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Sociale færdigheder og håndtering af andre mennesker

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  • af Christine Armstrong
    97,95 kr.

    Rinkle is a pet rabbit who gets lost while playing when her cage is being cleaned out.Frightened and lonely, she finds herself in Enderby Wood where she hopes the wild rabbits will help her... but will they?

  • af Christopher Reusch
    274,95 kr.

    In this book the author - me - ponders on certain things, such as society and the universe. What is the underlying primordial matter of the universe and how can one relate this to our modern "society"? The word in itself hints the existence of a .....?Of a What?Of something unspeakable and dangerously terrible you may think, but that is something that might reveal itself to you, if you have the stamina to deal with the authors - me - gigantic and frivolous ego.

  • af Susan Wisdom
    182,95 kr.

  • af Miranda Harris
    232,95 - 297,95 kr.

  • af Hannah Hannah Lipinski
    201,95 kr.

  • af Marco Lindner
    205,95 kr.

    "Dein Erfolg bist du" ist ein motivierender Leitfaden, der Leser auf ihrer persönlichen Erfolgsreise begleitet. Mit Einblicken in die Definition von Erfolg, Strategien zur Zielsetzung und der Überwindung von Hindernissen, inspiriert dieses Buch jeden, sein volles Potenzial zu entfalten und ein Leben voller Erfüllung und Erfolg zu führen.

  • af Nashat Helal
    197,95 - 282,95 kr.

  • af Simon Hall
    268,95 - 765,95 kr.

  • af Michael Ashford
    252,95 kr.

    Author Michael Ashford offers the stories of real people who have navigated hostility, differences, and divides to co-create new solutions to big problems. Michael presents his ASK and SEE approach to conflict communication crafted out of years of his own experience and interviews with people from all different walks of life as he sought to answer the question: Can people change?

  • af Lutz Spilker
    197,95 kr.

    In ¿Die Erfindung des Astralkörpers¿ begibt sich der Leser auf eine faszinierende Reise durch die schillernde Welt des metaphysischen Phänomens, das seit Jahrhunderten die menschliche Vorstellungskraft beflügelt ¿ den Astralkörper. Von den alten Weisheitslehren bis hin zu modernen esoterischen Strömungen untersucht dieses Buch die vielschichtigen Aspekte und Interpretationen dieses geheimnisvollen Konzepts.Der Astralkörper, als immaterielle Hülle des Selbst, wird als Träger von Emotionen, Gedanken und spirituellen Erfahrungen betrachtet. Doch wie real ist diese Vorstellung? Basierend auf fundierten Erkenntnissen und wissenschaftlichen Diskursen bietet dieses Buch eine umfassende Analyse der kulturellen, religiösen und spirituellen Überzeugungen, die die Existenz des Astralkörpers prägen.Entdecken Sie die kontroversen Standpunkte von Gläubigen und Skeptikern und tauchen Sie ein in die Diskussionen über die Möglichkeit außerkörperlicher Erfahrungen und Reisen durch verschiedene Ebenen der Realität oder des Bewusstseins. Mit einem kritischen Blick auf die vorhandenen wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse und den aktuellen Stand der Forschung lädt Sie dieses Buch dazu ein, die Grenzen zwischen Glauben und Wissen zu erkunden und die Natur des Menschseins neu zu definieren.Für alle, die sich für spirituelle Erfahrungen, Bewusstseinsforschung und die Verbindung zwischen Körper und Geist interessieren, bietet dieses Werk eine fesselnde und erhellende Lektüre. Tauchen Sie ein in die Mysterien des Astralkörpers und lassen Sie sich von den faszinierenden Erkenntnissen dieses Sachbuchs verzaubern.

  • af Ulrich Striebl
    267,95 - 375,95 kr.

  • af Peter Vaka
    182,95 kr.

