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A guided journal from the bestselling author of I Will Teach You to Be Rich, with inspiring questions and thought-provoking exercises to help you understand your own money behavior and create your vision of a Rich Life.
Vi er alle sårbare over for afhængighed. Det kan være en næsten tvangslignende drift efter at tjekke mobilen eller at overspise, at ryge, at drikke eller noget helt andet, men driften er kendetegnet ved ukontrollable gentagelser.– Hvorfor er de dårlige vaner så svære at overvinde?– Hvordan overkommer vi trangen til det, vi ved, er usundt for os?Denne bog giver banebrydende svar på de vigtigste spørgsmål om afhængighed.– Den viser, hvordan vi kan sætte fingeren på de processer, som stimulerer afhængighed, og derved slippe fri af dem.– Den beskriver de mekanismer, som ligger bag vanetænkning og dannelsen af afhængighed, og hvordan mindfulness kan bryde med disse mekanismer.– Den peger via konkrete patientforløb, egne erfaringer med mindfulness og videnskabelige fakta på en vej væk fra trang og stress – en vej mod et rigere liv.
Når du praktiserer mindfulness og giver det plads i dit liv, kan det åbne op for livsglæde, stilhed og følelsen af bare at være til. Men stilheden er ikke gratis. Den kan få følelser op til overfladen, som før har ligget gemt. Smerter fra traumer og forliste forhold, tanker om ikke at slå til og erindringer fra barndommen. Denne bog handler om, hvordan man kan håndtere de følelser, der dukker op efter mindfulness. Efter mindfulness indeholder konkrete øvelser og forslag til, hvordan du kan arbejde med de erindringer, der kommer op til overfladen og begrænser dig i dit liv. Bogen giver eksempler på, hvordan det psykologiske forsvarssystem kan forstås og bruges konstruktivt i mindfulness. Den tematiserer nogle af de udfordringer, der møder dig, som regelmæssigt praktiserer mindfulness og kommer med bud på, hvad bevidsthedens vaner og mønstre betyder for dybden af stilhed - og hvordan man kan arbejde med den viden. Efter mindfulness henvender sig til alle, der praktiserer mindfulness, og terapeuter, psykologer, læger m.fl.. der bruger mindfulness i deres arbejde.
Loosen up with a smile on your face... Marion Deuchars has practiced yoga for many years, and well knows the benefits it brings. Now she shares that passion with her illustrated character Bob the Bird, whose expressive poses will charm you into a reviving session of yoga breathing, stretching, posing, and mindfulness. Yoga for Stiff Birds rejects the clichés of studio photography in favour of a more immediate, inviting, look. With a few brush strokes Marion helps Bob into every position from the downward-facing dog to the tree; both useful and inspiring, her art will raise a smile, whether you're a regular practitioner or a yoga novice, and will encourage even the creakiest reader to breathe, stretch, and bend like they never have before.
Discover the loyalty of your inner Hufflepuff with this yearlong guided journal inspired by the beloved Harry Potter films.In the Harry Potter films, students sorted into the house of Hufflepuff are known for their kindness and loyalty. Now, fans of the iconic film series can embrace their inner Hufflepuff with this deluxe guided journal. Featuring classic Hufflepuff iconography, this yearlong journal includes a mixture of one-line-a-day activities, lists, and free-writing prompts to help fans tap into and develop the key trait that makes Hufflepuffs so special: their loyalty. With film quotes from famous Hufflepuffs throughout and prompts and activities inspired by key scenes from the movies, From the Films of Harry Potter: Kindness: A Guided Journal for Embracing Your Inner Hufflepuff offers Harry Potter fans a space for self-reflection, evaluation, and empowerment inspired by the movies they love.
