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Rejsebøger og rejseguides: Museer, historiske steder, gallerier osv.

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  • af Michael Cunningham & Beatrice Monti Della Corte
    228,95 kr.

  • af Jonjo Maudsley
    162,95 kr.

    Windsor has so much more to offer than its Castle. Take a tour of the more intrepid parts of this historic town and see the weird and wonderful places that make Windsor truly special. Discover the tombstone in a haunted pub, eat cinnamon buns in a Victorian ticket office, find the craft beer brewery in a secret garden, and learn why there's a field full of classic cars in Eton.

  • af Ed Glinert
    162,95 kr.

    Oxford is the dream city, the celestial city, the city of dreaming spires; an architectural treasure trove in honey-coloured Cotswold stone, dedicated to love and learning. Here is the world's most famous university nestling among glorious streets, surrounded by delicious riverside walks astride the beautiful Thames and Cherwell, and bucolic countryside. And it's all captured in Ed Glinert's 111 Places in Oxford That You Shouldn't Miss.

  • af Terry Philpot
    162,95 kr.

    Few, if any, cities have a literary history as rich as that of London. Writers have written about it; and lived, loved, stayed and died there.In this guide, there are 111 stories to be revealed. Among them are the lives of writers and their characters, and the plots and venue. Where can you see the first printed book in the western world, or visit the library with no books? Where did two poets marry secretly and then flee to Italy; and what happened when Sigmund Freud met Salvador Dali?

  • af Graeme Menzies
    192,95 kr.

    Victoria has been described as the Garden City, and it has so much more to offer, including a rich indigenous culture, links to the old British Empire and Queen Victoria, and its origin as an old fur trading post. Authors Dave Doroghy and Graeme Menzies take you to find the cool, the quirky, and the unusual places hidden here amidst the fascinating architecture and glorious outdoor scenery. Explore the exceptional local food scene, quirky stores, and strange museums, and beyond. You are unlikely to run out of things to do in Victoria with this unique guidebook.

  • af Floriana Petersen
    162,95 kr.

    Most people go to Napa and Sonoma for the wine, and rightly so. The trove of 111 unexpected treasures in this guidebook, however, vastly broadens the possibilities for exploring and experiencing this region in a whole new way. Encounter incomparable art of all kinds. Enjoy a secret whale-watching spot and a stroll through a pygmy forest. Visit restaurants, gardens, cemeteries, music venues, and more places you never imagined existed - and yes, a few truly unique wineries too.

  • af Elizabeth Kryder-Reid
    1.724,95 kr.

    Toxic Heritage addresses the heritage value of contamination and toxic sites and provides the first in-depth examination of toxic heritage as a global issue.

  • af Trish Biers
    2.627,95 kr.

    The Routledge Handbook of Museums, Heritage, and Death provides a comprehensive examination of death, dying and human remains in museums and heritage sites around the world.

  • af Nick Shepherd
    1.724,95 kr.

    Rethinking Heritage in Precarious Times sets a fresh agenda for Heritage Studies by reflecting upon the unprecedented nature of the contemporary moment. In doing so, the volume also calls into question established ideas, ways of working, and understandings of the future.

  • af Natasha Adamou
    1.648,95 kr.

    Reconstructing Exhibitions in Art Institutions spans exhibition histories as anti-apartheid activism within South African community arts; Civil Rights movements and Black communities in Baltimore; reframing feminisms in USA; revisiting Cold War Modernisms in Eastern Europe among other themes.

  • af Vasiliki Misiou
    1.648,95 kr.

    This collection provides an in-depth exploration of surtitling for theatre and its potential in enhancing accessibility and creativity in both the production and reception of theatrical performances.

  • af Sue Breakell
    1.648,95 kr.

    The Materiality of the Archive is the first volume to bring together a range of methodological approaches to the materiality of archives, as a framework for their engagement, analysis and interpretation.

  • af Nuala C Johnson
    1.648,95 kr.

    This book explores the relationships between empire, natural history and gender in the production of geographical knowledge and its translation between colonial Burma and Britain. Focusing on the work of the plant collector, botanical illustrator and naturalist, Charlotte Wheeler-Cuffe, this book illustrates how natural history was practiced

  • af Janice Rieger
    1.648,95 kr.

    This timely book explores the spatial and social injustices within our streets, malls, schools, and public institutions. Taken-for-granted acts like going for a walk, seeing an exhibition with a friend, and going to school are, for people with disabilities, conditional or precluded acts due to exclusion by design.

  • af Judy Diamond
    1.723,95 kr.