    In the vast and chaotic world we navigate, is there a beacon of light that can guide us to success? Is there a voice that whispers, encouraging us to break free from society's shackles and embrace our true potential? Look no further, for in the pages of "My Rules, My Way: A Guide to Succeeding in Life and Work," you will find the ultimate salvation for those seeking victory on both the personal and professional fronts.Within these captivating chapters lay the keys to unlocking the doors that have long held us back, offering actionable advice and strategies to revolutionize how you approach life and work. Gone are the days of conforming to conventional wisdom and societal norms; "My Rules, My Way" challenges you to cast aside self-doubt, break free from the expectations of others, and carve your path to greatness.By empowering you to embrace your individuality, this extraordinary guide will help you discover the untapped potential buried within, encouraging you to dream bigger, soar higher, and strap on the armor of unyielding resilience. Plunge headfirst into a world where passion and purpose align as you absorb the compelling anecdotes, hard-earned wisdom, and life-changing tools that will ignite the flames of success within.Remember that your journey to self-realization begins now. Each page of "My Rules, My Way" is infused with the electrifying energy of unexplored possibilities waiting to be unleashed. Join me, and let this book guide you to a future defined by prosperity, happiness, and an unshakeable sense of achievement.Open your mind, steel your determination, and let "My Rules, My Way" become your steadfast companion on this empowering path to personal and professional triumph.Inspiration for this book came from my own experiences and what I have learned from people in my work and personal life from all cultures and socio-economic backgrounds. These are MY rules. You are welcome to adopt, modify, or add your own rules. Most importantly, refer back to your list of rules frequently and measure your performance and adherence to the rules you have set for yourself. Share your list with others so that they may know what to expect and can hold you accountable.You can use this book as a guide. You will find references to books and publications that have influenced and enriched me. I'd like you to set out on your journey of discovery by reading everything you can. Over the years, I have been fortunate to know and learn from others. Everything I have accomplished has been achieved by standing on the shoulders of those who have gone before me.The workbook sections at the end of each chapter provide helpful tips, tools, and exercises. Choose what works best for you. Know that meaningful change does not come overnight. It does not come from a book or a guru claiming to have all the answers; it comes from within. You, and only you, can change your life and achieve personal success.Improvement is an incremental process of trial and error. Start with one area of your life you would like to improve and go from there. Each chapter in the book is a stand-alone rule and topic. Pick the chapter that best suits your needs and start there. Reference the book whenever you need motivation or a reminder.If you are the only person to read this book and benefit from what you have learned, I have succeeded.

  • af Leon Fletcher
    137,95 kr.

  • af Nadine Axtmann
    302,95 kr.

