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Fagbøger for børn og unge: oldtidens religioner og mytologier

Her finder du spændende bøger om Fagbøger for børn og unge: oldtidens religioner og mytologier. Nedenfor er et flot udvalg af over 221 bøger om emnet. Det er også her du finder emner som Græsk religion, nordiske religioner osv.
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  • af Louie Stowell & Alex Frith
    186,95 kr.

    Spændende myter fra vikingetidenDe barske vikinger gav hinanden kampmod med vilde historier om uhyrer og helte og om guder og jætter.Mød blandt andre den bistre tordengud THOR og den frække ballademager LOKE, som kan skifte form, i kamp mod søslanger, dæmoner og jætter i de spændende myter fra vikingetiden.

  • - mytologisk opslagsværk¤de græske og romerske myter og sagn
    af Arthur Cotterell
    197,95 kr.

    De fleste symboler og billeder i moderne litteratur, film og kultur er hentet direkte fra de tre klassiske vestlige mytologier - romersk, keltisk og nordisk. Derfor er et solidt kendskab til disse mytologiers historier og persongalleri et godt udgangspunkt for enhver uddannelse. Bogen her samler alle de tre vigtigste mytologier i en omfattende hvem-er-hvem håndbog over de vigtigste figurer og legender fra vores fortid. Den er nem at benytte (også som opslagsværk) og fuld af medrivende historier, imponerende kunstværker og illustrationer fra de seneste femten århundreder.

  • - myter og legender fra Egypten, Persien, Lilleasien, Sumer og Babylon
    af Rachel Storm
    226,95 kr.

    Oplev det gamle Egypten med dette enestående opslagsværk over mytologier og legender fra Egypten, Persien og Babylon.Bogen indeholder mere end 150 forskellige artikler, som beskriver de centrale mytiske figurer i hver religion eller kultur og deres betydning for folkeslagene i oldtiden. Læseren får fremragende billeder og illustrationer. De understøtter de spændende historier og behandler de særlige temaer og symboler som er helt centrale for hver kultur - se eksempler på hellige dyr, engle, underverdener og veje til guderne. Egyptisk Mytologi er skrevet i en levende og informativ stil af en af vor tids største eksperter indenfor området.En enestående og uundværlig håndbog om de spændende beretninger og gamle legender i denne del af verden. Bogen kan læses af både unge og ældre - og hvis ikke du allerede har en passion indenfor området, er dette vejen dertil.

  • af Ingela Korsell
    207,95 - 247,95 kr.

    Elverpiger, lygtemænd, monstergrise og selveste Djævelen. I gamle dage troede man på magi og overnaturlige væsner, og begge dele spillede en stor rolle i menneskers hverdag.I denne hårrejsende opfølger til den populære Væsenologi kan du læse om endnu flere væsner fra den nordiske folketro. Også denne gang får du gode råd til, hvordan du slipper af med et væsen, hvis det først har set sig gal på dig …“Mere væsenlogi” er en flot og fascinerende faktabog om væsner i nordisk folketro. Bogen er lettilgængelig, videnskabeligt funderet og en lille smule uhyggelig… Bogen henvender sig til læsere i alderen 9-12 år. Bogen er skrevet af Ingela Korsell og de stemningsfulde og gruopvækkende illustrationer er lavet af Reine Rosenberg.

  • af Rick Riordan
    102,95 kr.

    The first book in the bestselling Percy Jackson and the Olympians series. Now with a new cover look! Discover the story behind the Disney+ series.HALF BOY - HALF GOD - ALL HERO.Look, I never asked to be the song of a Greek god, I was just a normal kid. . . until I accidentally vaporized my maths teacher.Percy Jackson is having a bad week. His life has gone from totally normal to monsters-from-Greek-mythology-randomly-appearing kind of strange. Worse still, the king of the gods thinks Percy has stolen his all-powerful lightning bolt - and it seems making Zeus angry is a very bad idea.Now Percy and his friends have just ten days to catch the true lightning thief and stop all-out war from erupting on Mount Olympus. . .What could possibly go wrong?Return to the World of Percy Jackson in the best-selling, brand-new adventure featuring the original hero in Percy Jackson and the Olympians: Chalice of the Gods - out now!And don't miss the trio's next adventure in Percy Jackson and the Olympians: Wrath of the Triple Goddess, coming soon!

  • af Jillian Hughes & Kenny Curtis
    125,95 - 362,95 kr.

