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Fagbøger for børn og unge: opdagelser og udforskning

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  • - Alt hvad du gerne vil vide om Big Bang, universet, galakser, rumrejser og rumvæsner
    af Lars Henrik Aagaard
    197,95 kr.

    NedtællingSpænd dig godt fast i rumskibet. For nu er der lift off til en forrygende opdagelsesrejse mellem stjerner, planeter, galakser og hele vejen ud til verdens ende. Eller i hvert fald så tæt på, vi kan komme. Undervejs får du klare svar på de største spørgsmål, du overhovedet kan stille om universet: Hvordan begyndte det hele? Er der andre universer end vores? Hvor stort er universet? Hvad er et sort hul? Hvor mange stjerner, planeter og galakser er der? Findes der andre kloge væsner end os? Går Jorden under? Forsvinder universet til sidst? Illustrereret med masser af farvefotos. Lars Henrik Aagaard er videnskabsjournalist og quizmaster på avisen Berlingske. Han er desuden forfatter til flere populærvidenskabelige bøger, ikke mindst bestsellerne Hvor langt er der til verdens ende? og Hvad er månen lavet af?

  • - Alt hvad du gerne vil vide om livet, mennesker, klima, vulkaner, og jordens indre
    af Lars Henrik Aagaard
    247,95 kr.

    Hvorfor er der bjerge og have?Kommer vi virkelig fra aberne? Hvordan var Jorden på dinosaurernes tid?Hvorfor er der jordskælv og vulkanudbrud?Hvad bliver Jordens og menneskets skæbne? Pak rygsækken og husk bjergstøvler og dykkerdragt, for nu skal du på opdagelsesrejse på din utrolige planet. Du rejser helt tilbage til Jordens vilde fødsel og videre ned i ur-havet, hvor livet blev tændt. Du vil opleve, hvordan dinosaurerne dør, og mennesker opstår, og du kommer til at klatre op på de højeste bjerge, ned i glødende vulkaner og helt ind til Jordens hede kerne. Undervejs får du svar på alle dine spørgsmål om kloden lige under dine fødder - den tredje planet fra Solen. Bogen er fyldt med flotte billeder.Lars Henrik Aagaard er videnskabsjournalist på avisen Berlingske og forfatter til flere populærvidenskabelige bøger, blandt andet de roste bestsellere "Hvor langt er der til verdens ende?", "Hvad er Månen lavet af?" og "Rejsen til rummet". Udgives i samarbejde med Berlingske Media

  • af Kristian Gintberg
    Stream i AppenFysisk bog

    Følg med Kristian på sporet af de opdagelsesrejsende, der fandt Amerika, først nåede Sydpolen, besteg verdens højeste bjerg – og ned på bunden af havet!I flere hundrede år er opdagelsesrejsende draget mod verdens fjerneste afkroge uden at vide, hvad der ventede dem. Med mod og nysgerrighed kortlagde de den verden, vi kender i dag, og sikrede sig dermed en plads i historiebøgerne. Men hvem var de egentlig – de eventyrlystne opdagelsesrejsende, der satte sig for at finde ud af, om Jorden var rund, sejlede højt mod nord for at undersøge de isfyldte riger, drog ned på havets bund for at undersøge livet på mange kilometers dybde, løb om kap mod Sydpolen og satte liv og lemmer på spil i kampen om at blive de første på toppen af verdens højeste bjerg?I Kristian på sporet af opdagelsesrejsende skal vi høre om alt fra de vikinger, der drog af sted på togt og ved et tilfælde fandt Grønland, om de mange kapløb der har været om at nå verdens sydligste og nordligste punkter, verdens top og havets bund – og helt frem til i dag, hvor de opdagelsesrejsende med lige så stort mod sætter kursen ud i galaksen for at besøge andre planeter.Kristian på sporet af opdagelsesrejsende er femte bind i Kristian Gintbergs faktaserie for børn, hvori Kristian tager ud for at undersøge stort og småt sammen med læserne. Det skal være sjovt at lære, det skal være spændende at suge ny viden til sig. Derfor tager Kristian ud i verden med sit kamera om halsen, sin rygsæk på ryggen og sin nysgerrighed som rejseledsager og opdager alverdens fænomener, steder og mennesker. Hvert opslag dækker et emne, formidlet i et lettilgængeligt sprog og illustreret både faktuelt og utrolig sjovt af Franck Wagnersens humoristiske streg.

