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  • af Sucharan Reddy Rekulapally
    346,95 kr.

    The book titled ¿Plan vs Reality¿ is a modest attempt on the part of writers to provide a supporting system for English language teachers working in low resource conditions across India. It intends to help teachers give practice to their students in describing whatever students feel like with ease and confidence. This book aims at explaining the importance of planning in life and career. To achieve goals and aspirations one needs to set realistic and feasible goals. To set realistic and feasible goals one needs to know one's strengths and weaknesses well. In a competitive environment, one should one ¿X¿ factor well. The book also discusses having alternative plans along with different mindsets. Certain important aspects like the impact of a wrong circle on planning, how to avoid procrastination of plans, creating vision boards, plan vs plan of action, appraisal of plans and plan vs reality are all discussed in brief to give an overall idea of how to plan and make plans a reality, rather than just plan and expect the results haphazardly.

  • af Ednilson Souza
    433,95 kr.

    This book aims to investigate David Hestenes' Modeling Theory and its application in physics classes. Modeling Theory considers that people create mental models to plan and to guide their interactions with the real world. However, mental models created from everyday life experiences are generally incompatible with the conceptual models of school. Thus, it is argued that the fundamental problem in learning and understanding in science and mathematics is coordinating mental models with conceptual models. Based on the empirical results, it is possible to conclude that Modelling Theory has important implications for the classroom, especially for organizing subject content around general models, for using different representations to communicate thoughts and actions and for encouraging discussions and debates between groups of students. However, it was found that its application demands some challenges, especially in choosing problems that can be modeled and in carrying out investigations.

  • af Fernanda Raíssa Souza Fernandes
    317,95 kr.

    The theme of this work is: "Religion and Education: traces of Kardecist Spiritist elements in the Religious Education curriculum proposed by the Montes Claros City Council and the Institutional Teaching Incentive Scholarship Programme/PIBID of the Religious Sciences course, based on the Permanent National Forum for Religious Education/FONAPER, in 2012 for 8th and 9th grade primary school classes." My interest in the subject was born when I started studying Religious Studies, and was strengthened in the Supervised Internship course, which revealed the horizon of the school field. It materialised in the light of the epistemology of the Sciences of Religion provided by the PIBID subproject of the Sciences of Religion course, entitled "Religious Education and Religious Diversity" in 2011. The aim was to evaluate the Religious Education curriculum proposals of the Montes Claros City Council and the PIBID subproject of the Religious Sciences course, based on Fonaper, in order to find out if there are elements of the Kardecist Spiritist Doctrine in these proposals.

  • af Dieison Prestes Da Silveira
    288,95 kr.

    This work is the result of the Supervised Curricular Internship in the Biological Sciences Degree Course at the Instituto Federal Farroupilha - Campus Júlio de Castilhos. As a token of my gratitude, I dedicate it to the management team of the following institutions: Frei Galvão Municipal Elementary School, Mãe de Deus State Institute of Education and the Farroupilha Federal Institute - Júlio de Castilhos Campus. I would also like to thank the following teachers: Josiana Scherer Bassan and Paulo Ricardo Weissbach for their attention and credibility. As a teacher, I corroborate the importance of having a condor vision of the educational environment, reaching new ideologies and building moments of meaningful learning. The internship is a time for exchanging knowledge and expertise, so I'd like to emphasise the need for differentiated initial and continuing training that is perennial! It is understandable that there are difficulties in writing an internship report, so much so that this book provides examples of how to write a report. However, trainees should be aware that their reports, derived from their experiences, have a unique and subjective character. Shall we try to understand the methodology of an internship report?

  • af Inês Teixeira
    433,95 kr.

    Starting from the concept of identity, we reflect on the teaching identity and its articulation with the process of learning to be a teacher, embodied in the professional internship, the object of multiple perspectives, which are explored in their evolution throughout the professional experience of six former interns. The commitment to professional identity was rebuilt through actions, values and dispositions to learn, always in an attitude of reflection-action, to which the intervention of the cooperating teacher within the community of practice greatly contributed. The personal and professional development of the new teachers had a solid and consistent start, which proved to be proficient for the exercise of the profession in other contexts. During the internship, conditions must be met to provide trainees with emotional support (proximity or scaffolding measure) and to promote the achievement of growing autonomy (distancing or fading measure). Only in this way will trainees be able to properly prepare themselves for the difficulties and uncertainties of the profession, demonstrating the capacity for agency to intervene in the context and promote transformation.

  • af Mariana Pessoa Mascarenhas
    353,95 kr.