    This collection explores the broad landscape of current and future out-of-school science learning environments. It examines the learning opportunities and challenges created by community-based experiences including citizen science, makerspaces, science media, escape rooms, hobby groups, and gaming.

  • af Abraham Bradfield
    1.648,95 kr.

    This book explores the complexities of Indigenous and non-Indigenous relations in contemporary Australia.

  • af Vivek Shukla
    127,95 kr.

    The author's first encounter with Connaught Place was probably around 1970. He believes that his association with Connaught Place will continue as long as he is alive. This place has given abundant moments of joy and happiness. While writing this book, the author has tried not to limit it to its walls, verandas, showrooms and window shopping, Connaught Place's trees, birds, personalities, roads etc. should also be given proper place in the book. Now it's up to the readers to decide that how much they felt this place while reading the book.

  • af Rick Steves
    225,95 kr.

    Includes "fully updated comprehensive coverage on the Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary, Slovenia, Austria, and Slovakia, plus side trips to Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro, Bulgaria, and Romania"--

  • af Esterbauer Verlag
    187,95 kr.

    Der Schwäbische Alb Radweg entführt Sie in eine faszinierende Kulturlandschaft und ein geologisches Wunderland. Zudem umweht die Schwäbische Alb als Fundstätte der ältesten Kunstwerke und Musikinstrumente der Menschheit seit jeher etwas Mythisches und Geheimnisvolles. Gespeist wird dieses Flair auch aus dem Gegensatz zwischen dicht besiedeltem Albvorland und der relativ einsamen Albhochfläche. Der markante Steilabfall des Albtraufs, der bereits von Eduard Mörike im 19. Jahrhundert als "Blaue Mauer" literarisch verewigt wurde, trennt diese beiden so unterschiedlichen Landschaften.Im munteren Wechsel verläuft die Route mal auf der Hochfläche mit ihren typischen Wacholderheiden, mal am Fuß des Albtraufs durch üppige Streuobstwiesen und erschließt dabei in der eindrucksvollen Karstlandschaft zahlreiche geologische Phänomene wie Meteoritenkrater, Vulkanrelikte sowie Fossilienfundstätten. Obendrein laden immer wieder hübsche Fachwerkstädtchen, Stauferburgen, prächtige Schlossanlagen, sakrale Bauten von Weltrang und nicht zuletzt auch die gemütlichen Gasthäuser zum Verweilen ein.

  • af Martin Caparrós
    257,95 kr.

    *Premio Ortega y Gasset de Periodismo a la Trayectoria profesional 2023* 40 años de periodismo narrativo condensados en una obra magistral; Lacrónica reafirma a Caparrós como una de las voces imprescindibles de la literatura en nuestro idioma. «El mejor cronista actual de América Latina: un soberbio entrevistador, un viajero dotado de cultura enciclopédica y de una fina ironía.»—Roberto Herrscher, La Vanguardia  Lacrónica sería un «grandes éxitos» de Caparrós, una compilación de sus mejores crónicas, si no fuera porque allí, además, el autor cuenta su historia en el periodismo y reflexiona sobre cómo escribe lo que escribe, cómo piensa lo que piensa, cómo se hace lo que hace. Entre recuerdos de su primer jefe, Rodolfo Walsh, y de su último maestro, Tomás Eloy Martínez, Caparrós da una lección de escritura de la no ficción que las facultades de periodismo de España y América Latina ahora emplean para enseñar esta materia. Todo lo que usted siempre -o nunca- quiso saber sobre Lacrónica, ese extraño género del periodismo que empezó a poner por escrito el continente americano y tiene el don de permitirse la duda, brilla en esta obra que, casi sin querer, se volvió ineludible.ENGLISH DESCRIPTIONOrtega y Gasset Journalism Lifetime Achievement Award 2023. Forty years of narrative journalism condensed in a masterpiece. Thechronicle reaffirms Caparrós as one of the key voices in literature in the Spanish language. “The best chronicler in Latin America today, a superb interviewer, a traveler gifted with encyclopedic knowledge and a smooth irony.” —Roberto Herrscher, La Vanguardia Thechronicle would be a “greatest hits” by Caparrós, a compilation of his best chronicles, if it were not for the fact that the author tells his own story in journalism and reflects on how he writes what he writes, how he thinks what he thinks, how to do what he does. Among memories of his first boss, Rodolfo Walsh, and his last teacher, Tomás Eloy Martínez, Caparrós gives a non-fiction writing lesson that every school of journalism in Spain and Latin America now uses to teach the subject.   Everything you always—or never—wanted to know about Thechronicle, that strange genre in journalism that began putting the American continent down on paper and has the gift of affording doubt, shines in this work which, almost unwillingly, became inescapable.

