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  • af Wladimir Olivier
    209,95 - 256,95 kr.

  • af Michaela Grace
    200,95 kr.

    "Voices of the Angels: Learning to Listen, Understand, and Be Guided" by Michaela Grace is more than just a book; it's a gateway to a profound spiritual journey, inviting you to unlock the secrets of communicating with the celestial realm. Michaela shares her personal experiences with angelic beings, offering a heartfelt and inspiring guide to finding comfort, clarity, and purpose through angelic guidance. This book is a treasure trove of wisdom, filled with practical advice, meditation techniques, and stories that illuminate the path to a deeper connection with the divine.Through her narrative, Michaela Grace not only teaches you how to listen to the whispers of angels but also how to interpret their messages and integrate them into your life. Each chapter is designed to bring you closer to understanding the angelic influences around you, empowering you to embrace their presence and utilize their guidance in overcoming life's challenges. Whether you're a seasoned spiritual practitioner or new to the concept of angelic communication, this book offers a fresh perspective on the ways we can connect with the higher powers that guide us.Embark on a transformative journey with "Voices of the Angels" and discover how to open your heart and mind to the angelic messages that surround us. Michaela Grace's insights provide a comforting and enlightening companion as you explore the boundless love and support waiting in the celestial realm. This book is an essential read for anyone looking to enhance their spiritual practice, find peace amidst chaos, and live a life guided by the profound wisdom of the angels.

  • af Arielle Ford
    209,95 kr.

    "Like a box of supernatural bonbons-once you start, it's hard to stop."-BooklistThis enchanting book is perfect for those who love magic and mystery, and who know that an unseen, loving presence is watching over us. This is an inspiring collection of mystical experiences involving angels, miracles, near-death experiences, divine interventions, animal experiences, personal transformations, and miraculous healings. The storytellers come from all walks of life-doctors, lawyers, actors, musicians, mailmen, teachers, and others-and include familiar figures, such as Neal Donald Walsch, Judith Orloff, M.D., and Joan Borysenko. With such a wonderful variety of enlightening stories, every reader will find many that will touch them personally.

  • af Anita Fonteboa
    138,95 kr.

    A step-by-step guide to cleansing negative energy in your home, business, and body using smudging and other methods. With several chapters for good luck.Discover the "Cleansing Rituals" - your step-by-step guide to achieving balance, positivity, and luck. This book provides an easier approach to purifying your home and body through sage smudging and other methods. Easy-to-follow instructions, clear descriptions, and colorful images make it a breeze to follow along. These practices can help you feel more energized, healthier, and positive. So, what are you waiting for? Improve your life year-round with "Cleansing Rituals" - get your copy today!This book includes:Step by step instructionColorful illustrationsSeveral chapters for good luck

  • af Sheri Crockett
    231,95 - 381,95 kr.

  • af Por El Espíritu Bento José
    317,95 - 367,95 kr.

    En el 1er. libro de la colección Exploradores de la Luz, del autor espiritual Bento José - José Bento Monteiro Lobato -, descubriremos la historia real de Sergiño, un joven de dieciocho años que, a través de una serie de elecciones, se encontrará ante con consecuencias no deseadas, y necesitarás renovar sus convicciones, superar pérdidas, dolores y aceptar su nueva realidad.Al ofrecer una visión realista del mundo espiritual y su interconexión con el mundo material, podemos comprender el impacto de la fe en la superación de las grandes pérdidas que hemos experimentado.Esta novela, que aporta iluminación, consuelo y esperanza, presenta verdades espirituales de una manera sencilla y fácil de entender, lo que la convierte en una lectura agradable y atractiva.

  • af Elisabeth D'Esperance
    317,95 - 377,95 kr.

  • af Vera Kryzhanovskaia
    317,95 - 352,95 kr.

  • af Dolores Bacelar
    317,95 - 377,95 kr.

  • af Joshua Free
    232,95 kr.

    Each of the "Keys to the Kingdom" Advanced Training Course Manuals will further a Seekers reach on the Pathway leading out of this Universe.

  • af Mari Silva
    297,95 kr.