    Lerne Human Design aus der Business-Perspektive kennen ¿ auch als Anfänger:in!Du möchtest Erfolg, doch nicht um den Preis deines Seelenfriedens? Du bist es satt, dich täglich zu verausgaben, frustriert festzustecken oder erschöpft festzustellen, dass du einfach nicht verdienst, was du wert bist? ¿ Dann ist dieses Buch für dich!¿ Human Design ist derzeit in aller Munde. Es scheint DIE neueste Erfolgsformel zu sein. Doch viele Menschen sind mit der Fülle an Informationen über Human Design völlig überfordert ¿ und vor allem stellt sich die Frage: Wie nutze ich dieses Wissen ganz praktisch im Berufsalltag?¿ Gut, dass mit diesem Buch 7 Expertinnen angetreten sind, um dir hilfreiche Hinweise und fundierte Erklärungen zu bieten, wie auch DU deinen individuellen Weg zum Erfolg gehen kannst!AUS DEM INHALT ¿ Vom Burnout zum (eigenen) Business ¿ Die Reise beginnt in dirDen Auftakt macht Nadine Axtmann mit einem bewegenden Text darüber, wie sie dank Human Design ihren eigenen Weg fand ¿ und wie auch du ihn findest. Mit inspirierenden Fragen zum Selbstcoaching!¿ Sichtbarkeit mal anders: Nur wer sich selbst sieht, kann sichtbar seinSichtbarkeit ist ein großes Thema für viele Unternehmer:innen, doch die wenigsten schauen dorthin, wo Sichtbarkeit beginnt: beim Blick auf sich selbst. Alexandra Ballhorn bringt Licht ins Dunkel.¿ Vom unterschiedlichen Verstehen der Welt ¿ wie Human Design die Zusammenarbeit erleichtertDie Reflektorin Nina Susanne Lerchner beschreibt in ihrem Beitrag anschaulich, welche Missverständnisse zwischen Menschen im Arbeitsleben auftreten und warum ¿ und wie das Verständnis von Human Design helfen kann, die Zusammenarbeit zu einem erfüllenden Erlebnis zu machen.¿ Die Typen im Human DesignLerne Pauline Projektor kennen, die Erfolg durch Effizienz zu verstehen beginnt, und finde heraus, warum die Manifestorin Marie sich schon als Kind wie ein Adler unter Hühnern fühlte. Selbstverständlich findest du auch Beiträge zum leichteren Weg zum Erfolg für Generatoren, MGs und Reflektoren.¿ Die Angst steckt im Design ¿ mit einer Einführung in die neun ZentrenBlockaden, Ängste und Zweifel halten dich vom Ausleben deines Potenzials ab. In diesem Kapitel erfährst du, wo deine Ängste im Design zu finden sind, damit du dir deine blockierenden Anteile bewusstmachen und sie hinter dir lassen kannst! ¿ Wie du mit Human Design deine Rolle im Business findestWenn unsere Marketingstrategien nicht fruchten oder wir uns in unserer Rolle nicht wohlfühlen, können wir in unserem Design die Schlüssel finden, um uns neu ¿ und stimmig ¿ zu positionieren. Jamie Palmer zeigt dir, wo sich in deinem Design deine Positionierung versteckt!¿ Copy by Design ¿ Wie du dein Business mit deiner einzigartigen Botschaft zum Erfolg führstWäre das nicht schön, Texte fürs Business schreiben zu können, die geradezu magisch anziehend wirken? Kerstin Reithmayr lüftet das Geheimnis typgerechter Texte, die gehört und gelesen werden, und vor allem: einer Botschaft im Einklang mit deinem individuellen Design.¿ Inklusive Link zu einem gratis Chart-Generator, damit du dein Chart beim Lesen einsehen kannst!¿ Mit zahlreichen Abbildungen & Schaubildern, die du mit deinem Chart abgleichen kannst!

  • af Mony Mürr
    176,95 kr.

    Ein Erfahrungsbericht über das turbulente Familienleben mit einem AuPair, wenn neben kulturellen Unterschieden auch noch verschiedene Interessenschwerpunkte das Zusammenleben komplizieren.

  • af Nilam Pathak
    227,95 kr.

    Tongue twisters serve as instrumental tools for improving speech clarity and enhancing articulation prowess, adaptable across linguistic domains. Embracing diverse tongue twisters from various languages allows enthusiasts to elevate linguistic proficiency, fortifying oral dexterity and expanding speech spectrum. This book contains more than 3000 crazy tongue twisters for practicing to gain speech clarity and command of pronunciation. We have dedicated a few sections to speaking practice with long paragraphs for an uninterrupted experience. The final sections of the book present a large number of tongue twisters to expose you to exciting speaking challenges. This resource extends an invitation to explore the wondrous world of tongue twisters, a world where words become a playground, speech becomes a skill, and clarity and precision reign supreme. Let us embark on this adventure together, embracing challenges, celebrating triumphs, and unlocking the full potential of tongue twisters to transform the way we speak and express ourselves.

  • af Matt Guzman
    307,95 kr.