  • af Evan Joseph
    217,95 kr.

    A beautiful photographic stroll around the bookshops, restaurants, literary locations and authors' neighbourhoods in the Big Apple.

  • af Martin Winstone
    267,95 - 1.077,95 kr.

  • af Esterbauer Verlag
    127,95 kr.

    Das schöne Tirol ist der Startpunkt des Lech-Radweges, der bis zu seinem Übertritt nach Deutschland ganz auf Tuchfühlung mit dem Lech geht. Die Fahrt führt durch eine der letzten wilden Flusslandschaften in Europa, durch die sich der gletscherblaue Fluss mit seinen malerischen weißen Kiesbänken und flankiert von hohen Bergen, seinen Weg bahnt. Das Naturschauspiel Lechfall markiert den Übergang nach Bayern, das die Reisenden mit seiner Bilderbuchlandschaft aus hügeliger Voralpengegend mit grünen Weiden, den prachtvollen Königsschlössern und blitzblauen Seen empfängt. Das lebensfrohe Füssen läutet dann den Reigen sehenswerter, historischer Städte ein, der sich nordwärts mit dem mittelalterlichen Landsberg am Lech und der Fuggerstadt Augsburg fortsetzt. Auf der Höhe des schmucken Städtchens Donauwörth mündet der Lech schlussendlich in die Donau und der Lech-Radweg in den Donauradweg.

  • af Fodor's Travel Guides
    272,95 kr.

    INSPIRATIONAL AND INFORMATIONAL: A comprehensive list and guide to EVERYTHING you have been dreaming about doing plus carefully researched under-the-radar gems that you should not missFocused, well-written listings answer the What, Why, When, Where, and How, while also offering insider tips on what not to miss and best tours to take"Best of" Lists visually engage the reader and help a traveler plan their bucket list by theme, from best hikes, best historic sites, and best festivals to best family-friendly adventures, best roadside attractions, and moreA feature on odd and unique state laws and regional what to watch, read, and listen to recommendations make interesting fodder along the way and help build anticipationRecommendations for what to eat and drink in each region as well as best regional road trip suggestionsRegional Snapshots share local insights on what you need to know before you go, seasonal concerns to keep in mind, as well as local events and useful regional contactsTOURISM TRENDS: A Longwoods International travel sentiment survey found that about half of Americans are planning only short trips by road in 2020The COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 caused a steep drop-off in tourism to many destinations, but interest in domestic U.S. travel (especially to destinations that can be reached by car) increased in mid-2020 and surveys have shown that this likely to increase further in 2021 once a wider group of Americans is vaccinated.USER FRIENDLY DESIGN!Photo filled features illustrate the top things to do across the countryVisually focused with more color and images including more full and half-page images throughout New front coverhas eye-catching full-bleed images with key selling points on the frontNew back cover is fully-redesignedThemed experiences fill a full chapter in the front of bookGreat Itineraries fill a full chapter with myriad ways to plan your trip across AmericaRegional chapters are filled with iconic and unique picks all organized by state -- making it easy to plan longer trips built around individual Bucket List items CURATED AND CURRENT:Focused coverage on only the best places so travelers can make the most out of their limited time.Carefully vetted recommendations by our local writers in the area. CONCISE:Short reviews hit the sweet spot of informational and inspirational.Please see additional key selling points in the book main description

  • af Robin Ince
    152,95 - 218,95 kr.

    ***A Waterstones Best Books of 2022 pick***'A unique, funny picture of Britain... A love letter to bookshops and the vagaries of public transport.' Richard Osman'Ince's love of books is infectious.' 'Books of the Year', IndependentWhy play to 12,000 people when you can play to 12? In Autumn 2021, Robin Ince's stadium tour with Professor Brian Cox was postponed due to the pandemic. Rather than do nothing, he decided instead to go on a tour of over a hundred bookshops in the UK, from Wigtown to Penzance; from Swansea to Margate.Packed with witty anecdotes and tall tales, Bibliomaniac takes the reader on a journey across Britain as Robin explores his lifelong love of bookshops and books - and also tries to find out just why he can never have enough of them. It is the story of an addiction and a romance, and also of an occasional points failure just outside Oxenholme.

  • af Werner Dettelbacher
    210,95 kr.

