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Fagbøger for børn og unge: økosystemer

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  • af Piotr Socha & Wojciech Grajkowski
    186,95 kr.

    Opdag biernes eventyrlige verden i denne smukt illustrerede bog for børn og voksne. Find ud af, hvordan honningbier taler med hinanden, og hvor længe de har eksisteret. Hør, hvad biavlere laver, og hvem der overlevede at blive stukket af 2.443 bier.Bogen gennemgår biernes historie fra dinosaurernes tidsalder til deres nuværende situation og undersøger undervejs den rolle, honningbien har spillet i vores økosystem gennem tiden. De smukke illustrationer viser alt fra biens anatomi til det nødvendige udstyr til honningfremstilling og åbner læserens øjne for dette tilsyneladende lille, men ekstremt vigtige hjørne af dyreriget.Bogen er gennemillustreret og i stort format.Fra ca. 7 år

  • af Sebastian Klein
    73,95 - 200,95 kr.

    Selvom det er flere hundrede millioner af år siden, dinosaurne levede, arbejder forskere stadig på at blive klogere på, hvordan disse giganter levede. Og der er dukket ny forskning op, som Sebastian har fået fingrene i. Og alt har Sebastian opdateret i denne opdaterede udgave, så du har fuldstændig styr på fortidsdyr. Fra ca. 6 år Andre titler i serien:Verdens 1000 vildeste dyrVerdens 100 mærkeligste dyrDe 100 mest gådefulde dyrVerdens 100 farligste dyrVerdens 100 mærkeligste dyrVerdens 100 klammeste dyrVerdens 100 mest truede dyrVerdens 100 mest berømte dyr

  • af Katie Scott & Ester Gaya
    355,95 kr.

    Velkommen til et museum, der er fyldt med alverdens svampe! Her kan du finde en lang række forskellige arter af denne fascinerende type organisme. Tag en tur gennem museets udstillinger, når som helst du vil – det er altid åbent! Ledsaget af oplysende tekst indeholder kapitlerne smukke illustrationer af alle slags svampe, fra dem, vi ser på hylderne i supermarkedet, til andre, der har formet menneskets historie såsom den, der blev brugt til at skabe penicillin. Her får du en definitiv introduktion til svampe, hvordan de fungerer, og hvor vigtige de faktisk er for verdens økosystemer.

  • af Piotr Socha & Wojciech Grajkowski
    186,95 kr.

    Opdag træernes eventyrlige verden i denne smukt illustrerede bog for børn og voksne. Find ud af, hvordan et træ vokser, hvilke dyr der lever i det, hvor stort det største træ er, hvor gammelt et træ kan blive, og hvilke træer der findes rundt om i verden. Bogen gennemgår, hvilken rolle træer spiller i forskellige kulturer og religioner og i historien. Mød geniale trækonstruktioner, spektakulære træhuse og flotte træbåde. De farverige illustrationer og den lettilgængelige og humoristiske tekst giver oplevelser til mange timer for hele familien.Gennemillustreret og i stort format.Fra ca. 7 år

  • af Yuval Zommer
    276,95 kr.

    Den anerkendte britiske forfatter og illustrator Yuval Zommer – som også står bag Den store bog om blomster og Den store bog om fugle – tager dig med til søs i denne flotte bog om havet og de skabninger, som bor der. De charmerende illustrationer indeholder alt, hvad den unge havbiolog skal bruge, og gengiver nogle af de glatteste, mest skællede og fremmedartede, endda monstrøse havdyr.Bogen udforsker havets verden, og du lærer om truede dyrearter, hvordan du genkender dyr på stranden, og hvad du kan gøre for at hjælpe livet i havet. Bogen er smuk og fyldt med fascinerende fakta – unge, nysgerrige læsere vil ikke kunne få øjnene fra den.

  • af Colin Butfield
    105,95 kr.