    The aim of this study is to analyze the perception of the teaching staff and students on the Business Administration courses at the Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in the RMBH - MG regarding teaching and learning in the training of the new generation of Sustainability Administrators. It will also present the perception of course coordinators, teaching strategies and the characterization of these HEIs as a set of categories that influence the teaching-learning relationship. The theoretical model used was based on research by Hart and Milstein (2004) and Sgarbi et al. (2008) defining 47 sustainable jargons present in studies related to Administration. Thirty-two HEIs with sustainability or sustainability-related subjects were selected for this analysis. It's worth checking out the results!

  • af Ilana Carneiro Lisboa Magalhães
    288,95 kr.

    With life becoming increasingly urbanised, society is faced with diseases that used to be characterised as mainly rural, where mosquitoes and other animals are also migrating to urban areas. Dengue, as a re-emerging virus in Brazil, has returned with greater force, where new serotypes have been discovered and Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever has emerged. The aim of this study was to assess the approach to dengue with 5 teachers from 3 public schools in Districts IV, II and VI of Fortaleza, according to the low, medium and high incidence of the disease, respectively. Initially, the schools were visited. Subsequently, the contents of the textbooks used by the schools participating in the research were analysed, followed by the application of a questionnaire with open and structured questions to Science and Biology teachers from the same institutions.

  • af Valéria Mattos
    389,95 kr.

    The thesis that gave rise to this book sought to identify the specificities of the research participants' trajectories and advance the understanding of the process of professional insertion of young adults with at least a master's degree, in its multideterminations. The analysis, enhanced by the methodological choice of biographical interviews, sought to understand the phenomenon under investigation not in terms of cause and consequence, but rather to understand the specificities of the factors that characterise the different paths taken by these young people.

  • af Daniel Serey Araneda
    527,95 kr.

    Coaching in the field of school coexistence seeks to develop the potential of students and teachers to improve their performance and treatment. It focuses on increasing self-awareness, discovering the current situation and exploring possibilities for improvement. Through a process of action-reflection-action-reflection, coaching seeks to strengthen listening and communication skills, and facilitate change to reach the maximum potential for improvement. It uses questioning as the basis of its work and promotes a culture of positive coexistence in the educational community. The participation of all members of the community in activities to improve coexistence is fundamental, promoting student collaboration and the transmission of skills that foster positive coexistence in the school.

  • af Gilberto Pereira
    288,95 kr.

    The debate around employability and the integration of young people into the job market has been very relevant in Brazil. From an early age, we are exposed to the demands of employability, which can often be accompanied by frustration for young people who start their professional journey without proper guidance. Supposedly with the aim of qualifying them and thus promoting their professional initiation, many programs have been created by the Brazilian Federal Government to enable the necessary training in the transition from childhood to adulthood. In this context, it is assumed that professional apprenticeship, as theory acquired in the training institution and as practice exercised in the contracting company, allows young people to acquire a profession, achieve their first experience as a worker and thus begin to build and consolidate their employability and, moreover, their professional identity. The challenge of integrating young people into the job market is a challenge for young people themselves and their families, for society and for governments, which is why we set out to analyze the integration of young people into the job market through apprenticeships.

  • af Gizela Teixeira Paranhos Dreher
    288,95 kr.

    This research aims to assess the level of satisfaction of students completing the courses offered by PRONATEC at SENAI in Ponta Grossa-PR. It analyses the conceptual, theoretical and empirical question of the implementation of public policies through professional qualification courses. Comparing PRONATEC and the productive sector and labour market policies in the current context. Evaluating education, skills development and technical training and whether public policies are really strengthening opportunities for youth employment and whether workers' fundamental rights are being respected, strengthening opportunities for employment.

  • af Fernando Rodrigues
    389,95 kr.

    This book analyzes school dropout at a Federal Public Education Institution. It is understood that this phenomenon encompasses the definitive departure of the student from their course of origin and as an object of national educational public policies. The aim was to analyze the causes that have been attributed to school dropout, drawing attention to the need to take into account the intra-school and extra-school factors involved in the process, be they social, political, economic and/or pedagogical. In this way, this book makes a qualitative analysis of the phenomenon of dropout within the scope of Technical Professional Education at Secondary Level and is part of the context of initiatives aimed not only at understanding the factors that motivate students to leave their courses, but also at contributing to discussions regarding the policies developed for this type of education.

  • af Samuel Borges Murashita
    288,95 kr.

    This research seeks to understand the need for sustainable teaching in relation to the new technologies used to produce sustainable electricity. This research does not aim to define a path for the construction of knowledge, but observes the solid existence of the learning process of students and teachers in order to realize effective teaching, where both can exercise significant movements in society. Learning from the paths of teaching.

