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  • Spar 16%
    - Enkel zoneterapi og akupressur for forældre
    af Katrine Birk
    168,95 kr.

    En lettilgængelig guide, der viser forældre, hvordan de kan massere, kærtegne og give blide tryk til deres baby på zoner og akupressurpunkter mod alle de almindelige spæd- og småbørnsproblemer: Mavekneb, uro, feber, eksem, hoste, forkølelse, mellemørebetændelse, skoldkopper og meget andet. Alle punkter er tydeligt illustreret, og man kan ikke komme til at behandle forkert: Alle forældre bruger i forvejen intuitivt at massere, stryge osv. Bogen anviser blot punkter på babys krop, der har godt af at få lidt ekstra kærlig opmærksomhed. Bogen forklarer, hvad der er brug for at vide af baggrund og sammenhænge – ikke mere. Det er en udpræget brugsbog, som vil give forældre et ekstra redskab til at øge babys velbefindende. Fuld af tips til at lindre forskelligt ubehag hos baby. Bag i bogen er et indeks over symptomer og lidelser, hver med henvisning til de bedst egnede punkter.Pressen skriver: »[…]de bedste og mest brugbare behandlingsmetoder, som forældre kan bruge i hverdagen. […] du får redskaber til at undgå situationer med barnet, hvor følelsen af magtesløshed opstår  […] de flotte billeder og det letlæselige sprog gør det ligeledes nemt for dig, som forælder, at sætte sig ind i akupressurens og zoneterapiens praktiske metoder - som jo også kan bruges på kæresten, veninden eller dig selv!«– Caroline Erritzøe, Børn i byen»En nemt overskuelig guide til arbejdet med akupressur og zoneterapi på spædbørn. […] meget informativt og besvarer mange af de spørgsmål, man som forældre kan have, når man tænker på at anvende alternativ behandling til sit barn. […] flotte farvefotos«– Heidi Drasbek Martinussen, Lektør

  • af Jørgen Frydenlund
    268,95 kr.

  • - Enkel zoneterapi og akupressur som får dit barn til at sove bedre
    af Katrine Birk
    168,95 kr.

    En af de største udfordringer, forældre til babyer og småbørn møder, er søvnproblemer hos barnet. Derfor har Katrine Birk, forfatter til bestselleren TRYK & GLAD, skrevet en bog, der handler om typiske grunde til dårlig babysøvn, med tilhørende zoneterapi- og akupressurpunkter, der kan få baby til at sove bedre og længere. Dårlig søvn hos babyer og småbørn kan bl.a. skyldes et stresset nervesystem, overstimulering, ondt i maven, ondt i ørerne, ømme gummer og andre gener. TRYK & GLAD BABYSØVN tager fat i disse gener og viser, hvordan forældre selv kan afhjælpe dem og give barnet større velvære, mere ro og bedre søvn.

  • - Enkel zoneterapi og akupressur med små historier til et kærligt putteritual
    af Katrine Birk, Lena Adalberth & Anne Marie Berså
    158,95 kr.

    Det kan være svært at få en lille energifyldt tumling til at sove! Med Tryk og glad godnatlæsning tilbydes et enkelt redskab til at skabe ro og gode betingelser for en hyggestund mellem barn og voksen – og at gøre kroppen klar til en god nats søvn.Med syv små godnathistorier om Lille Tumle, der alle lægger op til blid akupressur og zoneterapi under højtlæsningen, er bogen et bud på et kærligt putteritual – og et konkret værktøj til de situationer, hvor både forældre og barn har brug for at komme ned i tempo.Første del af bogen giver forældrene et indblik i syv forskellige akupressur- og zoneterapi-punkter på barnets krop, som skaber balance og hjælper søvnen på vej. Desuden tilbydes et indblik i højtlæsningens mange gode egenskaber.Anden del er en rigt illustreret billedbog til de mindste, hvor syv små historier om Lille Tumle og hendes tøjdyr alle lægger op til at falde til ro. Hver godnatfortælling inkorporerer et punkt fra bogens første del, som hjælper til en rolig og hyggelig aftenstund med nus og nærvær.Pressen skriver: »Med syv små godnathistorier om Lille Tumle, der alle lægger op til blid akupressur og zoneterapi under højtlæsningen, er bogen et bud på et kærligt putteritual - og et konkret værktøj til de situationer, hvor både forældre og barn har brug for at komme ned i tempo.«- Kathrine Thorlund, Søndagsavisen Lolland-Falster