    Adéntrese en el universo de la comunicación espiritual y cambie para siempre su visión del mundo.¿Siempre se ha preguntado por el mundo espiritual?¿Le gustaría saber qué ocurre en el otro lado? ¿Sospecha que su vida no tiene por qué ser tan complicada?¿Necesita una guía que vaya más allá de todo lo que ha recibido? ¿Se pregunta si puede ponerse en contacto con seres queridos que han dejado este mundo? Entonces este libro es para usted. Con este libro, usted podrá:Descubrir su capacidad para comunicarse con los espíritusDescubrir que usted también es psíquicoAprender los pasos esenciales para estar preparado para hablar con los espíritusAprender cómo mantenerse a salvo a través del proceso de la mediumnidadDescubrir cómo puede actuar como canal para dejar que lleguen los mensajes de los espíritusDominar las herramientas espirituales necesarias para la comunicación con los espíritusDescubrir cómo hacer que la relación entre usted y sus antepasados sea real y profundaDescubrir la verdad sobre los guías espiritualesDescubrir cómo puede conectar con sus guías para una experiencia de vida más ricaAprender la verdad sobre los ángeles y cómo están a su alrededorAprender las clasificaciones de estos poderosos y sabios seresAprender a comunicarse con los ángeles para enriquecer su vidaDescubrir cómo conectar con su ángel de la guarda y desarrollar una relación Aprender sobre los arcángeles y cómo ayudan a toda la humanidadComprender las formas adecuadas de conectarse con los arcángeles (y cuándo no debe acercarse a ellos)Descubrir cómo puede evitar los problemas que resultan de acudir constantemente a los espíritusAprender los métodos correctos de limpieza para mantenerse libre de apegos negativosDescubrir cómo protegerse a sí mismo y a su hogar para vivir experiencias seguras y agradables en todo momentoCon este libro como punto de partida, aprenderá todo lo que necesita sobre la comunicación con los espíritus que le rodean. Aprenderá los misterios y secretos de la vida de estos maravillosos seres, y descubrirá que sus poderes psíquicos son cada vez más impresionantes a medida que practique las enseñanzas contenidas en estas páginas. Está a punto de descubrir que no hay razón para seguir jugando al juego de la vida en modo difícil cuando puede obtener los códigos y trucos de los hermosos y serviciales espíritus que le rodean.

  • af Zilda Gama
    332,95 - 377,95 kr.

  • af David Crosweller
    192,95 kr.

    Direct Guidance from Consciousness to give strength, support and encouragement on your spiritual journey.Find your way to Awareness through the simple act of Extending Love.These no-frills messages are not dotted with complicated words or phrases and do not contain confusing foreign words, they are exactly as they say - Consciousness in Plain Words.

  • af Robin H. Heerens Lysne
    267,95 kr.

    Who is Divine Mother? She has many names. Some call her Star Woman (darkness behind the Stars from several Native American paths)1, Kali, Holy Ghost, Mâ Ananda Moyî (Ananda Moi Ma), Mother Meera, Amma, Mother Mary, Black Madonna, Virgin of Guadalupe and many other names.Mother Earth is known today as Gaia. Each and every woman who nurtures others; every care-giving man with compassion are an extention ofDivine Mother. Divine Mother is an energetic reality of beauty, love and compassion that lives around us and inside each of us, and all throughnature. Divine Mother assumes countless forms in all of us. In order to progress with our environmental issues we need to listen and follow Divine Mother as part of God. She has been ignored by the patriarchal churches that focus on men. This book focuses on how to be in greater harmony with Gaia, or Divine Mother Earth. She also asks for gratitude from companies that are not in harmonious relationships with her. Divine Mother is requesting that we change how we take things from the Earth without her permission that lacks all respect to her generosity to all of humanity as well as all of nature.The book focuses on how western culture can align with many aspects of the balance of Earth, Air, Water, and Fire, as well as past Yuga cycles that explain how we can align with the current age we are in. This book is here to shift our culture to greater peace, harmony, respect and love of all beings.

  • af Robert Turner
    272,95 - 397,95 kr.

    The Heptarchia Mystica is a complete system of planetary magic delivered to theElizabethan magus John Dee in 1582.

  • af Katie and The Chorus
    197,95 kr.

