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Rikke Rasmussen er clairvoyant, spirituelt medie og healer, og hendes livsmission er at gøre den spirituelle verden tilgængelig for alle mennesker. Vi er nødt til at forbinde os til den åndelige verden, hvis vi for alvor skal finde os til rette i tilværelsen og inderligt mærke, hvor heldige vi er at være i live.Det handler om nærvær, samhørighed og medmenneskelighed og om alt det, vi ikke kan se, veje og måle, men som er akkurat lige så virkeligt, som vores fysiske verden.Alt er energi! Og vi er allesammen ved at tage et kvantespring ind i en ny tid, hvor vi vil gøre mere brug af intuitionen. Det spirituelle liv sætter fokus på glæden og det, at vi mennesker er sjælelige væsener, der har adgang til åndelige indsigter, som giver livet substans og meningsfylde.Luk øjnene og begynd at se – Rikke guider dig i Find ind til sjælens lys ind i en for mange endnu ukendt verden i, og hun lærer dig at kontakte dine egne evner til clairvoyance og healing.Denne bog er et første skridt i retningen af at begynde at leve mere i overensstemmelse med dig selv og den vej, du ønsker at gå i livet.Lær omIntuitionHealingClairvoyanceChakrasystemetEnergikroppenReinkarnationSjælekontakt og tegn fra den anden sideHvordan universet guider dig og meget mere …Rikke Rasmussen er en af Danmarks dygtigste clairvoyante, og hun kendt fra adskillige tv- og radioprogrammer og podcasts. Hun er dybt passioneret omkring arbejdet med klienter og med formidlingen af den åndelige indsigt, vi mennesker har brug for.Rikke har gennem mange år undervist og holdt udsolgte foredrag og klarsynsdemonstrationer, og hun har omkring halvandet års ventetid på en session i sin praksis.Privat lever hun med sin mand og deres tre børn nord for København
Det anerkendte og certificerede medium Laura Lynne Jackson har lavet en guidebog til universets hemmelige sprog. Gennem en serie af rørende personlige beretninger, lærer Tegn fra oven os at opfange og forstå den myriade af spirituelle budskaber, der indgår i vores dagligdag. Forfatteren formidler en følelse af samhørighed og livsglæde. Selvom vores krop kun er her midlertidigt, så lever vores kærlighed videre. De læsere, der kæmper med tab, og som tror, det er muligt at kommunikere med afdøde, vil her finde trøst og styrke til at se hinsides smerten.
Tegn fra den anden side er den enestående beretning om, hvordan vores afdøde stadig kan kommunikere med os. Mette mistede sin søn Christian, da han var bare 17 år gammel. Mette har haft den mest utrolige kontakt med Christian, siden han døde. Susan og Mette, som sammen har skrevet bogen, er begge clairvoyante og inddrager ligeledes andre helt unikke oplevelser om kontakt med afdøde. De giver endvidere en forklaring på, hvordan det er muligt stadig at være i kontakt med vores elskede afdøde. Fremfor alt giver de håb. De giver håb for alle os, som har mistet en eller flere personer, vi elskede. For tænk, hvis de virkelig stadig er her? Tænk, hvis vi bare ikke har opdaget de tegn, de har givet os? Uddrag af bogen Ørnen var det første tegn, og i dag er jeg ikke et øjeblik i tvivl om, at det var et tegn fra Christian. Det helt utrolige med den ørn var, at den kom hver dag i dagene efter hans død, og den dag, han skulle begraves, fløj den hen over bilen og fulgtes med os. Herefter forsvandt den, men hold nu fast. Så dukkede den op igen præcis juleaften og så præcis på Christians 18-års fødselsdag i januar og så igen på Joakims fødselsdag i juni og min fødselsdag i september. Helt forunderligt, og vildt utroligt.Om forfatterne Mette Hill Lærkesen er indehaver af og direktør i firmaet Magni. Hun er derudover clairvoyant og mor til Christian, som denne bog tager sit afsæt i. Susan Nielsen er intuitiv coach, clairvoyant og cand.mag. i kommunikation og pædagogik. Hun er forfatter til flere bøger inden for det spirituelle område. Se intucoach.dk.
