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Rejsebøger og rejseguides: Forretningsrejser

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  • - Bliv klædt på til succes
    af Maj Bjerre
    233,95 kr.

    Koreanernes fokus på hierarki, protokoller og kollektiv tænkning står i skarp kontrast til den danske individualistiske og ligestillingsorienterede tilgang, hvilket ofte overrasker mange danske forretningsfolk. Forstå de centrale aspekter af Sydkoreas unikke erhvervskultur, så du undgår de typiske begynderfejl i mødet med koreanske forretningspartnere.Denne bog hjælper dig med at navigere succesfuldt i det sydkoreanske erhvervsmiljø ved bl.a. at give indsigt i de kulturelle normer og etiketter, der er afgørende for succes. Med konkrete "do's and don'ts" bliver du klædt på til at opbygge stærke relationer og opnå erhvervsmæssig succes i Sydkorea. Uanset om du er ny på markedet eller allerede har erfaring, er denne bog et must-read.Bogen er skrevet i samarbejde med danskere, der har boet og arbejdet i Sydkorea, og koreanere, der har arbejdet med danskere.

  • af Daniel Nardini
    223,95 kr.

    Seoul has been the capital of Korea since 1392, and today is one of the world's largest metropolitan centers. Amid its modern skyscrapers and ultra-futuristic infrastructure are echos of its ancient past. For centuries, Seoul's three best known Buddhist temple complexes have been in so many ways a separate world from the rest of the city. Buddhist monks and nuns have lived in, slept and recited Buddhist mantras in some of the most beautiful temples ever built. Despite centuries and war on the Korean peninsula, these Buddhist temples have withstood the test of time and can be seen both by the Buddhist faithful as well as visitors. Mr. Nardini's book explores these three of Seoul's best known Buddhist temple complexes; Bongwonsa, Jogyesa and Bongeunsa. His book depicts these great centers of Buddhist learning in South Korea that seem aloof from one of the world's greatest cities and yet all three are very much a part of it.

  • af Luciana Fistarol
    168,95 kr.

    "From Small Town to Big Dreams" captures Luciana's inspirational journey from Apiuna, a quiet town in southern Brazil most have never heard of, to a career of global significance. Along her path, roles have ranged from waitressing in the U.S. to managing factories in China, organizing high-profile events in Australia and Asia, and leading remote teams while traveling the world. Her diverse career offers 50 essential life and work lessons, serving both as an inspirational roadmap and a unique blend of career success and personal freedom. ¿Prepare to be inspired and discover how to achieve the best of both worlds!

  • af Sergio Rijo
    133,95 kr.

    Ready to break free from the traditional 9-to-5 and embrace a life of adventure and location independence? "How to Become a Digital Nomad: Your Roadmap to Location Independence" is your comprehensive guide. This book takes you on a transformative journey, covering everything from the basics of digital nomadism to sustaining a successful remote lifestyle.You'll learn how to align your skills with remote careers, create a solid financial foundation, build an online presence, and explore job options from freelancing to starting your own online business. Discover how to choose the right destination, pack efficiently, manage finances abroad, and overcome common challenges like loneliness and work-life balance.The book also dives into health and wellness, cultural experiences, and long-term planning, ensuring you're well-prepared for a life of location independence. With inspiring success stories and predictions for the future of digital nomadism, this guide is your key to unlocking a world of opportunities and personal growth.

  • af J. A. Jernay
    153,95 kr.

    Forget the outdated concept of the deferred-life plan and postponing travel until retirement. With the revolution in remote technology, you don't need to wait until old age to hobble around the world, not anymore. Advice from a Former Digital Nomad is the result of an obsessive three-year-long international journey that began during the covid-19 pandemic. Moving from Europe to the Caribbean to Latin America, from huge cities to mountain villages to stunning beaches, J.A. Jernay fixated on one life-changing question: What is the best version of myself that I can be? Whether your dream is to park yourself on a beach, explore a foreign city, or stay on the move, Advice from a Former Digital Nomad offers the blueprint you need. This step-by-step guide to working while traveling teaches: What to consider when making the decision to launchHow to manage your food, housing, exercise, and moneyWhat to ask when choosing support infrastructureWhat emotional obstacles you may encounter in yourself and in othersWhich regions of the world offer the best advantages for digital nomadsThose are the mechanics. This book also explains how embarking on a career as a digital nomad can offer life-changing benefits:A lower cost of livingAn improved dating lifeA sense of fulfillmentA healthier perspective on conflictFind out how to switch up your surroundings, change your mentality, and challenge yourself to find your very best life. Read Advice from a Former Digital Nomad today!

