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  • af Michelle Obama
    288,95 kr.

    The Light We Carry, penned by the renowned author Michelle Obama, is an enchanting journey into the depths of human emotion and resilience. Published in 2022 by Penguin Books Ltd (UK), this book is a must-read for those who appreciate captivating storytelling and profound insights. The genre of the book is a unique blend of memoir and motivational, offering readers a glimpse into the life of one of the most influential women of our time, while also providing valuable life lessons and inspiration. Michelle Obama's eloquent writing style and the powerful narrative make this book an unforgettable read. The Light We Carry is not just a book; it's a beacon of hope and strength, illuminating the path for its readers. Don't miss out on this masterpiece from Penguin Books Ltd (UK).

  • - Vi har valgt at gå videre med en anden!
    af Anne Marie Valentin
    178,95 kr.

    Du arbejder ...8 timer om dagen5 dage om ugen46 uger om året50 år af dit livBehøver du flere argumenter for at vælge det rigtige job?”Tak for din ansøgning…” er til alle jobsøgende.Bogen giver dig de nødvendige redskaber, så du kan tage action og skabe et meningsfyldt arbejdsliv.Hvis du vil have arbejdsglæden tilbage og skabe en spændende karriere, handler det mere om mindset og mod end om ansøgninger og CV’er. Modet til at stå ved dig selv, lytte til din indre stemme og finde ud af, om du er på rette vej.Om forfatterenAnne Marie Valentin (f. 1967) er indehaver af intojob, som blev etableret i 2010. Hendes vigtigste mål er at flytte mennesker, så de får deres drømmejob. Hun har mange års erfaring som HR-manager og karriererådgiver hos Deloitte, Business Danmark, Selvstændiges A-kasse DANA, AS3 og Adecco. Hun er uddannet NLP master, coach, passionscoach, Flow Specialist, filosofisk vejleder og er en entusiastisk foredragsholder.

  • - Den alternative og forunderlige fortælling om karriere og uddannelsesvalg
    af Hannah Lund & Johanne Havshøj
    237,95 kr.

    Hvad kan en cannabisdronning, en ex-minister, en professionel fodboldspiller med strygebrætskade, en negletekniker og en trommeslager fortælle dig om et sjovt, meningsfuldt og succesrigt arbejdsliv?Snoede Leveveje fortæller gennem interviews med 19 interessante og kendte mennesker, at vejen til et lykkeligt, sjovt og succesrigt arbejdsliv – uanset branche – sjældent er opnået ved at gå én lige vej mod ét mål.Drop idealet om det perfekte, fejlfrie og tilrettelagte. Hvorfor skal stress og præstationsangst være en del af fortællingen om uddannelse og karriere?Vejen til økonomisk, samfundsmæssig og menneskelig succes er nemlig fantastisk kroget og broget. Den går gennem underlige uddannelser og jobs. Den er fuld af berigende fejltrin, uforudsigeligheder og tilfældigheder. Den rummer fordybelse og læring – og gradvis brug af den opnåede erfaring til at få klarhed over, hvad man egentlig har lyst til og er god til.Bogen her er til dig, der – uanset alder – står klar til at vælge uddannelse eller skifte job. Til dig, der har fået ondt i maven over en dårlig karakter. Til dig, der i 50erne, lidt skræmt, har lyst til at sadle om. Til forældre, lærere og studievejledere – til alle.Slip karakterræset, slip præstationsangsten, slip fremtidsangsten. Læs bogen, og find ud af, at dét, der gør dig glad, kan blive et fantastisk arbejdsliv.Medvirkende i interviews:Tina Horsted Christian og Karin Friis BachKresten Schultz JørgensenFarnaz Rasoulinia ElbækMichael StensgaardSanne GottliebJens FredslundRikke Wichmann-BruunPer ØstergaardJakob Kjærgård Carina Due Morten Kornbech Larsen Søren PjedstedLis Hartvig Holm Audra Dyring-AndersenSofie De NardiCharlotte BohnsenAnita Foged Rasmussen

  • af Mette Klingsten
    918,95 kr.