  • - Enkel zoneterapi og akupressur som giver dit barn god fordøjelse uden mavesmerter
    af Katrine Birk
    165,95 kr.

    Mange babyer plages af ondt i maven. Derfor har Katrine Birk, forfatter til bestselleren TRYK & GLAD, skrevet en bog, der handler om typiske maveproblemer hos babyer, med tilhørende zoneterapi- og akupressurpunkter, der kan afhjælpe smerterne og ubehaget. Bogen tager fat i maveproblemer og andre gener, der kan drille maven, såsom forstoppelse, luft i maven, kolik, diarré, stress, låste led i kroppen og andet. TRYK & GLAD BABYMAVE viser, hvordan forældre selv kan afhjælpe og forebygge generne og dermed give barnet færre maveproblemer og større velvære.

    746,95 kr.

    "Klassikeren om indre medicin", tilskrevet Den Gule Kejser (2698-2589 f.Kr.), er en lærebog i kinesisk lægekunst og om hvordan mennesket kommer i balance med sig selv. "Klassikeren om de vanskelige områder", skrevet i det 2. årh. e.Kr., er en praktisk anvisning på akupunkturbehandling Originaltitler: Huang Di Nei Jing, og: Nan Jing Samling af grundige klassiske introduktionsværker til traditionel kinesisk medicin. Gennemgang af elementerne, meridianerne og qi-energiens forskellige udtryksformer. Med noter, kommentarer og oversigter.

  • - På naturvidenskabeligt grundlag
    af Palle Rosted
    488,95 kr.

    Akupunktur på naturvidenskabeligt grundlag er en helt ny type opslagsbog til brug i klinikken. Den henvender sig til lægen, der ønsker at benytte akupunktur som en mulig behandlingsform inden for den traditionelle medicinske diagnosticerings- og behandlingsmodel. Læseren får en systematisk indføring i den moderne, medicinske akupunktur, der primært bygger på et naturvidenskabeligt grundlag.

  • Spar 17%
    af Jessica Ortner
    248,95 kr.

  • af Christina Matern
    808,95 kr.

    An at-a-glance review of all acupuncture points and channels for small animalsSkillfully integrating traditional concepts of Chinese medicine with clinical experience and modern scientific research, Acupuncture for Dogs and Cats brings together all current information in one convenient book. Its atlas-style format, highlighted by hundreds of full-color photographs and supporting text, makes it ideal as a quick, user-friendly reference in the clinic or training program.Special Features:An easy-to-use, double-page spread designed for fast retrieval of information--on the left, concise text describes the effects, indications, localization, technique, and depth of insertion for each acupuncture point; on the right, high-quality photographs demonstrate all concepts.Bones and muscles have been precisely drawn into each photograph, a valuable tool for localization of points.A comprehensive discussion of all acupuncture points in all channels ensures that you have full mastery of the field.A complete introduction to the principles of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), channel systems, TCM diagnostics, point selection, and point categories (such as Ting or Luo points) provide a strong foundation in the concepts of veterinary TCM.The only book to focus solely on acupuncture for small animals, this handy, pocket-size atlas is unique in the field. It offers a wealth of practical knowledge and a pictorial reference for veterinarians, animal acupuncturists, students, and trainees whose goal is to provide the highest level of treatment to the animals in their care.

  • af Jørgen Frydenlund
    208,95 kr.

  • af Sina Leslie Smith
    162,95 kr.

