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Selv om Wim Hof er indehaver af 26 verdensrekorder, så peger hans præstationer efter hans egen mening på noget, der går meget dybere end fysiske udfordringer og udholdenhed: Når vi får kontrol over vores egen sundhed og vitalitet gennem hans teknikker, bliver vi forbundet med vores dybeste indre kilde til styrke og velvære. Vi kan bruge kraften i vores eget åndedræt og vores bevidsthed til at overvinde vores vanebetingede reaktioner på kulde, og dermed overvinder vi hele den kulturelle programmering, der gør os syge og små. Når vi fuldt ud forstår, at vi kan styre vores biologi, opdager vi, at vi kan styre vores liv.
Chakraer er vibrerende, farvede energihjul eller åndelige kraftcentre, der befinder sig inden for vores subtile krop, og som vores livsenergier flyder igennem.Denne smukt illustrerede lille bog vil hjælpe dig til at vække dine chakraer og dermed forbedre dit helbred, din balance og dine energier samt løse fysiske, følelsesmæssige og åndelige problemer.Med detaljerede beskrivelser af chakraerne og hvad de er forbundet med, foruden letudførlige øvelser og aktiviteter, vil du lære, hvordan du kan arbejde med hvert af disse kraftfulde energicentre og dermed forbedre alle aspekter af dit liv.
Step into the enlightening world of 'The Body Code' by Bradley Nelson. Published recently in 2023 by Random House UK Ltd, this book is a fascinating journey into the realm of self-discovery. As a pioneer in the genre of self-help and personal growth, Nelson has once again proven his mastery in understanding the human psyche. 'The Body Code' is not just a book; it's a guide to unlocking your potential, a key to understanding your own body and mind. The author's insightful narrative and thought-provoking ideas will captivate you from the first page to the last. Don't miss out on this masterpiece from one of the most respected authors in the field.
Denne bog inviterer læseren til at foretage en rejse gennem drømmenes forskellige planer, med det formål at nå en meditativ tilstand af højere bevidsthed. Bogen behandler drømmeprocessens tre planer: 1) Den enkelte drøm som en tekst, det gælder om at tolke og forstå (med baggrund i Freud, Jung og Reich). 2) Drømme som udtryk for og spejlinger af energibevægelser. Til forståelsen på dette plan anvender Jes Bertelsen Østens årtusindgamle system, chakraerne. Til hvert grundchakra svarer en række arketypiske drømmesymboler. 3) Drømme som en særskilt bevidsthedsform. Gennem meditation kan drømmen omformes til øget bevidsthedslys og klarhed. Pressen skriver: »Jes Bertelsen er et spændende bekendtskab« – Grethe Lorentzen, Lektør
A 5-step energy detox program from renowned energy healing expert, Oliver Nino that removes the crippling blocks from your energetic field that stand between you and abundance, purpose, and happiness.
Din sjæl, dit liv er en bog om at hjælpe sig selv til at komme tættere på den, vi er inderst inde. Vores sjæl. Med sin baggrund som biolog og med ny viden om nervesystemet samt bl.a. Bruce Liptons teorier om intelligente celler og Peter Levines chok-/traumeterapi viser Marzcia Techau, hvad vi kan opnå, når vi arbejder med både vores følelser, tanker, krop og sjæl. Som healer og clairvoyant rådgiver har Marzcia Techau ofte oplevet klienter og kursister komme til hende, frustrerede over at arbejde med det samme tema eller mønster i lang tid. Her kan den åndelige verden og vores egen sjæl (som er to sider af samme sag) hjælpe. I den åndelige verden findes hjælp fra guider, afdøde slægtninge og et uendeligt guddommeligt nærvær. Vores nervesystem orienterer sig efter omverdenen, hvilket gør os i stand til at være i kontakt med det guddommelige nærvær og modtage healing. Din sjæl, dit liv præsenterer os for forskellige måder at samarbejde med den åndelige verden på – karmisk, epigenetisk og gennem indre barn-arbejde – og indeholder en række øvelser til selvhealing. Desuden deler Marzcia Techau historier fra sit eget og en række af sine kursisters liv, hvor blokeringer eller traumer er blevet opløst med hjælp fra den åndelige verden og har ført til bedre liv. ”I min tid har jeg igen og igen set, hvor stor en forskel det kan gøre i det menneskeliv, vi har her og nu, at vi gør plads til sjælen og forbinder os med hjælpen fra den åndelige verden. At vi healer på nuværende, tidligere og slægtsmæssige traumer, får løsnet op og gjort plads. Ligesom når vi rydder op derhjemme og smider det gamle og ubrugelige ud for nænsomt at give plads til det, der skal vokse og have plads fremover.”Citat fra bogen.Marzcia Techau (født 1971) er biolog, clairvoyant rådgiver og healer. Hun arbejder som medie, har klienter og underviser i healing og clairvoyance. Hun har tidligere skrevet bogen Når ånderne banker på og medvirket i en række artikler, tv- og radioudsendelser, bl.a. Ånderne vender tilbage på TV3+.
