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Sind, krop, sjæl: tanker og praksis

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  • af Louise Hay
    138,95 kr.

  • af Celeste Larsen
    158,95 kr.

    Silver Winner, Personal Growth & Self Help, Nautilus Book Awards "A rare achievement that discusses the witch wound with historical depth and also offers practical invitations to heal the wound on a personal and collective level."--Danielle Dulsky, author of The Holy Wild You were born to live a magical life. Deep within your soul, you know this; it is why you picked up this book. But there is another reason why you now hold this book in your hands: because some part of you feels it is unsafe to fully embrace the magic that exists within and around you. This part of you carries an age-old wound--one that keeps you from claiming your magic, owning your power, and shining fearlessly in your truth. This is the "witch wound." Healing the witch wound is not about going back in time or dwelling on the atrocities of the past--quite the opposite. This work is about taking steps now to reclaim your power, live a more magical life, and embody your most authentic self. This book will lead you through a diverse range of practices, including spell work, rituals, meditations, and journal prompts to help you uncover and work through feelings of reticence, uncertainty, and fear. Some practices may not resonate for you, while others may be deeply impactful. Take what works, adapt and customize where you can, and leave the rest. This is your journey.

  • af Thomas Hübl
    245,95 kr.

    A road map to harness the power of our collective human consciousness as a source for healing our traumatized worldWe are all interconnected-and dependent on each other to shape the world in which we live. Yet even though technology has allowed us to digitally share our lives with more people than ever, the result has been a growing pattern of personal isolation, alienation, and division. Why is this? "We are seeing the manifestation of collective trauma," says luminary Thomas Hübl, who has reached thousands of people around the world through his teachings on mysticism and healing. "The profoundly complex challenges we face demand a new level of human collaboration." In Attuned, Hübl, together with writer Julie Jordan Avritt, shares a visionary guide for individuals, therapists, and other professionals committed to healing our struggling world. Attuning to a person, group, or organization means coming into resonance by listening mindfully to the inner sensations, feelings, images, and information that arise. At the core of the book is the "relational field"-a vast matrix of energy through which information is shared within, around, and between us. In each chapter, you'll find insights and practices for perceiving and tuning in to oneself and others, and ultimately contributing to the healing of this field, including:. The mystical and evolutionary principles behind human development and connection. Resources for embodying resilience, processing toxic stress, and regulating our individual and collective nervous systems. Attunement practices for working with the effects of trauma in yourself and across communities. Transparent communication-a practice of relating through authentic awareness and vulnerability. Guidance for group facilitators, healing ancestral trauma, and moreBy embracing our interdependence, we can activate what is needed to respond to and evolve through the challenges of our age. "It may take only a small number of us," explains Hübl, "to establish a new level of collective coherence-to share our light, heal our wounds, and realize the unawakened potential of our world."

  • af Rainn Wilson
    226,95 kr.

    "The trauma that our world experienced in recent years--as result of both the pandemic and societal tensions that threaten to overwhelm us-has been unprecedented and is not going away anytime soon. It is clear that existing political and economic systems are not enough to bring the change that the world needs. In this book, Rainn Wilson explores the possibility and hope for a spiritual revolution, a 'Soul Boom' in order to address today's greatest issues--mental health, racism and sexism, climate change, and economic injustice. For Wilson, this is very serious and essential pursuit, but he brings great humor and his own unique perspective to the conversation. He feels that, culturally, we've thrown the baby out with the bathwater--and that bathwater is spirituality, Faith and the Sacred. The baby is us, and we are in need of profound healing and a unifying understanding of the world that religion provides. Sharing his experience of losing his father during the summer of 2020 as well as his personal struggles with addiction and mental health, Wilson is an empathetic narrator and thinker who readers will appreciate and trust. Wilson's approach to spirituality--the non-physical, eternal aspects of ourselves--is relatable and will apply to people of all beliefs, even the skeptics. Filled with genuine insight--not to mention enlightening Kung Fu and Star Trek references--the book offers the keys to delving into ancient wisdom and seeking out practical, transformative answers to life's biggest questions"--

  • af Andrew R Gallimore
    322,95 kr.