Mellem månerne er en guide til at genopdage årstiderne som vinduer eller portaler til simpel magi og stort nærvær. Fra den sitrende, modige og udadvendte energi, der møder os ved forårsjævndøgn og kulminerer i sommeren, til den store, langstrakte afsked og mørket igennem det dybe efterår og henover vinteren. Årstiderne minder os om at give plads til livets op- og nedture, og om at fejre alle følelsesmæssige tilstande, frem for at tro, at det altid skal være sommer og høj sol.Årstid for årstid, kapitel for kapitel, deler forfatteren gavmildt ud af de kalenderårets stemninger og af ritualer og praksisser, der kan efterlade dig blød, mild, nydende og forandret. Lær om de astrologiske arketyper, månefasernes meddelelser, ayurvedisk visdom og simple, kropsforankrende praksisser, der kan følge dig året rundt.Mellem månerne er en sanselig og poetisk ledsager til mere nærvær og forundring på alle de tidspunkter, der ikke lige er sensationelle, som fuldmåner eller højtider. Magien, omsorgen og den dybe forbindelse til livet udfolder sig nemlig i hverdagen, i mellemrummene og mellem månerne.Amanda Schou er en del af den yngre generation af astrologer, der insisterer på at tale astrologi på en anvendelig, uhøjtidelig og vedkommende måde. Denne bog forsøger at give de cirkulære, gentagende bevægelser, som også bor i astrologien, brugbare ben at gå på. Du behøver altså ikke vide noget særligt om hverken astrologi eller ayurveda, alkymi eller heksekunst for at være med her. Bogen er til dig, der mærker, at årets og livets årstider har en indvirkning på kroppen, og som ønsker at opholde dig med nærvær i både de solskinsrige og de regnfulde årstider.Amanda Schou, tidligere @maanemama på Instagram, er astrolog og ayurvedisk vejleder, og har egen praksis med sessioner og kurser, se mere på amandaschou.dk. Amanda er for nyligt blevet fast skribent af ugehoroskoper og kærlighedshoroskoper til ALT.dk. Amanda bor på Amager med partner og barn, og er i øvrigt uddannet yogalærer og cand. mag i kunsthistorie.
Tarotmesteren Sofie Golodnoff trækker det det ultimative kvindekort i bunken: Heltindens.Kortet sætter en person fri til at vælge (sig) selv. Tarottens store arkana, de 22 trumfer, er sindbilleder på Heltindens rejse: en arketypisk vej til indsigt, transformation og selvrealisering, som er tilgængelig for enhver, der føler sig draget af kortenes visdom.Kortene bliver her læst som en mytopoetisk udviklingsrejse, der sætter heltinden fri til at vælge (sig) selv.HELTINDENS REJSE er til dig, der ønsker at forstå de eviggyldige og dybere dynamikker, som eksisterer under overfladen, universets lovmæssigheder – så du kan leve i overensstemmelse med dit hjertes inderstekald og vælge din egen vej i livet – det C.G. Jung benævnte individuation.Læs om kortenes kendetegn og symboler, deres største gaver og udfordringer på vejen til at blive hel, og mærk den omsorg og kærlighed, arketyperne hver især møder dig med.Lær også at udregne og forstå de 9 tarotkonstellationer, tarottens svar på astrologiens stjernetegn. Når du kender og forstår dit personligheds- sjæls- og læremesterkort kan en indre og ydre rejse begynde.
