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Mytiske væsner: vampyrer, varulve og andre formskiftere

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  • Spar 32%
    af Kenneth Bøgh Andersen
    169,94 kr.

    Blodet er liv. Bram Stokers udødelige vampyrhistorie nænsomt genfortalt af den danske gysermester.Kenneth Bøgh Andersen åbner døren ind til Dracula for os alle sammen i denne overlegne og hårrejsende genfortælling af Bram Stokers udødelige klassiker.Ingen anden skurk er blevet for­tolket så mange gange i populær­kulturen som grev Dracula, som vi alle føler, at vi kender, selvom de færreste af os nok har læst det store kollageværk fra 1897.Kenneth Bøgh Andersen genfortæl­ler loyalt og urovækkende historien om den unge Jonathan Harker, der ulyksaligt havner på grevens slot i Transsylvanien og mister sin for­stand og sin forbindelse til virkelig­heden, mens greven planlægger at indtage både London og Jonathans elskede Mina. Fascinationen af vampyrer er ikke blevet mindre siden 1897, og Kenneth Bøgh An­dersen folder elegant fortællingen ud for den moderne læser.Med Dracula genfortalt fuldender Kenneth Bøgh Andersen sin trilogi med genfortællinger af de største gyserklassikere. Alle tre bøger kommer i smukt udstyr med flotte sort/hvide illustrationer af Rasmus Jensen, læsebånd med mere. Et must have-samling til enhver gyser-entusiast.

  • af S. L. Cokeley
    243,95 - 363,95 kr.

  • af Ali Hazelwood
    128,95 kr.

  • af Maggie Sunseri
    233,95 - 343,95 kr.

  • af R. L. Caulder
    219,95 - 288,95 kr.

  • af R. L. Caulder
    219,95 - 288,95 kr.

  • af Holly Roberds
    498,95 kr.

    Life as a newly made vampire? Complicated. Being the target of Death himself? Outright bonkers.I woke up with fangs, a thirst for blood, and no memories of my past. To add to my confusion, the Grim Reaper is inexplicably hell-bent on ending me. Who would've thought that the God of the Dead would wear designer suits and ooze power and danger like a mob boss straight from the underworld?Vampires have been extinct for five thousand years. But it seems the memo didn't quite reach my maker.Now, Mr. Tall, Dark, and Lethal plans to use me as bait to catch the reckless bloodsucker who turned me. But I've got other plans-I'm desperately trying to uncover the fragments of my identity.If we want to hunt down the immortal responsible for upsetting the balance, the God of the Dead and I are going to have to work together.As we navigate the underbelly of Las Vegas, a city pulsating with secrets, it becomes evident that it's not just poker chips and slot machines that keep it running. It's Immortals who traded desert sands for casino sands and hieroglyphs for neon lights. Amidst all this, a powerful tension kindles between Death and me, threatening to fracture his millennia-old walls of solitude.If I'm not careful, I may just die...again.NOW WITH 2 BONUS CHAPTERS!Get this complete series NOW and plunge into a world where gods walk among us, enemies turn into lovers, and passion blazes even in the dark shroud of death.

  • af Jennifer L. Armentrout
    308,95 kr.

    A Soul of Ash and Blood, penned by the renowned author Jennifer L. Armentrout, is a riveting tale that is sure to captivate readers from start to finish. Published in 2023 by Simon + Schuster Inc., this book is a testament to Armentrout's storytelling prowess and her ability to weave intricate narratives. The genre of the book is not specified, but one can expect it to be as engrossing and immersive as her previous works. A Soul of Ash and Blood is a must-read for anyone seeking a fresh and exciting literary experience.

  • af Jay Kristoff
    118,95 - 216,95 kr.

  • af Nikki St. Crowe
    168,95 kr.

  • af Terry Spear
    173,95 kr.