Bogen er skrevet ud fra forfatterens dybe kendskab til både meditation, mindfulness, compassion, self-compassion og hjerteintelligens. Forfatteren er psykiater og har haft egne klinik i ca. 15 år, men har nu viet sit virke til at formidle viden om, hvordan vi som mennesker kan transformere vores liv.Bogen trækker på viden fra både den buddhistiske tradition, hjerneforskning, evolutionsteori, tilknytningsteori og udviklingspsykologi. Bogen giver et godt og letforståeligt bud på, hvordan vi hver især kan begynde rejsen med at forandre vores liv. Bogen giver viden om hjernen og sindet og bidrager med praktiske øvelser, der kan implementeres i hverdagen. Til bogen er der også knyttet 19 meditationer og visualiseringer, der ligger som lydfiler.Bogen byder på en introduktion til, hvordan vi gennem træning af vores hjerne og sind kan lære at være i livet på en måde, der i højere grad er i overensstemmelse med vores hjerter, vores sande værdier og vores vision for vores liv. Bogen inspirerer til, hvordan vi kan forandre og måske ligefrem forvandle vores liv ved at øge vores bevidsthed, træne vores sind og genfinde kontakten til vores essens og hjerte.Vi lever i en tid, hvor vores samfund og vores individuelle liv er præget af stor kompleksitet, stadige forandringer og et til tider helt urealistisk tempo. Vi lever i en kultur, hvor der for en stor del af os er fokus på præstation, konkurrence og ydre succes. Statistikkerne taler sit alt for tydelige sprog. Rigtig, rigtig mange menneskers helbred, trivsel og livskvalitet er truet. Flere og flere mennesker bukker under for stress, udbrændthed, angst eller depressioner. Mest skræmmende er det at erfare, at det i højere og højere grad også rammer børn og unge. Det er på høje tide, at vi udfordrer den livsanskuelse, der fastholder os i hamsterhjulet. At vi aktivt forholder os til, hvordan vi hver især vil leve det liv, der er os givet – ikke blot overleve i det, men leve det fuldt og helt.
De fleste af os har for travlt i hverdagen, men mange har ikke det store overskud til at ændre på det. Her er en let, indbydende og meget relevant og anvendelig bog med en masse små råd til at dæmpe stressniveauet i vores hverdag.
"Ashtanga Yoga is a physically challenging style of yoga, which even experienced practitioners can find daunting. Kino MacGregor has re-envisioned this strong and beneficial practice to make it accessible to everyone. Whether you're a beginner, living in a bigger body, or need modifications for any reason, this book will make you feel empowered, inspired, and confident that you have the tools to make the adjustments and modifications that feel right for your body. Complete with a breakdown of some of the key elements of the Ashtanga Yoga method presented with the beginner student in mind, Kino makes the philosophy of Ashtanga Yoga more relatable to practitioners and teachers of all levels. She also presents a brief theory of movement mechanics that can help prevent injury, optimize physical mobility and tap into the natural intelligence of the body"--
By writing just one sentence a day in this illustrated journal, you can collect your thoughts year after year and create a beautiful keepsake to treasure forever.Featuring gorgeous textile patterns, this journal offers a simple way to capture daily thoughts and turn them into a precious time capsule of the next five years. Turn to the day’s date and respond to the writing prompt. Then see how your answers change year after year. Questions include:• Write the first sentence of your autobiography• What’s the next book you want to read?• What is the most honest thing you’ve said today?• What’s your favorite brunch food?This unique and beautiful new version of our phenomenally successful Q&A a Day pairs the original prompts with stunning patterns from a beloved textile designer.
Yoga rummer en dybere spirituel dimension, som ikke kun har med smidighed, fysiskvelbefindende og stressreduktion at gøre, men handler om udvikling af vores bevidsthed. Yoga er at leve med nærvær og dyb respekt over for en selv og ens krop og over for alle andre mennesker og alt levende. Spirituel yoga indbefatter meditation og refleksion, men drejer sig grundlæggende om en særlig livsindstilling, der ikke er begrænset til de perioder, hvor du sidder på puden eller yogamåtten og laver dine øvelser.I Yoga som spirituel praksis præsenterer den erfarne meditationslærer og forfatter Svend Trier de forskellige klassiske yogaveje og viser deres relevans og praktiske anvendelse i dag. Spirituelt søgende og yogaudøvere, som ønsker at udvide deres praksis og forståelse af yoga, kan have særlig gavn af bogen, men den henvender sig til alle, der interesserer sig for personlig udvikling.Yogaens visdomslære er udviklet og forfinet over flere tusind år og tilbyder værktøjer og metoder til at opnå højere niveauer af bevidsthed og giver mulighed for at leve et rigere og mere fyldestgørende liv på alle niveauer.leve et rigere og mere fyldestgørende liv på alle niveauer.
This beautiful keepsake baby book provides a place for a proud parent to record and preserve the memories, moments, and milestones of a new baby’s arrival and first few years.My Baby's Book focuses on baby’s delivery and first few years. Prompts include a mix of short-answer questions, lists, fill in the blanks, and places for photos to record pregnancy/anticipation of the birth, arrival, family info, observations about baby’s appearance and temperament, firsts, growth milestones, home, family friends, and baby playmates. When complete, you'll have a nuanced portrait of your baby's life through reflections, memories, history, and stories--a keepsake to be cherished throughout their life. Sections include:About UsYour ArrivalAbout YouShoweredFirstsHomeAdventure Growing Up This gorgeously crafted journal features the whimsical work of papercut artist Sarah Trumbauer throughout.
