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Rejsebøger og rejseguides: Krydstogter

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  • - En jordomsejlerbog. Beretninger fra fjerne have samt en indre rejse
    263,95 kr.

    Vinni og Carsten skipper deres karrierer, sælger deres bolig og ejendele, alt sammen for at realisere deres livsdrøm om at sejle jorden rundt. De stævner ud den 29. maj 2016. I en detaljeret og fængende beskrivelse fortæller de om deres eventyr og om livet som langturssejler. Forfatterne er åbne og ærlige i deres fortællinger og giver dermed ikke et glansbillede, men et virkeligt billede af deres nye hverdag. Bogen er ikke kun en rejsebeskrivelse, men også en fortælling om deres ’indre rejse’, hvor de opdager nye sider hos sig selv. Deres stresset hverdag med stramme tidsskemaer udskiftes med en livsstil, hvor dagene flyder sammen. Langt fra deres vante dagligdag møder de udfordringer i fremmede omgivelser og på faretruende oceaner.Bogen beskriver rejsens første etape fra København over Atlanten op langs USA og videre til Panamakanalen.Med Kronborg om bagbord henvender sig til såvel landkrabber som sejlere.Uddrag af bogenCarsten beordrer mig ud i stævnen af Capri for at tage en video af indsejlingen. Jeg tænder for kameraet og prøver at beskrive denne oplevelse. Jeg kan mærke klumpen i min hals og må kæmpe for at mine tåre ikke får frit løb. Jeg kan selv høre gråden i min stemme, mens jeg taler på videoen. Da jeg flytter kameraet mod bagbord og får øje på ’den lille grønne dame’ (The Statue of Liberty) bryder jeg sammen og græder, mens jeg filmer. Det er så overvældende for mig at være kommet her til på egen køl. Det er helt uvirkeligt for mig.Om forfatterenVinni Breuning (f. 1959) uddannet sygeplejerske, har været hospitalsdirektør gennem 14 år, først på Privathospitalet Hamlet og senere i Region Sjælland. Carsten Breuning (f. 1952) i Danmark, men opvokset i USA og senere bosat i Danmark. Uddannet BBA og har været administrerende direktør i såvel danske som amerikanske selskaber.

  • - Sejlerberetninger fra Galapagos, Fransk Polynesien og Hawaii
    af Carsten Breuning & Vinni Breuning
    263,95 kr.

    Vinni og Carsten skipper deres karrierer, sælger deres bolig og ejendele for at gøre en livsdrøm til virkelighed. En drøm om at sejle jorden rundt i deres 40 fods sejlbåd. De stævner ud den 29. maj 2016.Fra Sydkorset til Nordstjernen er efterfølgeren til deres populære første bog Med Kronborg om bagbord, som fortsætter deres hudløse ærlige fortællinger om at være langturssejlere. Bogen beskriver deres eventyr såvel på de store oceaner, som når de ligger for anker i det sydlige Stillehav. Et liv, der står i diametral modsætning til deres tidligere skemalagte professionelle liv. Det har givet dem en ubeskrivelig frihed. De lever et liv i tæt symbiose med naturen og møder mange fremmede kulturer. Undervejs får de nye venskaber med sejlere af forskellige nationaliteter.Bogen henvender sig til såvel sejlere som landkrabber. Forfatterne håber gennem deres fortællinger, at de kan motivere læserne til at leve deres livsdrøm ud. Uddrag af bogenBegge sejl er stadig i tredje reb. Carsten er fortsat immobil, og jeg har overtaget køkkentjansen uden at blive søsyg. Men jeg bliver meget hurtigt irriteret, når jeg arbejder i kabyssen, intet bliver stående, hvor man stiller det, og kokken har stort besvær med at holde balancen. Carsten kan høre helt op i cockpittet, at jeg bander og svovler som en ægte sømand. Han mener endda, at jeg vil gøre en søulk flov over mit sprog. Undskyld.Jeg glæder mig enormt til at nå frem til en ankerplads og håber inderligt, at vi finder en rolig ankerplads. Vi har haft nok ”rock ‘n roll”. (attende døgn på havet) Om forfatterneVinni Breuning (f. 1959), uddannet sygeplejerske, har været hospitalsdirektør gennem 14 år, først på Privathospitalet Hamlet og senere i Region Sjælland.Carsten Breuning er født 1952 i Danmark, men opvokset i USA og senere bosat i Danmark. Uddannet BBA og har været administrerende direktør i såvel danske som amerikanske selskaber.

