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  • af Dana O'Driscoll
    212,95 kr.

    Learn rituals and hands-on techniques to heal our damaged world

  • af Leigh Podgorski
    312,95 kr.

    Experience the wisdom and counsel that the flowers offer in this inspiring oracle.

  • af Aaron Stevens B. Hayward
    272,95 kr.

  • af Andreas Lenniger
    321,95 kr.

  • af Alwynn Emerson
    177,95 kr.

    Are you ready to elevate and expand your mind?Perhaps you are searching for ways to enter a deeper connection with the people and things around you.Maybe you are looking for ways to awaken your higher potential and ancient spiritual wisdom to manifest abundance within yourself.Or maybe you are trying to heal yourself by balancing your chakras, improving your diet, and discovering the benefits of meditation and breathwork.Introducing, Reconnect with Mother Nature and Awaken Your Higher Consciousness: A Beginner's Journey to Mindfulness, Meditation, Spiritual Ascendance, Third Eye Opening, and Healing the Collective Planet, the only book you need to help unlock your full potential and contribute to the healing of the planet.Drawing on ancient spiritual practices and modern scientific research, this book offers a step-by-step journey to help readers tap into their inner wisdom and connect with the healing power of nature.It will help you remain grounded, reduce stress and anxiety, and live a happier, healthier, and more spiritually connected life.Inside Reconnect with Mother Nature and Awaken Your Higher Consciousness: A Beginner's Journey to Mindfulness, Meditation, Spiritual Ascendance, Third Eye Opening, and Healing the Collective Planet, you'll discover: The relationship between Mother Earth, our Universe, and You!The Law of Attraction and how to manifest your wealth and abundance.How to live a sustainable lifestyle and contribute to preserving our planet.The explanation of Chakras and the healing power of balancing the main energy points in our bodies.Mind-expanding meditation practices and how to open your Third Eye.The importance of our relationship with plants and animals; and so much more!It's time to step back into nature and feel the sun on your bare skin. Start living more mindfully for yourself and for our collective planet's health. Grab a copy of Reconnect with Mother Nature and Awaken Your Higher Consciousness today!

  • af Herman L. Chapman
    367,95 kr.

  • af Marie Bruce
    142,95 kr.

    Tap into the magic of lunar cycles with this beautiful, gold-embossed hardback guide, richly illustrated in full-color. Welcome to the world of moon magic, where the night sky shines bright with possibility and shooting stars herald the arrival of new opportunities. This delightful book will unlock the key to understanding how the moon affects us all, and how to use its pull to manifest your goals and draw positive outcomes to you. You will learn how to: - Set up a magical moon altar - Tap into the power of the lunar cycle.- Use moon magic to manifest your goals. >It's time to embrace the moon-cast shadows and tap into your nocturnal power, with the enchanting practice of Moon Magic. ABOUT THE SERIES: Elements is a series of spiritual development titles, each focusing on different aspects of healing and divination. Written by a variety of experts, these beautifully illustrated hardbacks are the perfect entryway into ancient spiritual practices.

  • af Fortunato Quintino
    217,95 kr.