    Killer polar bears, murderous hunters, a stalker ex-boyfriend, what else could go wrong? Tour guide Rob MacMathan foresees a grizzly attacking him while he's a polar bear, moose stampeding, and a tour guest succumbing to the frigid water on a trip. But it gets worse when the man he hates most returns to White Bear to claim the woman Rob loves. Alicia Raycroft envisions Rob swimming in an indoor pool as a polar bear. Her visions can be surreal, but when she sees a grizzly attacking Rob, her being eaten by a polar bear, and making love to the hot tour guide, nothing makes sense. Alicia and Rob are already headed down one dangerous path, so why not risk a chance at love? Only he has more dark secrets he's unwilling to share. If you're ready to take a dangerous trip into the polar bear's world, be sure and grab a copy of Loving the White Bear.After that, you can sink your teeth into the continuing white bear troubles in Claiming the White Bear.

  • af Betina Gadekær
    148,95 kr.

    Historien om Tille, en nissepige, der bor alene i et hyggeligt træhus dybt inde i en sneklædt skov. Tille har gennem årene mistet sin juleglæde og vil helst undgå hele julen. Hendes ven Felix, en gårdnisse, der elsker jul og børn, prøver at få hende til at huske julens glæde.

  • af Grethe Hillersdal Holst
    128,95 kr.

    I denne godnathistorie får vi af vide, hvordan den lille nisse Nis og Egern mødte hinanden første gang og hvorfor de blev venner. Egern er kommet i en frygtelig knibe i Nisseskoven, men heldigvis kan Nis hjælpe ham.

  • af Grethe Hillersdal Holst
    128,95 kr.

    I denne godnathistorie følger vi Nis, der er klar til at fejre sin fødselsdag sammen med sine bedste venner, Egern og de søde grævlinge-tvillinger.I anledning af fødselsdagen har Nissefar arrangeret en skattejagt, hvor de tre venner skal finde den skjulte skat, mon de lykkes med at finde den?

  • af Cat Gray
    368,95 kr.

    Pip og hans forældre flytter til London. Det viser sig, at deres nye bydel i London ikke er helt almindelig, den er nemlig befolket af overnaturlige væsener. En sjæletyv huserer i området, og sådan én er selv de overnaturlige bange for. Den stjæler nemlig din personlighed!Spændende og humoristisk gyserhistorie, der har et godt plot med et klassisk mysterium. Den handler også om venskab, om at turde være sig selv, og om hvordan ens forældre kan være virkeligt pinlige og irriterende, men når de så ændrer sig radikalt, savner man dem alligevel som deres pinlige selv. En bog, det er en fornøjelse at læse. Anbefales varmt til folkebibliotek og PLC.LEKTØRUDTALELSEN

  • af Eva Chase
    187,95 kr.

    La dernière métamorphe dragonne rencontre ses quatre âmes-s¿urs, leaders de leurs communautés de métamorphes. La vie est sur le point de devenir dangereuse. Quand je pars à la recherche de sensations fortes le jour de mon 21ème anniversaire, me faire kidnapper ne faisait pas partie de mes plans. Tout comme découvrir que les métamorphes existent, et que j'en fais partie aussi. En tant que dernière des métamorphes dragonnes, j'ai un rôle à jouer. Accepter les leaders des quatre groupes en tant que mes âmes-s¿urs et réunir tous les clans de métamorphes. Pas de pression, n'est-ce pas ?C'est dommage que mon destin ne soit pas aussi simple que de juste me mettre en couple avec quatre mecs super sexy. Il y a des gens qui en ont après la lignée des métamorphes dragonnes, bien décidés à finir ce qu'ils avaient commencé il y a des années. Si je ne trouve pas le moyen de ranimer mes pouvoirs dormants, ma vie partira en fumée.* Les âmes-s¿urs de la dragonne est une série de romance paranormale dans laquelle l'héroïne n'a pas à choisir entre ses hommes. Attendez-vous à des situations sexy, des actions intenses et un quartet de métamorphes séduisants composé d'un loup, un ours, un jaguar et d'un aigle dont vous souhaiteriez qu'ils soient vos âmes-s¿urs. *

  • af Ellia Ember
    149,95 kr.

