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  • af Sigurd Barrett
    147,95 - 197,95 kr.

    I vanlig oplagt fortællestil starter Sigurd tilbage hos sagnkongerne og fortæller om alle Danmarks konger og regerende dronninger – helt frem til vores egen tid. Kongerækken er fuld af farverige personligheder, og historierne om dem er både sjove, overraskende og lærerige.Sigurd fortæller for både børn, forældre og bedsteforældre, og Sigurd fortæller om kongerækken egner sig både som højtlæsning og som læsselv. Med bogen følger en mp3-cd, hvor Sigurd læser hele bogen samt spiller og synger nogle af sine eventyrlige sange om de danske konger. Bogen er rigt illustreret af Stine Rosenberg.Aldersgruppe 5+

  • - Nissernes Danmarkskort
    af Hendes Majestæt Dronningen
    157,95 - 167,95 kr.

    Kongehusets egen julekalender, der viser hidtil usete sider af de danske slotte. Klip nisserne ud og hæng dem på juletræet.”I en skuffe på Hendes Majestæt Dronningens modtagelsesværelse på Amalienborg ligger et særligt kort. Det er Nissernes danmarkskort, hvorpå seks røde krydser viser, hvor julestemning findes, hvis den af en eller anden årsag ikke opstår af sig selv i december. Kortet vogtes af Dronningens lille nissefamilie, og heldigvis er det mange år siden, at nisserne har været nødt til at tage kortet i brug. Også i år finder Dronningen kortet og nisserne frem, når kalenderen tager hul på den tolvte måned. Men i år er der noget, som ikke er, som det plejer at være …”Således begynder Kongehusets julekalender, hvori læseren kommer vidt omkring på en række af de kongelige danske slotte – og oplever meget mere, end hvad øjet umiddelbart kan se.Undervejs besøger fortællingens nisser bl.a. snedkerværkstedet på Amalienborg, Hendes Majestæt Dronningens garageanlæg, Dronning Ingrids gamle hattedepot, Christian den 10.’s billardrum, Prins Henriks skrivebord, Kongeskibet Dannebrog, er et smut forbi Holger Danske og får et kig i Dronning Alexandrines gamle kikkert. Nisserne danmarkskort er lavet i samarbejde med Hendes Majestæt Dronningen, der også har skabt historiens fire nissefigurer – som læseren selv kan klippe ud efter de skabeloner, Dronningen har tegnet.Bogen er rigt illustreret med en lang række fotografier fra Kongehusets egne gemakker og arkiver samt stemningsfulde illustrationer af Peter Bay Alexandersen.

  • af Nils Hartmann
    153,95 - 160,95 kr.

    1000 års spændende Danmarkshistorie.Her er bogen til hele familien, om de over 50 regerende konger og dronninger Danmark har haft fra vikingetiden til i dag.Få historien om Gorm den Gamle, kongerækkens stamfar. Hør om den barske vikingekonge Sven Tveskæg og mød byggekongen Christian 4. Og få samtidig historien om Tyge Brahe, grevinde Danner, de to jellingsten, heksebrændinger, Dannevirke, Dyveke, Danmarks grundlov, blodbadet i Stockholm, dronning Caroline Mathilde, Struensee og barnekongen Oluf - helt frem til Margrethe 2.  - vores egen dronning.Og hvis du vil vide mere eller har glemt, hvad fx. runer, reformationen, pest eller skærsilden er, så er der ordforklaringer og et minileksikon med alle navne bag i bogen.

  • af Hendes Majestæt Dronningen
    147,95 - 157,95 kr.

