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Psykiske evner og psykiske fænomener

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  • af Judy Ann Nock
    99,95 kr.

    Harness the power of crystals in your spells and rituals with this comprehensive guide to crystal magick. In this latest addition to the successful Modern Witchcraft series, practitioners will find easy, expert instructions on crystal magic as well as crystal-focused spells and a full-color inventory of 50 useful stones and gems.

  • af Thomas Hübl
    244,95 kr.

    A road map to harness the power of our collective human consciousness as a source for healing our traumatized worldWe are all interconnected-and dependent on each other to shape the world in which we live. Yet even though technology has allowed us to digitally share our lives with more people than ever, the result has been a growing pattern of personal isolation, alienation, and division. Why is this? "We are seeing the manifestation of collective trauma," says luminary Thomas Hübl, who has reached thousands of people around the world through his teachings on mysticism and healing. "The profoundly complex challenges we face demand a new level of human collaboration." In Attuned, Hübl, together with writer Julie Jordan Avritt, shares a visionary guide for individuals, therapists, and other professionals committed to healing our struggling world. Attuning to a person, group, or organization means coming into resonance by listening mindfully to the inner sensations, feelings, images, and information that arise. At the core of the book is the "relational field"-a vast matrix of energy through which information is shared within, around, and between us. In each chapter, you'll find insights and practices for perceiving and tuning in to oneself and others, and ultimately contributing to the healing of this field, including:. The mystical and evolutionary principles behind human development and connection. Resources for embodying resilience, processing toxic stress, and regulating our individual and collective nervous systems. Attunement practices for working with the effects of trauma in yourself and across communities. Transparent communication-a practice of relating through authentic awareness and vulnerability. Guidance for group facilitators, healing ancestral trauma, and moreBy embracing our interdependence, we can activate what is needed to respond to and evolve through the challenges of our age. "It may take only a small number of us," explains Hübl, "to establish a new level of collective coherence-to share our light, heal our wounds, and realize the unawakened potential of our world."

  • af Sara Landon
    135,95 kr.

  • af Yamile Yemoonyah
    145,95 - 197,95 kr.

  • af Hermann Rudolph
    87,95 kr.

    En teosofisk andagtsbog med anvisning til meditation.

  • - Personlige beretninger fra døende og pårørende om møder med engle og afdøde slægtninge
    af Josie Varga
    118,95 - 247,95 kr.

  • af Clarissa Pinkola Estes
    327,95 kr.

    Within every woman there is a wild and natural creature, a powerful force, filled with good instincts, passionate creativity, and ageless knowing. Her name is Wild Woman, but she is an endangered species. Though the gifts of wildish nature come to us at birth, society's attempt to "civilize" us into rigid roles has plundered this treasure, and muffled the deep, life-giving messages of our own souls. Without Wild Woman, we become over-domesticated, fearful, uncreative, trapped. Clarissa Pinkola Estes, Ph.D., Jungian analyst and cantadora storyteller, shows how woman's vitality can be restored through what she calls "psychic archeological digs" into the bins of the female unconscious. In Women Who Run with the Wolves, Dr. Estes uses multicultural myths, fairy tales, folk tales, and stories chosen from over twenty years of research that help women reconnect with the healthy, instinctual, visionary attributes of the Wild Woman archetype. Dr. Estes collects the bones of many stories, looking for the archetypal motifs that set a woman's inner life into motion. "La Loba" teaches about the transformative function of the psyche. In "Bluebeard", we learn what to do with wounds that will not heal; in "Skeleton Woman", we glimpse the mystical power of relationship and how dead feelings can be revived; "Vasalisa the Wise" brings our lost womanly instincts to the surface again; "The Handless Maiden" recovers the Wild Woman initiation rites; and "The Little Match Girl" warns against the insidious dangers of a life spent in fantasy. In these and other stories, we focus on the many qualities of Wild Woman. We retrieve, examine, love, and understand her, and hold her against our deep psyches as one whois both magic and medicine. In Women Who Run with the Wolves, Dr. Estes has created a new lexicon for describing the female psyche. Fertile and lifegiving, it is a psychology of women in the truest sense, a knowing of the soul.