    Stream i AppenFysisk bog
  • af Chris Wormell & Raman Prinja
    355,95 kr.

    Velkommen til planeternes museum! Her kan du finde en række udstillinger af kosmiske fænomener, fra Solen og Solsystemet til stjernernes livscyklus, Mælkevejen og universet som helhed. Tag en tur gennem museets udstillinger, når som helst du vil – det er altid åbent! Ledsaget af oplysende tekst indeholder kapitlerne smukke illustrationer af en lang række himmellegemer og fænomener i rummet, og du kan lære om alle de fascinerende ting, der får universet til at fungere.

  • af Kristian Gintberg
    61,95 kr.

    ‘Kristian på sporet af..’ er en helt fantastisk faktaserie for børn. Hver bog i serien omhandler forskellige temaer som kan være alt lige fra det ydre rum til oldtidens dinosauere. I denne opgavebog handler det om at lære ved at gøre. I bogen tager hovedpersonen Kristian dig med på udforskning. Han er både sjov og nysgerrig og vil med glæde tage dig under armen på denne rejse. Bogen er spækket med små og store opgaver, som er tilegnet børn. Mens du udfører bogens opgaver, lærer du undervejs om en bred vifte af emner, men hælder mest til det naturfaglige. Opgavebøger er en super sjov og effektiv måde for børn at suge ny viden til sig. Bogens opgaver indebærer blandt andet quiz, kryds og tværs, sæt halen på, spil og meget mere. Vær dog opmærksom på, at denne bog har mest fokus på opgaver hvor de andre bøger i ‘Kristian på sporet af..’ serien dykker ned i de enkelte emner.

  • af Caryl Hart
    124,95 - 207,95 kr.

    Lad os ta’ ud til de fjerne PLANETER. En rejse på mange millioner af meter. Med bil, bus og tog bliver det ikke let. Så er det da heldigt – vi har en RAKET!“På tur til planeterne” er den perfekte billedbog til alle med astronaut-drømme! Så følg med i den lille raket, når en pige og hendes hund tager på en drømmerejse ud i rummet. Undervejs får du masser af spændende viden om alle planeterne i vores solsystem.“På tur til planeterne” er en børnebog skrevet på rim, der både egner sig til højtlæsning og til selvlæsning for øvede læsere i indskolingen.

  • af Lisa Bay & Karen Brüel Birkegaard
    321,95 kr.

    Alle nysgerrige børn (og voksne) er inviteret med på Radionauternes STORE opdagelsesrejse gennem videnskabens verden. Rejs med ind i barnets første celle, mød det første dyr, der gik på land og kom med, når vi rejser helt derud, hvor man kan se vores egen galakse oppefra. Radionauterne elsker at opdage nye ting om vores fascinerende verden, og vi har brug for din nysgerrighed og hjælp undervejs, når vi suser gennem kroppen, ned i kloakken, eller finder mystiske dyr, på dybhavets bund. Bogen er en farverig og lærerig hyldest til nysgerrigheden, og en engagerende rejse, der viser, hvor magisk og fantastisk vores verden er. Du kender måske Radionauterne fra deres podcast, hvor de formidler videnskab for børn, og det er landets største børnepodcast.Bogen er gennemillustreret med flotte tegninger af Maria Buchmann. Fra ca. 4 år.

  • af Guy Raz & Mindy Thomas
    147,95 kr.

    Flot og sjov bog om kroppen ...... og ALT det, den kan. Fra hoved til tå! Vidste du fx, at op til 20% af alle mennesker (fra babyer til voksne) kan sove med åbne øjne? Eller at mellem 10 til 20% af befolkningen kan vrikke med ørene (og at nogle af dem, ikke kan holde op igen)? At du producerer omkring 26.000 liter spyt i løbet af dit liv? At fingernegle vokser tre gange så hurtigt som tånegle?Der er meget mere, hvor det kommer fra! Dyk ned i den flotte, farverige og sjove bog om de mange fantastiske og mærkelige ting, som vores helt fantastiske krop er i stand til.Fra ca. 6 år.