    Perhaps you've heard about the healing powers of acupuncture but have been a bit wary to give it a try. You have friends and colleagues who have had great experiences, but they can't explain how it helped them. "It just works!" they say.In Demystifying Acupuncture, Dr. Sina Smith uses her vast knowledge, her tender heart, and her sincere desire to teach to explain the secrets of acupuncture to a curious-but skeptical-modern audience."This book is your go-to guide for understanding the science and art behind this time-tested practice in a book that simplifies the concepts, making it easy to grasp the way acupuncture works and how it can help you live your best life!""Demystifying Acupuncture was fantastic! Simple, straightforward, and engaging, but most importantly, incredibly informative!""This book is a must-read for anyone curious about this ancient medicine, unraveling the evidence-based principles that make acupuncture a transformative journey to wellness."

  • af André Lentz
    513,95 kr.

    L'histoire d'une recherche nous permet de faire le point sur les dernières découvertes.La simplification de la méthode la met à la portée de débutant et fait gagner beaucoup de temps aux praticiens expérimentés.Les tests de polarisations circulaires sont disponibles pour chacun et suppriment l'utilisation des tests de type de blocages difficiles à obtenir.Les homéopathes y trouveront une technique qui fiabilise leur prescription en supprimant la subjectivité de l'interrogatoire tout en respectant l'individualisation des remèdes.L'avancement des recherches permet de donner un nouveau départ à l'auriculomédecine.

  • af Tom Ingegno
    278,95 kr.

    Get a healthier, more balanced life with the Ancient Art of Cupping-all from home.Whether pursuing better health or working to treat past pain, positive healing starts with you. You may have tried all the usual treatments: massage, stretching, acupuncture, workshops on posture, weekly chiropractor visits, or more. The combination of holistic methods and conventional medical advice might have given some relief, but what you do in between treatments can make a difference in true wellness.Now, there's a guide to a healing method rooted in 4,000 years of traditional medicine that you can easily and safely perform from home to help yourself and your family feel and function better.Dr. Tom Ingegno, a trailblazer in acupuncture and integrative therapy, unveils the secrets of cupping-an ancient wellness practice often reserved for clinical practitioners but now tailored for home use. He has been teaching and writing about cupping therapy for health professionals and novices for over 20 years. He wishes to put this amazing healing modality back into people's homes where it originated.Whether you're a proactive advocate of preventive care, a dedicated fitness enthusiast seeking efficient recovery methods, or a nurturing caregiver with a penchant for natural remedies, this book provides practical and accessible knowledge for incorporating cupping into your holistic wellness routine-all from the comfort of your home.You'll learn how to:Confidently master the foundational essentials of cupping therapy with guided walkthroughs and visual aids.Safely practice and choose the right tools with step-by-step instructions.Tackle pain management like a pro (back pain anyone?) while fighting against future injuries.Offer surprising relief from a slew of conditions like hypertension, allergies, lack of flexibility, and even anxiety.Seamlessly integrate cupping into your existing health practices, promoting a well-rounded approach to healing.Unleash the ancient healing secrets and empower yourself with the knowledge to transform your life, one cup at a time. The Cupping Book isn't just a guide-it's your path to reviving the ancient art of Cupping Therapy in your home. Get your copy today and dive into a healthier, more balanced life.

  • af Various Authors
    299,95 kr.

    This textbook offers a complete overview of the ethics surrounding acupuncture practice. It is supplemented with practical online material for teachers and includes chapters on research ethics, boundaries, HIPAA and confidentiality, scope of practice, and legal implications, as well as guidance on trauma, finance, gender, sexuality, and race.

  • af Randine Lewis
    421,95 kr.

    This book integrates western medical understanding around pharmaceuticals into the framework of Chinese medicine, giving practitioners an understanding of how drugs may be interacting with their diagnoses and treatment plans. It includes various illnesses for which medicines are prescribed and offers an integrative approach to healing.

  • af Woosen Ur
    308,95 kr.

