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Sigurd Barrett markerer 100-året for Genforeningen Fortællingen begynder med ”Der var engang …”, og H.C. Andersen kigger også forbi – men der er ikke tale om et eventyr, men om en rigtig historie fra den virkelige verden. Det er en historie om krig og kærlighed, om magt og store følelser. For når det handler om, hvor vi hører til og hvilket sprog, vi skal tale, så handler det om vores identitet, og den vil alle mennesker gerne selv være med til at bestemme. Indtil 1920 var området syd for Kolding en del af Tyskland og fyldt med svære nationale konflikter. Men i 1920 resulterede en folkeafstemning i, at den daværende grænse blev flyttet 50 km sydpå, hvor den ligger i dag. På den måde blev Sønderjylland genforenet med Danmark. Omkring 100-års-jubilæet for Genforeningen vil Grænseforeningen og Sigurd Barrett formidle historien om Genforeningen i et nutidigt perspektiv for hele Danmark gennem en bog, helt nye sange og 100 koncerter over hele landet Sigurd Barrett formidler i Sigurd fortæller om genforeningen et vigtigt stykke danmarkshistorie i sin veloplagte, humoristiske og oplysende fortællestil, som vi kender fra Sigurd fortæller danmarkshistorie. Bogen er vedlagt en CD med 16 dejlige sange af Sigurd.
En samlet fortælling om Danmark under besættelsen 1940-1945. Fortalt for børn og voksne. Følg besættelsen år for år. Læs om den tyske invasion i 1940. Få historien om, hvordan det var at leve i Danmark i en tid med mørklægning, rationering og varemangel. Hør om sabotage, illegale blade og om, hvordan danske nazister hvervede danske drenge til deres ungdomskorps. Læs om aktionen mod jøderne, og om frihedskæmperne, som satte deres liv på spil. Og få skildringen af den længe ventede befrielse i maj 1945. Bogen bygger på et fyldigt kildemateriale, breve, bøger, øjenvidneskildringer og fotografier fra tiden.
Globes nye fagbogsserie af "Bliv klog på" bøger giver dine børn en unik mulighed for at udforske verdenen omkring dem. Med imponerende fotografier og fantastiske illustrationer tager vi dine børn med på en visuel oplevelse, der vil vække deres nysgerrighed og begejstring.Dyk ned i vikingernes verden og udforsk deres dramatiske historie! Med "Bliv klog på Vikinger" kan dine børn udforske deres livsstil, opdagelser og eventyr. Bogen tager dine børn med tilbage i tiden og lader dem opleve vikingernes sejlskibe, våben, slagsmål og meget mere. Denne bog er en absolut nødvendighed for enhver viking-entusiast!
Er du klar?Du arbejder for de adelige på en fornem borg– dit drømmejob!Men da borgen angribes af selveste kongen, skal du virkelig stå din prøve og bevise, om du er kvik nok til at bo på en middelalderborg!Det mindste fejltrin kan koste dig livet!De vigtigste råd fra eksperterne:- Kend din plads. Det er middelalderens allervigtigste leveregel.- Opfør dig ordentligt. Høflighed er en dyd på denne tid.- Hold lav profil, hvis borgen kommer under angreb.- Måske er livet på landet alligevel at foretrække. Hold dig langt væk fra borge!“Den utrolige historie om middelalderborge” er en del af en ny børnebogsserie, der henvender sig til læsere i alderen 8-12 år. Bøgerne handler om forskellige store historiske begivenheder, hvor læseren er hovedpersonen i fortællingen. Bogen er skrevet af Jacqueline Morley og illustreret af David Antram. De humoristiske tekster og illustrationer indeholder masser af sjove facts om verdens mange utrolige historier!
Er du klar? Du er født i Japan i “de krigende provinsers tid”.Du bliver oplært i kampteknikken ninjutsu og går på ninjaskole.Inden længe bliver du sendt på din første farlige mission som ninjakriger.Det er med livet som indsats! De vigtigste råd fra eksperterne:- Lyt til din far! Han ved alt, der er værd at vide om din ninjatræning.- Undgå at stille spørgsmål. Nysgerrighed skaber problemer!- Gå altid klædt i sort – eller hvidt hvis det sner. Vær usynlig!- Træn med dine våben dagligt, ellers bliver fjenden bedre end dig! “Den utrolige historie om ninjakrigere” er en del af en ny børnebogsserie, der henvender sig til læsere i alderen 8-12 år. Bøgerne handler om forskellige store historiske begivenheder, hvor læseren er hovedperson i fortællingen. Bogen er oprindeligt skrevet af John Malam og illustreret af David Antram. De humoristiske tekster og illustrationer indeholder masser af sjove facts om verdens mange utrolige historier!