    When Ri is thrust into the Candy Cosmos-a strange universe filled with sugar-inspired aliens-he acquires unlimited power! No limits-anything he desires becomes reality with one finger snap. There's only one catch. Although surrounded by mouthwatering delicacies, he cannot take a single bite. Lured into this twisted universe by a mysterious alien, Ri has no time to figure out who's behind his latest conundrum. He must first locate the precious treasure that'll liberate him from his perilous paradox of power. He's gotta outwit an angry marshmallow volcano. Race away from a ravenous hardshell-coated T-Rex. Fight off a Pop Rocks pterodactyl woven together with Red Vines. And break free from an infuriated crowd of candy creatures! Doing all this while starving, slowly wasting away... Can he escape the intricate maze of confectionary constructs before he collapses? And guess what? That's only the first level!

  • af Su Bridgman
    317,95 kr.

    Tap into the empowering strategies in The CQ Edge to unleash your potential and elevate your communicative presence. Su Bridgman presents groundbreaking principles that synthesize profound insights, actionable strategies, and practical exercises to cultivate a resilient, captivating communicative essence.Whether it's a high-stakes presentation or any other situation in which you speak to an audience, The CQ Edge empowers you to express with confidence, resonate with authenticity, and create the impact you want to achieve with every word spoken. It's more than a learning experience; it's a metamorphosis into the communicator you aspire to be, transforming not just the way you speak, but the way you are heard and remembered.It's time to redefine the boundaries of your communicative landscape. Let The CQ Edge show you the way to becoming the speaker you always wished you could be.

  • af Lori Whatley
    159,95 kr.

    Don’t let digital devices highjack your life—this inspirational guide shows you how to disconnect so you can reconnect with your loved ones and mental well-being.As a clinical psychologist, Dr. Lori Whatley has invested years into helping people manage their digital devices to live fuller, more vibrant lives.This book looks into the damage that disconnection and disengagement can have on our relationships with technology as its root cause. Many relationships suffer from overuse of technology. The result of which creates tension, sadness, and loneliness.Sharing from her one-on-one sessions with patients, Dr. Whatley reveals practical steps that will empower and transform one's relationships and your life.The inspirational message in each chapter will encourage you to: Create strong relational connections with the people closest to you Restore intimacy and person-to-person interaction Reduce the impact of technology on children and families Minimize the stress that comes from your digital devices Engage your world with renewed energy and confidence Find new passion, meaning and purpose Are you ready to connect with the people around you, engage in the world, and create a life that makes you feel alive?

  • af Manuel Goleman
    492,95 kr.

    Comunicare Efficacemente e le Tecniche di Ipnosi SegretaSei pronto a sbloccare il potenziale inesplorato della mente umana? "Psicologia Ipnotica - Nuova Edizione" di Manuel Goleman è la tua chiave per entrare in un mondo segreto di comunicazione efficace e ipnosi. Questo libro rivoluzionario ti guiderà attraverso un viaggio nell'arte e nella scienza dell'ipnosi, svelando tecniche nascoste e strategie per comunicare in modo straordinario."Psicologia Ipnotica - Nuova Edizione" è una guida completa per chiunque desideri acquisire competenze di comunicazione straordinarie e scoprire il potere dell'ipnosi segreta. Sia che tu sia interessato a migliorare le tue relazioni personali o a sviluppare abilità di persuasione in ambito professionale, questo libro è il tuo compagno essenziale.

  • af Rachel Kim
    212,95 kr.

    In our journey through life, we all encounter difficult people-individuals who seem determined to test our patience, challenge our composure, and leave us feeling drained and frustrated. Whether it's the irate customer, the passive-aggressive colleague, the argumentative family member, or the unreasonable boss, these challenging interactions are an inevitable part of the human experience. But what if I told you that these encounters, as vexing as they may be, hold within them the potential for growth, understanding, and resolution? This book, "The Challenging Conversation: Skills and Strategies for Dealing with Difficult People," is your guide to transforming these seemingly insurmountable obstacles into opportunities for constructive communication and personal empowerment. In these pages, we will explore the intricacies of human behavior, delve into the psychology behind difficult personalities, and equip you with the tools and techniques needed to navigate these challenging conversations with confidence and grace. From understanding the root causes of difficult behavior to mastering the art of active listening, from setting boundaries effectively to resolving conflicts at work and in personal relationships-this book offers a comprehensive roadmap to enhance your communication skills and build more harmonious connections.