  • af Kanwer Singh Mahl
    226,95 kr.

  • af Sara Landon
    136,95 kr.

    An entirely channeled book of messages from The Council, a group of ascended master beings, that communicate to us that we have the power to be the Creators of our lives.

  • af yung pueblo
    165,95 kr.

    "A radically compassionate plan for turning inward and lifting the heaviness that prevents us from healing ourselves and the world, from the New York Times bestselling author of Clarity & Connection"--

  • - Kristendommen ifølge
    af Elisabeth Gjerluff Nielsen
    128,95 kr.

    Fortid og nutid flyder sammen i Elisabeth Gjerluff Nielsens poetiske bog om kristendommen Det handler om barndom og ungdom. Om bedsteforældre, forældre og børnebørn. Om dem, vi var, og dem, vi blev. Om kærlighed og svigt. Om drømme og forhåbninger.Hendes tro har lange rødder og krydser tid og sted. Den løber i årerne, og den er båret af salmerne, af erindringen, af meningsfulde øjeblikke, af ord, der har sat sig fast.For hende er troen ikke en statisk størrelse, man kan holde ud i strakt arm og betragte og redegøre for. Hun er ikke optaget af, om den er rigtig eller forkert, og hun har ingen ønsker om at føre beviser for den. Troen er, ganske enkelt.Elisabeth Gjerluff Nielsen (f. 1957), sanger/sangskriver/komponist/forfatter mm.

  • - Fang lykken i en turbulent verden
    af Desmond Tutu & Dalai Lama
    178,95 kr.


  • Spar 11%
    af Martin Holmgaard Laursen
    178,95 kr.

    Ind i taknemligheden udfolder, hvordan taknemlighed kan forvandle vores liv og gøre det mere intenst og kostbart. Bogen henvender sig til dem, der selv ønsker at arbejde med taknemlig­hed, og som efterspørger en grundigere indførelse i begrebet. Herunder også de forhold, der skal sættes lys på, når man vil dybere ind i taknemlig­heden. Bogen er fyldt med praktiske eksempler på, hvordan taknemlighed kan sætte sit præg på hverdagen. Endvidere belyses taknemlighed ved hjælp af passager hentet fra litteraturen, religionen og historien. Forfatteren kommer rundt om taknemlighedsbegrebet og udforsker bl.a. følgende temaer: Veje ind i taknemligheden Taknemlighedens pris Hvordan du opdager din egen utaknemlighedTaknemlighed og børn Kritik af taknemlighedsbegrebet Den foruroligende taknemlighed Endelig præsenteres læseren for en mangfoldighed af forskellige utraditi­onelle taknemlighedsøvelser, således at der kan findes øvelser for hver en smag. Om forfatteren:Martin H. Laursen (1966) er aut. psykolog og har tidligere arbejdet som adjunkt på lærersemina­rier i Haslev, Jelling og Aarhus. Har siden 2008 arbejdet med kræftpatienter, også i den palliative fase, med fokus på, hvordan livet bedst leves på trods af de begrænsninger, som alvorlig sygdom medfører. Martin har holdt kurser i, hvordan vi kan få øjne­ne op for de betydningsfulde dimensioner i livet ved at forholde os til vores egen død. Han har selv dyrket meditation i en længere årrække og er knyttet til meditationscentret Tigerens Rede i Gedved. Han har tidligere udgivet Abduktiv undervisning og læring (2017).

  • Spar 17%
    - De ti gyldne regler for at give slip
    af Matt Kahn
    206,95 kr.

    Opdag sand indre fred i en usikker verden.Matt Kahn hjælper dig med at mestre forvandlingens vej i en tid, hvor forandring er allermest påkrævet.Bogens sider vil lære dig at Bryde med cyklusser af offermentalitet, selvfordømmelse, skyld og bebrejdelse Helbrede følelsesmæssige sår uden at skade andre eller påtage dig andres smerte Tage imod din guddommelighed uden at afvise eller undgå din menneskelige side Blive en ledestjerne for forandring, der forvandler din virkelighedMatt Kahns energetisk kodede mantraer og øvelser vil sætte dig i stand til at kickstarte din åndelige vækst og give dig adgang til dybere lag af velvære, frihed og glæde.