”Den mørkegrå himmel trak sammen om Herrested. Ovenover alting svævede ravneneog holdt øje med den lille by.De ventede tålmodigt.”Den 24-årige Louise Jespersen forsvinder under en løbetur i Ravnholt skoven.Kort efter rystes den lille østfynske by Herrested af en række bizarre mord.Nyborg Politi og kriminalkommissær Lund må søge hjælp hos Marianne Lind, en ung officer med clairvoyante evner og et særdeles godt kendskab til de små landsbyers hemmeligheder.I sit forsøg på at finde Louise, bliver Marianne hvirvlet ind i de mystiske mord.At se det usete er en historie om hvad der foregår bag de nedrullede gardiner i et lille landsbysamfund.Om forfatterenChristina Larsen er sygeplejerske og har siden 1999 skrevet en række noveller og romaner. At se det usete er produktet af mange års passion for at skrive og den første i en planlagt serie af kriminalromaner om den clairvoyante Marianne Lind.
From America’s top psychic medium and the author of When Heaven Calls comes a new book that unveils the secrets of the afterlife, the truth about heaven, and inspires “us with his comforting certainty that we never die” (Gloria Estefan).
Hvordan er det at leve et jordisk liv med evner, mange betragter som overjordiske? Hvordan opfatter clairvoyante mennesker verden, og hvordan kommunikerer de med afdøde mennesker? Og kan det sommetider være mere en forbandelse end en velsignelse at kunne opfatte det, andre ikke kan? Dette og meget andet får vi et sjældent indblik i gennem ti tankevækkende og personlige samtaler med de clairvoyante.I ”Clairvoyance. 10 samtaler”, som udkom første gang i 2002, har journalist Dorte Kvist interviewet nogle af Danmarks bedste clairvoyante i et forsøg på at formidle nogle af de mange aspekter, der ligger inden for den menneskelige opfattelsesevne.Dorte Kvist (f. 1959) er uddannet journalist ved Danmarks Journalisthøjskole. Hun arbejder som freelancejournalist og har udgivet en række bøger, heriblandt "Det er jo mennesker" om skæbner fra fængslet, "Tro mod tro" med Naser Khader og Kathrine Lilleør og "En moderne troldmand" om seeren Calle Montsegur.
Jeg er tit blevet overrasket over, de problemer, konflikter, og svære beslutninger som får mine klienter til at konsultere mig. Jeg har set dem alle som seriøse henvendelser, intet er for stort eller for småt.De konsultationer jeg har givet: Har jeg ofte tænkt, er det virkelig det der optager mine medmennesker. Så hold på hat og briller. Spørgsmålene, er alt mellem himmel og jord.Når jeg skal give en behandling så trækker jeg på alt min viden og hele den spirituelle erfaring jeg har gjort. Ved clairvoyantisk konsultation så er det jo helt klart at det er min skytsånd og mine engle der sammen med klientens skytsånd, der giver mig svarene.Under mit arbejde som alternativ behandler: så har jeg selvfølgelig trukket på mine evner og erfaringer som clairvoyant, healer, samtaleterapeut, numerologi, sjælsrejser og rensning af huse. Jeg har virkelig måtte trække på alle mine erfaringer også fra: mine foredrag, når jeg har holdt Home Party, fra undervisningssituationer og ikke mindst under private forhold. Jeg har, måtte trække på al min spirituel viden og erfaring som jeg har høstet som alternativ behandler.Jeg taler kun ud fra egen erfaring og spirituel indsigt. Mit mål med denne bog, er at få dig til at undersøge og bevise det hele for dig selv.Jeg vil ønske dig en dejlig og livsbekræftende tur her på jorden. Mine ønsker for dig er at du bruger dit liv på at udvikle dig spirituelt.Jeg håber at efter hånden som du udvikler dig, vil være indstillet på at arbejde for hele menneskeheden, så jordkloden vi skal gi vider, bliver et bedre sted, for de kommende generationer.God rejse gennem livetSofiia JoAnn ElkjærSilkeborg, Danmarks hjertechakra
Discover Your Secret, Extrasensory Gift for Bountiful LivingLearn how your intuitive, empathic, and sensitive nature can be a valuable ally in manifesting your highest good. This book teaches you how to allow abundance to effortlessly flow into all areas of your life.Sharing dozens of exercises and meditations, professional psychic and spiritual teacher Sherrie Dillard helps you to go beyond the conventional approach to extrasensory awareness. As you unlock your soul's full potential, ease replaces stress and your desires, wants, and needs appear.Empaths, intuitives, and the sensitive walk a sacred path. The pure light of your destiny is calling. With Sherrie's guidance, you can ascend to a higher state of consciousness and access divine creative forces. Along the way, you'll heal old wounds, release repressed emotions, and control what energy you absorb and feel. This practical, uplifting book shows you, step-by-step, how to live fearlessly and free.
