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Fagbøger for børn og unge: jura, politi og kriminalitet

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  • af Holly Jackson
    122,95 kr.

    #1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • From the author of the multimillion-copy bestselling A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder series comes a new blockbuster thriller about a road trip that turns deadly. Eight hours. Six friends. Five survive.Red Kenny is on a road trip for spring break with five friends: Her best friend - the older brother - his perfect girlfriend - a secret crush - a classmate - and a killer. When their RV breaks down in the middle of nowhere with no cell service, they soon realize this is no accident. They have been trapped by someone out there in the dark, someone who clearly wants one of them dead.With eight hours until dawn, the six friends must escape, or figure out which of them is the target. But is there a liar among them? Buried secrets will be forced to light and tensions inside the RV will reach deadly levels. Not all of them will survive the night. . . . With edge-of-your-seat tension and a gripping mystery, Holly Jackson has written another instant classic!

  • af Lars Buurgaard Sørensen, Allan Schmidt & Martin Olsgaard
    237,95 kr.

    Med denne bog ”Tvangsfjernelse og bortadoption af børn og unge i praksis” får forældre, børn og unge - og andre med interesse for emnet - en praktisk og lettilgængelig indføring i et område, der ellers kan være svært at få et overblik over. Samtidig øser de tre forfattere ud af deres viden om hvordan en sag bedst håndteres. Deres mangeårige erfaring både indenfor og udenfor murene i kommuner, ankestyrelsen og ved domstolene skinner klart igennem. Der gives masser af gode råd, vejledning og staldtips til både hvad man skal gøre og måske ikke gøre undervejs i en sag. Noget som de fleste klart vil kunne bruge i deres egen sag, hvis bogen læses i den sammenhæng. Sager om tvangsfjernelser og bortadoption er voldsomt indgribende ikke kun for de direkte involverede, men for hele familien og omgangskredsen, hvorfor den oplagt også kan benyttes mere bredt. Bogen er en opfølger på Lars Buurgaard Sørensens bog fra 2018 med titlen ”Tvangsfjernelse af børn og unge i praksis”. De øvrige forfattere Martin Olsgaard og Allan Schmidt har sat deres tydelige præg på bogen, bl.a. sådan at den nu også kan anvendes i forhold til at blive klogere på sager om bortadoption og sager omfattet af ungdomskriminalitetsnævnet. Med denne bog er man klædt bedre på til mødet med kommunens sagsbehandlere og andre af de professionelle, som man typisk støder på. De mest vigtige lovregler på området er medtaget, så man altid har dem ved hånden. Jeg kan varmt anbefale den nye bog, som altid er god at have ved sig, uanset hvor man befinder sig i et sagsforløb. Morten Boas Therkildsen, advokatSpeciale i børnesagerMøderet for Landsret

    64,95 kr.

    Hvad kan man lave i børnehaven? Er der ting, man kan lege med? Får man noget at spise? Og hvad sker der, når man har fødselsdag?Det og meget mere kan du læse om i denne bog.Læselarven er en ny serie af små vedkommende billedbøger.

    64,95 kr.

    Hvad sker der, når man ringer 112? Og hvad laver brandmændene på brandstationen, når der ikke er udrykning? Og laver de mon andet end at slukke ildebrande? Det og meget mere kan du læse om i denne bog.Læselarven er en ny serie af små vedkommende billedbøger.

  • - Barnets lov 2024
    af Lars Buurgaard Sørensen, Advokaterne Martin Olsgaard & Kristian Korshøj Jørgensen
    117,95 kr.

