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  • af Ole Sønnichsen
    164,95 kr.

    Hvem er den største fodboldnørd i familien, når det handler om fodboldlandsholdet? Det kan I få svar på nu derhjemme, for her er 1.000 spørgsmål helt tilbage fra dengang, hvor stjernerne hed Lerby, Arnesen og Elkjær og frem til i dag, hvor de hedder Mæhle, Damsgaard og Schmeichel – og du skal ikke være bange for ikke at kunne svare, for der er er svarmuligheder til alle spørgsmål – Må den største nørd vinde!   Fra 6 år

  • af Reem Faruqi
    107,95 - 165,95 kr.

  • af Else Roesdahl, Pauline Asingh, Søren M. Sindbæk, mfl.
    163,95 kr.

    Vikingernes rejser i øst har stået i skyggen af togterne mod vest i vores fælles bevidsthed, selvom forskningen faktisk har beskæftiget sig med emnet i mange år. Takket være indlån af genstande fra museer i blandt andet Ukraine præsenterer Moesgaard Museum en ny fortælling, som forandrer og nuancerer vores forståelse af vikingerne. Bogen Rus – vikinger i øst inviterer læseren på en rejse gennem 250 års skelsættende historie, da vikinger fra Sydskandinavien krydser Østersøen og trænger ind i det østeuropæiske flodnet mod datidens supermagter Det Byzantinske Rige og Abbasidekalifatet ved Det Kaspiske Hav. Sølvfeberen raser over kontinentet og gør handel lukrativ. Andre skandinaver søger rigdom og ære som lejesoldater i verdensbyen Konstantinopel. 'Rusvikinger' bliver en betegnelse for de rejsende på floderne i Østeuropa, et multikulturelt folk, som blander skandinaviske, slaviske, finske og steppenomadiske traditioner, etablerer handelsstationer langs floderne og grundlægger det mægtige Kyiv-Rusrige i det nuværende Ukraine. Et stykke europæisk verdenshistorie.Bogen er udgivet i forbindelse med Moesgaard Museums anmelderroste særudstilling, Rus – vikinger i øst, med bidrag fra internationale vikingetidsforskere, men kan læses som en selvstændig introduktion til emnet. Udgivelsen er redigeret af leder for udstillingsudvikling Pauline Asingh, historiker Kasper H. Andersen og redaktør ved Jysk Arkæologisk Selskab Kristian Jensen.

  • af Malinda Lo
    192,95 kr.

    Last Night at the Telegraph Club author Malinda Lo returns to the Bay Area with another masterful queer coming-of-age story, this time set against the backdrop of the first major Supreme Court decisions legalizing gay marriage. Aria Tang West was looking forward to a summer on Martha’s Vineyard with her best friends—one last round of sand and sun before college. But after a graduation party goes wrong, Aria’s parents exile her to California to stay with her grandmother, artist Joan West. Aria expects boredom, but what she finds is Steph Nichols, her grandmother’s gardener. Soon, Aria is second-guessing who she is and what she wants to be, and a summer that once seemed lost becomes unforgettable—for Aria, her family, and the working-class queer community Steph introduces her to. It’s the kind of summer that changes a life forever.And almost sixty years after the end of Last Night at the Telegraph Club, A Scatter of Light also offers a glimpse into Lily and Kath’s lives since 1955.

  • af Laura Ingalls Wilder
    727,95 kr.