"A radically compassionate plan for turning inward and lifting the heaviness that prevents us from healing ourselves and the world, from the New York Times bestselling author of Clarity & Connection"--
Har du nogensinde spurgt dig selv, om du lever det liv, du virkelig drømmer om? Hvorvidt de valg du foretager virkelig, er dine? Kan dit liv blive endnu bedre? Ved du hvor du er på vej? Enkle spørgsmål, som mange af os finder overraskende svære at svare på. "The Life Bridge" er skrevet for at vejlede dig til at finde disse svar, og for at hjælpe dig med at identificere, tiltrække og gøre dine drømme, ønsker og mål til en realitet. Bogen er skrevet for alle, der søger både mening og praktisk vejledning - og bogen kan gøre en forskel for alle, uanset hvilket stadie du befinder dig på i livet. I januar 2018 udgav Ulrik Nerløe bogen ” THE LIFE BRIDGE - Your Journey from an Unconscious to a Conscious Life” - , som tager udgangspunkt i balancen mellem nutid og fremtid. Det er en bog, der inspirerer, motiverer og rykker. Det er ganske enkelt en bog, der har vist sig at være uundværlig for mange. Bogen strøg hurtigt til tops på Amazons bestsellerliste efter lanceringen og lå nummer 1 i USA, Tyskland, Canada, Australien og nr. 2 i UK. Roserne fra læserne var utvetydige: ”I junglen af bøger, der fokuserer på livskvalitet og balance, står denne bog ud. Den anvendte struktur og metode er enkel og meget nyttig. Du læser sjældent bøger som denne, hvor du får enkle, men effektive værktøjer til at forbedre dit liv. Ulrik lykkes gennem ærlighed og nemt forståligt sprog. Kan stærkt anbefale denne bog til læsere, som ønsker at opnå ændringer med reel indvirkning.” – Henrik Haagen
Drop forestillingen om ‘at leve lykkeligt til dine dages ende’.• Opgiv kampen mod psykisk smerte.• Lær at lægge mærke til dit indre liv og at forholde dig til dit liv, som det er her og nu.• Find ud af, hvad der virkelig betyder noget for dig i livet, og handl derefter. Troen på evig lykke har dybe rødder i vores kultur, og derfor kæmper vi imod, når livet er svært. Vi jagter evig lykke og gør alt, hvad vi kan, for at undgå tristhed, tvivl, angst, smerte og usikkerhed. Men livet er ikke let. Når vi lærer at acceptere, at livet også er svært og gør ondt, kan vi leve mere tilfredsstillende liv. Metoderne i Mindfulness for begyndere er baseret på en accept af de psykiske bekymringer og på at øge den enkeltes psykologiske fleksibilitet. Accept gør det muligt at leve et nærværende liv, som er baseret på ens egne værdier. Når det lykkes, vil man dagligt opleve mere frihed og større livskvalitet. Forfatterne har sammensat et ni-ugers forløb med mindfulness og øvelser i Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), der lærer dig at leve i nuet og iagttage dine tanker uden at være kritisk over for dem. Ved at bruge et par minutter dagligt finder du ud af, hvad der virkelig betyder noget for dig, og du lærer at leve et liv, der er baseret på dine egne værdier. Ernst Bohlmeijer er professor ved Twente universitet og har en særlig interesse i narrativ psykologi og mindfulness.Monique Hulsbergen er psykolog og psykoterapeut og har egen psykologisk praksis. Hun har skrevet flere bøger om mindfulness.Oversat fra engelsk af Mette Lindbjerg Jørgensen.
Jeg ville ønske, at jeg selv havde haft netop denne bog, da jeg fyldte 15 år.OVERVIND ANGSTEN er den vigtigste bog til dig, der kæmper med angst. Den giver dig nøjagtig den viden og de redskaber, du behøver, for at forstå og håndtere din angst.Bogen er et uundværligt værktøj og en komplet guide, som vil hjælpe dig tilbage til et trygt og normalt liv.Bogen blander dybdegående videnskabelig viden med forfatterens personlige erfaringer i en grundig gennemgang af angstens natur. Bogen rummer værdifulde, velafprøvede og veldokumenterede teknikker til at håndtere angst, herunder mindfulness, meditation, vejrtrækningsøvelser, tapping, grounding teknikker og visualisering. Desuden inkluderes råd om sunde vaner som motion, søvn og kost, som alle spiller en central rolle i at overvinde angst.Om forfatterenAnncatrine C. F. Petersen (f. 1981) er uddannet Body SDS Kropsterapeut, Ph.D. i Nanomedicin og Civilingeniør i Bioteknologi. Hendes personlige erfaringer og viden fra klienter samles i bogen, der guider læseren fra forståelsen af angstens natur til håndgribelige redskaber og strategier til at overvinde den.