    Ansættelsesretlige aspekter af virksomhedsoverdragelser beskriver og analyserer gældende ansættelsesretlige aspekter af virksomhedsoverdragelser i Danmark; først og fremmest på baggrund af lov om lønmodtageres retsstiling ved virksomhedsoverdragelse (virksomhedsoverdragelsesloven).Loven er præceptiv og finder anvendelse på det betydelige antal virksomhedsoverdragelser, der finder sted hvert år. Virksomhedsoverdragelsesloven har givet anledning til et stort antal sager ved danske domstole og EU-Domstolen, der er af væsentlig betydning for fortolkningen af reglerne. Fremstillingen gennemgår et omfattende antal danske afgørelser fra de ordinære domstole, Arbejdsretten og faglig voldgift, samt afgørelser fra EU- og EFTA Domstolene. Blandt de emnekredse, der behandles i bogen, erafgrænsningen af de overdragelser, der er omfattet af lovenretsvirkningerne og konsekvenser af opsigelser af medarbejdere i strid med lovenkollektive overenskomsters stilling i forbindelse med virksomhedsoverdragelseudlicitering og outsourcinghåndtering af pensioner og andre ”benefits” ved virksomhedsoverdragelserkravene til information og høring.Fremstillingen er en håndbog til praktikere, herunder praktiserende advokater, virksomhedsjurister, personer med ansvar for “human resource” samt advokater og jurister i organisationerne, men kan også anvendes som lærebog for studerende og andre med en videregående interesse for ansættelsesret.Om forfatterenMette Klingsten er advokat med møderet for Højesteret og har udgivet en række andre bøger om ansættelsesretlige emner, eksempelvis om masse-afskedigelse og om personalepolitikker ligesom hun har været medforfatter til en generel fremstilling om funktionærret og andre ansættelsesretlige emner.IndholdsoversigtForkortelser Forord Kapitel 1. IndledningKapitel 2. Direktivet og EU-retlige spørgsmål Kapitel 3. Hovedpunkter i virksomhedsoverdragelsesloven Kapitel 4. Definition af begrebet »virksomhed« Kapitel 5. Begrebet »overførsel« af virksomhed Kapitel 6. Hvilke typer af overdragelser omfattes Kapitel 7. Overdragelser fra virksomheder under insolvensbehandling mv. Kapitel 8. Den beskyttede kredsKapitel 9. Arbejdstagernes rettigheder og pligter i forbindelse med virksomhedsoverdragelseKapitel 10. Ophør af ansættelsesforhold i forbindelse med VirksomhedsoverdragelseKapitel 11. Forholdet mellem overdrageren og erhververen Kapitel 12. Særligt beskyttede medarbejdere Kapitel 13. Information og forhandling Kapitel 14. Lovens anvendelsesområde og ikrafttrædelse Kapitel 15. Beslægtede emner Bilag 1. Bilag 2. Bilag 3. Bilag 4. Bilag 5. Bilag 6. Bilag 7. Bilag 8. Bilag 9. Litteraturfortegnelse Afgørelsesregister Stikordsregister Om forfatteren

  • af Lois P. Frankel
    173,95 kr.

    The New York Times bestseller, which for 10 years has been a must-have for women in business, is now completely revised and updated. In this new edition, internationally recognized executive coach Lois P. Frankel reveals a distinctive set of behaviors-over 130 in all-that women learn in girlhood that ultimately sabotage them as adults. She teaches you how to eliminate these unconscious mistakes that could be holding you back and offers invaluable coaching tips that can easily be incorporated into your social and business skills.

  • af Lene Metner, Camilla Bach & Bente Romby Steensen
    308,95 kr.

    Krap i job giver en introduktion til, hvordan man med udgangspunkt i en række KRAP-redskaber og -metoder kan arbejde systematisk med jobafklaring og jobtræning med borgere, der af den ene eller den anden grund står uden for arbejdsmarkedet.Den evidensbaserede pædagogiske metode KRAP – Kognitiv Ressourcefokuseret og Anerkendende Praksis – er udviklet i PsykologCentret, og KRAP i job er baseret på denne tilgang. KRAP indeholder både et menneskesyn, en tænkning og en værktøjskasse med praksisbaserede metoder og redskaber. KRAP i job giver en introduktion til anvendelsen af KRAP i arbejdet med afdækning af borgeres ressourcer i forhold til deres tilknytning til arbejdsmarkedet. Bogen præsenterer 17 redskaber – nogle er fra den eksisterende KRAP-værktøjskasse, andre er nyudviklede. Alle er tilpasset til formålet, og de understøtter en systematisk tilgang, hvor den professionelle sammen med borgeren indsamler nødvendig viden, reflekterer over denne og til sidst iværksætter en passende indsats.De mange praksiseksempler i bogen viser den brede anvendelse af KRAP i relation til jobafklaring og jobtræning, hvor udgangspunktet er borgerens ressourcer og de forudsætninger, der må være til stede, for at ressourcerne kan bringes i spil.Bogen er til dig, der arbejder med mennesker på kanten af arbejdsmarkedet. Det kan være i forskellige jobafklaringsinstanser, jobcentre eller andet, der involverer mennesker, som på grund af fx sygdom eller ulykke står uden for arbejdsmarkedet, eller det kan være i arbejdet med jobtræning eller beskyttede beskæftigelsespladser.