  • af Mara Fischer
    198,95 kr.

    "Bildungsgerechtigkeit im digitalen Wandel: Ein Leitfaden für die Zukunft" von Dr. Mara Fischer ist ein essenzielles Werk für alle, die sich leidenschaftlich für die Transformation des Bildungswesens einsetzen. In einer Zeit, in der künstliche Intelligenz das Potenzial hat, die Landschaft der Bildung grundlegend zu verändern, beleuchtet dieses Buch die Herausforderungen und Möglichkeiten, die vor uns liegen. Mit tiefgreifenden Einblicken und fundierten Forschungsergebnissen bietet es eine umfassende Analyse der Bildungsungleichheiten, die unsere Gesellschaft prägen, und skizziert mutige, innovative Strategien, um diese zu überwinden.Der Autor führt die Leser durch eine faszinierende Diskussion über die Rolle der Technologie in der Bildung und wie sie genutzt werden kann, um eine inklusivere und gerechtere Bildungsumgebung zu schaffen. Dabei werden praktische Beispiele und Fallstudien präsentiert, die zeigen, wie Bildungspolitik, pädagogische Praxis und technologische Innovationen Hand in Hand gehen können, um allen Schülern unabhängig von ihrem sozioökonomischen Hintergrund gleiche Chancen zu bieten.Dieses Buch ist eine unverzichtbare Ressource für Bildungsfachleute, Politikgestalter und jeden, der an der Schnittstelle von Bildung, Technologie und sozialer Gerechtigkeit interessiert ist. Es lädt dazu ein, bestehende Paradigmen zu hinterfragen und gemeinsam an der Gestaltung einer Bildungszukunft zu arbeiten, in der jedes Individuum die Möglichkeit hat, sein volles Potenzial zu entfalten.

  • af The Princeton Review
    198,95 kr.

    PREMIUM PRACTICE FOR A PERFECT 5! Ace the new Digital AP English Language & Composition Exam with The Princeton Review's comprehensive study guide—including 8 practice tests with answer explanations, timed online practice, and thorough content reviews.Techniques That Actually Work• Tried-and-true strategies to help you avoid traps and beat the test• Tips for pacing yourself and guessing logically• Essential tactics to help you work smarter, not harderEverything You Need for a High Score• Updated to address the new digital exam• Comprehensive review of the synthesis, rhetorical analysis, and argumentative essays• Online digital flashcards to review core content• Access to study guides, a handy list of key terms and concepts, helpful pre-college information, and more via your online Student ToolsPremium Practice for AP Excellence• 8 full-length practice tests (5 in the book, 3 online) with detailed answer explanations• Online tests provided as both digital versions (with timer option to simulate exam experience) online, and as downloadable PDFs (with interactive elements mimicking the exam interface)• Pacing drills to help you maximize points on the Reading and Writing passages

  • af Maria Da Glória Dos Santos Laia
    308,95 kr.

    This paper presents the first impressions of an investigation into the new institutionality resulting from the creation of the Federal Institutes of Education, Science and Technology (Federal Institutes), based on the public policy network analysis framework known as "policy networks". This institutionality appears to be an alternative to the multiple functions that the new institutions took on with the enactment of Law 11.890 in December 2008. The main players responsible for drawing up the Bill for the Creation of the Federal Institutes indicate that this approach is an innovative governance model for the Federal Professional and Technological Education Network. Network analysis is not new. What is new is the fact that the concepts are being applied to the Federal Network for Professional and Technological Education, in the search for data that allows institutions to be studied in a scenario of change, complexity and continuity.

  • af Martin Kruse
    206,95 kr.

    Entdecken Sie in "Studieren 2.0: Mit ChatGPT zum akademischen Erfolg" eine faszinierende Reise durch die vielfältigen Möglichkeiten, wie ChatGPT Ihr Studium bereichern kann. Dieser Leitfaden führt Sie durch innovative Ansätze zur Nutzung dieser fortschrittlichen KI für eine Vielzahl akademischer Herausforderungen.Recherchieren und Lernen: Lernen Sie, wie ChatGPT die Informationsbeschaffung revolutioniert und den Zugang zu Wissen vereinfacht, sodass Sie effizienter studieren können.Schreibfertigkeiten verbessern: Entdecken Sie Strategien zur Nutzung von ChatGPT für das Verfassen wissenschaftlicher Arbeiten und Essays, inklusive Themenfindung, Gliederung und Überarbeitung.Programmierhilfe und Mathematik: Erfahren Sie, wie ChatGPT bei der Lösung komplexer Programmierprobleme und mathematischer Fragestellungen unterstützen kann, um Lernprozesse zu beschleunigen.Sprachen lernen und kreatives Schreiben: Tauchen Sie ein in die Möglichkeiten von ChatGPT für das Erlernen neuer Sprachen und für kreative Projekte, die Ihre Ausdrucksfähigkeit erweitern.Studienorganisation und Vorbereitung: Nutzen Sie ChatGPT zur Optimierung Ihrer Studienplanung, Zeitmanagement und Prüfungsvorbereitungen für einen strukturierten und zielgerichteten Studienalltag."Studieren 2.0" ist Ihr Schlüssel zu einem effizienteren, kreativeren und erfolgreichen Studium. Machen Sie den ersten Schritt in eine Zukunft, in der KI Ihr stärkster Verbündeter im akademischen Erfolg ist.

