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Vilde dyr: reptiler og amfibier: for alment interesserede læsere

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  • af Bill Broadbent
    103,95 kr.

    Scorpions are amazing animals. This book was written to give you a deeper appreciation of this unusual arachnid. Full of fun and educational information about scorpions along with beautiful photos and images.Learn what happens if you get stung, how much scorpion venom is worth, the danger male scorpions face when mating and so much more. There's even a section about having scorpions as pets and where you can buy one legally.If you're interested in scorpions, this is a fun and educational experience.

  • af Britta Teckentrup & Camilla De La Bedoyere
    243,95 kr.

    Den internationalt storsælgende illustrator Britta Teckentrup udforsker krybdyrenes verden i denne rigt illustrerede fagbog om øgler i alle former og størrelser.Krybdyr lever alle vegne! Nogle af dem i junglen, nogle på savannen, og andre bor måske i din baghave! I denne bog vil du lære om alverdens reptiler, hvor i verden de bor, og alle de sære og vidunderlige træk ved dem, som du aldrig havde forestillet dig.Dette er faglitteratur med gnist og personlighed fra en højt elsket illustrator.

  • af Vladimir Dinets
    178,95 kr.

    A born naturalist and a fearless traveler, Vladimir Dinets wrote travel guides, conducted field research, and lived a couple of lives before he was accepted into the PhD program in zoology at the University of Miami. He thought crocodiles were a dead-end research topic—survivors from the age of the dinosaurs but not much else—until he witnessed groups of up to seventy alligators performing mating choruses that included infrasound vibrations—a form of communication extremely rare in nature—and a “dance” unknown in the scientific literature but that resembled a scene from Jurassic Park. To prove his thesis about the language of crocodiles, he spent the next six years traveling around the world on shoestring budgets and in extreme circumstances, studying almost every living species. At the same time, as a man desiring companionship in life, he sought love. With adventures on five continents, Dragon Songs is his account of this quest. It includes an escape from a boiling lava lake in the Afar Desert, being chased up a tree by a tiger in India, hitching a ride with a cocaine smuggler in Bolivia, and diving with giant Greenland sharks—all in the name of studying crocodiles, among which he routinely paddled in his inflatable kayak. Of course, not everything went according to plan. But, in the end, his ground-breaking research helped change the field. And during the course of his adventures, he met and courted his future wife.

  • af Martin E. Feder
    2.858,95 kr.

  • af Carl Safina
    198,95 kr.

    The story of an ancient sea turtle and what its survival says about our future, from the award-winning writer and naturalistThough nature is indifferent to the struggles of her creatures, the human effect on them is often premeditated. The distressing decline of sea turtles in Pacific waters and their surprising recovery in the Atlantic illuminate what can go both wrong and right from our interventions, and teach us the lessons that can be applied to restore health to the world's oceans and its creatures. As Voyage of the Turtle, Carl Safina's compelling natural history adventure makes clear, the fate of the astonishing leatherback turtle, whose ancestry can be traced back 125 million years, is in our hands.Writing with verve and color, Safina describes how he and his colleagues track giant pelagic turtles across the world's oceans and onto remote beaches of every continent. As scientists apply lessons learned in the Atlantic and Caribbean to other endangered seas, Safina follows leatherback migrations, including a thrilling journey from Monterey, California, to nesting grounds on the most remote beaches of Papua, New Guinea. The only surviving species of its genus, family, and suborder, the leatherback is an evolutionary marvel: a "reptile" that behaves like a warm-blooded dinosaur, an ocean animal able to withstand colder water than most fishes and dive deeper than any whale.In his peerless prose, Safina captures the delicate interaction between these gentle giants and the humans who are finally playing a significant role in their survival."Magnificent . . . A joyful, hopeful book. Safina gives us ample reasons to be enthralled by this astonishing ancient animal-and ample reasons to care." -- The Los Angeles Times

  • af Sarah Whittley
    93,95 kr.

    Snakes, the best-known members of the reptile family, are some of the most popular animals in the world today. With over 120 species in the United States alone (including 17 poisonous varieties), snakes thrive in every region of the country. From the Rainbow snakes to the Western shovelnose snake to the Sharptail snake, dozens of species are shown in beautifully draw detail. Anatomy, behavior, reproduction, and geographic distribution are included in the engaging text. Despite their reputation, this book explains how Snakes are an essential component of the web of life.

  • af Owen Davey
    323,95 kr.

    Vidste du, at krokodiller kan blive over 100 år gamle og kan klatre op i træer for at tage solbad? Vidste du, at der findes 26 forskellige arter, og at de kan svømme tre gange hurtigere end en olympisk svømmer. Vidste du også, at de kan mærke vibrationerne fra en enkelt vanddråbe. der falder fra munden af en gnu, som drikker, på 20 meters afstand?Serien SKARP PÅ tager dig med vidt omkring i dyreriget og fortæller dig detaljeret om de forskellige dyrearter.Et visuelt festfyrværkeri af en børnefagbog, der tillige er sprængfyldt med velformidlet og spændende fakta. De smukke illustrationer har et helt særligt retro-agtigt udtryk, der leder tankerne hen på lærebøger fra 1950'erne. De er tegnet med en venlig streg, med masser af naturtro detaljer. Helhedsindtrykket er yderst indbydende og meget charmerende. Også velegnet til emnearbejde i skolen. Absolut anbefalelsesværdig!Lektørudtalelsen om tidligere bind i serien.Titler i serien:Skarp på hajerSkarp på kattedyrSkarp på krokodillerSkarp på aberSkarp på blæksprutterSkarp på frøerSkarp på pingvinerSkarp på billerSkarp på bjørne

  • af Dick Bothwell
    138,95 kr.

    Visitors to the Southeast have always been fascinated and frightened by these "modern dragons". This book contains a wealth of facts, myths and folklore about 29 kinds crocodilians, including Florida natives the alligator and American crocodile. Best of all, this book is bursting with ''gator cartoons by the late Dick Bothwell, for many years a humor columnist for the St. Petersburg Times. His O.A.T. column ("Of All Things") was long a favorite with Times readers.

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