  • Spar 17%
    - Sådan overvinder du sygdom og styrker dit immunforsvar ved at kontrollere kronisk stress
    af Bal Pawa
    248,95 kr.

    75 procent af vores sygdomme skyldes vedvarende og usædvanlig store mængder stresshormoner i kroppen. Men det er muligt at styre denne kroniske stress og dens skadelige bivirkninger med syv nemme og overkommelige redskaber. Tænk dig sund kan lære dig at gøre det. Den sammenvæver forskningsbaseret videnskab med praktiske råd, så du kan forlade den primitive kæmp-eller-flygt-tilstand og  i stedet sende helbredende hormoner ud i kroppen.

  • - - et inspirationshæfte om naturterapi
    af Jette Rønn Smits
    138,95 kr.

    "Når naturen heler barndomstraumer - et inspirationshæfte om naturterapi" er en bog baseret på faglig viden og erfaringer med at bruge naturen i arbejdet med at hele barndommens traumer.I vores tilfælde blandt børn og unge, der kæmper med følgerne efter alkohol- og stofmisbrug i familien. Vi har erfaret, hvordan det at se og opleve naturen kan være med til at hele traumer, og mindske stress, fordi man finder en indre ro i naturen - fødder i græsset, mad over bål og afslapning og meditation med hele kroppen placeret mod jordens underlag. Bogen kan bruges i mange forskellige sammenhænge og bidrager med konkrete eksempler og øvelser i forhold til, hvordan naturen kan være en del af en helende proces. Der er blandt andet eksempler på, hvordan elementer fra naturen kan gøre svære emner nemmere at tale. Psykoterapeut David BR Camacho, som står bag bogen "Grøn terapi", skriver sådan her i sit gæsteforord: "Denne lille bog ser jeg kan gøre stor gavn for mange familier i Danmark, da den er bygget op af fine små lettilgængelige redskaber, øvelser og samværsbeskrivelser. Det er lige præcis sådan en håndbog der kan gøre en forskel. En bog, der kan åbne endnu mere op for, hvordan naturen kan bidrage til, at mennesket kan få endnu mere gavn af den, samt at vi som mennesker kan blive bedre til at mærke vores forbundethed med den. Som læser vil du finde masser af inspiration til bålmad, vandringsture og naturoplevelser, der kan styrke dit eget system og som også kan styrke fællesskabet i familierne i naturen.

  • - Om at finde ro, livsglæde og kærlighed - og finde hjem
    af Rikke Rose Rasmussen
    198,95 kr.

    Et smukt univers af selvudvikling, hvor det kun handler om dig, og hvor du let kan skabe mere af det gode, det positive og det ærlige i dit liv.Her bliver du kærligt inspireret, pirret og provokeret til at tage en ærlig snak med dig selv og komme helt tæt på det, der udgør dig, dine værdier og dit liv. Lær dig selv bedre at kende! Find ind til din kerne!En selvudviklingsbog i en helt ny og anderledes form, der arbejder på forskellige sanseniveauer gennem en spændende blanding af visuelle rejser, øvelser, spørgsmål, skriveoplæg, fotografier og eventyr.

  • Spar 17%
    - Bliv sundere, gladere, og lev længere
    af David Hamilton
    248,95 kr.