Anden Verdenskrig er den største krig, verden nogensinde har set. Over hele jorden blev byer bombet og soldater skød på hinanden, også i Danmark.Mindst 72 millioner mennesker blev dræbt under krigen. Det svarer til, at du forestiller dig, alle i din klasse blev slået ihjel. Og alle på din skole og alle i din familie og alle i din by og alle i hele Danmark blev slået ihjel – tolv gange hver!Hvordan kunne det ske? Hvorfor gik verdens lande ind i så grusom en krig?Det får du at vide i denne illustrerede fagbog. Du får at vide, hvordan krigen begyndte, hvordan den gik, og hvordan den sluttede. Og til sidst også hvad verdens lande har gjort siden for at undgå nye krige.
Hvem var Lenin og Stalin og hvordan fik de millioner af deres egne borgere til at makke ret?Hvad var det berygtede Jerntæppe, der skilte Østeuropa fra Vesteuropa indtil for ikke så længe siden?Kunne man flyve over det kun bevæbnet med en sovepose, en motorcykelhjelm og et langt belærende brev om at bevare verdensfreden? Eller i en luftballon? Hvordan var det at bo bag det?Hvad spiste den hjemløse hund Lajka, da den blev sendt ud i rummet?Hvad er en spion og kan man begå mord med en paraply?Det og meget mere kan du læse om i denne rigt illustrerede bog af østeuropahistoriker og journalist Vibe Termansen.
Fans of Suzanne Collin's The Hunger Games and Veronica Roth's Divergent series will enjoy this high-octane adventure, with ordinary teens fighting a corrupt world. This dystopian series is based in a future New Zealand. Told from the five different perspectives of the primary cast, the story unfolds with heart-rending courage and gripping action scenes. Set in a time that is not far removed from our own, the authors answer the chilling question of what the world could become, if we don't rally together."We're really going to do it, aren't we," Lizzie said at last. She looked across at me, the flickering fire lighting her eyes with flame. An omen."Yeah. We really are."They never expected a home-coming party. When the teens land back in New Zealand, they're greeted by a ghost-town. The houses, empty. Farms, untended. And their families remain imprisoned. The Prime Minister's soldiers control the nation, patrolling the streets and eliminating any resistance. Alone again, the teens fight to survive. But this time, it's different-they won't let the enemy gain the upper hand. As they plan their biggest attack yet, the teens must rely on each other for strength. Victory is theirs for the taking. But even victory comes at a cost.The second book in the Black Skies series, The Price of Pandemonium is a 'must read'. Buy your copy today.
"Battery D, First Rhode Island Light Artillery, inside the Civil War" by Dr. George C. Sumner is a compelling exploration of a vital army unit's research for the duration of the American Civil War. Dr. Sumner meticulously delves into the historic documents to provide a vibrant and precise account of Battery D, shedding mild on its characteristic, demanding conditions, and contributions to the battle strive. The narrative unfolds with precision, chronicling the unit's engagements, strategies, and the non-public stories of the squaddies who comprised Battery D. Dr. Sumner no longer best gives an extensive-ranging view of the battles in which the battery participated however moreover delves into the lives and sacrifices of the guys who served. The book offers a complete information of the Civil War's effect on Battery D and, by way of manner of extension, the more context of the conflict. Dr. Sumner's artwork are marked by using scholarly rigor and a deep appreciation for historic nuances, making them a beneficial useful resource for both students and fanatics interested by the Civil War generation.
A stunning collaboration between award-winning and bestselling authors Ruta Sepetys and Steve Sheinkin, this middle grade historical adventure follows two siblings at Bletchley Park, the home of WWII codebreakers, as they try to unravel a mystery surrounding their mother’s death.Remember, you are bound by the Official Secrets Act…Summer, 1940. Nineteen-year-old Jakob Novis and his quirky younger sister Lizzie share a love of riddles and puzzles. And now they’re living inside of one. The quarrelsome siblings find themselves amidst one of the greatest secrets of World War II—Britain’s eccentric codebreaking factory at Bletchley Park. As Jakob joins Bletchley’s top minds to crack the Nazi's Enigma cipher, fourteen-year-old Lizzie embarks on a mission to solve the mysterious disappearance of their mother.The Battle of Britain rages and Hitler’s invasion creeps closer. And at the same time, baffling messages and codes arrive on their doorstep while a menacing inspector lurks outside the gates of the Bletchley mansion. Are the messages truly for them, or are they a trap? Could the riddles of Enigma and their mother's disappearance be somehow connected? Jakob and Lizzie must find a way to work together as they race to decipher clues which unravel a shocking puzzle that presents the ultimate challenge: How long must a secret be kept?