    For adskillige hundrede år siden, da Nissefar var en ung Kongehusnisse aftalte han med en juleengel, at han roligt kunne sove hele året med undtagelse af december, så længe han holdt styr på Kongerækken og Kongehusets historie. Det gik fint de første mange år, men på det seneste har Nissefar kun tænkt på at sprede juleglæde på de kongelige slotte og har glemt alt om Kongerækken – han har sågar glemt at fortælle sine børn om de mange, der har siddet på tronen i Danmark, inden Hendes Majestæt Dronning Margrethe II besteg tronen i 1972. Det bliver en travl december for nissefamilien!Omdrejningspunktet for fortællingen er en oplevelsesrejse gennem den danske kongerække, hvor nisserne i følgeskab af en juleengel støder på spor, som danske konger og dronninger gennem mere end 1000 år har efterladt sig. Juleeventyret bringer dermed fortællinger om nogle af de mange majestæter, som har siddet på den danske trone forud for Dronningen, og således markerer julekalenderens tema samtidig, at Dronningen i 2022 har haft 50-års Regeringsjubilæum.Nissefars julerejse gennem kongerækken er lavet i samarbejde med Hendes Majestæt Dronningen, der også har skabt historiens nissefigurer – som læseren selv kan klippe ud efter de skabeloner, Dronningen har tegnet.Bogen er rigt illustreret med en lang række fotografier fra Kongehusets egne gemakker og arkiver samt stemningsfulde illustrationer af Peter Bay Alexandersen.

  • af Maria Isabel Sánchez Vegara
    117,95 kr.

    Little People, Big Dreams Queen Elizabeth is a captivating book penned by Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara. Published by QUARTO in 2022, this book falls under an intriguing genre that appeals to a wide range of readers. The author, Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara, has done a brilliant job in weaving an engaging narrative around Queen Elizabeth, making it a must-read for those interested in historical figures. The book takes you on a journey, exploring the life of Queen Elizabeth, her challenges, achievements, and her impact on the world. This publication from QUARTO is a testament to their commitment to bringing quality literature to the readers. Don't miss out on this exciting read!

  • af Katherine Webber
    97,95 kr.

    Cursed Crowns, a riveting masterpiece by Catherine Doyle, is a book that you simply can't afford to miss. Published in 2023 by Harper Collins Publ. UK, this book has already made its mark in the literary world. As the name suggests, Cursed Crowns is a thrilling journey into a world of royalty, power, and curses. Catherine Doyle, renowned for her exceptional storytelling, weaves a tale so captivating that it's impossible to put down. The genre of the book adds to its allure, making it a must-read for all. So, grab your copy of Cursed Crowns today and dive into an exciting world crafted by Catherine Doyle and brought to you by Harper Collins Publ. UK.

  • af Vibe Termansen
    298,95 kr.

    Lær dronningerækken at kende - og om den tid og vilkår de levede underBogen indeholder spændende detaljer om alle Danmarks 51 dronninger op gennem Danmarkshistorien - og om deres samtid og magt. Fra Thyra Danebod til Margrethe den Anden af Danmark.Undervejs kan du blandt andet også læse nyttige ting, som hvordan man lavede græskarsuppe i 1600-tallet, hvor længe, man måtte danse til et bondebryllup i 1783, om symptomerne på byldepest, om hvornår mænd gik med høje hæle, og om, hvad det vil sige at bære jernbyrd.Anja Gram leverer 51 dronningeportrætter.Vibe Termansen er historiker og journalist. Hun har lavet børnesektionen FAKTISK på Weekendavisen og skrevet børnebøgerne Spillemand - Kim Larsen og Fuld af liv - Natasja.Meget flot fagbog om Danmarks dronninger. Teksterne er af forskellig længde, men meget informative og det samme gør sig gældende med afsnittene om hvad der sker på samme tid. Det er en god balance, så man ikke kun lærer noget om dronningerne, men også om den tid de levede i. Illustrationerne er både stemningesfulde og dekorative. Anbefales varmt.LEKTØRUDTALELSEN

  • af Tahereh Mafi
    125,95 - 192,95 kr.

  • af Herta J. Enevoldsen
    63,94 - 227,95 kr.

