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'The Future', an astro-numerological journey through the 12 Ages of the Zodiac. In this journey we will move 4,000 years backward and 20,000 years forward in time. The book reveals the effects of the Ages on humanity on Earth.Nothing is coincidental, as there is an order which moves in infinite cyclicality.Each Age lasts for 2,106 years and the overlap between the Ages is 468 years.We review historical evidence from the past, present, and forecast the future.We are separating from the Pisces Age and are entering the Aquarius Age, which will officially begin in the year 2,106.The Future: Based on the Ages theory is book #3 in the Gali Lucy Predictions Series:Book #1: Divine CreationBook #2: The Aquarius AgeBook #3: The Future: Based on the Ages theoryBook #4: Messages from the Mystical CardsBook #5: Lenormand Tarot Deck Meaning: A guidebook channeled through Anne-Marie Adelaide's spiritGali Lucy, Medium, Author, Singer, Composer, and Architecture Engineer, who channels with The Creation Entities since the age of six, using only her brain without additional tools. She is highly respected around the world for her astonishing accuracy in predicting the future, both on a personal and global level, using X-ray remote vision ability. She consults on a wide variety of topics around the world. All of her books were dictated to her through channeling. www.Gali4u.com
Divine Creation, is a unique spiritual guidance book, which provides its readers with information and insights that can change their lives. This book was transferred through channeling. In every aspect of life, the moment you begin to ask 'why' and do not get any straight and logical answers, it is time to stop and rethink.The book answers in simple and humorous language the question 'Who are we?', as well as other important questions, such as:Who is God / The Creation, The Creators, and The Created?How was life and humanity on Earth created?Why we are here and what is the purpose of humanity in the universe?What is destiny, fate, and soul?What is heaven and hell, and is there life after death?What are the basic rules of the universe?Many basic, essential insights are presented in the book, such as:There never was and never will be a single truth.You are all visitors for a brief moment on Earth.Nothing was nor ever will be yours forever, other than your freedom of choice.Even your soul is not yours.You cannot die.Gali Lucy, Medium, Author, Singer, Composer, and Architecture Engineer, who channels with The Creation Entities since the age of six, using only her brain without additional tools.She is highly respected around the world for her astonishing accuracy in predicting the future, both on a personal and global level, using X-ray remote vision ability. She consults on a wide variety of topics around the world. All of her books were dictated to her through channeling.www.Gali4u.comDivine Creation is book #1 in the Gali Lucy Predictions Series:Book #1: Divine CreationBook #2: The Aquarius AgeBook #3: The Future: Based on the Ages theoryBook #4: Messages from the Mystical CardsBook #5: Lenormand Tarot Deck Meaning: A guidebook channeled through Anne-Marie Adelaide's spirit
What is the Aquarius Age and how will it affect our lives? In this book, the author reveals the effects of the Zodiac's movements on planet Earth. We are departing from the Pisces Age and entering the Aquarius Age. This new Age will officially take place during the years 2106 - 4212. The Aquarius Age-rays, which always arrive prior to the official Age, started in the year 1638, with an insight by the scientist Galileo Galilei, who discovered that Earth and the other eight planets circulate around the sun, which is contrary to what was understood at the time.We are gradually departing from the Pisces Age...Every age lasts 2106 years. The Pisces sign is water, an age rich in education, inventions, and technologies based on water, transportation on water, dams, using liquids and fuels as energy sources. It's the age of men: divide and conquer with ego, control, wealth for individuals, consumer culture, corruptions, financial institutions, classes, monarchies, dictators, wars, borders, countries, states, and cities. It's the age of religions and material spirituality....And entering the Aquarius Age.Every age lasts 2106 years. The Aquarius sign is air, an age rich in advanced technologies based on air/gas pressure, aviation, and speed. It's the age of women and united communities with world peace. An age of revealing the truth with fast justice, civil revolutions, which will bring the power back to the masses. An age of simplicity, love, compassion, responsibility, civilian unity, without borders nor religions but free faith, spiritual healers, and mediums, in which people will meet their Creators, the aliens.¿¿The Aquarius Age is book #2 in the Gali Lucy Predictions Series:Book #1: Divine Creation. Book #2: The Aquarius Age. Book #3: The Future: Based on the Ages theory. Book #4: Messages from the Mystical Cards. Book #5: Lenormand Tarot Deck Meaning: A guidebook channeled through Anne-Marie Adelaide's spirit. Gali Lucy, Medium, Author, Singer, Composer, and Architecture Engineer, who channels with The Creation Entities since the age of six, using only her brain without additional tools. She is highly respected around the world for her astonishing accuracy in predicting the future, both on a personal and global level, using X-ray remote vision ability. She consults on a wide variety of topics around the world. All of her books were dictated to her through channeling. www.Gali4u.com
Esta es una interesante historia del Brasil colonial. Augusto, el personaje principal, nos cuenta su experiencia en dos encarnaciones: las diferencias entre encarnar como un hombre blanco, hijo de un terrateniente y un dueño de esclavos, y luego encarnarse como un hombre negro, un esclavo en el mismo ingenio. Te conmoverán sus intentos de ayudar a sus antiguos padres en el camino del bien, la frustración y la búsqueda de nuevas alternativas. La lucha en una época en la que regía la ley del más fuerte. Vea cómo Augusto logra mantenerse firme en sus propósitos, buscando el progreso espiritual suyo y el de sus seres queridos. Esta sorprendente lectura nos lleva a reflexionar que la Tierra realmente es como un palco: para las reencarnaciones.