    The set includes: Little House in the Big Woods, Little House on the Prairie, Farmer Boy, On the Banks of Plum Creek, By the Shores of Silver Lake, The Long Winter, Little Town on the Prairie, These Happy Golden Years, and The First Four Years. Little House in the Big WoodsWolves and panthers and bears roam the deep Wisconsin woods in the late 1870's. In those same woods, Laura lives with Pa and Ma, and her sisters, Mary and Baby Carrie, in a snug little house built of logs. Pa hunts and traps. Ma makes her own cheese and butter. All night long, the wind howls lonesomely, but Pa plays the fiddle and sings, keeping the family safe and cozy.Little House on the PrairiePa Ingalls decides to sell the little log house, and the family sets out for Indian country! They travel from Wisconsin to Kansas, and there, finally, Pa builds their little house on the prairie. Sometimes farm life is difficult, even dangerous, but Laura and her family are kept busy and are happy with the promise of their new life on the prairie.Farmer BoyWhile Laura Ingalls grows up in a little house on the western prairie, Almanzo Wilder is living on a big farm in New York State. Almanzo and his brother and sisters work at their chores from dawn to supper most days -- no matter what the weather. There is still time for fun, though, especially with the horses, which Almanzo loves more than anything.On the Banks of Plum CreekLaura's family's first home in Minnesota is made of sod, but Pa builds a clean new house made of sawed lumber beside Plum Creek. The money for materials will come from their first wheat crop. Then, just before the wheat is ready to harvest, a strange glittering cloud fills the sky, blocking out the sun. Soon millions of grasshoppers cover the field and everything on the farm. In a week's time, there is no wheat crop left at all.By the Shores of Silver LakePa Ingalls heads west to the unsettled wilderness of the Dakota Territory. When Ma, Mary, Laura, Carrie, and baby Grace join him, they become the first settlers in the town of De Smet. And Pa begins work on the first building in what will soon be a brand-new town on the shores of Silver Lake.The Long WinterThe first terrible storm comes to the barren prairie in October. Then it snows almost without stopping until April. Snow has reached the rooftops, and no trains can get through with food or coal. The people of De Smet are starving, including Laura's family, who wonder how they're going to make it through this terrible winter. It is young Almanzo Wilder who finally understands what needs to be done. He must save the town, even if it means risking his own life.Little Town on the PrairieThe long winter is over. With spring come socials, parties, and "Literaries." There is also work to be done. Laura spends many hours each day sewing shirts to help send Mary to a college for the blind. But in the evenings, Laura makes time for a new caller, Almanzo Wilder.These Happy Golden Years Laura is teaching school, and it's terrifying! Most of the students are taller than she is, and she must sleep away from home for the first time. Laura is miserable, but the money is needed to keep Mary in a college for the blind. And every Friday -- no matter what the weather -- Almanzo Wilder arrives to take Laura home to her family for the weekend. Laura and Almanzo are courting, and even though she's not yet sixteen, she knows that this is a time for new beginnings.The First Four YearsLaura and Almanzo Wilder have just been married! Their life on a small prairie homestead begins with high hopes. But each year seems to bring unexpected disasters -- storms, sickness, fire, and unpaid debts. These first four years call for courage, strength, and a great deal of determination. Always, though, there is love, especially for the newest member of the family -- baby Rose.

  • af Dr. Seuss
    177,95 kr.

    "Originally published in a slightly different form by Random House Children's Books, a division of Penguin Random House LLC, New York, in 1957"--Copyright page.

  • af Tahereh Mafi
    125,95 - 195,95 kr.

  • af Brandon Sanderson
    212,95 kr.

    The #1 New York Times bestseller from Brandon Sanderson, the author of Oathbringer, coauthor of Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time series, and creator of the internationally bestselling Mistborn trilogy. And don't miss the rest of the Reckoners series: Firefight and Calamity. How far would you go for revenge if someone killed your father? If someone destroyed your city? If everything you ever loved was taken from you? David Charleston will go to any lengths to stop Steelheart. But to exact revenge in Steelheart's world, David will need the Reckonersa shadowy group of rebels bent on maintaining justice. And it turns out that the Reckoners might just need David too. Look for book two in the Reckoners series, Firefight, available now.Praise for the Reckoners series #1 New York Times Bestselling Series ';Another win for Sanderson . . . he's simply a brilliant writer. Period.' Patrick Rothfuss, author of the New York Times and USA Today bestseller The Name of the Wind ';Action-packed.' ';Compelling. . . . Sanderson uses plot twists that he teases enough for readers to pick up on to distract from the more dramatic reveals he has in store.' The A.V. Club

  • af Herta J. Enevoldsen
    63,94 - 227,95 kr.

    Under den voldsomme brænd i København i 1728 bliver to små tvillingedrenge adskilt. Den ene dreng vokser op på kongens slot, mens den anden forsvinder i armene på en sigøjnerkvinde. Sigøjnerdrengen Pietro vokser op uden at kende til sin fortid, og i 12 år flakkker han rundt i Europa med sin adoptivfamilie. Livet som sigøjner er hårdt, og Pietro, der aldrig helt er faldet til blandt gruppen, må gå for lud og koldt vand. Kun enkelte blandt sigøjnerne behandler ham med kærlige hænder, og da hans adoptivmor, den gamle sigøjnerkvinde, der reddede ham fra branden, pludseligt dør, flygter Pietro sammen med sin hund fra gruppen. Han slår følge med vandringsmanden Spille-Mathis, men livet på landevejen er heller ikke nemt, for overalt mødes de med foragt og mistro. Pietros tvillingebror, Christian Ulrich, er vokset op på dronningens slot, Clausholm, og en dag mødes de to drenge i skoven. Men vil omverdenen tro på Pietros historie?Første bind i serien om tvillingerne Pietro og ChristianHerta J. Enevoldsen (1915-1997) er en dansk forfatter og debuterede i bogform i 1972 med "København brænder", men havde inden da fået udgivet utallige noveller i ugeblade som f.eks. Hjemmet. Hendes romaner om store figurer i verdenshistorien, hvor romantik og historieskrivning går hånd i hånd, skaffede hende hurtigt en stor læserskare og cementerede hendes plads som en af Danmarks største børnebogsforfattere.