  • - Henning Haslund Christensen - Danmarks sidste opdagelsesrejsende
    af Nils Hartmann
    149,99 - 217,95 kr.

    Henning Haslund-Christensen var en eventyrer. Som dreng ville han ud i verden. Han blev Danmarks sidste store opdagelsesrejsende. Og kom på spændende rejser gennem Mongoliet. Følg med på kamelryg gennem Gobi-ørkenen. Kom på besøg i en spøgelsesby. Og hør, hvordan det er at gå gennem isen med heste. Da Haslund blev ramt af en lavine, troede han, at alt var slut. Ville han aldrig gense Danmark?

  • af Timothy Knapman
    135,95 kr.

    Tag med på en rejse til jordens indre og lær en masse om vores fantastiske verden. Bogen besvarer en masse spørgsmål omkring jordens indre. Bogen henvender sig til børn fra 5 år, som gerne vil lære mere om jorden. De mange flotte, detaljerede tegninger og små tekster giver en god introduktion til emnet, så pak tasken og tag med på rejsen!22 sider.

  • af Joan Holub
    67,95 kr.

    In 1848, gold was discovered in California, attracting over 300,000 people from all over the world, some who struck it rich and many more who didn't. Hear the stories about the gold-seeking "forty-niners!" With black-and white illustrations and sixteen pages of photos, a nugget from history is brought to life!

  • af Helen Bradford
    152,95 kr.

    Thanksgiving began when a group of people called the Pilgrim Fathers sailed from England to America to start a new life. It was not easy at first, but our tale describes how they finally settled in a new land.

  • af Rosanne Parry
    92,95 kr.

    An instant New York Times bestseller!A stand-alone companion to the national bestsellers A Wolf Called Wander and A Whale of the Wild.Exiled from his band, a young, wild horse must find his way across treacherous terrain to reunite with his family after being captured for the Pony Express. Horn Book calls A Horse Named Sky "engrossing and fast-paced." This Voice on the Wilderness novel is an enthralling survival story about wild horses, family bonds, and a changing environment. Young colt Sky was born with the urge to run. Alongside his band, he moves across the range searching for fresh water and abundant grazing. But humans have begun to encroach on Sky's homelands. With fewer resources to share, Sky knows that he must leave if his family is to survive. He hopes that one day he'll be strong and brave enough to return and challenge the stallion to lead the herd.Being a lone wild horse in a vast landscape is not easy, and things get even more dangerous when Sky is captured and forced to run for the Pony Express. Now, against all odds, Sky must find a way to escape and reunite with his family.A Horse Named Sky is a stand-alone companion novel to Rosanne Parry's New York Times bestsellers A Wolf Called Wander and A Whale of the Wild. Chronicling the perils of westward expansion and the grueling Pony Express from the perspective of a wild horse, A Horse Named Sky is a gripping animal survival story about family, courage, trust, leadership, and loyalty. Impeccably researched and illustrated in black-and-white throughout, A Horse Named Sky is an excellent read-aloud for parents and teachers and a wonderful choice for fans of DreamWorks' Spirit and Anna Sewell's Black Beauty.Includes black-and-white illustrations throughout, a map, and extensive back matter about wild horses and their habitats.

  • af Ruth Ashby
    92,95 kr.

    In 1831, young adventurer and nature enthusiast Charles Darwin set sail on a remarkable five-year voyage that changed the study of biology forever.Award-winning author Ruth Ashby shares the story of Darwin's famous journey aboard the British navy ship, the Beagle, which led to the development of his theories of evolution and natural selection.This lively account follows the naturalist's exciting trip around the world?through seasickness, a life-threatening illness, and even an earthquake?as he explores South America, the Cape Verde Islands, Tahiti, and the Galapagos Islands. During his travels, Darwin meets Indigenous peoples and carefully collects and catalogs plants, fossils, birds, mammals, and insects. Darwin's observations of the distribution and diversity of plant and animal life ultimately leads to the development of his theories on evolution.Readers will be inspired by Darwin's transformation from talented but mediocre schoolboy into a remarkable scientist as they read about the revolutionary voyage that forever changed the world of biology.

  • af Janice Weaver
    247,95 kr.