    From the creators of National Geographic Kids’ wildly successful Greeking Out podcast, this lively tie-in book delivers a clever tongue-in-cheek retelling of 20 classic Greek myths.This kid-friendly collection of tales from Greek mythology showcases familiar favorites from the well-loved Greeking Out podcast as well as brand-new, never-before-aired stories. Join Persephone on her journey through the mystifying depths of the Underworld. Venture onwards with Heracles as he tackles his 12 death-defying labors. And join mythological figures you may not have heard of before, including scheming gods and goddesses, honorable—and not so honorable—heroes, and magnificent monsters.Dynamic, playful illustrations coupled with laugh-out-loud storytelling and real information about ancient Greece—delivered by the all-knowing Oracle of Wi-Fi—make this collection of fabulous fables a fresh addition to any history-lover's library.

  • af James Davies
    356,95 kr.

    De græske myter er nogle af de ældste og mest perfekte historier, der nogen sinde er blevet fortalt! Denne bog er en fantastisk introduktion til gudernes verden, med seks fortællinger om kærlighed, sorg, grådighed, misundelse – veloplagt og sprudlende fortalt i tegneserieform. Rejs med Orfeus ned i underverdenen, og tag med Theseus til Kreta for at kæmpe mod den berygtede Minotauros! James Davies’ genfortællinger af de græske myter er fulde af detaljer og humor og vil fornøje læsere i alle aldre!

  • - Mød vikingernes guder, uhyrer og helte
    af Matt Ralphs
    298,95 kr.

    Genfortællinger af mere end 30 spændende fortællinger om de nordiske myter, både dem vi kender, og de mere ukendte, fra den nordiske mytologi. De retro-agtige illustrationer spiller utrolig flot sammen med de spændende fortællinger. Bogen indeholder en indholdsfortegnelse, ordliste og stikordsregister.Resultatet er en yderst indbydende, charmerende og lærerig børne-fagbog, som jeg vil anbefale til anskaffelse til samtlige børnebiblioteker og PLC'er.LEKTØRUDTALELSEN målgruppe: 7+

  • - Patron Saint of Ireland
    af Tomie dePaola
    102,95 kr.

    The story of Patrick's life, from his noble birth in Britain, to his being captured and taken to Ireland by a group of bandits, to the "dreams" that led him to convert the Irish people to the Christian faith. DePaola also retells several well-known legends, including the story of how Patrick got rid of all the snakes in Ireland.

  • af Cathy McGough
    185,95 kr.

    E-Z:n johtajuutta Kolmikossa on jo testattu, mutta lopullinen testi on vielä edessä.Arkkienkelit tarvitsevat hänen apuaan, ja he alkavat olla epätoivoisia ja antavat E-Z:lle lisää vihjeitä, ja hän on vihdoin tajunnut sen.Nyt E-Z:n parhaat ystävät PJ ja Arden ovat koomassa, eikä kukaan tiedä, miten he joutuivat siihen tilaan.Rosalien ansiosta apu on tulossa!

  • af Cathy McGough
    202,95 kr.

    Efter att ha läst den första boken i den här serien vet du att E-Z Dickens och hans rullstol har speciella krafter. Och att han har stöttande familj och vänner (och två wannabe-änglar, Hadz och Reiki) som hjälper honom på vägen.I den här andra boken tar sig E-Z till Nederländerna (inte av egen fri vilja), där han träffar en tjej som heter Lia som också har fantastiska förmågor, och de hjälper varandra och blir vänner.Och på vägen hem igen blir E-Z formellt presenterad för Alfred (som är en trumpetsvan) och som gjorde ett kort framträdande i den andra boken.Tillsammans blir de De tre och måste möta den hemska Eriel som är ute efter hämnd.I den fjärde och sista boken i serien utkämpar E-Z och hans team den sista striden. Kommer de att vinna, eller kommer de hemska Furierna att erövra världen?

  • af Edward McClelland
    217,95 kr.

    America's first superheroes lived in the Midwest. There was Nanabozho, the Ojibway man-god who conquered the King of Fish, took control of the North Wind, and inspired Longfellow's The Song of Hiawatha. Paul Bunyan, the larger-than-life North Woods lumberjack, created Minnesota's 10,000 lakes with his giant footsteps. More recently, Pittsburgh steelworker Joe Magerac squeezed out rails between his fingers, and Rosie the Riveter churned out the planes that won the world's most terrible war. In Folktales and Legends of the Middle West, Edward McClelland collects these stories and more. Readers will learn the sea shanties of the Great Lakes sailors and the spirituals of the slaves following the North Star across the Ohio River, and be frightened by tales of the Lake Erie Monster and Wisconsin's dangerous Hodag. A history of the region as told through its folklore, music, and legends, this is a book every Midwestern family should own.

  • af Stephen Krensky
    82,95 kr.

    Long ago in Africa, the sky god Nyame keeps all of the stories to himself, but when Anansi the spider asks their price, Nyame agrees to trade his stories if Anansi can perform four seemingly impossible tasks.

  • af Stephen Krensky
    102,95 kr.

  • af Black Children's Coloring Books
    112,95 kr.

