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En indføring i homøopatiens behandlingsmetode og historie samt belysning af forskellene mellem den konventionelle behandlingspraksis og den homøopatiske.
"Vild Vegetarmad" er en inspirerende og tidløs bog om at sanke, dyrke og tilberede vilde urter. Med stor kærlighed til naturen tager Dannie Druehyld læseren med på en rejse ind i urternes verden, hvor hun deler deres historiske og folkemedicinske anvendelser samt den magi, der knytter sig til dem.Bogen opmuntrer til en bæredygtig og naturnær livsstil og rummer opskrifter og idéer til, hvordan man kan inkorporere vilde urter i madlavningen – nu også med veganske alternativer for at gøre indholdet mere tidssvarende.Denne genudgivelse af "Vild Vegetarmad" fra 1985 er både en hyldest til Dannie Druehylds originale værk og en opdateret guide til dem, der ønsker at leve tættere på naturen. Bogen har smukke illustrationer fra Flora Danica.Dannie Druehyld er forfatter til klassikeren ”Heksens Håndbog”.
Forud for vores tid levede de kloge mænd og koner.De gav ikke kun lindring gennem deres omfattende viden og erfaring i naturens midler og veje - de kendte også naturens iboende kræfter i både planter, mennesker og dyr - og vidste hvordan kræfterne kunne anvendes og balanceres til lindring og sundhed og glæde.Mange af dem var ikke ophøjede mystikere, men vore egne formødre og forfædre, der videregav deres viden til næste generation - for selvhelbredelse, for at enhver kunne tage vare på sin families og egen sundhed i dagligdagen - og kun gå til lægen, når det var nødvendigt.Tryghed, omsorg og nærvær var og er en naturlig del af husapotekets midler - omend nogle tidligere fif var hen i vejret og baseret på overtro.I vor tid har forskning taget over og sorteret overtroen fra. I denne bog gives den praktiske viden videre, som er brugbar og baseret på viden, erfaring og forskning:Hylderne i husapoteket er fyldt med urter, kost, næringstilskud, levevis, homøopati, isopati og viden om krop og sundhed - og snusfornuft.Til lindring og forebyggelse og sund levevis med naturens midler - til ufarlige skavanker, som vi selv kan klare.372 sider. Bogen er opdateret med nyeste viden om homøopatisk medicin, og indeholder et væld af gode råd til brug i husapoteket - fra alle hylder: ernæring, livsstil, homøopati, isopati, urter, æteriske olier, vitaminer, mineraler og andre næringsstoffer - til alle områder af legemets sundhed.Bogen indeholder et væld af viden, som er nyttig til at navigere på sundhedsområdet i den moderne verden og tage et fornuftigt ansvar for ens egen balance.I bogen er der beskrivelser af de mest kendte, elskede og tilgængelige urter - og man får en fin indsigt i deres brug, herunder næringsindhold i krydderurter, der kan gro i en dansk have.Indholdsfortegnelse:Generel viden om: Sundhed, sygdom og diagnoser - Sundhed i krop og sind, de tre trin - Urter, naturlige og som tilskud - Æteriske olier - Homøopati - Homøopatiske præparater - Vitaminer og mineraler - Menneskets indre rytme - Symbiosen med naturen - Hormonerne i kroppen - Stofskiftet, det alle taler om - Kvindens cyklus og indre natur - Fakta om stress - Mavens funktion og balance - Syre og base - Kolesterol - Immunsystemet - Om inflammationer - Om antioxidanter - Midler på hylden til immunsystemet - Vitaminhylden til kroppens balance og immunsystemet.1. del: Luftvejsinfektioner, næse, hals, ører, bihuler og bronkier2. del: Huden og øjnene, herunder et afsnit med hudpleje med æteriske olier3. del: Stress, traumer, psyke, smerter og søvn4.del: Maven og fordøjelsen5. del: Allergier og lungelidelser6. del: Kønshormonelle ubalancer, kvindens underliv, overgangsalder og fertilitet7. del: Urinvejene8. del: Bevægeapparatet9. del: Udvalgte kure og gode råd ved alvorligere ubalancer10. del: Alderdom og restitution - hjernesundhed, sund aldring, tænder (alle aldre) - Afhængighed (alle aldre)11. del: diverse kure til almindeligt velbefindende og ekstra emner med udvalgte kure, urtebader, en guide til kosttilskud, oversigt over cellesalte - og et kig ind i Den kloge kones have.I bilagene finder man: Doseringsskema til homøopati, litteraturliste, links til studier og forskning samt en kvantefysisk introduktion til homøopatiens virkning samt litteraturhenvisninger og stikordsregister