    Está a sonhar com uma vida menos dependente da rede eléctrica? Deseja a autossuficiência que advém da produção da sua própria energia? Está pronto para dar o salto para um futuro mais verde e mais sustentável, mas não sabe por onde começar? "The Off Grid Solar Power Bible" é precisamente o guia de que necessita.Neste volume abrangente, embarcará numa viagem de principiante a especialista, desvendando os mistérios da energia solar e descobrindo como esta se pode tornar a sua solução energética pessoal, renovável e económica.Porque é que deve escolher "A Bíblia da Energia Solar Fora da Rede"? Eis o que pode esperar encontrar no seu interior: Uma introdução abrangente à energia solar: compreenda os princípios básicos da energia solar, como funciona e porque é que é a fonte de energia renovável do futuro.Um guia passo a passo para a conceção de um sistema de energia solar: aprenda a adaptar o seu próprio sistema de energia solar às suas necessidades, às exigências específicas da sua localização e aos passos para tornar a sua visão uma realidade.Conhecimentos essenciais para uma vida fora da rede: prepare-se mentalmente para a mudança para uma vida fora da rede, descubra aparelhos e ferramentas essenciais e navegue pelas mudanças com facilidade e confiança.Conhecimentos sobre sistemas híbridos: explore as vantagens de diversificar as suas fontes de energia, combinando a energia solar com outras energias renováveis, como a eólica e a hídrica.Dicas de especialistas sobre manutenção e resolução de problemas: domine a manutenção regular e a resolução de problemas comuns para garantir que o seu sistema solar funciona de forma óptima.Cenários do mundo real: Mergulhe em estudos de caso inspiradores que mostram a utilização prática da energia solar numa casa, num barco, numa caravana e numa cabana remota. "The Off Grid Solar Power Bible" é mais do que um livro; é o seu passaporte para a independência energética. Quer seja um novato no conceito de energia renovável, um entusiasta da vida fora da rede que procura melhorar a sua configuração, ou qualquer pessoa no meio, este livro é o seu roteiro para um futuro sustentável alimentado pelo sol. Não deixe que as complexidades da energia solar o intimidem. Equipe-se com "The Off Grid Solar Power Bible" agora mesmo e deixe o sol iluminar o seu caminho para um estilo de vida mais verde e autossuficiente. O futuro está aqui, e é alimentado pelo sol.

  • af Eric Dac
    252,95 kr.

    Verità !Nessun precedente ! Mai letto! Mai visto !Questo libro è rivolto principalmente a tutti coloro che aspirano alla Sincerità.A tutti coloro che, stanchi di correre dalle guide ai maestri, dalle letture ai seminari, cercano la corsia di sorpasso che porti all'unico ed unico traguardo: quello a cui l'umanità aspira dalla notte dei tempi!L'autore di questo libro, Eric Dac, ti mette faccia a faccia con le tue responsabilità. Ti spinge a prendere l'unica strada possibile. E questa via è una vera strada di Luce.Chiavi completamente nuove, chiavi segrete di un potere insospettato, cesellate al millimetro, risveglieranno l'enorme potenziale che giace dormiente nel tuo corpo e nella tua mente.Non appena avrete letto le prime pagine, scoprirete già come percepire molto facilmente l'aura (l'aura è un alone energetico che circonda il corpo umano).Proprio per questa semplice esperienza, questo libro vale il suo peso in oro c'è molto di piùLa Luce di Dio che canalizzerai ti accompagnerà in ogni momento della tua vita, in ogni passo che farai.•Rivelerà davanti ai tuoi occhi stupiti quali sono le vere offerte magiche.•Riattiverà il tuo corpo e lo armonizzerà per un perfetto equilibrio. «Ella redimerà la tua anima (un'anima pura vale tutto l'oro del mondo).• Guarirà tutti i mali nella tua mente, corpo e mente. Questa guarigione spirituale operata grazie alla Luce Divina agisce su piani e livelli estremamente sottili.'Amplierà la tua consapevolezza e ti permetterà di sentire pienamente ogni tua azione.'Proteggerà te e tutti coloro che ti sono cari (per questo, una sola tecnica, ma mille volte più efficace di qualsiasi cosa tu abbia mai conosciuto•Aprirà i vostri centri energetici (chakra) e vi permetterà di accedere all'illuminazione.Semplice, luminosa, ovvia, Verità! Il libro di Eric Dac diventerà senza dubbio la Bibbia del terzo millennio. Metterà fine a tutti i tuoi dubbi.Approfittate dunque di questo miracolo che vi permetterà di vivere eternamente nella Luce e nell'Amore. Segui anche tu il sentiero che porta alla Verità (con la "V" maiuscola).

  • af Eric Dac
    297,95 kr.