    Under den voldsomme brænd i København i 1728 bliver to små tvillingedrenge adskilt. Den ene dreng vokser op på kongens slot, mens den anden forsvinder i armene på en sigøjnerkvinde. Sigøjnerdrengen Pietro vokser op uden at kende til sin fortid, og i 12 år flakkker han rundt i Europa med sin adoptivfamilie. Livet som sigøjner er hårdt, og Pietro, der aldrig helt er faldet til blandt gruppen, må gå for lud og koldt vand. Kun enkelte blandt sigøjnerne behandler ham med kærlige hænder, og da hans adoptivmor, den gamle sigøjnerkvinde, der reddede ham fra branden, pludseligt dør, flygter Pietro sammen med sin hund fra gruppen. Han slår følge med vandringsmanden Spille-Mathis, men livet på landevejen er heller ikke nemt, for overalt mødes de med foragt og mistro. Pietros tvillingebror, Christian Ulrich, er vokset op på dronningens slot, Clausholm, og en dag mødes de to drenge i skoven. Men vil omverdenen tro på Pietros historie?Første bind i serien om tvillingerne Pietro og ChristianHerta J. Enevoldsen (1915-1997) er en dansk forfatter og debuterede i bogform i 1972 med "København brænder", men havde inden da fået udgivet utallige noveller i ugeblade som f.eks. Hjemmet. Hendes romaner om store figurer i verdenshistorien, hvor romantik og historieskrivning går hånd i hånd, skaffede hende hurtigt en stor læserskare og cementerede hendes plads som en af Danmarks største børnebogsforfattere.

  • af Sigurd Barrett
    123,95 - 142,95 kr.

    Ved sin nytårstale 2023 overraskede Dronning Margrethe hele landets befolkning, da hun meddelte sin abdikation. Efter 52 på tronen gav hun nu roret videre til sin søn, Kronprins Frederik. SIGURD FORTÆLLER OM DANMARKS NYE KONGE udkommer i anledning af tronskiftet og fortæller både om kongefamilien, om vores tidligere dronning gennem fem årtier og om selve tronskiftet. Om de mange ceremonier, om kongens mange opgaver og om selve personen Hans Majestæt Kong Frederik den 10.. Hvad vil det egentlig sige at være konge? Hvad laver en konge til daglig? Og hvad er det for en konge, vi har fået?Bogen henvender sig til det store familiepublikum, børn, forældre og bedsteforældre. Den står på skuldrene af Sigurds bestsellere SIGURD FORTÆLLER DANMARKSHISTORIE og SIGURD FORTÆLLER OM KONGERÆKKEN.

  • af Diane Zahler
    117,95 kr.

  • af Kendare Blake
    125,95 - 207,95 kr.

  • af Kiera Cass
    102,95 kr.

    #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Selection series Kiera Cass is back with her most epic novel yet ¿ a sweeping enemies-to-lovers standalone romance.`Love has a sound. It sounds like a thousand heartbeats happening at the same time.¿

  • af Lexi Ryan
    197,95 kr.

  • af Catherine Doyle
    132,95 kr.

  • af Lexi Ryan
    132,95 kr.

  • af Donna Freitas
    217,95 kr.

    Fans of Red, White, and Royal Blue and Loveboat, Taipei will swoon for this steamy, outrageously fun royal romance set against the backdrop of beautiful Barcelona.In Barcelona, the beach is beautiful, the tapas are delicious, and the boys are plentiful. Good thing, too, because Stefi's nursing a broken heart after a disastrous breakup and is excited to reinvent herself, practice her Catalan language skills, and take baking classes at the legendary culinary institute, all in a magical city where no one knows her.Another thing Barcelona has? A secret prince. Xavi Borges is spending his final summer of anonymity helping his mother run a popular tapas spot in El Mercado. But after Stefi stops at their counter, Xavi can't get the beautiful American girl off his mind, even though his life is way too complicated for romance.Part bodyguard, part confidante, Santiago is tasked with keeping Xavi out of trouble. Santiago knows Xavi and Stefi's budding relationship can't last once Xavi's real identity becomes public. But soon Santiago is crushing on Xavi's best friend, Diego, and his focus shifts from royal protection duties to the possibility of enjoying a romance of his own.With so many sparks flying, a threat to expose Xavi's royal secret goes unheeded, and when the news blows up, it threatens to burn down all of their lives.

  • af Makiia Lucier
    172,95 - 175,95 kr.

