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  • af Sabrina Bauer
    277,95 kr.

  • af Matt Horn
    267,95 kr.

    In Kowbird, Michelin and James Beard–honored chef Matt Horn reveals the secrets to the amazing chicken dishes he cooks at the restaurant—and for his family at home.

  • af Sandra Bauer
    218,95 kr.

    Das leckere Hashimoto Kochbuch - Mit 200+ Hashimoto Rezepten zum NachkochenHypothyreose ist ein Zustand, bei dem der Körper nicht genügend Schilddrüsenhormone produziert. Mit der Hashimoto Ernährung die richtigen Anhaltspunkte finden.Schilddrüsenhormone helfen, Wachstum, Zellreparatur und Stoffwechsel zu steuern. Infolgedessen können Menschen mit Hypothyreose neben vielen anderen Symptomen Müdigkeit, Haarausfall, Gewichtszunahme, Kältegefühl und Niedergeschlagenheit erleben.Eine Hypothyreose betrifft 1-2 % der Menschen weltweit und ist bei Frauen 10-mal häufiger als bei Männern.Nahrungsmittel allein können eine Hypothyreose nicht heilen. Eine Kombination aus den richtigen Nährstoffen und Medikamenten kann jedoch helfen, die Schilddrüsenfunktion wiederherzustellen und Ihre Symptome zu minimieren.Die kleine schmetterlingsförmige Drüse?Sie produziert und speichert Schilddrüsenhormone, die fast jede Zelle in Ihrem Körper beeinflussen.Wenn die Schilddrüse ein Signal namens schilddrüsenstimulierendes Hormon (TSH) empfängt, gibt sie Schilddrüsenhormone in den Blutkreislauf ab. Dieses Signal wird von der Hypophyse, einer kleinen Drüse an der Basis Ihres Gehirns, gesendet, wenn der Schilddrüsenhormonspiegel niedrig ist.Hashimoto-Thyreoiditis:Ungefähr 90 % der primären Hypothyreose wird durch die Hashimoto-Thyreoiditis verursacht, eine Autoimmunerkrankung, bei der das Immunsystem fälschlicherweise die Schilddrüse angreift. Andere Ursachen für eine primäre Hypothyreose sind Jodmangel, eine genetische Störung, die Einnahme bestimmter Medikamente und eine Operation, bei der ein Teil der Schilddrüse entfernt wird. In anderen Fällen erhält die Schilddrüse nicht genug TSH. Dies geschieht, wenn die Hirnanhangdrüse nicht richtig arbeitet und wird sekundäre Hypothyreose genannt.Wichtige Nährstoffe:Jodist ein essenzielles Mineral, das für die Bildung von Schilddrüsenhormonen benötigt wird. Daher besteht bei Menschen mit Jodmangel das Risiko einer Schilddrüsenunterfunktion.Selen hilft, Schilddrüsenhormone zu aktivieren", damit sie vom Körper genutzt werden können. Dieses essenzielle Mineral hat auch antioxidative Eigenschaften, was bedeutet, dass es die Schilddrüse vor Schäden durch Moleküle, die als freie Radikale bezeichnet werden, schützen kann. Die Aufnahme von selenhaltigen Lebensmitteln in Ihre Ernährung ist eine gute Möglichkeit, Ihren Selengehalt zu erhöhen. Dazu gehören Paranüsse, Thunfisch, Sardinen, Eier und Hülsenfrüchte.Zink: Wie Selen hilft auch Zink dem Körper, Schilddrüsenhormone zu aktivieren.Zinkmängel sind in den entwickelten Ländern selten, da Zink in der Nahrung reichlich vorhanden ist. Dennoch sollten Sie bei einer Schilddrüsenunterfunktion darauf achten, mehr zinkhaltige Lebensmittel wie Austern und andere Schalentiere, Rindfleisch und Huhn zu essen.Sie suchen nach einem geeigneten Hashimoto Buch?

  • af Sabine Brauer
    224,95 - 277,95 kr.

  • af Betühl Brahma
    233,95 kr.

    Tajine - das Kochgefäß¿¿ist ein sehr einfacher Topf, der seit Jahrhunderten verwendet wird. Verschiedene Variationen des Topfes werden in Kulturen auf der ganzen Welt verwendet.Der Boden des Gefäßes besteht aus Ton und die Techniken zur Herstellung von Tajine sowie anderen Tontöpfen wurden bereits in der Jungsteinzeit erfunden. Im Laufe der Zeit wurden Techniken und Materialien verfeinert, aber die Basis ist dieselbe geblieben.Es gibt zwei Arten von Tajines in Marokko, eine glasierte und eine unglasierte Version. Sie werden auch viele handbemalte Tajines zum Verkauf finden. Diese werden nicht zum Kochen verwendet, können aber zum Servieren verwendet werden.Was steckt also in einer Tajine?Dies hängt von der Art der Mahlzeit ab, die Sie zubereiten möchten. Zutaten wie z.B. Kräuter und Gewürze werden oft zu traditionellen Gerichten gebündelt, aber viele Stände und Restaurants tauschen das Fleisch gegen ein anderes aus oder mischen die Zutaten.Die Grundlagen beinhalten Fleisch, Gemüse und viele Kräuter und Gewürze. Eine Spezialität des heutigen Opferfestes (Eid al-Adha) ist Mrouzia, eine süße Hammel-Tajine, gewürzt mit Honig, Zimt, Pflaumen und Mandeln und der berühmten Gewürzmischung Ras el Hanout. Es ist eine Mischung aus einer groben Liste von Gewürzen ohne festgelegte Zutaten. Zwischen 20 und 30 - manchmal bis zu 100 - Gewürze gehen in die Mischung. Der Ruf von Gewürzhändlern war oft mit dem Wert und der Bekanntheit ihrer Ras-el-Hanout-Mischungen verbunden. Der Ausgangspunkt für alle Tajine ist das Fleisch Ihrer Wahl, gehackte Zwiebeln und eine schöne Auswahl an Kräutern und Gewürzen.