  • af Christopher Moore
    207,95 kr.

    "One July day four hundred years ago, Samuel de Champlain stepped out of a small boat at Quebec and began a great adventure.” So begins Christopher Moore's riveting account of the life of the extraordinary, daring "father of New France.” Samuel de Champlain helped found the first permanent French settlement in the New World; he established the village that eventually became the great city of Quebec; he was a skilled cartographer who gave us many of our first accurate maps of North America; he forged alliances with Native nations that laid the foundations for vast trading networks; and as governor, he set New France on the road to becoming a productive, self-sufficient, thriving colony. But Champlain was also a man who suffered his share of defeats and disappointments. That first permanent settlement was abandoned after a disastrous winter claimed the lives of half the colonists. His marriage to a child bride was unhappy and marked by long separations. Eventually Quebec had to be surrendered temporarily to the English in 1629. In this remarkable book, illustrated entirely with paintings, archival maps, and original artifacts, Christopher Moore brings to life this complex man and, through him, creates a portrait of Canada in its earliest days. Champlain is illustrated with archival maps and paintings. Additional artwork has been provided by Francis Back.

  • af Alan Armstrong
    92,95 kr.

  • af Julia Cummins
    102,95 kr.

    Meet ten inspiring women whose passions for exploration made them push the boundariesThough most people have heard of explorers like Henry Hudson and Christopher Columbus, few have heard names like Nellie Cashman and Annie Smith Peck. Unfortunately, most of the brave women explorers have never made it into history books because they lived in times when it was taboo for women to go off on their own. Luckily, the daring women in this book didn't let those taboos slow them down as they climbed treacherous mountains, studied Aboriginal cultures, and lived with Pygmy tribes!With engaging text and bold illustrations, Women Explorers will finally properly introduce these adventurous women to the world.

  • af Andrea White
    102,95 kr.

    The wind and snow blow so hard, you can't see your hand in front of your face. Your heating fuel is nearly gone, and so is your food. How do you survive? Five fourteen?year?olds face this desperate situation on a deadly journey in Antarctica. It is 2083. They are contes?tants on a reality TV show, Antarctic Survivor, which is set up to re?create Robert F. Scott's 1912 doomed attempt to be the first to reach the South Pole. But in 2083 reality TV is not just an act. Contestants literally relive ? or die during ? the simulations of events. Robert Scott and his team were experienced explorers and scientists, but their attempt to reach the Pole proved fatal. What chance does the Antarctic Survivor team have? This action?packed, riveting adventure ? full of fascinating direct quotes from Scott's journals and other accounts of the expedition ? is both a heart?wrenching drama from the past and a disquieting glimpse into the future. Ages 12+

  • af Manuela Brocksieper
    327,95 - 395,95 kr.

  • af Niyati Goel
    257,95 kr.

    This is Book 3 in the bestselling picture book series - 'The Adventures of Asva'Join Asva, an eight-year-old with a penchant for adventure as he goes on a surprise trip to Hawaii with his travel blogger parents. With the help of a local, Hale and his granddaughter Malia, Asva learns about the legendary Volcano Goddess - Pele, and explores hidden paths to the crater of an active volcano. But the story takes an unexpected turn when Asva takes something that doesn't belong to him.How will he make amends for his actions? Dive into this adventure filled with suspense, wonder, and lessons about nature's power.This book will teach your child valuable lessons, including:Cultural Appreciation: Teaching about different cultures helps children become more aware of the world's diversity. It encourages them to recognize that there are multiple ways of life, belief systems, and traditions, all of which should be respectedLearning from Mistakes: The story encourages children to learn from mistakes and take responsibility for their actionsAnd That's Not All...High-Quality Design and Engaging Illustrations: Featuring a premium gloss cover and fully colored interior pages, this book is visually appealing and durableThis is a perfect gift for a child in your life that will uplift and empower them

  • af Dean Robbins
    154,95 kr.

  • af Virginia Spinar White
    162,95 kr.

