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Overnaturlige fænomener / det paranormale

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  • af Edward Heath
    211,95 kr.

    "Blood Ronin" offers a riveting journey through a world where the way of the samurai is under siege by both progress and betrayal.This story follows a masterless samurai, navigating through peril, political schemes, and personal demons, seeking redemption and a new purpose in life.Set against a backdrop of shifting alliances and ancient prophecies, the narrative delves deep into themes of identity, duty, and the blurred lines between justice and vengeance.With heart-pounding action and emotional depth, it's a tale of resilience, courage, and the unyielding human spirit, promising an unforgettable adventure that challenges the essence of honor and strength.

  • af McKayla Jade
    216,95 kr.

    Jenna wasn't good enough to be the mate of an Elite. She was way past damaged and she had one goal. Vengeance upon those who had wronged her. She was a killer and the last thing she wanted to do was kill an Elite Warrior. Hawk and Cassidy would never forgive her, lest let her live to tell the tale.Marcus was home from a mission when his demon finally locked onto Jenna. Smart, cunning, beautiful and maybe just a little bit deadly. His ideal mate. Jenna needed time and as an immortal he had that in spades, until a problem at Rogue Stone threatened to take it all away.Could they give it all up to save Rogue Stone?

  • af Tiana Laveen
    238,95 kr.

    Alexandre has everything he desires except for that which he wants most of all: His Blood Queen.Amidst the backdrop of the Hundred Year War, Alexandre Marseille, a centuries-old vampire, seeks his fated mate. Having established his empire in New York City, he is living an opulent life and running a successful law firm. But his ultimate goal is to find her. Once he sets eyes on Venus Anderson, he will stop at nothing to get her, and the relentless, sensual pursuit begins.Venus Margaret Anderson remembers vividly what it was like to be human. To smell the yellow Jessamine flowers and feel the warm sun on her flesh in the South Carolina heat. But being human sometimes meant she wasn't treated humanely at all, for Venus once lived as a slave on a plantation owned by a cruel master. Now a Professor of Art History, she runs from her true self. Until she is hunted and found by Alexandre.The two twisted soulmates are bitten from the same bloody cloth, but it will take all the demons of Hell and all the prayers in Heaven to convince Venus that Alexandre is not always the ruthless monster he appears to be. Separate, they are forces to be reckoned with; together, they are an explosive power couple destined to leave an indelible, blood-stained mark upon the world. But, with all good things, there are those who wait in the shadows, working their black magic to drain and destroy this love at the onset, casket officially closed. From USA Today bestselling author Tiana Laveen comes a dark and twisted dystopian romantic rollercoaster, packed with suspense, vengeance and passion. Le Roi Du Sang is a dark paranormal, steamy romance. This book includes mature themes and content that may not be suitable for all audiences; reader discretion is advised. Please look inside under "Trigger Warnings" for possible topics that may be deemed personally objectionable.

  • af Anja Katz
    149,95 kr.

    In the lush fields of England's countryside, members of the upper social circles do not breed racehorses or delight in a brisk trot through town-they raise, ride, and race dragons. Elizabeth Bennet has a passion for dragons which has led her to pursue the noble cause of rescuing them from a cruel fate when their time on the race course comes to an end. Her family supports her passion, but Elizabeth knows that she has limited resources to put toward this venture. Longbourn was not meant to be a dragon stable and the strain on the estate's finances is beginning to show. At a race in a nearby town, Elizabeth crosses swords with the cruel owner of an injured dragon-an altercation that draws the attention of none other than Fitzwilliam Darcy. Inspired by Elizabeth's fiery approach, Fitzwilliam Darcy dares to admit that he has misjudged Miss Elizabeth Bennet and becomes determined to set things right between them. A Lady's Heart is an adventurous variation of Pride and Prejudice that is suitable for all lovers of Jane Austen's romantic classic, and those who like a little bit of fantasy with their Regency romance.

  • af Raven Storm
    432,95 kr.

    Aggie is a witch in hiding from her coven and the magickal world at large, after her virginity contract was sold at birth to an incubus; a sex demon who would surely kill her during her magickal inheritance ceremony.Now turning forty, her magick is tired of being contained, and attracts the attention of a few nearby supernaturals, all vying for her attention:Karl, a grumpy, self-effacing vampire who fusses like a mother henLuka, a rowdy werewolf with golden retriever energyQuinn: a player warlock with a pet hawk.If they can sense her, then surely her jilted betrothed can as well.And they aren't about to let Aggie go without a fight.This special edition omnibus puts all three books in this series into one book: The Forty-Year-Old Virgin Witch, The Witch Who Couldn't Give Amuck, and Hex Appeal.