In 1941, Darwin is bombed, and the war against the Germans and the Japanese gets alarmingly close. While those in the area are raising money for the war effort with backyard concerts, the kids on Bolton Road have their own ideas about how to help out. Notices around the town warn that loose talk kills. Are spies passing information to the enemies right under their noses? Mable convinces Nancy, Janet, Fred and Lennie that catching spies is the best way to do their part. But will their efforts catch the traitors...or make the kids targets?
Captain Raferty Hawkins, the Duke of Black Hallow and consort to Queen Alexis I, has two big challenges. There is a blood contract out on him and Killian O'Hare. The money is coming from the Aurora Empire, but the operators are near at hand in the Badlands. The second problem is less immediate but has greater consequences for the universe. The Goldenes Tor military is about to overthrow their emperor and enter the war in support of the Orion Confederation against the Aurora Empire. Such an event would mean defeat for the Zekes.The pirate leader decides to focus on the latter problem while letting his allies handle the former problem. His Badlands comrades are used to such situations as someone has been trying to kill them for the majority of their lives. Destiny Flores, Tactical, Baby Doll, and the two hit men, Shelby Pope and Jackson Kemper, make a formidable group regardless of the threat. Now they will search for the people who are administering the contract. Once found, they will be dealt with in the usual way such problems are handled in the Badlands: ruthless violence administered with vengeance.The blood contract is being funded by members of the peerage within the Aurora Empire. These elites know this is their best chance to get Hawkins and O'Hare before these two would-be contemporaries can become forces within Aurora upper society at the war's end. Queen Alexis intends to bring these instigators to justice. Unfortunately for the guilty peers involved, the punishment will not be the usual slap on the wrist reserved for members of the ruling class who stray outside of the law. Alexis loves her consort and has no intention of letting this slide. With the aid of media mogul David Van Drucker, Alex will dish out her own brand of justice. It will not be violent, but it will be just as effective in ending the threat.Meanwhile, Hawkins addresses the bigger problem. If Emperor Viktor Aurick is taken by the traitors within the Goldenes Tor Imperial Staff, the attack on the Aurora Empire would immediately follow. Despite knowing of the attack, the Royal Navy does not have the ships to defeat such a massive onslaught. The longer the emperor stays free, the longer the attack is delayed. The emperor turns to Hawkins for help in retrieving his throne. Hawkins searches for allies to bring to the cause. He is under no illusion that allies will join him to help create a better universe, but they will join for money or other favors that the emperor can grant. Hawkins directs the recruitment of the greedy, the needy, and anyone else with a warship and ordnance for this fight.Captains Killian O'Hare, Shane Delacruz, and Dylan Whitlock do their parts to achieve the goals of Pirate Flotilla One as ongoing missions are concluded and old scores are settled. This may be the last time such an occasion will present itself, and revenge cannot be put off until tomorrow.Old enemies become new allies as a threat that could take them all down must be defeated.
"With gorgeous writing, an adorable romance, complex characters, and a dash of magic, Breaker and the Sun was an incredible novel, one that I'd highly recommend." - Biscotto BooksBreaker Van Winkle is a recently returned Vietnam vet, struggling with PTSD and the difficulties of readjusting to civilian life with his mother.Eighteen-year-old Sunny is a high-achieving Chinese-French immigrant who fled Vietnam during the war. Sunny is usually as cheerful as her name implies, but she has her struggles too. Haunted by violent memories of the bombing that killed her parents, and chafing under the rule of her eccentric grandmother, she finds solace deep in the Catskills, at a place she calls the Ugly Tree.When Breaker stumbles upon Sunny and the Ugly Tree, things start to change. They are drawn to each other, and feel called to the tree. As they spend more time together and their relationship deepens, they notice that their time at the tree is becoming twisted somehow. Sunny's mind yawns and her ambitions begin to slip away. Breaker feels safe and carefree, his memories finally burying themselves in the distant past.They are being lulled toward a tempting, peaceful sleep¿but there is a cost to this magical serenity, and it may be more than either of them can bear...A companion novel to Nora and Kettle, GOLD MEDAL WINNER Independent Book Awards
ALL IT TAKES...Shame.That's what Tarek and his family have to live with. They don't belong in Myanmar. He and the other Rohingya are parasites. They're foreigners, unwanted.At least, that's what the government wants everyone to believe.But Tarek's family can't leave the life they struggled to build for themselves. Myanmar is their rightful home. Even if they have to live with the ridicule and discrimination, at least they have a home. At least they have each other.And then the rumble comes...and it will stop at nothing to tear everything apart.IS A SINGLE GUNSHOT.Hatred.That's what Kan feels toward them. They've infested his country, the country he would die for. All he wants is to see the life slipping from a Rohingya's eyes, his hands around their throat.Kan has to remind himself to be patient. He has to wait until he's a soldier in the army, ready for action. And that day is finally here. He's been accepted. He's going to live the life he's always dreamed of - serving his country.But then the red takes over...and he can't stop it.