  • af Kiran Garrett
    237,95 kr.

    Resolving Conflicts Doesn't Have to Be So Stressful Do you find yourself going in circles during arguments?Unable to see the other person's perspective? Catastrophizing worst possible outcomes?Does resentment linger for months or even years after disputes with close friends and partners?Do unresolved workplace tensions and misunderstandings hold your career back? If you struggle to facilitate mutual understanding amidst disagreements-big and small-then "How to Navigate Conflicts in Your Life: Transforming Inter-personal, Social, and Work Conflicts into Opportunities for Growth" offers the paradigm-shifting techniques you've waited for. Through 12 insightful chapters grounded in psychology and neuroscience research, learn to transform the conversations you dread into catalysts for intimacy and innovation. Dig into the root causes of conflicts while cultivating emotional intelligence skills for reconciliation. You'll discover how to:Defuse charged reactions and validate multiple perspectivesUncover shared interests to inspire win/win resolutionsDeepen relationships through courageous vulnerabilityDistinguish healthy debate from demeaning attacksProvide critical feedback compassionatelyHelp others reflect insightfully on disagreementsIf anxiety from unresolved disputes frequently disrupts your home or work life, this book provides the blueprint for understanding clashes constructively so progress emerges from polarizing differences. Stop being held hostage by a desire to avoid tension at all costs or "win" arguments by brute rhetorical force. Learn to lead with curiosity over contradiction, finding common hopes amid the emotion. How to Resolve the Conflicts In Your Life guides you each step of the way with proven techniques to transform discord into intimacy. The rewarding connections and inner peace you've been seeking await your courage to engage thoughtfully when conflicts inevitably arise.

  • af Gaurav Sanjiv Kalangan
    212,95 kr.

    Perfect for introverts who want to network comfortably but are concerned about getting stuck in a conversation. If you've ever gotten trapped in a conversation or been cornered by a pushy person at a work event then you know it can ruin your evening. Now you can learn an easy way to get out of those situations and make going to meetings or other business functions much more productive and less stressful. Networking is important to any professional or business owner. Be prepared for events by learning these time-tested techniques for bringing the conversation to a close and moving on by creating your own personal exit plan. In this Book you will learn skills to make it easy and comfortable so you never have to feel trapped again.The techniques in this Book come from over 30 years of experience attending meetings and networking. The tips are things used by professionals every day to stop people from wasting their time. Learning to get out of a conversation can be even more tricky than getting one started. Feeling trapped by someone who just won't take a hint that you don't want to talk anymore can be incredibly uncomfortable. I developed this Book to help my students who have felt "cornered" before and didn't know how to get away from the other person without feeling awkward. One of my clients, Kim, spent 20 years avoiding networking events because she was traumatized in this way. She was able to overcome her aversion and learned these easy to learn techniques... and now she has no fear of meeting people professionally.The chapters in this Book are broken down so that you will understand not only what to say, but why it can help you. The practice techniques will enable you to be more confident, more quickly. This Book will help you take full advantage of professional opportunities to make connections and build relationships to further your career or build your business.

  • af Dylan Walter
    182,95 kr.

  • af Rayan Musk
    337,95 kr.