Are you looking for a natural way of alleviating common illnesses and staying away from drugs that leave many side effects? No longer to wait!Most of the population today have realised the side effects of drugs prescribed by medical practitioners and of taking Over-The -Counter (OTC) drugs especially post covid. Doctors too along with medical prescription recommend home remedies which give relief from the symptoms of common ailments.With so many things available and so many suggestions on the internet one gets confused what to follow and use. That's the solution 'Home Remedies for common ailments' brings for you.What is included in the pocket size book for you?Easy tips for 5 common ailments and related problems.Simple solutions usings the natural ingredients from the kitchen to alleviate symptoms.Best and easiest to prepare recipes and get relief.Easy to follow daily routine to lead healthy lifestyleThe book skips all the fluff and condenses all the best home remedies for 5 common ailments like Dandruff, Hairfall, Cough & cold, Constipation, Loose motion, Headache and Acidity.To find invaluable home solutions and prescriptions for yourself 24/7 and lead a healthy life, scroll up and click on the buy button. See you inside!
Sejarah penggunaan tumbuhan herbal dalam pengobatan tradisional di Indonesia telah berlangsung selama ribuan tahun. Tanaman obat telah digunakan oleh nenek moyang kita sebagai cara alami untuk mengobati berbagai penyakit, termasuk penyakit mental dan spiritual. Seperti stres, depresi, cemas berlebihan dan keinginan melukai diri sendiri serta juga bermanfaat untuk memperkuat kesehatan mental jiwa manusia secara bertahap. Penggunaan tumbuhan herbal tradisional ini didasarkan pada pengetahuan yang diturunkan secara turun-temurun dan pengamatan terhadap efek yang mereka berikan oleh para ahli tabib pengobatan herbal.
Unlock the Power of Nature's Remedies with "Natural Remedies with Essential Oils": Your Ultimate Practical Guide to Health, Beauty, and Home Solutions!Discover the transformative potential of essential oils with this comprehensive handbook, expertly crafted to elevate your well-being and lifestyle. Dive into the world of natural healing as you explore the countless benefits and versatile applications of essential oils. Whether you're seeking relief from common ailments, crafting luxurious beauty products, or enhancing your home with eco-friendly solutions, this book has you covered.Companion to "Traditional Herbal Remedies and Healing Teas": Designed as a complementary resource to Natural Apotechary's acclaimed work on traditional herbal remedies, this book offers a holistic approach to natural wellness. Together, these two volumes provide a comprehensive toolkit for nurturing your health and vitality using time-tested botanical solutions.Inside, you'll find:Practical Guidance: Learn how to harness the full potential of essential oils with easy-to-follow instructions and expert tips.DIY Remedies: Empower yourself with natural solutions for everyday health concerns, from headaches to stress relief.Beauty Enhancements: Elevate your skincare routine with luxurious DIY beauty products that nourish and rejuvenate.Home Solutions: Transform your living space into a sanctuary of wellness with eco-conscious cleaning and homecare recipes.Quick-Reference Charts: Utilize at-a-glance charts to identify which oil to use for specific ailments and to determine optimal oil combinations for various purposes.Comprehensive Lists: Explore exhaustive lists of essential oils and their uses, as well as common ailments and corresponding oil remedies, for comprehensive guidance at your fingertips.Written by Natural Apotechary, a dedicated group of seasoned essential oil enthusiasts and wellness advocates who publish under this collective name, "Natural Remedies with Essential Oils" is your go-to resource for unlocking the secrets of nature's healing power. Whether you're a seasoned aromatherapist or a curious beginner, this book is packed with actionable insights and inspiring ideas to support your journey to holistic wellness.Embrace the natural path to health, beauty, and harmony with "Natural Remedies with Essential Oils" - the ultimate companion for a life of vitality and well-being.Order your copy today and embark on a journey to a healthier, more vibrant you!