    Entrez vous aussi dans la Lumière Divine et devenez un ange plein de sagesse.Qu'est-ce que la Lumière de Dieu ? C'est un principe énergétique qui n'a pas de limite, ni en quantité ni en puissance, utilisable par tout individu (il n'est pas besoin d'avoir des aptitudes particulières). Rien ne peut l'arrêter, ni les obstacles, ni la distance.Frères de Lumière vous enseigne d'abord comment percevoir cette Lumière, puis propre comment l'utiliser pour votre bien, celui de votre entourage, et pourquoi pas de l'univers tout entier. Vous en serez métamorphosé(e).Car grâce à la Lumière de Dieu :Vous jouirez d'une rayonnante santé physique, morale et spirituelle.Vous pourrez accéder à la voyance et à la télépathie.Vous pouvez tout demander, que ce soit sur le plan terrestre ou spirituel.Vous détenez, à tout moment, le pouvoir de modifier votre vie, mais aussi celle de vos proches.Vous pouvez aider vos enfants à prendre la voie de la spiritualité sans aucun effort.Vous pouvez résoudre tous vos problèmes de couple. Pour lutter contre les « vampires d'énergie », un truc simple, facile et apparemment inoffensif vous protégera de tous les « fâcheux » qui vous empoisonnent la vie.Vous amplifierez votre pouvoir de persuasion (très utile pour les entretiens d'embauche ou dans le cadre de vos activités professionnelles).Vous ferez des amis parmi les gens influents.Vous pouvez voir et entendre tout ce que vous voulez, toutes les choses qui vous sont cachées et que vous aimeriez bien connaître.Vous deviendrez vous-même un être de lumière à part entière, et vous serez alors un exemple de pureté, de sagesse et d'évolution spirituelle.Précis, simple et immédiatement utilisable, « Frères de Lumière » est l'œuvre d'un « ange » terrestre initié à la Lumière divine.

  • af Katja Sündermann
    264,95 kr.

    Sich stabil und von der Erde getragen zu fühlen, ist des Menschen Geburtsrecht. Leider gleiten wir immer wieder aus diesem vertrauensvollen Zustand heraus: Negative Konditionierungen, erlittene Verletzungen und eine ungünstige Lebensweise können zu Blockaden führen, die unsere Verbindung zur Erde unterbrechen und uns regelrecht abheben lassen. Dies kann psychische Probleme und physische Erkrankungen nach sich ziehen.Die Sehnsucht nach unserem Urzustand aber tragen wir weiter in uns - nur haben wir vergessen, wie wir zu ihm zurückgelangen können. Für diesen Weg bietet der umfangreiche Ratgeber eine ausführliche Begleitung. Er beleuchtet das Phänomen "Erdung" von allen Seiten. Neben einer theoretischen Analyse zu Ursachen und Auswirkungen fehlender Erdung bietet er einen großen Praxisteil mit den Schwerpunkten:- Achtsame Auseinandersetzung mit der eigenen Innenwelt (Entwicklung von Achtsamkeit im Umgang mit Gedanken, Gefühlen und Reaktionen auf die Außenwelt)- Einrichten eines geerdeten Alltagslebens (Verankerung in der Sinnenwelt, erdende Tätigkeiten, ausgeglichene Lebensweise, Entspannungsformen)- Rückverbindung zur Natur (Pflanzen- und Tierwelt, Jahreszeiten, die vier Elemente) - Sensibilisierung der Körperwahrnehmung (Wahrnehmungsübungen)- Erdungsübungen (für Meditation und Alltag) - Visualisierungen zu Erde und Natur Die Autorin Katja Sündermann verknüpft geschickt wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse mit ihren eigenen praktischen Erfahrungen, die sie mit feinem Humor präsentiert. Sie bietet eine Schatztruhe an Anregungen und Tipps und schöpft dabei aus unterschiedlichsten Disziplinen wie Philosophie und Psychologie, Religionsgeschichte und Mythologie, Naturwissenschaft und Ethnomedizin, Ayurveda und Humoralmedizin, Aromatherapie und Naturheilkunde, Naturmystik und Schamanismus, Buddhismus und Achtsamkeit sowie die körperbasierte Meditationsarbeit von Rudi Baier, Hetty Draayer und Karlfried Graf Dürckheim.