    I Want To Be A Unicorn - A Black Children's Coloring Book for kids is an enchanted journey through the vibrant realms of an imaginative unicorn coloring book, where whimsical charm and mesmerizing beauty seamlessly unite.Children will be captivated by an array of mythical creatures, as they fill the pages with their artistic flair and breathe life into a kaleidoscopic world.Help your children, nieces and nephews, sisters and brothers unlock their creativity and transport them to an enchanting realm where mystical wonders await at every turn of the page.Girls and boys imagination will soar while exploring the spellbinding realm of these awe-inspiring creatures. A great coloring book for girls.

  • af Bea Fitzgerald
    152,95 kr.

    The second fierce, fresh and gloriously romantic YA Greek myth re-imagining, from Bea Fitzgerald, growing TikTok superstar and Sunday Times bestselling author of GIRL, GODDESS, QUEEN.Love caused this war. At least, that's what the stories will say. When Cassandra's patron god, Apollo, offers her the gift of prophecy - and all the power that comes with it - she seizes the opportunity. But when she fails to uphold her end of the agreement, she discovers just how very far she has to fall. No one believes her visions. Which all seem to be of one girl - and she's going to start a war. Helen fled Sparta in pursuit of love - though that's proving more elusive than she'd hoped. Far from home, Helen's navigating all the politics and backstabbing of the Trojan court. And one princess seems particularly intent on driving her from the city. . . But when war finally strikes, it's more than the army at their walls they must contend with. Cassandra and Helen might hold the key to reweaving fate itself - especially with the prophetic strands drawing them ever closer together. But how do you change your future when the gods themselves are dictating your demise?PRAISE FOR GIRL, GODDESS, QUEEN'A refreshing romp through Greek mythology' Jennifer Saint, Sunday Times bestselling author of Ariadne'An electrifying romance and a witty, fiercely modern twist' Beth Reekles, author of The Kissing Booth'A totally addictive read' Elodie Harper, Sunday Times bestselling author of The Wolf Den'Bring[s] to life timeless gods, the complex intimacy of family bonds, a fierce protagonist and a passionate slow-burn romance' Sue Lynn Tan, Sunday Times bestselling author of Daughter of the Moon Goddess'Ripe with yearning, humour and wit' Rosie Talbot, author of Sixteen Souls'Gloriously funny and deeply swoony' Lizzie Huxley-Jones, author of Make You Mine This Christmas

  • af Tyler Harrison
    252,95 kr.

    Myths That Every Child Should Know is a collection of classic myths and legends from around the world. The book contains stories from ancient Greece, Rome, and Egypt, as well as tales from Norse, Celtic, and Indian mythology. The stories are retold in a way that is easy for children to understand, making them accessible to a wide audience.The book includes popular myths like the story of King Midas and his golden touch, the legend of Hercules and his twelve labors, and the tale of Perseus and Medusa. There are also lesser-known stories, such as the legend of the Hindu god Krishna and the story of the Irish warrior Cuchulainn.The author, Hamilton Wright Mabie, was a well-known writer and editor who was passionate about making great literature accessible to young readers. He believed that myths and legends were an important part of a child's education, and that they could teach valuable lessons about morality, ethics, and the human condition.Overall, Myths That Every Child Should Know is a timeless collection of stories that has entertained and educated generations of readers. It is a must-read for anyone who loves mythology, folklore, or classic literature.

  • af Barbara Cuoghi
    139,95 kr.

    A perfect holiday read for kids 4-8, this beautiful book shares a letter from Befana, the winter witch.Befana is a remarkable character from Italian folklore. On the 6th of January, she flies on a broom through the icy winter sky to visit children and bring them presents. In this stunningly illustrated book, Befana shares her secrets in a letter to all children: how she wears her warmest cloak for the journey, and sips a special soup that makes her invisible when visiting homes. She fills the stockings of some children with sweets, but leaves lumps of coal in others. For people of all ages, she brings the most precious gift of all: the promise of Spring, and nature’s rebirth.This enchanting story provides:Backmatter with facts about Befana and other winter witch traditionsA conversation starter about different holiday and winter traditions around the worldEnchanting illustrations that capture the magic of Befana and the beauty of winterInsight into Italian folklore for kidsDestined to become a treasured part of holiday traditions, kids will ask to be read Yours, Befana again and again.

  • af Insha Fitzpatrick
    162,95 kr.