    Für Kunstliebhaber und Geschichtsinteressierte ist die Region im Norden Bayerns dank ihrer Fülle an herausragenden Sehenswürdigkeiten ein kleines Juwel. Allein die von der Bau- und Handwerkskunst vieler Jahrhunderte geprägten Städte wie Nürnberg, Bamberg, Bayreuth, Coburg, Würzburg oder Rothenburg rechtfertigen einen Besuch. Eingebettet sind sie in eine abwechslungsreiche Landschaft mit hohem Erholungswert - allen voran der Steigerwald, die Fränkische Schweiz, die Frankenhöhe, die Rhön oder das Fichtelgebirge. Orientierung vor Ort vermitteln Stadtpläne und Grundrisse, so z. B. von der Nürnberger Burg oder vom Felsengarten "Sanspareil" der Markgräfin Wilhelmine von Bayreuth. Auch zu den zahlreichen Museen der Region finden sich im Buch praktische Angaben. Neben Kunst und Natur kommt in Franken auch der Genuss nicht zu kurz: Ein Extra-Kapitel ist der fränkischen Küche, dem Frankenwein und natürlich auch dem fränkischen Bier gewidmet. Jeweils am Ende eines Reiseroutenkapitels legen die Autoren dem Leser ihre persönlichen Empfehlungen ans Herz: stilvolle Unterkünfte und Restaurants mit Charme, in denen der Gast mit persönlichem Service und landestypischen Spezialitäten verwöhnt wird. Darüber wurde nicht vergessen, auf die lebendige Theaterszene, musikalische Events und attraktive Urlaubsaktivitäten hinzuweisen, die das Reisen in Franken abrunden. Dem Würzburger Werner Dettelbacher verdankt die Region eine große Anzahl von Werken über seine Heimatstadt und Franken. Die in Bamberg geborenen Autoren Stefan Fröhling und Andreas Reuß, die die gründliche Aktualisierung und Erweiterung übernommen haben, schreiben Beiträge für Rundfunk und Zeitungen und haben bereits mehrere Kultur- und Reiseführer veröffentlicht.

  • af Gene Openshaw
    129,95 kr.

    Rick Steves Pocket Venice is a full-colour compact guide that includes Venice's best walks and sights, handy reference charts, photos, and a full-sized fold-out city map, fully revised for 2023

  • - historie, kultur og natur
    af Alba Granizio
    287,95 - 297,95 kr.

    Guiden ledsager dig i oplevelsen og udforskningen af Napoli, en fængslende by, der er blevet ved med at fascinere sine besøgende i århundreder. En omfattende præsentation, med optegnelser om de fremmeste herskere fra de mange dynastier som regerede dér, introducerer dig til en forståelse af historien om denne by, som var hovedstaden i et kongerige i århundreder. Forsiden prydes af et storslået gavlmaleri forestillende San Gennaro, Napolis skytshelgen. Et kunstværk du næppe vil kunne undgå at lægge mærke til, når du går rundt i byen. På de ti ture kommer du vidt omkring videnskab, miljø og traditioner. De følgende 16 kapitler om landskab og yderligere kulturel indsigt, guider dig til fuldt ud at nyde dit ophold i Napoli, og inspirerer dig til at vende tilbage af nysgerrighed for videre fordybelse i byens utallige facetter.Bogen illustreres med over 200 farvebilleder og bykort til hver turisttur. En simpel tilgang til at opdage Napoli, en fascinerende by, der kan besøges i enhver årstid, og som overrasker og tilfredsstiller enhver type rejsende med sine mange aspekter. Kort sagt en guide i tusind farver, der passer til dig, der elsker kultur og aldrig bliver træt af at lære.

  • af David Camacho Colon
    172,95 kr.

    Signe finds herself sitting on a bed at a Russian hospital in Vladivostok with no clue as to how she got there. She has an Italian passaport, but she doesn't speak Italian; she has hundreds of thousands of Russian rubles, but she doesn't know how they ended up in her bag; she has a phone, but all its memory has been erased-except for an app note with an address in Saint Petersburg. As if that wasn't enough, all she can remember is being witness to a murder. Having no one she can trust, she decides to pretend everything is alright and heads to Saint Petersburg on the Trans-Siberian Railway. Naturally, she wants to know who she is; she's wants answers. However, during her journey she will meet all kinds of extraordinary people who will show her who she really is.From the author of "The White Shoes", "Signe" was written for those who see travel as an opportunity to escape the mundane, to see the world with different eyes, to be inspired by the path taken by those who don't fear dreams, who don't fear adventure, who don't fear trying something new.

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