  • af Vasquez
    178,95 kr.

    Struggling in the job market? Unlock the power of AI to fast-track your career search and secure your dream job with 136 AI prompts suitable to all chatbots, including ChatGPT. This is your guide to AI-powered job hunting. Imagine having a personal career coach available 24/7 to guide you through every step of the job search process, from crafting standout resumes to optimizing your LinkedIn profile, preparing for interviews, and beyond. This book is not just a guide; it's your AI-powered companion designed to transform your job search from the ground up.What Sets This Book Apart:136 Customizable AI Prompts & Their Formulas: Carefully crafted to cover all facets of the job search process, including budgeting, health, change management, self-discovery, networking, and more. Each prompt is a stepping stone to your next career milestone.272 Example Prompts: Dive deeper into the world of AI job search tools with examples that illustrate the power of AI in action.E-Copy Included: Maximize your efficiency with an electronic copy of the book. Copy, paste, and tailor the prompts for fast, tailored results.Transform Your Job Search With Key Benefits:Rapid Results: Create high-quality job search assets like cover letters and resumes in record time.Stand Out: Employ cutting-edge AI strategies to differentiate yourself in a competitive job market.Innovate and Inspire: Access creative prompts for out-of-the-box thinking to solve complex job-hunting challenges.Exclusive Bonuses Only With Your Book Purchase:Career Navigator AI Access: Get personalized advice with our exclusive GPT, powered by OpenAI's ChatGPT.Comprehensive AI Chatbots Guide: A clear, step-by-step guide to leveraging AI chatbots in your job search.1110 AI-Powered Follow-Up Prompts: Keep the conversation going with AI, making every interaction more engaging.Productivity Enhancers: Specialized planners, brain dump & habit trackers, company website login organizer, ready-to-use job application form, and a dedicated job search planner to keep your hunt focused and efficient.Why Is This Book Your Best Career Move:Cost-Efficient: Investing in this book pays off by quickly landing your dream job, providing a high return on investment.Proven Impact: With a significant percentage of readers landing interviews and job offers, the effectiveness of AI in job searching is undeniable.Time-Saving: Our AI-driven approach simplifies and accelerates your job search, cutting down on the time and effort required.User-Friendly for All: Designed for job seekers at all tech skill levels, with straightforward, step-by-step AI instructions."Empower Your Job Search with AI Chatbots" is more than just a career guide; it's a comprehensive toolkit crafted to transform your job search by integrating AI power with practical strategies. Save time, stand out, and significantly boost your odds of securing your dream job.Don't wait to make your next career move your best. Click "Buy Now" and embark on a journey to job search success like never before!

  • af Ethan Bernstein
    338,95 kr.

    "Three innovators offer a framework for career development that helps anyone make real progress on their path when they switch jobs"--

  • af Blaine Robertson
    183,95 kr.

    Una entrevista es una parte clave de la búsqueda de empleo, y un candidato con experiencia en las entrevistas es el candidato más probable para recibir la oferta de trabajo. Si bien el currículum y la carta de presentación son los componentes básicos de una solicitud de empleo, la entrevista es la etapa final de la evaluación y le ofrece la oportunidad de mostrar a los empleadores que usted es más que solo su educación e historial laboral.Una entrevista no es el momento de ver qué tan bien puede responder preguntas en el acto, y la preparación es clave para garantizar que la entrevista sea un éxito. Este es el momento de convencer al empleador de que sus fortalezas, calificaciones y logros lo convierten en la persona adecuada para el trabajo.La preparación implica investigar la organización y el trabajo, planificar respuestas apropiadas a las preguntas más frecuentes y pulir sus habilidades, especialmente las necesarias para una buena comunicación.Este libro explica todo lo que necesita saber sobre las entrevistas. Cubre cada detalle desde el lenguaje corporal hasta la vestimenta y desde la primera entrevista hasta la segunda entrevista.También incluye una lista completa de preguntas junto con sugerencias sobre cómo responderlas de la manera correcta. Se discuten varias técnicas, incluidos los métodos STAR y CAR. Sobre todo, proporciona ejemplos de respuestas a todas las preguntas más populares de entrevistas de trabajo en 2019.