    This book serves as an indispensable tool for acupuncture practitioners or students in clinical settings. Acupuncturists can readily access acupuncture protocols for specific health conditions, making it a valuable reference for their work in the clinic. It is an exceptionally useful resource that enhances the practice of acupuncture.Within the pages of this comprehensive guide, you'll find a thorough compilation of 300 distinct diseases and health conditions. To facilitate your search for the most appropriate acupuncture protocol for a specific health issue, we have thoughtfully provided comprehensive indexes at the back of the book. These indexes allow you to effortlessly navigate through the contents, utilizing both the table of contents and the diseases index.This book is your gateway to exploring over 300 carefully curated acupuncture protocols, each tailored to target specific health conditions. From chronic pain and digestive disorders to emotional well-being and respiratory ailments, you'll find detailed, easy-to-follow guidelines on how acupuncture can aid in the treatment of numerous health issues.In "Acupuncture Protocols for 300 Health Conditions," we have intentionally incorporated a range of terminology when discussing health conditions. This includes Western medical disease names, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) disease names, as well as straightforward symptom descriptions. The primary purpose of this book is not to serve as an academic reference but as a practical and user-friendly resource. Recognizing that certain medical terms can be challenging to grasp, we have intentionally opted for plain and easily understandable language when conveying medical concepts.For each health condition, we offer a concise introduction and provide detailed explanations of the relevant acupoints. This ensures that you not only identify the most suitable acupuncture protocol but also gain a comprehensive understanding of how acupuncture can be effectively applied for each condition.

  • af Plume Charpentier
    183,95 kr.

    Ce premier livre des Carnets de Santé du Dr Zang nous raconte l'histoire d'Aurora, une jeune femme curieuse, qui découvre la médecine chinoise à travers sa rencontre avec le Dr Zang, un ethno-médecin de médecine chinoise. Au fil de ses échanges, elle découvre un univers médical qui la fascine. La préservation de la santé y devient un art subtil, comme une danse entre Ciel et Terre. Le Dr Zang, tel un guide bienveillant, nous conduit dans cette pensée médicale millénaire et nous enseigne le fonctionnement de cette médecine qui nous est, pour la plupart, inconnue. La sagesse médicale chinoise résonne alors dans nos coeurs comme un hymne à la vie, nous invitant à danser avec les saisons et à nourrir sainement notre corps et notre esprit. A chaque page, vous explorez aux côtés d'Aurora les secrets des Yang Sheng Fa: les techniques de préservation de la vie dans le système médical chinois.Apprenez à vous soigner autrement par une médecine millénaireComprenez la pensée médicale chinoiseDécouvrez l'Art de la préservation de la Santé par les Yang Sheng FaEt pour les amoureux des livres papier, un dessin de tranche de livres appraraitra au fur et à mesure de la collection !

    358,95 kr.

    In the mid-2000s, the construct of workplace engagement had been visible in the literature forover a decade, with no consensus on its measurement. The benefits of increasing engagementwere consistently reported however measures were developed and used across differentcontexts, with potential underlying differences due to context remaining unaddressed. Thefirst aim of this thesis was to investigate existing engagement measures and their comparativerelevance across two contexts: business and medical. The medical context was chosen fordetailed investigation because of the importance of engagement-related factors such asburnout in medical professions, and because of the lack of empirical research on engagementin this context. The second aim of the thesis was to develop an engagement measurespecifically for use in medical settings. The third aim of the thesis was to explore therelationships between engagement and related constructs of interest in the literature.In the first, Pilot Study 1, items said to measure engagement were identified. In Study2, the measures were tested for their perceived relevance to engagement with 217 businessand 192 medical respondents. Results demonstrate engagement may be differentially viewedand defined in these contexts. In Study 3, data were drawn from public hospitals across NewSouth Wales, Australia, from 392 nurses and 154 doctors. The first known measure forengagement in medical contexts was developed, a higher order construct including jobsatisfaction, dedication and focused time use, consistent with a consensus on engagementoccurring later in the literature. A path model was developed assessing related constructs notfound in other engagement models, climate, empowerment, intrinsic motivation andemotional exhaustion. The model consolidates findings and provides further evidence ofdifferences in the way engagement operates in business and medical contexts. Engagement inmedical contexts is an important aspect of current research due to a global healthcare crisis.