  • - i gamle dage
    af Peter H. Petersen
    197,95 kr.

    Mange børn interesserer sig for landbrug, men de færreste kender til livet på landet i gamle dage eller til den spirende mekanisering dengang. Denne bog formidler og levendegør den landbokultur, de fleste af os har rødder i. Markerne dyrkes med den tids maskiner og redskaber, i staldene har man de gamle danske dyreracer, og i køkkenet laves der mad på et brændekomfur. Vi er desuden med, når der høstes, når grisen skal slagtes, fårene klippes, og når børn og voksne samler kartofler op i efterårsferien. Stemningsfulde billeder og let tekst til højtlæsning eller selvlæsning. Fra 4 år.

  • af Ludwig Bemelmans
    107,95 - 212,95 kr.

    Winner of the Caldecott Medal"In an old house in Paristhat was covered with vineslived twelve little girlsin two straight linesthe smallest one was Madeline." Nothing frightens Madeline-not tigers, not even mice. With its endearing, courageous heroine, cheerful humor, and wonderful, whimsical drawings of Paris, the Madeline stories are true classics that continue to charm readers even after 75 years!When Madeline falls into the river Seine and nearly drowns, a courageous canine comes to her rescue. Now Genevieve the dog is Madeline's cherished pet, and the envy of all the other girls. What can be done when there's just not enough hound to go around?Ludwig Bemelmans (1898-1962) was the author of the beloved Madeline books, including Madeline, a Caldecott Honor Book, and Madeline's Rescue, winner of the Caldecott Medal.

  • af Sigurd Barrett
    123,95 - 142,95 kr.

    Ved sin nytårstale 2023 overraskede Dronning Margrethe hele landets befolkning, da hun meddelte sin abdikation. Efter 52 på tronen gav hun nu roret videre til sin søn, Kronprins Frederik. SIGURD FORTÆLLER OM DANMARKS NYE KONGE udkommer i anledning af tronskiftet og fortæller både om kongefamilien, om vores tidligere dronning gennem fem årtier og om selve tronskiftet. Om de mange ceremonier, om kongens mange opgaver og om selve personen Hans Majestæt Kong Frederik den 10.. Hvad vil det egentlig sige at være konge? Hvad laver en konge til daglig? Og hvad er det for en konge, vi har fået?Bogen henvender sig til det store familiepublikum, børn, forældre og bedsteforældre. Den står på skuldrene af Sigurds bestsellere SIGURD FORTÆLLER DANMARKSHISTORIE og SIGURD FORTÆLLER OM KONGERÆKKEN.

  • - En guide til piger om at få den første menstruation
    af Laura Grubb
    165,95 kr.

    Er du en ung pige, som netop har fået din første menstruation - eller er den lige på trapperne? Så vil jeg sige til dig: Tillykke! Ja, jeg mener det. Din menstruationscyklus er din indgang til livet som kvinde, og den kan hjælpe og støtte dig igennem livet. Hvis du altså forstår den. Det vil den her guide hjælpe dig med. Du vil efter at have læst bogen opleve et sundere og mere naturligt perspektiv på din menstruationscyklus. Du vil sandsynligvis blive fascineret over, hvor meget potentiale der ligger i din cyklus, og hvilken styrke den giver dig som kvinde. Det kan styrke dig resten af livet, hvor du kan leve uden skam og bekymringer omkring din menstruationscyklus. Din menstruationscyklus er dit femte vitale sundhedstegn og lige så vigtigt at holde øje med som dit blodtryk og din temperatur. Den her bog vil vise dig, hvordan du gør det, så du kan få et styrket forhold til din nye kvindekrop. I bogen vil du bl.a. lære om: • Hvad menstruation er, og hvorfor man får det • De fire faser i cyklussen og hvad du kan bruge det til • Hvad der sker i puberteten for piger og drenge • Råd til hvad du kan gøre ved problemer med cyklussen som fx menstruationssmerter og PMS • Hvordan du laver dit første menstruationsritual Guiden henvender sig til piger, forældre og undervisere af piger og drenge. Laura Grubb, cand.soc, har undervist i kvindens menstruationscyklus siden 2015. Hun er passioneret for at bryde tabuet om menstruationscyklussen og vise unge piger og kvinder, hvordan de kan gøre cyklussen til en fordel og styrke fremfor en hæmsko med smerter, ubehag og psykiske gener. Laura Grubb har medvirket i artikler og indslag om menstruationscyklussen og hormoner hos DR, Politiken, Femina, Alt For Damerne, Psykologi, Tv2 Lorry.