Find your unique energy type and harness it for success and fulfillment with YourHuman Design. Wondering what your life purpose is? What you are here to do? How to work, play, and relate to others with maximum ease? It is all in your Human Design! Human Design is a revolutionary system for self-understanding comprising wisdom from Western astrology, the chakra system, I Ching, the Kabbalah tree of life, and facets of modern quantum mechanics, biochemistry, and astronomy. This incredibly powerful modality reveals with great specificity how each human being has different natural talents, a unique life purpose, and a specific mode of operating that aligns them to their true nature. It also provides you with practical strategies for navigating your unique life path with authenticity, ease, and success. Written by the creators of the popular DayLuna Human Design Podcast, this guide presents Human Design in an engaging and accessible way that enables you to use and live this life-changing system.What is your energeticdesign? Are you a Manifestor? You are an extremely independent design. You are here to do what you want, when you want, because you want to! Are you a Generator? You do best when you tune out the noise and respond to your gut instincts. Are you a Manifesting Generator? You find you easily magnetize things when you respond to what excites you. Are you a Projector? Forget hustle and grind. You are here to contribute your startling insights, not slog through a conventional 40-hour work week. Are you a Reflector? You have a seemingly unlimited number of interests, feelings, and qualities. You are here to experience as much as possible. Tap into the highest version of yourself and live your Human Design!
Chakraer er spiraler af kraftfuld energi, der har en indflydelse på alle dele af dit liv. Når dine chakraer er rene, føler du dig fuld af vitalitet, glæde og selvtillid.Bogen er fuld af farverige, inspirerende fotos og nemme, tilgængelige øvelser, som kan hjælpe dig med at komme i kontakt med dine chakraer, lære dem at kende én for én og lære dig at heale dem, hvis de er ude af balance eller blokerede.Chakrasystemet er et helt utroligt kort over din krop og din sjæl. Når du fintuner dine chakraer, vil det styrke din fysiske krop, nære din kreativitet, tænde op under din motivation, pleje dit hjerte, inspirere dig til at tale, afklare din intuition og hjælpe din spiritualitet med at blive så god, som den kan være.
A road map to harness the power of our collective human consciousness as a source for healing our traumatized worldWe are all interconnected-and dependent on each other to shape the world in which we live. Yet even though technology has allowed us to digitally share our lives with more people than ever, the result has been a growing pattern of personal isolation, alienation, and division. Why is this? "We are seeing the manifestation of collective trauma," says luminary Thomas Hübl, who has reached thousands of people around the world through his teachings on mysticism and healing. "The profoundly complex challenges we face demand a new level of human collaboration." In Attuned, Hübl, together with writer Julie Jordan Avritt, shares a visionary guide for individuals, therapists, and other professionals committed to healing our struggling world. Attuning to a person, group, or organization means coming into resonance by listening mindfully to the inner sensations, feelings, images, and information that arise. At the core of the book is the "relational field"-a vast matrix of energy through which information is shared within, around, and between us. In each chapter, you'll find insights and practices for perceiving and tuning in to oneself and others, and ultimately contributing to the healing of this field, including:. The mystical and evolutionary principles behind human development and connection. Resources for embodying resilience, processing toxic stress, and regulating our individual and collective nervous systems. Attunement practices for working with the effects of trauma in yourself and across communities. Transparent communication-a practice of relating through authentic awareness and vulnerability. Guidance for group facilitators, healing ancestral trauma, and moreBy embracing our interdependence, we can activate what is needed to respond to and evolve through the challenges of our age. "It may take only a small number of us," explains Hübl, "to establish a new level of collective coherence-to share our light, heal our wounds, and realize the unawakened potential of our world."
An entirely channeled book of messages from The Council, a group of ascended master beings, that communicate to us that we have the power to be the Creators of our lives.
"A radically compassionate plan for turning inward and lifting the heaviness that prevents us from healing ourselves and the world, from the New York Times bestselling author of Clarity & Connection"--
The Pyramid Code is a fascinating first-hand account of the anonymous author's experience with an undercover organization known as TLS (The Light System) and the unveiling of many of life's mysteries that were revealed to him on his path.His story Is a true and accurate representation of the beginning of his journey into the spirit world, his memories from a very important past reincarnation in ancient Egypt, his knowledge and wisdom of the sacred mysticism of the Pyramid, the construction of the Pyramids and hidden codes within, as well as his knowledge of the new era in which humanity is heading towards.