  • af Rosa Marchisella
    339,95 kr.

  • af Nanna Gomaa
    458,95 kr.

    Haven omkring slottet, hvor Viola bor, er vidunderlig. Der skal mange gartnere til at passe den – og måske lidt magi – som feerne heldigvis kan levere. Men en dag – og det ligesom kongen og dronningen skal til at holde den årlige sommerfest – er parken vissen og død og har fuldstændig mistet sine farver. Prinsesse Viola skynder sig hen til feerne for at undersøge, hvad der er gået galt.Sød og fantasifuld fortælling om det magiske i naturens forunderlighed.

  • af Shaw Hart
    166,95 kr.

    These Alpha shifters are about to fall HARD!Come to the small town of Aspen Ridge, Alaska and get ready to watch these swoon worthy wolf and bear shifters fall in love with their fated mates!Books in this set include:The Alpha's WardThe Alpha's PrizeThe Alpha's CaptiveThe Alpha's Obsession

  • af Antonio Carlos Pinto
    389,95 kr.

    Cailleach na Shadowthorn 6.I gcruinne comhthreomhar le NightGlen, a bhí lán le draíocht agus rúndiamhra freisin, bhí tiarna dorcha ann darbh ainm Damus. Bhí a uaillmhian agus a tart chun cumhachta doshásamh, rud a d'fhág go raibh sé ag lorg tiarnas iomlán thar gach ríocht aitheanta. Mar sin féin, bhí fórsa ina choinne - NightGlen, ríocht draíochtúil faoi sholas na gealaí agus á cosaint ag caomhnóirí gan eagla. Áit a raibh síocháin agus comhchuibheas ann ba ea NightGlen, áit a raibh créatúir draíochta ag comhaireachtáil le daoine agus draíocht ag sreabhadh go saor trína fhoraoisí draíochtúla. Ach bhí Damus, lena arm scáthanna agus a chuid ealaíon dorcha, meáite ar an tír seo a thumadh isteach sa dorchadas síoraí.De réir mar a chuaigh Damus ar aghaidh go dian i dtreo NightGlen, d'ullmhaigh na caomhnóirí don chath deiridh. Faoi stiúir laoch óg gan eagla darbh ainm Arion, bhí siad sásta gach rud a íobairt chun a dteach agus gach rud a raibh grá acu dó a chosaint. Bhí an cath ina dhiaidh sin eipiciúil agus fíochmhar, le troideanna cumhachtaí draíochta agus trasnú claimhte. Léirigh Damus a chruachás agus a tart chun scrios a dhéanamh, agus throid Bryan agus a chaomhnóirí le crógacht agus le diongbháilteacht. Ar feadh nóiméad, bhí an chuma air go bhféadfadh NightGlen géilleadh don dorchadas.Mar sin féin, nuair a bhí an chuma ar gach rud caillte, tharla rud gan choinne. Osclaíodh tairseach mistéireach sa spéir agus tá ollmhór ag éirí as. Malphas a bhí ann, Scriostóir na Cruinne. Bhí a phleananna féin aige do NightGlen agus ní raibh in Damus ach saighdiúir ar a chlár fichille cosmaí.Nuair a chonaic an Tiarna Damus an bua a bhí aige ar tí dul i ngleic le sárchumhacht Malphas, chinn sé gach rud a chur i mbaol in aon ghníomh misnigh deiridh amháin. D'úsáid sé an chumhacht a bhí fágtha aige chun NightGlen a shábháil, á sheoladh ar ais go dtí a chruinne bunaidh sular shlogtar é ag an vortex ama a chruthaigh Malphas.Anois bhí NightGlen slán, ach sracadh an Tiarna Damus óna shaol agus caitheadh isteach i gceann scríbe nua anaithnid é. Agus an réimse draíochtúil ag teacht chucu féin ó scrios an chatha, bhí Arion agus na caomhnóirí ag smaoineamh ar cad a bhí ag fanacht le Damus thar thairseach an dorchadais. Seo scéal an Tiarna Damus, finscéal uaillmhianach agus titime, misnigh agus fuascailte. Saga a bheidh macalla ar fud na ríochtaí, ag meabhrú do gach neach leochaileacht na cumhachta agus na hiarmhairtí a bhaineann le géilleadh don dorchadas.Anois déan réidh le dul ar thuras lán de chontúirtí agus fionnachtana. Buail le carachtair shuimiúla, nocht rúin ársa, agus faigh amach an rúndiamhra taobh thiar de Scriostóir na Cruinne. Tá an cath idir an solas agus an dorchadas díreach tosaithe, agus tá cinniúint an Tiarna Damus agus NightGlen i lámha na léitheoirí gan eagla ar "The Witch of Shadowthorn (6)."

