated when it comes to finance; we typically earn less, are encouraged to spend more, and have fewer opportunities to build funds. But if we talk about money and share our knowledge, we will grow in confidence and wealth. This is the secret to securing your future and paying for all the things that matter.Whether you want to have children, get married, pay for a mortgage, start your own business or pay for nice holidays, all these goals cost money. But by building solid money habits you can plan for all life's major milestones and dream bigger. Bola Sol offers the essential tools needed to get started and make your bank balance healthier. Once you've done that, she demonstrates how you can grow your ambition and become wealthier. Finally, she reveals how you can use this money smartly to pay for things you want and become happier.Money isn't everything, but Bola shows how you can build your financial knowledge to enhance your wellbeing, open up new possibilities, and achieve your life goals.

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