    An empowering and practical handbook for young changemakers who want to save the planet! Published in collaboration with the prestigious Earthshot Prize, featuring an introduction from HRH Prince William and contributions from environmental activists including Sir David Attenborough, Christiana Figueres and Shailene Woodley.'Our planet is the only home we have, and we must think big and dream bigger if we are to protect it.'- HRH Prince William The mission is simple: to repair our planet. Our home is in trouble. The good news is we can fix it - but we need YOUR help. So let's put our heads together and dream up ways to BUILD, CREATE and SHOUT about solutions to repair our planet. In the Earthshot Handbook for Future Dreamers and Thinkers, young readers will travel round the world, celebrating the diverse and rich habitats, amazing animals and wonderful landscapes that make up our planet. They'll learn about the problems and challenges facing those habitats. They will meet Earthshot innovators, entrepreneurs and game changers from the past and present from Wangari Maathai to David Attenborough. And importantly, they'll discover how they can become the changemakers of the future, helping to develop solutions to the world's biggest problems. Because even the smallest idea or Earthshot, has the power to change everything. Full of simple practical things young people can do or make to help save the planet, even from home, as well as big ideas and contributions from people around the globe, this is the ultimate handbook for future innovators and activists who want to make a difference. Contributors to this book: HRH Prince William Naturalist Sir David Attenborough Former UN Climate Chief Christiana Figueres Actor Shailene Woodley Astronaut Naoko Yamazki Environmental Activist Hindou Oumarou Ibrahim

  • af Yuval Zommer
    276,95 kr.

    En pragtfuldt illustreret bog med lige dele charme og oplysning om nogle af de smukkeste og mest overraskende blomsterplanter i verden, skabt af den anerkendte forfatter og illustrator Yuval Zommer.Her kan du lære alt om botanik, herunder hvordan du genkender forskellige typer blomster, hvor de findes, hvilke blomster der er truet, og hvorfor de har så mange dufte og farver – for slet ikke at nævne stygge detaljer om både kødædende og giftige planter.Billedbogens kombination af smukke illustrationer og præcis, varm og oplysende tekst skaber et smukt værk, som unge læsere kan vende tilbage til igen og igen.

  • af Line Renslebråten
    157,95 - 207,95 kr.

    Under polarisen myldrer det med liv.Snegle, krill, fisk, isbjørne og hvaler.Alle arter er afhængige af hinanden.En lille verden i verden, hvor alt liv har fundet sin plads gennem millioner af år.Men ændringer i klimaet og miljøet gør området omkring Arktis mere sårbart end nogensinde.“Under polarisen” er en smuk og tankevækkende billedbog til børn i alderen 7-10 år. Bogen kombinerer fakta med visuelt stærke og farverige illustrationer, der understreger vigtigheden af at bevare den unikke flora og fauna i havene under polarisen.Bogen er oprindeligt skrevet og illustreret af den norske forfatter Line Renslebråten.

  • - lort eller lagkage?
    af Gerda Raidt
    167,95 kr.

    Skrald er en faktabog, som lige ud ad landevejen fortæller historien om, hvor simpelt det i virkeligheden kan lykkes at forvandle alt det skrald, vi producerer til - om ikke ligefrem guld - så dog til en nyttig og værdifuld ressource. Med korte informative tekster, med mange billeder og talebobler beskriver Gerda Raidt affaldets historie fra Stenalderen til i dag. Med sin bog vil Gerda opmuntre og opfordre børn, unge og voksne til at tænke over og gøre noget ved vores forurenede verden. Og dermed placerer bog sig centralt i et meget aktuelt brændpunkt.

  • af Whitney Phillips
    217,95 kr.