Lær at aktivere dine 7 chakraer, og føl dig bedre tilpas i din egen krop med bogen “Skab balance i dine chakraer”Ved hjælp af energimedicinske teknikker, lærer du i bogen “Skab balance i dine chakraer” at teste og afbalancere dine (og dine klienters) chakraer. Du lærer dine 7 primære chakraer at kende, så du kan finde ud af, hvornår de har behov for at blive balanceret. Du får en masse lette metoder til at afbalancere, til at bruge energiøvelser samt krystaller og æteriske olier til dine chakraer.Ro i sindet, bedre fysisk og mental sundhed og en følelse af opfyldelse og formål er blot nogle af fordelene ved at arbejde med dine chakraerNøglen til optimal sundhed og velvære eksisterer allerede os i blandt andet i vores kraftfulde energicentre - chakraerne. Gamle kulturer har i adskillige tusinder af år forstået den hellige helbredende kraft chakraerne indeholder. Det er de kraftcentre, der forbinder din fysiske krop og energiens verden. Ved at udnytte kraften i dine chakraer kan du leve sundere, mere afbalanceret og blive en bedre udgave af dig selv.I ”Skab balance i dine chakraer – en energimedicinsk guide til healing” får du ikke bare kendskab til hvert af dine 7 hovedchakraer, men også hvordan du selv kan energiteste og aktivere de chakraer, der måtte være kommet ud af balance. Jeg tilbyder dig også daglige øvelser for at vise dig, at sand forebyggelse ikke kun stammer fra de måder, vi plejer vores krop på, men også på de måder, vi bruger vores energi på.Det helt unikke i denne bog er delen, der beskriver energimedicin-teknikkerne til at energiteste og afbalancere chakraerne, både overordnet set samt de syv lag i hvert chakra. Hvilke faldgruber der er, og hvordan de energetisk rettes op igen. Bogen kan både bruges af behandlere, men den er også til dig, der gerne vil arbejde med dine egne chakraer.Bogen er nem at gå til og opdelt i tre dele, som du kan læse mere om her:Del 1I bogens første del kan du læse om, hvad chakraer er, og hvad deres tema er. Du får også en kort forklaring af hvert chakra samt af de 7 lag i hvert chakra. Og så fortæller jeg dig selvfølgelig om vigtigheden af at holde dem i balance.Del 2Her går vi mere i dybden med de 7 chakraer. Jeg fortæller dig om fysiske symptomer på, når et chakra er i balance, og så giver jeg dig en beskrivelse af dig og chakraet, når det er i balance eller ubalance. Du kan læse om forskellige måder at afbalancere hvert chakra på, samt hvilke krystaller og æteriske olier du kan bruge på hvert chakra. Du får links til lydfiler for hvert chakra samt forslag til bekræftelser og meditation, når du arbejder med dine chakraer.Del 3I bogens sidste del får du teknikker og øvelser fra energimedicin, der beskriver, hvordan du nemt kan afbalancere og arbejde med hvert chakra. Jeg fortæller dig om, hvorfor jordforbindelse er vigtigt, og du får et link til en guidet visualisering til at skabe jordforbindelse. Du vil finde ud af, hvordan du energitester dine chakraer og lære forskellige metoder til at energiteste dig selv og andre samt lære, hvilke faldgruber der kan være. Du lærer at energiteste de 7 lag i hvert chakra, at rense og afbalancere dem, og arbejde med forbindelsen mellem hvert chakra.Bogen er interaktiv, så du aldrig er i tvivl om, om du gør tingene rigtigtBogen er interaktiv, så mange af energiøvelserne finder du en lille QR-kode, som du kan scanne med din telefon og på den måde få vist en video af, hvordan du laver øvelsen, eller hvordan du finder nogle bestemte akupunkturpunkter. Det er din sikkerhed for, at du udfører øvelserne rigtigt, selv når det kan være svært lige at visualisere for dig, hvordan du skal gøre.Marianne Jacobsen er en af Danmarks dygtigste inden for energi terapi. Hun har klinikker i Storkøbenhavn, hvor hun tager imod klienter. Endvidere er hun den eneste dansker, der er certificeret til at undervise i Donna Edens Energi Medicin. Hun afholder både live og online kurser i energi terapi. Marianne har studeret energi medicin ved Donna Eden siden 2014, og uddanner sig løbende. Før hun blev certificeret som Eden Energy Medicine Practitioner, var hun uddannet akupunktør, healer, TFT- og EFT-terapeut.NY BOG:Køb bogen før den officielle udgivelse og spar 33%: https://edenenergimedicin.dk/pre-sale-chakrabog/