Train your intuition and telepathy skills with this complete toolkit, with cards and a full-color book to help you hone this psychic art. Written by bestselling author and renowned psychic, Sahar Huneidi Palmer, this practical and fascinating kit will bring your telepathic skills to the fore and astound you with the power of your mind. Using five sets of card-based tests, you will learn how to develop your psychic abilities and "see" what is on the cards. You can work with a partner, a group, or just yourself in these intriguing exercises. Discover the tried-and-tested telepathy techniques that psychics use to develop their own craft and unlock your extra-sensory powers with this practical kit. Contains: #8226; A 50-card telepathy deck> ABOUT THE SERIES: Sirius Oracle Kits contain everything you need to get started in a spiritual practice. Each kit includes practical guidebook alongside the equipment you need, from tarot cards to pendulums and I Ching coins, presented in a sleek lidded box.
"If you wish to upset the law that all crows are black, you mustn't seek to show that no crows are; it is enough if you prove one single crow to be white." William James (1842-1910) was a leading figure in Western psychology, philosophy, and psychical research. While there is an inextricable relationship between the various strands of James's work, his psychical research has been unfairly neglected in favor of classics such as The Principles of Psychology and The Varieties of Religious Experience. Read in light of one another, however, James's "mainstream" writings can be seen as efforts to make philosophical, metaphysical, and psychological sense of his psychical research. Mind Dust and White Crows bridges the illusory divide, placing James's widely accepted works on mystical experience, theories of the soul, immortality, and metaphysics alongside his key writings on mediumship, telepathy, possession and other areas of psychical research. The result is a more integrated picture of James's spiritually-minded writings, transcending the disciplinary stigmas so often imposed on them. Interestingly, some of James's ideas seem to align with current interpretations of the soul and extended consciousness as derived from quantum physics. This volume includes many rare articles, including material that has not been previously published in book form. Andreas Sommer's introduction - written especially for this volume - highlights the importance of James's work to the history and development of psychical research.
Embark on a mesmerizing journey into the enigmatic world that exists beyond the veil of the known. In "Ghosts: The Unseen Threads Connecting Past and Present," the supernatural comes to life as the ethereal threads weaving through the tapestry of human history are unravelled. This captivating exploration delves into the mysteries of the unseen, inviting readers to peer into the shadows where the past and present intertwine.Synopsis:Within the pages of this extraordinary book, the invisible becomes tangible, and the whispers of the supernatural echo through the corridors of time. "Ghosts" is not just a collection of spine-chilling tales; it is an in-depth investigation into the threads that connect our world to the ethereal realms.The narrative unfolds like a spectral tapestry, each chapter revealing a different facet of the supernatural. From the historical roots of ghost stories to the cutting-edge technology that seeks to unveil the unseen, this book is a comprehensive exploration of the paranormal, blending traditional wisdom with modern inquiry.Key Features:Historical Exploration: Uncover the haunting histories and forgotten tales that resonate through time. Historical narratives, cultural traditions, and significant events converge to shape the supernatural landscape.Ethereal Technology: Enter the digital age of ghost hunting with a detailed examination of the tools and gadgets that bridge the gap between the tangible and the ethereal. Explore the evolution of technology in paranormal investigations, from analogue cameras to artificial intelligence.Personal Experiences: Immerse yourself in first-hand accounts and personal experiences with the other side. Real-life encounters with ghosts, spirits, and unexplained phenomena offer a glimpse into the profound and often transformative impact of the supernatural on individuals.Spiritual Residue: Delve into the threads of unfinished business and spiritual residue that linger in haunted spaces. Unravel the emotional imprints and echoes of past events that continue to influence the present.Cultural Memory: Explore the impact of ghosts on cultural memory. From folklore and traditions to the preservation of haunted landscapes, witness how the supernatural weaves its way into the collective consciousness of societies across the globe.Mediumship and Communication: Peer into the psychic connection between the living and the dead. Uncover the secrets of mediumship and ghost communication, where the boundaries between this world and the next blur in