    Discover everything about aliens in this fun handbook packed with eerie accounts of the extraterrestrial, fascinating science, and weird facts–perfect for middle grade readers and young sci-fi fans.Incoming transmission . . . Are there aliens out there? What’s the deal with Area 51? Can outer space support human life? Explore the extraterrestrial in Sightseeing with Aliens, a field guide for the curious and the adventurous. Blast off to space and discover: Weird science and eye-opening history! Read up on humanity’s forays into space and meet the Mars rovers. Fascinating accounts of alien encounters! What really happened in the 1947 Roswell Incident?Out-of-this-world science fiction! Tune into iconic alien media, from H.G. Wells’s The War of the Worlds to Star Trek. The third book in the Totally Factual Field Guide to the Supernatural series, Sightseeing with Aliens is a hilarious and unabashedly weird investigation into how the unknown can shape our lives. Get to know the extraterrestrial with stellar illustrations and hands-on activities, like creating a time capsule and taking on the 7-Day Earthling Challenge to help Planet Earth. The whole galaxy is out there—grab your guide, and let’s go!For more on the supernatural, check out Hanging with Vampires and Chilling with Ghosts!

  • af Lori Hile
    112,95 kr.

  • af Kresimir Banovac
    248,95 kr.

    KRESIMIR BANOVAC is a retired professor of medicine. He was born in Croatia and moved with his family to Miami, Florida, in 1982. These days, he and his wife live in Falmouth, Maine, where he plays golf and enjoys writing for his grandchildren. One of his favorite topics is Greek mythology-stories that his grandchildren liked to hear and read again and again. This book starts with some of these tales and goes on to describe famous historical events, important individuals, and geographical phenomena. In the words of Muhammad, "Seek knowledge from cradle to the grave." And the Hebrew Bible says, "A wise man is full of strength, and a man of knowledge enhances his might" (Proverbs 24:5).

  • af Zachary Hamby
    172,95 kr.

    Calling all adventurers! A world of mythical creatures lies within these pages!Merlin the Magician has spent the last few hundred years tracking down the world's most elusive mythical creatures. Now he is ready to share every wing, wart, and whisker of these creatures with you! This fully-illustrated guide features 50 creatures, each with its own detailed description, history, danger rating, confrontation tips, and connections to other creatures. There are even a few messages from the creatures themselves! From dragons and mermaids to centaurs and gorgons to kappas and yeti, creatures from every corner of the world (and time) are present. Exploring them is like having a map of the human imagination!Kids 8-12 will love this book's combination of information and imagination. This book features:Beautiful full-color illustrationsAn index of creaturesJokes, wit, and humorSix categories of creaturesThe facts behind the mythsAppreciation for world culturesAbout the Author Merlin is a famed wizard, turned adventurer. After retiring as King Arthur's court magician, he pursued his lifelong dream of discovering the world's most elusive mythical creatures. When he's not traveling across time and space, he enjoys spending time in his woodland cottage with Singe, his miniature thornback dragon.About the Other Author/Illustrator Zachary Hamby is a teacher in rural Missouri and the author of many books about mythology and folklore for kids including The Hero's Guidebook, Greek Mythology for Kids, and Introduction to Mythology for Kids. When he's not teaching, he enjoys spending time with his wife, Rachel, his daughter, Jane, and his son, Luke, who also helped him with the illustrations for this book.

  • af Jen Breach
    102,95 - 297,95 kr.

  • af Jen Breach
    102,95 - 297,95 kr.

  • af H. W. Mabie
    172,95 - 282,95 kr.

  • af Amber Chen
    102,95 kr.

    IRON WIDOW meets SIX CRIMSON CRANES in this immersive YA fantasy inspired by Chinese legend, perfect for fans of Leigh Bardugo and Chloe Gong.Aihui Ying's life is viciously torn apart when her father is killed by a masked assassin. Left with only his journal and a jade pendant snatched from his killer, she vows to take her revenge.Seeking answers, Ying infiltrates the prestigious Engineers Guild - the ancient institution home to her father's secret past. There, she begins to navigate a world fraught with politics and treachery.Soon though, Ying's quest for vengeance turns into a fight for survival and she'll have to stay one step ahead of everyone. . .if she's to make it out alive.'A richly detailed and wildly imaginative book.' - Xiran Jay Zhao, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Iron Widow

  • af Bea Fitzgerald
    107,95 - 125,95 kr.

  • af Carolee Dean
    132,95 - 282,95 kr.

  • af Gabriel Debailly
    197,95 kr.

    Koura, une corneille, mène une existence paisible dans la cour d¿un collège aux côtés de sa compagne Rupi. Cependant, leur tranquillité est perturbée lorsqüils découvrent la mystérieuse disparition de leur ami Kraaï, ainsi qüun énigmatique reflet bleu qui agite le quartier. Malgré les avertissements, Koura décide de se lancer dans une aventure audacieuse à la recherche de Kraaï. Ce périple mettra à l¿épreuve son caractère intrépide et ses compétences de voltigeur, promettant une histoire captivante et pleine de rebondissements.

  • af Catechism
    172,95 - 337,95 kr.

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