    ?I love the magic Lucier weaves through this dark yet hopeful tale. I devoured it in one sitting!? ?Kristin Cashore, author of the New York Times bestselling Graceling Realm books"A beautifully crafted novel containing everything I love in an epic fantasy: complex characters and relationships, excellent world building, and a compelling story full of twists and turns." ?Juliet Marillier, author of the Blackthorn & Grim and Warrior Bards seriesA rich and captivating YA standalone fantasy that's perfect for fans of Brigid Kemmerer, Rachel Hartman, and Naomi Novik, from the writer whose stories have been called ?brilliant? (Booklist), ?masterful? (Horn Book), and ?breathtaking? (School Library Journal). In the aftermath of a devastating plague, a young lord is determined to discover the truth behind a mysterious attempt to assassinate the young queen.A Sickness to kill them. A Princess to save them. And a Reaper who will stop at nothing to reveal the truth. Young Lord Cassia was destined for death, kidnapped and imprisoned by the enemy three years ago. Now he has escaped, the sole survivor of a deadly outbreak that has ravaged the kingdoms of Oliveras and Brisa alike. His survival has won him his freedom, at a cost: Cas is now haunted by the souls of those with unfinished business left in the realm.When Cas finally returns to his home in the mountains, he arrives just in time to celebrate the king and queen's newborn son. But when an assassin interrupts the festivities, Cas finds himself thrust into the dark underpinnings of court life. Nothing is as he remembers, and his only solace is Lena, a royal historian with a penchant for stealing his horse and keeping him anchored to the present...even as the past rises to the surface.For the more Cas learns about the new queen-a former princess of Brisa, an old enemy-the more he is certain she harbors secrets. Secrets that threaten the one person Cas holds most dear.Lucky for him, the past never forgets, and the secrets of the dead aren't always buried with them.

  • af Emma Theriault
    112,95 - 122,95 kr.

    Now with a gorgeous new series look! In this sweeping series of interconnected novels that can be read out of order, Disney’s Princesses grow up—and learn to rule—guided by the magical Queen’s Council. In Rebel Rose, Belle faces a royal future in a time of turmoil. This lush and empowering reimagining of Princess Belle blends fairy-tale lore and “the French Revolution with a Disney twist” (SLJ).Happily ever after is only the beginning as Belle takes on the responsibility of becoming queen and learns to balance duty, love, and sacrifice, all while navigating dark political intrigue—and a touch of magic.It’s 1789, and France is on the brink of revolution. Belle has broken the enchantress’s curse, restoring the Beast to his human form and bringing life back to their castle in the principality of Aveyon. But in Paris, the fires of change are burning, and it’s only a matter of time before the rebellion arrives on their doorstep.Not so long ago, Belle dreamed of leaving her provincial home for a life of adventure. Now she finds herself living in a lush palace, torn between her past as a commoner and her future as royalty. While Belle grapples with her newfound position, there are those who would do anything to keep her from power. When she stumbles across a magic mirror that holds a dire warning, Belle wants nothing more than to ignore the mysterious voice calling her to accept a crown she never desired. But violent factions of the revolution may already be lurking within her own castle, and doing nothing would endanger everything she holds dear. With the fate of her country, her love, and her life at stake, Belle must decide if she is ready to embrace her own strength--and the magic that ties her to so many female rulers before her--to become the queen she is meant to be. This lush and empowering reimagining of Princess Belle blends fairy-tale lore and “the French Revolution with a Disney twist” (SLJ).

  • af Tahereh Mafi
    182,95 kr.

    The highly anticipated third novel in the This Woven Kingdom series, full of powerful magic, searing romance, and heartbreaking betrayal, from the award-winning and bestselling author of the Shatter Me series. Perfect for fans of Leigh Bardugo, Sabaa Tahir, and Tomi Adeyemi.As the long-lost heir to the Jinn throne, Alizeh has finally found her people--and she might've found her crown. Cyrus, the mercurial ruler of Tulan, has offered her his kingdom in a twisted exchange: one that would begin with their marriage and end with his murder.Cyrus's dark reputation precedes him; all the world knows of his blood-soaked past. Killing him should be easy--and accepting his offer might be the only way to fulfill her destiny and save her people. But the more Alizeh learns of him, the more she questions whether the terrible stories about him are true.Ensnared by secrets, Cyrus has ached for Alizeh since she first appeared in his dreams many months ago. Now that he knows those visions were planted by the devil, he can hardly bear to look at her--much less endure her company. But despite their best efforts to despise each other, Alizeh and Cyrus are drawn together over and over with an all-consuming thirst that threatens to destroy them both.Meanwhile, Prince Kamran has arrived in Tulan, ready to exact revenge...Layered with exquisite tension and heart-stopping romance, All This Twisted Glory is the explosive third book in the captivating, bestselling This Woven Kingdom series.