  • af André Gomes Santos
    469,95 kr.

    The book: Formação do professor de matemática e sua atuação no ensino remoto durante a pandemia: comparativo escola pública e escola privada presents a comparative study between a public school and a private school.The study is based on the assumptions of the legislation that organized and guided the implementation of remote teaching - legal devices of the Federal Government, the State Government of São Paulo, and the municipal government. It is also based on authors who deal with teacher training, such as Nóvoa, Libâneo, Tardiff, and Shulman, as well as authors such as Barcelos, Behar, Passerino, Miranda, Ponte, and Canavarro, who discuss the relationship between technology and teaching, and between mathematics teaching and the resources used. The objective of this research is to compare how a state public school and a private school offered remote teaching, comparing aspects of infrastructure, training and teaching performance of the mathematics teacher and contributing to a reflective and amancipatory practice in the process of knowledge construction.

  • af Thomas Downes
    584,95 - 1.026,95 kr.

  • af Michael Missildine
    138,95 kr.

    Dr. Missildine's "Dissertation Mastery: Navigating Research, Writing, and Defense for Academic Success" is a concise guide for graduate students on dissertation writing. It begins with foundational aspects of academic research, emphasizing the selection of appropriate methodologies. The book then guides readers through conducting effective literature reviews, essential for building a theoretical framework.Dr. Missildine explains qualitative and quantitative research methods, offering insights into data collection, analysis, and interpretation. The book also focuses on academic writing skills, providing strategies for structuring a dissertation and maintaining scholarly rigor.A significant portion is dedicated to preparing for the dissertation defense, outlining techniques for presenting research confidently. Finally, Dr. Missildine discusses career opportunities post-dissertation, making this book a comprehensive resource for graduate students seeking to navigate the complexities of academic research, writing, and successful defense.

  • af Cicero Jose Barbosa Da Fonsêca
    487,95 kr.

    This work was born out of researchers' concerns about education and contemporaneity. It focussed on understanding education in current times, which is increasingly marked by the contemporary conditions in which we are all immersed. The evolution of societies in recent decades has demanded that the teacher training paradigm for this new millennium be underpinned by very complex and complete theoretical and practical assumptions, in order to provide a quality response to the multiple and growing demands for education arising from this whole context, in other words, the contemporary need for a reflective, critical, creative, intellectual, investigative and innovative teacher.

  • af Médard E. Tambwe Mangala
    442,95 kr.

    Promoting the growth of the tourism industry in Kasayi Oriental, a landlocked province in the centre of the Democratic Republic of Congo, is without doubt the objective pursued by the author of this book. With the decentralisation of the country into 26 provinces, the tourism sector is set to become one of the major pillars of economic growth in the country's smallest province in terms of surface area (9,481 km2). In Kasayi Oriental, diamond mining (both industrial and artisanal) has revealed its limitations in terms of developing the province, so it is now up to us to develop a perspective that incorporates the post-mining issue. Tourism is the best alternative. Médard Emmanuel Tambwe Mangala uses fact-based arguments to encourage readers to reflect on the concrete and real possibilities for transforming our potential into efficient wealth. As a connoisseur of the global tourism sector in recent decades, he explores and analyses the reality on the ground, which often escapes the untrained eye of most of us.

  • af Amanda de Deus
    677,95 kr.

    A study based on the cultural-historical theory of human development aimed to understand and comprehend the ways in which teachers can help and mediate students during the process of school development using affectivity and student involvement with the object of teaching, and through field research, some of the ideas presented in the theory described throughout the text can be concretised.

  • af Claude Iluta Engambi
    487,95 kr.