    Det er en almindelig antagelse, at vi mennesker grundlæggende er selviske, men den britiske forfatter David Hamilton påpeger omvendt, at vi genetisk er disponerede for at være venlige. I sin nye bog fremlægger han adskillige videnskabelige undersøgelser, der viser, i hvor høj grad og hvordan det at være venlig påvirker både vores krop og sind. Venlighed har indflydelse på vores hjerte og immunsystem, og det bevirker, at vi er gladere og i det hele taget føler os bedre tilpas. Det at være venlig kan ligefrem sænke vores blodtryk, mindske stress og modvirke depression; det nedsætter desuden hastigheden hvormed vi ældes, booster vores selvværd, forbedrer vores relationer med andre mennesker – og så smitter det at være venlig, så andre får samme sidegevinster og giver det gode videre. Hvis man ikke allerede praktiserer venlighed i det daglige, får man her adskillige gode grunde til at begynde. 5 positive bivirkninger ved at være venlig blander den nyeste videnskab med helt almindelige menneskers personlige historier. Bogen er let læst, fuld af inspiration og overraskende viden, der alt sammen efterlader læseren med en følelse af glæde og optimisme. 

  • af Hermann Rudolph
    68,95 kr.

    En teosofisk andagtsbog med anvisning til meditation.

  • Spar 14%
    af Sonia Choquette
    128,95 kr.

  • af Eric John Campbell
    128,95 kr.

    The Universe created your world as a playground for you to enjoy. Whenever you create something, you express the light of the Universe in a way only you can do.The vital thing you must realize about life on earth is that your beliefs create your reality. When you believe something is true, you begin noticing and attracting things in your world that confirm your belief.In this book, you'll learn how to let go of old limiting beliefs and integrate new ones that attract a life to you that feels like heaven on earth. With these new beliefs, you'll shine your light as brightly as possible and inspire everyone you cross paths with to do the same.

  • af Alberto Villoldo
    148,95 kr.

    Access the gifts of transformation, heal the self, and live in harmony with one another and with the Earth by journeying through the wisdom wheel-a fresh take on the traditional medicine wheel-its archetypes, and its four wisdom challenges.

  • af Mariann Edgar Budde
    313,95 kr.

    "In recent years, Bishop Mariann Budde has become known for offering the right words at the right time, creating moments of healing amid turmoil. With How We Learn to Be Brave, she teaches readers to respond with clarity and grace even in the toughest times. Being brave is not a singular occurrence; it's a journey that we can choose to undertake every day. The decisive moments in life are those pivot points when we're called upon to push past our fears and act with strength. Drawing on examples ranging from Harry Potter to the Gospel According to Luke, Bishop Budde seamlessly weaves together personal experiences with stories from scripture, history, and pop culture to underscore both the universality of these moments and the particular call each one of us must heed when they arrive"--

  • af Annabelle Sharman
    116,95 kr.

  • af Hector Garcia
    148,95 kr.

    Ikigai, a captivating book written by Francesc Miralles, is a must-read for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of life and its purpose. Published by Random House UK Ltd in 2023, this book delves into the Japanese concept of 'Ikigai' – a reason for being, or the thing that gets you up in the morning. Miralles beautifully illustrates this concept through engaging narratives and thought-provoking insights, making it a compelling read for those interested in self-improvement and personal growth. This book, falling under the self-help genre, offers a unique blend of philosophy, psychology, and personal anecdotes, providing readers with practical tools and strategies to find their own 'Ikigai'. So, if you're looking for a book that can transform your perspective on life and inspire you to live more fully and purposefully, Ikigai by Francesc Miralles is the perfect choice.

  • af Joey Hulin
    146,95 kr.

    'An essential guide to unlocking the power of the universe' FEARNE COTTONThere's no better time to start manifesting than right now.Experience your most transformative year yet with this month-by-month companion to bringing more magic into your everyday life. A practice where science and mysticism meet, manifesting requires us to embody our desires if we are to achieve our dreams. By aligning our mind, body and soul - through the exercises in this book - we can then unlock the secret to a more fulfilling, joyful and confident life.With each chapter focused on a different intention - July for success, August for abundance, October for self-acceptance - this is a book rich with opportunity to help you experience the life you want most.So, whatever month you start reading, embark on a year-long journey exploring simple, life-changing manifesting practices (journaling prompts, affirmations, rituals, ceremonies and more), to help you unlock the wisdom of the universe.

  • af Rebecca Campbell
    158,95 kr.