  • af Jason Shurka
    192,95 kr.

    The Pyramid Code is a fascinating first-hand account of the anonymous author's experience with an undercover organization known as TLS (The Light System) and the unveiling of many of life's mysteries that were revealed to him on his path.His story Is a true and accurate representation of the beginning of his journey into the spirit world, his memories from a very important past reincarnation in ancient Egypt, his knowledge and wisdom of the sacred mysticism of the Pyramid, the construction of the Pyramids and hidden codes within, as well as his knowledge of the new era in which humanity is heading towards.

  • af Georgina Easterbrook
    165,95 kr.

    Help unlock their true potential through the power of crystals this Christmas with this insightful guide from TikTok superstar @athenascrystals __________ The life of your dreams is within your reach - and you already have what it takes to get it. Georgina Easterbrook, founder of Athena's Crystals and TikTok sensation, is your divine guide who will teach you how to harness the power of crystals and take control of seven key aspects of your life: LOVE MONEY HEALING CONFIDENCE PROTECTION MANIFESTING HAPPINESS Whether it's romantic love, emotional healing, achieving your career goals or manifesting your deepest desires, there is a crystal to help you every step of the way, from the mindful energy of Sodalite to the self-love brought by Rose Quartz. And with Georgina guiding you through every step, you can build a future that aligns with your innermost goals . . . In Spring, use Seraphinite if you're ready for some real change in your life. For the lunar eclipse in Scorpio, dive deep into your emotions with Labradorite, the stone of self-discovery. As we grow towards Summer, use Amazonite to embrace self-expression without anxiety, inspired by the Sun in Leo. You can make your dreams a reality - all you need to do to tap into your inner voice is follow the crystal path.

  • af Belinda J. Womack
    187,95 kr.

    Attract wealth and healing with the guidance of the 12 Archangels

  • af Mystic Michaela
    144,95 kr.

    Unlock your psychic power with this interactive workbook! From Mystic Michaela, author of the popular Angel Numbers Book, these activities and exercises help you tap into your psychic skills by honing your intuition and connecting with the universe.

  • af yung pueblo
    164,95 kr.

    "A radically compassionate plan for turning inward and lifting the heaviness that prevents us from healing ourselves and the world, from the New York Times bestselling author of Clarity & Connection"--

  • - en energimedicinsk guide til healing
    af Marianne Jacobsen
    267,95 kr.