Begleite Michael auf seiner Reise, die ihn trotz seiner Krebsdiagnosen zur ganzheitlichen Heilung geführt hat. Dieses emotionale Buch ist mehr als ein Erfahrungsbericht, es ist ein leidenschaftlicher Aufruf, das eigene Leben aktiv zu gestalten.Werde zum Regisseur deines Lebens - trotz und mit deiner aktuellen Diagnose.Michael teilt nicht nur seinen Kampf gegen die Krankheit, sondern auch den Schlüssel zur Selbstbestimmung. Inmitten der Herausforderungen des Lebens zeigt er uns, wie wir trotz Krankheit die Kontrolle über unser eigenes Schicksal behalten können. Seine Botschaft ist klar: "Wach auf und werde die beste Version deiner selbst!Entdecke die Kraft der Selbstbestimmung und der ganzheitlichen Heilung.Dieses Buch ist nicht nur ein Spiegel seiner eigenen Erfahrungen, sondern auch ein inspirierender Leitfaden für alle, die sich in einem ähnlichen Prozess befinden. Michael ermutigt dazu, nicht mehr nur zu zweifeln und zu hinterfragen, sondern sich selbst zu entdecken und die eigenen Lebensregeln zu gestalten.Die Essenz seiner Botschaft: Glaube an dich selbst und gestalte aktiv die Regeln deines Lebens! Michael teilt nicht nur seine Geschichte, sondern präsentiert auch informative Beiträge zu seiner persönlichen Anti-Krebs-Strategie. Dieses Buch ist ein Lichtblick für alle, die neue Wege suchen - Wege, die von Überzeugung und Selbstheilung geprägt sind.Lass dich inspirieren, werde aktiv und entdecke die Kraft der Selbstbestimmung. Werde zum Gestalter deines Lebens - trotz und mit der Diagnose.
"Se mudar a sua alimentação, pode mudar o seu futuro."Há segredos na dieta que podem ajudar as pessoas a viver mais tempo, ter uma vida saudável, & feliz?E se uma alimentação saudável também pudesse ser fácil e deliciosa?O Livro de Receitas foi inspirado por Dr. Pankaj Naram e por Dr. Clint G. Rogers PhD. Dr. Naram foi um grande curador que ajudou milhões de pessoas em todo o mundo usando Antigos Segredos da natureza. Antes de falecer, ele transmitiu esses segredos aos seus alunos, incluindo Dr. Clint G. Rogers, que colocou muitos deles num livro chamado Antigos Segredos de um Mestre Curador.Este Livro de Receitas de Antigos Segredos implementa muitas das ideias do livro Antigos Segredos e oferece-lhe opções de comer que não lhe causam dor e sofrimento. Não é fácil cortar glúten, açúcar refinado, laticínios e vegetais de beladona, mas se puder mudar o que come, poderá mudar a sua vida!Estas receitas foram contribuídas por pessoas de todo o mundo que estão a aprender e a aplicar estes antigos segredos para melhorar a saúde, a energia vibrante e a paz de espírito que advém de ser bom consigo mesmo.
From the Wild is a herbal medicine cookbook offering a simple, resourceful, nature-based approach to health and wellbeing. Qualified naturopath and medical herbalist Heidi Merika draws on her decades of experience to create delicious, nutritious, plant-based recipes and healing home remedies from 30 of the world's most common edible wild plants, from cat's ear to cobbler's pegs, dandelion to dock, and nasturtium to wild raspberry. Enjoy over 100 recipes including a spring salad full of wild edibles, nettle gnocchi verde, and clover muffins, along with lantana itch balm, chickweed anti-inflammatory gel and St John's wort pain ointment. Including information on foraging safely and sustainably, From the Wild is all you need to forage, cook and eat wild foods for abundant health.