    "Counting Sunshines is a great reminder that we need a fresh infusion about our past, the many immigrants faced and the obstacles they overcame." -Jerry Fabyanic, award-winning author of Sisyphus Wins and Food for Thought: Essays on the Mind and Spirit"Anna's story is in essence, a counterpart of the struggles which all settlers of the period experienced. And Mrs. Zajic is also a symbol-of hardship, fortitude, and faith; and of the welding of a heritage which has now passed to our hands." -Clarence A. Schooley, editor and publisher, Friend Sentinel Newspaper"Are we there yet?" Does that question sound familiar?Young Anna Wancura travels for weeks with her immigrant family in search of a new home throughout Kansas and Nebraska during the 1800s. As she grows older, she learns what it takes to survive and find joy living on the new western frontier. With each of the seven moves, she keeps track of the days and miles by counting the sunshines. Join Anna and her family on their moving journey across the west-central plains and learn what it meant to be a pioneer.

  • af Bill O'Neill
    142,95 kr.

    Are you ready to have your mind wander while you discover some of the craziest and most interesting true stories ever told? The world is an everchanging place full of incredible and interesting stories from our past, present and future. Do you know how the Romans managed to deliver mail across Europe faster than anyone for 2000 years? Do you know what happened when Australia went to war against its emus? The answer will surprise you! Or what happened when an Olympic athlete entered the discus-throwing contest in 1896, despite never having seen an Olympic discus before in his entire life? Hint: Something truly remarkable! Those are some of the mind-blowing and downright unbelievable stories you'll find inside Incredible Stories for Curious Kids. In this book: ¿ Over 60 fascinating true-life tales of the bizarre and unexpected¿ Written in a fun and accessible way idea for children and teens¿ Covers all of history, from the ancient world to now¿ Illustrated with fun pictures to bring the stories to life¿ Topics include geography, science, sport, nature, history, invention - and a lot more! So what are you waiting for? Dive into Incredible Stories for Curious Kids and discover more about the world around you, and some of the most remarkable people, places, and things that it has ever seen!

  • af Niyati Goel
    257,95 kr.

    This captivating picture storybook blends the magic of Istanbul's rich culture and history with the universal themes of family and friendship. Readers of all ages will be drawn into this enchanting story, where ordinary boys become heroes on an extraordinary journey.Join Asva, a spirited young boy, and his family on an enchanting journey to Turkey in "The Adventures of Asva In Istanbul" Their vacation is brimming with excitement until a chance encounter during a Bosphorus cruise changes everything. Asva and his newfound friend, Ruslan, meet someone with a heart-wrenching tale of tragedy.Determined to help, they embark on a thrilling quest through the vibrant streets of Istanbul, solving puzzles and uncovering secrets along the way. Their courage and determination are put to the test as they follow the cryptic clues.Will Asva and Ruslan succeed? Dive into this magical adventure filled with friendship, mystery, and the wonders of Istanbul, and discover if they can unlock the secrets of the Bosphorus to make dreams come true.This book will teach your child valuables lessons, including:Compassion: Helping children understand and share the feelings of others.Building Relationships: Creating opportunities for interaction, collaboration, and bonding with peers, siblings, and friends.What Makes "The Adventures of Asva In Istanbul" the Ideal Choice?Stronger Family Connections: Sharing the experience of reading together strengthens family bonds and creates precious memories.Empowering Messages: If your child struggles with change and kindness, this book can give them a boost.And That's Not All...High-Quality Design: Featuring a premium cover and fully colored interior pages, this book is visually appealing and durable.Engaging Illustrations: The age-appropriate illustrations make this book enjoyable for both children and adults alike.Perfect Gift: Give the special child in your life a gift that will uplift and empower them.

  • af Shakeema Funchess
    272,95 kr.

    In this enchanting tale, Kaya, a spirited and curious child, shares the ancient wisdom and traditions of tribes that have been passed down through generations.

  • af Anne Ameri-Siemens
    361,95 kr.

    Vom Urknall bis zur Raumfahrt - dieses Buch erzählt von fernen Planeten, von Menschen im All und von der unendlichen Weite des Universums.Emma und Louis auf Entdeckungsreise im Weltall! Gemeinsam erkunden sie ferne Planeten, Sterne und Galaxien, lernen beein- druckende Raketen und Raumstationen kennen und hören von berühmten Menschen, die schon mal ins All geflogen sind. Eine span- nende Expedition für junge Astronautinnen und Astronauten zu den großen Geheimnissen des Kosmos.

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