    Lær at aktivere dine 7 chakraer, og føl dig bedre tilpas i din egen krop med bogen “Skab balance i dine chakraer”Ved hjælp af energimedicinske teknikker, lærer du i bogen “Skab balance i dine chakraer” at teste og afbalancere dine (og dine klienters) chakraer. Du lærer dine 7 primære chakraer at kende, så du kan finde ud af, hvornår de har behov for at blive balanceret. Du får en masse lette metoder til at afbalancere, til at bruge energiøvelser samt krystaller og æteriske olier til dine chakraer.Ro i sindet, bedre fysisk og mental sundhed og en følelse af opfyldelse og formål er blot nogle af fordelene ved at arbejde med dine chakraerNøglen til optimal sundhed og velvære eksisterer allerede os i blandt andet i vores kraftfulde energicentre - chakraerne. Gamle kulturer har i adskillige tusinder af år forstået den hellige helbredende kraft chakraerne indeholder. Det er de kraftcentre, der forbinder din fysiske krop og energiens verden. Ved at udnytte kraften i dine chakraer kan du leve sundere, mere afbalanceret og blive en bedre udgave af dig selv. I ”Skab balance i dine chakraer – en energimedicinsk guide til healing” får du ikke bare kendskab til hvert af dine 7 hovedchakraer, men også hvordan du selv kan energiteste og aktivere de chakraer, der måtte være kommet ud af balance. Jeg tilbyder dig også daglige øvelser for at vise dig, at sand forebyggelse ikke kun stammer fra de måder, vi plejer vores krop på, men også på de måder, vi bruger vores energi på. Det helt unikke i denne bog er delen, der beskriver energimedicin-teknikkerne til at energiteste og afbalancere chakraerne, både overordnet set samt de syv lag i hvert chakra. Hvilke faldgruber der er, og hvordan de energetisk rettes op igen. Bogen kan både bruges af behandlere, men den er også til dig, der gerne vil arbejde med dine egne chakraer.Bogen er nem at gå til og opdelt i tre dele, som du kan læse mere om her:Del 1I bogens første del kan du læse om, hvad chakraer er, og hvad deres tema er. Du får også en kort forklaring af hvert chakra samt af de 7 lag i hvert chakra. Og så fortæller jeg dig selvfølgelig om vigtigheden af at holde dem i balance.Del 2Her går vi mere i dybden med de 7 chakraer. Jeg fortæller dig om fysiske symptomer på, når et chakra er i balance, og så giver jeg dig en beskrivelse af dig og chakraet, når det er i balance eller ubalance. Du kan læse om forskellige måder at afbalancere hvert chakra på, samt hvilke krystaller og æteriske olier du kan bruge på hvert chakra. Du får links til lydfiler for hvert chakra samt forslag til bekræftelser og meditation, når du arbejder med dine chakraer. Del 3I bogens sidste del får du teknikker og øvelser fra energimedicin, der beskriver, hvordan du nemt kan afbalancere og arbejde med hvert chakra. Jeg fortæller dig om, hvorfor jordforbindelse er vigtigt, og du får et link til en guidet visualisering til at skabe jordforbindelse. Du vil finde ud af, hvordan du energitester dine chakraer og lære forskellige metoder til at energiteste dig selv og andre samt lære, hvilke faldgruber der kan være. Du lærer at energiteste de 7 lag i hvert chakra, at rense og afbalancere dem, og arbejde med forbindelsen mellem hvert chakra. Bogen er interaktiv, så du aldrig er i tvivl om, om du gør tingene rigtigtBogen er interaktiv, så mange af energiøvelserne finder du en lille QR-kode, som du kan scanne med din telefon og på den måde få vist en video af, hvordan du laver øvelsen, eller hvordan du finder nogle bestemte akupunkturpunkter. Det er din sikkerhed for, at du udfører øvelserne rigtigt, selv når det kan være svært lige at visualisere for dig, hvordan du skal gøre.Marianne Jacobsen er en af Danmarks dygtigste inden for energi terapi. Hun har klinikker i Storkøbenhavn, hvor hun tager imod klienter. Endvidere er hun den eneste dansker, der er certificeret til at undervise i Donna Edens Energi Medicin. Hun afholder både live og online kurser i energi terapi. Marianne har studeret energi medicin ved Donna Eden siden 2014, og uddanner sig løbende. Før hun blev certificeret som Eden Energy Medicine Practitioner, var hun uddannet akupunktør, healer, TFT- og EFT-terapeut.NY BOG:Køb bogen før den officielle udgivelse og spar 33%:

  • - Hvordan du kan aktivere din aura og dine chakraer
    af Elizabeth Clare Prophet
    177,95 kr.