    Two media experts offer a witty, warm, and relatable take on how information pollution affects our online networks?and our well-being?and how to maximize a positive impact.We know that pollution damages our physical environments?but what about the digital landscape? Touching on everything from goat memes gone wrong to conflict in group chats to the sometimes unexpected side effects of online activism, this lively guide to media literacy draws on ecological, social justice, and storytelling frameworks to help readers understand how information pollution spreads and why. It also helps them make sense of the often stressful and strange online world. Featuring a hyperconnected cast of teens and their social-media shenanigans, reader-friendly text tackles the thorny topic of internet ethics while empowering?and inspiring?young readers to weave a safe, secure, and inclusive digital world. Readers are invited to delve further into the subject with the help of comprehensive source notes and a bibliography in the back matter.

  • af Elisabeth Reppel
    167,95 kr.

    Dansefuglen Solejma er en børnebog af Elisabeth Reppel. Bogen er skrevet på rim og adresserer emner som køn, ligestilling og diversitet på en humoristisk og uhøjtidelig måde.Dette er en poetisk fortælling om en fugl ved navn Solejma og hendes ønske om at bryde fri fra traditionelle kønsroller og forventninger inden for hendes fuglesamfund. I bogen udforskes temaer, som selverkendelse, selvtillid og udfordring af samfundsmæssige normer.Dansefuglen Solejma adresserer tillige spørgsmål om køn, ligestilling og betydningen af retten til og muligheden for at kunne udtrykke sig frit.I Ny Guineas jungle borfuglemænd, som swinger.En fuglekvindes modstand gror, hun danse vil på frie vinger.Men lov og regler har bestemt, at hun skal passe æg og unger,hendes drømme bli’r ej glemt, hun siger fra, så skoven runger!Hun kæmper for en større lighed, alle fugles ret til frihedalle køns retfærdighed mon flere tør at danse med?Lidt om Elisabeth Broby Reppel:Elisabeth Broby Reppel er forfatteren bag børnebogsserien om Økomusen. Hun er selvudnævnt Klimatosse, rodehoved, krea-nørd og musikelsker. Og så elsker hun at lære nyt, blive udfordret og få øje på verden fra nye og spændende vinkler. Elisabeth er pædagog, cand.pæd, og specialiseret i didaktisk børnelitteratur.

  • - En udforskning af naturens vidundere
    af Hélène Druvert & Juliette Einhorn
    355,95 kr.

    En ekstraordinær vandring gennem planteriget. Dette storslåede værk er bragt til live af Hélène Druvert, illustratoren og papirkunstneren bag de anmelderroste Havet og Himlen, og teksten er skabt med Juliette Einhorns præcise og poetiske pen, som også beskrev Himlen så smukt. Denne gang inviterer de os til at udforske "planetens lunger" i alle dens former. Hvad er pionerplanter? Hvordan fungerer fotosyntese? Findes der virkelig et ”skovens internet”? Denne fascinerende, velbeskrevne vandring tager læseren med på en rundtur blandt kødædende og spiselige planter, tropiske planter og ørkenplanter. Den forklarer blomstens anatomi, bestøvningens og nedbrydningens mysterier, planternes utrolige egenskaber og giftstoffer og meget mere. En fantastisk smuk bog med laserudskæringer, flapper og klapper, der hjælper dig med at opdage naturens uendelige rigdom.

  • af Elizabeth Rusch
    217,95 kr.

    "The gripping inside story of the ongoing landmark lawsuit, Juliana v. United States, brought against the US government by twenty-one young people"--

  • af Phyllis Root
    99,95 - 175,95 kr.

    Cold, wet, and acidic, bogs appear to be extremely hostile to life, yet numerous plants and animals have adapted in fascinating ways in order to survive there. In Big Belching Bog, Phyllis Root lets us in on the secrets of the mysterious bog, describing such special inhabitants as plants that eat insects, bog lemmings, and frogs that stay frozen through the winter and thaw out in the spring. But what's that coming up from the bottom of the bog? The biggest bog secret of all, we learn, is the remarkable process of methane gas belching out of the bog. The gas is created by decaying peat moss and forms a bulge in the surface of the moss six inches or taller before breaking through. Does this "belch" make a sound? No one knows, says Root, because no one has ever heard it. In fact, bogs are known as some of the quietest places on earth. Maybe you will be the first to hear the big bog belch! Illustrated by renowned woodcut artist Betsy Bowen, Big Belching Bog also contains a section of bog facts, including more information about the plants and animals mentioned in the book as well as tips for visiting a bog. Big Belching Bog will stir the imagination of young readers and teach them about the landscape and environment of these mysterious and, ahem, gassy places.