  • - en sejlerpiges eventyr
    af Stine Buhl-Hansen & Lærke Buhl-Hansen
    188,95 kr.

    Lærke er en pige midt i 20’erne. Hun er vokset op med havet som sin legeplads. Gennem flere år har hun boet på sin sejlbåd i Aarhus lystbådehavn og brugt det meste af sin tid på windsurfing på eliteplan. En kold og grå søndag i september sejler hun sammen med tre unge gutter afsted fra Danmark med kurs mod varmere himmelstrøg. Hun er skipper på sin egen båd og står alene med det overordnede ansvar. Eventyret og rejselysten tager hende og hendes båd hele vejen til Kap Verde og retur, og undervejs får vi indblik i oplevelser, tanker og refleksioner samt selve dagligdagen under langturssejlads. Uddrag af bogen Når man sejler med folk, der ikke har sejlet så meget før, er natsejlads ofte en af de ting, de efterfølgende udpeger som noget af det fedeste. Der falder en helt anden ro på båden når vi sejler om natten, og det er som om man bliver meget mere tilstede i nuet. Mange af de samtaler vi har på nattevagterne, bliver bare lige det dybere eller til tider mere underlige, end de ville have gjort i dagslys. På natsejladsen fra El Hierro til Las Palmas var det exceptionelt stjerneklart og himlen var fyldt med stjerneskud. Lige efter jeg havde lagt mig i min køje, efter at have overdraget vagten til Marie og Julie, lød der et kæmpe glædesudbrud fra cockpittet. Marie var helt oppe at køre over stjerneskuddene, som hun ikke var vant til at se, da hun kommer fra indre København, hvor der er masser af lysforurening i luften. Om forfatterneLærke Buhl-Hansen (f. 1992) bruger det meste af sin tid på windsurfing og sejlsport. Hun har gennem flere år boet på en båd i Aarhus, hvor hun ved siden af windsurfing på eliteniveau og forskellige sejlrelaterede jobs også studerer til maskiningeniør. Lærke er sjældent i Danmark længe ad gangen – hun er ekstremt ambitiøs og dedikeret til sin sport, men også flyvsk og eventyrlysten og kan lide at gå sine egne veje. Stine Buhl-Hansen (f. 1989) bor sammen med sin kæreste i København, hvor hun arbejder ved et analyseinstitut. Hun har læst statskundskab og skrevet speciale om deleøkonomiens indflydelse i Danmark. Stine er meget social og elsker at rejse og sejle – gerne under sydligere himmelstrøg med et tvist af eksotiske oplevelser.

  • af Harmony Difo
    166,95 kr.

  • - Causerier fra det ultimative cruise. 119 dage i kølvandet på de store rejsende med besøg i 48 havne på 5 kontinenter og sejlads igennem 3 oceaner
    af Niels Tolstrup
    199,50 kr.

    Vores cruise Jorden rundt foregår på skibet MSC Magnifica. Vi møder og taler med smuglere, soldater og politi med maskinpistoler, skønne børn på skønne små øer, for hvem vi er meget fremmede, vilde hunde og vilde grise møder os på gader og strande, og så bliver der også lige tid til et slagsmål mellem to tyske pensionister på en turbus. Vi kommer igennem orkaner, besøger et utal af kulturer, som viser verdens ulighed og også forskellighed. Oplever skøn natur på land og på vandet. Når man møder så mange forskelligheder, bliver livet og verden pludselig ikke helt så hvid og sort, som man ofte kan forledes til at tro. Men det største var nok oplevelsen af de næsten ugentlige skift mellem kulturer og klima. Det påvirkede os på en måde, vi slet ikke havde forudset. Følg med os Jorden rundt.Uddrag af bogenHvad var der i de andre både? Efter vi var kommet i land, skulle vi lige tjekke det. Omkring skibet er der et sikkerhedshegn men her tages det ikke ret seriøst, så Lan og jeg kunne nemt gå udenom. På vej over til bådene kom der to unge mænd, som hilste og jeg faldt i snak med dem, efter de havde spurgt, om vi var fra USA – nej, Danish!. De var brødre fra Iran, og de var lige kommet i land med får fra Iran. Vi var kommet ind i en kæmpe smuglerlejr, og vi var de eneste, der ikke var lokale eller fra Iran, og Lan tog billeder … men alle smilede, og en viste et kæmpe bundt pengesedler frem.Om forfatterenNiels Tolstrup har i hele sit liv arbejdet inden for shipping og har altid ønsket at sejle Jorden rundt og på egen krop opleve de mange spændende og eksotiske steder, som mange har fortalt og skrevet om. I 2019 fik han muligheden og greb den.