Erleben Sie die Welt der Naturheilkunde und Alternativmedizin durch die Augen von Oliver M. Bassler, einem renommierten Naturheilpraktiker aus Weinfelden in der Schweiz. In diesem Buch, das er aus Anlass des 15. Jubiläums seiner Praxis verfasst hat, öffnet er die Türen zu seinem faszinierenden Arbeitsalltag und erklärt, warum Therapieformen wie Akupunktur, Reflexzonentherapie und manuelle Therapie wirken, und wie pflanzliche Heilmittel individuell abgestimmt werden können, um wahre Heilung zu bewirken.Auf diesen Seiten beschreibt der Autor auch eindrucksvoll, dass Schulmedizin und Naturheilkunde keine Konkurrenten sind, sondern Partner, die auf dem Weg zur Gesundheit eng zusammenarbeiten sollten. Dieses Buch öffnet die Tür zu einem ganzheitlichen Ansatz, der die Stärken und Weisheiten beider Welten miteinander vereint. Tauchen Sie ein in die Welt der Komplementärmedizin und lassen Sie sich von der Magie der Zusammenarbeit zwischen Wissenschaft und Tradition begeistern.Oliver M. Bassler, 1979 geboren, hegte bereits seit seiner Jugend eine tiefe Faszination für die heilende Kraft der Natur, was ihn dazu inspirierte, sich umfassend in diesem Bereich auszubilden. Seine Leidenschaft für die Komplementärmedizin ist ungebrochen, und er wird als anerkannter Experte im Bereich der Alternativmedizin geschätzt. Lassen Sie sich von seinem reichen Wissen und seiner Erfahrung in die Welt der ganzheitlichen Gesundheit entführen.
A guide examining one of the most important, yet often most neglected, organ systems in the body - from the mouth, to the stomach, to the pancreas and liver - and how to keep it healthy with herbal medicine and natural healing
Alle vil før eller senere stå i en situattion, hvor der skal træffes afgørelser vedrørende deres helbred.Denne bog indeholder en samling af gode råd om, hvordan man kan hjælpe og støtte på en naturlig måde, når sygdom, mistrivsel og andre problemer sætter ind.Helle Kofoed er kostvejleder, homøopat, hormonterapeut, mor og bedstemor. Helle har en stærk overbevisning om, at de fleste kan hjælpes uden at anvende konventionel medicin. I stedet giver hun i bogen anvisninger til , hvordan man kan opnå forebyggelse, lindring og helbredelse bl.a. ved hjælp af sund kost, urter, kosttilskud, homøopatisk medicin og forskellige husråd.
Indonesian herbal preparations and treatments are part of an integrated system of inner and outer healthcare and beauty encompassing natural herbal drinks, powders, ointments, lotions, massage and folklore. The herbal tonics--specifically known as jamu--are drunk daily. In the pages of this book, you'll learn about the world of ancient Javanese palaces where Indonesian Jamu was perfected, the healers and Jamu makers whose skills have been passed down for generations, and the natural ingredients and herbs used in Jamu preparations. You'll also learn how Jamu is used in Indonesia and about dozens of preparations and treatments you can use at home. This book is the result of ten years of research and over 100 interviews with Jamu practitioners and producers--from housewives and home apothecaries to the CEOs of multinational corporations who produce Jamu products for export. It is lavishly illustrated with over 100 photographs and is the first definitive book on this subject.
Biddy Early, a mysterious woman from Clare, Ireland was a mystic or witch, her extraordinary abilities sparked tales of cures, prophecies, and spells. Her magic cloaked bottle, served as a tool of clairvoyance, shrouding her life in mystery.
The Herb Doctor and Medicine Man is a comprehensive guide to the preparation and use of herbal remedies for a variety of ailments. With clear instructions and detailed information on the properties of various plants, this book is an invaluable resource for anyone interested in natural healing practices.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.
The English Physitian is an influential work of natural medicine and astrology dating back to the mid-17th century. With detailed descriptions of the properties and uses of various plants and herbs, this book was a popular resource for medical practitioners and laypeople alike.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.
This compendium of the plant-based medicines is a systematic, comprehensive reference for both the student and the practitioner. Each entry lists the properties, uses, and preparations of the plant and its parts.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.
This book delves into the medicinal properties of Coca Erythroxylon Vin Mariani and its role in the treatment of diseases. Published by Mariani & Company, the book contains notes and comments by prominent physicians.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.