  • af Candace Fleming
    112,95 - 207,95 kr.

    Take to the sky with Apis, one honeybee, as she embarks on her journey through life! Now available in paperback.An Orbis Pictus Honor BookSelected for the Texas Bluebonnnet Master ListFinalist for the AAAS/Subaru SB&F Prize for Excellence in Science Books A Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books Blue Ribbon BookA tiny honeybee emerges through the wax cap of her cell. Driven to protect and take care of her hive, she cleans the nursery and feeds the larvae and the queen. But is she strong enough to fly? Not yet! Apis builds wax comb to store honey, and transfers pollen from other bees into the storage. She defends the hive from invaders. And finally, she begins her new life as an adventurer. The confining walls of the hive fall away as Apis takes to the air, finally free, in a brilliant double-gatefold illustration where the clear blue sky is full of promise-- and the wings of dozens of honeybees, heading out in search of nectar to bring back to the hive. Eric Rohmann's exquisitely detailed illustrations bring the great outdoors into your hands in this poetically written tribute to the hardworking honeybee. Award-winning author Candace Fleming describes the life cycle of the honeybee in accessible, beautiful language. Similar in form and concept to the Sibert and Orbis Pictus award book Giant Squid, Honeybee also features a stunning gatefold and an essay on the plight of honeybees.A New York Public Library Best Book of the YearA Junior Library Guild Gold Standard SelectionNamed a Best Book of the Year by Kirkus Reviews, NPR, Shelf Awareness, School Library Journal, Publishers Weekly and more!A Horn Book Fanfare Best Book of the YearA Booklist Editor's Choice

  • af Adrienne Wilmoth Lerner
    358,95 kr.

    This critical, crucial volume explores the politics and effects of global climate change. The first chapter presents essays from global resources that discuss the debate of climate change; is it real? One essay asserts that the United States is failing to address the very real existence of climate change. Chapter two discuses the impact of global climate change. Readers will learn about South America's Amazon basin and its loss of species and habitats. Chapter three discusses developing nations and climate change. Chapter four helps readers evaluate what is being done to combat climate change. Stellar essay sources include, United States House of Representatives, Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change: Working Group II, and the United Nations Environment Programme.

  • af Joyce Uglow
    178,95 kr.

    A one-of-a-kind STEM gem! Join fellow science lovers in this creative non-fiction, poetical exploration surrounding the history, and little known origins, of the ice age and the Le Brea Tar Pits--including what scientists are learning about climate change.

  • af Daniel Cañas
    142,95 - 197,95 kr.

    Awarded at the 2022 Moonbeam Children's Awards GOLD medal - Winner of the 2023 Independent Publisher Book Awards. Moving to a new city can be a heartbreaking experience, but also an opportunity to grow. This Birch Tree will realize that even in the darkest spots, one can shine brighter than ever.The day they took me out of my home and loaded me onto a truck changed everything. I went from living surrounded by nature, with my brothers, to ending up girdled by towering buildings in a polluted, noisy city. I was homesick. Accepting that change was extremely difficult, but then I started to realize that the city was not that bad after all. A friendly gardener took care of me. He watered my soil, gave me fertilizer, and trimmed my dry branches so that a pair of finches could nest in them. I began to feel very useful, as I gave people my shade, my oxygen, and my gently-flavored seeds. I soon understood that hope and love could manifest anywhere in the world, so I decided to put down roots.A story that invites us to see adversities as opportunities, and to trust that changes, despite surprising us, can help us grow.