  • - En far-datter-odyssé på Donau i en 5-meters båd
    af Thomas Veber & Mathilda Veber
    318,95 kr.

    Prisvinder som BEDSTE REJSEBOG på Nordic Adventure Film Festival Book Award.“Er du klar til at sejle ind i eventyret?” spørger Thomas Veber. Vandet glitrer i sollyset, da han drejer nøglen, og påhængsmotoren springer i gang. Sammen med sin datter og fotograf Mathilda Veber sejler de ud fra havnens beskyttende moler, hvor flodens stærke strøm griber fat i dem.På en far-datter-odyssé gennem syv lande sejler de ned ad Donau i familiens kun fem meter lange motorbåd. De vil have oplevelser og varme. Flere nærgående møder med politiet under den brændende sol i Kroatien og Serbien tester dog deres tålmodighed, og en uventet invitation fra Liberlands præsident afslører en dybere strøm af konflikter langs floden. Men de oplever også friheden på vandet, nærmest tropiske strande i Ungarn og en varm gæstfrihed fra lokale, hvis venlighed lyser op i deres eventyr.“Det er helt anderledes, end det vi plejer, og præcis, hvad jeg havde håbet på,” siger 19-årige Mathilda Veber, da de fortøjer i Bratislavas primitive havn.Fra de stille morgener, hvor duggen stadig hænger over Donau, til de støjende aftener i Beograds gader skildrer Mathilda Vebers fotografier rejsen med nærvær og ægthed. Sammen med Thomas Vebers fængslende fortællinger bliver Med strømmen til Balkan mere end en eventyrlig rejsebeskrivelse. Det er en fortælling om, hvordan man med små midler kan få store eventyr. Men også om familiebåndene, der styrkes, når man sammen tør vove sig ud på ukendt vand.Med strømmen til Balkan er for dig, der drømmer om eventyr, længes efter nærhed og søger inspiration til en uforglemmelig rejse. Er du klar til at lade dig rive med af strømmen?Thomas Veber, tidligere it-chef, nu forfatter og eventyrer, har sammen med familien sejlet over Atlanten og lavet tv-programmer om deres rejser. Efter adskillige langturssejladser har Thomas dedikeret sit liv til at inspirere andre med en travl hverdag til at få flere eventyr. Mathilda Veber, nylig student med et fotograferingsstipendium, planlægger nye sejlereventyr i Stillehavet før hendes videre studier.

  • af William Frye Sr.
    141,95 kr.

    Embark on the Voyage of a LifetimeImagine the gentle ocean breeze caressing your face, the endless horizon inspiring dreams of exploration, and the luxury of a majestic cruise ship serving as your floating haven. "Anchors Away: Your Ultimate Guide to First-Time Cruising" is not just a book; it's your compass to navigate the exhilarating world of cruising. Whether you're a wide-eyed novice or seeking a new adventure upon the seas, this guide is the treasure map to your dream getaway.Dive into the essentials of ocean cruising with clever tips and tricks to select your perfect sea adventure. Discover hidden gems across the many itineraries, learn the best times to book for the most savory deals, and unravel the mysteries of cruise types to match your ideal vacation style. Expert insights demystify the finest ship amenities, accommodations, and the true value behind different ship sizes.Still guarding your purse strings? "Anchors Away" has your back. Navigate through the nuances of cruise costs with an unvarnished look at all-inclusive versus a la carte options, revealing the secret to an opulent cruise without breaking the bank. Equip yourself with the wisdom of saving strategies and budgeting smarts tailored for the waves ahead.From the very first chapter, the excitement builds as you learn to book with confidence, packing your suitcase like a seasoned sailor, and stepping aboard with poise. Whether it's fine dining, vibrant entertainment, or a sanctuary of wellness and relaxation, this guide ensures you make the most out of your time at sea.And when the ship docks, prepare to immerse yourself in exotic locales with our comprehensive guide to shore excursions - each page brimming with insights on how to respect local cultures while adventuring safely and richly. The social butterfly within will also discover the joy of onboard communities, where every encounter could lead to a new friendship.Set sail with "Anchors Away" and chart a course for your most unforgettable journey. Pick up a copy today and let the countdown to your dream cruise begin!