  • af Tanja R. Bisgaard
    808,95 kr.

    Køb alle 5 bøger i serienForfatter Tanja R. BisgaardForsideillustrator Lars KramhøftLæs første kapitel på forlagets hjemmeside og Erik hentes pludseligt tilbage til vikingetiden, hvor de bliver mødt af en stærkt skuffet troldkvinde. Hendes magi skulle have hidkaldt Midgårds Beskyttere og ikke bare to store børn. Men nu har Astrid og Erik intet valg. De kan først komme hjem, når de har forhindret en krig mellem den danske og norske konge … Og Loke i at udløse Ragnarok.Tag med på en rejse tilbage til fortiden, hvor to børn fra nutiden skal overvinde sig selv for at kunne overvinde forhindringerne, der venter forude. Det bliver alt andet end nemt.Bøgerne indeholder mere end ti sider med fakta om vikingetiden og nordisk mytologi.Download gratis undervisningsmateriale fra forlagets hjemmeside.AnmeldelserBibliotekernes materialevurdering: "Underholdende og velskrevet historie."★★★★★ ★★★★ Eva Lucia Reviews & Literature: "T.R. Bisgaard formår at fortælle en fantastisk, spændende og nervepirrende historie."Skolebibliotekar Tine Mørup: "Hvis man er vild med Lars-Henrik Olsens ”Erik menneskesøn”, vil ”Midgårds beskyttere” bd. 1 og 2 være værdige arvtagere.

  • af Antonio Carlos Pinto
    389,95 - 623,95 kr.

  • af Antonio Carlos Pinto
    389,95 - 498,95 kr.

  • af Linda Bailey
    348,95 kr.

    "Det var en trist novembernat". Sådan begynder historien om videnskabsmanden Frankenstein og hans monster. Men hvem var kvinden bag bogen? Læs historien om den unge Mary Shelley, og hvordan hun fandt på en af verdens mest legendariske historier.Mary elskede at dagdrømme og forestille sig alle mulige vidunderlige – og skræmmende – historier! Det var meget mere spændende end at læse. Mary, hendes ven digteren Percy Bysse Shelly og sin stedsøster besøger den berømte Lord Byron, og mens stormen raser udenfor fortæller de hinanden gyserhistorier i skæret af ilden fra kaminen. De taler også om teknologiens fremskridt og forestiller sig, hvordan fremtiden kunne forme sig … og langsomt tager historien om Frankensteins monster form i Marys hoved.Spændende biografi i børnehøjde om den fantastiske forfatter Mary Shelly, og hvordan hun fandt på historien om Frankensteins monster.En smuk og spændende bog om en helt særlig pige. De dystre og let groteske illustrationer i brune nuancer passer fantastisk godt til handlingen, og rent sprogligt vil bogen være en nydelse af læse højt. Men lidt uhyggelig er den også. Den indeholder en kort biografi om Mary og bogen.Anbefales til PLC og børnebiblioteker. Bogen kan bruges til emnearbejde om "Frankenstein", men også om børneliv på den tid.Lektørudtalelsen

  • af Jilleen Dolbeare
    188,95 kr.

  • af Cassandra Featherstone
    172,95 - 253,95 kr.

  • af Krystal B. Clark
    288,95 kr.