  • af Bernd H. Eckhardt
    333,95 kr.

    Von Europa ausgehend wurden Reisen in alle großen Kontinente (Afrika, Asien, Nordamerika und Südamerika, Ozeanien) und dort in verschiedenste Länder unternommen mit dem Gedanken, dort zumindest eine Zeitlang zu leben und das eigene Weltbild zu vervollkommnen. Aus diesen authentischen Informationen resultiert der hier dargestellte breitgefächerte Ansatz mit zahlreichen Bildern, Perspektiven zum Einwandern, Events, Highlights, Investitionen und vor allem Reiserouten. Als Lesevergnügen mit nachvollziehbaren Erzählungen. Und wer anlässlich einer Bildungs-, Geschäfts- oder Urlaubsreise unterwegs ist, benötigt einen handlichen informativen Begleiter, ob als schmales Taschenbuch oder als E-Book auf dem Smartphone. Heutzutage kann sich jeder auf den einschlägigen Seiten der Suchmaschinen, der Airlines, der Hotels, der Mietwagen- und Busgesellschaften sowie der entsprechenden Vergleichsportale über maßgebliche Fakten, Kosten und Risiken unproblematisch und vor allem tagesaktuell selbst informieren. Dann beginnt der Prozess des Aufbereitens, des Bewertens, des Einordnens und im Ergebnis das Konzept eines maßgeschneiderten Reiseerlebnisses. Als langjährige Mitarbeiter und Redakteur der letzten gedruckt in deutscher Sprache in Südamerika erscheinenden Zeitung haben die Autoren vor Ort mit Politikern, Unternehmern, Kulturschaffenden und vor allem mit unzähligen Menschen gesprochen, um zu verstehen, was die Politik mit der Wirtschaft macht, wie die kulturellen Gegebenheiten wirken, ob die Finanzen solide und Investitionen möglich sind. Die in Form von Reiseberichten laufend aktualisierten Eindrücke werden durch die 500 SW-Fotos untermauert, die Lust darauf machen sollen, selbst dorthin zu reisen, sich mit den Gegebenheiten dort selbst vertraut zu machen. Alle Reiserouten können kombiniert werden und auch von der jeweiligen Landeshauptstadt bzw. einem Internationalen Flughafen ausgehen.

  • af Mark Simpson
    188,95 kr.

    The ultimate book for short-term rental hosts who want to abolish their over-reliance on online travel agents! The Book Direct Blueprint is brought to you by the creator of the Book Direct Playbook, the industry's highest-rated and most reviewed business book. Before you build a house, you must put in a solid foundation.Mark Simpson famously wrote. "Never build your house on somebody else's land" in his debut bestseller, which still serves as a great lesson for short-term rental hosts worldwide. As the official go-to expert in marketing and direct bookings in the short-term rental industry, Simpson has: > Helped over 100,000 hosts boost their direct bookings with his free advice and training > Generated over £3 million in direct bookings with his company (Boostly) for hosts in 2022, alone> Released over 500 episodes of the award-winning Boostly podcast> Thrived in the industry for over a decade! The Book Direct Blueprint brings together the minds of the most influential leaders from the STR industry, and from Mark's personal black book of contacts.Mark has truly taken things up a notch by assembling his own team of avengers, each renowned for a certain area of expertise in the short-term rental industry. So, rest assured, ALL BASES have been covered for you in this new book. If you're not yet ready to purchase The Book Direct Blueprint, you can always consume free content on the "Boostly" YouTube or Instagram account.Here, you will learn how to: ● Effectively price your properties (base price, minimum price, discounts, and customisations)● How to create effective upsell opportunities for your business.● The power of trust when it comes to the guest booking process.● How to automate your business so you don't have to worry about a double booking again.● How to best prepare for Web3 and Blockchain technology● Successfully navigate the slow season● Identify problem guests before they book and how to protect your business best.

  • af Tara Richter-Hatzilias
    238,95 kr.

  • af James H. VanSciver
    198,95 kr.

  • af Bill Yeargin
    168,95 - 252,95 kr.