Billy has just been picked to play for Chelsea when WWII breaks out . . . Master storyteller Michael Morpurgo weaves a powerful tale of triumph and tragedy on the pitch and off it.
With Kitchener in the Soudan is a gripping tale of adventure and heroism set during the Mahdist War in Sudan in the late 19th century. The book follows the exploits of a young English lad, who joins the British army and takes part in some of the most important battles of the campaign. This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.
Under overskrifter som Stænder, En middelalderby, Markedsdag, Håndværk, Sundhed og sygdom, Frue og tjenestefolk, Ridderlighed, Ridderlegender, Borgbyggeri, Korstog m.fl. får man en masse at vide. En kort oplysende tekst om temaet supplerer de detaljerede tegninger med et mylder af situationer, genstande og nye ord. Man kan bruge mange timer – sammen eller hver for sig – med at lede efter forskellige figurer, som gemmer sig på hvert opslag, samtidig med at man får noget at vide om håndværk, mad og dagligliv i middelalderen. UNDERHOLDENDENDE OG LÆRERIG BILLEDORDBOG om dagliglivet i middelalderen med mange ting at kigge på og snakke om.
Have you ever wondered what life was like over seventy-five years ago during World War 2? Was everyone in the world fighting? And why?
Experience the epic Battle of Lepanto like never before in this beautifully illustrated edition of G.K. Chesterton's timeless poem. Set sail with the valiant Don John and witness the clash of civilizations in the heart of the Mediterranean. Vividly brought to life in painterly illustrations, the pages of Lepanto are alive with stunning imagery that captures the grandeur, heroism, and spiritual depth of Chesterton's masterpiece. From the thundering cannons to the billowing sails, every detail leaps off the page, inviting readers to embark on a visual odyssey through history.Chesterton's powerful verses resonate today as much as 100 years ago when they were written, revealing the enduring significance of this legendary naval battle. This illustrated edition of "Lepanto" is a testament to the enduring power of art and verse to stir the hearts of readers, young and old alike.Dive into this captivating fusion of literature and art, and immerse yourself in the glory and valor of "Lepanto" as never before. A collector's treasure and a captivating journey through a pivotal moment in history, this book is sure to leave an indelible mark on your heart and soul.LibertasKids.com
Discover Series Books for Babies & Toddlers Shiny! Does your child like to channel his or her inner raccoon, gravitating to anything and everything shiny? Kids will discover a world of metal including everything from motorcycles to hex nuts to kitchen faucets and more. Used as a jumpstart for interaction, Discover Series Picture Books are a great way to introduce new images, words and concepts to kids.
Discover Series Books for Babies & Toddlers Is your child fascinated with the armed forces? Want to share a family history of patriotism and service? MILITARY (Book 2) is the second in a series of picture books featuring photographs of objects from the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines. Used as a jumpstart for interaction, Discover Series Picture Books are a great way to introduce new images, words and concepts to kids.
Do your children constantly pretend to be pirates? Knights? Are the foam and plastic swords starting to wear out and the kids are begging for fencing lessons? This (significantly safer) Discover Series title features 24-full color images of weapons from around the world. Used as a jumpstart for interaction, Discover Series Picture Books are a great way to introduce new images, words and concepts to kids.
"Born in a society where her powers have fallen out of favor due to the rise of the Silent Gods, Lady Charlotte Sand faces political turmoil and an impending threat as Captain Luc de Montaigne seeks to collect the magic hearts of dormant Guardians, leading to a forbidden attraction and a choice between victory and personal sacrifice"--
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