  • af Sara Hutchison
    158,95 kr.

    Doodle Your Dream Job is a unique, professional career help book that allows you to color, take notes, and brainstorm while absorbing valuable advice. This 8.5 x 11-inch workbook is perfect for anyone needing job-searching guidance, including recent graduates and executives. With the use of AI prompts, job trackers, sales pitch templates, and interview analysis worksheets, the new edition of the book makes resume writing much easier. The book's fast-paced, light-hearted lessons will make you smile, build your confidence, and help you prepare for an interview. The book covers various topics, such as practicing gratitude, identifying core values, exploring career goals, and avoiding generic rejection emails. So, if you feel overwhelmed by the thought of changing careers, let's doodle a plan together!NEW FOR 2024 EDITION - Writing your resume with AI Prompts, Job Trackers, Sales Pitch Templates, and Interview Analysis WorksheetsEven the busiest professionals (and those seeking to return to the workforce) will value these fast-paced, light-hearted lessons. They will make you laugh and build your confidence while helping you prep for an interview.Topics covered include:Practicing gratitudePreparing for interviewsIdentifying your core valuesAvoiding generic rejection emailsExploring your career goals when you were younger

  • af Alejandro M. Ledesma Herrera
    488,95 kr.

    Manual de supervivencia para las entrevistas laborales es un libro de apoyo para toda aquella persona que esté buscando o pretenda cambiar de lugar de trabajo. Si has tenido problemas en conseguir un nuevo empleo en donde demostrar tu talento y aptitud, el material contenido puede serte útil para responder tus mayores dudas y motivos por los que no has logrado obtenerlo.Conoce cuales son las principales preguntas que las empresas están realizando, sitios populares para conseguir trabajo o la manera de armar correctamente un CV con información que suelen visualizar los reclutadores.Posturas, vestimenta, tono de voz... desde errores comunes hasta aquellos que pueden costarte tu ingreso a la empresa. Todo lo que debes sabes (y lo que no debes hacer) al momento de armar tu CV y tener una entrevista de trabajo.Aprende a valorar tu conocimiento y venderte correctamente.

  • af Robert J. Bannon
    128,95 kr.

    Are you retired and looking for an alternative career path? Would having additional retirement income make a difference in your life? Have you ever considered becoming a virtual assistant? "SILVER HAIRED SAGE: Retirees Become Amazing Virtual Assistants & Increase Their Own Income" is the perfect book for you. Retirees are incredibly valuable resources as part time or full time assistants in thousands of businesses. This book covers topics such as the qualities of a world-class virtual assistant, the importance of organizational skills, and the difference between consultants and assistants. It also provides valuable insights into finding opportunities as well as explaining virtual assistant services. You will learn how to become a proactive, tech-savvy, and adaptable virtual assistant. Becoming a SILVER HAIRED SAGE gives you the opportunity to add to your income, assist companies, and make a difference by using the wealth of knowledge you have gained over the years.They say that money can't buy happiness, but a little extra income can buy peace of mind. This 6-book series, EXTRA RETIREMENT INCOME IS SEXY, has been written to provide seniors and retirees with opportunities for additional income and wealth building. But some of the biggest benefits will come from the connection to other people, the sense of accomplishment and the creativity and inspiration that results from these activities. This is the perfect resource to help you find financial independence. Start increasing the riches in your life today.

  • af Laurent Dubois
    768,95 kr.

    We favor the variety and relevance of the exercises in relation to the actual tests rather than a large number of exercises which do not always correspond to what we encounter in an exam situation. The first concern is efficiency. Generally speaking, whatever the type of test, it is much less complicated than you imagine.We have decided to give the explanations and the answer to an item immediately after it or in the same chapter. This makes it easier to understand the mechanisms by avoiding having to go back and forth between the 1st and 2nd parts of the book, as is the case in the vast majority of books devoted to selection tests.

  • af Henrietta Pepper
    223,95 kr.

    Recalibrate Your BrandHenrietta Pepper's UNBRANDED: Emerge a Brand New You offers readers a unique approach to discovering and strengthening their personal brand. Her methodology encourages reflection and exploration rather than adopting cookie-cutter concepts. Henrietta understands that personal branding is a deeply individual process, thus readers will be able to harness their own journey of self-discovery with the help of essential guidelines.Through thought-provoking exercises and engaging story sharing, readers are invited to uncover their passions, strengths, and values to express themselves authentically. UNBRANDED creates a safe space for readers seeking a personal brand to empower themselves and embrace their uniqueness. The outcome is an ownable brand that resonates with the reader's truest self.