  • af Sarah Rajkotwala
    272,95 kr.

    What would you do if you could talk to the plants? What would you say to them? What would they say to you? Author Sarah Rajkotwala describes her first year of talking telepathically to her garden and then later on to a fairy and takes us on a journey into the mysterious and joyful world of the fairy realm. Learn all about fairies and how communicating with nature can improve your gardening, wellbeing and wisdom. Learn about what they think of our gardens. An exciting read for all those curious about the spiritual side of nature.- Learn fairy wisdom- Discover how the power of love can be used in your garden for all of our benefit- Find out about the different energies of plants and how they can be used for peace, healing etc.- Read dialogue straight from the fairies themselves- Learn about how Mother Earth knows each and every one of us and gives us gifts- What is a wise plant? Can fruit talk? Learn all sorts of fascinating fairy facts! There is a fairy at the bottom of the garden, and it loves you so!

  • af Grit Weimann
    432,95 kr.

  • af Peter J Watts
    147,95 kr.

    This guidebook is multi-layered, much like the illustrations it contains. The drawings were released from serendipity and Nature's inspiration so the images instinctively invite self-exploration and a deeper dive into spirituality - as you define it. Like all divination tools, what you interpret from the cards is more important than what others see when they explore them. The drawings speak of intimate conversations with Anima Mundi, Earth's Soul, and their intention is to help you find your voice so you may more easily speak to Gaia and Her muses. This divination tool is intended to clear a path to the desires that you and your Guides are currently manifesting. Nature is a healer yet it's up to you to heed Her advice. The Oracle of Animae Mundi divination is about free will.You are invited to sit and study the images and use the cards as way to slow down, to connect - or reconnect - with the natural world. With the Soul of Earth as your guide, trust your instincts because they're usually spot on. The intention is to tap into your Higher Self. The expanding images eventually take on lives of their own. Found within most of the images are layers of smaller scenes, creatures, and characters, many of them are recurring. Some of these illustrations are directly connected to Dreams and Visions while others stream from the Æther, that Otherworldly place of Spirit. This oracle is a natural outgrowth of the companion book Animae Mundi ~ Dialogues With Earth and can be viewed as a supplement though this project can stand alone using this guidebook and the cards. The oracle cards are only available from Printer's Studio and must be ordered separately from that company's website.The Oracle of Animae Mundi is based loosely on the Celtic Wheel of the Year and interpretations of the nonspatial continuum and the space-time conundrum. The images and their interpretations are heavily influenced by Animist spirituality and include elemental associations and sacred directions, offering another way of interpretation. The oracle recognises the eight Quarter and Cross Quarter Days in the Wheel of the Year and each of the sabbats include eight cards. These sections are divided into 'suits'.

  • af Juan Williams
    322,95 kr.

    The book discusses your stomach as the "first" brain. It touches in the first chapter on the Hippocratic oath and the Pythagoreans. It then begins telling my health history and challenges, as well as my Covid-19 battle; then detailing my pancreatic cancer confusion. I cover my decision to move out at 14 and become a foster child to a healthy family. I detail the history of the healthy family I found in Michigan. The publication covers some history of Battle Creek, Michigan and its unique health initiative history. I then go to Hawaii and have celebrity encounters with Bruno Mars and his parents; Bobby Knight of the Indiana Hoosiers, local celebrity Emme Tomimbang, and a night with Sumo King KONISHIKI. The book also includes my association with Michael Jai White and the "mysterious" E.M. Washington. The Titles of some of the chapters cover, FASTING, HBOT, (Concentrated Oxygen) and Acupuncture. We have a "gem" in this publication. You need to read it!

  • af Cecilia Lattari
    197,95 kr.