  • af Will Wagstaff
    288,95 kr.

    Holiday advice and tourist information on everything from Stanley restaurants and hotels to planning, history, wildlife and conservation. Ideal for cruise-ship, tour-group and independent visitors. Covers East and West Falkland and Sea Lion, Pebble, Carcass, Saunders, Keppel, Weddell, Staats and Beaver islands.

  • af Jeff Glenn
    213,95 kr.

    The Titanic was heralded as an unsinkable ship, yet as any good historian knows-this most certainly wasn't the way things turned out. This book explores not only the sinking of the Titanic, but the lead-up to its construction, and its voyages, and covers all of the key players involved. Here you will find first-hand anecdotes of what it was like to evacuate the Titanic. You will hear harrowing tales of survival and grief. This text then goes on to examine how the aftermath of dealing with this loss was handled. Congressional hearings were held, and inquests were made, leading to direct changes as it pertains to international law. You'll learn:Who is the man responsible for the start of the passenger ocean liner boom?Why were the workers on the Titanic almost entirely Protestant?What was the name of the Titanic's mascot cat?Who were some of the richest people in the world on board the Titanic and which of them survived?How did some of the passengers on the Titanic become heroes, while others proved to be zeroes?The Titanic examines the entire history and legacy of the ship, from its construction to its sinking. Along the way, life aboard the Titanic is analyzed through passengers' accounts, as are the tales of survival and death that continue to resonate. Along with pictures of important people, places, and events, you will learn about the Titanic like never before, in no time at all.

  • af Insight Guides
    177,95 kr.

    Insight Guides Cruising & Cruise Ships 2025 is written by Douglas Ward, the world's foremost authority on cruising and cruise ships. Designed for cruise enthusiasts, it offers up-to-date information on 368 cruise ships across 408 pages. Packed with expert advice, tailored recommendations, and ship reviews - including scores for ship quality, accommodation, food, service, and overall cruise experience - this edition provides everything travelers need to make informed decisions about cruising, all presented in a user-friendly format.Previously known as Berlitz Cruising and Cruise Ships, this updated edition adopts a more streamlined approach. The ship reviews are now more concise, offering key details in a nutshell, allowing readers to quickly grasp the essentials. With larger fonts, vibrant photography, and a more accessible layout, the book has been modernized to better serve today's cruise-goers, while maintaining the trusted insights that have made it the authoritative guide for decades.The book is structured into sections that cater to every aspect of the cruise journey:- Introduction: New to cruising? Start with an in-depth look at the basics, the evolution of cruising, and what the future holds for this ever-growing industry.- Choose the Right Cruise: Get expert guidance on choosing the perfect cruise and destination. This section covers everything from where to cruise, selecting the right ship, and accommodations to understanding ships as destinations in themselves.- Types of Cruising: Explore various cruising experiences tailored to different traveler types, including families, solo travelers, seniors, and more. Whether you're interested in themed voyages, expedition cruises, or coastal cruises, this section has it covered.- The Cruise Experience: Discover what life on board is truly like, with a roundup of the author's 40 most memorable cruise experiences. Dive into details about cuisine, entertainment, spas, wellness facilities, and excursions ashore.- The Cruise Companies: Learn about the major cruise lines and smaller, niche operators, helping you find the right company that aligns with your travel preferences.- Practical Information: Essential tips on cruising safety, sustainability, and what to do in case of emergencies are provided to ensure a smooth and safe journey.- Ship Listings with Ratings: Dive into essential profiles and Douglas Ward's ratings of 368 ships, with a section dedicated to how these ships are evaluated.About the AuthorRegarded as the world's top authority on cruising and cruise ships, Douglas Ward has completed over 6,400 days on ships and riverships on more than 1,130 cruises, 160 transatlantic crossings, and countless Panama Canal transits, shipyard visits, ship-naming ceremonies, and maiden voyages. Often described as a maritime Sherlock Holmes, Ward's reviews leave no stone unturned, examining everything from the fluffiness of the towels and the quality of china and silverware, to the welcome aboard and disembarkation process. Praise For Berlitz Cruise Books'No other annual guide charts the growth of the modern cruise industry the way Douglas Ward's authoritative annual Berlitz Cruising and Cruise Ships has done' The Business Travel News'The author is the most feared critic in the business' The Times, London'Read before cruising' Daily News, New York'The serious cruise traveler's Bible''Legendary' USA Today'Level of detail and rigorous research are unbelievable''This is the encyclopedia of cruising' The Times-Picayune, New Orleans