  • af Ian Allan
    148,95 - 248,95 kr.

  • af P. D. Mason
    183,95 kr.

    Plan for your dream career and take control of your future without going into debt! Are you a High School or Secondary School student worried about upcoming college and career planning decisions? Are you at that point in your life where you have to make a choice about your future? Have you been told repeatedly that going to college is the only way to ensure career success? Have all those student loan horror stories made you wary of going into debt for an education? Graduating from high school should be an exciting time. You're finally done with this chapter in your life, and are ready to take on new and more challenging opportunities as you move toward adulthood and independence. But it's also a time when you feel the pressure to make a decision - pick a major, choose a school, figure out your career path. With so many options to choose from, this can be a paralyzing process. Choosing one option may mean you're closing the door to better ones. What if you make the wrong choice? Even more, with the cost of college tuition averaging tens of thousands of dollars, it may seem like you're doomed to start your career already burdened by student debt. Student debt is not only a financial burden you could be carrying around for the next 10 to 20 years. It could also impede major life decisions and negatively affect your mental health and overall quality of life. The good news is, a college degree and student debt aren't your only options. You can still get access to valuable training and practical experience that will set you up for a flourishing career... without having to enter your working life in Major College Debt! It's all in this information-packed handbook filled with practical advice and information from an expert who chose an alternative educational path... and found great success and security. Here's just a fraction of what you'll discover from this book:Everything you need to know about the education path that is just as good as traditional college (or even better), but no one seems to talk about it!Questions you should be asking yourself (and prospective employers) to figure out the career that's best for youWhy you should be thinking of retirement as early as now and what that has to do with your career plansThe art of job shadowing - gain an insight into the inner workings of a job that you won't get through research aloneA deeper look into the costs of education, so you have an idea of what expenses to expect beyond tuition feesThe traditional vs. an alternative route - an in-depth comparison of college and vocational school, including the training and career opportunities each providesIn-demand and lucrative jobs that don't require a college degree - you could be earning great yearly income sooner, and you won't have to rack up student debt!Expert information tailored for young adult students in the US, UK, and Canada!And so much more. Figuring out what you want to do after high school is one of the biggest-and scariest-decisions you'll ever have to make... but with the right information, you can take control of your future and make these important decisions with greater confidence. Forge your own path in life and don't let anything or anyone stop you from creating the future you want for yourself. The first step to your success story starts today!

  • af Interkultura Verlag
    278,95 kr.

    Discover the ultimate guide for a successful career in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland - the culturally sensitive Knigge handbook! Get valuable support for your career launch in the German, Austrian, and Swiss regions. Learn workplace dos and don'ts with practical examples. Focus on intercultural nuances for networking success. Find tips and the latest insights for effective self-management. Start your career confidently and excel professionally!

  • af P. D. Mason
    183,95 kr.

    If you're looking for a book to help you decide whether a college plan will work for you....Keep Reading!If there was a book that could provide you with a PROVEN career plan and NEARLY FREE post-secondary education that wouldn't bleed your bank account dry after four years of college loan debt.....would you consider it a small investment into your financial future? Prepare to break free from conventional college and career planning and uncover a LUCRATIVE untapped world of career opportunities.In "Apprenticeship Career Planning For Teens", vocational career expert P.D. Mason unveils a life-changing path to empower high school graduates like you to seize control of their future. Through compelling real-life stories, eye-opening insights, and the step-by-step process to having a six-figure lucrative and sustainable career, P.D. Mason reveals the hidden gem of apprenticeship - an elite avenue to acquire skills, a hands-on education, and everything you need to launch a nearly six-figure career in high-demand industries facing severe labor shortages.Discover the undeniable benefits of apprenticeship: a debt-free education, hands-on experience alongside seasoned professionals, minimal-cost career-specific education, and accelerated career growth. With real-world success stories and practical guidance, this book becomes your compass, guiding you toward a lucrative, well-respected, and personally fulfilling career without taking a single penny of college loans. After reading "Apprenticeship Career Planning For Teens," you will:Know which in-demand industries are suffering from severe labor shortages.Learn how to join an apprenticeship straight out of high school.Discover why you are an excellent candidate for an apprenticeship.Understand the minimal out-of-pocket costs for an accredited apprenticeship education.Gain an edge over your peers who will compete for entry-level jobs after college.Master the hands-on skills for a successful career through an apprenticeship.Identify the life-changing impact of starting your career debt-free.And a whole lot more! In his twenty-five-year career started from an apprenticeship, P.D. Mason has advocated for high-school students to consider alternative career paths, as the cost of four-year college degrees has skyrocketed, and student loan debt is crippling for young adults when they start their adult working careers.Do you know what the absolute BEST PART about apprenticeship is?No College Degree and No College Loan Debt Is Required for Success!If you are a high school student who is willing to look behind the curtain to realize the career alternative that author P.D. Mason and thousands of others have proven to be a successful career plan, THIS BOOK IS FOR YOU!Millions of newly graduated high school seniors head off to college every year. Four years later, millions will graduate with a degree, and most of those millions will struggle to find a job in their field of study.Why be one of millions when you can become successful and financially secure as one of a few from an apprenticeship?Apprenticeships provide every aspect of career training you'll need to be successful, in addition to earning a healthy yearly income in an "earn while you learn" on-the-job training environment starting from day one of your apprenticeship. Don't miss your chance to gain the knowledge and insights that will set you apart from the competition and propel you toward a successful future - free of student loan debt.