    What if we remembered more of our human story?In this much anticipated sequel, Katie Weiss and the collective she channels, The Chorus, take on time itself, the first of what they call the three engines of our reality. Together, they gently nudge us past our typical concepts of time, like when and how, into a broader perspective of what we are as humans, including our ancient and powerful choice to forget.Through The Chorus's vast viewpoints, and Katie's human experiences with them, you will encounter new ideas on concepts like interruptions, lifetimes, and the afterlife, aspects of our reality which we created in order to experience physical limitation to its utmost. Additionally included are channeled messages from both The Mountains and The Federation, other "neighbors" of our 5 Senses reality. These collectives are quite different from each other, but both remember-and have a lot to say about-our history.It is through these different perspectives that the walls of our perceived disconnection topple. Those far-off places, loved ones, and distant times feel close again. Our identities become more whole, our viewpoints broader, and the sense of our belonging in this vast universe begins to take flight.

  • af Katie and The Chorus
    177,95 kr.

    (Per reader request, this second edition was updated to a larger trim size so the illustrations would be bigger. This matches the size for the second book, the Book of Human Remembrance. A new illustration was also added to this edition. Thank you and we hope you enjoy!)You are more than you have ever suspected or known.What if you were loved by more beings than you had the ability to count? What if they have celebrated you and even missed you through your experience of being human? And what if, just as that experience of being human was shifting into a new age, they were able to reconnect with you and welcome you home?The Book of Human Awakening is the first of many love letters from those very beings who adore us and are rejoicing over our expansion. In this channeled collaboration between Katie Weiss and the non-physical beings she calls The Chorus, new explanations about the human experience are brought to light. Together, they reflect to us broader perspectives on our choice to become human; on all that we are currently experiencing through the-at times bumpy-process of awakening; and where we are heading next.In their straightforward and loving way, the Chorus takes us on a sweeping tour of the human existence, covering larger topics like consciousness, the human mind, and our beliefs. In addition, they give us accessible and nuanced explanations for much of our experience in day-to-day life, such as the energetic underpinnings of trust and lack of control, emotions like anger and fear, and even the fascinating difference between staying focused and paying attention.The Chorus views our human existence as a masterpiece of creation-a colossal undertaking and an incredible achievement. Once you see yourself through their eyes, you may find that you can't help but notice more to love about being human too.

  • af Terry Lynn Taylor
    162,95 kr.

    From the authors of the bestselling Angel Wisdom comes a book for everyone who wants to transform fear into courage and despair into hope. This delightful book shows us how to learn from our experiences and live every day with the grace and joy of the angels. With a year's worth of daily meditations, Angel Courage offers fresh wisdom for confronting life's difficulties, both large and small-from stress at work to quarrels and letdowns, guilt and regrets, grief and grudges. Each day's reading features a thought-provoking quote, ideas for reflection, exercises, and an inspiring angel blessing. The authors encourage us to learn to love ourselves no matter what mistakes we've made. "May you always make mistakes," they advise, "just not the same ones." The wisdom of the angels shows us how to laugh at ourselves, live in the moment, put our energy into productive activities, and follow the timing of our hearts by using our own angel courage to greet each day with authenticity and love.

  • af Sandra Carneiro
    297,95 - 352,95 kr.

  • af Tim Bair
    167,95 kr.

    Ever Near illuminates the remarkable bond between the author and his wife, Mari Lynn. The narrative takes an emotional turn as the couple faces the unrelenting challenge of Mari Lynn's illness. Their unwavering determination to fight against all odds is truly inspiring. The story continues to tug at the heartstrings, as his wife's passing becomes an inevitable reality. The author's tender portrayal of grief and loss is both poignant and deeply moving. He takes us on a journey of mourning and healing, allowing us to experience the raw emotions that accompany such profound loss.Despite the pain, the author's unwavering love for his wife remains steadfast, serving as an enduring testament to the power of their connection. In the aftermath of Mari Lynn's passing, Tim's story takes an unexpected turn. He shares how their love continues to guide him in his life's journey. The profound impact of their love is felt long after her physical presence has departed. It is a beautiful reminder that love transcends time and space, never truly ending.

  • af Lucimara Breve
    297,95 - 352,95 kr.

  • af Mark Ireland
    197,95 kr.

  • af Matteo Brancati
    97,95 kr.