  • af Kate Lechnir
    273,95 kr.

    Take Me to the RiversBoating the Rivers of America from Wisconsin to FloridaBoating down the Mississippi, Ohio, Cumberland, Tennessee-Tombigbee Rivers, and Mobile Bay to the Florida Intracoastal in the fall of 2018 might be described in retrospect as a series of near misses. The river conditions were extreme, characterized by the worst fall flooding in recorded history. And at the end of our trip, the strongest category 5 hurricane ever to make landfall, Hurricane Michael, engulfed us within its eye.Take Me to the Rivers chronicles my husband's and my fifteen-hundred-mile journey by boat to both remote and well-traveled parts of some of the greatest rivers of America. Setting out on a course to Punta Gorda, Florida, we began our river adventures on the Upper Mississippi River in La Crosse, Wisconsin, continuing all the way through St. Louis, Missouri. We then found ourselves in the wild and ruthless wilderness of the Mississippi River up to the junction of the Ohio River. We traveled up the Ohio to the Kentucky Lakes, where we rested for several days and got a glimpse of the elegant and pampered side of river boating. Continuing south, we entered remote areas that had yet to be charted in GPS. Traveling on the Tennessee-Tombigbee Rivers, through Mobile Bay, we finally arrived on the Florida Intracoastal. In October 2018, our trip was cut short abruptly and with finality in Panama City when Hurricane Michael destroyed our boat and our dreams of boating our way through retirement.The book is written as a series of everyday short stories--stories about the people we met and the rivers that tried to swallow us alive. With its in-depth descriptions, it provides interesting insights for Quimby's Guide travelers as well as for those who have only been able to dream of boating from Wisconsin to Florida. In addition, the uniqueness of the river people we met on this journey and the extreme river and weather conditions we lived through will make this book appealing to an adventurous and curious audience.Highlights that stand out in the author's mind include a 360-degree fascination with the Mississippi River bluffs, the World War that was averted with an LST-325 Navy warship, our only tourist trap destination in Hannibal, Missouri, the incredible spectacle of the St. Louis Arch, dining at Bobby's Fish Camp, the winners and losers along the Kentucky Lakes, the statue of the Mistaken Klansman, floating bollard mastery techniques, and Hurricane Michael in Panama City.As much as I loved writing about these and other stories, our close encounters with the people we met along the way are the lifeblood of the book. It was a matter of life and death on the rivers in the fall of 2018. Many people shared their lives with us on this journey; many people helped to save our lives--the lives of total strangers.

  • af Erin Foster
    238,95 kr.

    What’s NEW in The Unofficial Guide to the Disney Cruise Line 2024:Expanded coverage of the Disney Wish, including staterooms, dining, children’s activities, shopping, entertainment, and moreCoverage of Disney’s second private island: Lighthouse PointPost-COVID changes to health and safety protocolsNews about DCL’s expanding fleet, including the brand-new Disney Treasure and two additional ships being builtReports on DCL’s new itineraries, including routes to Australia and the South PacificNews about changes to DCL’s loyalty rewards program, The Castaway ClubWhat you need to know about Disney’s newest home port at Ft. Lauderdale

  • af Katinka Holupirek
    544,95 kr.

    A visual tour of thirty active cruise routes from across Europe, featuring route maps, insider recommendations, and photos of cultural, culinary, and natural highlights.