  • af Wayne Glen
    263,95 kr.

    The Power of AskingIn the world of influential figures, one might wonder how they reached the pinnacle of success. What sets them apart from the rest? Is it their intelligence, talent, or luck? While these factors certainly play a role, there is one trait that cannot be overlooked - the power of asking.In "The Art of Asking: Interviews with Influential Figures," we delve into the minds of these remarkable individuals and explore the importance of asking. Whether it is asking for advice, opportunities, or even help, these interviews shed light on how this simple act can transform lives.Throughout the pages of this interview collection book, readers will discover that asking is not a sign of weakness, but rather a display of courage and ambition. It takes courage to put oneself out there, to acknowledge that we don't have all the answers. By seeking guidance and insight, we open ourselves up to new possibilities and growth.The interviews with these influential figures reveal that asking is not limited to seeking answers from others; it also encompasses self-reflection. By asking ourselves the right questions, we can gain clarity, identify our strengths and weaknesses, and set goals that align with our passions.Furthermore, the power of asking extends beyond personal development. It is a catalyst for creating meaningful connections and collaborations. These influential figures recount instances where they reached out to others, forming alliances that led to groundbreaking projects and initiatives. They emphasize the importance of building a network of support and leveraging the expertise of others."The Art of Asking" also highlights the reciprocity of asking. It emphasizes the significance of giving back and how helping others can lead to personal growth and fulfillment. Many of the influential figures interviewed share stories of how they found purpose and meaning by extending a helping hand to those in need.

  • af Kasey Troutman
    288,95 kr.

    Title: "Unlocking Your Federal Career: Mastering the Art of Federal Resume Building"Are you ready to embark on a fulfilling and successful career in the federal government? Look no further! Our comprehensive guide, "Unlocking Your Federal Career," is your key to landing that dream job in the federal sector. Here are the highlights of what this book offers:Comprehensive Guidance: This book takes you on a journey through the intricacies of federal employment, from understanding the basics to excelling in your new role.Structured Format Approach: Learn the proven structured format approach to crafting a standout federal resume that grabs the attention of hiring managers.Cracking Job Announcements: Gain invaluable insights on how to navigate job announcements effectively, ensuring you're always in the know about the latest opportunities.Optimizing Your Resume: Explore chapters dedicated to personal information, objective statements, education, credentials, professional experience, skills, and references, ensuring your resume shines.Agency-Specific Tailoring: Discover the secrets to customizing your resume for specific federal agencies, giving you an edge in a competitive job market.Keyword Mastery: Master the art of incorporating the right keywords and phrases into your resume, increasing your chances of passing automated screenings.Addressing Employment Gaps: Learn strategies for addressing gaps in your employment history and showcasing your adaptability and resilience.Transferable Skills: Understand how to highlight your transferable skills, making you a versatile candidate for various federal roles.Professional Recommendations: Leverage the power of professional references and recommendations to strengthen your application.Federal Resume Builder Tools: Navigate the federal resume builder tools with ease, streamlining your application process.Soft Skills Spotlight: Recognize the significance of soft skills in federal resumes, emphasizing your ability to thrive in a team-oriented government environment.Ace Interviews: Prepare for federal job interviews like a pro, ensuring you leave a lasting impression on interview panels.Successful Onboarding: Learn how to seamlessly integrate into federal service and set the stage for a successful career.In a competitive job market, "Unlocking Your Federal Career" is your ultimate resource for crafting an impressive federal resume, acing interviews, and securing your dream job in the federal government.Don't miss out on this opportunity to supercharge your federal career aspirations - order your copy today and take the first step towards a brighter future!