    Menneskets Aura. Vi kan nu få taget billeder af vores aura. Kirlian fotografering kan fange farven, intensiteten og bevægelsen af denne mystiske lystæthed. Medicinske forskere ved Yale University i USA har vist at sygdom kan påvises, før den manifesterer sig i den fysiske krop gennem studiet af dette kraftfelt, der omgiver enhver mand, kvinde og barn. Men videnskaben har endnu ikke givet svar på alle auraens mysterier. Hvor kommer dette energifelt fra? Hvordan påvirker det sundheden og udseendet? Hvad er farvernes rigtige betydning? Påvirker den vores adfærd, succes og forhold? TO BØGER I ÉN I Første Bog af Menneskets Aura sætter Kuthumi rammen for at opdage en ny dimension af dig selv. Du får en tredobbelt øvelse til at aktivere den energi, intelligens og kreativitet, der bor i dit væsen. I Bog To afslører Djwal Kul videnskaben om de syv store energicentre, eller chakraer, og deres forhold til auraens udvidelsen. Gennem hans avancerede program med meditationer og mantraer, kan du udvikle evnen til at kontrollere omstændighederne, der påvirker dit liv.

  • af Penny Sartori & Kelly Walsh
    72,95 - 247,95 kr.

  • - Spirituel Lærebog
    af Lisbeth Munk Ralsted
    69,95 - 147,95 kr.

    Guddommelige Samtaler er en bog, der handler om samtaler mellem Lisbeth Munk Ralsted og hendes afdøde mor Aase Munk Ralsted. Aase Munk Ralsted døde i 2008 af kræft i hjernen. Den kræftsygdom som betegnes Glioblastom. Bogen fortæller om hendes liv som hun ser det nu fra den anden side, den fortæller om hendes tanker og følelser mens hun levede og om årsagen til hendes sygdom. Hun fotæller om det ansvar vi har hver især til hinanden mens vi lever og om hvor meget det betyder for at vi lytter godt efter os selv. Hun ønsker at viderebringe, oplysning om, at frygt, vrede og sorg er meget store følelser, som har en meget stor kraft i at få celler til at dele sig i en uhensigtsmæssig retning. Bogen skildrer at tanker har kraft, at tanker skaber følelser og disse følelser kan sætte sig til sygdom hvis de ikke bearbejdes, og at forskellige følelser knytter sig til bestemte områder i vores krop. Aase Munk Ralsted beskriver livet efter døden, at døden ikke eksisterer, men kun er en port til en anden verden. Bogen henvender sig til dig, der er interesseret i at vide mere om livet efter døden, den henvender sig til dig, der har mistet, til dig der ser at sygdom er noget vi selv skaber og med de rette betingelser og hjælp, kan vi også selv gøre noget ved den langt hen ad vejen. Den henvender sig til dig, der mærker at Gudommelige Samtaler er en bog, der taler til hjertet i dig. Bogen er en spirituel lærebog, der lægger op til kommende foredrag om kontakt til den anden verden, til spirituel sygdomslære, til psykisk vold og om efterlivet på mange planer.

  • af Steen Kofoed & Tove Kofoed
    227,95 kr.

    Denne bog beskriver den rejse, der påbegyndes fra den fysiske krop dør frem til fødslen i en ny krop. På engageret vis fortæller en række mennesker om deres egen rejse, der inkluderer bevægelsen hen mod paradistilstanden, men også de processer, der sker, når sjælen igen bliver tilknyttet en ny barnekrop - fra celledeling, fosterudvikling og helt frem til fødslen. Ud over disse rejsebeskrivelser præsenteres åndsvidenskabelige teorier bag reinkarnation som karma, affinitet, åndelige væsener, engle m.m. Forfatterne giver gode råd til, hvordan efterladte kan hjælpe forvirrede sjæle til at forstå, at de er døde, og til, hvordan afdøde kan lære at slippe afhængigheden af det jordiske liv.Tove og Steen Kofoed har mere end 40 års erfaring i at kommunikere med den åndelige verden og dens beboere. De ejer og driver henholdsvis Clairvoyancevejleder Skolen og Healerskolen og har medvirket i flere tv-programmer om emnet. De står desuden bag en række bøger om emnet.

  • af Annie Besant
    137,95 kr.