  • af Diego Maggio
    608,95 kr.

    Practical support for the trauma of losses, from large to small.

  • af Ashwini Kumar Aggarwal
    458,95 kr.

    Marma is based on the model of a lighted being or the consciousness that fills all human beings and flows and radiates through our thoughts and emotions, nerves and tissues.Due to 5 factors, viz., 2.upbringing, 3.perceived notions, 4.relationships, and 5. personal set of values, these light beams get scattered away from their normal flow. Some beams lose their amplitude, others lose their direction. Yet others lose their intensity or focus. This is what results in illness, pain, grief, guilt, fear and weakness.Marma Chikitsa or Therapy is a revolutionary technique to normalize and balance the light body. Though mentioned in the ancient texts, in the modern context it is only recently being rediscovered and reapplied. When it came to healing and restoring fitness, the ancients rarely looked at anatomy as a mass of muscle, tissue, bone or organ. Rather, they perceived it as a body of glowing consciousness, and used the time honored techniques of Meditation, Massage, Showering, Walking, soft Touch, Pranayama and Yoga.¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿ ¿ Thigh and lower anatomy marma points list.¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿-¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿1-¿¿¿¿¿¿2-¿¿¿¿¿3-¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿4-¿¿¿¿¿5-¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿6-¿¿¿¿7-¿¿¿8-¿¿¿¿¿9-¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿10 ¿¿¿¿¿11 ¿¿¿¿ ¿¿ 11 vi¿apa (topmost point in this list)¿ 10 lohit¿k¿a¿ 9 ¿rv¿ (also spelt urv¿)¿ 8 ¿¿i¿ 7 j¿nu¿ 6 indrabasti¿ 5 gulpha¿ 4 k¿rcäira¿ 3 k¿rca¿ 2 talah¿daya¿ 1 k¿ipra (bottommost point in this list)These points are listed in sequence of vertical location top to bottom of anatomy.¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ | These are mirrored points in each leg, so a count of 22 points.Note: Marma points Vi¿apa, J¿nu and Gulpha in leg correspond to Kak¿adhara, K¿rpara and Mäibandha in arm resp.-------------------This book presents the Marma section from the Sushruta Samhita, and lists simple ways to get back to peak health and total fitness. -------------------Contains Full Color Plates.Contains Charts for all 107 Marma Points.

  • af Bradley Kuhns
    338,95 - 438,95 kr.

  • af Bina Jangda
    858,95 kr.

    TCM Review Seminars course book for the NCCAOM Biomedicine exam.

  • af Cecilia Yates
    383,95 - 488,95 kr.

  • af Michael Dow
    213,95 - 373,95 kr.

  • af Marco Sassi Adriana Spada
    108,95 kr.

    Un viaggio attraverso la chirurgia della colonna vertebrale stando dalla parte del paziente. Scritto dal neurochirurgo, ma con un linguaggio che aiuti a comprendere, a superare le paure, ad apprezzare gli sviluppi tecnologici di un campo della medicina costantemente volto al benessere e alla qualità della vita. Il libro risponde alle domande, ai dubbi, alle perplessità che più frequentemente si incontrano quando ci si prepara ad affrontare un intervento chirurgico alla colonna vertebrale, spiegando le tecniche, i rischi, le aspettative. L'obiettivo è aiutare a capire con un linguaggio semplice e vivere il processo di cura con serenità, come è giusto che sia.

  • af Dennis Woodyard
    223,95 kr.