    I need to love him. If I don't let, I'll let down my father and kingdom, and I'll never be human again. After two years apart, it seems Prince James has changed for the better. I think I might be okay with our arranged marriage now, after a lifetime of struggling to care for him. He protects me from a beast, he takes my nightmares away, and he makes my body come alive. Then the beast comes back and takes me away, yet underneath lies a man I shouldn't feel sympathy for, but I do. But I can't let my kidnapper woo me, and I can't even consider a relationship with the best friend who jokes his kiss could break the curse I've been placed under. I have to fall in love with James, or everything falls apart. Only then can I even consider looking at anyone else in a different light. But when all of this is over, who knows what my heart will want? Matteo's true self is far more pleasing than I thought it would be, and Stefan makes me laugh more than anyone else. When we finally break free, who knows what the future holds?

  • af Rebecca Rivard
    169,95 kr.

    "Kept me on the edge of my seat..."~Goodreads reviewerTWILIGHTTo save a friend, I stake my alpha in Slayers, Inc. and disappear, hoping my superiors will believe I died along with my alpha.But you don't quit Slayers, Inc. until you're too old to fight...or dead.A member of SI's shadowy Board of Directors tracks me down. One last job, he tells me, and he'll make things right with the organization.The catch? I have to go undercover as a blood thrall in the dangerous world of vampire syndicates.BRIENTwilight shouldn't be up for sale. She made it clear she'd never be anyone's thrall.But there she is, the main attraction at a private auction.The woman I'd do anything, pay any amount to have.So I buy her.But is she who she's pretending to be-or have I brought the means of my own destruction directly into my lair?An enemies-to-lovers romance set in Rebecca Rivard's award-winning vampire mafia world

  • af D. L. Lewellyn
    238,95 kr.

    When destiny gives you three paths, choose the fourth.I doodle this in my art journal because it seems like the answer to my riddle. Some say having choices is a good thing. I've learned that three possible roads to the future mean confusion and heartache.It all started when I shot an alien prince on a highway near Lake Tahoe... Well, to be honest, it began when I met a towering man with chestnut eyes who captured my heart despite his best efforts to leave me out of his dangerous world.Andras is my mate, but he's compelled by fate to join forces with a rival alpha to support my prophetic mission. Elliott and his pack are family now, and Elliott looks at me like Andras does. Both men tug on my heartstrings-and that's not my biggest problem.After a battle with said alien prince, we regroup at my brother's fishing lodge in Ketchikan. I haven't seen Dylan in years. There's a reason for that, which makes me sadder than our separation. Then, my vampire friend enlists my help on a mission. When Andras finds out, I learn what happens when you poke an angry bear.I'm about to make it worse when my instincts urge me to leave my bear and my dragon to follow the ancient tiger, aka the alien prince, to his lair-my third path in a destiny of choices marked by the moon goddesses of Anurash. ~ Selena AiresEnjoy this thrilling and romantic conclusion to The Starlight Chronicles, an epic paranormal romance.*This is not a standalone.* Book One, Ursus Borealis is the start of Selena's journey.

  • af Debra Rose
    99,95 kr.

    To Darkness I Fall is a captivating short story by Debra Rose, author of The Phoenix Curse series. The story revolves around Sofia, a talented editor working at the Morning Press. Unfortunately, Sofia finds herself trapped in a toxic workplace environment, with a misogynistic boss who makes her life miserable.To cope with her daily struggles, Sofia immerses herself in memories of Nikolaj Dunkan, a mysterious man who had briefly entered her life and then disappeared without a trace. Nik's enigmatic presence had left an indelible mark on Sofia's heart, and she longs to uncover the truth behind his sudden departure.As Sofia delves into her memories, creating scenario after scenario to explain Nik's disappearence, nothing she dreamed up could prepare her for the dark and tempting truth.Through Rose's powerful storytelling, readers are drawn into Sofia's world, sympathizing with her frustrations and yearnings. The author expertly intertwines themes of love, loss, and revenge, crafting a narrative that keeps the readers eagerly turning the pages.