    Speak Internationally Social Effect Stories" is a remarkable and connecting with stage that unites accounts from different societies all over the planet. This drive isn't just a narrating stage; a lively embroidery winds around together the rich social legacy, customs, and contemporary encounters of people and networks universally. At its center, "Speak Internationally Social Effect Stories" is a festival of variety, cultivating a feeling of worldwide solidarity through the force of narrating. The stage features a heap of stories, each adding to an aggregate comprehension of the common human experience. These accounts are not restricted to geological limits or social generalizations; all things considered, they offer a nuanced and true depiction of the intricacies and excellence innate in different societies. One of the unmistakable highlights of this stage is obligation to enhancing voices are frequently minimized or underrepresented. From the perspective of social effect stories, it expects to connect holes, challenge generalizations, and encourage a more profound appreciation for the extraordinary viewpoints that add to the worldwide embroidery. Whether investigating customary ceremonies, contemporary fine arts, or individual excursions, every story unfurls as a demonstration of the wealth of human culture. The tales highlighted on "Speak Worldwide Social Effect Stories" envelop a wide exhibit of topics, including workmanship, music, cooking, legends, and individual tales. By introducing these stories in a media design, the stage makes a dynamic and vivid experience for its crowd. Clients can investigate visual and hear-able components that go with the composed stories, giving a comprehensive comprehension of the social effect being shared. The drive goes past being a detached narrating stage; it supports dynamic investment and commitment from its worldwide crowd. Through intelligent highlights, clients can contribute their own accounts, share social experiences, and interface with other people who have comparable interests. This participatory methodology changes the stage into a residing, developing space where social discourse flourishes. Besides, "Speak All around the world Social Effect Stories" perceives the force of stories in cultivating sympathy and understanding. In a world that is turning out to be progressively interconnected, the stage fills in as a virtual gathering place where individuals from various foundations can take part in significant discussions. By revealing insight into the common parts of our humankind, it adds to building extensions and destroying hindrances that might exist between societies.

  • af Sandra Hoffmann
    264,95 kr.

    Embark on a transformative journey with Sandra Hoffmann's 'Confidence and Personal Success.' This insightful guide delves deep into the heart of self-awareness, offering a compelling exploration of self-confidence beyond the surface level. Discover the multifaceted nature of self-belief, as Hoffmann guides you through the intricate pathways of self-doubt, revealing the profound impact it has on our lives. This book isn't just theoretical musings¿it's a personal testament to overcoming self-doubt and embracing a life of empowerment and fulfillment.With each page, 'Confidence and Personal Success' provides practical tools and personal anecdotes, making the journey toward self-awareness both relatable and achievable. Hoffmann's compassionate approach will assist you in understanding the origins of your self-doubt and equip you with strategies to conquer these destructive patterns. Prepare to enhance your self-awareness, overcome fear, and discover the empowering art of self-acceptance.Whether you're grappling with your inner critic or seeking a more confident and fulfilling life, this book is your roadmap to a more self-assured you. Join Sandra Hoffmann on this enlightening journey and unlock your full potential. 'Confidence and Personal Success' isn't just a book¿it's the key to a life of confidence, achievement, and personal triumph.

  • af Stefan Fourier
    164,95 kr.

  • af Fiona So
    157,95 kr.

    "Shackled: Why We Are Predisposed to Resist Belief Change and How to Overcome Our Instincts" is a riveting exploration into the human psyche. This book uncovers the hidden chains of cognitive biases that bind our thinking and decision-making processes, revealing why we are naturally inclined to resist changes in our beliefs. Navigating the complex terrain of neuroscience, the book demystifies the brain's design and our inherent predispositions, making these intricate concepts approachable for all readers. The narrative is punctuated with personal anecdotes, painting a vivid picture of how these biases manifest in real-world situations. But what sets this book apart is its focus on breaking free from these chains. It provides practical and actionable strategies to counteract our inherent resistance to belief change, encouraging a shift from emotional reactions to rational problem-solving. By understanding and overcoming our instinctual biases, we can make more informed decisions and improve our quality of life. "Shackled" is more than a book-it's a catalyst for self-reflection, critical thinking, and personal growth. It champions the importance of lifelong learning and continuous self-improvement, serving as a valuable guide for those wishing to unshackle their minds and navigate life with greater mindfulness and clarity.

  • af Juan Tonelli
    197,95 kr.