    The herbana witch is a green witch who uses the power of nature and the wisdom of the forest and who has a deep understanding of herbs, barks, mushrooms, roots, flowers, and woodland plants. This beautifully illustrated book from the author of Backyard Witchcraft is an almanac, designed to travel with the herbana witch throughout an entire year, exploring the seasons, the plants of each period, magical and healing recipes, and animal guides. It will help you get in touch with the forest and its subtle energy. Herbana Witch begins at the winter solstice and presents magical and healing practices, spirit animals, and subtle energies that change with the seasons. Each chapter begins with a suggestive description of the forest in a particular season. From there, the author includes meditations, visualizations, and rituals and a seasonal recipe that can be prepared with the available ingredients from the forest. Instructions are included on how to select and use woodland herbs, how to transform them for personal use, and how to make such crafts as incense, soaps, and candles--and much more. Let us welcome the wild wisdom of those who dwell at the edge of the forest, listening every day, in a way that opens the door to magic. Herbana Witch: A Year in the Forest contains: An introduction to what it means to be an herbana witch along with guides on how to follow the path of herbs and connect with the plants of the forest Chapters on each of the seasons with an almanac of information on the animals, trees, and plants of each season Activity tips for how to make soup, lotions, incense, and dried herbs, and more Secret seasonal recipes Rituals and meditations Beautiful illustrations that bring to life the magic of each season

  • af Diana Hunter
    177,95 kr.

    An Intuitive Life incorporates a workbook aspect at the end of each chapter outlining practical activities for the reader to experience so they can embrace their intuition as part of their daily life.

  • af Steve Trombulak
    987,95 kr.

    The Way of Gaia is a collection of paintings and prose that speaks to humanity's relationship to the planet through the lenses of ecology, evolution, and the environment. The book calls out through form and texture for a narrative that realigns the reader's sense of self and species identity to that of being part of a vast network of life linked together by relationships of shared ancestry, beauty, and interdependence. It is a narrative that calls for us to live as a respectful part of Earth's biosphere. Here one will find offerings of prose and poetry in the form of lessons and prayers coupled with paintings rich in shape and color that invite us all to see and understand with mind, heart, and soul our true connections with the Web of Life. Themes explored in the book include the Tree of Life, Earth cycles and movement, biological diversity, animism, interspecific interactions, organismal specialization, physiological pathways, reproduction, sensory systems, biophysical patterns, the extinction crisis, planetary thresholds, and the Anthropocene. The authors hope the offerings in this book will affirm, inspire, and contribute to replacing the destructive narratives of modern society with mental and spiritual frames that encourage humanity to honor and restore life on this sacred Earth, as well as contribute to the flourishing of all life without end.

  • af Richard Leviton
    447,95 kr.

    "The truth of Lucifer and Sophia is the world's biggest secret," said Joe. "To get this story right, you basically have to retell the history of reality itself." That's what Joe, Mike, and Ronald, pals since childhood and now in their late sixties, set out to do. Lucifer and Sophia were the first two archangels ever created, but their reputations today are in ruins or obscurity. They want to find out why. After much travelling and on-site investigation, they discover that the true story of these two primary archangels is not what people have thought. It is the key that unlocks the purpose and destiny of the Earth. The final outcome of humanity is implicated too. Many diverse cultures maintain cultural images of these two figures, and in many cases, their images are positive, uplifting, even comic. This trio of geomythic researchers take the Greek icon of Prometheus bound on Mount Caucasus for defying Zeus as their rallying point and seek to probe its true meaning. Mythic images, especially old ones, need to be decoded for the modern mind. They tend to have layers of meaning and you shortchange yourself if you either dismiss them or take them only on a literal basis. You have to jump into them psychically, put them on like clothes, and get mythopoeic about these old stories. Along the way, as they visit sites in America, the British Isles, Japan, Uzbekistan, Zimbabwe, Chile, Mexico, and other far-flung locales, they're assisted by angels, Ray Masters, and the genius loci of the many sites that preserve a myth of these two archangels. Foremost among the places visited is Ireland, the legendary Emerald Isle, and it turns out this island nation, anciently called Ériu-Land after its presiding landscape goddess, has a pivotal world role to play in the restitution of these mythic figures and the future well-being of the planet and its humanity.