    MIND EXPANSION AHEAD!Imagine what you might learn reading dozens of books a year and traveling to over 110 countries.Join Bill Yeargin in Education of a Traveler, as he shares fun, scary, and educational experiences from around the globe. You will think in new ways as Bill shares the excitement and benefits of being a learner.Among the many things Bill shares in Education of a Traveler are:Why the life of a learner is an unpredictable and fascinating journeyWhat it is like to visit the world's richest and poorest placesWhy the road to the Taj Mahal is more memorable than the Taj itselfThe excitement of seven invitations to the White House, including an Oval Office meeting with the PresidentThe challenges and satisfaction of serving those in need all around the globeWhy it is not advisable to walk across the Tijuana border at 3AM on a Saturday nightWhat drives his faithIt is not too late to become a learner; Education of a Traveler will not only entertain but also inspire you to expand your thinking in ways you cannot imagine!

  • af Brigitte Hintzen-Bohlen
    108,95 kr.

    Travel Guide Bonn. The City Guide for short stays and business trips. Don't miss anything: highlights, attractive city quarters, hidden corners. Dresses for accommodation, entertainment, shopping and relaxation.

  • af Anne Vad
    158,95 kr.

    Islands solsten er en helt ny rejsebogsform. Rejsebeskrivelserne udgøres af digte med udgangspunkt i islandske landskaber. Digtene beskriver vigtige steder i Island, der har deres egen skønhed, deres eget drama; Små fortællinger om seværdige steder at aflægge et besøg, såvel for den rejsende, der bevæger sig rundt i Island, som for den, der planlægger en tur derop. Eller for den, der bare drømmer hjemme i sofaen.Rejseguiden dvæler ved landskabernes stemninger i stedet for fakta, og indeholder fotografier, som knytter sig til hvert digt, mens tilhørende tegninger forklarer ord og begreber fra islandsk kultur.Digteren er sang- og salmedigter Anne Vad, og fotografen er fotograf og professor i islandsk middelalderlitteratur ved Islands Universitet, Aðalheiður Guðmundsdóttir. Bogen er illustreret af tegner Lars Horneman. Grafisk tilrettelæggelse og omslag er af Carl-H.K. Zakrisson.STORE ORD, 2021.Biografier: Aðalheiður Guðmundsdóttir, islandsk amatørfotograf. Hun har deltaget i en fællesudstilling med islandske kvindelige fotografer (2009), og fået offentliggjort sine fotografier i Ljósár (Årbog for islandske amatørfotografer, 2009), samt i magasinet Í boði náttúrunnar (vinter, 2011). Et billede af Aðalheiður Guðmundsdóttir blev udvalgt til en udstilling af SeeMee Exhibitions, The Fifth Annual Exposure Award, på Musee du Louvre, Paris, den 13. juli 2015. Aðalheiður Guðmundsdóttir har specialiseret sig i natur- og dyrebilleder. Til daglig er hun forsker og underviser på Háskóli Íslands i Reykjavik, hvor hun er ansat som professor i islandsk middelalderlitteratur.Lars Horneman, dansk tegneserieskaber og illustrator, opvokset i Svendborg på Fyn. Lars Horneman har illustreret en lang række bøger; foruden tegneserier, især børnebøger og lærebøger. Lars Horneman har modtaget talrige priser for sit arbejde, bl.a. Kulturministeriets Illustratorpris 2016 for Zenobia, Undervisningsministeriets Skriverpris i 2020 for Ivalu, samt flere tegneseriepriser.Anne Vad, dansk sang- og salmedigter, er opvokset på Thurø på Sydfyn. Hun er uddannet folkeskolelærer i musik og dansk, og cand.mag. i dansk, kunsthistorie og kulturformidling, og har bl.a. undervist på Islands Universitet. Anne Vad debuterede i 2012 på Poul Kristensens Forlag med salmesamlingen Salmetunger. Kirkelige sange til tiden, med 36 nye salmer. Anne har desuden skrevet en lang række sange, hvoraf nogle er udgivet på Forlaget Dansk Sang. I 2019 vandt Anne den store alsang-konkurrence med sangen Frihedens lysdøgn, som nu er optaget i Højskolesangbogen. I en periode boede og arbejdede Anne i Reykjavik. Islands solsten udspringer af den tid, og indeholder indtryk og oplevelser, i digtform, fra rejser rundt i Island.

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