Menneskets Aura. Vi kan nu få taget billeder af vores aura. Kirlian fotografering kan fange farven, intensiteten og bevægelsen af denne mystiske lystæthed. Medicinske forskere ved Yale University i USA har vist at sygdom kan påvises, før den manifesterer sig i den fysiske krop gennem studiet af dette kraftfelt, der omgiver enhver mand, kvinde og barn. Men videnskaben har endnu ikke givet svar på alle auraens mysterier. Hvor kommer dette energifelt fra? Hvordan påvirker det sundheden og udseendet? Hvad er farvernes rigtige betydning? Påvirker den vores adfærd, succes og forhold? TO BØGER I ÉNI Første Bog af Menneskets Aura sætter Kuthumi rammen for at opdage en ny dimension af dig selv. Du får en tredobbelt øvelse til at aktivere den energi, intelligens og kreativitet, der bor i dit væsen. I Bog To afslører Djwal Kul videnskaben om de syv store energicentre, eller chakraer, og deres forhold til auraens udvidelsen. Gennem hans avancerede program med meditationer og mantraer, kan du udvikle evnen til at kontrollere omstændighederne, der påvirker dit liv.
Prayers and quotes of gratitude from the pages of this book, joined with the desire and willingness of our heart to "be helped", create a joining with the inner strength of the Holy Spirit, lifting our mind high above the battleground of judgement thoughts, to the lawns of heaven, where Holy Instants and revelation come through. As Cate awoke on New Years Day 2016, the Holy Spirit showed her a vision of the front cover of a Holy Spirit prayer book. She heard guidance that she would be writing these prayer books over "time" and each one would have a theme based on A Course in Miracles and to attach to a flower for easy recognition. These prayers demonstrate how to "pray" which is really an "asking" or "inviting Him" into our mind, to bring his wisdom and comfort. Cate started writing the prayers down but was not guided to publish them, until in 2020 Shannon contacted Cate, sharing that she felt Jesus guiding her to offer to help Cate in any way she asked. They both felt that were to work on finishing the prayer books and Shannon's part was to allow Him to show her what flower photos, design and quotes to bring forth. A wonderful collaboration ensued, which bought about the resulting beauty of the books. Designed and guided by the Holy Spirit to help you dear reader, to lift into the happiness and peace, that is Home. The Holy Spirits purpose for these prayers is to "Let these prayers nourish the desert of the unawakened mind with the living waters of God's Love". In this prayer book are prayers helping the reader to invite the Holy Spirit into their mind, interspersed with quotes of gratitude from A Course in Miracles that work together to shift the minds perception, which is the Miracle!. Simply read each prayer quietly and slowly, allowing the words to bring the experience in. Feel willing to hear the Holy Spirit. Give time over to silence. Don't rush and read them all at once. Take your time to let the living waters of truth wash away all the dusty thoughts. Cate Grieves is a spiritual teacher of A Course in Miracles. "To teach is to demonstrate", so Cate is a teacher by her demonstration of love, peace, wisdom and joy that extends effortlessly through her to all. She is deeply connected to her inner guide, the Holy Spirit and lives by this guidance. Cate speaks at international conferences, writes for Miracle Worker magazine, writes on facebook, facilitates workshops, retreats, courses and Satsangs. Cate lives in Melbourne, Australia.
Created by illustrator Kevin Jay Stanton, Botanica is a 78-card tarot deck featuring vibrant traditional paintings that delve into the lore and symbolism of the plant kingdom. Sprouting from years of research into botany, mythology, and history, Botanica marries the tradition of Tarot to a lexicon far more ancient: the natural vocabulary of life on Earth. The deck features the complete set of major and minor arcana as plants, all painted in luscious and colorful acrylics and paired with the objects from their suit. This box set includes the full 78-card deck in a gilded paperboard box, saddle-stitched booklet explaining the symbolism of meanings behind Botanica, and six mailable tarot-sized postcards.