    People think that the darkness is the end, but it's also the beginning. Each of us exist in a constant state of change, growth and transformation. But in order for the rebirth to happen we must find the courage to surrender who we once were to create space for who we are becoming. In Your Soul Had A Dream, Your Life Is It, bestselling author Rebecca Campbell shares her personal journey of learning to navigate life's darkest nights, opening to healing and reconnecting with the spirit of Life. This book will support you to: navigate your own dark nights of the soul embrace life's great cycles and initiatory gatewaysunderstand that healing is always happeningreceive ancestral healingbe held and supported by the unseen world of spirit that is all around youreturn to the Mystery School of natureembrace the 'Way of the Mystic' and walk your sacred pathMay these pages hold you through the changing seasons of your life. May they invite you to live courageously and say yes to how life is trying to initiate you. Has your soul been scheduled to go deeper than before?

  • Spar 17%
    af Svend Trier
    206,95 kr.

    Yoga rummer en dybere spirituel dimension, som ikke kun har med smidighed, fysiskvelbefindende og stressreduktion at gøre, men handler om udvikling af vores bevidsthed. Yoga er at leve med nærvær og dyb respekt over for en selv og ens krop og over for alle andre mennesker og alt levende. Spirituel yoga indbefatter meditation og refleksion, men drejer sig grundlæggende om en særlig livsindstilling, der ikke er begrænset til de perioder, hvor du sidder på puden eller yogamåtten og laver dine øvelser.I Yoga som spirituel praksis præsenterer den erfarne meditationslærer og forfatter Svend Trier de forskellige klassiske yogaveje og viser deres relevans og praktiske anvendelse i dag. Spirituelt søgende og yogaudøvere, som ønsker at udvide deres praksis og forståelse af yoga, kan have særlig gavn af bogen, men den henvender sig til alle, der interesserer sig for personlig udvikling.Yogaens visdomslære er udviklet og forfinet over flere tusind år og tilbyder værktøjer og metoder til at opnå højere niveauer af bevidsthed og giver mulighed for at leve et rigere og mere fyldestgørende liv på alle niveauer.leve et rigere og mere fyldestgørende liv på alle niveauer.

  • af Jamie Kreiner
    254,95 kr.

    The digital era is beset by distraction, and it feels like things are only getting worse. At times like these, the distant past beckons as a golden age of attention. We fantasise about escaping our screens. We dream of recapturing the quiet of a world with less noise. We imagine retreating into solitude and singlemindedness, almost like latter-day monks.But although we think of early monks as master concentrators, a life of mindfulness did not, in fact, come to them easily. As historian Jamie Kreiner demonstrates in The Wandering Mind, their attempts to stretch the mind out to God-to continuously contemplate the divine order and its ethical requirements-were all-consuming, and their battles against distraction were never-ending. Delving into the experiences of early Christian monks living in the Middle East, around the Mediterranean, and throughout Europe from 300 to 900 CE, Kreiner shows that these men and women were obsessed with distraction in ways that seem remarkably modern. At the same time, she suggests that our own obsession is remarkably medieval. Ancient Greek and Roman intellectuals had sometimes complained about distraction, but it was early Christian monks who waged an all-out war against it. The stakes could not have been higher: they saw distraction as a matter of life and death.Even though the world today is vastly different from the world of the early Middle Ages, we can still learn something about our own distractedness by looking closely at monks' strenuous efforts to concentrate. Drawing on a trove of sources that the monks left behind, Kreiner reconstructs the techniques they devised in their lifelong quest to master their minds-from regimented work schedules and elaborative metacognitive exercises to physical regimens for hygiene, sleep, sex and diet. She captures the fleeting moments of pure attentiveness that some monks managed to grasp, and the many times when monks struggled and failed and went back to the drawing board. Blending history and psychology, The Wandering Mind is a witty, illuminating account of human fallibility and ingenuity that bridges a distant era and our own.

  • af Marc Aixala
    253,95 kr.

  • af Florence Scovel Shinn
    183,95 - 278,95 kr.

  • Spar 17%
    af Alberto Villoldo
    248,95 kr.

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