    Le 13 Notti Sante indicano un cammino spirituale evolutivo dove si ricevono energie cosmiche e informazioni da elaborare durante l'anno successivo. In questo periodo particolarmente sacro, le forze archetipiche discendono in profondità nella Terra e in tutti gli esseri viventi per rilasciare le loro energie vitali, connesse ai diversi aspetti dell'essere umano, favorendo specifiche facoltà interiori. I messaggi ricevuti sono brevi riflessioni che formano un percorso unico, 13 parti di se stessi da elaborare singolarmente, ma con una visione d'insieme più ampia che ne amplifica il potenziale.

  • af Por El Espíritu Lucius
    382,95 kr.

    Después de las novelas "Despidiéndose de la Tierra" y "Esculpiendo su propio destino", Lúcius completa esta Trilogía Temática presentando su nuevo libro, en el que los Espíritus Bezerra de Menezes, Jerónimo y Adelino ofrecen un panorama de los momentos importantes que vive la humanidad hoy, revelando el proceso de separación del "Trigo y la Cizaña" que ya está en marcha.

  • af Eve Adams
    177,95 kr.

    Join me on the most extraordinary journey, as I recount the true story of what happened to me in my multiple and intense experiences with the spirit world and beyond. From ghosts to aliens, astral projection, mediumship, demons and more from childhood to present day. With transcriptions from three years of extensive conversations with my spirit team using an amazing new method of spirit communication which allows for long and multiple sentences spoken by my team and other beings, I attempt to piece together the truth of our reality by asking them thousands of pertinent questions about our world and theirs.

  • af Max Stone
    177,95 kr.

    Explore the ancestral rituals that attract prosperity in all its forms with "Prosperity - Rituals to Ganesha". Discover how the ancient wisdom of Ganesha can open doors to prosperity, teaching the ability to balance material wealth with spiritual growth. Through powerful rituals, this book illuminates a path towards abundance, where devotion and faith merge with practical strategies for a fulfilling and enriching life. Ganesha, the Hindu god of prosperity and remover of obstacles, has been worshiped in Hindu homes since the 1st century B.C., underscoring the belief that no deity could withstand such a long period of devotion without responding to the prayers of its devotees. Let Ganesha guide you towards authentic prosperity, where each step is a step towards personal and financial fulfillment.

  • af River Lightbearer
    132,95 kr.

    For decades, River Lightbearer has worked with her guides, including a being of light called Shiva, to receive support and encouragement in their own life. In 2020, River began sharing Shiva's guidance via daily messages on social media.This book is the second compilation of daily messages, organized by theme and topic. Whether you read it cover to cover or open it at random with the trust that you'll see the message most relevant to you, River and Shiva offer these messages to encourage and guide you as you progress in and create the life you most want to live.

  • - A Caprice (1893)
    af William Watson
    232,95 - 323,95 kr.

    This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the original. Due to its age, it may contain imperfections such as marks, notations, marginalia and flawed pages. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions that are true to the original work.

  • af Por El Espíritu Ermance Dufaux
    352,95 kr.

    Conozca la trayectoria de los sembradores espíritas que desencarnaron bajo el peso de las ilusiones, pero que encontraron en sí la fuerza divina para la reconstrucción y el recomenzar de sus vidas, motivados por la esperanza en la conquista de los bienes eternos, amparados y debidamente cultivados por el amor de los amigos espirituales en los jardines celestes de la Divina Providencia."Al enfocar la historia de los líderes cristianos reducidos en el remordimiento bajo el azote de la negligencia con la cual se condujeron durante la vida física, Ermance Dufaux abdica a la visión derrotista de la falencia y queda irremediablemente para alertar al hombre terrestre sobre cuanto le compete realizar en el clima del sacrificio y de la renuncia a favor de sí mismo, cuando esté apoyado por los beneficios de la Doctrina Espírita."María Modesto Cravo

  • af Daniel H. Ronis
    217,95 kr.

    Daniel Ronis was curious to learn more about the women of the Bible. Who were they really? What part did they play? What were their stories? He sought out a channel, Donna Somerville, and together they embarked on a journey to discover the untold stories of the women of the Hebrew Bible through a series of Q&A type channeling sessions. This book contains what they discovered, and it was more than they could have ever imagined. From Eve to Sarah and the Matriarchs, to Dinah, Ruth, Miriam, Delilah, Esther and are invited to see a different side of the stories of the Bible, and how these women helped contribute to the world. What if women are so much more than they've been portrayed as? If their stories were included in the Bible, how different might our world be today?

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