    ¿Quién se anima a mirar a los ojos a sus propias vulnerabilidades? Conocer los problemas de otros, sus contradicciones y dualidades, a veces resulta la forma más adecuada para abordar con compasión y fortaleza a nuestros propios fantasmas. Con talento y mirada sensible, Juan Tonelli reúne historias extraordinarias de gente común para retratar y explorar distintos aspectos y tensiones de nuestra vida cotidiana, recorriendo temas como el miedo, las contradicciones, el dolor, los traumas y carencias que nos condicionan, y todo eso que sentimos y no podemos expresar. La mayoría de estas historias están escritas en primera persona, tal como fueron relatadas por sus protagonistas: seres lastimados, fantasiosos, aterrorizados, a veces delirantes, que nos permiten reflejarnos como en un espejo y mirar eso que nos ocupa tanto espacio, pero no nos animamos a enfrentar. «Comprendí que el tema no eran las dificultades en sí —que todos tenemos y son similares—, sino ser incapaces de abordarlas porque duelen.» Juan Tonelli «Un elefante en la habitación nos garantiza instantes de encuentro con nosotros mismos. Por eso vale la pena. » Laura GutmanENGLISH DESCRIPTIONDo you dare come to face to face with your own vulnerabilities? Analyzing other people’s problems, their contradictions and dualities, can be the best way to take on your own ghosts from a position of strength and compassion. Juan Tonelli has a talent for empathy, as evident in these extraordinary stories of ordinary people exploring different aspects and tensions in our daily lives. Their stories illustrate the fears, contradictions, pain, trauma and absences that condition us and give rise to deep-seated feelings we are unable to express. Most of the accounts are written in the first person, as they were told by their protagonists: hurt, frightened, whimsical or deluded individuals who serve as mirror for our own souls and the baggage that takes up so much space inside them, but that we’re never brave enough to clear out. “I understood that the real issue wasn’t the problems themselves – we all have them, and they tend to be similar – but rather our inability to face them because they are painful.” – Juan Tonelli. “An Elephant in the Room guarantees instants of self-knowledge. That’s why it’s so worthwhile.” – Laura Gutman

  • af Kobi
    229,95 kr.

    Das Buch für alle, die sich richtig heftig in sich selbst verlieben möchten. :)Komm', seien wir mal ehrlich: Das Leben ist in den letzten Jahren echt anstrengend geworden. Zwischen stressigen Arbeitstagen, einer Welt im Wandel und dem ganz eigenen 'Überlebensmodus' bleibt nur noch wenig Zeit für das, was wirklich glücklich macht: ein authentisches Leben in echter Selbstliebe.Als People Pleaser in Veränderung teile ich mit Dir in meinem Buch 'Feel all the feels 1', was ich in über vier Jahren Inner Work und Schattenarbeit über das Leben ¿ und meine Rolle darin ¿ gelernt habe. Mit einer modernen und authentischen Sprache habe ich auf über 200 liebevoll gestalteten Seiten meine Learnings zu verschiedenen Gefühlen in kurzen, frischen Worten aufgeschrieben. Freue Dich auf viele kleine Inspirationen. Mal als Denkanstoß, mal als Spiegel oder kleine Aufgabe ¿ aber immer mit ganz viel Liebe, um dich auf deinem Weg hin zur Selbstliebe und Authentizität zu unterstützen.Du wirst dieses Buch lieben, wenn Du ...... auf Deiner eigenen Reise bist und etwas Support gebrauchen kannst.... Dich als People Pleaser beschreiben würdest ¿ und mit Selbstliebe etwas daran ändern möchtest.... Sprache liebst und Dich gerne inspirieren lässt.... findest, dass Dir etwas mehr Selbstliebe gut tun würde.... einen kleinen Anker für die Herausforderungen des Alltags brauchst.... liebevoll gestaltete Dinge magst oder gerne verschenkst.Na, Bock drauf?

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