  • af William M. Stetson
    132,95 kr.

  • af Imani Williams
    167,95 kr.

  • af Eric Dac
    312,95 kr.

  • af Luis Navia
    192,95 kr.

  • af Sonraya Grace
    257,95 kr.

    Discover the magic of your Wise Woman and embrace the power of the Divine Feminine with Winter Wisdom - a guide to unlocking the secrets of the season of darkness.For too long, we've been taught to fear the dark, when in truth, it holds potent magic, wisdom, and transformative power. With Winter Wisdom, you'll learn to shed your burdens and regenerate, ready to bloom in the spring.Rest in the bosom of the Great Mother and become bare, recreating beauty from within the rich, fertile belly of your womb and the womb of the world. Winter Wisdom offers sacred ceremonies, guided meditations, feminine embodiment exercises, and inspiring journal prompts that nourish and empower you.Guided by Earth Wisdom Keeper, Sonraya Grace, you'll embark on a powerful inner journey to activate your creative power as a Wise Woman, embracing your shadow to uncover magical treasures within.Winter Wisdom features powerful activations to awaken your Divine Feminine power, develop a deeper understanding of cyclical being, and live in flow with the seasons, Moon Cycles, and Womb Wisdom. With beautiful illustrations and diagrams, Winter Wisdom brings the essence of the Feminine and Mother Earth to life, while journal prompts guide you on your journey of self-discovery.Experience a deeper connection and sense of belonging with Mother Earth, heal ancestral wounding, and reap the gifts of your mother and father line. Whether you're in the season of winter or your own spiritual 'inner winter' phase of life, Winter Wisdom offers beauty and light to support you through this powerful initiation.Get Winter Wisdom now and discover the transformative power of the season of darkness.Sonraya Grace is an Earth Wisdom Keeper, Rebirth Doula, and Intuitive Channel with a passion to support the global shift towards unity consciousness. She guides women on transformational journeys to activate and embody their Sacred Feminine Wisdom.

  • af Dawn Hazel
    162,95 kr.

  • af Oscar Miro-Quesada
    217,95 kr.

    Awaken Your Shamanic SoulRespected kamasqa curandero Oscar Miro-Quesada teaches shamanism as a tradition of healing, power, and wisdom that sees all life as interconnected and sacred. Understand the shamanic art of a noble death, becoming a hollow bone, traveling through the three worlds, and how to embrace the imaginal beauty of a living, sentient, and ever-evolving cosmos.Feel soul-animating moments with Creation itself as don Oscar and our sacred storytellers share their transformative experiences, including those of:a woman who meets a sister she never knew-child to child, soul to soul.a man whose animal ally gives him the gift of unconditional love.a woman who connects with the Amazigh women who served as oracles long ago.a granddaughter who conquers her fear and completes her first vision quest.a woman whose reverence and songs to Gaia bring much needed rain.a man who is protected from harm by sacred plant allies.You must live the path to understand it. Cultivate spiritual discernment, learn how to consecrate your shamanic ceremonial space, practice an ancient Andean earth walk ritual, internalize the soul-nurturing beauty of Mother Earth with the Pachamama Renewal Process, work with the five principal animal allies of Universal Shamanism, and discover the loving grace that sparked the emergence of shamanism as a universal path of healing service.SHAMANISM is the medicine our world needs for seven generations and beyond.SHAMANISM: Personal Quests of Communion with Nature and Creation is part of Common Sentience, an uncommon and bestselling book series that brings the mystical into the mainstream by sharing spiritual wisdom and true, personal stories of the Divine experiences many are having. Look for the other books in this exciting series at

  • af Dana O'Driscoll
    157,95 kr.

    An indispensable companion to Sacred Actions that offers neopagans and Earth-based spiritual practitioners prompts for reflecting on sacred actions in the eightfold wheel of the year through writing, meditation, and creation.

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