  • af Fremdenführer Oktan Palkowitsch
    408,95 kr.

    Le Havre - eine Stadt, die einst für ihre Schönheit und ihren Charme bekannt war, aber heute von Verfall und Resignation geprägt ist. In diesem Bildband zeigt Oktan Palkowitsch die graue Realität einer Stadt, die ihre Einwohner in eine Depression zieht. Die Bilder sind schonungslos und zeigen den Verfall von Gebäuden, Straßen und Plätzen, aber auch die Müdigkeit und Niedergeschlagenheit der Bewohner. Dieses Buch ist eine Warnung an jeden, der plant, Le Havre zu besuchen oder gar dort zu leben. Aber es ist auch eine Botschaft der Hoffnung, dass die Stadt eines Tages wieder zu ihrer einstigen Schönheit zurückkehren wird. Ein eindringliches Buch, das die Augen öffnet und zum Nachdenken anregt.

  • af Insight Guides
    211,95 kr.

    Insight Guides Cruising & Cruise Ships 2024 - formerly Berlitz Cruising and Cruise Ships - features enhanced user-friendly design, extra images, new coverage of cruise history and ultimate cruising experiences, new Author's Choice recommendations, along with the expert reviews and ratings readers have trusted for over 35 years. Insight Guides Cruising & Cruise Ships 2024 (formerly Berlitz Cruising and Cruise Ships) is the world's most authoritative and longest-running guide to cruising and cruise ships. Fully updated post-Covid, this iconic, industry-leading bible for millions of cruise-goers and crew members now features larger font for greater readability, and more images, making for a fresher, more user-friendly experience. In addition, Insight Guides Cruising & Cruise Ships 2024 boasts a new section on the history of cruising, along with the author's hugely-anticipated evaluations and scores, with 341 ships reviewed and rated. It also includes new user-oriented features on the Best of Cruising. From exploring fjords and enjoying icy expeditions, to embarking on wildlife voyages and idyllic Caribbean cruises, ten Ultimate Experiences are showcased. This is supplemented by a new Author's Choice section that sees Douglas Ward - the world's foremost authority on cruising and cruise ships - share his rundown of Top Ships and the best cruises for all kinds of travellers, from families and romantics, to solo voyagers and cruise-goers with accessibility needs. Insight Guides Cruising & Cruise Ships 2024 also comes with a free eBook. Features of Insight Guides Cruising & Cruise Ships 2024- Douglas Ward is the world's foremost authority on cruising and cruise ships. - 376 pages of information, with new sections covering cruise history, ultimate cruising experiences, and Author's Choice recommendations. - Features more full-colour images than ever before, and larger font for greater readability. - 341 ships reviewed and rated. - FREE eBook. ABOUT THE AUTHORRegarded as the world's top authority on cruising and cruise ships, Douglas Ward has completed over 6,200 days on ships and riverships on almost 1100 cruises, 158 transatlantic crossings, and countless Panama Canal transits, shipyard visits, ship-naming ceremonies and maiden voyages. Often described as a maritime Sherlock Holmes, Ward's reviews leave no stone unturned, examining everything from the fluffiness of the towels and the quality of china and silverware, to the welcome aboard and disembarkation process. PRAISE FOR BERLITZ CRUISE BOOKS'No other annual guide charts the growth of the modern cruise industry the way Douglas Ward's authoritative annual Berlitz Cruising and Cruise Ships has done' The Business Travel News'The author is the most feared critic in the business' The Times, London'Read before cruising' Daily News, New York'The serious cruise traveler's Bible''Legendary' USA Today'Level of detail and rigorous research are unbelievable''This is the encyclopedia of cruising' The Times-Picayune, New Orleans

  • af Caroline James
    96,95 kr.

    The Cruise is a captivating book by Caroline James. Published on May 11, 2023, by HarperCollins Publishers, this book takes readers on a thrilling journey. Written in English, it's a must-read for anyone interested in engrossing storytelling.

  • af Christopher Wallace
    198,95 kr.

  • af Paolo Benassi
    618,95 kr.

  • af Lester Lake
    223,95 kr.

  • - 4th edition
    af Rod Heikell
    249,95 - 284,95 kr.

    108,95 kr.