a dance of ephemeral emissaries.Why Read "Ghosts"?"Ghosts: The Unseen Threads Connecting Past and Present" is not merely a book; it is an immersive journey into the heart of the supernatural. Whether you are a seasoned ghost enthusiast, a curious sceptic, or someone seeking a deeper understanding of the mysteries that transcend our everyday reality, this book offers a profound exploration of the unseen threads that connect us to the spectral realms.Prepare to be captivated by tales of the paranormal, enlightened by the intersection of technology and tradition, and moved by the human experiences that transcend the boundaries of the known. In "Ghosts," the unseen becomes visible, and the threads connecting past and present are illuminated with the flickering light of the otherworldly. Are you ready to step into the shadows and explore the ethereal tapestry that binds us all?
En recherchant le sens de ses maux, Jonathan découvre la relation profonde entre le chemin psychologique et la spiritualité.Une voie du milieu qui s'avéra ouvrir en lui un accès aux Archives Akashiques, bibliothèque métaphysique de la vie où il rencontrera le souvenir de la paix avec le soutien de ses guides.Décidé à se réconcilier à sa véritable nature, il va remonter le cours de son histoire pour enfin incarner les guérisons proposées. Son chemin va l'emmener à suivre les parcours des différents enseignements canalisés en s'interrogeant sur les comportements complexes de notre humanité mais surtout à se reconnecter à la force de l'amour et ses miracles.De la douleur à la paix, l'histoire se construit comme une initiation basculant au fil des chapitres entre le témoignage de profondes transformations intérieures et le cadeau d'expérimenter par soi-même la sagesse de l'Akasha grâce à un manuel pratique.
Madame Lenormand was a psychic for over 40 years and gained much publicity and recognition in Europe for the advice she gave to Napoleon and his wife Josephine, the leaders of the French Revolution, and the French aristocrats. Upon her retirement from work, she returned to her hometown as a wealthy woman, even wealthier than the king of France. She never married and had no children. Upon the death of her sister, she adopted her children. After her death, she didn't leave behind detailed information on how to read her cards.Hence, in 2014 I decided to contact her, and received simple instructions regarding how to read them. I wrote this guidebook for half a year thanks to her permission to channel with her.The original Lenormand set of cards contains 36 cards. The Italian painter, Ciro Marchetti, added additional eight warning cards, from 37-44, which are not mandatory to use.Lenormand Tarot Deck Meaning is book #5 in the Gali Lucy Predictions Series:Book #1: Divine Creation. Book #2: The Aquarius Age. Book #3: The Future: Based on the Ages theory. Book #4: Messages from the Mystical Cards. Book #5: Lenormand Tarot Deck Meaning: A guidebook channeled through Anne-Marie Adelaide's spirit. Gali Lucy, Medium, Author, Singer, Composer, and Architecture Engineer, who channels with The Creation Entities since the age of six, using only her brain without additional tools. She is highly respected around the world for her astonishing accuracy in predicting the future, both on a personal and global level, using X-ray remote vision ability. She consults on a wide variety of topics around the world. All of her books were dictated to her through channeling.www.Gali4u.com
First English translation of the French cult classic L'Homme Superlumineux which offers a mind-blowing account of human consciousness and the nature of reality that will change the way readers see the world.The Superluminal Universe reveals, for the first time in English, the incredible insights of French quantum physicist Professor Régis Dutheil. Thanks to the development of particle accelerators, physicists are now able to propel particles (tachyons) at a speed close to that of light (300,000 km per second). At these extreme speeds, the laws that govern our universe no longer apply. Professor Dutheil's work has shown that the theory of relativity is not incompatible with that of tachyons, provided that we allow for the possibility of a double reality: that alongside our sub-luminous universe, which follows the law of time, is a superluminal universe. This second reality is another universe, complementary to and symmetrical with ours, governed by superluminal space-time in which light moves 300,000 km/s to infinity.In the superluminal universe, everything is instantaneous. It is possible to conceive of a superluminal being capable of moving from one end of space to the other. This parallel universe consists only of information and consciousness: all information (past, present, future) and the consciousness of all humanity. Professor Dutheil's thesis joins the intuitions of ancient philosophers with current quantum physics to blow our current notions of time, of past and present, of the nature of consciousness, of birth and death right out of the water.