    Eft tapping - emotional freedom technique - is a fast evolving treatment that works by releasing energy blockages within the energy system that is the source of emotional problems. The eft tapping solution uses the natural healing abilities of the mind and body, providing opportunities to achieve physical and emotional well-being in a faster time. With the eft tapping therapy, health, weight loss, wealth and happiness are at your fingertips! Included in this comprehensive guide:How to tapHow tapping workThe importance of what we say as we tapThe first tapping statement to tapWhat happens after tappingThe science behind eft tapping researchTapping storiesThis book will help you understand what habits and traits lead to emotional eating and suggest tapping strategies that help you reprogram your outlook towards food and yourself. Eft is a powerful way to curb binge eating. Eft is great way to curb any craving because it gives you the opportunity to get in touch with your inner self and identify your real snacking triggers.your emotional connection with food makes eft a valid method not just to curb cravings but also to optimize metabolism.

  • af Ian Shane Peebles
    648,95 kr.

    There are three things that motivate my philosophical interests. First, I want my research to have practical application that isn't too difficult to motivate for people inexperienced with (analytic) philosophy. Given everyone deals with life, death, and health, bioethics seemed like a natural fit. Second, I want to provide people with tools and conceptual framings to engage in productive and meaningful anti-racist discourse and action. Some of my earliest (and most unpleasant) memories stem around race and racism. Prior to studying the philosophy of race, many of my questions related to race and racism were met with answers that were (to put it nicely) inappropriate, inadequate, or incorrect. Thus, I think it is important to give others what I was/am looking for - helpful ways to navigate experiences of race and racism. This leads to my third motivation. I want to be able to serve communities outside of academia with my work. I want my academic career to be a demonstration of goodwill toward others. In thinking through issues related to race, racism, and bioethics, my hope is that I can provide clarity on these topics and empower others. This dissertation is my attempt to tie these three motivations together

  • af Shaun Ramsden
    93,95 kr.

    The most fundamental principles of Chinese medicine from the perspective of the author, an Australian national who trained at the Beijing University of Chinese Medicine for five years, culminating in him being awarded a Bachelor of Medicine. The book includes some of the most important and clinically useful formulas. It also contains a questionnaire that allows the reader to determine which pattern of disease they may belong to, and thereby allows a personal confirmation of 3rd party diagnosis. Chinese Edition.

  • af Rajagomathi M
    343,95 kr.

    This book explores the scientific evidence for the role of acupuncture and acupressure in treating various diseases. It presents an in-depth examination of the principles and practices of acupuncture and acupressure, and analyzes the results of clinical trials and studies on their effectiveness. The book also provides an overview of the history and development of these ancient therapies and their place in modern medicine. Whether you are a healthcare professional, a practitioner of acupuncture or acupressure, or simply interested in alternative medicine, this book offers a comprehensive and scientifically grounded guide to the use of acupuncture and acupressure in treating diseases.Additionally, the book delves into the mechanisms of action behind these therapies and explains how they work to relieve pain, reduce inflammation, and improve overall health. It also covers various aspects of patient care, including selection of points, needling techniques, and precautions. With its focus on the scientific basis of acupuncture and acupressure, this book serves as a valuable resource for healthcare professionals, students of traditional medicine, and anyone seeking to understand the role of these therapies in treating diseases. Whether you are seeking to deepen your knowledge or improve your practice, this book provides a comprehensive and evidence-based approach to acupuncture and acupressure.

  • af Leon I. Hammer MD
    423,95 kr.

    The Triple Burner, arguably the most mysterious organ system in Chinese Medicine, is finally getting a comprehensive analysis from a master, Dr. Leon Hammer. In this text Dr. Hammer brings together decades of experience and insights from both himself as well as other authors and practitioners, drawing on his extraordinary career as a clinical psychotherapist and Chinese medicine doctor. He elucidates the role of the Triple Burner at every level, from harmonizing the integration of Heaven and Earth, to connecting the Heart and Kidney, to balancing and integrating various functions throughout the body. After reading The Triple Burner you will find yourself perceiving this glorious organ system in ways you could never have imagined before.

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