    Natural prenatal education, based largely on the know-how and interpersonal skills of traditional society, has existed in all human communities, particularly in the African communities of the Democratic Republic of Congo. Although recent scientific and psychotherapeutic work is in line with the traditional teachings on the child in utero that have long been practised, particularly in Congolese society, through the recommendations laid down for future parents, the family and the community, these teachings need to be examined in depth in view of the shortcomings of our societies in terms of prenatal education. Today, the World Organisation of Associations for Prenatal Education has joined traditional African knowledge in making natural prenatal education its special field of investigation. A close relationship has been established between the socio-economic environment and the mother of the child she carries during pregnancy. We need to fill the gaps in our current societies by creating a collective awareness of the 9-month period during which the future person is built.

  • af Daniel Braga
    677,95 kr.

    The debates on the implementation of teacher career plans represent education workers' search for professional development in aspects such as entry procedures, working hours, planning hours, progression, promotion and working conditions. In Minas Gerais, the new guidelines for valuing teachers, with the creation of a career plan for education workers and an increase in remuneration based on funding (FUNDEF/FUNDEB), took place in the same context as the policy of fiscal adjustment and shrinking of the state advocated by the program called Management Shock. The competition between these two elements meant a dispute between projects on the issue of valorization, with the public administration on one side and the teaching professionals on the other. This work studies the impacts of this competition on education funding in Minas Gerais, in terms of the valorization of teachers in the state's public basic education network. With this analysis, we hope to contribute to the field of Educational Public Policy, as well as filling in some of the gaps in the public funding structure of the state's education network.

  • af José Roberto Nunes de Azevedo
    677,95 kr.

    This book, the fruit of collective reflections, has a bold commitment: to understand the faces of education on the threshold of the 21st century. We believe that education provides an insight into social processes and frees us from the ignorance and alienation of the prevailing social and economic system. We were therefore interested in writing a manuscript that would reveal the faces of public schools and discuss their weaknesses and potential. We have tried to demonstrate aspects of various sectors of basic education linked both to public schools in general, aimed exclusively at elementary, middle and high school education, and the particularities of vocational and technical education. Happy reading!

  • af Lucas Tadeu Rezende
    487,95 kr.

    The aim of this work was to study depressed patients' perception of themselves through the classic depressive icon treated at the Psychosocial Care Centre (CAPS) in the municipality of Pindamonhangaba, located in the eastern cone of São Paulo. To this end, a qualitative study was carried out, using a systematisation of mental health nursing care together with a semi-structured interview. Nursing care proved to be satisfactory in terms of the initial aim of studying depressive psychopathology. There is, however, a problem regarding causal determination in the social-cognitive explanation of depression. Convictions of failure, personal guilt and negative attributions certainly underpin depression. Depressive thoughts coincide with a depressed mood. A depressed mood brings negative thoughts and it is in this state that the depressed person's perception becomes blurred, distorted and fragmented. Perception plays a decisively important role in the organism's adaptation to the environment and is determined not only by the characteristics of the stimulus but also by the characteristics of the subject.

  • af Robson Antônio T. C. Tavares
    677,95 kr.

    Executive secretarial professionals have been emphasising their entrepreneurial profiles. They are professionals who already perceive opportunities because their training is broad and encompasses various areas including entrepreneurship and business management, giving them a distinctive profile capable of creating and innovating. As a result, they set up their own businesses, managing them and applying their knowledge, skills and experience, thus fitting into the context of a business entrepreneur, since they are well prepared and academically qualified through their training. However, they stop acting as advisors to set up their own businesses, often in other areas, because they are unaware of the entrepreneurial possibilities that the profession offers them. The study aims to analyse whether the executive secretarial course is training professionals for the job market, their employability, performance or entrepreneurial training, encouraging entrepreneurship as a new professional aspect.

  • af A. Antony Prakash
    738,95 kr.

    Les mathématiques discrètes ont connu un regain de popularité au cours des dernières décennies en raison de leur utilité dans la technologie informatique, ce qui les rend essentielles à l'informatique et à l'ingénierie. En effet, l'étude de très petits ensembles de nombres est l'objectif principal des mathématiques discrètes. Cependant, les implémentations informatiques jouent un rôle essentiel dans le transfert des concepts de mathématiques discrètes vers des applications du monde réel, comme la recherche opérationnelle. Dans tous les domaines de l'informatique, y compris le développement d'algorithmes informatiques, de langages de programmation, de cryptographie, d'organigrammes, de réseaux informatiques utilisant des graphes, la construction logique, la démonstration automatisée de théorèmes et le développement de logiciels, les concepts et les notations des mathématiques discrètes sont utiles dans l'étude et la description des objets et des problèmes. Les mathématiques discrètes traitent principalement des ensembles, des graphes, de la combinatoire, des énoncés logiques et d'autres sujets connexes

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