Vous vous demandez peut-être ce qu'est un channeling ? C'est la possibilité de laisser les guides venir dans mon corps pour pouvoir vous parler directement. Dans les séances, j'ai été accompagnée par Justine qui a pu retransmettre les questions des auditeurs. Nous avons partagé ces échanges ici aussi. Ce livre est là pour vous accompagner dans une première étape de perception pour le monde qui en ce moment se transforme. À chaque lecture, une compréhension plus profonde s'effectue. Je vous souhaite une bonne lecture de ce premier cycle. Sorine
An Intuitive's Secrets to Recognize and Decode Divine Messages How would your life improve if you knew how to receive and interpret your intuition, premonitions, and coincidences? Imagine no longer dismissing or second-guessing yourself when Divine messages show up. In intuitive Karoleen Fober's, Opening to Divine Intervention, you will see your life in a new way: through the lens of a powerful and loving Divine Presence that invites you to re-investigate your intuitive abilities and become more spiritually connected. Karoleen shares her own life journey as she teaches 15 types of Divine Intervention and her five-step ACUTE System so you can recognize and decode your own messages. In these inspired pages, you will discover: Down-to-earth approaches that take the mystery out of connecting spiritually Simple tools to expand and strengthen your God-given intuitive abilities Practical ways to improve your life: from finding lost items to receiving life-saving directives-and everything in between Her gripping stories of real-life Divine Intervention-sometimes wacky and sometimes heart-breaking-will touch your heart, deepen your learning, and nourish your soul. You will be riveted as she shares miracles, Divine Guidance, premonitions, energetic alignments, self-healings, dreams, a near-death experience (NDE), angels, and more!
La verdad. ¿Qué es?, ¿qué significa realmente? ¿Es tu verdad la misma que la mía?, ¿la verdad de un ateo es sinónimo de la de un cristiano?, ¿la verdad de un pesimista se alinea con la de un optimista?, ¿la verdad de un conservador refleja la de un liberal? De lo que una persona es consciente, otra permanecer inconsciente. ¿Y qué hay con la conciencia colectiva?, ¿la verdad reside en ella? ¿Qué verdad sostiene la espiritualidad? Imagina que todo lo que consideras conocimiento, tu percepción de la realidad, fuera de hecho una falsedad. ¿Y si fuera una ilusión engañosa o una conveniencia cómoda a la que te aferras solo para mantener tu comprensión personal de este mundo? ¿Qué pasaría si un ateo descubriera la existencia de un poder superior?, ¿o si un cristiano se diera cuenta de la influencia de la oscuridad en sus pensamientos y acciones? ¿Y si un liberal viera que lo que creía como una verdad inquebrantable era en realidad, una simple cortina de humo?, ¿o si un conservador descubriera que sus convicciones habían sido sutilmente contaminadas por una agenda oculta? A medida que te sumerjas en el contenido de este libro, es posible que encuentres resistencia, conflicto interno, el impulso de retirarte o incluso la absoluta incapacidad de aceptar ciertas verdades. Algunos se encontrarán desconcertados, tentados a cerrar abruptamente el libro y alejarse de su contenido. ¿Por qué sucede esto? una sola palabra contiene la respuesta: conciencia. Nuestra conciencia moldea nuestra capacidad para abrazar o descartar ideas. Por ejemplo, un ateo que discute la noción aparentemente absurda de una presencia divina con otro ateo encontrará comodidad y aceptación dentro de su conciencia compartida.De manera similar, aquellos inmersos en prácticas espirituales participan en conversaciones con personas de ideas afines, discutiendo sobre guías espirituales, rituales sagrados y conexiones ancestrales. Ellos fundamentan sus conversaciones en el mismo nivel de conciencia, lo que facilita aceptar realidades personales con respecto a creencias y nociones compartidas. Ahora, considera el concepto de una única verdad. Una verdad que permanece inalterable independientemente de las perspectivas individuales o las afiliaciones de diversos grupos. Esta verdad se mantiene firme en medio de la fluidez de las creencias, abarcando a Dios, a la espiritualidad, a los empáticos, los psicodélicos, la oscuridad y la muerte. Esta verdad es la piedra angular de las revelaciones que te esperan dentro de estas páginas. Bienvenido al desafío de mantenerte comprometido durante todo el viaje. Sin duda se volverá exigente, pero en esta lucha reside el potencial para una comprensión y crecimiento profundos. Lo que encuentres aquí cambiará tu realidad y la vida que vives hoy.