#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • OPRAH’S BOOK CLUB PICK • The author of the bestselling phenomenon Quiet explores the power of the bittersweet personality, revealing a misunderstood side of mental health and creativity while offering a roadmap to facing heartbreak in order to live life to the fullest.“Bittersweet has the power to transform the way you see your life and the world.”—OPRAH“Grabs you by the heart and doesn’t let go.”—BRENÉ BROWN, author of Atlas of the Heart“Susan Cain has described and validated my existence once again!”—GLENNON DOYLE, author of Untamed“The perfect cure for toxic positivity.”—ADAM GRANT, author of Think AgainLONGLISTED FOR THE PORCHLIGHT BUSINESS BOOK AWARD • ONE OF THE BEST BOOKS OF THE YEAR: The Wall Street Journal, MashableBittersweetness is a tendency to states of longing, poignancy, and sorrow; an acute awareness of passing time; and a curiously piercing joy at the beauty of the world. It recognizes that light and dark, birth and death—bitter and sweet—are forever paired. If you’ve ever wondered why you like sad music . . . If you find comfort or inspiration in a rainy day . . . If you react intensely to music, art, nature, and beauty . . . Then you probably identify with the bittersweet state of mind. With Quiet, Susan Cain urged our society to cultivate space for the undervalued, indispensable introverts among us, thereby revealing an untapped power hidden in plain sight. Now she employs the same mix of research, storytelling, and memoir to explore why we experience sorrow and longing, and how embracing the bittersweetness at the heart of life is the true path to creativity, connection, and transcendence. Cain shows how a bittersweet state of mind is the quiet force that helps us transcend our personal and collective pain, whether from a death or breakup, addiction or illness. If we don’t acknowledge our own heartache, she says, we can end up inflicting it on others via abuse, domination, or neglect. But if we realize that all humans know—or will know—loss and suffering, we can turn toward one another. At a time of profound discord and personal anxiety, Bittersweet brings us together in deep and unexpected ways.
What's Your Type?Put the power of types to work for you in your personal life, in business, every time you meet someone. It will change the way you see people forever.In this book, you will:learn to recognize your own type and the types of people around you simply by looking at them;discover how the seven planetary types are connected to the nine enneagram personality types;find out how the gods and goddesses of mythology live on in our own planetary types, and much more."Combines ancient mythologies and dynamics of the enneagram.Bold, clear, and precise...an empowering teacher."CLARENCE THOMSONEDITOR, ENNEAGRAM EDUCATOR"Joel Friedlander has presented Enneagram theory in a manner that is easy to read and understand without violating the complexity of his topic. Body Types is a provocative updating of a venerable system of personality exploration."STANLEY KRIPPNER, PH.D.DISTINGUISHED PROFESSOR OF PSYCHOLOGYCALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF INTEGRAL STUDIES
A contemporary take on manifesting based on processing our emotions within the context of metaphysical truths to create a full lifeThe universe responds to our feelings. This idea is crucial in manifestation-but when we try to put it into practice, things fall flat and we feel stuck. We can become afraid of what our fear is manifesting or defeated when our feelings aren't positive enough. If your emotions aren't flowing and your manifestation practice just isn't working, Sherianna Boyle has good news: you can achieve a loving mastery of your emotions that will help you create the life you want. Energy in Action explores how emotions-when in flow-raise your vibration to cultivate an optimal inner state for successful manifestation. By applying her signature emotional detoxing and CLEANSE system, Sherianna helps you get to know the spiritual laws of the universe as a guidance system for energetic alignment. You'll learn to create from an inner space of discernment, insight, intuition, and levelheadedness. Here, you'll explore: . How the universe responds to your emotional states. Preparing to move energy with the CLEANSE system. How to overcome the most common blockages to manifestation. The spiritual laws of the universe beyond the law of attraction. Practical tools to align your emotional energy for each law"Emotional habits can seem tough to change," says Sherianna, "but as you follow this process, you'll discover that you're not alone-the laws of the universe are supporting you each step of the way. You can realize your most joyful and connected life."
"Love is a transformative aspect of the spiritual path-and in fact, it is our very nature. A. H. Almaas takes us on a journey beyond a narrow, individual understanding of love to an exploration of what he calls the boundless dimension of divine love. This divine love is not the kind of love that we feel toward somebody else; it is nondual, a love without boundaries. Or put another way, it is nondual true nature experienced as love. By shifting our focus beyond the individual human experience to the experience of the wholeness of existence, we are able to see the true richness of the universe. When we are open to the dimension of divine love, we begin to experience our true nature, free from limitations-a sense of complete release, freedom, and delight, free of conflict, fear, insecurity, and worry. Almaas discusses the obstacles and obscurations that make it difficult to awaken to true nature in this way, such as our belief in a separate self and our past condition. Each chapter includes an inquiry or practice to explore the themes further"--
"Through yoga, meditation, and visualization exercises, Jilly Shipway shows you how to tap into your chakras and enhance your creativity. Working with these seven energy centers can help you bring more success into all areas of your life, including art projects, business endeavors, scientific pursuits, and more"--
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