  • af Crystal-Rain Love
    166,95 kr.

    Official job working security? Check.Dragon sidekick along to keep her out of real danger? Check.Mythological monsters let loose on the town? Oh, crud.It's been rough adapting to her new lifestyle, but Danni's gotten used to the fangs and venom, and found strength within to overpower her worst enemy: her own self-doubt.Now she's on her first official job as a member of Rider's security firm.Assigned as security at Gruff's Bar and Grille in Moonlight, West Virginia, Danni is bored to tears until a man stumbles in, missing a few important body parts.The overprotective Rider wants to take her off the case, but she's determined to prove she can handle the job and convince her stubborn sire she's tougher than he gives her credit for.She's taken on shifters and gangbangers, and earned the moniker of Danni the Teste Slayer. Surely she can take on whatever is preying on the people of Moonlight...

  • af Christopher M. Mason
    305,95 kr.

    All is Fair in Love and WineAlice Primrose is a witch who has it all: her own wine brand, friends who accept her witchy ways, and her supportive and loving boyfriend, Hugo Dodds. Despite having to run away to protect a powerful spell, Alice is safe and happy in her new home of Newbury Grove.Now, unexplainable events plague Newbury Grove. After the mysterious Sylvia and Sebastian Savino move in next door, Alice and Hugo's lives turn upside down. Their relationship is put to the test as the Savinos unveil their hidden motives-they're vampires who desire Alice's hidden spell for their own nefarious deeds.Alice ran from her past once to keep the spell safe, but this time, things aren't so simple. Alice risks losing more than her home. Will Alice finally confront her past or run away once again?

  • af Jessie Donovan
    179,95 kr.

    On her first visit to Clan Stonefire, Department of Dragon Affairs inspector Evie Marshall has an ulterior motive--she needs to seduce its clan leader. If she can't seduce him and become his mate, the dragon hunters will kill her. Of course, Evie doesn't know the first thing about seducing a man, let alone a dragon-shifter, but with her life on the line, she's going to have to become a fast learner or die trying. Bram Moore-Llewellyn has a track record of scaring off DDA inspectors, but when the latest inspector shows up wearing tight clothes and a sexy smile, his inner dragon takes notice. While battling his attraction to the human, he soon finds himself with an impossible choice: he can either break the law to mate the female and risk a backlash from both the dragon hunters and the British government, or he can turn her away and let her die at the hands of the hunters.

  • af A. L. Duncan
    172,95 kr.

    She refused to let herself hope, it was too dangerous. Until she met her fated mate and had no choice but to let him in. To let him open her heart and dream of a better life. Hope was dangerous, she knew better. Now it might cost her everything.As Jasira's 18th birthday approaches, with no chance of her shifting, her pack plans to get rid of her. She only has one option if she wants to make it out alive and that is to run. With the help of her best friend, they finally escape the cruel grip of their pack.But Jasira's new life turns out to be nothing like she expected. Fate has bigger plans for her.Another pack has been waiting for her, and their Alpha only has eyes for Jasira. She learns from them that she has a wolf that has been trapped inside of her by magic. The pack helps Jasira release the binds holding her wolf and discover her true self.Only now, a dark secret threatens to destroy everything she loves. There is no running this time because it's not just her life at stake. Jasira has no choice but to fight for her heart. But is she strong enough to protect them?Fighting For My heart is the first book in this spicy wolf shifter and fantasy romance series. recommend for 18+

  • af Edward Heath
    211,95 kr.