    Anmeldelse af bogen:2024 er et skelsættende år inden for det lovområde, der har med tvangsfjernelser af børn at gøre. Alle brikker i puslespillet er blevet kastet op i luften af Folketinget, og ud af det er kommet ”Barnets Lov”. Nye regler er indført og eksisterende regler er ændret. Alt det - og meget mere - kommer ind på i deres nye bog ”Tvangsfjernelse og bortadoption - Barnets Lov 2024”. De tre forfattere - eller musketerer har jeg nær sagt - har heldigvis valgt at fastholde den overordnede systematik i bogen fra de to tidligere bøger fra 2018 og 2021. Så hvis man allerede kender dem, vil det være ekstra nemt at lære alt det nye at kende.Det er lykkedes forfatterne at undgå alt for meget juristsprog, sådan at alle kan være med. Igen er de vigtigste lovregler taget med, så man har det hele ved hånden. Bogen er god at have med når man mødes med sagsbehandlere og andre professionelle, der er blevet efteruddannet og har været på kurser i de nye regler. Du undgår at blive løbet om hjørner med og kommer faktisk på rimelig omdrejningshøjde med viden og indsigt. Der er kommet endnu flere gode råd og anbefalinger til, som du kan bruge undervejs i en sag, uanset hvilket stade den befinder sig på, før under eller efter en tvangsfjernelse. Selv professionelle vil kunne få noget ud af at læse bogen - om ikke andet så for få indsigt i forældreperspektivet og i de problemer og udfordringer, som fylder meget for de berørte familier i bred forstand, herunder også bedsteforældre og andre nære slægtninge. Også unge anbragte vil få meget ud af at læse bogen. Unge, der er fyldt 15 år, har de samme rettigheder som forældre. Jeg giver bogen mine allerbedste anbefalinger og synes, at det er på sin plads at rose forfatterne for at bogen ”sælges” til en pris, der kun dækker udgifterne til bogens fremstilling og udgivelse. Mange forældre til anbragte børn og unge har ikke for mange penge på kistebunden. Morten Boas Therkildsen, advokat. Speciale i børnesager. Møderet for begge landsretter.

  • af Holly Jackson
    217,95 kr.

    "Originally published in paperback by Egmont UK Ltd, London, in 2019."

  • af Julia Donaldson
    92,95 - 177,95 kr.

    Life is not safe for the other animals, as the villainous Highway Rat gallops along the highway, stealing their food. Clover from a rabbit; nuts from a squirrel - he even steals his own horse's hay. Then he meets his comeuppance, in the form of a cunning duck. A fabulous, rollicking rhyme, in the style of the Alfred Noyes poem, 'The Highwayman'.

  • af Simone Nettingsmeier
    64,95 kr.

    Hvad gør politiet, hvis der sket et trafikuheld? Eller nogen der bryder ind i et hus? Eller hvis nogen er forsvundet, eller en forbryder stikker af? Det og meget mere kan du læse om i denne bog.Læselarven er en ny serie af små vedkommende billedbøger.

  • af Amanda DeWitt
    142,95 kr.

    What happens in Vegas when an all-asexual online friend group attempts to break into a high-stakes gambling club? Shenanigans ensue.Some people join chess club, some people play football. Jack Shannon runs a secret blackjack ring in his private school’s basement. What else is the son of a Las Vegas casino mogul supposed to do? Everything starts falling apart when Jack’s mom is arrested for their family’s ties to organized crime. His sister Beth thinks this is the Shannon family’s chance to finally go straight, but Jack knows that something’s not right. His mom was sold out, and he knows by who. Peter Carlevaro: rival casino owner, mobster, and jilted lover. Gross. Jack hatches a plan to break into Carlevaro’s inner sanctum and find what he’s holding over his mom’s head, but Jack’s going to need help. He recruits his closest friends, his online asexual support group, to form his team. All he needs to do is infiltrate a secret high stakes gambling club, save his mom, and dodge any dark secrets about his family he’d rather not know, while hopelessly navigating what it means to be in love while asexual. Easy, right?

  • af Mindy McGinnis
    122,95 - 175,95 kr.

  • af Nancy Springer
    92,95 kr.

  • af Nancy Springer
    102,95 kr.

  • af Nancy Springer
    102,95 kr.

  • af Angie Thomas
    105,95 - 192,95 kr.