    In a society reshaped by supernatural abilities, where Orders govern lives based on principles that delve deep into the soul, a delicate balance between gifted powers and unbridled greed unravels. The Great Spirit, witnessing the fraying threads of societal order, bestows a powerful spirit upon a chosen child-the Chozien.As each Order embarks on a sacred quest to find and raise the Chozien, the very fabric of the world is at stake. For generations, the delicate scales between peace and power have teetered on the edge, and now, with the emergence of this new Chozien, the Great Spirit introduces a twist that will reshape destinies.The story unfolds with the age-old question: What lengths will individuals go to in their quest for belonging, self-worth, and love? As the Chozien's journey intertwines with the deepest emotions, loyalty, deception, and unfathomable deeds, the strings of fate are pulled, and the balance between light and darkness is tested.In "Balance of Power," Krystal B. Clark weaves a tapestry of magic, intrigue, and profound human emotions, inviting readers to ponder the consequences of their choices in a world where the very essence of existence hinges on the scales of power. Will the Chozien be the catalyst for lasting peace, or will their presence tip the balance towards a new era of chaos?Prepare to be enchanted by a tale of destiny, resilience, and the eternal struggle for equilibrium in a world where the extraordinary and the mundane collide. "Balance of Power" beckons, and the journey into The Chozien Path Series awaits. Are you ready to embrace the magic within the pages?

  • af Rosanna Pittella
    211,95 - 263,95 kr.

    When Madrika, 16, loses her beloved grandmother, the only family she has ever known, an incredible, magical journey begins. Everything normalto her, enchanted hot spicy apple muffins, wolf companions with whom she speaks, her extraordinary ability to hear thoughts of others, become trivial compared to her gloriously abnormal new life ahead. Before the first step, Madrika learns there is far more to her than she or anyone in her sleepy little town might have imagined: Madrika is powerfully magical! With wondrous supernatural beings at her side, her real education begins. Journey along with Madrika, her wolves, and unusual friends as she encounters good and evil. The Story of Madrika describes her metamorphosis as she taps Love and Destiny, to right long festering wrongs and become The Empoweress. Madrika's story is a reminder of the magic that sparkles and vibrates in us all.

  • af Margaret L. Carter
    173,95 kr.

    When Margaret L. Carter first read Dracula at the age of twelve, her spontaneous reaction was to wonder how the undead Count saw the events in which he was portrayed as the villain. She's always been fascinated with the "monster's" viewpoint and relationships between human and nonhuman beings. Most of the stories in this collection can be described as romances, and all involve love and passion in some form. Here you'll encounter vampires, elves, ghosts, and at least one human-monster hybrid. The vampire stories in the first half of the book are part of an ongoing series in which the creatures we know as vampires belong to a naturally evolved, nonhuman species secretly living among us. Readers can get better acquainted with them in Crimson Dreams, Sealed in Blood, and Passion in the Blood.

  • af Genevieve Jack
    188,95 kr.

    An alpha always puts his pack first.Alpha Silas Flynn wants revenge. Since the day Alex Bloodright murdered his parents, Silas has made it his mission to bring the rogue werewolf to justice. After months of hunting his nemesis, he's closer than ever to neutralizing Alex for good. But when he's unexpectedly assigned a new partner, Meredith, his wolf takes an unusual interest in her. Now is not the time for the goddess to grant him a fated mate.Fox shifter Meredith has her own reasons for wanting revenge on Alex. Her werewolf father's pack was slaughtered by him. But convincing Silas to let her help while dodging the feelings she has for him leaves her struggling to keep her eye on the target.As the two close in on Alex, it becomes apparent that someone on the inside is helping him. Stopping the rogue will force Silas to question everything, including his ability to be the alpha fate has demanded him to be and exactly how far he's willing to go for the woman he loves.

  • af Cassandra Featherstone
    273,95 - 353,95 kr.

  • af Eren Viau
    273,95 kr.

    From ancient times until now the world has changed a lot, and not in a good way. A massive move to enslave an entire group of people or kill them off entirely threatens to tear apart the lands of Chemerica at the seams. The prophecy says that someone needs to rise up and be the hero. The world needs a time mage chooses the one demoness that is ready to throw the match and let the world begin anew. Can Xai pull it off with the weirdest pack in the world? No one knows but the world holds its breath in hope because no one else is crazy enough to do it.

  • af Jen L. Grey
    233,95 kr.

    In the shadows, I found a destiny that was never meant to be mine.All my life, I've been an outcast and the target of cruel jokes. But fate flings me onto a different path when I receive a full-ride scholarship to a prestigious university I never applied to.As the new girl at Evergreen Elite, I'm surrounded by whispered secrets and danger that lurks in every corner.Then I meet Raffe Wright, the university's sexy, broody quarterback, whose presence stirs something deep within me.Every instinct warns me away from him, yet I can't fight the magnetic pull between us.As I unravel the mysteries of the university, I uncover truths about my own past and secrets that could change everything.Each step leads closer to Raffe, and the destiny that brought me here.But the deeper I delve, the more I realize that Raffe might be both the answer to my questions and the greatest danger of all.Get this steamy and suspenseful touch her and unalive, broody male, forbidden love, fated mates, royal wolf shifter romance today!