  • af Alex London
    207,95 kr.

    Where can a princess hide if her Ever After isn't all that Happy? Bestselling author Alex London turns classic fairy tales on their heads in this fast-paced, funny fantasy about embracing change and taking control of your own story. For fans of The School for Good and Evil and the Chronicles of Never After series.Every fairy tale ends with its characters living happily ever after, right? A valiant prince quests long and hard to reach the castle where the sleeping princess lies. And with a kiss, he awakens her.But what if the princess does NOT think a kiss from a stranger is a very pleasant way to wake up? Yuck!When Rosamund flees her prince, a Door of Opportunity opens, and she steps through it to the Home Educational Academy (the HEA for short). Rosamund has found the Princess Protection Program, where fugitive fairy-tale princesses escape unwanted affections, untimely ends, and all the other perils of their stories.But the longer Rosamund lives in the real world, the more questions she has. Does anyone ever graduate from the HEA? Why doesn't anyone seem to remember the former students? Is the kindly fairy headmistress all she appears to be? Is anyone? And the most important question of all: Can Rosamund change her story?Acclaimed and bestselling author Alex London weaves together several beloved fairy tales in this fast-paced, funny, and slyly subversive adventure about finding your place in the world.

  • af C J Redwine
    182,95 kr.

    The first in a YA political fantasy duology about a fierce princess determined to bring lasting peace to her kingdom regardless of the cost to her heart?from C.J. Redwine, the author of the Defiance series and the New York Times bestselling Ravenspire series. Perfect for fans of These Violent Delights, And I Darken, and Ash Princess.Princess Charis Willowthorn is the dutiful sword of Calera. Raised to be ruthless and cunning, her only goal is to hold her war-torn kingdom together long enough to find a path toward peace with their ancient foe Montevallo, even if the cost is her own heart.When violence erupts in the castle itself, nearly killing the queen, Charis must assume her mother's duties and manage both the war and her kingdom. But as an unseen enemy begins sinking Calera's ships, Charis realizes a threat much greater than Montevallo is coming for her people. So she forms a plan.By day, she is Calera's formidable princess intent on forging an alliance with Montevallo. By night, she disguises herself as a smuggler and roams the sea with a trusted group of loyalists, hunting for their new enemies. And through it all, there's the one boy she can't have?who guards her life, but steals her heart.But her enemies are much closer than Charis realizes, and her heart isn't the only thing she has left to lose.

  • af Rolf Myller
    82,95 kr.

    The King wants to give the Queen something special for her birthday. The Queen has everything, everything except a bed. The trouble is that no one in the Kingdom knows the answer to a very important question: How Big is a Bed? because beds at the time had not yet been invented. The Queen's birthday is only a few days away. How can they figure out what size the bed should be?

  • af Evelyn C. Campbell
    172,95 kr.

    16-year-old Edelweiss Chapel is hopeless of escaping the life pre-written for her, but all of this changes one hot summer day. Edelweiss's life seems to become perfect, but what dangers await her when she meddles with romance, politics, and the most formidable empire- The End Raiders?This coming of age story explores the path to maturity, the means to attaining satisfaction, and the question of whether or not we can control our own fate.

  • af Andrea Warren
    92,95 kr.

    "Think of it as a game, Jack.Play the game right and you might outlast the Nazis."Caught up in Hitler's Final Solution to annihilate Europe's Jews, fifteen-year-old Jack Mandelbaum is torn from his family and thrown into the nightmarish world of the concentration camps. Here, simple existence is a constant struggle, and Jack must learn to live hour to hour, day to day. Despite intolerable conditions, he resolves not to hate his captors and vows to see his family again. But even with his strong will to survive, how long can Jack continue to play this life-and-death game?Award-winning author Andrea Warren has crafted an unforgettable true story of a boy becoming a man in the shadow of the Third Reich.

  • af Catherine Doyle
    172,95 kr.