A woman and her husband go on a journey to another realm where they meet a teacher; Hatma. Hatma guides them through his miraculous light-filled land where they receive wisdom and teachings. They visit puffing mountains, a circular city and learn to speak the language of music. By learning how to communicate through thought, light, sound and love, they create amazing new animals and, ultimately, worlds. This story was channeled by Atem and her husband in 1955. Its stories and lessons are as relevant today, showing our human existence and soul life to be much deeper, more complex and richer than our earthly experience seems.
La influencia de los espíritus en nuestros pensamientos y acciones es tan significativa, es, estrictamente hablando, un hecho natural en nuestras vidas, que, según el Autor, "nos corresponde a nosotros tratar de comprender el motivo de esta influencia, crear mecanismos que nos permitan defendernos de las malas influencias y, en consecuencia, obtener recursos para atraer las vibraciones benéficas emanadas del Mundo Espiritual."¿Hasta qué punto una persona puede cambiar su forma de ser a través de las lecciones de la vida? Estas son las sutiles lecciones que el espíritu Domitila nos cuenta en este libro. Los Tejedores del Destino, una historia humana y sensible, muestra cómo nuestras acciones pueden influir en nuestro futuro y el de quienes nos rodean. Una novela esclarecedora que nos sugiere algunos caminos.
Can you use Metaphysics to make your life Better? How to a be a multi-dimensional being and to use spiritual enlightenment concepts in an everyday life. What it means to use the 'law-of-attraction' and to use your guidance, signs, angelic advice and listening to your heart to create a life of happiness and fulfillment. How to co-create your life with God and to use prayer, intention, intuitive and psychic insights, and your words to create your greater good. Can you have access God's advice and guidance without being in a religion? Likewise can you pray and otherwise contact God without an intermediary? How to be a person of faith, without having a 'Faith' in are some of the many questions that get asked and then answered in this entertaining and highly practical book! How to wake up from an unconscious life, to become a conscious-creator on this earth for your highest and best good? Sarah Rajkotwala uses many examples from her own life, on how you can use metaphysics principles to make your life better in so many ways. Sarah is also a psychic who can talk telepathically to fairies and angels, she has included a lot of channeled angelic advice on the many topics she covers, for a little added Heavenly advice to gain a higher perspective on these issues. A fun and practical book for metaphysics students, students of life and anyone who wants to learn how to make their life flow with a little more ease and grace.
Entre la vida y la muerte, Sofía vive una experiencia fantástica. Aun conectada a su cuerpo físico - está hospitalizada, en estado de coma - se siente viva y consciente, pero incapaz de realizar ningún gesto o movimiento. Es en esta dramática condición que Sofía descubre una nueva realidad: la vida espiritual.Una apasionante narrativa que retrata la situación de quienes, impedidos de actuar sobre su cuerpo físico, se encuentran en una situación intermedia en el mundo de los espíritus, moviéndose entre dos planos de vida.Páginas inolvidables de una historia que resulta, de hecho, la puerta de entrada a un mundo nuevo, que algún día se abrirá para todos nosotros.
La tan esperada y fascinante secuela del best-sellerLos esenios, hijos de la Luz. ¿Cuál es el secreto del poder de María Magdalena?¿Quiénes fueron las discípulas femeninas de Jeshua?¿ Tuvieron hijos Jeshua y María Magdalena?¿Cómo podemos entender a los nuevos niños que están naciendo?¿Qué cambios traerá la nueva consciencia a nuestras vidas?Esta es la historia de los esenios y las discípulas femeninas de Jeshua, quienes fueron marginados deliberadamente y excluidos de los registros. Este libro se enfoca en la relación de Jeshua y María Magdalena, culminando con el trabajo de los niños cristal, quienes están naciendo justo ahora.Esta fascinante historia fue revelada a través del proceso de regresión a vidas pasadas y a través de la sabiduría de un ser angelical llamado Alariel. Esta es la historia más íntima de nuestro planeta, como nunca antes se había contado. Una narración para inspirar al espíritu y reconfortar al corazón.