"In How to Listen, Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh demonstrates how deep listening is a fundamental building block of good communication. But perhaps more fundamentally, listening is central to our practice, a basic ingredient to strengthen our capacity for mindfulness, concentration, insight, and compassion. Learning how to listen with equanimity to life itself, we generate insight into the true nature of our deep connection to all things. And from this place of understanding -- when we know that we aren't separate -- our capacity to listen deepens even further. With clear and gentle guidance from Thich Nhat Hanh, we learn how truly listening -- to ourselves, to each other, to Mother Earth, and to the many 'bells of mindfulness' that are available to us in each moment -- is the foundation of our practice, an expression of love, and a solution to our deepest and most urgent large-scale conflicts"--
"A Meditator's Guide to Buddhism is written for secular meditators who wish to learn more about the roots of contemporary mindfulness practices. The book will open readers' eyes to the full range of principles and practices in the Buddhist tradition, adding depth and inspiration to their meditation practice. The core message of the book is that the Buddha's teachings present a comprehensive path of awakening that involves much more than mindfulness and present-moment awareness, providing practical guidance on living a rich, meaningful life with awareness, compassion, and wisdom. The contents of the book will address the core principles and meditation practices found in the Buddhist tradition, centered on the "three yanas" model that first originated in ancient India and later took root in Tibet. The unique view, meditation, and application found in each of these three yanas (or vehicles) will be explored, with practical examples, stories that bring the tradition to life, and tips for integrating the teachings with daily life"--
"From renowned Zen Buddhist teacher Haemin Sunim, a guide to turning life's challenges into opportunities for self-discovery Have you ever felt like life has thrown you a curveball? Are you struggling to overcome unexpected challenges and setbacks? While loss, heartbreak, and loneliness are all part of the human experience, in this warm guide, internationally bestselling author Haemin Sunim shows us that these moments can actually be rare opportunities for self-discovery, serving as stepping stones to greater things in life. Drawing on Zen Buddhist philosophy and Sunim's own experiences, When Things Don't Go Your Way helps you navigate life's challenges with resilience and grace. Whether you're dealing with rejection, uncertainty, loneliness, conflicts in relationships, or burnout--or simply seeking to improve your mental and emotional well-being--Sunim offers a new spiritual perspective, one that helps us face life's challenges with greater ease and understanding, and offers solace and courage when we need it the most"--
'A wit and wisdom that harkens back to an age of enlightenment' - RON PERLMAN, ACTOR'A meditation guide from a man with a mind most unlikely to be conducive to meditation' - MANCHÁN MAGAN, WRITER AND BROADCASTER'In this beautifully written story, Robert Sheehan shares his journey from chaos to stillness and how meditation can lead us to a place of connection and calm' - DEB DANA, AUTHOR OF ANCHORED From Robert Sheehan, star of Misfits and The Umbrella Academy, and host of hit podcast The Earth Locker, comes a heartfelt journey to inner peace.In Playing Dead, Robert Sheehan shares intimate reflections on his search for purpose, looking back at the adventures - and misadventures - of his life so far, and sharing the profoundly transformative lessons he has learnt along the way.Meditation is at the heart of Robert's route to spiritual awakening. In Playing Dead he reveals the turbulence in his life that led him to seek calm and tranquility within. A beautiful, meandering memoir reflecting a rich tapestry of experience, uncovering how spirituality has become his anchor in the constant moving tide. Combining storytelling with letters, poetry, childhood memories and thoughtful musings on fame.Through this compelling description of his quest for inner stillness, Robert shows us how we can welcome a practice of meditation into our own lives, with tools for soothing your nervous system and focusing a fretful mind. In a world where our attention is constantly up for grabs, Playing Dead shows how we can give our souls the deep rest we crave.
Created by illustrator Kevin Jay Stanton, Botanica is a 78-card tarot deck featuring vibrant traditional paintings that delve into the lore and symbolism of the plant kingdom. Sprouting from years of research into botany, mythology, and history, Botanica marries the tradition of Tarot to a lexicon far more ancient: the natural vocabulary of life on Earth. The deck features the complete set of major and minor arcana as plants, all painted in luscious and colorful acrylics and paired with the objects from their suit. This box set includes the full 78-card deck in a gilded paperboard box, saddle-stitched booklet explaining the symbolism of meanings behind Botanica, and six mailable tarot-sized postcards.