Din Guide til CBD er skrevet af Rikke V. Stoltz.Hun har igennem mange år været nysgerrig på, hvordan CBD-cannabis kan hjælpe både hende selv og andre, men har været overrasket over, hvor uigennemskueligt markedet er, og hvor svært det er at få egentlig hjælp og rådgivning.Det har hun ønsket at ændre på, for det er hendes overbevisning, at CBD kan være en god mulighed for mange.Denne bog er velegnet både til dig, som blot er nysgerrig samt dig, som måske allerede er opsøgende efter uafhængig rådgivning, der bringer dig videre.Dette er en letlæst fagbog som er spækket med Rikkes gode råd til din egen mulige trygge rejse med CBD.Trygt, kraftfuldt og ikke-euforiserende.Varmt velkommen!
Er det rigtigt for mig at lade mit barn følge det anbefalede børnevaccinationsprogram, som er frivilligt? Det var en problematik, jeg som mor måtte træffe et valg omkring. Var valget forkert, da min søn blev syg dagen efter en DiTePol vaccine? Undskyld, jeg lod dig vaccinere, min søn. Vaccinationsproblematikken er stadig aktuel. Denne bog giver med den naturmedicinske faglighed en mere nuanceret viden til at træffe beslutningen om vaccination på. Bogen belyser gennem teori og praktisk erfaring, at vacciner kan forårsage bivirkninger, være medvirkende til udviklingen af kroniske sygdomme og diagnoser som autisme og ADHD. Bogen har en beskrivelse af behandlingsformen CEASE Therapy, der er udviklet specielt til udrensning for bivirkninger efter vacciner. Der beskrives måder at styrke børnenes indre livskræfter på og lade dem følge deres indre kreative vej. ”Lone showed the video of what homeopathy and especially the CEASE Therapy did for her ADHD son, sort of a miracle. If we were only allowed to help all those suffering children, desperate parents and teachers out there!” Anne Vervarcke
ENTDECKEN Sie jahrtausendealte Geheimnisse, die Ihr Leben verändern könnenBegleiten Sie einen skeptischen amerikanischen Universitätsforscher auf seiner Reise in den Himalaya und entdecken Sie die Geheimnisse einer alten Abstammungslinie, die mit Lord Buddhas Arzt begann.Seit Tausenden von Jahren verfeinern die größten Heiler im Himalaya eine wirksame Heilmethode zur Behandlung körperlicher Beschwerden, psychischer Störungen und spiritueller Herausforderungen. Die wirksamsten Naturheilmittel sind auf alten Pergamentrollen dokumentiert. In diesem bahnbrechenden Bericht über den Alltag werden viele dieser Heilungsgeheimnisse durch die Begegnungen des Autors mit dem legendären Meisterheiler enthüllt Doktor Naram enthüllte.Die Geheimnisse in diesem Buch können Ihr Leben für immer verändern.
The Bible of Ancient Herbal Remedies to heal you NATURALLY.Would you like to stop having to ALWAYS depend on modern medicine, which oftentimes has more contraindications than benefits? Would you like to know the secret of people, even men, and women of science, who have embraced traditional medicine and are living in perfect health?Then read on because I have the answer you've been waiting for....From the time we are little, we are taught that the only remedy is to take medicine: painkillers, antibiotics, and anti-inflammatories...We are taught to become slaves to chemical medicine, and the more we use it, the more our bodies are unable to heal themselves because they do not develop the right antibodies.Why do they want to make us dependent on these things?To make us spend money.Read this statistic: the percentage of people who have used more than 3 prescription drugs in the past 30 days is 24%.Today we are inclined to take drugs all the time even for such trivial pains as a tummy ache or a bit of a headache.We spend, spend, spend...and all we get is merely some relief or, at worst, even serious consequences (there are 2.74 million serious adverse reactions to traditional drugs in the United States each year. About 128,000 Americans die each year from their prescribed medications. )What if, on the other hand, you could heal the problem AT RADIATION without resorting to chemical drugs and WITHOUT COUNTERINDICATIONS?In these guides, you will find all the secrets of natural healing that Native Americans have cultivated and passed down from generation to generation to the present day...
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