    The second book in the swoony and high-stakes fantasy rom-com series that began with Twin Crowns, about twin princesses separated at birth?from bestselling authors Catherine Doyle and Katherine Webber.Twin queens Wren and Rose have claimed their crowns...but not everyone is happy about witches sitting on Eana's throne.Coolheaded Rose plans a royal tour to establish goodwill throughout the kingdom. But Wren balks?how can they gallivant around Eana when their grandmother Banba is imprisoned in Gevra?Impatient Wren steals away on a ship to the icy north, where King Alarik offers a deadly magical bargain in exchange for Banba's freedom. Desperate, Wren agrees. But her spell has unexpected consequences....Meanwhile, when Rose's royal tour is interrupted by a mysterious stranger claiming to be from the long-lost Sunkissed Kingdom, the strands of destiny pull her south to the ancient Amarach Towers, where only the Seers of Eana know why the Restless Sands are erupting?and why Shen-Lo himself might hold the key.But back in Anadawn, rebellion is brewing. And if Eana is to stand a chance at peace, the sisters will need to reunite once more and convince their people to forsake old loyalties for new ones.

  • af Meredith Ann Pierce
    92,95 kr.

  • af Katharine McGee
    122,95 kr.

    The New York Times bestselling author of the American Royals series invites you to visit 19th-century Europe amid the glamour and intrigue of the Victorian era. In this historical romance inspired by true events, three princesses struggle to find love—and end up vying for the hearts of two future kings.In the last glittering decade of European empires, courts, and kings, three young women are on a collision course with history—and with each other. Alix of Hesse is Queen Victoria’s favorite granddaughter, so she can expect to end up with a prince . . . except that the prince she’s falling for is not the one she’s supposed to marry.Hélène d’Orléans, daughter of the exiled King of France, doesn’t mind being a former princess; it gives her more opportunity to break the rules. Like running around with the handsome, charming, and very much off-limits heir to the British throne, Prince Eddy.Then there’s May of Teck. After spending her entire life on the fringes of the royal world, May is determined to marry a prince—and not just any prince, but the future king.In a story that sweeps from the glittering ballrooms of Saint Petersburg to the wilds of Scotland, A Queen’s Game recounts a pivotal moment in real history as only Katharine McGee can tell it: through the eyes of the young women whose lives, and loves, changed it forever.

  • af Amie Kaufman
    142,95 kr.

    Magic and sacrifice will collide as lovers and gods, enemies and allies vie for the fate of the world in this heart-pounding sequel to THE ISLES OF THE GODS, which Stephanie Garber called "deliciously diabolical and full of heart."Selly has always loved the sea, so falling for spoiled Prince Leander of Alinor was the last thing on her mind. Yet when the two are thrown together by a foiled assassination attempt, the bond they develop is unmistakeable--and their mission to pay homage to the Goddess Barrica takes on perilous urgency. It's only when an ancient ritual goes terribly wrong that Selly and Leander discover that Barrica has a plan of her own: she wants to be resurrected, and she requires a willing body to host her. Now possessed with a force that threatens to overwhelm him, Leander needs Selly and her fledgling skills as a magician more than ever. But what neither of them could suspect is that the god Mallacea has also been roused from his slumber and is intent on destroying any cost. Leander is determined to banish Barrica and prevent the total devestation war between the two gods would bring, but doing so will mean severing himself from Selly forever.

  • af Kathryn Purdie
    212,95 kr.

    Fans of Three Dark Crowns and Red Queen will devour book two in the #1 New York Times bestselling Burning Glass trilogy, about a teen empath and the secret dangers of her expanding power.Sonya and Anton may have brought about a revolution, but can they protect their homeland?and their love?with so many forces threatening to tear them apart?The empire has fallen, Valko faces trial, and Sonya is finally free from her fate as Sovereign Auraseer. But Sonya's expanding abilities are just as unstable as the new government of Riaznin. Not only can she feel the emotions of others but, unlike most Auraseers, she's learned to make others feel what she's feeling as well. And with her relationship falling apart, Sonya isn't immune to her power's sinister temptations.Now, as Sonya fights to contain her own darkness, she senses a new evil lurking in the shadows of the palace. Someone from Sonya's past has returned seeking revenge?and she won't be satisfied until Sonya has suffered for her mistakes.

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