  • af Tessa West
    308,95 kr.

    "A psychologist's guide to finding your most fulfilling job yet When we're unhappy in our jobs, we often attribute our frustration to a bad manager, boring tasks, and stressful workloads. But our dissatisfaction at work usually stems from a deeper psychological need that's not being met at work, like not getting the recognition you deserve. In Job Therapy, Dr. Tessa West helps you figure out the real reason you're unhappy and shows you how to find a new position in which you'll thrive, whether in a different role, company, or new industry altogether. Through her research interviewing thousands of people who have recently switched jobs or undergone career changes, she found there are five common sources of career frustration: having an identity crisis - does your sense of self no longer match your job? you've drifted-apart - do you no longer recognize the job you once loved? you're torn between places - are you taking on too many roles at work, switching tasks too often, or stuck between two paths? you're the runner up - do you always feel like you keep coming in second? you're the underappreciated star - are you crushing it at work, but the people around you aren't recognizing your performance? Dr. West will guide you through a working week audit to help identify your unique psychological stressors and use that knowledge to understand what you want your future career to look like. Presenting cutting-edge insights on networking and hiring, from Dr. West's interviews with over 1,500 professional recruiters, Job Therapy will help you land your best role yet - one that guarantees happiness for years to come. AMERICA IN CAREER CRISIS: Voluntary resignations are at an all-time high, 40-60% of people globally are looking to leave their current jobs, and just 35% of people who quit in the last two years stuck to something familiar. Millions of Americans are looking for guidance on how to pivot to a new job or industry that is more aligned with their values, passions, and purpose, and this book will be a go-to guide to navigate them through the storm. FIRST BOOK ON THE PSYCHOLOGY OF CAREER CHANGE: Most career books focus on the how of career change, but this book will focus on the why first. In one survey of 15,000 new job holders, more than a quarter regretted taking new jobs and wished they could go back to their old job. Focusing on why people want to leave helps them make happier moves that stick. CUTTING-EDGE DATA ON HIRING: Along with deep questions, reflective exercises, and relatable stories, this book takes a data-based approach, arming the reader with insider hiring tips and cutting-edge social science from the author's partnerships with 1,500 hirers at LinkedIn, McKinsey, Recruiter, and to ensure readers have the best chance of landing the job"--

  • af Osvaldo Marthin
    133,95 kr.

    For today's job seekers and career changers, long-trusted advice that is so wonderful you can't afford to ignore. Understand how to ace the interview and land the job you've been looking for, regardless of your level of experience.Inspired by Apple CEO Steve Jobs' hiring technique, you will learn how to get the interview of your choice.Whether you are a student or a seasoned worker, entering the job market today might be intimidating. You'll be astonished at how simple it is to do when you follow these simple instructions in this book. You will discover: ¿4 ways to apply for a job ¿How to determine which method will work best for you at your career stage ¿How to research the company effectively ¿How to prepare for a interview and get the job This plainly written, easy-to-follow practical manual covers the vital principles for efficiently networking, interviewing with confidence, and successfully negotiating the job market. A must-have manual for your toolbox, with additional job-search tools included.

  • af Alexander Chernev
    123,95 kr.

    Mastering the Case Interview (10th edition) offers detailed advice on how to ace the case interview. This book outlines the general principles of managing the case interview, delineates the most common types of cases, and outlines a framework for approaching each type of case. The discussion of the basic principles of case analysis is complemented by an extensive array of interview examples that includes 20 sample case discussions and 200 practice questions.

  • af Samuel J Dyer
    543,95 kr.

    Even for highly qualified candidates, breaking into the Medical Science Liaison profession is a challenging endeavor. It's nearly impossible to achieve on your own without the properpreparation and guidance. The Medical Science Liaison Career Guide: How to Break Into Your First Role is a step-by-step guide on how to break into the competitive MSL profession. The book provides numerous techniques and effective strategies for distinguishing yourself from other applicants and reveals the secrets of how to successfully search, apply, interview, and ultimately break into your first MSL role. The book also reveals the techniques utilized by 545 MSLs who successfully broke into the profession, as well as the preferences of 185 MSL hiring managers when evaluating applicants. DR. SAMUEL JACOB DYER shares his years of experience as a hiring manager at some of theworld's top pharmaceutical companies and as the CEO of the MSL Society. In three sections, he thoroughly explains the MSL role, provides the elements of a successful MSL job search strategy, and demystifies the entire MSL hiring process. Dr. Dyer has coached, interviewed, and reviewed the CVs of countless aspiring MSLs. His insights and guidance have resulted in hundreds of aspiring MSLs successfully breaking into their first roles.