  • af M. Perdue
    192,95 kr.

    U'll be cooking with all four burners and living a life well-done once you learn Mitzi Perdue's Recipes for Success! You're invited to dish-up a heaping serving of wit and wisdom from the best-selling author and speaker Mitzi Perdue as she treats you to the "secret" recipes and integral ingredients. Mrs. Perdue will show you how Mark went from being penniless to being bankrupt to becoming the man he is today.So get ready to dig in because the soup's on and you're the guest of honor.

  • af Claire Thomson
    195,95 kr.

    Providing solutions for if you're cooking in the oven, on the stovetop, or need to use up leftovers, best-selling author and professional chef Claire Thomson offers up her best 70 recipes with chicken as star of the show, revealing just how simple it is to create delicious one-pan meals that all of the family will love. Whether you're using a casserole dish, roasting pan, sheet pan, skillet, or stockpot, you'll find delicious and inventive recipes using all your favorite and most popular cuts, including Chicken Piccata, Miso Butter Chicken, and Chicken Wrapped with Ham and fried with Sage and Grapes, to Caesar Salad, 'Get Better Soon' Chicken Soup, and Peri Peri Chicken. There are even whole bird recipes, to gather everyone around the table, like Chicken Roasted with Fennel and Bay, Roast Chicken with Porcini and Truffle Stuffing to wow friends, and Whole Poached Chicken with Tarragon. An essential cookbook for easy mealtime solutions, or simply if you want to explore new flavors and techniques, One Pan Chicken is a practical and dynamic source of kitchen inspiration.

  • af Prem Singh Verma
    327,95 kr.

    Are you tired of slow broiler growth rates and low-quality meat? "Revolutionizing Broiler Growth" by Prem Singh Verma offers a groundbreaking solution. In this book, Verma explores the effect of mentha leaves powder and vitamin C supplementation on broiler growth rates and meat quality.Verma's research provides practical insights and expert advice on how to boost broiler growth and meat quality using natural supplements. With his comprehensive analysis, you'll learn how to evaluate the effectiveness of different supplements and identify the best options for your specific needs. Whether you're a small-scale farmer or a large poultry producer, this book is an essential resource for anyone looking to improve their broiler growth rates and meat quality.So why wait? Order your copy of "Revolutionizing Broiler Growth: The Effect of Mentha Leaves Powder and Vitamin C Supplementation" today and start revolutionizing your poultry farming practices!

  • af Mitzi Perdue
    212,95 kr.

    U'll be cooking with all four burners and living a life well-done once you learn Mitzi Perdue's Recipes for Success! You're invited to dish-up a heaping serving of wit and wisdom from the best-selling author and speaker Mitzi Perdue as she treats you to the "secret" recipes and integral ingredients. Mrs. Perdue will show you how Mark went from being penniless to being bankrupt to becoming the man he is today.So get ready to dig in because the soup's on and you're the guest of honor.

  • af Luis Robles
    364,95 kr.

    Unpack the full culinary potential of meat with Butchery.

  • af Allie D'Andrea
    171,95 kr.

    In The Butcher’s Table, hunter and cook Allie D’Andrea (Outdoors Allie) teaches you how to break down various animals and then use those delicious cuts of fowl, pork, and venison.

  • af &12473, &12451, &12501, mfl.
    369,95 kr.

  • af Mitch Lane
    165,95 kr.

    Feed Your Family for Under a Fiver, a book by Mitch Lane, is a must-have for every household. Published in 2023 by HarperCollins Publishers, this guide offers practical tips and recipes for feeding your family on a budget without compromising on taste or nutrition. The book belongs to the genre of cookbooks and is written in an easy-to-understand language. The author, Mitch Lane, is renowned for his innovative cooking methods and budget-friendly meal plans. This book is not just a cookbook; it's a comprehensive guide to managing your kitchen expenses efficiently. HarperCollins Publishers have done a fantastic job in presenting a book that is not only informative but also visually appealing. So, if you're looking to cook up a storm without burning a hole in your pocket, Feed Your Family for Under a Fiver is your go-to guide.

  • af Mireille Sanchez
    145,95 - 394,95 kr.

  • af Fátima Vieira Ferreira
    217,95 kr.