    214,95 kr.

    Where Daddy Lives tells the story of a child going to visit his father in prison. After seeing his father, he has many emotions, including sadness and anger. His mom helps him process his emotions by teaching him coping skills and showing him and his little sister pictures of their father.Written by a professional counselor and child of an incarcerated parent, Where Daddy Lives guides children on what they can expect while visiting their incarcerated parent and how they can manage and cope with their parent's physical absence.

  • af Jill Hathaway
    197,95 kr.

    The story of Vee Bell continues in this thrilling follow-up to Jill Hathaway's slide.Vee's gift (or curse) of "sliding"?slipping into the mind of another person and experiencing life, briefly, through his or her eyes?has been somewhat under control since she unwillingly witnessed the horrific deaths of her classmates six months ago. But just as things are getting back to normal?and her relationship with her best friend, Rollins, is heating up?Vee has a bizarre experience: She loses consciousness and finds herself in a deserted area, at the edge of a cliff, staring down at the lifeless body of the boy who had taken advantage of her last year. As Vee finds herself in stranger and stranger situations with no memory of getting there, she begins to suspect that someone else she knows has the ability to slide. And this "slider" is using Vee to exact revenge.

  • af Harlan Coben
    132,95 kr.

    From internationally bestselling author Harlan Coben comes this third action-packed installment of his bestselling Mickey Bolitar series. As mysterious clues continue to surface, Mickey is determined to uncover the truth about his father's death. Was it accidental? Murder? Or is he in fact still alive? With the help of his Uncle Myron and loyal friends, Spoon and Ema, Mickey unravels the mysteries of the Abeona Shelter and the elusive "Butcher of Lodz"-all while trying to navigate the ins and outs of everyday life in high school. "This third Mickey Bolitar mystery starts at a swift pace and never lets up."-Booklist

  • af James L Swanson
    217,95 kr.

    An astonishing account of the assassination of America's most beloved and celebrated civil rights leader, Martin Luther King, by NY Times bestselling author, James L. Swanson.NAACP Image Award NomineeChicago Public Library Best Book of the YearKirkus Reviews Best Young Adult Book of the Year* "[James L. Swanson's] masterful work... reveals, in gripping style, how one individual can impact history." --Booklist, starred reviewIn his meteoric, thirteen-year rise to fame, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. led a mass movement for Civil Rights -- with his relentless peaceful, non-violent protests, public demonstrations, and eloquent speeches. But as violent threats cast a dark shadow over Dr. King's life, Swanson hones in on James Earl Ray, a bizarre, racist, prison escapee who tragically ends King's life.As he did in his bestselling Scholastic MG/YA books Chasing LIncoln's Killer and "THE PRESIDENT HAS BEEN SHOT!", Swanson transports readers back to one of the most shocking, sad, and terrifying events in American history.Over 80 photographs, captions, bibliography, various source notes, and index included.

  • af Noah Berlatsky
    356,95 kr.

    Editor Noah Berlatsky has compiled essays from international sources in order to provide your readers with a global perspective on sexual violence. Readers will evaluate the relationship between sexual violence and women, children, migration, and political violence. Primary sources, including speeches and government documents, join compelling essays that will intrigue your readers and activate their critical thinking skills.

  • af Margaret Haerens
    356,95 kr.

    This essential volume examines the institution of mixed marriages in different global locations, cultures, and social climates. Readers will explore the trends of mixed marriage, the factors that influence the prevalence of mixed marriage, barriers to mixed marriage, and some consequences of mixed marriage. Essays cycle through several world locations, exposing readers to culturally based issues or stories of mixed marriage. England, Canada, Malaysia, Japan, Ireland, India, Bosnia, Serbia, Russia, and United Arab Emirates are just a few of the locations that essays explore.

  • af Noël Merino
    359,95 kr.

    Examines the issue of social justice and equality from a variety of international perspectives.

  • af Margaret Haerens
    357,95 kr.