'The monk who taught the world mindfulness' TimeOne breath, one step is all we need to feel at home and comfortable in the here and nowIn this enlightening series, world-renowned spiritual leader Thich Nhat Hanh shares the foundations of mindfulness practice and meditation.By applying considered breath and meditation, How to Smile acts as a guide to show us how to transform hurt into healing, while also allowing us to explore the strong emotions of anger, sadness, regret and fear.This is the essential guide to help you heal.
Take control of your happiness, learn to love yourself, and get the life of your dreams . . . all with your next cup of coffee!Do you want to live an inspired life of sparkling adventure and achieve goals you never thought possible? Start with Coffee Self-Talk.This accessible, powerful routine will show you how to start every day with positivity and energy. By taking just five minutes each morning to practise the art of self-talk, you can reframe the way you think about yourself and prime your mind for happiness, success and self-love.With included self-talk scripts, guidance on how to personalise them for your own goals, and blank pages for journaling and creating your own affirmations, this book will help you:· Learn to love yourself· Unlock happiness, resilience, and confidence· Change your bad habits· Attract wealth, success, and prosperityNo matter your circumstances, now is the time to become your best, most magical self - faster than it takes to finish your first cup of coffee!With Coffee Self-Talk you can take control of your life, increase your confidence, and manifest the life of your dreams.
Buddhism & the Twelve Steps Daily Reflections offers teachings for every day of the year to support your recovery. Daily reflection is at the heart of both Buddhist practice and Twelve Step programs. With the Buddhist emphasis on staying in the present moment and the Twelve Step admonition to take things "one day at a time," the importance of not getting lost in the past or future is clear. With guidance on mindfulness meditation and thoughts on working the Steps, Buddhism & the Twelve Steps Daily Reflections provides a wide range of tools for healing and spiritual growth. The book is organized in a "Step of the Month" format making it useful, as well, as a Step study. If you want to focus on a particular Step, you can go to that month and read those pages.The book introduces basics of Buddhism, thoughts on the challenges of recovery, and guidance for a daily mindfulness practice. Each reflection offers a theme to carry into your daily life and inspire your recovery.An excellent reader for a recovery group or individual.
#1 New York Times bestselling author Catana Chetwynd presents a new take on the beloved Catana Comics--a guided journal in her signature wholesome and cozy style. Catana Chetwynd presents a new twist on feel-good humor. This guided journal, illustrated in her signature style, is for couples, friends, family, and anyone who wants to learn more about themselves and their personal relationships. With wholesome prompts, insightful questions, fun activities, moments for deeper reflection, and lighthearted illustrations and stickers, My Heart's Content: A Journal for Everyone offers every person the chance to spend some quality time on themselves. Planning for the future, reflecting on the past, soaking up the present, and learning more about ourselves and the ones we love.
You have been breathing your whole life; now learn how to breathe better to positively influence your mental and physical well-being. This book is exactly what it says it is, a practical guide. Nothing esoteric. Nothing "woo woo." What you will find in this book can be applied today in a real way to improve your life. Learn how to use your breath to communicate to your physiology and psychology in predictable and replicable ways using nothing more than focused conscious breathing. You Will Learn: *How breathing communicates with your body *How to test and improve your CO2 Tolerance *Learn to read and write Breathwork Notation *Breathing techniques for calming down *Breathing techniques for increasing energy *Breathing techniques for improving focus during stressful situations *How to increase CO2 tolerance *Superventilation techniques for breaking the dopamine feedback loop *Pre-work-out breathing techniques and protocols *Post-workout breathing techniques and protocols *Breathing techniques for strengthening breathing muscles *Breathing techniques to enhance meditation *An Altered State Breathing Technique *How to build a daily practice around your needs *How to create a breathwork session with multiple techniques *Sample sessions *Multiple example daily routines for different goals *Tips for creating your own breathing techniques
"The three most venerated sutras of Zen in a true pocket-sized edition. The Heart Sutra, introducing the Prajnaparamita teaching of emptiness; the Diamond Sutra, introducing the bodhisattva path followed by the Buddha; and the Platform Sutra, introducing the teaching of Zen that students have been putting into practice for the past 1,300 years. In addition to new translations of all three texts, Red Pine has included an introduction that ties all three together and just enough footnotes to explain what needs explaining but not enough to get in the way"--
"This stunningly photographed book introduces Gem Sorcery, a brand-new approach to crystal healing that works by activating all the five senses and the chakras."--
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