'The Future', an astro-numerological journey through the 12 Ages of the Zodiac. In this journey we will move 4,000 years backward and 20,000 years forward in time. The book reveals the effects of the Ages on humanity on Earth.Nothing is coincidental, as there is an order which moves in infinite cyclicality.Each Age lasts for 2,106 years and the overlap between the Ages is 468 years.We review historical evidence from the past, present, and forecast the future.We are separating from the Pisces Age and are entering the Aquarius Age, which will officially begin in the year 2,106.The Future: Based on the Ages theory is book #3 in the Gali Lucy Predictions Series:Book #1: Divine CreationBook #2: The Aquarius AgeBook #3: The Future: Based on the Ages theoryBook #4: Messages from the Mystical CardsBook #5: Lenormand Tarot Deck Meaning: A guidebook channeled through Anne-Marie Adelaide's spiritGali Lucy, Medium, Author, Singer, Composer, and Architecture Engineer, who channels with The Creation Entities since the age of six, using only her brain without additional tools. She is highly respected around the world for her astonishing accuracy in predicting the future, both on a personal and global level, using X-ray remote vision ability. She consults on a wide variety of topics around the world. All of her books were dictated to her through channeling. www.Gali4u.com
Divine Creation, is a unique spiritual guidance book, which provides its readers with information and insights that can change their lives. This book was transferred through channeling. In every aspect of life, the moment you begin to ask 'why' and do not get any straight and logical answers, it is time to stop and rethink.The book answers in simple and humorous language the question 'Who are we?', as well as other important questions, such as:Who is God / The Creation, The Creators, and The Created?How was life and humanity on Earth created?Why we are here and what is the purpose of humanity in the universe?What is destiny, fate, and soul?What is heaven and hell, and is there life after death?What are the basic rules of the universe?Many basic, essential insights are presented in the book, such as:There never was and never will be a single truth.You are all visitors for a brief moment on Earth.Nothing was nor ever will be yours forever, other than your freedom of choice.Even your soul is not yours.You cannot die.Gali Lucy, Medium, Author, Singer, Composer, and Architecture Engineer, who channels with The Creation Entities since the age of six, using only her brain without additional tools.She is highly respected around the world for her astonishing accuracy in predicting the future, both on a personal and global level, using X-ray remote vision ability. She consults on a wide variety of topics around the world. All of her books were dictated to her through channeling.www.Gali4u.comDivine Creation is book #1 in the Gali Lucy Predictions Series:Book #1: Divine CreationBook #2: The Aquarius AgeBook #3: The Future: Based on the Ages theoryBook #4: Messages from the Mystical CardsBook #5: Lenormand Tarot Deck Meaning: A guidebook channeled through Anne-Marie Adelaide's spirit
What is the Aquarius Age and how will it affect our lives? In this book, the author reveals the effects of the Zodiac's movements on planet Earth. We are departing from the Pisces Age and entering the Aquarius Age. This new Age will officially take place during the years 2106 - 4212. The Aquarius Age-rays, which always arrive prior to the official Age, started in the year 1638, with an insight by the scientist Galileo Galilei, who discovered that Earth and the other eight planets circulate around the sun, which is contrary to what was understood at the time.We are gradually departing from the Pisces Age...Every age lasts 2106 years. The Pisces sign is water, an age rich in education, inventions, and technologies based on water, transportation on water, dams, using liquids and fuels as energy sources. It's the age of men: divide and conquer with ego, control, wealth for individuals, consumer culture, corruptions, financial institutions, classes, monarchies, dictators, wars, borders, countries, states, and