    The Vintage Journal African Ship Travel Poster pocket journal features a travel poster illustration of an African travel ship with stars. This journal has full color decorative vintage art on the cover, and is the perfect companion for your next trip, writing project, to-do list, or any occasion where a handy notebook is needed. Found Image Press Vintage Journals feature vintage art that celebrates your favorite places, hobbies and interests. The front cover design features a classic piece of art from the Found Image Press collection of over 60,000 pictures. - 4 x 6 inches - 100 lined opaque pages - Soft matte finish

    108,95 kr.

    The Vintage Journal Marseille Travel Poster pocket journal features a travel poster illustration of Marseille. This journal has full color decorative vintage art on the cover, and is the perfect companion for your next trip, writing project, to-do list, or any occasion where a handy notebook is needed. Found Image Press Vintage Journals feature vintage art that celebrates your favorite places, hobbies and interests. The front cover design features a classic piece of art from the Found Image Press collection of over 60,000 pictures. - 4 x 6 inches - 100 lined opaque pages - Soft matte finish

    108,95 kr.

    The Vintage Journal Ocean Liner Travel Poster pocket journal features a travel poster illustration of a people boarding on a cruise ship. This journal has full color decorative vintage art on the cover, and is the perfect companion for your next trip, writing project, to-do list, or any occasion where a handy notebook is needed. Found Image Press Vintage Journals feature vintage art that celebrates your favorite places, hobbies and interests. The front cover design features a classic piece of art from the Found Image Press collection of over 60,000 pictures. - 4 x 6 inches - 100 lined opaque pages - Soft matte finish

    108,95 kr.

    The Vintage Journal Ocean Liner Travel Poster pocket journal features a travel poster illustration of a cruise ship in on water sailing. This journal has full color decorative vintage art on the cover, and is the perfect companion for your next trip, writing project, to-do list, or any occasion where a handy notebook is needed. Found Image Press Vintage Journals feature vintage art that celebrates your favorite places, hobbies and interests. The front cover design features a classic piece of art from the Found Image Press collection of over 60,000 pictures. - 4 x 6 inches - 100 lined opaque pages - Soft matte finish

    108,95 kr.

    The Vintage Journal Orient Line Cruises pocket journal features a travel poster illustration of a bowl of fruits on a table by the ocean. This journal has full color decorative vintage art on the cover, and is the perfect companion for your next trip, writing project, to-do list, or any occasion where a handy notebook is needed. Found Image Press Vintage Journals feature vintage art that celebrates your favorite places, hobbies and interests. The front cover design features a classic piece of art from the Found Image Press collection of over 60,000 pictures. - 4 x 6 inches - 100 lined opaque pages - Soft matte finish

    138,95 kr.

    The Vintage Journal Happy Cruises Travel Poster pocket journal features a travel poster illustration of a woman in a green dress on a cruise. This journal has full color decorative vintage art on the cover, and is the perfect companion for your next trip, writing project, to-do list, or any occasion where a handy notebook is needed. Found Image Press Vintage Journals feature vintage art that celebrates your favorite places, hobbies and interests. The front cover design features a classic piece of art from the Found Image Press collection of over 60,000 pictures. - 4 x 6 inches - 100 lined opaque pages - Soft matte finish

    108,95 kr.

    The Vintage Journal Marseille Travel Poster pocket journal features a travel poster illustration of cruise ships parked. This journal has full color decorative vintage art on the cover, and is the perfect companion for your next trip, writing project, to-do list, or any occasion where a handy notebook is needed. Found Image Press Vintage Journals feature vintage art that celebrates your favorite places, hobbies and interests. The front cover design features a classic piece of art from the Found Image Press collection of over 60,000 pictures. - 4 x 6 inches - 100 lined opaque pages - Soft matte finish

    108,95 kr.

    The Vintage Journal Ocean Liner Travel Poster pocket journal features a travel poster illustration of the captain saluting two ladies on a cruise. This journal has full color decorative vintage art on the cover, and is the perfect companion for your next trip, writing project, to-do list, or any occasion where a handy notebook is needed. Found Image Press Vintage Journals feature vintage art that celebrates your favorite places, hobbies and interests. The front cover design features a classic piece of art from the Found Image Press collection of over 60,000 pictures. - 4 x 6 inches - 100 lined opaque pages - Soft matte finish

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