  • af Bureau of Labor Statistics
    555,95 - 625,95 kr.

  • af Alexander Chernev
    73,95 kr.

    Mastering the Job Interview (10th edition) provides in-depth guidance on how to develop a winning interview strategy. It outlines the basic interview principles, reveals the core skill set most recruiters seek, and provides practical tips for preparing for the job interview. In addition, this book offers guidelines for writing an impactful résumé that will showcase your strengths and highlight your value proposition for the recruiting company. The discussion is complemented by an overview of strategies for managing the personal experience interview and creating a meaningful narrative about your own strengths and weaknesses that showcases your value to the recruiter.

  • af Lisa Rangel
    113,95 kr.

    Do you break out into a cold sweat when it's time to interview for a new job, regardless of how experienced you are? Wish you could somehow skip this part and have them see how qualified you really are instead?You're not alone. Interviewing can feel like an ordeal... or even a performance you're never quite ready for, no matter what level you're at in your career.It doesn't have to be this way.Interviewing for a new job can be exhilarating-even enjoyable-if you're well prepared and know exactly what to expect.As an executive recruiter, resume writer and job search consultant for Fortune 500 executives, Lisa Rangel has seen everything an interviewer may throw at you. She's been on both sides of the table and is now ready to share the expert interview tactics that get candidates hired.This book contains everything you need to interview powerfully. Inside, you'll discover:How to define your terms so you go into every interview knowing exactly what you want from your new role, and how to ensure you're the best fit for the job in question.The true definition of "rejection" and the success mindset you need to win a great role, so you don't allow fear and doubt to undermine you on interview day.How to set yourself apart from the other interviewees for all the right reasons-and enter that interview room fully prepared for anything they might ask of you.Everything you need to know to succeed at phone and video interviews-and what to do afterwards.How to face the difficult questions fearlessly-and turn any challenges into an advantage.Everything you need to interview powerfully is within you-and this book will help you unlock it. Read this book, follow the steps exactly, and walk into your next job interview powerfully-and get hired.

  • af Eddie Jordan
    223,95 kr.

    This new technique, called event planning, has been used by companies to encourage new customers to try their products and services for themselves for free before they buy it.In addition to trying things out for free, companies have also used this strategy in networking in order to impart experiences and information to guests, while at the same time encouraging them to join in the business.For any new business, event marketing is the best strategy to choose if getting new customers interested is what they are aiming for. Here is some of what you will be learning...Why networking marketing is not a scam and how it can be the best way to become financially free!The reasons why so many are using network marketing as a retirement plan bThe most important tips to know from real network marketing experts!How to commit to winning, every single timeLearn the true art of prospecting and invitingFree 7 step presentation toolNetwork marketing is one of the most profitable and fastest growing business opportunities available today. Countless individuals such as yourself have left unfulfilling jobs to pursue the dream of building a business and a lifestyle they love. Some find success right away, and make it look easy to build a large downline that creates a successful network marketing business. Most however, aren't so lucky and start their business the wrong way. The first year produces challenges they weren't expecting so they quickly get discouraged and give up network marketing for good. I'm here to make sure you start your business right, and start finding success fast!

  • af John Codrington
    208,95 kr.

    This book explores racism and discrimination from a minority's perspective. It looks into the root causes of minorities' struggles for competitive and equal employment in America, especially for former prisoners. The author shows how various systems are designed to keep people of color off balance and oppressed through job discrimination through a lack of education and misinformation among themselves. The book discusses how their level of obedience and faith in the Creator affects whether they are employable. However, the book lets readers know that through the Creator, all things are possible. It explores what it's like for the underserved, ex-offender, the homeless and welfare recipients and what they face daily. The influence that it has on youth and families and how the hiring system affects self-worth and doubts as human beings is discussed in the book. When affirmative action is denied that will harm people of color. John Codrington offers advice to those looking for employment and for living life after incarceration. He promotes love as the central message and provides assistance to minorities to help them through what they face every day in the land of free and home of the brave.

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