    This book explores trends in juvenile crime in countries worldwide. Readers will explore the causes and risk factors associated with youth crime. This book also addresses the differences among nations' juvenile justice systems, and the varying ways reform is handled around the world. Primary sources and essays from international sources offer a truly panoramic view. Are British rates of girl game crime exploding? Do Palestinian girls turn to crime to escape family trouble? Should Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Sudan end their juvenile death penalty? Hard-hitting questions like these are answered in this must-have volume.

  • af Margaret Haerens
    356,95 kr.

    "Genocide: Global Viewpoints examines current, often controversial, topics of worldwide interest and importance from a variety of international perspectives"--

  • af Margaret Haerens
    357,95 kr.

    Discusses trends in human trafficking, factors contributing to human trafficking and strategies to reduce the problem.

  • af Elizabeth Rusch
    217,95 kr.

    "The gripping inside story of the ongoing landmark lawsuit, Juliana v. United States, brought against the US government by twenty-one young people"--

  • af Sandra Neil Wallace
    197,95 kr.

  • af Chris Bradford
    107,95 kr.

    A new action-packed adventure series for young fans of Alex Rider and Jason Bourne--with the first four books publishing simultaneously. Binge read for summer!Teenage kickboxing champion Connor Reeves is determined to do his father, a former special forces soldier, proud. Recruited into the ranks of a top-secret young bodyguard squad known as Guardian, Connor trains in surveillance, anti-ambush exercises, hostage survival and unarmed combat. Whatever it takes to prepare him for the dangerous missions ahead.But nothing can prepare Connor for his first assignment when the US president summons him to protect the First Daughter. For not even the Secret Service knows that a terrorist sleeper cell has been activated in America. Its mission: to take the president's daughter hostage.Combining pulse-pounding action, diabolical enemies, and an insider's knowledge of the tricks of the trade, the BODYGUARD series is the perfect target for fans of Alex Rider, James Bond, 24, and Jason Bourne.Praise for BODYGUARD"Breathtaking action . . . as real as it gets."-Eoin Colfer, author of the bestselling Artemis Fowl series"The training sequences are detailed and realistic, and Connor is relatable and likable. Featuring intense action sequences and strong friendships, this series starter will appeal to reluctant readers and fans of the 'Alex Rider' books."-School Library Journal on Recruit

  • af Noah Berlatsky
    356,95 kr.

    Examines the issue of cybercrime from a variety of international perspectives.

  • af Gennifer Choldenko
    102,95 kr.

    Alcatraz Island in the 1930s isn't the most normal place to grow up, but it's home for Moose Flanagan, his autistic sister, Natalie, and all the families of the guards. When Moose's dad gets promoted to Associate Warden, despite being an unlikely candidate, it's a big deal. But the cons have a point system for targeting prison employees, and his dad is now in serious danger. After a fire starts in the Flanagan's apartment, Natalie is blamed, and Moose bands with the other kids to track down the possible arsonist. Then Moose gets a cryptic note from the notorious Al Capone himself. Is Capone trying to protect Moose's dad too? If Moose can't figure out what Capone's note means, it may be too late.The last heart-pounding installment in the New York Times bestselling, Newbery Honor-winning Alcatraz trilogy is not to be missed!"Superlative historical fiction." -- School Library Journal (starred review for Al Capone Shines My Shoes)

  • af Stefan Petrucha
    112,95 kr.

    Panic grips the city! There is a killer loose in New York City, and Carver Young is the only one who sees the startling connection between the recent string of murders and the most famous serial killer in history: Jack the Ripper. Time is winding down until the killer claims another victim, but Carver soon sees that, to The Ripper, this is all a game that he may be destined to lose. "Petrucha's story hits the ground running and doesn't let up…"-Publisher's Weekly "A rollicking story full of cannot-put-it-down twists an turns." -VOYA "A well-crafted romp through yesteryear's New York." -Kirkus Reviews

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