  • af Kirk Zurosky
    183,95 - 328,95 kr.

  • af Les O'Dell
    168,95 kr.

    Bigfoot researcher and co-founder of West Virginia Cryptids and Strange Encounters, Les O'Dell, has compiled interviews with folks from all over West Virginia who have encountered the "Old Man of the Mountain." Read about their frightening experiences in their own words.

  • af Kiera A. Reynolds
    198,95 kr.

    She broke in to steal their wealth, but they stole her heart instead. Eddie Hart lives a double life. By day, she's the charitable neighbor who helps anyone in need. By night, she's a clever thief. Her system is foolproof, but it all comes crashing down when she's caught during her latest job. Anders, Draven, and Warrin have built an alliance to withstand an enemy focused on pushing all bear shifters from the city. They join together as businessmen, becoming brothers willing to do whatever it takes to protect each other. Little do they know, a human thief is about to change their perspective and their plans for the future. As the bears' enemy closes in, everything they know and love is put in danger. Can Eddie help her three bears stop the threat before it all comes crashing down? Hoarding Gold is a standalone reverse harem. If you like steamy romance with three bear shifters, you'll love this Goldilocks and the Three Bears retelling. Read Hoarding Gold today for a romance that will keep you reading.

  • af Ellen Mint
    223,95 kr.

    Here comes the apocalypse.The first Horseman is threatening to destroy the world. Witch hunters are exterminating anyone who might stop Conquest. The hulking werewolf Eric is breathing down their necks. What can Layla do when the whole world's about to end? Plan her wedding!Surprise, surprise-the coven boys are starting fights about her marrying Cal. Daniel's afraid he could be pushed out. Ink would never admit that he's worried she'll move beyond him. Garavel just wants to get away from the wet dog smell. As for the ex-witch hunter Raul, he declares the whole idea ludicrous. Witches are vanishing across the world and Conquest is definitely to blame, but no one knows yet how to stop him. Everyone expects Layla to put her life aside to save the world. All she wants is one day to be happy.Worst of all, her mother is back in her life and already trying to control her. She tells Layla that witches do not fall in love, much less marry. It could kill both the witch and her lovers. After everything in her life, Layla refuses to give up the men who have saved her.In this penultimate book, the Coven will be tested as they fight for their place in both the relationship and the world. Every force is trying to pull Layla away from her guys, but she'll need them more than ever to survive the horror of planning a wedding in three months. Will the bride make it down the aisle before the world ends?

  • af Philip Omoniyi Adetiloye
    198,95 kr.

    Science, religion, and mysticism offer different views on human origin, human purpose of existence, and the future trajectory of human civilization. Science theories regard these quests as products of chance permutations. Religion and mysticism claim, on the other hand, that human origin, human purpose of existence, and the future trajectory of human civilization had been predetermined by a supreme intelligence that would lead humankind to perfection and the attainment of holiness and heaven.Professor Philip Omoniyi Adetiloye's "eureka" experience and mental illumination during his doctoral research in the late seventies enabled him to discover the links among science, religion, and mysticism, which he has fully exposed in his ingenious books.After decades of more advanced research, he now offers his insightful revelations and new scientific theories on the origin, purpose, and possible future trajectory of humankind. His findings offer the long-sought paradigm shift that revealed the missing link between science and the spiritual.His insight has earned him various international recognitions as one of the foremost scientists of the twenty-first century and a living legend. His new science theories combine the thinking of the best human minds ever in science, religion, and philosophy.This book, How and Why We Came from Planet Mars to Planet Earth, is one of his insightful revelations. This is the third of the publication series by the Foundation for Advancement of Culture and Science.

  • af Richard Fierce
    168,95 kr.

    To save the Citadel, the Order must turn to unlikely allies.With the impending war between the king and the riders about to ignite, Eldwin and Maren journey to the only other school left-Valgaard.Will the traitorous riders leave their snowy mountain to aid them, or will the Order fall to the king's sword?Fans of Sarah K.L. Wilson's Dragon School, Christopher Paolini's Eragon and Anne McCaffrey's Dragon Riders of Pern will feel right at home.Tomb of Oaths is the fifteenth episode of the series Dragon Riders of Osnen.

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