    "Evolution of Life and Form" is a series of lectures delivered by Annie Besant, at the Twenty-third Anniversary Meeting of the Theosophical Society at Adyar, Madras in 1898. Besant was a member of the Theosophical Society and a prominent lecturer on the subject. The lecture titles include: 'Ancient and Modern Science', 'Functions of the Gods', 'Evolution of Life' and 'Evolution of Form'.

  • af Peter H. Fogtdal
    207,95 - 237,95 kr.

    Peter udforsker sit ophav og fortæller om sin sjæls tidligere liv i denne humoristiske roman. I udforskningen af sin egen familiehistorie opdager Peter, at slægten ikke stemmer overens med de DNA-resultater, han får fra flere forskellige tests, som viser, at han har italienske gener, han ikke kendte til. En regressionsterapeut fortæller ham, at han i 1800-tallet har været en landsbylæge med forfatterdrømme, og han rejser med sin bror til Italien for at besøge sine geners ophav. Reinkarnationerne fører læserne til Italien, til første og anden verdenskrig som jødisk soldat og til Polen som violinsnedker i 1700-tallet. Romanen er med andre ord samtidigt en eksplosion af tidligere skæbner gennem verdenshistorien og en barsk erkendelse af det seksuelle overgreb, Peter blev udsat for da han blot var et barn.

  • - Liv efter døden. Terapi for alle
    af Alex Riel
    147,95 - 227,95 kr.

    Efterlivsterapien baserer sig på menneskers møder med livet efter døden, der kan have positive og healende virkninger på sindet. Disse psykologiske forandringer kan erhverves af alle mennesker via indsigt i efterlivets healende processer. Mennesker, der ligger på deres dødsleje eller har nærdødsoplevelser, beretter ofte om møder med afdøde familiemedlemmer, åndelige guider og himmelske landskaber, hvilket kan medføre positive forandringer i sindet. I bogen belyses det, hvilke psykologiske processer møderne med efterlivet foranlediger, og hvorledes dette kan anvendes af alle mennesker. Det er ofte kun et eller få møder med efterlivet, som reducerer eller helt fjerner livslange, psykiske lidelser, og derfor er efterlivsterapien den mest effektive behandlingsform, der findes. Bogen beskriver efterlivsterapiens metoder via indlevende cases, øvelser og spørgsmål, hvormed læsning af bogen er begyndelsen på læserens egen proces. Formålet med efterlivsterapien er at leve et liv baseret på ubetinget kærlighed. Uddrag af bogen Døden synes således at være en terapi, der overgår alle andre terapier, og dr. Kerr udtaler: Der findes ingen antidepressiva eller samtaleterapier, der kan matche den menneskelige sjæls forbløffende evne til at helbrede sig selv og finde mening, tilgivelse og fred ved livets afslutning.” Om forfatteren Alex Riel (f. 1962) er cand.mag. i filosofi og forfatter til flere bøger om, hvordan store filosofiske spørgsmål præger menneskers hverdagsliv og værdier. Alex antager, at alle mennesker er filosoffer, når vi skaber mening med vores liv, og at viden om dette er væsentligt, både for individet og for samfundet.

  • af Themagicwithin
    192,95 kr.

    Are you sick of feeling energetically and emotionally overwhelmed?Do you feel as though you constantly attract energy vampires who like to steal your precious time?Do you feel just a little.. different, but can't quite work out why?If you answered yes, you could be an Empath! Empath's are people who tend to feel very deeply, and who are heavily affected by the energies around them ~ both good and bad.They often have a healing presence that can attract some baddies who like to (often unintentionally) drain them of their gifts and leave them feeling flustered. But with the negatives, come the gifts of being natural healers, great carers, and being more able to tap into hidden powers that most people will never know exist. From psychic abilities, to energy healing, clairvoyance and deepened intuition, empaths can really do it all. This guide is here to help you understand your traits, and to work with, not against them, so that you can become an empowered and confident empath.Topics covered include: Energy protection and boundary setting - with practical techniquesUnderstanding what an empath actually is, so that you can determine if you are oneThe science behind empathsHow to tap into your intuitive, psychic, clairvoyant and mediumship abilitiesManifestation & working with the universe And so much more.. When you've finished reading, you should be feeling more at peace, less energetically overwhelmed, and more aware of your inner magic than ever before.