  • af Sarah Rossi
    195,95 kr.

    What's For Dinner? by Sarah Rossi is a delightful exploration of culinary creativity published in 2023 by HarperCollins Publishers. This book, written in English, invites readers into the author's kitchen to discover a world of flavors, textures, and cultures. As a renowned author in the genre of cookbooks, Rossi brings a wealth of experience and passion to every page. What's For Dinner? is more than just a collection of recipes; it's a journey through food that encourages readers to explore new ingredients, techniques, and cuisines. Published by HarperCollins, this book is a testament to Rossi's culinary expertise and her ability to inspire others in their cooking adventures. Grab your copy today and answer the age-old question: What's For Dinner?

  • af Susan Jung
    195,95 kr.

    "Kung Pao and Beyond showcases 60 crisp, crunchy and spicy recipes, with clear step-by-step instructions for preparation and cooking, that take this humble fast food to a whole new level. Susan Jung offers recipes to satisfy every craving; in addition to wings, leg and breast, you'll find recipes for whole chicken and leftovers, in this essential cookbook for preparing fried chicken at home"--Publisher's description.

  • af Ian Moore
    107,95 kr.

    A special Christmas story from the author of bestselling murder mystery Death & Croissants - the perfect stocking stuffer!

  • af Maxine Taylor
    197,95 kr.

    Based on years of research and the firsthand experience of a health editor who's been eating this way since 2011, There's a Cow in My Freezer is an easy-to-follow, step-by-step guide that walks readers through the entire process of buying meat in bulk.

  • af Sheila Thigpen
    162,95 kr.

    "This chicken cookbook offers recipes organized by convenience: 5 ingredients or fewer, 30 minutes or less, one pan, one pot, and pressure cooker or slow cooker. A mix of classic and contemporary dishes -- Hot-Honey-and-Garlic-Glazed Drumsticks, Pad Thai with Crunchy Peanuts, and Pan-Seared Lemon-Pepper Chicken Breasts -- use simple, everyday ingredients. Includes: Bird basics -- learn about classic chicken cuts, how to safely handle and store chicken, and beyond; Spice it up -- explore 12 super easy sauces and sides; Clear-cut recipes -- index lists recipes by chicken cut so you can create a meal with the ingredients you have on hand."--

  • af Christine Pittman
    497,95 kr.

    The All New Chicken Cookbook is the complete chicken resource for today's cook. It covers traditional cooking techniques, as well as modern tools and flavors. Whether you want to roast a chicken in the oven or make chicken fajitas in the air fryer, we've got you covered with all the delicious chicken recipes you'll ever need. What's inside: More than 200 chicken recipes 48 recipes for the basics and classics you love 23 air fryer and 20 electric pressure cooker chicken recipes that get you using these new convenient tools 33 one pan chicken dinners that make cooking, and the clean-up afterwards, more streamlined than ever Plus 15-minute soups, slow cooker recipes, tons of grilled chicken and chicken wings, as well as recipes for today's most-wanted dishes from around the world. It's time to put aside the old chicken cookbooks that don't include today's flavors or tools. All you need is this one book to get into the kitchen and make chicken better than ever.

  • af James O. Fraioli
    212,95 kr.

    Welcome to an exciting home butchery experience! The Home Butcher is filled with plenty of step-by-step butchery instructions-as well as techniques, tips, and tricks-and also includes 75 homestyle recipes with easy-to-find ingredients. James Beard Award-winning author James O. Fraioli invites home cooks to discover just how easy it is to butcher various cuts of meat and then prepare them for family and friends in the comfort of their own homes. Easy-to-follow chapters guide the home butcher every step of the way when processing beef, lamb, sheep and goat, pork, poultry and fowl, rabbit, and venison and other game. In addition, you'll learn about tools and equipment, packaging and food preservation, and food safety. The savory dishes featured in this quintessential book derive from the meats featured butchers break down, using many of those same cuts available to us at the supermarket. Examples of these delicious, approachable, and hearty recipes include:Beef Tenderloin with Roasted Cauliflower SteakCountry-Style Pork Ribs with Peach Rosemary GlazeCitrus Marinated Chicken ThighsWarm Duck Breast SaladSheep and Pork Meatballs with Pancetta MarinaraVenison Pot RoastAnd more! To compliment the wonderful collection of more than 75 recipes, many of the dishes are paired with a savory side and suggested beverage. So, what are you waiting for? Grab your meat cleaver and dive into the fascinating pages ahead

  • af Heston Brown
    157,95 kr.

    There is no doubt that chicken features regularly in our diet. There is no reason for it not to, anyway. It is relatively cheap and overflows with nutrients. Lots of people grew up on different kinds of tasty Chicken and Baked Chicken recipes, and they have come to love it. This cookbook is designed with that in mind, and the recipes in it are compiled to improve the output. This cookbook is created for anyone who has gotten bored with the regular recipes and wants fresh ways of cooking their chicken. Your interest in novel ideas brought you here, and you won't be disappointed. When you get this book, you have unrestricted access to more than 25 recipes that are guaranteed to spice things up, make cooking more interesting and rewarding for you. What else are you waiting for?

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