cities. It's the age of religions and material spirituality....And entering the Aquarius Age.Every age lasts 2106 years. The Aquarius sign is air, an age rich in advanced technologies based on air/gas pressure, aviation, and speed. It's the age of women and united communities with world peace. An age of revealing the truth with fast justice, civil revolutions, which will bring the power back to the masses. An age of simplicity, love, compassion, responsibility, civilian unity, without borders nor religions but free faith, spiritual healers, and mediums, in which people will meet their Creators, the aliens.¿¿The Aquarius Age is book #2 in the Gali Lucy Predictions Series:Book #1: Divine Creation. Book #2: The Aquarius Age. Book #3: The Future: Based on the Ages theory. Book #4: Messages from the Mystical Cards. Book #5: Lenormand Tarot Deck Meaning: A guidebook channeled through Anne-Marie Adelaide's spirit. Gali Lucy, Medium, Author, Singer, Composer, and Architecture Engineer, who channels with The Creation Entities since the age of six, using only her brain without additional tools. She is highly respected around the world for her astonishing accuracy in predicting the future, both on a personal and global level, using X-ray remote vision ability. She consults on a wide variety of topics around the world. All of her books were dictated to her through channeling. www.Gali4u.com
The dead want to be heard, and they call upon me to get urgent messages through to their loved ones. Often, just in the nick of time, I hear a voice calling out because of impending doom. It might be as serious as an approaching suicide attempt, or as simple as a missing will that needs to be found. This little book is a collection of six short stories about six separate spirits that called upon me to prevent tragedy from striking.Debbie Mannon's life changed in 2012 when her gifts of mediumship ignited and became her life's focus.
Le livre "Exploration de l'Esprit et de la Connexion Spirituelle : Une Approche de la Médiumnité" plonge les lecteurs dans le monde énigmatique de la médiumnité et de la communication avec les royaumes spirituels. L'auteur, un praticien expérimenté de la spiritualité et de la médiumnité, propose une exploration profonde des mécanismes derrière la communication entre le monde physique et le monde spirituel.Le livre commence par démystifier le concept de médiumnité, en le définissant comme la capacité de percevoir et d'interagir avec les esprits, les âmes décédées ou les entités énergétiques. L'auteur explore les diverses formes de médiumnité, allant de la clairvoyance à la clairaudience en passant par la psychométrie, et explique comment ces capacités se manifestent chez les individus.L'accent est mis sur le développement de la médiumnité, avec des conseils pratiques pour ceux qui souhaitent explorer leurs propres capacités. L'auteur guide les lecteurs à travers des exercices et des techniques visant à renforcer leur connexion spirituelle et à améliorer leurs compétences médiumniques. Il insiste sur l'importance de l'éthique dans la pratique médiumnique, mettant en garde contre les manipulations et encourageant une approche respectueuse envers les esprits contactés.Une grande partie du livre est consacrée à des récits personnels et à des exemples de séances médiumniques réelles, ce qui donne aux lecteurs un aperçu des expériences concrètes vécues par les médiums et les personnes en quête de contact spirituel. L'auteur aborde également les défis et les doutes qui peuvent surgir lors de la pratique médiumnique et propose des conseils pour surmonter ces obstacles.En fin de compte, "Exploration de l'Esprit et de la Connexion Spirituelle" invite les lecteurs à embrasser leur curiosité envers le monde spirituel et à explorer leur propre potentiel médiumnique de manière éclairée et responsable. Le livre offre un mélange unique d'informations théoriques, de conseils pratiques et d'histoires captivantes qui inspireront ceux qui sont intéressés par la médiumnité et la connexion avec les royaumes spirituels.
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