  • af David R. Hawkins
    197,95 kr.

    From the best-selling author and pioneer in the field of consciousness research, David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D., comes the first in a series of six books on finding the way to God. Dr. David R. Hawkins always wanted to add further detail to his best-selling book, Power vs. Force, a book that opened the door to so many new truths, enlightening information, and exciting questions. People asked for more, and Dr. Hawkins realized that consciousness itself continued to grow and evolve. As a spiritual teacher, dedicated to the highest Truth, to God, and to his love for mankind, he decided to create the lecture presentations these books are based on. His lighthearted spirit, wonderful sense of humor, and real-life stories are evident in this book. In it, the core of Dr. Hawkins' body of work that he later called, "The Pathway of Devotional Non-Duality" is delivered in full. This volume consists of Dr. Hawkins's finest work from January and February 2002. As you read, you will learn about: the Map of Consciousness(R) chart, from 0-1000, and how it came to be the illusion of causality--the great block to spiritual advancement transcending the ego through understanding it and re-contextualizing it the role of karma in your life how you can move up the levels of consciousness through spiritual intention and choiceradical subjectivity--the essence of the experiencing the Presence of God as "I" the purpose of Dr. Hawkins's work--to realize the Presence of GodThese are just some of the many topics Dr. Hawkins covers in this inspiring and supportive book.

  • af Katie Huang
    204,95 kr.

    From rose quartz for self-love to citrine for self-confidence, you’ll find the perfect crystal for all your magical and self-care needs in Self-Love Crystals.

  • af Barbara With
    177,95 kr.

  • af Uma Silbey
    189,95 kr.

    This follow-up to Uma Silbey's The Ultimate Guide to Crystals and Stones is designed to be instructional as well as inspirational, creating an opportunity through her extensive level of expertise so that you can examine and heal your emotional turmoil as well as that of others. This groundbreaking book provides detailed information about how to use crystal and stone energy to transform painful feelings and emotional turmoil into inner harmony and peace. These step-by-step crystal instructions show the reader exactly how to vanquish and transform both the most painful feelings as well as the underlying deep core wounding that supports their continual reoccurrence. Beautiful pictures and descriptions of the most important emotional healing stones supplement each set of instructions and accompanying meditations. This book is for all of those who want to have a happier life as well as those who want to successfully help others. Within the opening pages of The Ultimate Guide to Emotional Healing with Crystals and Stones, Silbey provides you with an understanding of how emotional pain works, forming the basis that supports later instructions for crystal and stone usage. Then you'll be introduced to actual healing techniques as well as specific emotional healing crystals and stones. Emotional upsets explored throughout the book include: anger, blame, grief, jealousy, sadness, boredom, apathy, withdrawal, anxiety, impatience, shyness, disgust/contempt, fear, eating disorders, obsession/control/compulsion, unhappiness, confusion, and suicide.   Emotional core wounds discussed include: shame, inadequacy, fear of anger, abuse, domination, distrust, rejection, abandonment, feeling guilty, inability to accept self/others, feeling unlovable, and depression. While being inspired, you'll discover a deeper level of wisdom that will guide you further in your emotional healing work with stones and crystals through Silbey's informative and eye-opening text.

  • af Claire Goodchild
    282,95 kr.