    "Blood Ronin" offers a riveting journey through a world where the way of the samurai is under siege by both progress and betrayal.This story follows a masterless samurai, navigating through peril, political schemes, and personal demons, seeking redemption and a new purpose in life.Set against a backdrop of shifting alliances and ancient prophecies, the narrative delves deep into themes of identity, duty, and the blurred lines between justice and vengeance.With heart-pounding action and emotional depth, it's a tale of resilience, courage, and the unyielding human spirit, promising an unforgettable adventure that challenges the essence of honor and strength.

  • af McKayla Jade
    216,95 kr.

    Jenna wasn't good enough to be the mate of an Elite. She was way past damaged and she had one goal. Vengeance upon those who had wronged her. She was a killer and the last thing she wanted to do was kill an Elite Warrior. Hawk and Cassidy would never forgive her, lest let her live to tell the tale.Marcus was home from a mission when his demon finally locked onto Jenna. Smart, cunning, beautiful and maybe just a little bit deadly. His ideal mate. Jenna needed time and as an immortal he had that in spades, until a problem at Rogue Stone threatened to take it all away.Could they give it all up to save Rogue Stone?

  • af Tiana Laveen
    238,95 kr.

    Alexandre has everything he desires except for that which he wants most of all: His Blood Queen.Amidst the backdrop of the Hundred Year War, Alexandre Marseille, a centuries-old vampire, seeks his fated mate. Having established his empire in New York City, he is living an opulent life and running a successful law firm. But his ultimate goal is to find her. Once he sets eyes on Venus Anderson, he will stop at nothing to get her, and the relentless, sensual pursuit begins.Venus Margaret Anderson remembers vividly what it was like to be human. To smell the yellow Jessamine flowers and feel the warm sun on her flesh in the South Carolina heat. But being human sometimes meant she wasn't treated humanely at all, for Venus once lived as a slave on a plantation owned by a cruel master. Now a Professor of Art History, she runs from her true self. Until she is hunted and found by Alexandre.The two twisted soulmates are bitten from the same bloody cloth, but it will take all the demons of Hell and all the prayers in Heaven to convince Venus that Alexandre is not always the ruthless monster he appears to be. Separate, they are forces to be reckoned with; together, they are an explosive power couple destined to leave an indelible, blood-stained mark upon the world. But, with all good things, there are those who wait in the shadows, working their black magic to drain and destroy this love at the onset, casket officially closed. From USA Today bestselling author Tiana Laveen comes a dark and twisted dystopian romantic rollercoaster, packed with suspense, vengeance and passion. Le Roi Du Sang is a dark paranormal, steamy romance. This book includes mature themes and content that may not be suitable for all audiences; reader discretion is advised. Please look inside under "Trigger Warnings" for possible topics that may be deemed personally objectionable.

  • af Raven Storm
    432,95 kr.

    Aggie is a witch in hiding from her coven and the magickal world at large, after her virginity contract was sold at birth to an incubus; a sex demon who would surely kill her during her magickal inheritance ceremony.Now turning forty, her magick is tired of being contained, and attracts the attention of a few nearby supernaturals, all vying for her attention:Karl, a grumpy, self-effacing vampire who fusses like a mother henLuka, a rowdy werewolf with golden retriever energyQuinn: a player warlock with a pet hawk.If they can sense her, then surely her jilted betrothed can as well.And they aren't about to let Aggie go without a fight.This special edition omnibus puts all three books in this series into one book: The Forty-Year-Old Virgin Witch, The Witch Who Couldn't Give Amuck, and Hex Appeal.

  • af Shaw Hart
    166,95 kr.

    These Alpha shifters are about to fall HARD!Come to the small town of Aspen Ridge, Alaska and get ready to watch these swoon worthy wolf and bear shifters fall in love with their fated mates!Books in this set include:The Alpha's WardThe Alpha's PrizeThe Alpha's CaptiveThe Alpha's Obsession

  • af Cassandra Featherstone
    172,95 - 263,95 kr.

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