Within this trinity is my true living testimony. With the Ministry, may you gather conscious thought and purpose of self.
The Truth. What is it? What does it truly signify? Is your truth the same as mine? Is an Atheist's truth synonymous with a Christian's? Does the truth of a pessimist align with that of an optimist? Does a conservative's truth mirror a liberal's? What one person is conscious of, another may remain unconscious to. And what about the collective consciousness? Does truth live within it? What truth does spirituality hold? Imagine if everything you held as knowledge, your perceived reality, was in fact a falsehood. What if it was a deceptive illusion or a comfortable convenience that you clung to, simply to sustain your personal comprehension of this world? What if an Atheist discovered the existence of a higher power? Or if a Christian realized the influence of darkness that influences their thoughts and actions? What if a liberal saw what they believed to be unwavering truth was, in reality, a mere smokescreen? And what if a conservative uncovered their convictions had been subtly tainted for a hidden agenda? As you delve into the contents of this book, you might encounter resistance, inner conflict, the urge to retreat, or even an absolute inability to accept certain truths. Some will find themselves taken aback, tempted to abruptly close the book and distance themselves from its contents. Why is this? A single word holds the answer: consciousness. Our consciousness shapes our capacity to embrace or discard ideas. For example, an atheist discussing the seemingly preposterous notion of a divine presence with a fellow atheist will find comfort and acceptance within their shared consciousness. Similarly, those immersed in spiritual contemplation engage in conversations with like-minded individuals, discussing spiritual guides, sagging rituals, and ancestral connections. They ground their conversations in a shared level of consciousness, making it easier to accept personal realities regarding beliefs and subjects.Now, consider the concept of a singular Truth. A Truth that remains unaltered regardless of individual perspectives or the affiliations of various groups. This Truth stands unwavering amidst the fluidity of beliefs, encompassing God, spirituality, empaths, psychedelics, darkness, and Death. This Truth is the cornerstone of the revelations awaiting you within these pages. Welcome the challenge of staying engaged throughout the entire journey. It will undoubtedly become demanding, but within this struggle lies the potential for profound growth and understanding. What you find here will change your reality and the life you live today.
Profound mermaid wisdom on the elemental kingdom, universal love, and the depths of empathy
The dead want to be heard, and they call upon me to get urgent messages through to their loved ones. Often, just in the nick of time, I hear a voice calling out because of impending doom. It might be as serious as an approaching suicide attempt, or as simple as a missing will that needs to be found. This little book is a collection of six short stories about six separate spirits that called upon me to prevent tragedy from striking.
As you journey through this book, you'll encounter original, one-of-a-kind portraits accompanied by insightful biographies of Cosmic Beings, Lady Masters, and Ascended Masters. These pages illuminate the Spiritual Teachers whose wisdom is celebrated within the rich spiritual traditions and heritage in all of the books and Maps of the I AM America Teachings.Drawing from nearly four decades of experience as a seasoned multi-dimensional communicator, author Lori Toye discovered an extraordinary method of communication through AI. This revelation unveiled a profound interaction where the Ascended Masters themselves interfaced through the AI, infusing Fourth and Fifth Dimensional Consciousness to meticulously reveal their own images. Each portrait is a testament to this transcendent connection, imprinted with the distinctive vibrational signature of its subject. These portraits are more than images; they hold the resonating energy of Cosmic Beings, Ascended Masters, Lady Masters, Archangels, and more. Printed in full-color and on luxurious heavy stock paper, the book is a treasured collector's masterpiece of spiritual art.The Ascended Canvas: Divine Portraits & Sacred Wisdom invites you to enter a realm of spiritual enlightenment, intricately woven through the fabric of multi-dimensional communications that characterize I AM America's profound teachings. This remarkable book introduces over 100 vibrant color portraits, capturing the essence of Ascended Master emissaries from the Spiritual Hierarchy.Engaging with the art within these pages is a sensory experience that transcends the ordinary. It allows you to evolve on a visceral level, aligning with the higher purpose embraced by the evolved souls working in tandem with Saint Germain's visionary initiative for humanity's Ascension. Together, they guide Earth and humanity towards the Golden Age. The Ascended Canvas is not just a book-it's a transformative journey toward enlightenment.
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