  • af María Quintana Silva
    142,95 - 182,95 kr.

    Winner at the 2019 Independent Press Awards. A beautiful story, printed on stone paper, about the importance, care, and preservation of trees, and the small steps we can all take to care for the planet.One night, the trees in the forest decided it's time to uproot and leave. They yanked out their roots and dragged themselves off across the fields. On his way to school, Goran soon realized what is happening... All the trees had disappeared and holes could be seen where they used to be. Bewildered, he rushed home to find if the tree in his garden had vanished as well. He loved that tree, it used to be his friend during springtime when he swung from his branches, and also in summer when its leaves protected him from the hot sun. Understanding the consequences this would have for animals, humans, and the environment, he set off to counteract the damage that had already been done.

  • af Nico Medina
    207,95 kr.

    If you've never known what a wildebeest is, you'll find out now in this latest Where? Is title about the Serengeti.Each year, over 1.5 million wildebeest make a harrowing journey (more than one thousand miles!) between Tanzania and Kenya. They are in search of new land to graze. Even if these creatures avoid vicious attacks from lions and crocodiles, they could still fall prey to thirst, hunger, and exhaustion. This book not only follows the exciting Migration, but also tells about the other creatures and peoples that co-exist along these beautiful landscapes of the Serengeti.

  • af Brian Heinz
    92,95 kr.

  • af Al Roker
    187,95 kr.

    New York Times bestselling author, award-winning meteorologist, and Today Show co-anchor Al Roker explores extreme weather phenomena in his first book for kids. This middle grade book is an excellent choice for tween readers in grades 5 to 6, especially during homeschooling. It's a fun way to keep your child entertained and engaged while not in the classroom. Dive deep into a world of fascinating weather with everyone's favorite meteorologist, Al Roker!With this mesmerizing book that covers a wide range of topics, readers will learn about the conditions that generate unique weather occurrences like red sprites, thundersnow, and fogsicles.Surprising facts, colorful spreads, and captivating pictures will hook children and adults alike as they uncover the mysteries of extreme weather?some they never even knew existed!

  • af Timothy Knapman
    135,95 kr.

    Tag med på en rejse til regnskoven og lær en masse om dette fantastiske økosystem. I bogen er der svar på spørgsmål som fx: Hvornår begyndte mennesker at bo i regnskoven? Hvilke dyr finder man i underskoven? Bogen henvender sig til børn fra 5 år, som gerne vil lære mere om regnskoven De mange flotte, detaljerede tegninger og små tekster giver en god introduktion til emnet, så pak tasken og tag med på rejsen!22 sider.

  • af Etta Kaner
    197,95 kr.

  • af Douglas Hustad
    397,95 kr.

    People throw away plastic every day. Lots of it ends up in the ocean. It can harm marine wildlife there. Scientists are developing technology that helps collect plastic from the ocean. Cleaning Up Plastic with Artificial Coastlines looks at the science behind the technology, its risks, and how it could help improve life on Earth.

  • af Cathryn Berger Kaye
    276,95 kr.

    Written by service learning expert Cathryn Berger Kaye and celebrity ocean spokesperson Philippe Cousteau, Going Blue educates young people about the earth's water crisis and gives them tools and inspiration to transform their ideas into action. With lively photos and practical suggestions, the book helps teens plan and do a meaningful service project that benefits our planet's water system. Along the way, readers learn about issues such as clean water access, coral reef damage, runoff pollution, trash islands, factory fishing, bottled water, and much more. This combination of academic learning and community service is at the heart of the fast-growing teaching strategy known as service learning.Going Blue is divided into the five stages of service learning: investigation, preparation, action, reflection, and demonstration. Special sections include a history of ocean exploration with a profile of Jacques Cousteau; an interview with Philippe Cousteau; stories of young people around the world addressing water issues; book and Web resources; and an afterword for adults.

  • af Grace Hansen
    367,95 kr.

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