  • af Zachary Zane
    137,95 - 195,95 kr.

    A sex and relationship columnist bares it all in a series of essays¿part memoir, part manifestöthat explore the author's coming-of-age and coming out as a bisexual man and move toward embracing and celebrating sex unencumbered by shame

  • af Ava Reid
    187,95 kr.

    "Achingly atmospheric and beautifully sharp, A Study in Drowning will draw you in from the first page." --Rory Power, New York Times bestselling author of Wilder Girls Bestselling author Ava Reid makes her YA debut in this dark academic fantasy perfect for fans of Melissa Albert and Elana K. Arnold.Effy Sayre has always believed in fairy tales. Haunted by visions of the Fairy King since childhood, she's had no choice. Her tattered copy of Angharad--Emrys Myrddin's epic about a mortal girl who falls in love with the Fairy King, then destroys him--is the only thing keeping her afloat. So when Myrddin's family announces a contest to redesign the late author's estate, Effy feels certain it's her destiny.But musty, decrepit Hiraeth Manor is an impossible task, and its residents are far from welcoming. Including Preston Héloury, a stodgy young literature scholar determined to expose Myrddin as a fraud. As the two rivals piece together clues about Myrddin's legacy, dark forces, both mortal and magical, conspire against them--and the truth may bring them both to ruin.Part historical fantasy, part rivals-to-lovers romance, part Gothic mystery, and all haunting, dreamlike atmosphere, Ava Reid's powerful YA debut will lure in readers who loved The Atlas Six, House of Salt and Sorrows, or Girl, Serpent, Thorn.

  • af Abbie Emmons
    212,95 - 307,95 kr.

  • af Adam Silvera
    177,95 - 244,95 kr.

  • af Nona Willis Aronowitz & Rebel Girls
    145,95 - 377,95 kr.

    The Confidence Code for Girls meets The Care & Keeping of You in this bold, bighearted book about growing up with unshakable confidence.Puberty comes with a lot of changes for girls today. There's the thrilling stuff: making friends, discovering their superpowers, and finding their voices. Then there are the not-so-fun parts: body changes, school stress, and totally understandable social anxiety. It's enough to make a Rebel Girl's head spin! That's where we come in.Filled with helpful advice, Q&As between experts and girls around the world, and fun quizzes, Growing Up Powerful has the inside scoop on all things girlhood, and gives tweens and teens the tools they need to become their most confident selves.

  • af Jane Austen
    88,94 - 157,95 kr.

  • af Micol Ostow
    155,95 kr.

    Take a walk down memory lane with the Gilmore Girls as they reminisce on the moments that made Stars Hollow the perfect home for a young mother and daughter. Full-color illustrations as charming as the town square, and sweet memories appropriate for fans of all ages, bring the Gilmore Girls to a new generation.Lorelai and Rory recall when they first arrived in Stars Hollow in search of a welcoming home and community. In this delightfully illustrated picture book, pivotal moments in Lorelai’s and Rory’s lives are revisited. See the sweet potting shed behind the Independence Inn where the Girls made their home, experience how Rory and Lane first met, and celebrate the seasons with the whole community of Stars Hollow. THE GILMORE GIRLS’ FAVORITE MEMORIES: Learn for the first time how Lorelai and Rory were embraced by the town of Stars Hollow FOR FANS OF ALL AGES: The memories of a young mother and her daughter seeking a welcoming home and community are depicted with warmth and charm appropriate for all ages OLD FRIENDS, MEMORABLE MOMENTS: Filled with fan-favorite characters including Miss Patty, Luke, Sookie, and more BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED: Original full-color illustrations bring the town and residents of Stars Hollow to life like never before FOR MOTHER’S DAY AND EVERY DAY: This book is a perfect gift for Mother’s Day or for a quiet bedtime story any night of the year

  • af Tricia Levenseller
    122,95 - 165,95 kr.

  • af E K Johnston
    165,95 kr.

    "New York Times bestselling author E. K. Johnston, author of the Queens series starring Padme Amidala, brings fans an untold story about Qi'ra, portrayed by Emilia Clarke in Star Wars: A Solo Story."--

  • af Elizabeth Lim
    164,95 kr.

    NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • From the critically acclaimed author of SIX CRIMSON CRANES comes a fantasy tale of two sisters—one as beautiful as the other is monstrous—who must fight to save each other when a betrothal contest gone wrong unleashes an evil that could sever their bond forever!One sister must fall for the other to rise.Channi was not born a monster. But when her own father offers her in sacrifice to the Demon Witch, she is forever changed. Cursed with a serpent’s face, Channi is the exact opposite of her beautiful sister, Vanna—the only person in the village who looks at Channi and doesn’t see a monster. The only person she loves and trusts.Now at seventeen, Vanna is to be married off in a vulgar contest that will enrich the coffers of the village leaders. Only Channi, who’s had to rely on her strength and cunning all these years, can defend her sister against the cruelest of the suitors. But in doing so, she becomes the target of his wrath—launching a grisly battle royale, a quest over land and sea, a romance between sworn enemies, and a choice that will strain Channi’s heart to its breaking point.Weaving together elements of The Selection and Ember in the Ashes with classic tales like Beauty and the Beast, Helen of Troy, and Asian folklore, Elizabeth Lim is at the absolute top of her game in this thrilling yet heart-wrenching fantasy that explores the dark side of beauty and the deepest bonds of sisterhood.

  • af Amber Smith
    112,95 kr.


  • af Romana Romanishin & Andrij Lesiv
    197,95 kr.

    ★★★★★ - Kristeligt Dagblad"PÅ VEJ gør verden større og helt vildt spændende gennem viden og poesi"- Information”Romanishin og Lesiv markerer sig som verdensborgere, og bogen er et eksempel på international al-alderslitteratur, der kan betage ung som gammel.”- WeekendavisenUniverset er altid i bevægelse, intet i det er i varig ro. Bevægelse er en naturlig del af verden: Jordkloden, vandet på den, dens atmosfære, dens kontinenter og alle levende organismer befinder sig i en tilstand af konstant bevægelse. Vi går, løber, hopper, svømmer og flyver. Vi rejser.Denne bog handler om bevægelser og rejser – ikke kun dem foretaget af os mennesker, men også af dyrene, planterne, vinden, vandet og planeten. Den beskriver rejser med handel for øje, ferierejser såvel som videnskabelige ekspeditioner, pilgrimsrejser og rejser, der er nødvendige, fordi livet står på spil. Den handler også om migrationer, landkort og navigation – og ikke mindst om at finde sin egen vej. Der er ét ord, som den rejsende altid hører på sin vej, nemlig ordet ”hvor”. ”Hvor kommer du fra?” ”Hvor er du på vej hen?” Måske får du svar på de to spørgsmål, når du læser denne bog, som er en visuel og tankevækkende ekspedition gennem tusindvis af års bevægelse.I 2021 modtog Romanishin og Lesiv en sølvmedalje ved European Design Awards for På vej, som samme år også blev optaget i The White Ravens 2021.På dansk findes også Jeg ser det og Højlydt, stille, hviskende, som i 2018 modtog en Bologna Ragazzi Award for bedste fagbøger til børn.

  • af Pokemon
    72,95 kr.

    Join Ash and Pikachu on an adventure in Galar, the newest Pokémon region!

  • af Gina Chen
    117,95 - 165,95 kr.

    'Beautifully vicious' Chloe GongThere's always a price for defying destiny.Violet is a prophet and a liar, influencing the court as Seer with her cleverly phrased - and not always true - divinations. Honesty is for suckers, like the oh-so-not-charming Prince Cyrus, who plans to strip her of her title once he's crowned.After the king asks her to falsely prophesy Cyrus's love story for an upcoming ball, Violet awakens a dreaded curse about the prince's future bride. Her wits may protect her in the cutthroat court, but they can't protect her against fate - nor the doomed attraction growing between her and the prince . . .PRAISE FOR VIOLET MADE OF THORNS'An enchanting dark fantasy' Sabaa Tahir'Violet has everything: court intrigue, cruel witches, aloof but hot princes, ambitious girls who will do anything to win' Victoria Lee'An unforgettable voice' Hannah Whitten'Entrancing from start to finish' Joan He'A delightful, sparkling tale' June CL Tan

  • af Melanie Heyworth
    117,95 kr.

    My best friend's name is Remy. I think Remy is remarkable. Remy is Autistic. That means Remy's brain works differently to my brain. I love that Remy is different to me, because Remy can teach me new ways to experience the world. A picture book for both Autistic and non-Autistic readers aged 3 and up, Remarkable Remy illuminates the experiences and strengths of Autistic people, and the joys of having Autistic friends.

  • af Emily Satoko Seo
    92,95 - 182,95 kr.

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