    Through a combination of text and illustration, The Book of Ancestors explores the history of traditional genealogy topics, such as "how to research and build a family tree" and "the history of cemeteries." Alongside these practical measures, Claire provides rituals, spells, and crafts from her own personal practice, drawing on the British and Slavic traditions of her heritage, alongside contributions from fellow witches including Codi Popovich and Marjorie from The Punk Priestess for a broader, more enriched lens. As the text progresses, Claire guides her readers through the creation their own "Book of Ancestors," a family grimoire of sorts, blending together their own ancestral legacies with witchcraft that can be passed down to future family. Visually, The Book of Ancestors pairs with The Book of Seances, containing witchy, esoteric, and funerary images in a Victorian style with lots of floral embellishments and classic colors. Whether a seasoned witch, or a newcomer to the spirit world, readers will walk away from The Book of Ancestors feeling empowered to perform their own rituals and spells, research family history, and form a lasting relationship with those who came before.

  • af Cate Grieves
    177,95 kr.

    Prayers and quotes of gratitude from the pages of this book, joined with the desire and willingness of our heart to "be helped", create a joining with the inner strength of the Holy Spirit, lifting our mind high above the battleground of judgement thoughts, to the lawns of heaven, where Holy Instants and revelation come through. As Cate awoke on New Years Day 2016, the Holy Spirit showed her a vision of the front cover of a Holy Spirit prayer book. She heard guidance that she would be writing these prayer books over "time" and each one would have a theme based on A Course in Miracles and to attach to a flower for easy recognition. These prayers demonstrate how to "pray" which is really an "asking" or "inviting Him" into our mind, to bring his wisdom and comfort. Cate started writing the prayers down but was not guided to publish them, until in 2020 Shannon contacted Cate, sharing that she felt Jesus guiding her to offer to help Cate in any way she asked. They both felt that were to work on finishing the prayer books and Shannon's part was to allow Him to show her what flower photos, design and quotes to bring forth. A wonderful collaboration ensued, which bought about the resulting beauty of the books. Designed and guided by the Holy Spirit to help you dear reader, to lift into the happiness and peace, that is Home. The Holy Spirits purpose for these prayers is to "Let these prayers nourish the desert of the unawakened mind with the living waters of God's Love". In this prayer book are prayers helping the reader to invite the Holy Spirit into their mind, interspersed with quotes of gratitude from A Course in Miracles that work together to shift the minds perception, which is the Miracle!. Simply read each prayer quietly and slowly, allowing the words to bring the experience in. Feel willing to hear the Holy Spirit. Give time over to silence. Don't rush and read them all at once. Take your time to let the living waters of truth wash away all the dusty thoughts. Cate Grieves is a spiritual teacher of A Course in Miracles. "To teach is to demonstrate", so Cate is a teacher by her demonstration of love, peace, wisdom and joy that extends effortlessly through her to all. She is deeply connected to her inner guide, the Holy Spirit and lives by this guidance. Cate speaks at international conferences, writes for Miracle Worker magazine, writes on facebook, facilitates workshops, retreats, courses and Satsangs. Cate lives in Melbourne, Australia.

  • af Adele Venneri
    165,95 kr.

    An initiatory journey to unite the Feminine and Masculine within your soul and discover the Divine Love within

  • af Lorenzo Scupoli
    257,95 - 362,95 kr.

  • af Aliyah Umm Raiyaan
    125,95 kr.

    ***** THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER *****'A beautiful unique day-by-day companion throughout the Holy Month' - DR. OMAR SULEIMAN------------------------------------------A must-have intimate journal to guide you through Ramadan and deepen your individual connection to Allah for the year ahead.With inspiring reflections, practical exercises, powerful quotes and drawing from the spiritual wisdom of the Holy Qur'an and Sunnah, it offers an invitation to...- Let your heart ponder through stillness and reflection on insightful words that stir the soul.- Immerse yourself in du'a and use this opportunity to speak to your Lord in supplication.- Journal about spiritual themes and subjects, encouraging you to turn inwards and pen personal revelations for you.A journey within a journey. A space for transformation. This journal is a path with and for The Most Merciful.

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